:^' ^r^^ Wednesday, June 5, 1929. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Liquor Business Is Dirty Miss Macphail Says In Speech To Parliament continues: Why is the gov't doing neth- ing? Why is the Liberal and Coii- aervntive press oractically silent? What is the mysterious influence which prevents the Rovernmcnt f;-om settingr the machinery in mot- iu:i to exterminate this nefarious business? Perhaps another royal commission could find out. All other civilized nations are co-oper- ating with the United States to curb rum-running. Canada, the nearest :iei;jhbour is also unneigh- borly. If the situation were re- versed we would be incensed.' This is an opportunity to apply the golden rule. I would liko to quote briefly from an editorial in the Toronto Globe of March 1, 1927, which contained the Miss AGNE.S C. M.ACPHAIL: South- we should dry up our own country East Cirey: Mr. Speaker, those of us before we try to dry up the United who weie here in 1U25-20 will clearly States. I recall that charges were made with >fiss MACPHAIL: Yes, I think it regard to administration of the Uc- advisable that we dry up our own partmint uf Customs and that u spec- country and if I had the doing of it ial committee was appointed to make there would not be any li()uor. I do a very careful study of the whole not want any and if everyone were subject. In cnt regard at least like me the^e would not be any. If that committee made an unanimous the Canadian people have no more report to the House of Commons in sense thai to want to drink stuff following. June of that year, and on June 18 which is prison to them and does xhe Royal the house approved of the report, them no good, there is a country Among other things that report urg- south of us which otlicially does not «I that: .want it, and has said so, and we are .... rcfrulatio -.s be made to not doing evorythi.ig which we could prohilit ck-.'.rances beinK granted do to hvlp them carry out that law, to v,':.se!s carrying liquor as cargo, called the Volstead Act. sailing fnmi a Ca.iadian port to a si„ce the session opcnH I have United States port : been in Buffalo twice and Detroit That is a very simple reconimen- once. I was amazed at the strength dation which anyone can understand, of public opinion expressed for form- Kjght Hon. W. L. .Mackenzie King, or Canadia;i residents in those two now the Prime Mi lister of Canada, citier,. These people were not par- ifave earnest and hearty support to ticularly prohibitionists but they felt j'toVial HkoThat Tri •^rcading'dany of the investigation and to the report that pomething which they had held the province of Ontario. The Port of the committee; he plcdRed himself viry high had fallen. They had and his party "to continue relentless- thought oi Canada with a great deal ly the investigation cf the customs (,f love aid admiration; they had service and to ca.-ry out without fear (j, ,ught of us as being people of very or favour the .leeded rciuiremcnts." i f,i^,h moral st.nndards; they had That pledge was given during the thought of us, and it was expressed election camnaicrn which followed the (|uit(. freely to me, as maintaini:i'» investigation by this committee. 'ideals superior to those of te country Kinjr was returned to power TWP. OF ARTEMESIA ROAD NOTICE Mr. commission on customs is collecti:ig considerable evidence showing how this country is help- ing the rum-runners and bootleg- gers to defeat th? aims oi the Vol- sttad Act i:i the United States. Au- (!ed 10 this evidence taken by the special parliamentry committeei, it would rather firm a voluminous in- dictment of Canada as a partner in the international liquor business. I do not believe that anyone can derive satisfaction from such an ed Hope Guide of April 8 1917, contains an editorial v.'hich, in part, reads: It is a criminal offence to sys- tematically smuggle goods into this country. It is equally so to likewise smuggle into the United States. Why should this country ^''encourage or allow any class, no to the place of beginjaing. Description of Part of Lot 132, Range ' 1. N.E.T. & S. Road Mrs. Alcos, Owner All and singular that certain parcel T~1 lL~'| W ^« of beginning. ,.^ ,,,,., ,. .. „. ,.,..„..„._. in the County of Grey, ' R- McfeOWALL. Ont. Land Surveyor (the date of which first publication and province of Ontario, containing : April 17th, 1929. is the First day of May, 1929) pro- by admeasurement One One Hundred \ A„rf further take notice that tha ceed to pass a bylaw establishing the and -^venty Fifth Of An Acre (.0075 \ ^ ^nd ^ '^|;''^^„*t,t ^^^^ X pet! undermentioned deviation of road, in Acre.) be the same more or Jess be- , .j^.^^j ^^ ^^ ^^mA in favor of or op- the said township, being a deviation ">>? composed of part of lot 13Z, j , ., -,„„„!„» <>* of 130 sideroad in the first and sec- Kange 1. N.E. Toronto and .Syden- ! P^^^** ^ *'»^ opening Notice 13 hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township of Artemcsia will after one month from the first publication hereof in the Flesherton Advance Newspaper, "f^Artemesi'lf ''"'"' '" ^^"^ Township . angle of said lot thence north 5(1 degs. 30 mina. west along the east- erly limit of said lot 12 ks.; thence south 44 degs. 40 mins. west 1 cli. 33 Ika. to the southerly limit of sala lot; thence north 39 degs. 30 mina. ...._..-»...,»â€"»• ...J.V ^^. --... K-.-«- east-^atong said limit 1 ch. 32 Iks. or tract of land and premises situ- ^ the W on concession north east of the To- ^*"^ ^^"^ '" ««''' township and which , „ , , . ,, may be more particularly described ronto and Sydenham road therein ac- ^s follows, that is to say:- cording to a survey and plan de' and has dor.e r..^ ^ ,u.r^^^^ :i^'^ S:^ ^^1^ ^T^"^ ^^-^ ^- --'^'^^- ^^ --V on Customs dcpartir.rnt efficient. I for one wl/.lly approve of the Prime not lived up to our former high stand- aid of morality; r felt that Minister's Eclection of a minister for i,.,^, ,j,t ij,em down rather badly. department; I honestly believe had I we As cne man said to me, "For the fiirst that I could not have done better naa i)t;,„e ;„ ^^ Ijfi. I am apologoti-for my picked hmi myself. Dunn" the first/^^^.^t . ,. I think thai erjpiessos the session of the next parliament a roy- , j^j^^ ^^ ^^^ ,^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^.j^^^ al connnssicn was appointed, which ^^ ^, ^^,, .^ â- t. spent eleven months in finding out ,. „ ^ ', „.. ^,. ,.. "^ all the facta which were gathered ^'°V" "^'^ °'*^;?.''"''^- , from a verv la.-ge field, and that ;,. '^""^e may think that the lesolu- commission .Approved of section 10 of ''""^ which have come fl-om rural the report of the special committee, comniunities. and which have flooded I -tad part of the section a few this house, are of no consequence. I moments a?o. but now I would like to -"^ well enough acciuainted with the scription made by Robert McDowell Esq., O.L.S. dated the 17th day of April 1929. â€" said deviation is describ- ed as follows viz â€" ; Description of part of lot 133, Range 1, N.E. T. ^ .S. Road Roderick McKenzie, owner AH and singular that certain parce* or tract of land and premises situ- ate lying and being in the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, and province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement Six and One Tenth Arces (6.1 Acs.) be the same more or less, being composed of part of lot 133, Range 1, N.E. of the To- ronto and Sydenham Road in saiiT township and which may be more particularly described as follows that is to say:- Commencing at the north westerly r.ngle of said lot; thence north 33 degs. 30 mins. east along the north- erly limit of said lot 50 chs. 48 Iks.i Commencing at the south eastery the said road on or after the fifth day ot June. 1929. Dated this first day of May, 1929 _W. J! BELLAMY, Twp. Clerk. -V Build Up a Monthly Income by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. An investment in Second Standard Royalties Ltd. yields 12^;. Payable 1% monthly. Dividends are payable on the 1st of each month to shareholders of record of 25th of the previous month. FOR FULL INFORMATION SEE Dr. E. G. Murray - Flesherton read tho entire last paragraph: Doubt.-, have been cast upon the r',^"'" „\'?'j;„^'»''," ^Jl""' .sufficiencv of existing legislation ;:;/"^ ""' '^'"^" ng leg! to prohilit or authorize regulations proibiting the illeal cxp'-rt of in- toxicating li(|Uor3 tu the United Stfites. To the extent to which auch legislation may be insufficient the committee recommend that it be amended. The committee fur- they recomrne id that, as soon as possible, regulations be made to systematically and pvrblicly, smug- gling cpera'ions to the U. States in intoxicating liquors \vith any greater immunity than wc would tolerate such action witii the China- ipan with his opium or the white- slavor with his victim? And he said something which struck me as being so true that I feel I should place it on Hansard. It continues: | The law gloats over the capture of a poor wretch in the back town- 1 ships, found in nossession of illicit i still . . . But the "thrr man who ] is violating intcrnaLioni-.l laws is encouraged in his ncfarioun traf- j fie. The former is probably try- ing to keep the wolf from the door. ] His place is prison. The latter , v.'ins the King's Plate at the Wood- ' bine, and is presented to, and dines with the Govenor General. | I do not think that is overstated. I have often thought that, when I have seen the place of honour that is given to our big distillers and brewers in this country. I do not think their business is an honorable one, and tT me they can never be hon- ; cirestion bourable people while they are en- tions to make an exception in f-ivor' *t"- „ ' ' „ . . , ., , ,, gaged in it. The editorial continues, of liquor bcins imported into the , ,â- **"y''"e has taken the trouble to (hh i think I have already said what 1 United States in accordance with Y\ "" oq-t"';*'''"' m!' u"' ''^'^'^"''•V or the laws of that country. I ''ff''' '" ^l''^^' ''f "'• have seen that ^ ... • 1- ! many papers strongly condemn the Two bodies, a spe>ciai parhamen- po.,ition ...hj^i, we are taking. I tary committee and a royal commis- have an editorial from the Country aion. studied this subject much moro'ouide, the new name for to the north easterly limit of said lot;! •X~X~>*«:~X~>'><"X'^K~><~:K~H"M"H~:~KK"H~X~X~:'*<~5"K~>*<K~><~M**5' '" "" â- i thence south .OO degs. 30 mins. easTl2> along said limit 88 Iks.; thence y south 4.1 degs, 40 mins. west 9 chs. ! i. Gl Iks; thence mins., west Fouth 54 degs 40 mins. west 9 chs. , . . south 39 degs. 30|t chs. 79 Ik.s, thence 51 20 mins. west 4 chs. 88 Iks.; thence south 39 degs. 30 mins. west 28 chs. 26 Iks. to the .louth westerly limit of said lot; thence north 50 degs. 30 mins. west along said limit 1 ch. to the place I Y Y people of my country to know that names to a pa- an envelope and mail it, they know what they are doing, becau:ie it is one of the hard- est tasks in the world to get rural people to write lexers. When they <io v.rite them you knov>- that they i'.:-e interested in the thing they are fioing or thoy v/ould not bother post- infJT the letter. Tiie fact that they l-avo sent hundreds of these resolu- tions tt4 the house convinces me that Growers Guide, which I would like to is repeated in it. I do not care to say any move than this, that if the government wants i ^^^jj^ 35, ^j^ 30 ^j^g to hold ui) a hiirh moral standard to yountr boys and girls in Canada, it 'h? .9'^'" will have to do nomethinR to pre- vent huge fortunes bein" made by cf beginning. 2, N.E.T. & S. Road | % Frederick Rus.iell, Owner | ^ All and singular that certain parcel y or tract of land and premises situ-iX ate lying and being in the Township' ff of Artemesia, in the County of Grey,' J* and province of Ontario, containing 'j* by admeasurement Four and Two i Fifths Acres (4.4 Acs.) be the same^> more or less, being comnosed of part Y of lot 133, Range 2, N.E. of the To-' A ronto and Sydenham Road in said;^ town.ship and which may be more ,|. particularly described as follows,' •,• that is to say:- | X Commencing at the south easterly <5 rnglo of said lot; thence south 39_ Y degs. 30 mins. west along th north- .^ erly limit of said lot 12 chs., thence |j| to the south westerly limit of said .{. lot; thonce south .50 degs. 30 mins.' 'J; cast along said limit 1 ch.; thence A X X Glean-Up Price on second-hand FURNITURE â€" \ real pfood P.aby Carriage, nearly as good as new at a closp. price. • â€" A Sidebord, slightly used, but in good shape. â€" ^.•\ Davenport can hardly tell it from a new one. Our Motto is always the sameâ€" "SERVICE" Thos. W. Findlay Furniture Dealer -:- Funeral Director carefully "han any individual could. Thev made a recommendation and ,,,0,1 i u^v,. n,.i thn ,i.,t„ ,>f tu;.. ;,"â- '" .'.â- "•'^' ', ', ""•â- ;â- . â- •â- -â€" -•.> narlinment annroved of that recom- ' 1 \ ,,,".:â- ^ f l*!.^ Canadians who ale breaking the laws parlinmentapproved of thatrecon, ,,sup, but I believe it is recent. The of another country. If this is not editorial, in pa:t, is as follows mendation Init has not carried it out The ne.\t (luestion which occurs to one's mind is: Why ha.i not parlia- ment carried out the ecommondation which a committee cf this hou.-;e and a royal commission made to it? I am cone'crned with how this mat- ter affects the United States, but I am not going to discuss that phase just now. The speech made by the hon. member for Red Deer (.Mr. Speakman) expresses exactly how I feel ah.jut it. There i:; no use in our talking about the peace of th3 world nu! in unanimously approving liuih things as the pact of Paris until we can deal effectively with an irri- tntinc and t ouble.^ome (jucst'on which ANNUAI, GARDEN PARTY done, they cannot expect the laws of There is a lawless element in the this country to be respected, nor can United States in smupKling Canad- they expect the moral fibre of the lan liquor ncios.s the border. Huge Canadian people to be maintained. fortunes have been acijuired in this '' '- • rum-running business. The Am- "^ erican bolleggeis are assisted by an equally lawless element in Can- The Anglican St. Mary's Church, ada. The two have terrorized ci Maxwell wi'l hold their annual gar- considcrabc section of tlie territory <ien partv a' the home of Wm. See- along the great lakes and crime i,.v, Maxwell, en V.'ednisdav, .Tune has become commonplace. This sit- li,. ^ good p'.av enlitletr, "Plain ui.tion i.s a disgrace to both nat- Countrv Folk" will bo civcn "hy the ionsâ€" hut more so to Canada. Whitfield Dramatic Club. A good The article then reviews the fact pioKrani of sports con^iisti ifr of th.nt a parliament y committee and a races, horseshoe pitching, etc. Prizes royal commir^sion had been set up will be given. Tea served from 6 affects the peace of the world. It is and had made recommendations which to 8 o'clock. Admission .'')0 and r.onsense to think that be.-.nu.-i'.' the arc not carried out. The editorial 25 cents. â€" Rev. Oldham, Rector, problem is irritating and troublesome; â- â- â- â- â- n . m â- â€" â€"â€" mâ€" â€" i^«mâ€" ^mâ€" â€" .^» east 43 chs.j 03 Iks. to the north easterly limit oti said lot; thence north 50 degs. 33, mins. west along said limit 1 ch3.| I •<~:~K»<K~:~x~x~:~X"X~K~:":~xK~KK~XK«<~w~x~x~K~:~XK~>«x«<«<~:"><^ to us v.-e can esca);e the duty of putt- 1 ing a stop to th'> bootlegging of li(|Uor into the United State-, of Am- erica. From my point of view the liquor t)i;sin(sr> is a dirty business. I have never fcen nnythinK good come out of liquor and I have :een a great deal of evil arise from its use. It corrupts all those who touch it, whether they are individuals or groups of individuals. 1 have no use for the whole dirty business and the fact that w.? are allowing liquor to pour nut of southern Ontario into the United States niid are doine no- thing cffe.^tive to st'jp it is giving to the Canndian ijeople the mentality and the ethics of bootleggers. Vciy eminent gentlemen â€" I think one would call them cminsnt â€" are liuntinpf for defences for our attitude. It is quits true (hat we arc milking m">npy throuffh th? Rale of li|uor to the Unite<l States but what i;i the use rf giinintr even the VA)rld if we iJBe ()i:i' national soul? llov.- can wc cxptct the voting men tint! women, 'the boys !ind (riil.i cf lhi.s coi.ntry to re- cpect the luv.-.) of the land if we do not re.-'pccl the lav/s rf nn:)tl.cr country? Oi:r example wlil mean more to thcr.i than ou'- tcarliing; onr acts will loom ^o large that they will not hear niir word^. From the standpoint of mC'"nlilv in this country we fouhl do Fo?r'.ething about it, whether it ba to ctop the clrav.nn?? of vessels rv v,-hat-'>vcr it mnv bo. ind wc should !?et a'.out: gettin-f it done r.s nii'rklv D'l ro«i:'jlo. Sufiposing we had »• bad child In a con'.ruinityâ€" wc have bc3n apt to aay "bnd'ooy" but I do n't v^nr.i to n!\v th»t beenuRe there are bad girh as wrll ni bad iKiy.^ â€" and SIlnn-^â- ^c thnt orly r"*e par- ent of that child \ini anxioun Ibnt It nhnuld bo reforncil and wa.i doing everything lo '<oln th" rhild to n '<et tor wny of life. But -lome o'.hevj â- nighbor In the community, knowing' Ihct v/ill of the nne pare i^. <1'''i'.)or- nff>1v pf* fvil !p th> I'flth of the «*>'!. Whtt would wo t'linlc of (ha: nrighbor: v/hnt won' be fnl^'t of h'm | n« n roinr.-un'*" bu'Iiier? W" wouM linv« nothing hut rpnte:Ti<H f r • him and thnt is r* '' 'r-.-e wo ntre \r\ >!•! «»<â- •(â- ourselves r.r'« lb- T'"'' • I ^ :rr. •. Mr. HErnUPN: jDoei (ho hon. incmbri- n.'i think it rr!-^rV!r \\.^\ All Goodlyesr Ballsoiis ^^^XT piCK y;oui' cize and type from our coniiilcte range of Cootlycars. Pay less for longor-milcage, trouble free lircs. Our service b free. Gel prices. our D. McTAVISH FLESHERTON, & SON ONT. A Great Car For Women To Drive J^^ The Ford Car i.s a gfrcat car for women to tlrive not only hccaiiso h is so smart and S^ood lookinjj^, but also be- cause of it.s comfort, ease of contre;!, and rcWability. P's- pccially its reliability. You know the Ford will take you there and brinj? you back You know yoii can depend on it. You know it has been built to give you thousands of miles of faithful, untcr- rupted service. ^ This free- dom from 1 rouble â€" this men- tal comfort â€" means a i;reat deal to ever>' woman who drives a car. Aiiotiier feature of the Ford that appeals to wtniicn is the .safety afforded by the fully enclosed efficint six-brake system, steel body, and shat- terproof g-lass windshield. Yon can see the vahie of thi.s when you consider that 65'"( of automobile injuries arc cau.scd by flying' glass. vThc windshield of the h'ord will not shatter under the hartR'st impact. A demon- stration drive is convincing. 1 I X A!! or;' H. DOWN & SONS FORD DE.\LERS FLRSHERTON OUR TIMF, r.\YMl<XT PLAN IS MOST ATTRACTIVE ♦>XK.>.> > ^ MH><H^^^>,V^.K^♦.v^^^^.^.:"> s.>^>.>.>>>^.> >.><v.>.>.>.s^^^