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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1929, p. 6

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ttmm I I â€" â-  MM Feat of Alcock and Brown Repeated Again By French Flyers Stowaway Adding An Additional Weight Not Counted On In Estimates of Trip Nearly Lost Lives of All MID-ATLANTIC THRILL Paris, Juna 16. â€" Three gallant, and represculatlveg from tbe (oreiga Frenchmen awooped down out ot the ollica wore waiting at the field, but clouds this evening to the acclaim the first words of AsBolant, first man that had awaited them for two days out of the plane, were: "Whore U for being the first to blaze the name mother?" Mother was right there. of France on the dangerous air route "I would like to get a glass ot over the Atlantic. white wine," Assolaut said Iminodlate- Joan Assolant, Ilcne Le Fevre and j ly after his mother let him escape Armeno Lottl. Jr., had been taken to from her 6mbraco. The aviator was the heart of France to-night for their | carried to the headquarters ot the flight witliout stop from Old Orchard, ' 34th Heglment, where the aviation Maine, to Comillas, Spain, only a few ; mInlKtor and Commandant Ucuvolse niiics short of their goal of French ' afllclally received the aviators, territory. Tliey supplied that nilss-| Lottl admitted that the weight of iiig link In two hops today, and came the stowaway undoubtedly prevented down on Le Bourget field at 8.47 p.m., I the Yellow Bird from roaclilng to be bugged, kiKscd and cluered by ! Franco. "We had dispensed with their relatives and a largo crowd that every ounce ot extra weight, not even awaited thorn. | taking bananas or gum boots, and Assolant gave this audience a thrill Schrclbor endangered our lives by his by hi.* dramatic touch In Htrcakiiig act. It Is safely over now. « I boar i>-.<'r tbe field at a speed -of liJO rsiilos . him no hard feelings, but when I was an luiur and landing while tbe Yellow ! startled 20 minutes from Old Orchard iJird was still going more than 60Jby his band on my shoulder I wanted mill's an liour. j to wring .Sclireiber's nock. •The last quarter hour was the. Made Schrelber Sign Contract' worst." ho said as he Jun.ped from .,, ,„„j^ Stbreiber sign a rude con- he cockpit and his mo her sn.othered , j^act aboard the plane, providing for blm w Ih kisses. Lottl summed up' rnm „.,ii» «. n ,. , . ,1 . .1 1 I * ""â- "" si'l't of all newspaper earn- the experience of all of them when,, ^.^^ ^^^^j^^^ ho sa>d: -The transatlantic flying j ,,^^„ ^j,,^ „„„ ^j^j^ ^^^ ^^^^ probk'iii lias not yet been solved. „„„ ii„„,„ ,, ,i. . . ' v/ u syndicate as myself, so the stories Motor Stopped In Mid-Ocean | won't repeat and spoil each other's How close to-night's heroes came value. I have signed Schrelber for to finding a watery gravo like the [ $20,000 for an exclusive story for a many others ho had preceded them , syndicate." was told when L/Ottl received news- Two bananas each and one thin papcrmen In the dining room of his sandwich were all the fliers ate dur- fathers hotel. "Our motor stopped ing the trip. "Somehow or other it In mid-ocean «nd really wo were ' seems one doesn't got very hungry on •cared." ho said. j these transatlantic flights," Assolant Assolant Interrupted him with. said. "Sjieak (pr yourself, Armeno, say you Lottie tonight said: "We will try ••ere scared. I did not have time: to niako it tho other way next time, to be scared." Paris to N It developed that the trouble was anywhere.' due to a leaking valve which tho fliers { I..otti added: DUbehaving Again! Mounting List of Accidents Does^ Not Develop Safety First Ideas Seven More Lives Claimed Over Week End in Province While Many More Were Injured â€" All Accidents Show That Care Would Have Saved Lives r^OUNT VESUVIUS AGAIN BELCHING FORTH LAVA View of the crater of Vesuvloua throwing forth lava and ashes which threatened to devastate the surrounding country. The eruption was the worst since the destruction of Pompeii. The Markets PPvOVISION PRICES Toronto, wholesale dealers aro quot- inK the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats â€" Hams, mod., 31 to 33c; cooked hams, COc; smoked rolls, ,,,,., „ , ...... , â- 28c; breakfast liacon, 20 to 38c; backs, Paris to New York and without stops ' peamealcd, 34 to 3S(c; do, smoked, 30 ~" ' ' I to -lOc. "Perhaps ofllciuldom j Cured meatsâ€" Lonf» clear bacon, 50 LEARN TO SWIM Windsor, June 16.â€" The father for- throwing Mis» Barnecotte out. Th» getting ho had hU 'brakes newly re-] three cars were damaged beyond r*. lined Jams down bis foot. Results . £â- "'• ,. .,, ,,, . ,.« . .. , . . ,^ „ ^.. Traffic Officer llmchchiro was al five people, four of them small chll- , ^^^ ^^^^^ ^, ^^ ^jgij^nt ,„ » f ew min- dren met death to-day while a franUC|„^gg ,„j j^^^,, ^he drivers ot thd '!'.!' struggled In vain to effect * ^l^^^ Ruben Colley and Raymond Stinson, under arrest. SEVEN HURT IN COLLISION Brampton, June 16. â€" Seven persons travelling on the Centre road north of rescue. The victims are: Mrs. Emma Held- erwerde, 55, housekeeper to Philip Bedard, Tllury merchant; Duke Bed- ard, aged 8, Bernardino Bedard, aged six, Jean aged three, and Andrew, a hero Saturday afternoon, had a nar- one-year-old infant. ' row -jscape from injury when their The accident occurred on the main auto collided head-on with a Graf road leading from Tilbury to Lake St. Coach bus. Clifford Dearten, 266 Ers- Clalr. The family was returning from kine avenue, his wife, his mother and church, vhen the sedan, driven by 'four children, travelling north from Philip Beuurd, swerved across the Brampton on a picnic trip, suffered highway, crashed through a fence minor cuts and injuries and wer« and plunged Into the drainage ditch treated by Dr. W. H. Brydon. The which contained eight feet of water, driver of the bus, George Altfield, and The father managed to escape from the only pa.^aenger, T.T.C. Inspector tiio death trap by a remarkable effort, William Gu.scott, w?re not injured. Tlia window of the machine was open The Gray Coach bu.^ was travelling on his side. His children and house- south on tho Centre road, returning keeper, however ,were pinned in the '.om the Rhani Ghar Grotto picnic at roar soat and he was unable to free Colonel Bev^am's estate, near Snel- thera. The Qve victims were dead grove. On the stralRht road just wlien they wore released from tlie north of here the steering gear be- car 15 minutes later. Three doctors came locked and the heavy vehicle attempted for nearly throo ho^rs to swerved across to the left side of revive them by artificial respiration. '. the road. CARELESSNESS ICILLS ONE Aurora. June 16. â€" One person was BOY DIVES TO DEATH. Belleville, June 6. â€" Diving from a Oatsâ€" 42 to 45c. Barleyâ€" Malting, 65 to 68c. Buckwheatâ€" 88e. Ryeâ€" No. 2, 95c. Man. flour â€" First pats., in jute, $7, Toronto; second pats., in jute, $6.40.1 Ont. flour â€" Tract, Montreal, car lots â€" 90 per cent, pats., per barrel, ' $5.70. I HAY AND STRAW Wholesale hay and straw dealers aro making tho following quotations thought had been li.ved up before will permit us to try It now that we ' to 70 Ib.s., $21 70 to 90 Ib.s., $19; 90)t<' farny.-rs (delivered at Toronto): they tookoff from Old Orchard Thurs- have proven we can do It." Whether to 100 lbs. and up, $18; lightweight j N<>- 1 timothy,, per ton, $19 to tho rphirn fliL'ht wniil-l bn aftnitintBrt ' rolls, in barrels, $11.50; hcavyweiKht ! ?20; do, haled, nominal; No. 2, day. Aviation Minister Laurent Eynao thi The Duke of York In a Car Crash His First Thought For Hurt Motor-cyclist- Staines Tlio Duko of York, while recently muloriiig In London road, Staines, came in collision willi a mot- orcycle combination near Billett Bri'lgo. T'.,e bridge crosses (he canal on tho oulskirt.t of the town. Tlie Duke's nio'or-rar was travelling towards Lou- don at I lie time. â- â- .\ motor-coach was coming from the opiioslte direction." said Mr.. O. y. Rjlliiigs, proprietor ot a hotel a ) return flight would bo attempted ' r""s. in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight ]|20; do, I'aled, nominal; » summer was loft unsaid. '•"''». $38.50 ner barrel. '! 5n/°, ^^^'f' ,^\,;^\ . Lardâ€" Pure, tierces, 10c; tubs, 15% l-^'.^-S;'; lower Jgrndcs 1>10 tf Swedish Fliers Forced Down On Ir>Alanrl Pr»a«f 'J'^''^' V.}'-''^' ''°'"'' ''"'''*' ^'^''^'^' P^'"'' ''^oni.7$9.VTo"to"$ro^"''irut7her 'heifers! ICCldlia V./OC151 hams, 2Gc. ichoice, $11.25 to §12; do. fair to good, PRODUCE. ] $10.75 to $11.25; do, com., .?9.25 to killed and four others sliglitly injiirad ' raft in 13 feet of water, James Cas- when a motor car, southbound on the [ sidy of Trenton, 11-year-old son of Yonga street highway south o! this James Cassidy of that place, was town, skidded on the pavement, over- 1 drowned on Saturday morning. With turned and rolled over three times ' a companion, Albert Cooney, he was into the ditch shortly after noon to i playing along the shore whon the raft day. I became loose from its moorings. Cas- Mrs. Rose Smith, aged 63, widow, â-  sidy, who was unable to swim, jumped 767 King street west, Toronto, was j into the water, sinking instantly from killed. Her son, Harry Smith, was ' sight. Cooney made strenuous efforts was driving tho car, was badly shaken- ' to savo hia chum, but to no avail. Ho was placed under arrest by County SUDBURY CHILD DROWNS Constables Dunham and Floury on a Sifdbury, June 6. â€" Playing with a charge of reckless driving. Mrs. | chum on the shores of Lake Ramsay, Harry Smith and two other pas- ' near Brown's Point, little Edgar Shore songors suffered shock but were not the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. physically Injured. j F. R. Shore, 103 Kathleen street, Sud- Smilh was driving south along the, bury, was drowneii Saturday after- highway at a fair rate of speed, ac-|iioon. Venturing beyond his depth cording to witnesses questioned by ^ he slipped into about i2 feet of water, the police. Suddenly the light sedan ; Little Jackie O'Brien, eight-year-old skidded, swerved out of its path, | companion of the drowned child, wit- swung completely around and turned | nessed the tragedy, but was too over. It is said that It rolled over frightened to tell anyone, and the facts three times bci'ore coming to a stop ' were not known until the boy's father $13* to -_ , .„„, $12.50;, to 16'/4c; pails, IG-Sic; prints, 18'/i to wheal straw, $10.50; oat straw, $9.50.; 18%. Shortening, tierces, i:JV4 to LIV STOCK. 14'^c; tubs, lie; pails, 14!^c; tins,! Handy beef .-itecrs, $10.50 to $11.50; IGlic; prints, lf>yic. il.utcher steers, choice, $11.75 to $12; Pork loms, .JlVjc; Now York shoul-jjo, fair to good, $10.75 to $11.25; do. Engine Balks Near End of Second Leg of Flight â€" 1450 Miles Covered . Stockholm. â€" The airplane Sverige, bearing Cap. Albin Ahrenbcrg and two jrompanions upon their projected Stockham-to-Ncw York flight, has been forced down at Skaplaros, in southwest Iceland. Tho fliers inade a safe landing, after engine trouble developed when they few yards fruin tho scene ot the ao- were within about 150 miles of Rey- ClcIrMit. [ kjavik, Iceland, their destination, upon "At tbe same moment, a motor- 'ho second leg of tho flight. Skaplaros cyiie combination appeared from be-^'S approximately 1 ITjO mile.s from hliil llio coa(h, and becainn sandwich- Stockholm. •d bftvvoen it and tlio Duke's car. j Radio Tells of Flight "riu- molorcyrle crashed Into the' The fliers left Stockholm at 5 a. m. •l(!i-> of the Duke's car, wliich was bad-' June 9, carrying 1200 letters and 20 ly ilainaged, and the Duko and his postal packages for New York. The couiiiaiiioii received a shaking. j destination on their flrst "hop" was "The Duke Jumped out and said to Bergen, Norway, the molnrryclist 'Are you hurt?' Thaj They were accompanied on the ini- cyrllst looked very Hhaken, and was tial leg of the trip by the financial holding his right arm as though It liacker of the flight, Tago Cervin, and was iiijuiod. ! ,Sven Jerring, announcer of the stock- •llf was most plucky, however, and holm Broadcasting Corporation who â- aid 'No, sir, thank you." Police ' radiocast a continuous account of the were called, and Ihcy took details of flight from tho airplane the accident, while the Duko sat In- 1 •Ide the car. | "It was forlunato that tho sidecar of Toronto wholesale dealers are pay- ' •'59.7.'); butcher cows, good to choice, ing tho following prices: l $8.7r) to $9.75; do, com. to med., $6.50 Eggs, ungraded, casc-s returnedâ€" i to $8; do, canners and cutters, $4 to Fresh extras, 27 to 28c; iresh firsts, $6; butcher bulla, good to choice, $8.50 25 to 26c; seconds, 22c. j to $9; do, med., $7.50 to .$8; do, bolog- Butterâ€" Creamery, solids, pasteur- nas, $7 to $7.25; baby beef, $11 to izcd, No. 1, aG%c; No. 2, .35%c. |$14;fecder.s, choice, $9.75 to $10; <lo, Churning cican.â€" Special, »7 to ' fair to good, $9 to $9.50; stockers, 38c: No. 1. .'IG to :)7c; No. 2, 33 to 34c. 'choice, $9.25 to $9.75; do,- fair, $8.50 Cheeseâ€" No. 1 lar„'e colored, paraf- j to $9; calves, good, $14 to $15; do, fined and- government graded, 19%c.'med., $11 to $13; do, grassers, $7.50 GRAIN I to $8; springers, $85 :o $125; milkers. Grain dealers on the Toronto Board -f,'^ '» *1"?: ''J'"'"'.T)°''^.*' ^^^-^0. to of Trade are making the following , '!}.''= "?• "^"i'-^,,^^^, '» ^^G: s^jeep, choi^^^ quotations for car lots: l'^'-^''^ *,? ^V^' ''''• â„¢'='^- ^^'^'^ '<> ^^'' quotat Man. wheat â€" No. north., $1.14H ; No. 3 north., $1.12; No. 4 wheat, $1.08; No. 6 wheat. 97%c; No. 6 wheat, 84': ; feed wheat, 72 %c. (c.i.f. Goderich and bay ports. Price on track, Ic higher than above.) Man. oatsâ€" No. 1 feed, 48%c; No. 2 feed, 45%c. (c.i.f. GoJerich and bay ports.) Am. corn â€" No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, 92c. (c.i.f. bay ports.) Millfccd â€" Del., Mon.real freights, bag/ included â€" Bran, per ton, $28.25; do, culls, $2.50 to $4, hogs, .selects', w.o.c, $13.50; do, do, fed, $12.95; do, f.o.b., $12.25; do, thick smooths, w.c.o., $13.00. Foreign Immigration Manitoba Free Press (Lib.) Our immigration policy towards the non- preferred countries ought to be one of non-solicifation, but not one of arbi- Flying at a height of more than 9000 feet, tho .Sverige made tho first aerial crossing of Norway's snow- Ihe molnrcycio combination was e.^pped Langefjaeld Mountains. The plane arrived at Bergen at noon. After a luncheon given by Bergen military flying ofl'icials Captain •nipty, or there nilglit have boon much more serious smnsh. "Tho l»ukfi again asked tho motor- cyclist If be felt all right before his' Ahrenb'erg and Lioulenant Floded -...„„ _. .„.., ., „, trary exclusion under the operation of shorts, per tou, $29.25; middlings, ! a quota Wo already have a large set- $35.25. I tloment of people from lands in . Ont, oats--Good sound, heavy oats,] this country; and we can rely upon in .car lots, 45 t. 48c. f.o.b. shipping these people to bring in a considerable Ont. good milling wheat, f.o.b. ship- ping points, according to freights, $1.15 to $1.18. volume of immigrants of a good type every year. This we should regard a-s sufficient. motor car drove off again to London. A little crowd of people gathered, and ' â- peedily recognized tlio Duko, who was cheered as he drove away." ^ West Indian Trade ] Saint Jilin Telegraph-Journal, '(Ind.) : Canada has tlic be.ut market for the fruits and vegetables and other products of the West Indies. Wo must buy such products, and it is obvious jthat ^ is in the interest of the Em- pire to drnvN into closer trade relations with tbe British Colonics to tho south rather than seek in foreign raarkcU what wo may belter purchase from them. Empire Building Victoria Colonist (Cons.) : It thould b« the ultimate aim of the British Empire to make il.self as .self- •upporting as possible. It should he possible to make it tho aim of all its conatituent parts, where they cannot buy goods manufactured at home, to buy those made in some other part of tho Empire. That is th' road to sclf- gupport. In the aggregate Empire- eluding stops of not more than two and Radio Ojicrntor I,junglund, took off on the second part of the journey. Non-Freezing Fuel Tho Sverige was made especially for tlio transatlantic flight by tho Junkers factory, and is eipiippcd with a Junkers L-5 six-cylinder water- cooled molor with an cxlin high com- pression ratio. Its ianks hold suffi- cient fuel for 17 and one half hours flying. A mixture of benzol and toluol which will withstand a lemp<'ratur« of 30 degrees below zero, Centibrado, without freezing, was to bo used as far as Greenland, where arrange- ments have been made to refuel with benzol. The purpose of the flight, according to Captain Ahrenbcrg, is to demon- Htrato the possibility of carrying pas- sengers across tbe Atlantic by air, using the Greenland-Labrador rout«, which gives the shortest over water' distances. The total time for the Stockholm- New York flight was originally com- puted upon a 47- hour schedule, in- buycrs become Empire builders. hours each at the rcfuling points. SETS TENNIS FASHION I Helen Willfl, queen ot the tennis court, in a newly designed tennis sweat- I er featuring the emblems ot tennla- at the side of the road. All the felass In the car smashed and the framework badly crumpled. It would appear dufe and reasonable care had not heou exercised. SPIOED ML^UCHANT KILLS Hamilton, Juno 10.â€" Thrown Into the air wlien truck by an auto travel- ing, police estimate, 50 miles an hour, William I.oftns of 109 Dunduru street north, was fatally hurt early today on York street, opposite Dundurn park. William Denipsfer ot 189G Dufferin street, Toronto, driver of the car faces a charge ot manslaughter. Seriously hurt la the sniash.^he was taken to the General hospital and is under police guard. His injuries are not as severe as at first thought but his condition Is still serious. After striking the victim tho Toronto bar swerved Into tbe auto ot James Buriisido of 31 Dixon street. It was completely wrecked. Burnsldo suffer- ed painful iiijuriea. Again lack of care and careless driving. THROWN FROM CARRIAGE Brockville. June 16. â€" As the result of being thrown out of his carriage when it was struck by an automobile bearing a Michigan license, at a cross road east of Prcscott on provincial highway No. 2 yesterday. Thomas Powell, aged 82, of that vicinity, is in the General hospital with a fractured hip and suffering from shock, and at- tending physicians say that his re- covery is duubtful. The hor^ which Powell was driving was killed in the collision and the driver of the car swung it in tho ditch in an effort to avoid tho crash. No person in the car vas, however, injured. Again the car was travelling too fast for the ability of the driver. FIVE IN HOSPITAL Windsor, June IG. â€" Three young women and two men, all of Detroit, aro in Hotel Dicu suffering from in- juries received this morning when the automobile in which they were riding upset in a ditch near Harrow. They are, Margaret Graham, 20; Ix>rena Watt, 19; LuoiUo Mason, 21; Richard Garangor, 21; and Edward Wey- mouth, 25. Their condition is not be- lieved to be serious. TRIPLE CRASH. Peterboro, June 16. â€" Dorothy Bar- necotte, 8 Argyle St., Toronto, and Fred Rumuhor, Peterboro, are in Nich- olls hospital suffering from serious injuries as a result of an auto accident on tho Lindsay-Peterboro highway last night. Miss Barnecotte is suffer- ing from serious head injuries, while Rumohor is feared to have been in- jured internally, » Two taxi cabs owned by tho Fon- taine livery of this city, overtook a light car oh the top of a hill. As the first taxi was about to pass, a fourth car, driven by Arthur Jobe of this city, appeared over the brow of the hill, and cra.shcd with it. In an in- stant the other taxi with Rumohor as B passenger, piled into the wreck. identified Edgar's clothes on the shore of the lake late Saturday niglit. Tho remains wera rocovred Sunday morn- ing. DAUGHTER FOLLOWS DAD Miss Megan Lloyd George cam> paigned side by side with her famoua dad, and is her.^olf now a member ot parliament from LRingefnl, Wales, ha'- native district. Hypnotist Unable To *Work' In Court Fails in Promise to Judge But is Given Freedom "It I can't hypnotize the Crowtt Prosecutor, send mo to tho peniten- tiary for three years," J. A. Morin dit Lenoir, requested ot Judge LacrolK as he stood In the witness box in Mon- treal endeavoring to prove to the court that he Is an expert hypnotist and no amateur. Morin looked fixed- ly at Auguslo Angers, K.C., the Crowa Prosecutor but finally abandoned the attempt by declaring that the lawyer was a "bad subject for a" Ho had failed but Juilye Lacrolx did not hold him to hU promise. Morin was accused of obtaining $3t by falso pretences from Maurice Paquet, but the proof showed that the latter had given tho money to secure les.sons which would qualify him as a competent hypnotist. He was ao- quitted. When not dispensing lessons to hypnotism, Professor Morin spends his time mystifying audiences la theatres. Empire Markets London Times Trade Slipplementi Tho development of tho Empire bring* a direct ^benefit to the Mother Coan< try by creating increased demand for its manufactures, but there is always a tendency to concentrate attentiMi upon tho ominions and to overlook the important part that might be played by the Colonies and Protectorates. Yet Ihe Gold Coast ani Nigeriaâ€" to take two instances â€" import from this coun- ti'y more govxis per of their popu- Jation than tho United States.

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