Vol. 49 No. 3 '5^()je /telj^ttirn %hmnu Flesberton Ontario, Jun2 19, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA ADAM HYSLOP PASSES We were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Adam Hysbp, who passed away at his home in the Beaver Val- ley at the age of 62 yoa:s. He was i.ne of the pioneers of the district. He has been manager of the Fish- ermen's Club House -on the Valley Road for the past few years. He was a Presbyterian and a good nei- ghbor and frie.id. The funeral took place to Marltdale cemetery on Mon- day and was attended by a large as- semblage of friends and relatives of the deceased. He leaves ta mourn his loss, his sorrowing wife, whose maiden name was Miss Jennie Milne, and three children, one son, John, at home and two daughters, Annie and Marjorie (Mrs. Ed. Davis aid Mrs. Clare Davis.) We extend our sym- pathy to the sorrowing family. We understand that Postmaster R. A. Park has purchased the estate of the late Robt. John Pedlai-. Mr. W. Walkei- has disposed of his old touring car and purchased a lat- er model. .A.bout 50 members of the Hydro Commission assembled in the Hydro Park here on Wednesday afternoon of last week. A sumptuous supper was served to them by Mr. Peter Munshaw and his assistants in the usual up to date style. O'l Wednesday of last week all members if the Betts families held a very happy reunion in the form of a picnic in ths Park. A very en- joyable 'ime v.-as spent. Another large picnic was he'd on Saturday last when all members of the Cairns families aid 'elatives n«- sembled and had a pleasant time in the Park. Mr. Harold Falconer, wife and children Mabel and Jack, of Mark- dale and the- former's father, Mr. Jas. Lever spent Sunday' in Eu- ge-^ia. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacMillan and H-jiir-hter, Mirgarc^. of Mavkdale visited relatives here on Sunday. "Vf". Wcli':e Fa"-'-ett .••nd Vr. Milton Hutchinson of Kimberley visited on Sunday at Mr. Chas. Martin's. Mrs. Harold Falconer and children who spent *he past few weeks with her sister, Ms. Percv Magee, has gone t5 her liome in Toronto. We understand Mr. Falconsr has secm-ed a lucrative position in Toronto. CEYLON ^ Mr. and Mrs. IL Bailey and two children of Shrigley, Mr. and Mrs. Raney of Falmerstoa visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. D. jiacphail. Mr. Robt. Brown and Miss Anna V.'hito cf Toronto visited the latter's mother, Mrs. White, the first Df the â- week. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hill, son and daughter of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. fiercer of Toronto vi.sited Mrs. H. Pip:r the first of the week. .A!r. Percy Hu.it, 0-angeviIle spent the week end with hie family here. Mr. and Mrs. John Buskin and son, Harold, of Caledon, Mr. Lindsay, Mrs. Brack,':-, and daughter of Toronto spent the week e;id with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart and family. Mrs. J; R. Chambers and son, Wil- fred of Allan Park, Mrs. Jas. Atchin- son and daughter, Loreen of Hep- worth spent Friday with their sis- ter, Mrs. J -o. Chesney. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Fletcher of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tate and two children of Sharon called the â- irst of the week on their uncle, Mr. Thos. Fletcher and a number of their neighbors and old friends on Stone Line. Mrs. Marshall, daughter. Miss Stel- la and Edna spent 'he week end at Bolton; Miss Stella remained for the summer vacation. Mr. Andrew Kennedy spent a couple of days in town last week with her sister, Mrs. Rutledge and called on oTd friends who were pleas- ed "1 r. -e him- Mr. A. C. Muir spetn a couple of I'.-w- on business ii Tornto last week and was accompanied home by his brother, Elmer. About twanty young people f-om here attendpd the play given in Price- ville on Friday evening, which was (,-> loved by tho=p present. Miss Ida McDonald ^f Creemore visited la?" week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fletcher. Mr. A. C. Mu'r has purchased the 'i-iok r-'sid«"vs belonging to Mr. F. J. Corinsor>. In To-onto, on Junp fith, a ni.nr- ri:i(rc ~f interest took placp whci Mr. .To'-'n Fletcher, formerly of Markdale and hr.>thor of Mr. Thos. Fletcher ivns nn-'ed in r^irriago to Mrs. Croxton, also of To-onto. MAXWELL Mrs. (Dr.) Scott and Mi-, and Mrs. Maxwell and two children of Owen Sound renewed ajquair. uiccs here on Si'-^day. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison and children spent Sunday with Mr. antl Mr'. Dan Cameron, Tenth Line jf Osprey. V o igratul.ntior_s to Mr. and Mrs. .Anilrev/ Mo rison (Margar-ct Mcln- n's) who wer" married Saturday at "^It. .\rehL' Melnni.s residence. The be:t wishes of the community are c.v -nded ti them. Mr. Aigus Morrison of Toronto spent the week end at his parental home here. SHEEP DIPPING Sheep dipping will be held on my farm, Saturday. June 22nd: anyone keeping sheep should take this oppor- tunity and dip. â€" Chas. Stewart, Flesb- erton ROCK MILLS Very warm weather at present; a good rain would be welcome now, as the gardens are in much need of it. We are very sorry to hear of the death oi Mr. Jas. Park, which occur- red at his home, 374â€" 14th St. E., Owen Sound, Friday last. Previous to moviag to Owen Sound Mr. Park was a resident of Rock Mills for several years. The deceased was a sawyer by trade and was employed with the Durham Furniture Co. here for a number of years. He wa.s a man who w»ss highly respected by all. The funeral was held from the late residence Monday afternjon. There are left to mourn, his wife, and two sons, A. Park of Owen Sound and George of Detroit and seven daughLerLs Mrs. J. Richard, Detroit; Mrs. H. K, Watts, Walkerton; Mrs. Rob. Lie, Mrs. C. Bowers, Owen .bound; Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Gujlph; Mrs. Dick Clark, Rock Mills; and .Vlrs. Geo. Patton, Owen Sou.id. Our sin- cere sympathy is extended to the sor- rowing ones in their hour of ber- eavement. The Betts annual re-union was held on Wednesday last, June 12th, at the Hydro Park, Eugenia, when over 40 i-e:ativcs gathered and a very enjoy- able time was spent together. .â- X.bout u o'clock a boutiful supper was ser- ved and friends depart for their homes feeling they had spent another happy time together. Owing to the Pilgrim Holiness an- nual Camp Meeting commencing next iiunday at Proton and continuing till July 7th, there will be no sei-vice here for at least three Sabbath ev- enings. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts, Edith and Mabel, and Mrs. Chas. Newoll, were rc.-ent visitors with Jli-. and Mrs. Edgar Betts, Eighth Line of Osprey. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and fam- ily attended the funeral cf Mrs. Clark's father, in Owen Siund, on Monday. PRICEVILLE VANDELEUR *«k~><»kk-:kk~>k~:-><~:~>>*k~:-k~>«:~K">«>o<^~>«>x->«>«>:~>:"> 9? i «> "Lucky Strike ORCHESTRA Open for cngfag'enicnts at Garden Parties. P;cnic.>, cuicl Dances â€" round or s(iuarc. For fr.il particulars a'pply to:- J. H. PERKINS Phone 60w. FLE3HERTON <♦•â- •',••.••,".•*.••'.••.••.*. •".••.♦".~.*'.**.~.~.**.".*%~.".'? GROCERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I'aucy Pink Salmon (large tins) 19c. Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs for •. 22c. Pork & IJeaus, 2 tins for 25c, Jelly Powders, 5 pks. for 25c. Handy .\mmonia, 3 pks. for 25c. TRY OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE -:....ALSO... :- CUR 65 cent TEA lOXanada Flour $3.85 Our Ice Cream Parlor is now in full swing;. Come in and you v.ill be delighted with our ntenu and service. CITY DAIRY (TORONTO) ICE CREAM W. G. KENNEDY GROCERIES PHONE 37 WE DELIVER IN TOWN Jlrs. \V. Rat:-liff spent af ew days v.ith her cousin, Mrs. Will Uurrill cf Rocklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Smith of Meaford spent Iho first of <;he wecU v.ith Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mr. Ed. Baker 's recovering after his recent severe illness. A large number from here attend- c.l th' decraticn service in the Markdale cemetery on Sunday after- noon. There will be a community picnic in :he Community Park â- o i Fiiday aftor-.oon of this week. Everybody welcome, especially the children. The Vandeleur Dramatic Club put on their play "Promoting Rom,'o" bo- fore liTgc lUidiOiices in ,"he town hall Flesherton o;i Tuesday evening cf last w-wck and in Holland Cenlre church on Friday evening. This makes six times they have present- ed the play. Mr. .'Vdam Hysbp, a lifa long resi- dent cf th(> Valley passed away sud- <;only ci F-idav morning. June 21, -t the asc of 62 years. Although Mr. liyskip has been failing in hea'.th •:or coma lime his death camo as a decided ch.;<:k tJ the community. He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow and one son, J.hcU, ^t home; .-.nd two daughtars. Mrs. Ed. Davis a-id Mrs. Clare Davis of . iho wes: ba;.-k line. The funeral took v'r^ce on Mon- day afternoon to the Markdale cem- etery end v/as 1-srgely attended. Letter to The Editor UOnSES AT LARGE IM TOWN" M'-. Robt. M- Conkey, wife and family visited with Guelph friends last week. .Mr. and Mrs. B aiden and the Misses Braiden of Shelburne were recent visitors here. Mrs. Switzer and daughter, Gladys of St. George, 0;it., spent the week end with their cousins, the Misses James. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMeekin, Mr. K(l. Wright. Mr. John McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks, Mr. .Vli- erd and Mise Gladys Hincks attend- ed the receptioLi on Thursday night for Mr. and Mrs. George Black of .Swinton Park. Miss .\gnes Macph^i: .M. P. and Mr. Fanjuhar Oliver, M. P. P. were present. Miss Mary Hill of Annan is visit- ing her cousin, Mrs. ^Vm. Ramage. Dr. H. G. Marshall, dentist of Dun- dalk, will conduct a practice each Wednesday of the week, commencing June 19th. It will indeed be very handy to have a dentist in the burg. We understand his office will be In the McVicar hotel. Mrs. .Mex. Carson spent a few days visiting her daughter, Mrs. .A.rt Richardson, at Swinton Park. A number from here attended -the U. F. O. Cmvention in Flesherton on Thuisday last. We are glad to see Mr. Neil Mc- Leiin liome from Toronto feeling mu'-h improved. Jliss Kathleen Macphail has gone o Montreal. Mr. and Mis. Mart Stonehoue and r.on "f Mono Head visited Sunday at .Mr. Jno. McMeekin's. Miss Rebecca Nichol is home from Toronto Normal School. Mr. Jihn Scott and sistc", Mag- gie of Egremont. Miss Mildred Scot: and friend Mr. Clements of Toron i. Mr. J. C. McLachlan of Torimto and friend, Miss Dobson of Oriilia, Mr. and Mrs. John Buviress and Miss Wier, Durham. Mr. Cramp, Mr. Dix- an and a brother, Dr. Dixon, and an- ,ther brother, a dentist of Walkerlon forvnerly of Calgary were visitors on Sunday at Mr. Angus McLachlan's. Dr. Dixon used to be the doctor in Priceville a few years ago. Mr. Murray Nichol has gone to To- ronto to write mil his subjects. We wish him success. Mr. and Mrs. George Hincks. Ivan and Edi.h of Egremont, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. JlcLcnd .ind family, Mr. and .Mrs. Ea-l McLeod viisted on Sunday at Mr.. David Hincks'. Miss Gladvs Iiincks spent ihe week end with friends in Markd-ilo. Rev. Mr. Montgsmery of Toronto cached a good sermon in the hall PORTLAW The welcome showers of last week hAvo been a woncrful benefit t,o th: sraln and hay craps. Inspector Mo rison paid an offic- ial visit to our school last wek. We preumo that ho went away pleased with the work being well done and the conditions there. The Ladies' Aid Society held -^heir I'ogular monthly meeting on Wed- nesday last. There was a large at- tendance and the Miost important it- em of business was making final ar- rangeifients for their garden party tc be held on Friday evening firt. Miss Pearl Watson and brothers, Clarence and Densmore, visited with Toronto friends recently. Miss .\gnes Malcolm, Collingwood visited during the last week with Miss Lillian McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. S'.anley Boyd of, Banks visited last Friday at T. R. McKenzie's. Mr. J. H. Walker and .A.lvin and Lillian McKenzie visited with Coi- lingwood friends lately. Quite a number of our people at- ^Tided the decoration service in Markdale last Sunday and were much impressed with the beautiful tribute of respect paid by the Orange and Odfellows Orders to the memory of their comrades, wlio have passed on before. Rev. R. M. Dingwall and wife of Lorincr. accompanied by Rev. H. B. and Mrs. Bamford of T -out Creek, a tended the Toronto Confer ance last week and visited at the home of Mr. W. II. McNally on their return trip to their respective charges, where they are :.tationed far another ycr.r. PROTON STATION We are sorry to report Mr. George Lud.Jw vciv ill at the home cf his daughter, Mrs. Hugh Hodgin. Mr. and Mrs. James Burton and children, accompanied by Clarke Wyville and .Arnold Hergott spenu the week end with friends at Pro- ton Station. Mr. Elzer Park and lady friend of Torontj visited the former's parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Park. Mr. Gordon Mcintosh was a Sun- day Visitor at the home of Mr. A. Hergott. Dr. .A.. E. Little of Owen Sound was a caller in this village reeently. Rev. Mr. Harrower preached a very fine sermon and dispensed sacra- ment in the United Church on Sun- day night last. Mrs. Murchison, who (luis spent the winter and spring montlis with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Staw.irt. re- turned to her home at Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Rush and little daughter of Alton are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Baguley. VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Davis of Manitoulin Island is visiting her nephew, Carl At- kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart visited Mr. Jas. Laidlaw's in Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. -Arthur Little of Owen Sound, Miss .Annie -Akins of Flesherton visited at Cha. Moore's. Rev. Jos. Harrower administered sacrament on Sunday at Inistoge. prea was SWAMP COLLEGE The farmers are finishing up seed- ing this week. It's a long time since we were so late in gcttmg through. The ref.eshing ram on Friday will do much good. On Thursday night of last week a reception was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Black, the newly wfcds. .V large crowd was present. The music was excellent; the Haw orchestr;i. Mr. Hank Hamilton and sister of Mount Forest, Mr. Dan Mc- Cannell and M/. John Neilson fur-, nished the music, and they tripped! t'le light fantastic till the wee snia | hours." The bride and gr.)om re- ceived many beautiful and costly, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Normanby visited on Sunday at Mr. James ^ Hay's. Mr. Thos. Johnston and Miss Kate HOMES WANTED The Children's Aid Societv desjre annroved homes for the following girls :- ETTA, aged 'T years. HAZEL, aged 6 years. JE.AN. aged 3 years. AGNES, aged 4 years. Anplv with references to .â- \. E. irou: G20 3rd -Ave. E., Owen Sonud. f 1 Sunday. His subject "nrit'tinir."' He was here on the ___ 5tb of May and w.s preaching for a and Annie McCannell, Dromore j- ited on Sunday at Angus McC.inne.i. "Coar Fellow Citi:;ens:- I was ill Lagenia the other day \isiti:g; while there I noticed qvAte .1 drove of horses pasturing on th-3 reads a.nd commons. There were abo'.;^ ten in this herd, and u-pon en- ijuiriug, I found they were let run at large all summer. 0w:ier3 of these horses! â€" do you not know the danger ;f thciu to children while phijuing, of them tormenting cthei- people by breaking into their fields and of annoying other horses in tha fields, teaching them to be breechy I noticed this i.> the only tov.n where horses are allowed to run. Farmers have to rent pasta-.e for their stock during ?i;m".ier. and v.-ill not let them •eun on tho roads. Horse ov.-ners!, think over this seriously. Is it light to have l:hcse horses of yo-jrs rumwng loose? I think not, ana s(i do some of th titizers. We are sorry to report Mrs. Don- ald Macilillan is sick. We hope shp mav sc n be better. Dr. Martin and Miss Grace of To- ronto sDont the week end at Mis. K. Mc.Arthur's. . The McCnaiff family visited on Sundav at th.rr brother's Findlay at y dock. Lizzie remained for a few- days. \:!c- T.:xn M. r-.i-.nell. '->acher P.t the O.D.R. school has resigned and Miss F-v,'.f\ Oliver is cnga^jcd f.ir the coming year. '•';•. and '•'•'s. Dt' TKlnnij r? To- ronto are visitors with Mrs. Graham. Wedding bells are ri.'.ging loudly these days. Read the Small -Advertisements. EARLY CLOSING The follow-ing merchants cf Os- prey townships are closing at 7 p.m.. Aleiiday, Wedncsdav and Friday ev- c-irrs through June. July. August r.-id Eeptpmber-.- Herb Poole and C. TT..ron Maxwell: c:. - Kby and Eli R-.binr-e.n, Feversham: T. Hill and J. Singhan-.ptcn. JtJST KECE-rTLY H % ill. I. H. Co. Implements I have for my storeroom the front half of McEachnie's Livery Stable and will be able to supply any make of Inter- national Harvester Co. machin- ery or supplies. Jno. Plcstcr FLESUEIM'ON. ONT. DELCO LIGHT SYSTEM Pollov.inu' i"-. a I'st of c-xe students . '^ taking po'siHons thi.-." Spring: iX Eh-oy MaeLoa:-.â€" Weste-.-n £; ^3^" ! ^ del Fin.-mce Co. Torrance Cihr.orcâ€" Canadian Nai- iora'. P.ailway. Agnes MacLcnr.an â€" Western & London Finance. Rebert Lawrence â€" Canadian Steam ehip Line. , Douglas Buchanan â€" Barker & Co., Bailcliffj. Brvcc C-artis â€" General Window ates Burial Co. t t ... 122-124 .\venue Kond TORONTO Phone: KIngsdalc 4344 1 \V Bates R- Maddocks. % ;..;.-J.:_;..:..^.>.^•>.^.>.:~K•<~:•<•<~:•+•^<~5~M••:"^*^•^♦^•vvvv%•v^•^~.••.••.*•.•••~i^^ ••X-s' House of Quality »» Pv .ducts. Forlcng. CutK-crt llacDcnald â€" Stobbie Cemp.- y. Mervyn Farley â€" United Typewritter Vinec--.t Moujitfcrd â€" Harris Abat- toir. EH-'. MarC'.ianio â€" Cmtinental Life. Btatrlec O'Strr.ider â€" Toronto Wool Bernieo D?.vi.?on â€" Monetary Tinioj:. Lillian Fewster â€" Famous Players. Mae Reidâ€" Reid >£ Bi«ow:« Steel Co. Frank Tayhr â€" Dunlop Tire. Mary Mov, atâ€" Willys Overland. Bertha Grayâ€" Roger Baker Co. Olive Woods â€" Meiihcnitt C?. Jean .A(j;nev/ â€" Gutta Pcreha Muriel_Lii:tle Toronto Daily Star. J Cnly two of the above students ai'o , .j other fellow | drawing Ie33 th.i.i S18 per- week, ^nd i '^ â€" Ex-Citizen. . t)^(,i,. saiavie-. arc ranging as high rj j ^ SIO per week. X The>c i? no time as when position'^ * are a numerous or a?< good as in the j X • .u^'7- i^-" ^"â- '' ""/- ^^'f^'^ ""'^^ '' 'â- ^"Ent^r now or enroll with «ur Homo ! | .th3:'k their nuny fv>«?-^d3 f=r sym- â- p^^,^.^ ^ ,..j,,,^„j _„,,^ ^^ ,.^^^,^ j^,, ^ X pHlhy «P»'es.5ed on the death ot their ,., .,.^,.^.^, ..^.^^ ^^^^ ^ .^^ ^ husbandand father and also for tho^,.j.L5,..vR BT'SINESS COLLEGE ^ oeaut.fnl floral tributes. Oranwville. Onta-io ilson's Ice Cream Cones, (PURE AND WHOLESOME) Bricks, Eskimo Pies CARD CF THANKS S If you want an ICE COLD DRINK let us serve you from our Serve-All Cooler Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds strictly fresh Jas. A. Stewart z I I i •t s "i 3 I i Read it in The Advance ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY ♦♦•>>XK»-X~:~>«>-!'*^->->'>"w">'>*M'*->!'^>**>'>*>'>'>'>^>'>*'>*>->->*X~>^^«>«'X>**