<*• ^z- THE FLESHERTON ADVANCR WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 19» Build Up a Monthly Income by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. An investment in Second Standard Royalties Ltd. yields 12%. Payable 1% on of monthly, the 1st of each record of 25th Dividends are payable month to shareholders of the previous month. FOR FULL INFORMATION SEE Dr. E. C. Murray - Flesherton Rural Health Units Up until the present time, the knowledge which we possess concern- f ing the prevention of disease as been! applied in cities much more than it has been in small towns and rural ar- eas. Practically all cities of any) importance have organized health de-- I partments, with trained workers in j charge of the various activities car-; ried on by the department. | The small town and rural areas, as a result of the lack of health work, are, in general, not as healthy as are; the cities. In other words, those who live in the cities are more free from preventable diseases, because the preventable di^seases, cities have! organized health departments which' protect the citizens from pVeventable' diseases. It has been the hope of^ "those who have given thought to this problem of rural health, that somej scheme might be devised whereby, those living outside the cities would ^ receive the same measure of protect- j ion from disease as those living in the cities. I The Country or Rural Health Unit i seems to offer a practicable means ( for obtaining this most desirable end. | ' The idea is to organize, in a country ' or some similiar area, a health de-^ ' partment which would be staffed by full-time trained workers. That is, the country would be served in a health way by a health organization similiar to that -which has done so much good in the cities. By compining the ru-al areas and the smaal towns, there is a sufficient population to sup- , port such a service. The health ! •workers in such a unit must be train- i ed and must devote their whole time to this health work. I The plan is weil started in some provinces. It is becoming practical for those living outside the cities to secure organized heaKh protection. They must realize what it means, how ever and mus'- be willing, as have! been the city dwellers, to pay the| costs. It costs money to keep well, i but it costs far less to keep well than | to be iU. â- Judging Competition at the Canadian National Exliibition. All expenses will be paid. 2. High girls will be given a sil- ver basket, second and third high •girls will be given silver trophies also. 3. Should a group of girls be tak- en from each County to the Royal Fair these will also be selected at this time. BOYS:â€" 1. Three boys under 26 year*; of age who have never been on the Judging Team will be chosen to rep- resent Grey at the Royal Winter Fair. 2. Three boys under 23 will be sel- ected to represent Grey at fhe Guilph Winter Fair. 3. Ten boys under 21 years of age wil be selected to go as guests of the Government to the Royal Fair. 4. As far as finances permit one boy from each Township will be giv- en a short course at fhe O. A. C. in January. All Grey County young people are invited to attend. Gcvernment judges will place all classes. Markdale, Ont., Wednesday, July 3rd Come and bring your friends T. STEWART COOPER, Rep. Grey. .\- *te-V »ed she vissited a lot of places and 1 place was Grants toom and Ant Em- 'â- my sed she had often herd of that toom but she haddent never herd whou was berryied on it. i Fridayâ€" Ant Emmy was asting pa j tonite what was thU here Moment- 1 em witch people gethci-i so much of : it. Pa diddnt no what she inent and \ she told him about of fen i ceding i about whair differunt ottomobeels | gethers a lot of Momentem, and she : was wandering if enny of it eve-} growed a round here in this part of, the Country. j Saterday â€" Ant Emmy like to of, gotten pa in trubble with mr. Gillera. this afternoon. Mr. Gillem invited are] little fambly to ride up to the city I with him and Ant Emmy ast him if. his Given name was Hesperus. He sed No Mam why so and she replyed and sed that Enick (thats pa) all ways spoke of mr. Gillems mashene as the reck of the Hesperus. Pa diddent say nuthing. Sunday â€" Mrs. Gibblb was hereat are bouse this p.m. calling on ma and Ant Emmy and she sed she wanted to be berryied in her Black Satten dress and I all most gotten my mouth slapped becuz I ast her if wile it remanes in stile. ( Munday â€" Today the teecher ast Slim to Conguagate the verb to Swim and he sed Swim Swam Swum and theii she sed Thats rite and then she ast me to Congugate the verb to ^^S Dim but I was afrade I wood get in found ont weather the reports was trubble so I made a figger in my true about him being Wealthy. Pa grade. *^*^ ^^ uther wirds you have just tuk a kinda Option on him I gess. Ma Tltink of It! From Canada's LargeH Tire Factory 30x3% Cord at lowest prices D. McTAVISH & SON .^ FLESHERTON, ONT. Here yon can fct H at MMm at 3r«>a want it. PROGRESS be ingaged to him untill she alarming the farmers in Puslinch ' Ralph C. Banbury, B S.A., has been Township for the safety of their appointed assistant district repre- floeks for some time, will do no more sentative for Wellington County. marauding. It was despatched byj a shot fired by John Marshall of Ab-! erfoyle, who hastened back to the A. A. Dundas, principal of the [ house for his gun when he saw the Meaford high school, has resigned I animal lying in a field on the farm and is retiring from teaching. Tuesday-Clara Gage was here at ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^.^ ^^.^^^^ the house tonite and ma sed she herd â- she was engaged to a ritch yung manj .-^â€" __â€" , ammai lying m a and Clara sed no she wassent a go- 1 ^ j^^gg timber wolf , which has been of James Custemor. i Gypsy â€" "I tella your fortune, sir.' CAUGHT IN RAINSTORM MAN SLEEPS IN HEARSE Royal Judging Comp. Stock, Seed and Domestic Sciences Judging Competitions will be held in ; Markdale on Wednesday, July 3rd for â- all young ladies and young men who, I are residents of Grey County. j Horses, Dairy and Beef Cattle, jSheep, Swine, Grain and Potatoes [will be judged by the boys." The girls rill judge baking, Dres Parade and luse Plans and Home Furnishings. full day will be required so the lung people are requested to be on ind at 9 a.m. to register with judg- [g to commence at 9.30. ; The prizes wilt be as follows: ilRLS:â€" 1. Three girls will be selected fO represent Grey in. the County Overtaken by a storm on hij way home late at night and dubious ab- out the reception he might receive when he reached home. Alfred Chap- man, an elderly citizen of Sudburj'. crawled into an abandoned hearse by the side of the road and was deep in slumber when two policemen, attracted by his snoring, apprehend- ed him for vagrancy. Chapman, in court, *old Magistrate McKessock that he thought it better to spend the night in the hearse than to disturb his wife and family by a belated entry into the house. The old hearse, of theh orse-drawn type, had been discovered by the eld- erly gentleman evi^ntly •found it qui*'> comfortable. "I think you would have been wise to have gone straight home even at the risk of waking up your family." Magistrate McKessock remarked. "We all have to sleep in a hearse soon enough." The vagrancy charge was dismissed.â€" Midland Free Press. SLAT'S DIARY to (by Rom Farquhar) Wenesday â€" Teecher ast Blisters what was the Book of numbers and he sed it was part of the Bible. 1 am glad she diddent ast me becuz 1 all ways thot it was the telefone book. Thirsday â€" I gess Ant Emmy wont never get wise to lots of things like Historycal stuff and ect. Mrs. Hix has just gotten back frum a trip frum Warshington DC and she BIGGER AND BETTER U.F.O. PICNIC Monday, July 1 Let us celebrate together Canada's 62nd Birthday in Lever's Gro\i&STrtK Flesherton Full Program of Sports and Music from one o'clock to one o'- clock Including Ball Games. Horseshoe Tournament and Foot Races . / |Sp«rts aad Field Day. [Mixed teaasSort Ball . IStewood rs. Donioch, 2 p.m/ [•rd BaU-4 i>.m. ^f„^4^*^lkmflllfttâ- IK .oto*. DwMk vs. ncarkakutK. S^ Darkaa v«. Meaford at i.30 Ptay-off aft r hnch Vtet Ballâ€" Slratka< h ri. SwialM B«rM 9k»» ToaraamMt-â€" SeTcnl Good Proles Po*t Kae«a rid other Coa- iMts FteMt Coaatr« Trodpe bo*k«d kr MMGngor C«M«rt Bureau. Featiring â€" Willie BetU ScottUh Com- â- ed«>a. Jem Sinpsoa. Cestaac Vo- caliat. Botty Robcrtaoa, Daacer aad EatortafaMr HtM Clowe*. Popater Vi»- iiaist J«Mic M««fir«ffr. PiMKiot Coacertâ€" Aftaraooa aad Ktm- iac Bapcially preaar«d »Mr*m«» bv MiM >. C. MacpkalL Ik. P. Mr. F. R, OUvor, M. P. P. Dancing on Enlarged Platform ' * * Hot aad Cow Water Provided Briatt Your Itariiet Rtfreshmcnt r.ad Lunch B«oth on Groaads Electric LiL'hts »sd Good Car Accomodatioa 1 : THE FORD CAR SIX-BRAKE SYSTEM V^0m**- M>^ Vt»4tltt-A Grips with Silent ^ower THE greatest safety feature en any auto- mobileâ€"the braidng systemâ€" has been, developed on the Ford car to a degree that insures absolute driving confidence. Being fully enclosed, the internal expanding bralies on. all four whcek are free from any danger cf impaired performance from mud, sand, road dirt, grease or other foreign matter entering the mechanism or between the bands and drum. The four wheel systeni is operated by a foot pedal, while the emergency or parking system of two brakes, one on each rear wheel, is distinct and separate, operated by a hand lever. This added security is made possible through the unique design of the Ford steel spoke wheels to \vhich drums are fitted to accommodate two sets cf internal brakes oa the rear w^heels. The smooth, e%'ca braking of the Ford car yields more advantages than maximum safety at all tunes* since it makes tires last longer and adds immeasurably to riding ease and driving comfort. Drive it Yourself â€" there is no Better Test Ford Car Features choice of w lours S: to OS nHea an hour iC-hcrse power eneint Fui! baHoon tirea FmSv cndcted ttx-brck* tvitem ^ HoudaC:» hvdrav'.io ihoeb abtorbert to to SO mi!c3 per aalton of liUaoUnt Shatttrproof etau teindahlM Thf.'t procf ionUion loch lUiabiUtii tt»d low upkttf ^ *>.A Arran^ for your J e t mo mtrm ion lide wkk the neartai Ford doaier lit FORD DEALERS â-ºWN & SONS -:- FLESHERTON, ONT. V*