®l)je gk^l^txUn %hnmu Vol. 48 No. 50 Flesherton Ontario. May 29. 1929 W, H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors Mr. and Mrs. H. Garner anu li>.uu oi iorouLo sfieai tne week eiiu >vini lur. ana Jirs. a. uiioert. I Jiiiss Jean wriKht and Miss Dance ana jicssrs Moinson ana iJest Ox x«.i.oniu i>t.eni, ine noiiuay wich tfte j.>,»iuois tjai-ents, Mr. ana Mrs. Geo. Wright. I JAI-. and Mrs. Amos. Smith ana Sou, Claie, oi iVieaioru, visiteu with -«ir. i.»iu j»is. b. (jUbert one da/y re- cer.iiy. jir. and Mrs. D. Graham and fam- ily vji A.unoerley visited with JVir. una iHrs. J. 1. uraham one aay re- cently. iMis. Devins of Emery spent a few- days wuh tiav Drotner, Mr. W. Hut- chinson. I jiuined â€" I.i Kiraberley, on iJiay 2oru, Mr. VViu Hutchinson of this tiia.i; ana iMiss Miss lawot^c of iUnvjeney. Messrs. Koy and David Devins inotorea up and attenaea the mar- riage of iiieir uncie, Mr. Will Hut- cuiuson. Their motner returneU uome with them the following day. The sympathy of the community is cxtendeu lu Mis. Stella W yviUe in the death of her mother, Mrs. Loucks of Chatswortii who passsd awaylasu ihursday afternon alter a veity severe illness. Interment took place in flesherton cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Miss Hazel Wyviile, nurse-in-train- ing at Buitalo, Is. \., attended the luneral of hei grandmother, Mrs, Loucks, and also spent a few days with her mother here. The W. I. held their a.inual meel- ing at the home of Mrs. W ill Bak- er on May 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Freeman anu family, also Miss May Graham, who has been with them for some time, are enjoyin^r their freedom aftei- their recent trouble and quarantine. Their many friends are pleased to see them again. PROTON 51 AITOM IN MEMORIAM CULLEN â€" In affectionate memory of our dear brother, Chas. CuUen, who passed away May 28, 1927. The call was sudden, the shock was severe. We littld thought his death so near; For us, we know he did his best, God brin"- to him Eternal Rest. â€" Brothers and Sisters. The difference betvireon a pedes- trian and a jaywalker is this: when you're walkitijr amona: them t*' y're redestrians; when you're drivir- thoy're jaywalkers. â€" Motorland. The farmers are becoming some- what discouraged owing to the con- tinued wet weather But the prom- ise is still ours that seed time and Harvest shall not fail. Mis. A. Shearson has purchased a new Chevrolet six. Mr. and Mrs. James Burton and childi'en visited at Mr. Wyville's. Air. Alex, llergott, Mr. and Mrs. MeWhinney, Mrs. Archibald and son, Harvey and Lloyd motored to Cargill foi- the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. McNalty, Mr. an(J Mrs. Wyviile, Mrs. Ernest Lyons and iittlf daughter, Zella motored to Or- iU:a on i-riday last and attended the luneral of Mrs. Wyville's uncle, the late Mr. Home. Eierineer Stevenson has resumeu his work with the dredge on the froton Station drain. 'Ihe holiday coming at the end of the week brought many visitors Lo the village and vicinity. Some of those we know are Harvey and Ev- erett White at their home at the Junction, Elzer Park and friend. Miss Heaid at Mr. J. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Uui.-an McNichol and daughter, Helen, Misses Gertrude and Margar- et Lyons, Mr. Lloyd Lvons and Mr. Kirkv.'ood, all of Toronto at Mr. Ch:'.s. Lyo:i's Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Nolile, Billy Noble, Mrs. C. L. Bry- ant a.id Evelyn Bryant of Toronto a: Mr. -Alex. Hergott's; Miss Harper and Mrs. Stevenson of Mount Forest at Mr. P. Still's; Mrs. Mary Wilson of Toronto at Mr. P. Consley's; Miss Louie Rjome of Toronto at Mr. Jno. Roome's; Mrs. Storey, Ruth anu Douglas Stoicy of Toronto and Mr. Farquhar Oliver, M.P.P., at Mr. Jas. Vause's; Mr. Clarence Meddaugh ana Mr. and Mrs. Bert Meddaugh at Mr. Frank Mcddaugh's; Mr. Geo. Akins, Miss Bessie Sinclai,- of Toronto, Mr. Prosser and Mr. Kenneth Moiton ot Keswick at Mr. R. G. Acheson'-- Mrs. Mark Stewart of Flesherton and Mrs. .*rchic Stewart of Ceylon and Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Toronto visit- ed Mrs. Quigg at Mr. Gorge Shear- ;-on s; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludlow of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy and two children. Mr. McClure and Miss Brown of TorontD at Mr. Hugh Hod- Mr. Davis organized a Tuxls Square, comprised of Proton Station anH Inistncro "teen age" bovs. The officers elected were: President, G. Acheson; Vice^Pres., Glen Lock- hart: Secretary, Alvin White; Treas., Russell White. Mr. Morton of Keswick r^nsr -. bpaiitiiullv rendpred solo in the Un- ited church on Sundav nisht. KIMBERLEY Read it in The .\dvance V t SPECIAL Ladies' Afternocn Dresses A[ado of print cloth, in floral patterns, largo orgfandy collar also cuffs and insets on skirt of v/hite ori^fandy. solid color- ed piping in harmonizing shades, triinms same. Spec ial $1.98 • LADIES' AFTERNOON DRESSES â€" made of good quality print cloth, collar, tie cuffs, belt loops and strap on skirt of solid colored line;i. in harmonizing shades. Imitat- ion yoke, made of white or- gandy piped \vith black stith- ing. Sizes 3S to 42. Special price ..$1.98. GIRLS' GEORGETTE DRESSES â€" Suitable e for party or street wear, fa n- S cy draped skirt, trimmed with X pleating. Dress has slip to X match in either silk or a quali- ty sateen, seasonable shades. ^ They are the best dresses we a have ever had to offer. Spec- 'i ial for $15.00 | Ladies' Black Satin faced crepe dresses, made of | a very heavy quality ; can be had in all black, or ^ trimmed with sand and some with a soft shade of ^ pink. Ranging in prices from $15 to $22.50. | Not only have we shoes to match these good look- % ing dresses, in black .satin, patent, brown and sand ^ shoes, but we have also. Men's, Ladies' and Child- :^ ren's brown canvas sport shoes, with crepe :|: and rubber soles. X F. G. KARSTEDT j I Phone 7 -:- FLESHERTON | Dr. and ifi-s. Rozelle of Caledonia spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Osborne. Mrs. Osborne ac- companied them home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie .MoMullenand Shirley of Feversham visited on Sunday with Mrs. W. T. Elis. The Misses Hunters and Miss C. Smith of Toronto spent the week end at Spring Brook Farm, the guest of Miss Ruth M.vles. M.-. and Mrs. J. A. Stuart and the Misses Ruth, Na.halie and Shirley Stuart visited on Sunday with friends hei-e. iilr. and Mrs. Fi-ank Chard and -Mr. Robt. Chard attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Loucks or Chat^orth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McMullen, ac- companied by Mrs. A. F. Hammond and Mi-s Estelle Ilunimond were calk;-.i in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Em Proctor and children of Euge.iia visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Proctor. , Miss Edna Burritt accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hammond, and cuildren of Turnnto spent the weeK end at lier parental home. .Miss Irene Thompson of Flesher- ton vi:;ited her cousin. Miss lola Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Van- lU- eur visited v/ith Mr. and Mrs. John Plewis.. Messrs David Graham and Nor- man Burritt of the Grimbsy-Hamil- len hydro lino spent the holidays ac thpjr respective homes. We are sorry to report Miss Irene Fawcett is quite ill at piesent. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs. J. M. Fawcett on Thursday, May 123, when her daugh- ter. Ethel v.'as married to Mr. Wm. Hutchinson of Vandcleur. â€" Congratu- lations. Messrs. Bert Gardner and Art Long oi' Meaford visited with friends over the holiday. Lawiycr Graydon of Toronto made a business trip to the village on Saturday. Miss Almeda Weber of Toronto Normal School spent the week end at her home here. Mrs. Thos. Abercrombie returned home alter spe-.iding the winter with her daughter, Mrs. H. Ferrier, of Barrie. Misses Ora Stafford of Toronto R'ld Bessie of Huntsville spent the I'filiday.'; with their father, Mr. H. R. Stafford. -ur. l.obt. Ab?rcrombio of Toron- to visited recently with his mother, Mr*. Thos. Abercrombie. Mr. Elmer Ellis is visiting in To- ronto at present. Mrs. F. Oldfield of Thornbury vrs- i;cd v.ifh friends on Sunday. Jir. Stuart Ellis, ac-jompanied hy his friend of Coliingwood Collegiate visited at his home here. M-. and Mrs. W. E. Myers visited with frifnds in Aurora. Miss Florence Patf.e'-son of Mea- i"i<!d v.'as the guest of Miss Geral- c'ine Weber over the week end. S. S. NO. 8. ARTE.MEPLV S:-. -1 â€" Mildred 'Boycef, Robert Sl'.eardown, Grace Hops*. Jr. 4 â€" Dorothy Badgcro-.v, Clam Boyce*, iMliry Shoardown, Grace rhiilips. Sr. a â€" Wilbeit Fisher''. Dolbert Fishor and Clifford Taylor, equal, D,.-rt Hopps. Jr. S â€" Bibbio Meldrum, -John Blak- oy, Kerb Blakcy, John Skinnc •. .Sr. 3 â€" Florence Boycc, Carrie Skinner, Vcrn McMuilcn. Jr. 2 â€" Gracie Jair.icson, Rey Chapman. 1st â€" Bort'.icc Plantt r.".d Marjorie Pedlar, equal. Sr. Primer â€" Sadie MiKec, Muriel St. Holaire, Elda Pedlar, Louisa Boyce, Harry Badgerow. Jr. Primer B â€" Ruby Yates, Mabel Blakey. Jr. Primer B â€" George Boycc Stan- ley Taylor, Harold Phillips, Alice Shier. Number on roll 33; average at- tendance 2(3. â€" Mildred Johnston, Teaclicr. ROCK MILLS Mr. Levi Betts, and two sons, Clayton and Cecil, and Miss W. Mc- Mullen spent the 24th at Caledon. Mr. and Mrs. P. Gorham and iam- iiy of loronto were visitors over the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. J. Robertson and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson and daughter, Pearl, St. Catharines, vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt and family. Mrs. Tucker and son, George and wife of Toro-nto visited over the week end at the home of Mrs. Levi Betts. Unity U. F. W. O. Club will meet at the home of Mrs. John Hargrave on Wednesday, June 5th. Visitors welcome. Mr. Chas. Phillips of Toronto vis- ited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Phillips. Service will be held next Sabbath evening at the home of Mr. John Portcous. Mr. and Ms. Harry Ward, Mrs. Dave Marsh and Ernie of "Toronlo !^pe-.t a fov/ days with Mr. and Mrs. Ale.x. English. Mr. Thos. Gamey was a visitor v.'ith his cousin, Mr. Dick Clark, one day last week. FEVERSHAM CEYLON TORONTO LINE NORTH Miss Wilda McKechnie of Bramp- ton is visiting at the home of Wm. Burnett's. Mr. and Mrs. Geirrre \eadell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clug- ston of Rocklvn were gues' - of Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson recently. Mr. and M:-s. .\ndrevi? Pritchaid and son of Toronto were week emi visitors at R. Richardson's. Miss Ethel Thompson teacher f Vandeleu • spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Aleox. Mi^s Gertrude Lever visited over the holiday with friends in Toronto. Mr. n-id Mrs. W. Cronin and f.im- ily of Toronto, accompanied by Mr. Allen of Cooksvillc, visitpd ovei- the 9\th at the homes of F. Brown and T. Lever. M""" l^merfon Wickcns and daugh- ter, Marion, who have spent the past several weeks in Owen Sound, have returied home. Visitors in our village over the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. H. Peri- go a:id family of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexandor and the form- er's n:other, Mrs. Ira Pei-i<ro; Mr. and Mrs. A. Long, Miss Irene and Burton of Toronto with Mrs. Long's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith; ivlrs. Frank Wheweil and so-i, Har- old of V/inona with Mrs. Wheweli's father, Mr. S. Brownridge; Mr. and i.Mrs, Morris of Southampton 'with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown; Mr. and Jlr.-:. Dave Williams of Flesherton with Mr. and Mrs. Tnrrenee Williams a-d Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tyler; Mr. and Mrs. John Winters of Toronto and Mrs. .Alex. Mclntyro of Mcln- tvi-o with Mr. ad Mrs. Colquette; Mrs. .â- V. Stewart of Flesherton wif.i hpv sister, Mrs. II. Alexander. Mr. Samuel Brownridge here Mr. and M -s. Alex. Stonehouse and two children of Priceville spent Sun- •'av with Mr. .-ind Mrs. John Stone- house in the tillage. Mrs. Fred Bmckonbury and son. John >'n(i wife of Flesherton visited with the former's sister, Mrs. Jos. B-'-Iior rocently. Bornâ€" On Sat'v.-day. Ma^- 25th, to ^T'-. nn 1 Mrs. John Stonehouse, a daughter. FKICEVILLE The young people here presented their piay '"Tne Lutle Clodhopper'' (•I Friday night, Jlay 21th, at Dro- more. There were 40 went from Priceville and the hall was crowded. Over l>7j was made. Tr.e ladies prc- v!U-il an e.Kcellent lunch and every- uoily enjoyed the dance afterward. The Hooper Orchestra lurnished goou music fur the dance and between acts. ivir. and Ms. Falkinj^rh-uii of Diu-- ha::!, Mr. Joh.i Scott and Miss Mag- gie ot North Egremont visited on cjundav at H. R. McLean's. Mrs. K. Mc.-Vrthur was down lo Toronto, and her sister, Mrs. Wrignt accompanied her home. Mr. riejtor McLean had the mis- ioiiune to lose ',' colt while out in the field. 1: juraped into a spring and \.as dtow;:td. i.iiss Esther iiicLean spent Ihc 24ih wi'.h her friend, Biiss Ida Hhu'ks. -"rir. Cilvray ^vicL-ian, Uurluini and -Mr. Murray Moiillan of Markdaie spent the week end at their homed here. i\Ir. David ili.icks, Clifford, Gladys Ida and Jean motored to Guelph on Saturday and spe!it the week end with frisnds. Visitors over the holiday werc:- M^sses Dorothy, Eva and Mary Car- son, Flo and ivtarjoiia McLean, Sad- ie PdcKinndTi, Mr. and Mrs. Htnry Richardson, Messrs. Hector McEach- ern, Percv Chambers, Neil McKin- non. Cionv McTagart, Miss Rebecca Nichol, all of Toronto. Mr. .A.Iroy McLean ."i Ora-igevillK". Innis and .\llan Mclnnis, Mono Road. Esther McLean Melancthon. Wilda Mc- Cuaitr, Tiverton. Clifford Hincks of Egro'mont, Ida Hiicks of Eugneia. HOMES WANTED The Children's Aid Society desire -.ipproved homes .for the following girls:- ' ETT.\, aged 7 years. H.\ZKL, aged G years. . • JliAN, aged 3 years. ' AGNES, aged 4 years. .\pply with references to A. E. Trout ';2'.> 3rd .\ve. E.. Owen Sonud. EARLY CLOSING ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY Tlu following merchants of Os- pi oy townships are closing at 7 p.m.. Monday. Wednesday and Friday ev- enings through June. July, August iind Septenjber:- Herb Poole and C. Herhii. Maxwell; G. Eby and Eli Robinson, Feversham; T. Hill and J. Hammill, Singhanipton. NEW ICE CREAM PARLOR Perkins & Freeman h.tve installed a new refrigerator and their ico cream parlor is now in fulll operi- tion with Owen Sound Dairy ic'j cream, the best made. LADY BANK Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collinson and family spent the â- 24th in Owen Sound. I Miss Hazel Bender, Durham is vis- iting her friend. Miss Jessie Ches- ney. M-. J. C. McMullen of Toronto spent a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and daughter, Eleanor, Toronto, are vis- iting the latter's mother, Mrs. Wil- son McMullen, who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McWhinney and family of Windsor are visiti.ig their respective homes. '.Mr. Harry Pedlar of Toronto spent the 24th with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McV/hinney Mrs. Cecil .Archibald and two sons. Lloyd and Harvey, spent the 24th visiting friends at Neustadt and Greer.ock. Mr. and Mrs. Pell and Mrs. Way and son, Mrs. Will Dever of Tor:m- to visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fletcher the past week. Messrs Russel, Goidon and .Alex. Baxter of Rochester visited at Mr. Peter Miiir's the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLer'- â- lanshter .Alma and so". Earl mot- ored to Toronto for the week end. Mr. Brock Grant of Welland. Mis- -cs Allie and Edith '^ ant of To- ronto motored up and visited with tlieir sister Mr::. .AUie Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Melia and son. Arthur visited Mrs. C. Smiley and Mrs. Anna iMcMillan the past v.'oek. Mr. Rolit. Bro-.vn. Miss"": A--;i .'•"â- '(T Pr>ni Whito. Jlr. an.l Mrs. Staniev White and daug'nter. Edn.n, Mr. JacV White. To -onto, motored up and spent the week erd with their mother. Mr. PTOsser, a foi'mer pastor student here, was in town on Sat- urday and called on his intimate friends, who were very pleased to see him. Monday night Mr. Cooper of Mark- dale put on pictures in the church under the auspices rf the Ladies Aid. The pictures were file ami enjoyed by all presint. The ladic? feel very grateful to Mr. Cooner. .A silver collection wtis taken at the door, which amounted to 88. Mr. Haw and Brady Irwin gave a mus- ical selectcion, while Mr. Cooper was preparing the slides. Miss Kale McMillan, President of the Ladies Aid moved a vote of thanks to ^Iv. Cooper for his kindness. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and son, Gordon, of Toronto, spent the wee.', end with Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Stew- art. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilch'ist. Mr. J. McMillan and Miss Knte .McMTilla^ motored to Fergus on Tue.~d.-iy. Miss .Ar-.-^s Macphail, M. P.. of Ot- tawa and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailev o*' Shriffley spent the week end at D. Macphail's. Miss Janie Sample of Toronto I& spending a few months at her par- ental home hero. Miss Adei! Roberts of Toronto- spent the holiday with her parents, and other friends, returning to her position this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sewell attended the wedding of the latter's sister. Miss Patton, of Flesherton, on Sat- urday of last week. The younir couple have the best wishes of the ' community. Miss Edith Sample spent a day re- cently with her aunt and cousins, Mrs. McMillan at Singhampton. The Ladies' .Aid of Providence held a very successful fish and bean sup- per on the 24th, with a good atten- dance of close to two huntlred people. They were quite disappointed on their quantity of fish, as the amount they had ordered came a little short on accou.it of so much rough v.eather on the lakes, making it difficult for the fishermen to fill their orders. However, everything seemed to go along smoothly. Proceeds amount- ed to about ei'irhtv dollars. Many thanks to one and all who helped In every way so willingly. The Ladies' -Aid will hold their June meeting at the home of Mrs. â- Mort Sayers on the 12th. The worft I will be the quilting of a quilt for the Aid. Mr.". Frank Wheweil and son. ' Harold, of Hamilton, spent the hoii- i day with the former's sister, Mrs. Sherman Otteweil. hero. I Mr. and Mrs. Bon Regis of WhitCy spent the holiday with Mrs. John Dobson and sons. i Mr. and Mrs. I.es. McMullen spent : Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. I Ellis at Kimberlej-. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Poole of Ra- I venna spent Sunday with Mr. and ! Mrs. Walter Wilson here. I Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sutton of I Floshcrton, accompanied by Mr. anir j Mrs. Wm. Sample and Miss Janie ' Sample visited on Sunday with Mr. I Bert Sutton and fnmi' - at Wood- ford and called on Mr. Thos Howard in the G. & M. hospital in Owen Sound, who is ill. - - A. A. Dundas, principal of Meaford high school for the past 18 years, has resigned to take effect in June. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed tendi>rs will 'oe received ')V Edward Brooks. W. U. of L. O. L. â- 14. Proton Station, up till 5 o'clock in the afternoon of 14th day of lur.-.'. li)2'.). for the construction of an Or- anee ha'l at Proto-i Station. ,A bond c:f ?150 must be given at time of signing contract: the lowp;^'- • any tender net reoessarilv accnteu. Information may be obtain'^d froi" Edw.TiI BrooVs or th" uiidersin-ie'i (•orr'Hii't^e: Chrs. JLors. Ernr-s' T-'-ns T B. Whyts, Edward Brocks, John Ncilson. I. H. Co. Implements I have for my storeroom the front half of McEachnie's Livery Stable and will be able to supply any make of Inter- national Harvester Co. machin- ery or supplies. Jno. Picstcr FLESHERTON. ONT. DELCO LIGHT SYSTEM I Bates Burial Co. i' 122-124 Avenue Road I TORONTO j: Phone: Rlngsdalc 4344 i: J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. z (( House of Quality" Field and Garden • • Seeds • * , GIANT WHITE SUGAR MANGEL GIANT WHITE SUGAR BEET i ? , , . JUMBO SUGAR BEET I LEVIATHAN SUGAR TURNI? , Rennies' & Steele Briggs Garden Seeds. I â- ; Dutch Setts and Multiplier Onions â€" : TRY A BAG OF MAJESTIC FLOUR :â€" Jas. A. Stewart V t I l