--^ 'S J)je gk^\)cxtm %hmnct Vol. 49 No.-r FIe«hccton Ontario, June 5, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Propcietors Old Time Dance at Feversham on Friday, June 7th, under Ai spices of LO.L. 1025 ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunt Sr. an4 Mr, and Iklra. Fred Bunt Jr., o£ To- ronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stoddart and family from near Markale, visited recently with their daughter, Mrs. Herb Betts and family. Miss Laura Pedlar visited the past week with her sister, Doris, in Flesherton. Mr. Robt. Cioft, vdfe and family, spent the week end with relatives in Owc-i Sound. Miss Elsie Sewell of Toronto spent the week end and holiday at her home here. I"s3 Gadys White Prot:>n, visited en this line on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Jackson and son, Ray, of Williamsfoi-d and Mr. and Mrs. Burgess and babe of Wiartnn were callers at C. Newell's on the 3rd. Mr. W. J. Newel is overhauling his mill and making extensive re- pairs. Miss Delia Pedlar of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar and daughter ofl Portlaw, Mr. an Mrs. Fred Betta and family cf Creeirejre, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seeley cf Hatherton -were visitors with Mr. "W. J. Chard, wife and fam'ilv. Visitors over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joki Roberi- son -were Mr. and Mrs. Will Mclll- mnrray and two chidren of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eaele and two dauehters of Camp Borden. Mir. Chas. Prime, Tornto, soont the holiay -with Mr. and Mrs. John Robertsun. PORTLAW Mrs. J. H. Watson's friends are pleased to see her out again after her protracted illness. Mrs. Fred Plantt is recovering from a severe attack of quinsly. Mrs. J. J. Boyce sufffered a slight paraljtic stroke recently, but we are glad to know that she is recovering. Mr. W. L. McPhail of Winnipeg visited last week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. J. A. Thompson. iur. K. K. Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson and two so;ij of Toronto spent a few days visit- inrr at the home of the former's brother. Mrs. Walker Sr., Mrs. Home and Mr. T. Walker of Toronto were week end visitors with the former's son, J. H. Walker. :.ir. and Mrs. J. Wright and little sen of Ravetina and Mr. and Mrs. R. McMaster, George and Verdun of Flesherton were visitors with friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Blakey and Mr. A. Blakey of Toronto visited here wi'h friends. Mr. Clarence Watson now glides along in his new Overl:ind. We wii^h Cl^ivense much joy â€" that is, with his new car. ^^^. and Mrs. Herchey of Mount Fciest were visitors with Mr. and M ^ Sheardown. Mr. and Mrs. T. White of Colling- wood visited .nt the home of Mr. and Mr-'. W. II. Blakey. The Ladies' Aid are making pre- parations for .". earden narty to be held 01 June 21st at Mr. Thomas Taylor's. PRICEVILLE EUGENIA The atmosphere has changed con- siderably again and for the past few days has been very cold after the ex- treme heat. Misses Alexander, Yousse ana Montgomery and Wilda McCuaig oi I'iverion spent the week . end ac tne ia:ter's home. \isi:or3 j:i Sunday at Mr. David Kincks were Mr. J. A. McCuaig and Mis.i Mary; Miss Mabel Nichol: jt..s3 Donalda MeLeod; Miss Carrie McLcod of Stayner and Miss Mar- jorie McLtod of Swinton Park. M.'. and Mrs. George McLellan and Mrs. Cam Hines :>i Niagara Falls spent th..> week euu at Mr. ijan Campbell's. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Watson and family of Toronto spent the week end ia Priccville. Miss Olive M'cMeolan spent thj week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson and Bitty and Mr. Murray Watson ot Toronto spent tha week end at Mr. A. B. Me.Arthur's. Rev. Mr. Nicholson occupied the pulpit Sunday ar.d spent the week end ct Dan Campbell's.. I'r. .'Vngus McVicar has purchased a Ford coach. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Dave Nichol is gaining every day, and able to be up and around. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol and Donalda visited Sunday at CoUing- wood. Prospects look bxnght for a bounti- ful harvest of fruit as the fruit trees are heavily laden with bloom which present a beautiful aspect to the eye. There's luxuriant growth in this vicinity. ««,.^. jiia. Ralph Kerr cf Toronto and Miss Gladys Fawcett of the Bible College, iro-on, visited a lew days With tneir parents, J^r. and Jlrs. jas. Fawcett. ilr. and Mrs. Cardweil Graham spent a lew aays in xorouw the past week. air. Chas. Park of Detroit motor- ed ever and spent a few dayi a; his parental home. jirs. iiios. jLever of Flesherton and daasuter, iliss Geitrude, visited ai, J.i-. C. Slartin's on June 3rd. Mr. Edwin Pur\':s and two gentle- men f-iends of Tji-cnLO vi-ited over I the woe;i end v.'ith the former's pa,.- cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pur\is. MAXW€LL PROTON STATION SPRINGHILL S. S. NO. 3 The I'^istfgo Proton branch of the W. C. T. U. held their election of „,„,,,, , ^^ « , .1 officers last Tuesday aftemocn at Sr. 4â€" Delia Vause* .6, Merle AI- p ^ Station Thev are as fol- len« 74, BiUie Parker* 68, WUfred f.^. p^^ident, Mrs. Albert Stevens. Best* 61^ „ ,, -r ^ ' Vice -Frp---. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow, .=:ec.- Jr. 4â€" Doris Waller*, Harold John- ,^^^,^ nj_^ Walter .-Vcheson, Rec- ston*, Marjorie Wyatt. . „ . 'Sec^Mrs. V-'ilfrcd Gallagher. Jr. 3 â€" Georgma Blackburn*, Elsie v„™,n^ Podv wis a recent White*, Patsy Beard*. Russel ^^ ^J^ ,f^.^l,erb1^ CoVtfs'"*" ^ Utâ€" Ruty Tause*. I Mr. A. Hergott and sons, and Sr. Primer - Billie Wyatt, Eileen Mr^- .Archibald spent the wecK end Johnston*, Irene Doupe, Everette at Creditm. Parker*. Ivan Waller, Edgar Doupe. , Mr. Joseph Ma- Mr. J. Mav pttI Jr. Primes- -^ Roy Best*, Lorene daughte"-. Mi--^" Gertmd" May an- Johnson*. Uovd Waller*, Lloyd A!- Miss Emily Achcson of Toronto and len. • Present everj- day. Attend- Miss Mai'do .Acheson of Bame were ance 94.D7c. i wc-'c end guests at the h^meofftlr. G. B. Littlejohns, Teacher. R. G. Achc?.>n. FEVERSHAM I t I t Men's Grey, Fawn and Brown ©rste These Fine Suits in Grey, Fawn and Brown checks are made up to the highest standard of tailoring with the very best v/orsted in them that can be bought. Special $25.00 Men's 20 oz. Botany Serge Suits These Navy and ,Grey Serge Suits are made in the Standard as v»-ell as the Double Brested styles. Quality can's be bcatciL Prices From $15 to $25 YOUTH'S AND BOY'S TWO-PANT SUITS Youth's and Boy's two-pant Suits, either Bloomer and long trousers or two longs, double breasted styles, beautifully tailored, colors grey and fawn. .^ 5! i Sepeurate Summer Trousers in Grey and Fawn â€" suit- able to wear with dark coats, only $15.00. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS We have the best line of Men's Fine Shirts ever shown in Flesherton, with or without collar attached, in White. Blue. Cream and Striped Broadcloth. Priced from $1.75 to $3.25 MEN'S FINE FANCY CHECK SOCKS - The good suit and shirt must have a good pair of Checked Socks.â€" Call and see them. â€" All prices. MEN'S AND BOY'S FINE OXFORDS When well dressed a man must have a good ^viir of Oxfords. â€" We have them in newest styles and best qualiy that can be bought. F. G. KARSTEDT Phone 7 â- :â- FLESHERTON Miss Eva Spencer and lady friend of Toronto visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Spence- over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Smalley and famiy of C.^llingwood visited with Mrs. Smalley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Barber. Mrs. J. Wismer of Gore Bay and Mrs. Morris of Toronto arc visiting with the former's brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. Coulthard and re- newing old acquaintances in this locality. Mis. Geo. Ellis of CoUingwood vis- ited with friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler visited friends in Flesherton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Colling- wocd vis-ited whh the lattcr's father, Mr. Samuel Ottowcll. Mr. and Mrs. Eby motored toTn- ronto on Saturday and visited their son, James. The Feversham Tennis Club Five th^i.- play "Cyclone Sally" at Kim- borley tj a lai-ge audience on theev- enino' of the 3rd of June. Bornâ€" On May 12th. to Mr. and M'-''. V\'il! Heitman. a snn- r'c". -On Mav 28th th. infant sn cf Mr. and Mrs. Will He;' man. Bofâ€" 0~> May Sl'^t. to Mr. and M'-=- W'l Osborn". a daughter. PASTi"RE â€" About "5 iicre~ of past\;re for cattle: well watered. â€" Luther Duckstt, Ceylon. SWAM? COLLEGE (Last Week's Items) Mi -3 Alice Broughton is visiting fi lends in CcUinewocd. Miss Effio llcCanntl of Toronto is spcnd'n.H a couple of wooks at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Cavinoj and faraiAy of Guc'ph. Mr. SLa:iley Sinton oiT Shelburnc visited Sunda at I.I:s. iil. McCannell's. Mrs. Wesley lle.ird and Beryie and :>Irs. Harrison oJ Detroit arc spending a coupl? of weeks hoi-e. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLean of Ow- en Sound visited "t Mr. Roy Mc- Naltv's over the 24th. Misses Marjorie and Melissa Mc- Lean of Toronto .are visiting their parents. Mr. Geo. Black, Misses Ila -"T Effie McConneli. Messrs Dan ami O.ordon McCimneil visite.l on Sun- dav with .\. T,. Hincks. P'-icevillo. A num'^er from here attended the riny nt Dromorf o- Friday nigli*-. '•ivrp by the Priccville nsonl?. and tho-;:h t'"»v were real r.maturer, each cr.e did their part well. MAXWELL SCHOOL Followina is the report of S. S. No. 9, Osprey, for the month cf May. Sr. 4â€" Cecil Chard', Marjorie Sec- ley*. Jr. 4 â€" Minnie Lougheed, Arleen Pal- lister. Sr. 3â€" Merlie Buckingham. Edith Lougheed, Jean Ross*. Ethel F-cnwick* Marie Chard, Stella Young Irene Parker, Isabeilo Pallister. Jr. a â€" Lloyd M.irrison', Billie Ker- ton. Bob Priestly*, D?n Radley. Sr. 2 â€" Mabel Bjmros-e, Warren Priestly*. Guv Poole, Jim Poole*, Tom Pallister*. Jr. 2 â€" Flora Morrison*. Tern Bern- rose*. Murray Morrison*, J. A. Lrughecd. Norecn Grummett, Charlie Grummett*. Primer â€" Violet Duckett. Mack Steven-. Bob Allison, Katie Bemrosey Jennie Guy. (\ot ranked, Nellie -Al- lison.) Those marked * were present every day. â€" Helen I. Maynard, Teacher. (Last V.'eek's Items) Guests at the "Eugenia House'' the past Wiick v.-erc: Dr. McLean (.den- tist) and son, Mr. Rutherford and son C £). of St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pipher, Mrs. Wnelling and son and .lir. Wesley Cooey cf Toronto; Ml. N. Stephen, Barrie; Mr. A. D. Oper, Mr. T. A. Johns, Mrs. W. D. AUuiiy, Mr. W. C. Vewcarthu, Mr. Ilairy Blackwell and Miss Farrar, of Toronto. Mr. We. =5. Merrick and wife, Mrs. E. Merrick of Ailistc.i visited with the Latimer and Proctor families over the holiday. Miss Mary McKee of Toronto isl on a fortnight's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Graham and childrc :, Mr. Frank Bowerman and Mrs. H. Hammond and daughter oi Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Russell McMullen of Mcaford visited- with Mrs. M. McMuUen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gorleyof Mark- dalo and daughter. Mrs. Ritchie and husband and friends of Whitby were callers on Mrs. Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. .A.lbort Sloan and children of Toronto visited over the hclidav with the former's mother, Mrs. W. Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman, Mrs. W. C. Davies, Mr. Henderson and sons, Wallace ar.d Erie, of Toronto, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams. Miss Myrtle Acheson and friend, Mrs. V.'alters of Walters Falls vis- i;c>l with Miss Margie Park. Miss Eunicee Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Gordon, who has been ill for seme time, has gone to Hamilton for treatment. We wis'.i her a speedy recovery. Mr. r.nd Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto visited over the hol.day v/ero week end with Mr. ana Mr-s. Robt. Purvis. Mr. Rody Gordon of Toronto vis- ited a few d.iys with his wife ana family here. 31- . and 5Irr. Fred Graham and (irughters of Walkerton visited rcir.t- ivc? hero ovor the week end. Mv. Ru.=^"'l Cameron, "vho ha? been "ttendin? Toronto University the pas: -â- ^vrlc cf y^ars, intends to l.^ave on Pi-idav for Northern Ontario tn t.iko " r-isition v.hich h-' has secured with f.v Biological Syycv. Vy'.> v,-ish him p..(„.^. 5ucoo<-'^. Kp will rtturn to his "'^••'iies at the Univc-nity ag?.in thi? fall. Mr. a-d Mrs. Joe Wiliiam* of Tc- fnnt-" "nd sor'>" ii^mbers of the fa"-- 'Iv v;-;ited rcBt;.-3s here over the holiday. \"r^ HT.n cr"---- <o Tpoort Mr. ,Tohv. V,"iniar>.s ill v,-itliplc"j:risy. but wish ^for T ^..p-^.. ,.ppp^r .rv. iTts bro^heâ- .'. '*»^r. Jos. Will'ims rcma'ncd up from To- 1â€" n*'.^ pi'd wil' ."""^'st him with his fa-m work during; his illness. Mr. Xoima- Wiirn~i hns scireH •> "osif'on at Pheasant Island. Good I;;"'-. Norniar!. Hv. S.ini McDcm'd of Vicfori.«i Ct*- n->rs v'oif'' over the holiday at his bene. ?th 1-nc. Messrs. Char-. Williams. John P.irk f'lii B>t;'s Faw-ett wc-e home fror<i Erindr,!c over the holiday and wsek end. Mr. f>,l >'vs. TTirrv Foester spent the week end at Kitchener. (Last Week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Armour of To- ronto snent the holiday at Mr. .^.n- uiew i-ailiste^ s. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Long and fam- ily of Toronto visited with the form- er s mother, Mrs. Long, and also with Feversham relatives. Mrs. Gauld and son of Mimico are visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Gauld. Fred Long of Niagara spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. D. Long. V isitors at Mr. Robt. Priestly's and Louis Kerton's for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, Miss " Marg- aret Tozer, Miss Helen Forsythe, Mr. J. Humphry and Vv'ni. Kerton of To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burnett and Mrs. Burnett of Toronto rpen; the week crd ar Mr. Angus Morrison's. The United Church Ladies .A.id wili hold a social evening. Wednesday, May 20, in the church hail. Ev- e-ybcdy welcome. A program will be a-i%-en. silver collection. j Miss Shirley Buckingham spen:, th-> v.eek end at her home here. [ Mr. Ivan Ring of CoUingwood Epent the holiday with his friend, i Vern Pallister. ; The garden party under the aus- pices of the .\n<rlican Church will be held on tho 19th of June, and no: thf^ 11th as was printed in last issue. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. , Lawler were !>f r. and 7vlrs. Da\it: . Wintor.5 of the Fourth Line, Osprey. I Mr. and Mrs. Ferrv of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs Wm. Winters oi; Shrigley. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler s^Ter.r I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil' Thorr.r>FoT of Tryon. 1 J''"=:s RuHv Kerton a-"l J'"i Ker*"-. i of Flesherton spent a few days witii 1 rel!>tives herp. Mr. and Mrs. Milton vi-^VolIs sniT sr.n of DiiTidalk snent Frid.i^ witti Mrs. Vicholl's parents, Mr. and M"-?. ' Gen. Ross. ; S'^'ne of thp 'â- hnir of tVo Du'"^''^' .\n<*''f*r»'^ Chr''''h vp*^' '»hlv assisf^.-* â- 1 the choir hero Sunday evening la-'*-. Herv'-f wi" be held in fhf Av''^'â€"'' ChiT'-'-h Snnd."!- mom'rg. .T'-'-^c flth, at 11 a.m. Everv'jody welcome. notice" CEYLON Mr. and x-ii. .Archer and son, Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin of To- ronto wpre week end visitors with Mrs. White. Mrs. C. Smiley and daughter, Mar- garet, spent the week end with her father near Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Frtd Mathewson of Toronto motored up and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mathewson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cushinie. To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Embury of Greenbank were visitors at R. Cook's. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Gibson, Misa Helen and :.lr. Tinker cf Toronto were weok end visitors at John Gibson's. Mrs. (Dr.) La Verne Patterson and childien of Toronto, Mrs. (Dr.) Beatty of Madpc spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper, three sons and Mrs. H. Piper motored to Ov.en Sound on Saturday. Mr. Robt. Cook and Miss MiUie motored to Toronto fcr the week end. Mr. J. Chesney of Hamilton was heme for t!ie week end; his son, Stan accompanied him back. Mrs. Hill of Dundalk is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bolton and assisting to nurse Mr. Levi Coutts, who has been ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Chas. Irish and two children of Toronto is visiting her father, Mr S- Hemphill, brother and sisters. HOMES WANTED The Children's Aid Society destre annroved homes for the foUowinp girls :- ETTA, aged 7 years. HAZEL, aged 6 years. JEAN, aged 3 years. AGNES, aged 4 years. .Anr'v "^'ith references to A. E.Tront G29 3rd .\ve. E., Owen Sonad. Read it in The .\dvance Tcn(ii7rs will '^e >:?eived '^? to .".nd including Saturday. June 15th for the painting, papering an put- ting on storm windows and repair- ing the Kimberley school. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Secretary- Treas. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. â€" W. E. MYERS. Sec.-Trcns., Kimberley. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed tender.s will be received by Edward Brooks. W. M. of L. O. L. 24-i, Proton Station, up till 5 o'clock in tiie afternoon of 14th day of June. 102'J. for the construction of an Or- ange hall at Proton Station. .A. bond cf $150 must be given rt time of signing contract: tho lowo.-t or any tender not neoessarilv accDtetl. Information may bo obtaineti from Edward Brooks or th" undersisnod con-.mi,tee: Chrs. Moore. ' Ernos" Lvons I. B. Whytc. Edward Brooks. Jchn Ncilson. I. H. Co. Implements I have for my storeroom the front half of McEachnie's Livery Stable and will be able to supply any make of Inter- national Harvester Co. machin- crv or supplies. Jno. Picstcr FLESHERTON, ONT. DF.LCO LIGHT SYSTEM I Bates Burial Co. i ^ 122-124 Avenue Road % I TORONTO I I Phone: RIngsdalc 4344 | % I. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. :^ <..:.<~:~;•.:•s~:~x>^~:~:••><~^♦•^^~^•^•^•>•>•K"^•xK•<•<-:~:•<e-x•♦'^v"X~:•♦^ ''House of Quality' IN MEMORIAM F lELD â€" In 'ovlnr memorv of oar dcsr nrthor, Mrs. Wm. Field, who entered into rest June .5th. 1928. Cno ycr.r h;3 passed, our hearts ptii'I "ore, A3 time goos on we miss her nvric; I Her chrjrful voice, her welcome I faio. j No one can take our Mother's i place. I IIp~ memorv is a? dear to-dav. .â- Vs i'.i th-" h'^^'T s'le '^-T^sed awav. â€"Sadly missed by H'lsb.-'nd and Family. EVRLY CLOSING The following mer\-hants of Os- I prey townshin.s are closing at 7 p.m., j Monday. Wedresduy anH Frid.<»v ev- ' enings through .Innp. .Tul^', .•Vugr"" 1 and September:- Herb Poole and C. i Horon. Maxwell: G. Eby and Eli i Robinson, Feversham ; T. Hill and J. Hammill, Singhampton. ^ r'^t.^.^ Field and Garden . . Seeds . • GIANT WHITE SUGAR MANGEL » , GIANT WHITE SUGAR BEET -^ : "^i JUMBO SUGAR BEET LEVIATHAN SUGAR TURNIP Rennies' & Steele Briggs Garden Seeds Dutch Setts and Multiplier Onions â€" : TRY A BAG OF MAJESTIC FLOUR :â€" Jas. A. Stewart t I