•WEDNESDAY, MAY 15. Ift29. THE I'LESHERTON ADVANCE Telephone Accounts da^ed April 1st, which local •^bscribers will receive within a few day*, will be accompanied by DoticcH explaining important chances in future accounts. To tiaip'.Lfy and expedite oar HllJng work, we have divided c>ur exchanges into six eronpo. l^ch group will receive ac- fotintt under one of six dif- f*reot d::tcs. In tliat way the work of preparing thousands of accounts \/i!l be spread ev«n]y over the whole month. Infui tire the accountt of local giihscribcrs will hi dated the cl«xenth of each month. You will appreciate the new farm of account we are intro- ducing at t>ie same time v/hich will have all the fiQures clearly frinted and accurately totalled by machinex In addition, ct'iarges will be shown right up to the date of the account The plan is explained more fu'ly in notices which accotn- }-any April 1st accounts. Oui- Dusiness Office people will be pleased to give you fiirthcr iu- foraalion. TH.1 Bl-LL TELEPHONE COMPAMY O? CANADA ROCK MILLS REPORT 4thâ€" Ita Pedlar 90, Hervyn John- son 8C, Robert DarKavel 85, Murray Fisher 80, George Akitt 72, Jack English 70.3, Nathalie Patton 70.1. Sr. 3â€" Leo Patton 66, Delia Eng- lish 66, Julia Croft G3, Laurie Rus- 8cl, absent. Jr. 3â€" Ruby Akitt 70, Leslie Sce- ley 76, Leila Clark 60. Second â€" Marguerite Croft 86, i&Ubel Shier 85.2. Lulu Russell 85, Iva English 84.1, Bobbie Clark 84, Etht'l Dargavel 83, Jack Monaghan 82, Lloyd Partridge 77, Lawrence Phillips 72, Elsmour Shier 66, Roy Fisher 61. Firstâ€" Mary Clark 87. Ruby Mon- aghan 82, Fred Partridge 82, Loreen English 79, Fred Betts 75, Myrtle Croft 74, Glenard Croft 67. Sr. Primer â€" Russell Phillips 98, I Bessie Russell 94. Edna Croft 85, I Cecil Shier 38. • Jr. Primer â€" Edna Partridge, Chcst- I T Shier, Gordon Shier, Arthur I Belts. Names in order of merit. The I numbers are percentages. Number on I roll 40. Average attendance 35.12. I â€" ^Mrs. Francis J. Seeley, Teacher. was won by Miaa Bernice Smith, who typed at the rate of 72 words. Winning such an important event two year.' in s-u- :«:-*' )T proved lh.it the WeUar Business College turna out the most cifccient typists and stenog- raphers. At the present time the attendance is over one hundred, and as fast an they graduate lucrative positions arc uwaiting them. ROD AND GUN CUP RETl RNS TO WELLAR BUSINESS COL. The May issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News, the well known Canadian outdoor mag- azine contains a very interesting sel- ection of stories and articles. Among these are the regular contributions ot Bonnycastle Dale, Robert James and J. W. Winson of established merit, while in addition to these there are several splendid hunting, fishing ana outdoor stories by other authors. The special departments on ang- ling, guns and ammunition, outdoors and kennel are packed with highly interesting material for all outdoor lovers and the Canadian Silver Fox News section with instructive articles concerning Ithis g^eut industry by well known authorities. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W. J. TAYLOR. Ltd.. WOODSTOCK. Little Girl Was Fatally NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS MORTGAGE SALE l»:...«J A* D«J. M:II«' Tenders on supplied forms will be ^"'^*' *"<' *»y ^''t»« »' the pow- iDJUreO Al KOCk inillS' received by H. G. Burke. Clerk of'^" untamed in a certain mortgage ; the Township of Osprey, addresaed to^^'^"^*', «"'' ^ Produced at the time Muriel, the three year old daught- Fevcrsham, Onterio, or handed to °' 8»'e- there will be offered for er of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher of him at .Ma.\well up till 2.30 a'clock^*'o ^V public auction on Saturday, Rock Mills was fatally injured at j,, the afternoon of 25th of May, 19- the 18th day of May, 192&, at the Ttr:5a?rorn^;;rof7as?weTk^-:;3 20, for the construction, of the ho- of 3 o'cock in the afternoon at died within an hour at the Colling- 1 ^"^t^*^"!! Municipal Drain, which Thomas Guy's Hotel, m the viDage wood hospital, where she was rushed, contains about 5300 cubic yards. A' of Maxwell, by William Kaitting, The little girl was playing near the I marked cheque for One Hundred Dol- auctioneer, the foltowing prop<)rty, track used to carry logs into the.jarg ($ioo.OO) must accompany each namely:- Lot number twenty, con- mill, to be sawed into lumber; and,, . , â- u j * â- t- ^, _u r, .^ x, in some manner, after four logs had /«"'^" ""^^ °" approval bond for cession five. North Durham Road, been load onto the car, she climbed} Five Hundred Dollars (500.00) must Township of Osprey, containing One onto the track ahead of the load of 'be given at the time of signing of Hundred Acres, more or less, sub- the contract. The lowest or any ject to a reserved bid. tender not necessarily accepted. Other TERMS â€" Ten per cent, of tha information may be obtained at the office of the clerk or the undersign ed. CHRISTIE & BEATTY For the second consecutive year the Wellar Business College of Or- angeville supplied the winning.! tyjie- ist in the School Novice Championship j ' cf Canada. This event is open to I students who have never before com- j peted in any speed contests. | I This year's winner was Miss Agnes 1 McLennan, 17 years of age, and ent- I ( ed the Wellar Business Colelge only 3 months ago. Her net speed was CO | words per minute, for 1 minutes from new copy, or a gross rate of 91 words 1 pe- minute. There were over 100 j contestants. Last year this events f X i t .J. I y' 'I- PAPERS ARE KEPT i % I % X % s I I t t t i I % I Findlay's lor Good Furniture rXow that Spring i., here nearly every house- wife will want to make changes, and should you be thinking of a new Chesterfield Suite, Dining- Room Suite or a new Bedroom Suite, just 'phone us up or call at the store and we will arrange to take you right to the factory in a short space of time.' where you can have a much hettcr ch-uice to pick out something to suit you, as our stock is naturally limited iti these lines at our store. We promise to compete with outside firms and you will he dealing at home as well. For every other line of furniture, wc have a good sample in our store. ^. T-: j j^ . Thos. W. Findlay The superioi-ity of newspaper ad- vertising was well illustrated at the post office but a few days ago. One of our enterprising firms, who. by the way are free users of the local press, received a gratis number of circulars from headquarters of the company they well represent. To complete the arrangements the Col- lingwood firm mailed the circulars, with what result? By actual count no less than thirty four were picked up on the floor of the post office, while the v/aste paper basket was overflowing. Contrasted with this is the fact that not a copy of the local papers, which were distributed at the same time, was found lying around. All had been taken with the current mail to be read in the home. Better evidence of the value cf th? local press is difficult to ad- duce. â€" CoUingvvood Bullfctin. logs. The little tot's father was operati-.ig the machinery which haul ed the logs Into the mill and com- menced drawing the load up the in- cline and from his position in the mill was unaware that the little girl was in any danger. In its as- cent the car rolled the child ahead of it until the body becaniejammed i \ some way, when Mr. Fisher knew something was v/rong and investi- gated. A worlvman in the yard wit- nessed the accident and although he tried to give the alarm his shouts were unheard in the mill and he was powerless to avert the sad occur- rence. The victim's head was badly crush- ed, legs and arms broken and other injuries sustained, and at once it was reen that she would not recover from (he iniuri.''s, but the trip was made to CollingAvood hospital, but in vain. A gloom was cast over thi com- munity by the terrible accident and the funeral on Friday afternoon was attended by a liost of sympathizing f -iends. Interment took niace in Flesherton cemetery. Rev. M. Saunders of the Baptist church and Mr. G. Purcell of the Presbyterian church officiated at the house and graveside. Mrs. W. Long Passes After Suffering Siroke Engineers, Court House, Orangevillc, Ont. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY purchase money to be paid down at the time cf the sale, balance with- in thirty days. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to: C. C. MIDDLEBRO, Mortgagee's Solicitor, Owen Sound. Dated at Owen Sound, April 24, 1929 Small Advts. i FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" 8 young pigs.â€" Allan . ,. ^ ,., . McLean, Phone 49 r 3, Pricevllle. - HO acres in the Township of Ar- I temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R., FOR SALEâ€" Young general pur- about 85 acres under cultivation. pose horse.â€" ^Herb Corbett, Proton, j balance pasture and mixed bush; barn 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone FOR RENTâ€" Garage, in to^vn, John Runstadler, Flesherton. basement, in good repair, water at bam; driving shed 24x30, also hen house; 8-roonied solid brick house with soft water cistern and furnn'-". â- I This is a good errain and stock farm. FOR SALE â€" Soed oats and stack of^hay.â€" W. Hawkins, Eugenia, j ^^^P FOR SALEâ€" ILt< eford Bull, ona , well fenced and watered, situated vear old. Registered. â€" Fred R. convenient to railv/ay, church and Boland. | school. Reason for sellinsj is on Ti,-.r. cTTtV"'^ 7^ 1 /^i^~i ' account of poor health. For partic- FOR SALE-^arred Rock Chicks, u,a„ apply on uremisos. ready to deliver May 23 and June 3 â€" Mrs. C. Hindle, R. R. 3, Proton Sta- tion, Phcne 32 r 31. W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2, Proton Station. i Furniture Dealer Meaford Board of Trade has a ir.ombership of 130. Feed and Seed DR.'vN S1.60 per cwt. SlUnj'iS ^-l.TO per cwt. r.iirOI.INGS SI. 90 per cv.t. LOV/ GRADE FLOUR S2.10 per cwt. r HOP S1.25 per cv.l. WEST. WHKAT ....$1.(10 per cwt LED CLOVER, No. 1 G.S. Slit per bu. CED CLOVER, No. 2 G.S. S13.50 pe.- bu. •Wc It! o hi\e Oal:-, Barley, and other feeds We arc now tak- inr ordrrs for best quality nut coal. Price SI. '5.00 per t<-n off the c:'.r Terms: CASH I There passed away on Sunday,' pOR SALE â€" Mammoth Clover I May 12th, at the home of her daugh- geed. â€" Clias. Doape, Proton, 'phona' trr, Mrs. \Vm. Miller of Flesherton, 32 ring ]4. , I an old resident of Honeywood in the â€"z^^ „ a t V I person of Sarah Jane Granger, relict' ^'"^ ^^-^ Golden Vina seed F„n«.l Director |: ^_ Q^ MVIR .:.<..x..:..:..x..;":":"> gey lon •Phone .16 r 3 y-': THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. KILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES Rllarkdale, Ontario OIR nJYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY I News Items of Interest to Shoe Purchasers Wo now have many styles and widtlis in the ever faniou.s "Hniprcss" shoe. Widths A, 1'., C, D., U., \'.\''A%, either in patent or kid leather. Our prices are rij^ht on all lines from the smallest child's to tile larji^est men's. Our chain store volume buy- ^ 'wv^ makes this possible. We assure you a p/;r- *^ .(^52^^ ^^^^ ^-^ ^'"l satisfaction guaranteed at all times. ^"''^ Remember, that ill fitted shoes are the chief source of all foot troubles, includinj; bunions, y ^^ X -.TT.. ^ ^ i^ 1 ^ [ crooked toes, callou.scs and corns. UoMca \ /f^^^ We also have a complete stock of Dr. Win. M. vScholl's api)liances and will do oiu" utmost to cor- rect any tnnibles already developed by ill fitting shoes. jLJM..^.jt'- Men's Work Shoes of oil tanned leathers, with either rubber or leather .soles, at prices from $2.95 to $3.75. This price represents the better line ^^^^ ^s ,-. of shoes. ^^^>^HB^n^ Afi*C^r Ladies' Dress Shoes of many different styles ^^fe^EP^KS^ V "^^ and lasts from $2.2') to $3.95. l^KWi Childreii's and Misses Strap Shoes, sizes 5, 7^ 98cts. to $1.69; sizes H to \()y. for $1.40 to $1.95; sizes 11 to 2 for $1.59 to S2.50. ^*«*"" Men's Work Boots of many parades of Icathet v Manv i)airs actually worth .$3.95 t(» $-1.25. Special Sale "Price $3.29. GROCERY SPECIALS â€" WE SAVE YOU MONEY 3 pks. Corn Flakes for 25c. 2 cans of I'cas 19c. Sliced Pineai)i)lc, 2 for 29c. 2 cans of Tomatoes 25c. Oranj^es, sweet, reg. 50c. doz 39c. 2 cans of Corn 25c. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" The late Mrs. Long suffered a stroke 2 r 22, Flesherton. several weeks and gradually sank fqr SALE â€" Light Sussex eggs until death came as a release on Sun- j^^. hatching 75 cts. per setting. â€" day morni-.ig. The funeral took j^^ ^ Stewart. pla-o en Tueschv afternoon, soi-v:co _ â- -â€" being held at her late residence. Rev. I FOR SALKâ€" Quantity of hay a. .Jos. narrower officiating, btermeat , McKi:ir.cn farm. South Line, Pnco- took place in Honeyv/ood cemetery.' vUle. SIO per ton.â€" Jos. McKee, Mark- During the Ecrvicc at the house a d^'e R. R. 5. cuartottc, composed of Mrs. Perkins, Sirs. .Tos. Blackburn. Dr. Murray and Geo. Cairns, cndered "There's a Land That is Fairer Than Day" very beau- tifi'lly. N'cxt issue wo v,i!l publish fiome facts volatinp: to thj life of the late Mrs. Lons;. A Real Fish Report-3 of hrgc speckled trou; caught in this district are comnienc- irg to be hoard. The other morn- ing Mr. G. B. Welton of town landed a beauty that measured 113 inches in length .-ind weighed two pounds ami fourteen ou ices. When being clean- FCR RENT â€" Six roomed house :ind !Tocd garden, opposite the high achocl i-.i Flesherton. â€" Mrs. W. J. Casv^eil, Proton Stntion, R R 3. FOR SALHâ€" Cow, dr^o to freshen in June; can bo seen at the farm cf Chaj. Doupe, or apply to â€" Mrs. Eph. Dcupo, Clarksburg, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Ford tourins car, in first clii;-3 condition, 1929 licenst, ^ix good tires. â€" O. \V. Phillips, Flesherton, Ont. PROPERTY FOR SALE The property of the late Elia â- Gibfon, lot 10, CoUingwood street, Flesherton. On this property is a comfortable dwelling housei of 9 rooms, with electric lighting. Barn 25 X 33 ft., with stable and drTving- hou:Q therein; also a jTood well on tho premises. This property is in a ETood location and will bo sold reason- ably. For further p-irticulars ap- ply to th? administrator. â€" W. J. ?-Ieads, Flesherton, Ont. BULL FGK SERVICE Rrgiste-cd Jer.;sv Bull for se'-vice o:i lot 127, 2nd rans"! S.W. Terms: .-^2 and oS. â€" B. A. Ilarprrave, Mark- dale. HOAR FOR SliRVlCE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, tiie property cf tho Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. FOR SALEâ€" 25 tons of first class timothy snd alfalfa hay; 200 bu. 0*, â€" seed barley; 200 bu. of feed barley.â€" 'SIIOBTIIORN BULL FOR SERVICB , \J. L. Irving, Flesherton, R. R. 2,1 d twenty eight chub were found in.phone Markdale 30 r 31 he stomach of the trout one of them' . . p the -leasurins four inches in length. He seiurod a number of other larae fish in his citch, 1 ut the above was the pri22 of the catch. livery Properly Sold Another rc;d estate dtal in tow-, was closed last wo«"k when Mr. .Ino. Plcster purchased the livery bam In town and tho farm on the station road frnni Mr. John Fawcett, former- ly of Kimborlev and now of Corbet- ton. iMr. Plestcr occupies the from portion of the livery stable as a shop for his International implements. FOR SALE â€" Hatching eggs from Purebred B. R. hens, bred to lay, mat.d with R. O. A., cockerels, 60 cents per dozen. â€" W. J. W. Arm- strong, Fhonc 13 r 11. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" 100 acres. Ids 166 and 167, 1st ransre west of T.S.R.. Artemcsia. For ull partic- ulars apply to W. J. Bellamy. Flesh- erton. Ontario. FOR SALE â€" 2 Shorthorn bulls, age ten months, eligible for registrat- ion, color red; also Trebi six-rowed barley, yields from 50 to 05 bushels per acre.â€" Donald MacMillan, R. R. 3 Priceville, Phone 40 r 12. Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. ITO-l.-Jo; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142.381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131.078. Terms â€" Purebreds $5.00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Eugenia. MIDDLE eRO & BURNS narristen, etc. OPENING^ARAGE rv-„ ,„„il nn^ i» installing rcvoral Apply at this office LOST STRAYED & FOUND LOST â€" .\iredale dog. no tag, re- ward. â€" W. E. Morgan, Eogenia. Ladies wrist watch. â€" this week and is installing more gas tanks in readiness for the large tourist tvaffic. BELIEVE IT OR NOT CAME ASTRAYâ€" Steer, about one year old, came to my premises about Friday. May 10th. Owner prove r operty and pay expenses â€" iGeorge Hutchinson, Kimberley. Ofices - Owen Sound. Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton eve»y Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., denUl surgeon, honor graduate at Toronto and Royal College of Dental Sirgeona of Ontario. Gas administered for .teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. MISCELLANBOUS WANTED â€" Maid, to help with housework. â€" Mrs. A. Fawcett. Fev- ersham, phone 8 r 41. PASTURE â€" Cattle wanted for pasture. 100 acres of pasture, well watered. â€" Fred Duckett, Eugenia. i^ Searchers for the body ot your. Orton Cook, found on April 17th in a deep hole a mile below the dam at Barrie, which collapsed on April 6th, and precipitated him into the flood waters, gave considerable credit to assistance rendered by a clairvoyant, an old lady living near Powassan and to whom the father paid a visit on the advice of trainmen during the 12-day search, ._ A number of things which this woman told the father were fulfilled. including the approximate location of the body, the fact it was in ft deep hole, that the youth wore his father's short Kumwe'l ^°°^^ »"d "°^ ^'^ °*" long ont a, which she said were in the out-building, where, they were later found. She also said tho body would bo found on a day with a seven in it, and it was found on the IJth. Many people in Muakoka district pin faith on this old lady and the Cook lay's case is not the first in v.hich she is said to have rendered rniih assistance in locating a body nftt drowning. Her instructions for days dictated the movements of hun- dreds of searchers whopo labors were finally rewarded. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Hatch of Barred Rock! bnhy chicks on June 10th; anyone wishing to order phone at once, 15 o ». # i. ^ ^ te-its cncb.â€" Mrs. Edgar Patterson, ' P« c*"*- SatUfactloh ruarlitMd R. K. 2, Priceville, Phone 22 r 41. Batet 9ia(l« at The AdTIAC* offka. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. A A.M. meets in tho Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton evei-y Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence. Secretary EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- et prices wil be paid in cash.â€" Jno. Runstadler, Flesherton, NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. NOTICE â€" Special in chick feo-> also flour and fer on hand. Can bo secured at the Park Hotel. â€" Harold Snoffard. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D. 'Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucaa Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at Dimdalk and Durham. SHINGLES New BrunswicU White Cedar. '5 to 2 inches. Extras perfectly cle:^r of knots and sapwood. Clears 6 in. cle-- ar ' up. Phone vour orders: 13w. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON. GBOR-DUVCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIOKBSR Fjr the County oif Gray. Tarmsi Telford & Bimie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruce Block. Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton. (Saturdays.) W. P- Telford. Jr.. J. p. p. fli rnle. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, Feversham, or by addressing me at Feveisbjjn. BOAR FOR SERVICE , , Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vfceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Hoj Club. Terms fl.OO. -C. HINDLE, . ' T_.. s : . ', Proton StaUon