Vol. 49 No. 2 ®f)je <fim\^nim %hmnct Flesherton Ontario, June 12, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Propfietcis Attend the ThrilliDg Play ^'Home Ties" in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Monday Evening June 17th PRICEVlLi-E Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Macraillan and family visited at Mr. John Aldcorn's at Swinton Park on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Kay occupied the pulpit in the hall on Sunday. Miss Delia McPhail and friend Miss Jessie Murray of Toronto are visiting at Mrs. J. McMieekin's. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnia and family motored to Owen Sound over the week end. Mr. McGill from Loring ia the new barber here. If Mr. McGill can make good he will move his wife and fam- ily to the burg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reiley mot- ored to Thornton recently and visit- ed Rev. and Mrs. McCormack. They found them comfortably settled in a fine manse, with a fine congregation. The beef ring at the Six Comers commences this Tuesday. Mr. Jno. Nichol (Sr.) put in the first beef. Mr. Donald MacMillan, South Line has purchased a new Ford sedan. The farmers are very busy these day finishing up seeding, planting potat oes and clipping sheep. ROCK MILLS PINEAPPLE AND ICE CRKAM SOCIAL A pineapple and ice cream social will be held in the O.D.R. schoolbouse on Friday eveninsr, June 21st. Mov- ing pictures will be shown by Mr. T. Stewart Cooper of Markdale also sev- eral selections of music. This soc- ial is under the auspices of the On- ward club. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Mervyn Ferris of Toronto spent the week end with his aunt here, Mis. Robt. Croft. Miss Myrtle Stuart of Burks Falls is visiting relatives here and is the guest of Mrs. C. Newell. Mr. Thos. Bell oif Durham is work- ing on the County Road here with the maintainer. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Croft and fam- ily mJtored to Owen Sound Sunday and visited her parents, Mr. and M^-s. Thos. Howard. Mrs. Herb Betts and children spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoddart, near Markdale. Miss C. McLellan of Proton Bible School preached here Sunday even- ing and delivered a wonderful message. Quite a number from around here have been aHending the Gospe* Meetings at Feversham and are delighted with the singing of the colored people. The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist Church will hold their npxt meeting at the home of Mrs. J. J. Boyce on June 26th. Please note change of date. AI>VANGE ADVTS. PAY CAMP MEETING To be at Proton Station beginning Sunday, June 23rd to July 7th. Rev. Chas. Slater, Missionary Evangelist and singer and Rev. David Wilson will be the engaged workers. All are invited to this annual camp to hear the old time Gospel of full sal- vation preached. â€" H. B. Jackson, Proton, Ont. E\ GROCERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Corn, 2 tins for 25cti. Peas. 2 tins for ZScts. Tomatoes. ? tins for 25cts. 3 pounds of Pure Lard for 59cts. 2 packges of Macaroni for 19ct5. TRY OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE -:....ALSO...:. CUR 65 cent TEA O'Canada Flour $3.85 W. G. KENNEDY GROCERIES PHONE 37 Our One Brand Stock of Tires Gives You Better ^^^^ Service TPIRE mei> , chants who stock various brands of tires seldom keep a full range of popular bal- loon sizes in each brand; it costs too much. Sooner or later tbieir customers suffer because they can't get ihe service. ^e only carry one brandâ€" G oodyears. But our range i s extensive. So we can not only keep prices down, but you are al- :ways assured of Goodyear quality and value. We have your size, get our prices. . _ D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONT. fOnly Coodyem Ttre$ are huih of Superhettt Corda VANDELEUR I The Vandeleur Dramatic Club put on their play "Promoting Romeo" in the Kocklyn town hall on Wednesday evening of last week, before a large audience. I'hey g;o to Flesherton on Thursday evening atid Holland Centre on Friday evening of this week. Ai.r. a.i(l Mrs. l.. A. Oke , son. Jack of 'Xoron:o were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy JohnstJn recently. Mr. Gordon McGee of Toronto spent a couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. Genoe. Miss Jean Wright of Toronto spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Duluth vis- ited recently with the former's bro- ther, Mrs. Elmer Warling. Mr. Ab. Buchanan and lady friend of Midland visited at the former's parental home on June 3rd. Miss Minnie Graham and Mr. J. I. Graham went to London recently to see the former's sister, Mrs. Huson, who is ill. Miss Graham is remain- ing with her. When coming up the mountain a week ago Saturday evening siotne- thing broke in Mr. A. Graham's car and it ran back down the hill and turned upside dow^. Mrs. Graham received a badly injured shoulder, but the others were unhurt. The car was very badly damaged. The following morning while going for the car the horses ran away and Mr. Frank Graham was throwTi under the wagon and had his legs badly injured. He will be laid up for a few weeks. EUGENIA PROTOrr STATION Former Proton Station resiijents who are always welcome callers who now reside in Toronto are, Mr. Don- ald McLean, Mr. Sandy McLean, Mr. Neil McLean. Misses Kathleen and Bemice McLean and their friend, Mr. Fo bes visited last Sunday wi.h Miss Lena Park and her mother. Mr. Gordon Wauchope of Tara spent the week end with his parents I'.ere; other guests at, Mr. Thos. Wau- chope's were Mr. and Mi-s. Chester,, Gibbons and family of Meaford. Mr. .and Mrs. Coutie of Toronto were guests at the home of the lat- tcr's farher. Mr. John Roomc. R?;ccnt visitors at Mr. James Vause's were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vnuse of Pricoville, Miss Gladys Ol- iver, Mr. R. Oliver, Mr. and Miss Wilson of Toront). Mr. G. Blakeley a"d Misses Mar- joric and Rcberta Acheson accom- panied our teacher. Miss Feraruson t.i hor home at Wiar-ton on Friday evening, returning Sunday evening. Preparations are being made for a garden party, to be held in the near future. Mrs. Dan McArthur and daughtei Miss Gladys, and friend of Ravenna visited on Sunday with Mr. Joseph Sherwood. We offer congratulatioixs to the former's son, Victor, who was wedded to Miss Hindle on Saturday last. We are sorry to report Mr. J. H. Duckett quite ill at present. We wish the old gentleman a speedy re- covery. Mr. Wallace Williams of Toronto is visiting his brother, Mr. Jacoh A. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and children of. Owen Sound motored down and spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J IS. Sherwood. Mrs. Fred Duckett and daughters Leone and Mabel spent, Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Porteous, 8th line. While Mr. Adam Smith was doing some repairing to the roof of ths, cook house he aecidently fell to the ground and hurt himself considerably. We are fj-lad to report at time of writing he is on the road to re- covery. Mrs. Victor Harding of Acton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Will Gordon and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacMillan and daughter, Margaret, of Markdale, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Thos. Lever of Flesherton spent a day at the home of Mr. C. Martin. Miss Gertrude also was a visitor. Mrs. Jos. Williams and some mem- bers of the family of Toronto visited relatives here over the week end. Mr. A. F. Pedlar had the misfor- tune to lose a milch cow by grass- titis and" Mr. Jacob Williams a fine big calf by indigestion. Mr. Frank Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. And -ew Grahan'. Valley' Road, wa:j badly injured, when a team of horses, which he was drivinsr in a wagcn, ra-i away, throwing him out. We hope the boy will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ge'noe and children of Ceylon spent Sunday with Mrs. Turner. FEVERSHAM CEYLON ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Fenwick an- nounce ihj engagc:ii2rit of their sec- ond eldest daughter, Claribel Jlarg- aret, to Mr. Percy Russell Linton, son of iir. and .\Irs. Jas. Linton. The ma'.ri<igc to tako place the lattcu pat of June. J.r. and Mrs. A. M. Campbell, Ravenna, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Sara Eliz- abeth, to Walter Knuff, soij of Mr. and Mrs. George Knuf t', Ravenna, the j marriaga to take place the latter part of June. ROCK MILLS SCHOOL Sr. 4 â€" Mervyn Johnston 551 (H), Ita Pedlar 517 (H), Robert Dargavel â- 14'J. Jr. -1â€" Geo. Akitt oS5, Jack Eng- lish 3S1, Murray Fisher and Nathalie Patton, absent. i^r. 3â€" Julia Croft, Delia English, Leo. Pa.ton, Laurie Russell. Jr. 3 â€" Ruby Akitt, Leslie Seeley, Leila Clark. Sr. 2â€" Iva English, Lulu Russell, Lawrence Phillips, Lloyd Partridge, Robert Clark, Ethel Dargavel, Mar- guerite Croft, Jack Monaghan. Mabel Shier, Roy Fisher, Elsmour Shier. Sr. 1â€" Mary Clark, Ruby Monagh- an, Fred Betts, Loreen English, Myrtle Croft. Jr. 1 â€" Glen Croft. Russell Phillips, Bessie Russell, Fred Partridge. Sr. Primer â€" Edna Croft, Edna Partridge, Cecil Shier. Jr. Primer â€" Chester Shier Gordon Shier, Arthur Betts. Names in order of merit; numbers are totals. Number on roll 40; aver- age attendanca .35.66. â€"Mrs. F. J. Seeley T.ach:r. LADY BANK .A. nice warm rain just now would bo much welcomed m th:s part of the country. Jlr. .•Vle.x. Maxwell treated himself, wite and family to a .luw Ford coacii recently. Mr. H. Down and Sons were tiio salesmen. iifs. Clart.ice Seniple and 2 chilu- icn of Islington visiied with Mr. Wm. Sample a.ia laniily a few days las- week. Mi: Fred Sample of Islington spent the week tnd at his parental iume here. iHiss Jannctt McMullen of Toron- to is the guest of har mother, Mrs. Mary McMullen and brothers here a;-, present. Mr. aid 2vlrs. .\Iex. Maxwell and family visited v/ith Mrs. Geo. Har- lottle at East Mountain on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Poole of Ra- venna visited v.'ith B!r. and Mrs. V,' alter Wilson recently, z MAXWELL S. S. NO. 8, OSPREY 4thâ€" Archie Thomson*, Mavy Mo:v a.'rhan*, Lawrence Lou.^heed*. Sr. 3â€" Evelyn Reid, Ahv.a. Es^laiul. Jr. ,"? â€" Pearl Monaghan, .\rchie Mclnni*. Sr. 2â€" GladvR Rf'id, Mar/ ret Mc- In lis, Shirley Hc:klev. Jr. 2â€" Norman Monaghan, Chris Tb -imson. Sir. 1â€" Willie Essland, Tholma Hrcklev. .Tr 1 â€" Wpi.^n Loueho'^d. Helen R»>>d. Vers" MoTnnis, Fr""'V McAlli^fnr P-ii'cr B â€" .â- Mo". Mc.'Vllister. Arth- ur TJ"id. Oilbei-t K'ssl'^vl. Pri^z-r A â€" Laura Thomso-i. Flor- enco Mona.ebnn. â€" Vi(>lT T. Gordon. Teacher. Thrxie m*»rk?d * w^rc abspit dur- ing May. The miwbcr on roll is 23. The W:n:o".'3 institute will meet at the home cf Mrs. VVilbert Poole on Wednesday, June 12th, at 2:00 p.m. Everybody welcome. Messrs. Geo. Priestly and Douglas Kendall have been attending the ocn- ference in Toronto the past wceii. Mr. aid Mrs. Walter .\kitt and children of Rc^'k Mills visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Lawlor on Sunday. Miss Mabel Ross spent the past week with friends in Brampton and Georgetown. The Ladies' Aid of the United Chui-ch held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Andrew Pallister. Sorrv to report Mrs. E. Bucking- ham ill at present. We hope to hear of imr"nvement soon. Nurse Han- lev of CoUingwood is in attendance. There was no service in the United Cburch Sinday evening, as Mr. Ken- dall was attending conforcn-e in To- ronto. Service in the .\nelican Church win b" held Sunday evening, June 23, at 7:.30 p.m. • SWAMP COLLEGE i ^rr. and Mrs. Walt.-r Brouchton nnd Miss .Alice, Mrs. Neil MacMillan and Miss Tela Ferff«<5r>n visited fricT'd:! in Ravenna recently. Mr. Willie Hav has nurehased an Essex ccoch; Mr. Fi'- TTeord a Fo-d sedan and Mr. Roy McNalty a Chev- ro!'^'- sedtii. M>-. anil Mrs. Wesley Heard and Bcr'-Ie of DetroH 'snntit thev.-eek end rtt Mr. Goo. B'^i'k's Mr.). Miss fear TTi'i p.cco"ir>anipd thc'-> '•>nck on SiTdav f'^r a ^wo weeks visit. Th<j b'ido ."^nd rrooni -oturned horie â- ^nd r* <!howr»[- t;5 h^^'d in tV"^i** hio'^> ti'i-. Thtjr^ft.,v pven'rie'. V/p wi-sTi •'her' linwness and pr-^srcrity for the future. Mrs. Chris Thompson and Mrs. j John Hudson Sr., are visiting with I their sister, Mrs. Wm. Walters and| family in "Toronto. Mrs. A. Stewart of Flesherton was a week end visitors with her sister, Mr. H. Alexander here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Forsythe of Ow- en Sound visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick and Miss Ruby spent Sunday with friends here and attended the services in the Gospel Workers church. Mr. John Bemrose aad daughter, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. .AJIan McLean. Miss Ella .Mister spent Sunday with Mrs. Colquette. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tyler, who have moved to our village. Mr. Harnigan and Mrs. Campbell of Orangeville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Stonehouse. Mrs. F. Tyler visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick in Flesherton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Oolquette and two children of Owen Sound were week end visitors with friends here. There are large congregations at- tending the special services in the Gospel Workers church here. The sermons preached by the Rev. Dr. Wiseman of Ottawa are very inter- esting and earnest and are enjoyed by all who hear him, and also the singing of the six colored gentlemen, the Findley Sixtette. The annual meeting of the U. F. 0. associations of South-East Grey are t > be held in Flesherton this Thursday. EARLY CLOSING Mrs. Buschcr of Hamilton spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. John McNally and Miss Bums of Durham visited at R. Cook's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cumirgs of Oshawa motored up and visited -with friends for a few days the past week returning to their home on Tuesday. Mrs. A. C. Muir and little son, Mrs. A. McMullen and daughter, Margaret, Master Orton and Miss Fern Leslie motored to Hanover on Saturday. M^. Joe Snell of Toronto spent tha week end with his brother George and family. Mr. and M -s. Elwood Harri-oi and children of Shelburne, and Mr. Ed. Baxter of Caledoi visited the first of the week at Mr. Jas. L. McMuUen's. Mr. R. Cook, Miss Millie, Mr. and Mrs. J. McWilliams and children motored to Owen Sound the first of the week. â„¢ , . Mt. John O'Melia left Tuesday to visit his son in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Irish and two chddren who have been visiting under the par- ental roof, returned Tuesday to their home in Toronto. Mrs. John Gillespie and daughter, Kathleen, of Bie Valley, Alta.. are on a three months' vacation to visit her mother, Mrs. Knox and sister, Mrs. Haw. and other friends. Mr. A. C. Muir went to Toronto Tuesday on a business tnp. HOMES WANTED The following merchants of Os- prey townships are closing at 7 p.m., Monday. Wednesday and Friday ev- enings through June. July, .\ugust and September:- Herb Poole and C. Heron. Maxwell: G. Eby and Eli Robinson, Feversham : T. Hill and J. Hamraill, Singhampton. N O T I C E The Children's Aid Society destre approved homes for the foHowme ; girls :- ETTA, aged 7 years. ' HAZEL, aged 6 years. JEAN, aged 3 years. AGNES, aged 4 years. Apply with references to A. E. iront 629 3rd Ave. E.. Owen Son ud. Advertise in The Advance Tenciors "will be â-ºcoeived ijp to and including Saturday. June loth for the iiainting, papering an put- ting on storm windows and repair- ing the Kimbeiiey school. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Secretary- Treas. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. â€" W. E. MYERS. Sec. -Treas., Kimberley. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ' Sealed tendtirs will be received by g Edward Brooks, W. M. of L. O. L. 244, Proton Station, up till 5 o'clock in the afternoon of 14th day of June. | 1929. for the construction of an Or- ange hall at Proton Station. | .•V bond cf S150 must be given at time of s-gning contract: the lowest or any tender net necessarily accnted. Information may be obtained from , Edward Brooks or th«' undersigned j rommiitee: Chns. Mcore, i Ernest; Lyons I. B. Whyte, Edward Brooks, | John Neilson. i I. H. Co. Implements I have for my storeroom the front half cf McEachnie's Livery Stable and will be able to supply any make of Inter- national Harvester Co. mach???- ery or supplies. Jno. Plestcr FLESHERTON, ONT. DELCO LIGHT SYSTEM .vx-.:-{-:>->«:~:~:~^M*'>':~:~>«x~:~x~x~>«:»«K"K~:-:~:*-X":"X":-' X X 4. t I Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road TOR ONTO Phone: Kln^sdale 4344 V % J.W.Bates. R. Maddocks. S I "House of Quality" | I Field and Garden I I . . Seeds . • I i I I GIANT WHITE SUGAR MANGEL | I GIANT WHITE SUGAR BEET ?T | I ^ JUMBO SUGAR BEET I I LEVIATHAN SUGAR TURNIP I t I X Kennies' & Steele Briggs Garden Seeds | $ Dutch Setts and Multiplier Onions < f â€" : TRY A BAG OF MAJESTIC FLOUR râ€" I I Jas. A. Stewart |