WEDNESDAY, MAY 22. 1929. THE FLESHERTON .'.DVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE PnblUhed on Cktllingwood stnat, Flacherton, Wednesday of emeh i WMk. Cict/Iation over 1100, I Price in Canada, |2.00 per year i wiMn paid in advance |1.50. In ' fTJ3.A^ %2M per year, when paid in advance 12.00. lir, H. THURSTON - Editoa. If. J. THURSTON Recalling Ce[etr&lion In 1886 Of Queen's Birthday and Reil Rebellion BOOM _ m'-TIT - M l*?**********************^ The deep ominous note burst in EDITORIAL NOTES Some of our cxchmges arc pub- KshinK a statement to the effect that a law was paBsed at the late session of the LcRlslaturc making it compul.sory to have sleigh run- ners widened to four feet nine In- ches, with a penalty attached for non-compliance. This information is cr^cnMUs. No such law passed. It was proposed, but ow- ing to a storm of dropped quicker than a stalled fly ing machine could drop. shattering thundrous tone upon the stillness of the dawn of a crisp May morning in a quiet Ontario village â€" Asst. Editor, ^^'"^"'"ej called by its jealous sub- urba.i neighbors Peaceful Valley. The strong vibrations shook the very foundations of the hotel that The children have brought home formed one side of the village their school garden seeds again. It square, rattled its windows and recalls the school fair of last year Letters to The â- Editor - FOR PARENTS ONLY from slumber the way-worn traveller To-day this school fair seems to be who had driven ten miles over rough' the biggest thing in the fair line ov- roads to this haven of rest. He' er the provnce generallyâ€" that is of sprang out of bed, grabbed his cloth- the small country fairs. We are all in(f, dashed down the hall, slid down interested in the children. Where the stairs and almost collapsed H the they go the crowd will gather. This ' •'•'"'' °^ ""^ manager of thi hospice, was always so. To-day we have a I "What the blazes," he shouted, "do well-organized, smoothly running ser- protest it was' ^°" rascals mean by turning loose j ies of school fairs, conducted by the a young ca Ihquakc to waken your^ Department of Agriculture, the pup- guests ? Where is the fellow who ils and teachers. The rules and regu- told me this place was quiet as the lations are just those that have grown grave from eleven p.m. till seven into the enterprise. One of the a.m.-" This tirade was met by a first was that exhibits must be pro- complacent smile and "Say, old man, duced by the child showing. Last don't you know what day this is?"|ycar the feeling came over me that "Look,!" pointing along the verandah this rule was not being entirely re- to where the Union Jack waved gently gpected. I could not feel sure that in the morning breeze. Rather ab- gome of those lovely exhibits were "That crime does not pay" has again been demonstrated by a court in Owen Sound which sentenced n negro resident of that place to ten years in King.ston I'enitentary, on a charge of theft of a motor car with violence. The way of the trans- TaZ tUt'is";mrrterTh7n%h: -^^-^ ^\^^^^^^f '° '^'^ "^ ^° the work of undeveloped hands and complete his toilet. minds. In fact I heard of one boy Meantime the sound, as if it en- returning poultry to the owner after joyed the mischief it had done, rolled the fair. He said "Shucks! they down the main street and found the all do it." Once I knew a girl who op-op window cf a young German exhibited two chickens after her jeweller, who had recently come to money for the eggs had been return- legulate timepieces of the neighbor- cd to her because, "only one hatched otiier fellow and finds out too late that the law of averages holds good. He will now have time to repent for his crime. • * • The fight in the general election in Great Britain entered its last tveek and 13 warming up to a heat- ed rover sy and cryptic argu- ment. -May thirtieth is the day of the polling and fully seventeen hun- dred candidates will contest the var- ious constituencies and only six hun- dred and fifteen will find seats in the House of Commons, the remaind- er will be left at home to ponder ov- er the vagaries of an election. The campaign in Great Britain is very short and snappy, and is watched vrith interest the world over. hood. He had created some stir on and it was a scrunt." One year a hh arrival, not only by the novelty lady told me that she had put sweet of being ths first local watchmaker milk in Mary's cake instead of sour . .. „ â€" ^ who mad; that his means of liveli- milk, and "it must be better because °^ Artemesia, in the County of Grey, hood, but by his having been describ- j got the prize." ed by one of the wits of the place as that his The Flesherton Advance Newspaper, ©r tract of land and premises situ- south 44 degs. 40 mina. wert 1 Ch. (the date of which first publication 1 ate lying and being in the Township 83 Iks. to the southerly limit of sala is the First day of May, 1929) pro- I "' Artemesia, in the County of Grey, lot; thence north 39 degs. 30 mIna. ceed to pass n bylaw establishing the i â- "•* province of Ontario, containing east along said limit 1 ch. 82 Iks. iinHnrmonfinr.0^ ^o«^_ «# ^^A i_ by admeasurement One One Hundred to the place of beginning. rhe'^Ja'd'trnlit Teing a'deWa'uinlr '^^'J''''' ^' ^" ^"t ^"V^ ^' ^^'^^O^^"'' 0'>*' '^'^^ Purveyor of 130 sideroad in the first and sec- f^^ij^^ TlaT^^ iTm ^TV?'1''\v . .. . *k on concession north cast of the To- Range 1. N.E, Toronto and Syden- 1 And further talce notice that the ronto and Sydenham road therein ac- ham Road in said township and which Council will hear all persons who pet- cording to a survey and plan de- w-y be more particuUrly described ition to be heard in favor of or op- .„.!„.!„.. J I. D u , »« r. 11 as follows, that is to say:- 1 Posed to the opening of -the said scription made by Robert McDowell '"^1 ',"„'» «,« L,fK p^tprv'^ad on or after the fifth day ox Esq., O.L.S. dated the 17th day of Commencing at the south eastery April 1929.-said deviation is describ- ^ sJ m/i.. 't.t'^Zl thf easY-l ^t^ ^MSa'S'^ ° tJ?"'c?S ed as follows vu- ^^ly limit of said lot 12 ks.; thence | -W. J| BELLAMY, Twp. Cleric- Description of part of lot 133, Range 1. N.E. T. & S. Road * Roderick McKensie, owner | All and singular that certain parce' or tract of land and premises situ- ate lying and being in the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, ' and province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement Sue and One Tenth Arces (6.1 Acs.) be the same more or less, being composed of part of lot 133, Range 1, N.E. of the To- , ronto and Sydenham Road in saii; township and which may be more particularly described as follows that is to say:- Commencing at the north westerly angle of said lot; thence north 39 degs. 30 mins. east along the north- erly limit of said lot 50 chs. 48 Iks. to the north easterly limit of said lot; thence south 50 degs. 30 mins. east along said limit 88 Iks.; thence south 44 degs. 40 mins. west 9 chs. 61 Iks; thence south 39 degs. 30 mins., west 7chs. 79 Iks, thence pouth 54 degs. 20 mins. west 4 chs. 88 Iks.; thence south 39 degs. 30 mins. west 28 chs. 26 Iks. to the south westerly limit of said lot; thence north 50 degs. 30 mins. west along said limit 1 ch. to the place of beginning. 2. N.E.T. & S. Road Frederick Russell, Owner All and singular that certain parcel! tract of land and premises situ-j Genuine HAItHWAT nncomfoiiable smmxnst? ate lying and being in the Township A trustee told me ' f*"^ Province of Ontario, containing j uu . A . u -x "y admeasurement Four and Two' children showed exhibits Fifths Acres (4.4 Acs.) be the same' Who Controls The River Banks? ' One of our exchanges last week asks the question as to who owns the land along the river. A farm- er in that locality had ordered some fishermen off his property, who re sented this action did not own the river banks. If wrong, the farmer says he would be glad to apologize, but as he had always considered he owned the land and all therein contained he would like to be set right in the matter. I So far as Tho Chronicle can find cut this can only be decided by go- ing back to the original Crown l^nds patent. For a time when a homesteader took up land he was deeded everything inside his line fences. Later in some sections at least, a strip of nine feet was reserved "for fishing purposes" anu' while the farmer in one sense own- ed this land, he could not prohibit a fisherman from going along the banks. The hard part of it would be to find which farms were grant- ed one way and which the other We have some of both kinds in Durham vicinity but there is nobody who can pick them out. From this it would seem that a farmer might be right, or he might be w-ong. It ordering fishermen off the l>anks of a stream on his premises, but who is there to say which? The privilege of fishing alonK the banks of n stream, however, did not force a farmer to fence his property in such a way that v.n unblocked right-of-w.iy was open to the fish- er a-.d the privilege of fishing on the rive- or from its banks gave the person doing so no other liberties. He could not destroy any of tne farmer's property. Uavc, his gates open, fences down, or in any man- „„ interfere with him. Th-s is the law as we have beci told, but it wljl take a lot of litigation to cleir things up 80 that everybody will un- derstand. W have often heard fishermen say that such-and-such a stream could a Doll thut could walk and could say that they had no hand in producing. J more or less, being comnosed of part' many words in a way that made They have as much right to the p-ize ' of lot 133. Range 2, N.E. of the To-i scns3 â€" yes, actually walk and go ^g others," he said. Yes the prize, lonto and Sydenham Road in said up and down stairs. The mischiev- _i,ut parentsâ€" the Department is not iTJf'J^lliL,^"'^ 7*^''^u /"^^ ^f ,.'"°'""! . ,, 1 ,<Ti 1. t 1. l,/^t . .... . particularly described as follows. ous sprite chuckled "Ha, ha! ho, ho! putting on this fair to teach your that is to say:- ^""ows, here's more fun," but the Teuton only ;hild to accept a prize. Be game.' Commencing at the south easterly rolled in his sleep, rubbed his ear Teach your child to work hard, and angle of said lot; tijence south 39 1 and was still again. Undaunted the gteadilv, and if need be.lose gamely. ^^^^- . ^9 »">"*â- .^est along th north- merry-maker hurried away past some u is the work of preparing these ex- ?7thesou?h w«terlV'Lt''o?8aid! of the best houses until it found tne hibits that benefits your child. He lot; thence south 50 degs. 30 mins. open window of the schoolmom â€" she must reach out and strive for what cast along said limit 1 ch.; thence who. on the evening of that day was he wants. Let him learn that fact ""'th 39 degs. 30 mins. east 43 chs.j to recito Byron's "Night Before early. No growth without effort. ^^!''?-/**i*'^ north easterly limit 01 1 _ , V/ateiloo!" But she, in her peace- „ the effort is yours, you are rob- Z's.'test^'ToVTa'ld Hmit'Tchs" ' saying that he | ful original innocence, only smiled as bing your child. Children love to to the place of be^nning. her partially roused subconscious do things themselves. They are Description of Part of Lot 132, Range mind heard only the lines â€" I keenly interested in their own work; "And eyes met eyes they ne'er not nearly so proud of your fine ex- should meet again, | hibit as of their own fair one. Let .\nd all went merry as a marriage them have the fun. Do not rob your child. Surprisingly small j <;»»<'»9'»>»»»»»»»»»<>»»»»»<>»»»»» » » » » »»»» » »»^»»»»^»»» » »»»»»»»»»»»»»<k»»>»»»^ children can do all the work them- 1 ^ 1. N.E.T. & S. Road Mrs. Alcox. Owner / All and singular that certain parcel Wear Hatchway â€" and know what it feels like to be cool and (Comfortable the summer through. Genuine Hatchway only costs you $125 a suit. This remark- able saving in cost has been made possible by production economies caused by a universal demand for Hatchway. Make it your business to pay a visit to tWs store within the next few days and see for yourself the complete Hatchway summer, range. W. G. Kennedy Men's Wear â€" Flesherton bell." BOOM â€" M â€" M â€" M By this time our traveller friend ' selves. Help them, if they need j X was dressed sufficiently to be down help, but you take the back seat, ^ X in the street setting off firecrackers this is their innings. Besides, what , ♦ /; with the kids and having a whale of a chance to teach that family honor a time The youth from Kaiser- you are so conscious of. There's , land started from sleep to an elbow lots of it in Artemesia. Let's raise; position, rubbed his eyes, and as the, a thrifty generation, not a shifty, rapid fire of firecrackers proclaimed one. Teach your children to stand _ ^ the engagement was on. even though; four square. Children are "dead- the heavy gun fire had not ceased. Rame sports." Are you? -They He frowned and with a compliance J understand perfectly the rules of tho with the inevitable that bespeaks a ffa^e- Talk it over with them, vcll-disciplined people, he rose from I You'll be surprised. Let's all make hi, bed and took hi3 usual cold ablu-|this year's school fair in Artemesia ^, . ., •_ „ „ , a genuine, honest-to-goodness Boy s tions, humming the while m a mel- low tremulous voice that bespoke no fear, but deep patriotic feeling, "Lieb Vaterland magst ruhig sein! Hevm stand ur.d treu und treu, die Wacht nm Hheini!" The schoolmarm frowned in her sleep, as though her half-roused consciousness flashed with tr'.rlo liurht linp: speed tho linesâ€" "Within a niche of that high hall Pate Rrun.'^wick's fotod chieftain; He too did hear and knew too well the sound That stretched hia father on a bloody biir. and Girls' Fair, play. Artemesia for fair â€"ACORN. "And there was moulting in l>'>t haste, the steed, the car!, etc." Ths heavy gun-fire effect was pro- duced by placing a large block in the village square two large anvils, one with its face downward on the other, separated therefrom by a large split ring of wrought iron capable of con- taining a sufficient charge of gun- powder to give t»e required report Dr. E. C. Murray Sold Dental Practice Another business change has taken place in town. Dr. Murray, who ha3 practiced dentistry here for the past thirty years, has disposed of his practice to Dr. W. D. Bryco, of Lon- don, Ontario, who will take charge next week. Dr. Bryco comes very highly recommended and we welcome him to Flesherton. The office will bo closed this week in order that necessary changes may be made. TORONTO LINE NORTH or another it was classed as one that was "navigah|e"; that is, it had been used for log driving. No one should fool themselves with this not bo closed because at some time ^^^^^ touched by a red-hot rod with- out too much danger to those around. Thus a royal salute of twenty-one guns was fired. By this time the whole neighbor- kind of argument. A navigable j ^^^^ ^.^^ roused, the ubiquitous small â- Ircam is exactly what the mnmc . ^^^^^ .^^ groups or alone, demonstrat- Implios, a stream that is navigable, .^^ ^^^^ ^^jg^ ^^j energy and a few not for logs, hut for boats. The Mar- ] ^^^^^ ^^^^ ine Act is a Dominion measure over which the Provincial Government has DO control, and is ""t housed about with vague techniraliticB. The fact that logs, few or many, have at some time in the disUnl past have been floated down a body of water has no bearing at a'! with the Dominion Marine Act. â€" Durham Chronicle. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. ' prove a June day and trout rise to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell of Dixie, Mrs. John Richardson and Miss .Annie Richardson of Toronto, are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rich- ard.son. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson, and son, Harold, visited Owen Sound friends recently. Mrs. Albert Stewart spent a few days with friends in Owen Sound last week. Mr. Harold Lever visited on Sun- "The twenty-fourth of May is the day >^'i'h ^';*«'"''s at Eugenia. ^ , i,_4i.i Mr. Herb Smith of Owen Sound Queens birthday ^.^.^^^, ^.^^ j^^ ^„^ „„ ^ g^^^. If you don't give us a holiday we 11 ^ ^^ g^^^^^ all run away!" | jyjrg. Geo. Pritchard, who has been The Toronto Visitors, who came .„ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ weeks,, is im- well-oqnipped with fly and other proving and able to be up aagin. tackle to tho speckled beauties, We hope she will soon be in her usu- werc nothing daunted by the hoar al health again. frost that gleamed whita from every â€" ^ roof, as they rose by lamplight for, TWP. OF ARTEMESLV an early start. Perchance it might ;: The ROADSTER is as Smart as it Looks Lithe, low, smart â€" that's the Ford Roadster. An alert, capable car for youth and Country Club. As speedy a.-^ it looks. Your choice of a vrietv of two-tone color har- monie.s â€" an unusual feature in a low-priced car. Top can be raised and lowered easily and quickly. Snug fitting, clear vision cur- tain.s afford complete protect- ion in inclement weather. Windshield wings arc stand- ard eciuipment. The roomy rear compartment will hold a surprising: amount of lug- gage.. Rumble seat ni^- be installed if desired. Come in at your convenience for a demonstration. Price, Ddivered in Fletherton â€" $685.00 ROAD NOTICE A Blackburn wihh to thank their ^^^ fiy ^sts! I Notice is hereby given that the friends and neighbors fc kindness The stir in scores of other homos Municipal Council of the Township shown, also for flowers received dur- ' â€" â€" â€" | of Artemesia will after one month ing the illness and death of their Continued on Page 8) from the first publication hereof in |0r*d one, H«Ml SfcKee. .^ ;i i^^ H. DOWN & SONS FORD DEALERS .:â- FLESHERTON OUR TIME PAYMP.NT PLAN IS MOST ATTUACTIVK