»*•â- «»» ^-»..^ â€" ..^« â- II A i W iiii I »<i> mt0m, rM MMi^ l y ^ipwi ' » / J V IJlje /leslj^tti^n aW<«tc^ Vol. 49 No. 4 Flesherton Ontario, June 26, 1 929 W, H. Thurston & Son, Propcietor* - '% r * * ? t: <: ^' â- '\ t' EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Basil Carruthers and little son o/ S«ult Ste. Marie, who are visiting: with the former's par- ents, at Eusenia, were recent call- ers on the 3rd line. Mr. Robt McMuUen has purchased a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. A. Atkins and fam- ily of Clarksburg and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall and daughter of Stayner spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hall. A number from here attended the old time dance in Clarksburg and the garden party at Duncan on Wednes- day. A wedding of interest was solemn- ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hall on Saturday, when their yoimgest daughter, Gladys was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Robt. Mc- Clusky of Clarksburg. The young couple Irft immediately after thecer- mony for Bracebridge and other points in the north. On their re- turn they will re<;ide on the groom's farm near Clarksburg. We wish the happy couple a long and prosperous journey through life. Mr. and Mrs. Haddon Hutchinson and children of Flesherton spent ai evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. W. Burnett and sister, Mrs. M. McKechnie of Brampton have gone to Algoma to spend a while with their brother-in-law, Mr. W. McCanley, who is very ill. | Mr. and Mrs. C. Perigo and child- ren of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. Will McKechnie and son, Wil- ton of Brampton visited on Sunday with W. Burnett, and family. Mrs. T. Sled has returned home, af- ter spending a few days in Orange- ville. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Littlejohns and son, Clifford, fpent a few days in To- ronto last week. i CEYLON Messrs George Arrowsmith and Robt. Cook attended the constable meeting in Owen Sound last wsek. Mrs. Knox and daughter, *Mr3. Gil- lespie and little daughter visited friends at Lucknow and Goderich last week. Mrs. Brady of Toronto visited with her sister, Mrs. Jas. W. McMuUen the past week. Miss Muriel Knox, who hai been attending high school has ?one to Proton for her vacation. Mr. Thos. Irwin and son, Brad> motored to Shelburne and attended the funeral of a cousin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. White and fam- ily of Saugeen Junction visited the first of the week with Mrs. White. Mr. R. Cook visited with friends in Glenelg the first of the week. Mr. Ross McMuUen of Windsor spent the week end at his home here. His sister, Margaret, accom- panied him to Toronto on Monday. Mr. M. Ferguson left on Monday to visit friends at Redwing. Ml-. John O'Melia, who has been visiting friends in Toronto, has re- turned home. Miss Margraret Smiley is visiting her grrandfather on the South Line. Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. A. Sinclair and daughter, Margaret, motored to Ow- en Sound Saturday. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Swift and son, Harry, of Toronto spent the week end with Mi-, and Mrs. Archie Stewart. VICTORIA CORNERS ^VANDELEUR Don's miss the bisr U.F.O. picnic in Lever's Grove, July 1st. First class concert by MacGrcffor concert party. Willie Bell, Scottish Comed- ian makes you laugh. Royal Guardian Mutual Life Assurance Co. LIFE AND ENDOWMENT Sicknes and Accident Assurance Children's Endowments ' Full Deposit with Government Assets over One Million Dollars Representtaives: W. J. Martin and Angus E. Bolton, Flesherton T. Ness Jack, District Manager. Nurse Fawcett of Kimberley Is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Will Hutchinson. Mrs. \Vy^•ille was in Buffalo last week, when her daughter, Miss Gladys piaduatcd at one of the hos- pitals the e. Mrs. Gilbert -spent a few day. with friends in Mealord. The Misses Ccbum of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman and family. Mr. Thos. Gilbert of Wiarton is visi'^'ing with the Gilbert and War- ling families. .K well attended and enjoyable community picnic was held in the Community Park on Frida afternoon. Thc^e was a good program of races, baseball and football, horse shoe, etc. and a splendid supper; everybody had a good time. The June meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mr. Geo. Buchanan on Thursday af- ternoon of last week and was large- ]y attended. Miss k. C. Macphail, M. P. was present and gave an er- cellent address on the liquor question and rum running. There was abo a rhyming contest, Mrs. Swanton being the winner. A fine supper was served by 'he members. I "Lucky Strike" j ORCHESTRA 'k Open for enffag^enients at Garden Parties. X Picnics, and Dances â€" round or square. For I full particulars apply to :- I J. H. PERKINS I Phone 60w. FLESHERTON I GROCERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 4 Bars of Palmolive 29c. 3 pks. Corn Starch 29c. Wash Boards, rci?. 75c. for 59c. Koal Good Broom, reg:. 50c. for 39c 5 lbs. of our Special 65c. Tea $3.00 TRY OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE .:....ALSO...:- OUR 65 cent TEA OTanada Flour $3.85 Our Ice Cream Parlor is now in full swing-. Come in and you will be delighted with our menu and service. CITY DAIRY (TORONTO) ICE CREAM W. G. KENNEDY GROCERIES PHONE 37 WE DELIVER IN TOWN Miss Marguerite Stinson visited at home over the week end. Mrs. Melville Hawes of Bright at- tended the uneral of her grandfather, the la Mr. George Ludlow last Friday and is remaining at her par- ent's, Mr. A .Stinson's for a couple of weeks. We wish to extend our sympathy to Mrs. Stinson and George Ludlow in the death of their father. The late Mr. Ludlow may be said to be one of the pioneers of Victoria Corn- ers, as he was born 77 years ago on the farm on which Robt. Lee now lives. He was one of the three first white babies bom in this part of the country, their birthdays occuring in the same month. The other two were the late Mrs. Frances De Sav- igny and the late Mr. Richard Strain. Other visitors in the neighborhood who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Wil] Corridge and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Corridge, Rosemount; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ludlow, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ludlow, Everett; Mrs Ludlow, AUiston; Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan of New Liskeard; Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClure. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Herb McClure, Mrs. Trevor Ar- dies, Tomto, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lud- low, Woodstock and Mrs. Morrow, of Erin. Miss Mina Scott returned from To- ronto list Friday accomi>anied by her sister, Mrs. Frank Scott.. Mina un- derwent an operation last week for eoitre and although very weak is thought to be improving nicely. Mrs. Ward of Flesherton is nursing her. Mr. nad Mrs. Bert Rowden and dau.jhter, Muriel, of Clinton spent the week end at the latter's home, Jas. Lockhart's. Micj Vera Moore of Guelph <pent the week end at her home. Th3 Late Ge). Lepard The sudden death of George Lep- ard of Osprey, on Monday of last vtek was a distinct shock to friends and neighbc's. lie had been with his sister, Mrs. David McMillen. Pro- ton, (luring the winter and lately wa3 away visiting friends, returning the v.oek previous to his passing:. He was T victim of heart disease and died at the age of 74 years. The deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Lepard. pioneer settlers of Egremont, but had lived on concessions 14 and 16, Proton, and about 1.3 years ago mov- ed to Osprey, near Wareham. Mr. Lepard was twice married, his sec- ond wife passing away in 1927. Three daughters and one son survive namely: Mrs. Howard Watson, Swint- on Park; Mrs. H. Irivin. Owen Sound; Mrs. Ernest Bell, Shrigley. and S'anley Lepard in Osprey. Two siste-s also survive, namely: â€" Mrs. McMillen, Proton, and Mrs. Robin- son, in Oshawa. The funeral was held on May 22nd, services being conducted by Rev. H. B. Jackson, of Pilgrim Holiness Church, Proton, at the home and in Mount Zion Church. Intermc^it was made in Mount Zion Cemetery. The pallbearers were: D. Armour, F I i--h, H. Amott, Jas. Menzies, Wm. Russell and Wm. Hargrave. Friends present from a distance were- Mrs. Janet Robinson, Oshawa; Mrs. Oliver Lepard. Mrs. Susairiah Lepard. Mrs. Thos. Wells, Mrs. Wm. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin Mrs. A. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilev of Markdale; Thos. and Wm. Hanipton and Mrs. Troughton. Hol- land Centre; Hiram Robnson. Mimi- co; Alex Henning, Mrs. Andy Ornis- hv Miss Tena Hennin- and Miss Foy of Meaford; Mrs. Thos. Gilray. Rocklyn. , , ., \ beautiful floral pillow from the family was on the casket.â€" Dundalk Herald. Yonng Boy Killed By Land Roller Death came suddenly to Burton Smith on Saturday afternoon last when he was run over by a land roller and instantly killed. He had been assisting a neighbor. Mr. Geo. Cooper, who was absent at the time of the accident. It is not known just what caused the a-cident. but a couple of ladies, some distance aw- av -aw the runaway and gave the aiarm. After going a short disUs.ce thev ran ON-er a pile of stones an<. threw the lad off directly in t^c^nt and the heavy steel passed over his bodv. crushing the victim's head ter- ribly. Coroner Dr. Bibby of town | ^ii-as" called and decided that an in-, quest was no' necessary. j The lad was a son of the late Har- ^ eld Smith his mother having since | married James McKenzie, who re- j •sides about two miles north of Fev- . crsham on the 2th line. The fatally cast ft decided gloom over the com- munity as the litlo lad was except- ionally liked. Read the Small Advertisements. PRICEVILLE Your correspondent made an incor- rect statement in last week's paper. It read that Miss Jean McCsnnell ha-1 resigned and Miss Emma Oliver was engaged for the coming year. They both are staying in the same school. Mr. and Mrs. Will McMeekin, Mr. Pudley and Miss Pudley of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. Jno. Mc- Meekin's. .iHrtf Mr. Angus Clark returned home from the city, after spending two months there. Mr. and Mrs. George McLellan and Miss Brown of Niagara Falls spent the week end at Mr. Dan Campbell's Misses Katie and Belle Campbell of Montreal are spending their vacation at their home. We are sorry Belle hasn't been in very good health since Christmas. "Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Misses Mary and Lizzie McCuaig motored to Owen Sound on Saturday. Rev. Mr. McDonald and daughter, of Fergus, and Miss Catherine Mc- Millan motored ug on Wednesday and visited at Mr. Hector McLean's. What might have been a serious accident Sunday night, the minister who preached in the United Church here was driving home after church in the evening to his home on the other side of Shelburne and while crossing the bridge on the Saugeen in Priceville, the car swerved side- ways. There is a lot of sand on the bridge and he couldn't stop it until it crashed into the steel railing of the bridge. The two front wheels went through the railing and broke part of it. The car wasn't damaged very much and the preacher wasn't hurt. If the railing hadn't been good and solid, he would have been into the river. The W. M. S. and W. H. had their monthly meeting on Friday p.m. with 20 ladies present. The meeting was opened by Psalm 26, after which the President, Miss May Stewart, led in prayer. Minutes we;e read and ad- opted. .A. good reading was given by 3Iv3. Wm. Brown. .A splendid naper on mission work was read by Miss Jessie Nichol; another splendid paper was read by Mi^s Mary Stew- art. Mrs. Herb Mclnnis read the si-ripture lesson and another hymn was sung and all repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. John Nichol presided over thi W. H. meeting, af- ter the devotional exercises. The Secretaiy read a letter from Rev. Sinclair Jones of Cochrane, in reply to the one se-' from the society, ex- pressing sympathy to them in the death of their dauehter. Bessie. The nmin topic was discu-^sing the gar- den par'y to be held on July 9th. Th-,' meeting closed with prayer. We had a Scot.h preacher on Sun- day and I forget his name, but he preached a splendid sermon, and mentioned how delighted he was to see so many in Sunday School and io maiiy of the young people taking part. It is a fine thing for all the children to be in Sabbath School each Sunday. Ball games and outdoor sports for everyone in afternoon and high class otncert, also dancing in the evening to .-elect music by Blue Bell or- chestra. Annou icement Dr. H. G. Marshall. Dentist of Dun- dalk, desires to announce that he will conduct a practice in Priceville en Wednesday of each week, begin- nin g June 19. 1929. Aucti:>n Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auct- ion at the farm of the proprietor, A. B. McLEOD Lot 48, Con. 3, N.U.R., GJenelg Friday, June 28 the following **^rse, 10 years old; aged mare; year- ling colt; fresh cow, calf at foot; Ciw, supposed in calf; 2-year old heifer, supposed writh calf; 2 yearling cattle; 2 calves; biood sow, supposed with pig; 12-hoe Peter Hamilton drill; Peter Hamilton binder; Pet-, er Hamiltr.i No. 21 plow; Cultivat- or; scuffler; Peter Hamilton Rake; ' spring tooth harrow; disc, harrow; ' wagon; wagon box; cutter; sleigh; hay rack; stock rack; fanninjf mill: ; ladder set of d mble harness ; set , of single harness; plough harness; quantity of rain; quan'ity of hay; forks; "chains; whiffletrees; grain bags; blankets, robes ar.d numerous other articles. Everything must be sold. Sale commences at I o'dx-k. TERMS: Grain, and all sums of $10 and under. Cash; over that am- ount 6 months' credit on approved joint notes bearing interest at 6 per cent, per annum. â€"JNO. O'NEIL, Auctioneer. r- EXAMINATIONS OF ALL KINDS Are Now Over For The Year RESULTS Come Later on The Question Soon to Be Fa;ed and Ansvrered Is: WHAT NEXT? THOSE WHO PASSâ€" will look forward with anticipation to a n=w course cf study â€" Will it be Literary or Professional cr a Training for Business? Those Who Fail To Pass The Test"' Will you pro over the same work again for next year? or would a good course of business training suit ycu better? place to go to gat up-to- date Business Education is at the Northern Busi- â€" ness College, Owen Sound, where thousands of young people have been edu- cated for successful business careers. If you are interested in business s'.uiies juit reach for your fountain pen and fill in the attached couiwn. Owen Sound, Ont. C. \. FLEMING. F.C.A. PrlBciiNll Strnoerapiiy Accoaatlns DtrtaphoDe Office Managp- • nvBt C0CRSt:s COVEJIED Bnxlneaii Man- Trpins Banklns aKrmcDl PenmaD«liip Bo«kkf«pln«; .\aditiBS Cuaimrrcial Preparalarjr ronrae in pal>:ic Law achool KobJectM* .\urthern Basinesa Caliche Oiren i^uand Ont. %ttil ihis COKPOATJ O Gmtlemen: \*in may send to me. without otiliKntloD un my part, roar Pro- spectuH. The roarke In whick I aai partlc- nlarlr interested Ui Name « .Vddresa Post Office PORTLAW Rev. Douglas G. Kendall, who was lately ordained to the ministery, preached his farewell sermon in Mount Zion church last Sunday. Th j good wi.^hes of all go with him to h:s new field of labor. Miss Lillian McKenzie i-s spendii* a week with cousins in Toron-to. " ! Mr, and Mrs. A. Bolton. Jack and Irene, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Sargent and daughter, Marion of Owen ; Sound were week end visitors at the ; home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Shear- i down. : The Ladies' .\id Society of Mount Zion church have good reason to feel elated over the success of their garden pavty. which took place last Friday evening at the spacious and â- ^hady grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor. The weather was wi+h a full moon shining and the situation ideal for such an occasion. After the sumptuous supper games such as pitching horse shoe and baseball were indulged in and as the shades of night drew near the pastor took the chair and introduced a diversi- fied and appreciative program; the. main item of which was the rend- ering of the popular play by the- young people of Providence entitle* "The Path Across the Hill.' Be- tween acts music was supplied by the Fourth Line orchestra and Rock Mills juvenile band, with their teach- er Mrs. Seeley, as director. Miss Macphail, who wa^s present, was call- ed to the platform and respondeo with a short address. The play wa^ splendidly rendered and reflected credit on all who took part. -^n three acts of Providence were accept- ed with much pleasure. I Bates Burial Co. | ? 122-124 Avenue Road % I TORONTO I Phone: KIngsdale 4344 ^ J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. ^ "House of Quality" ^ Neilson's Ice Cream (PURE AND WHOLESOME) Cones, Bricks, Eskimo Pies If you want an ICE COLD DRINK let us serve you from our Serve-All Cooler ^ Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds strictly fresh • Jas. A. Stewart -li^sHtkli^