THE FLESHERTCW ADVANCP. Wednesday, June 5, 1929. I ! I 'â- (€^l(- Prompt Collections AmoDK the innumerable advaatag:- es of osini; the services of the Eank of Commerce to make your collect- ions by draft is the efecient promp: ness with which you maiy close trans- actions by placing the details in our hands. Owing to exceptionally fay- orable arrangements with our var- ious agrents, we are able to handle collections at minimnr> rates throu-'t our exclusive conections. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA } i Hanover Boy Won Oratorical Contest CJ>JL TIMB TABLB Trains leave Flethcrton Statioo aa IsUowi: Going Sootk Goiag NorUi 8.08 11.62 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. 8.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Pleahenon as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. â- outh at 3.30 For Morning train Booth mail closet at 9.00 p.m. the prerloTifl evening. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy were in Toronto the first of the week. Sports in town attended celebrat- ions held in Chesley and Kimberley on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Watson and Miss Watson of WDodbride spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland. Mrs. W. I. Henry accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Everett Henrj- of Berkley tD Granton over the week end.* â€" â- Mr. Elwood Genoa of Toronto spent the week end with his brother, Harry â- on the CoIlingwoDd Gravel road. Mr. Mervin Fenis of Toronto is on a visit with his vousin, Leslie Ferris, •of town. Mr. T. \V. Findlay was in Toronto the first of the week attending a meeting of. the funeral directors. Mi's. F. H. W. Hickling is spending a few days with Weston and Toron- , to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston and thre i children of Thornbury were visitors at the former's parental home over the King's Birthday. An old-time dance will be given at Feversham, Friday, June 7, un- der the auspices of L. O. L. 1085. Old time fiddlers. Admission 25 cts. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ellison, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mills of Toronto spent a f erw days with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland last week. Miss L. Aikins of Lynn, Mass, and Mrs. Hope of Orlando, Florida, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley in town over the week end. Dr F. T. Bibby was in Tomto this week attending the Medical Health Officers' .Association which has a three days' session there this week. Mrs. Harry Patton underwent an operation in the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, a week ago. and is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Bowles and little daughter are visiting with the former'sl parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowles, West Bacldine, Artemesia. MWssrs. Ed. and Joe Phillips, re- tired polijcmen of Toronto, visited on Monday end Tuesday with friends here. Have your hanging baskets and window boxes filled now. All kinds of flowers, plants nnd bulbs.â€" W. A. Hawken Fleshcrton. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hodgson and daughter, Barbara, of Islington, were tht guests of Mr. and Mi-s. C. N. Richardson and W. W. Trimble over the week end. The King's Birthday was observed o,i»etly in town on Monday. The bank, schools and post office closed, but the business places carried on as usual. Dr. Brycc of London has taken over Dr. E. C. Murray's practice here and places his card in this issue of The Advance. We welcome Dr. Brjrce to town and wish him a large decree of success. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bishop leftoa Tuesday fir their new home at Aur- ora. We tere sorry to lose thia •atimable couple and the best wiah- M of their maay friaada goe witk Mmib to their new home. On Wednesday tTaakic U taat -iVMk a prasaatatiea was mada to Mrs. Harold VcCuteheon (nea B!a-«eh« Pa'ton at her h->me in Markdale, when she was the rectpieat of a tray of ailverwara and casaer- •le from the residents of the vilUff». The brtt wishes were aso extended t» the bride and groom. An idea of the heavy growth ea- }oyed in thi^ district th«« past few wf«ks may >>* g"»therad fr-^m so'^'^ stalks of alfalfa hay. which Mr Kd. T.oiicks of the East Backline show- ed *n "s. Thev wer«« •»i«'ht<">-> '"'"♦'- es in lenjtth an wers not picked at '•nrdc--' f'-^T" 'S' fi?H. This it an exceptional Icnsth -re- t1<» short „,.„.i.,~ -.^n^-^.- rva have so t.i* Wallace Nickle of Hanover high schoal was the winner of the first prize of »100 at t»^ miSUc speaking contest held in the high school, Flesh- erton on Saturday afternoon. Seconu prize and cash ofl $50 was xwarde Miss Marion Stuart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuart of toâ€". The prizes were given by Miss A. C. Macphail, M. P., and were for pupils of the high schools of south- east Grey. Four contestants took part in the public speaking as follows:- Wal- lace Nickle, Hanover; Marion Stuart and Irene Martin, Fesherton and Pearl Acheaon of Chatsworth. Dr. O. J. Stevenson, orofesaor of Eng- lish at the O. A. C., Guelph, placed the awards and stated that Miss Stuart had better material than Mr. Nickle, but in a public speaking con- test more points were given for del- ivery, so he made the award as stated. Between speeches the Hanover high school orchestra del'-hted the fille<1 auditorium with exceller' music, and was led by Mr. J. R. Hamilton, prin- lf*l| t\ â- â- cioal of the school. Miss Ruth f IllSffP I.Anni*ll Armstrong of Markdale have an ex- TlliagC WUULIl ceiienj pja^o goio and a duet by ' 1 Miss Margaret Sinclair and Vernon The village council met on Monday Stewart of Flesherton was well evening with Mr. C. N. Richardson rendered. in the chair. There was only one Miss A. C. Macphail, M. P. gave appeal against the assessment, that an rddress after Dr. Steâ€"rcon mad-^ Toronto Residents Are Planning Features of Mr. F. J. Thurston. This assess- ment was reduced $200, after which the roll was adopted. In open council a number of ac- counts were passed: T. Lever, put- ting in cement crossing for E. Mc- KiUop $25.20; H. McCauley, truck- ing t^h ; D. McKillop, pail and sup. 50 cts.; H. Fisher, 40 hrs. work. $11.25; R. Alexander, 27 hrs. work, SG.75; E. Kerton, 44 hrs. work, $8.80; Malcolm Leitch, work on park, $4; -Advance Printing Co., printing. $5.31. X letter was received from Dr. Bibby, M.O.H., asking for increase cf salary. On motion of H. Mc- ?adc*$4t80^' ^''"°" *^' "^^ """ t^nef^rtorTo our nation_and he cer- his awards and presented the ners with the prize money. Mr. C. F. Lawrence, principal of the loci high school, presided over the meeting. 1 ne xdUowine is the speech deliver- ed by Mr. Nickle: xHf. sor.l TION OF THE PROB- LE.MS OF AGRICULTURE It is written "Whoever makes two pars of corn or two blades of prras.s to grow upon a spot of ground where o"iv one e ew before deserves better of mankind and does more essential service to his country than the whole race of politicians put together." If haf is true the farmer is a great Wolton â€" Mathews^n â€" That the Clerk apply for license for the town ha'l for the current year. McCauley â€" Welton â€" That H. Down & Sons be required to move material to proper dump, and if not done the material will be moved at the expense of the firm. tainly is. Bu: there are many problems which daily confront him ar.d make his toil much rac-o difficult than ic should be. (Cr.itinued en Page S) PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT David Gaudin Passes 4th â€" J. Gibson, H. McKillcp, Patton. E. Talbot. P.. Plester, Kert- Thistlethwaite, E. Warling, E j on, L. M;Eachnie, absent. Word has been received by Mrs.' Sr. 3 â€" E. Brown. A. Lawrence, P. W. H. Thurston that her cousin, Dav- Gibson, B. Bellamy. M. MeFadden, id Gaudin, townline of Collingwoou A. Tumey, W. Littlejohns. G. Boyd, and Euphrasia, had passed away on B. Welton, D. McRae, Jim Kerton, Tuesday, having suffered from heart H. Croft. trouble for some time. Mr. Gaudin jr, 3 f. Lawrence, B. Murray. D. was born in New Brunswick seventy- stuart. D. Smith, V. Fisher, T. Dix- four years ago, and when a young pn_ £. Burnett. G. MacDonald, J. man of eighteen came with his par- Alexander, C. Plester. cnts and settled on the farm where gr 2 â€" F. Patton, G. Gibson, N. if -. J /-w"\''°^,* member of the xhistlethwaite, M. Duncan, E. Croft. United Church and was a man of jj lo^ jj. M.iUer, D. Whitehead, E. sterhng character whose word was ylcRae as good as his bond a.nd he will be' * „ ,,1 t-.- d v. _;.„ t„„„„ii misled by a lar^e circle of -elatives ' J^- 2-ElmaD>xon, Roberta Leave 1 and friends. The funeral takes l^^ McTayish, \ erna Gorrell, Dons place on Thursday to Thornbury Kerton, Betty M<:Donald. Doro.hy cemetery. ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY I Kerton, Ben Leavell. Sr. 1 â€" Doris Lawrence, Jack Wel- ton, Audrey McCracken, Clifford Saunders, Geo. Loucks, Doris War- ling, Burton Bellamy, .Athol Mc- The Anglican St. Mary's Church, i^in^p Maxwell wifl hold their annual gar- . ^ g.,|j den party at the home of Wm. See- ley, Maxwell, on Wednesday, June _ d.-u- I'- / 1?*?^,. P'^r k'"""^' K^'fr ^imer - Emerson Plester. Evelyn Country Folk" will be given by the ,, V „ n^r^\ Tark Loucks Whitfield Dramatic Club. . A good ^--11 J-n^^^^^ w-eTt'on^sS program of sports consisting of Licris riuiai, .^y, , races, horseshoe pitching, etc. Prizes ^"^'-^ McKae. will be given. Tea served from 6 V'"'",, 7. "" to 8 o'clock. Admission 50 and Jack McMuUen 25 cents. â€" Rev. Oldham, Rector Stuart, Muriel McMul- "^^ len. Norman Loucks, Fred Gibson, June _ T>__i,„ Wesley McCracken, _ Ben Bellamy, O'y McDonald, Joe Banks, Betty Teeter. A very enthusiastic meeting of the old Flesherton and district residen'.s residing in Toronto was held on Mon- day evening in the Daily Star build- ing. There was a larger attendance j than at the previous meeting, there i beine Dr. E. K. Richardson,, who is { chairman; Barton. Fieldli 'Sec; Dr. I F. W. Murray, Treas.; J. A. Legara, Jos. Clark, F. VanDusen, Jas. Field, W. H. Fenwick, R. Maddocks. W. Field, Jos. Armstrong, Dr. R. H. H<"i- derson, Major Casper Sproule, H. Ho ope*, F. Phillips, Thos. lUullen. Fred LeGard, W. Campbell, Armour Carson and G. C. McDonald. Committees were appointed, to work with the local committee, as follows:- j Sports â€" J. A. LeGard, Aairman; J. T. Clark, W. HemphiH, R. Mad- docks and Jas. Field. | Transportation â€" W. H. Fen- wick. chairman; F. VanDusen and Dr. R. Henderson. i ISuaic and Entertainment â€" Major Caspar Sproule, chainran; I>r R. H. Henderson, Bert Fetch, Elwood Genoa, Dr. F. Murray, R. N. Corn- field, Miss Joy Fawcett and Miss Gladys Cornfield. The Canadian Field Artillery Mil- itary Band of Toronto has been se- cured for Sunday and Mond?-<j- of Old I Home Week, and will arrive at any time designated by the local com- . mittee. They also propose bringing; j a ladies softball team from Toron-| I to to play Owen Sound, if this can. * be arranged. Several other i*-msj ' of entertainment were discussed, I but it all depends on the amount of < support the Toronto committee re-. I ceives. ; I While this committee has been or- ( ganized in Toronto t is to repre- sent the old boys and girls from all ! outside points, and any financial as- ' sistance tendered the committee fromj fhose awav from home would >v gladly received and faithflulv applied I plied for celebration purposes. -Any donations should be sent to Dr. Fred; Murray. 220 Carlton St.. Tor-^ Large and small donations : fullv received. . v 1.1 iJ I The next meeting will be held m •'lie Dailv Star Building on Monday,' : .-venin-'.June 10th. when it is hoped ^ ' there will be a still larger atte-vi-i ance ci old residents of this district j now residing in Toronto. j With he exeoller.t help the Toron-. to committee is contributine Flesh- j erton Old Home Week should go ov-j er bio- and ever to be rememberpd rs| I the event of a life time. -Ml the; old boys and sirls are expected homei for 'â- hat week and preparations are, ' being made to house, feed and take I care of la bumper crowd. I Messrs. T. Findlav, if the i local committee, F. H. W. Hickling i W A. Hawken and F. J. Thurston at- I tended the meeting, as representative from the local conv-vittee. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr and Mrs. John McXally andj familv cf Markdale spent Sunday of. last week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.j Fawcett. 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Smart spent a dayj last week with friends at Duncan, i Mr. and Mrs. B. Prentice of Dun-; can visited on Wednesday with Mrs. Clarence Smart. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCollough and children spent the week end with friends in Orangeville and Brampton. Mr. J. H. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompso.i and children spent Sunday of last week with friends in Erin. Mr. and Mrs. Groby of Preston were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fawcett and children of Epping visited the first j of the week with the fomer's mother, I M-s. I. Fawcett. .A. number from here attended the c;?lebration in Kimberley on Monday. thank- Made in Canada Goods GROCERIES -\XD C.VXXED GOODS FLOURâ€" Puritv. Roval Household. O'Canada SEEDSâ€" Seed Corn. Rape CHICK FEEDâ€" Starter and Developer DRY GOODSâ€" Prints. Printed Broadcloth Dress Lengths HARDW.^RE HARNESS PARTS BOOTS AND SPIOES A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Store Closed Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. i V 5 I 0»» >» »O»»«0l >0» » » l > »»»»»»>»»>»»»»»»» >. X PINDER'S PURITY BREAD Ite llavor wni toirture b a f«ara«tee of its purity. B«y made-»o-Fie«hertoo bread mA re- ceive the b«s^. you wili be co«vinccd that there i« noae b«t«er. ' Ha^ YoHT mmtA Delivered at Your Door Finder's Bakery I PHONE 8 FLESHERTON, ONT. 3 Act Humorous Play Tromoting Romeo' Will Be Given by the Vandeleur Dramatic Club in the NEW TOWN HALL FLESHERTON Tuesday, June 11th 1 MISSION: 35 and 25 cents Concert to commence at 8 p.m. CAST OF CH.\RACTERS John Fenwick â€" Howard Graham, a well-to-do Business Man. Bob Fenwick â€" Roy Freeman, his son. Ellen Fenwickâ€" Mrs. Wm. Swanton. His Wife. Elsie Evans â€" Myrtle Freeman, niece and ward of Mr. Fenwick. Romeo â€" Howard McGee, their colored chauffeur. Mrs. .^marilla Bader â€" Mr.s Fred Boland, Romeo's mother. Rosalie Jones â€" i .Amelia Davis, a manicurist. Dorothy Stevens â€" Maud Davis, a young widow. Ben Craig â€" Jack Taylor, engaged to Elsie Evans. May Craig â€" Ethel Thompson, Ben's sister. Selma â€" Vema Boland, a Sweediah maid. John â€" Wm- Swanton, the policeman. r? Geniiiiie win' be .imcsiiifeiiable summer ? Wear Hatchway â€" and know what it feels like to be cool and comfortable the summer through. Genuine Hatchway only costs you $125 a suit. This remark- able sa\-ing in cost has been made possible by production economies caused by a universal demand for Hatchway. Make it your business to pay a visit to this store within the next few days and see for yourself the complete Hatchway summer range. M W. G. Kennedy en's Wear â€" Flesherton G\£ uO Extra ants for You, Men . . Friday June 7th one day only FREE! *24„p Tailored to your Measure Come in and see Mr. P. King, head office representative of the Berg«r Tailoring Company, Limited. He's bringing to this store a wonderful selection of the finest ^d newest imported fabrics for Spring â€" also a complete range of Suits and Topcoats already made up in the newest styles. •Mr. P. King has been authorized to offer an extra pair of "Pant* FRBE with every garment ordered during his stay here, which will fte limited to Friday. June "th onK. Come in now â€" see the hundreds of fabrics he is showing, at a range of prices to suit everv man â€" and make sure of your Free Trousers! ^> i'^.V^.^A^ F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ;^^<.<<^x>fr^.<-^»«♦<>*♦♦<>♦<^>^^<>♦♦♦<»v>♦<-^•>♦4^♦^»•>*^^ - .^tiL^aa