^()je /tolj^trt^n %hmnu Vol. 48 No. 48 Flesberton Ontario, May 13. 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ♦<^»»»»» »» »»»»»»»»»»» » »» » » » o»»»»»»»».» ^ ^^^j»^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ FOR YOUR GARDEN j, J Vegetable & Flower Seeds, 3 10c. pks. for ....15c. I Dutch Sett Onions, 2 lbs. for 35c X Muntiplier Onions, 2 lbs. for 25c I Order a B»g of Sugar (or Next Week I A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. % Store Closed Tuesday and Fricby at 6 p.m. PRICEVILLE : Beautiful flowers, music and ser- mons comeraorated Mother's Day, which was fittingly observed on Sun- day last. High commeRdation was given Christain mothers and reference was made to mother's great opportun- ities and their responsibilities and the wonderful results arising from their love and sacrifice To many hearts came tender thouehts of dear ones, loved lone since and lost awhile. Rev. Mi. Wallace occupied tho nulpit and was preaching for a call. Miss Catharine MacMillan. nurse- in-training, in Fergus Hospital, is spending a couple of weeks at her hom« hera. Miss Eva Carson of Toronto re- turned on Saturday, having spent the past week visiting at her home. Mr. John Nichol (Sr.) had the mis- fortune to lose his driver. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan and two daughters, of Swinton Park, vis- ited Sunday at Mr. John Nichol's. Mr. Hern;ie M-'Loan has purchased a new Ford coacli. Mrs. Donald and Miss Mary Stew- ort attended the funeral on Tuesday of their cousin, at Calcdon. VANDELEUR (Last V/'cok's Items) 3Ir. and T.Irs. Vv'rj. Brown and fam- ily motored to Owen Sound on Sat- urday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wier, en the arrival of twin -•-Is. Miss Delhi McPhail of Toronto spent a fow days visiting at hez aunt's, Mrs. J. McMeekin's. Mr. .â- \l!an BIcLean has been ap- pointed caretaker of the hall. In spito of the severe blizzard on Friday evening, May 3rd, the church was well filled to see the young people nut oi their play "Promoting Romeo." The play was given un- der tiie auspices of the Woman's In- stitute and was of a very ^=~'- order, all the actors taking their parts well. Those who took part were Messrs. Howard Graham. Roy Freeman, How- ird McGe-\ Jack Taylor, Frank Davis ind John Sawver, Mrs. Wm. Swan- con, ^-^.. Frank Davis and Misses Myrtle Frceraan, Ethel Thompson, Ver.ia Bcland and Amelia Davis. Between rets. Mr. Cockbum render- ed music and Mr. Howard McGee sang.. For the benefit of those who wc e unab'c to hear the olav on ac- count of the weather, it will be put on again in the church on Wednos- da.' evenin» of this week, May 15. Miss Jp>n -Wris'ht and Mr. Cum rai/.s: of Toronlo motored up a ' siient a couple of days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Granger and daughter. Irene, of Toronto, and Mr. rnt\ Mrs. Amos Smith, and son. Charles, of Meaford, spent the week . CT-^ v.-ith Mr. and Mrs. Sam G='''ert. \ ri'-ssrs. I'T-^- Johnston and Frank Dr.vi:; v.-cre in Toronto recently. COURT OF REVISION Milton will have an Old Boys Re- union June 2Tth to July 1st. Tho first sitting of the Court of Revision on the Assessment RoU of ir2'^, Tc^nrhio c' O?rrov, will be hc'.d at Maxwell. Saturday tho 25th dav cf Mav at 10 a.m. .\11 pa -ties interested will please ' take notice and govern themselves accordingly. 1 Dated the l.=>th dav of Mav. 1020. â€" H. G. BURKE, Clerk. WHIPPET The longer, larger bodies of the new Whippets, the low lines, distinctsive colors, higherradiators and hoods, Jieavier one-piece full-crown fenders, are bringing- to Four and light Six buyers an en- tirely new conceptionof how beautiful ^u inexpen- sive car can be. Roomier interiors, broader seats, longer front and rear springs, snubbes and oversize balloon tires bring you the riding com- fort of costlier c^rs. Be sure to see the New Whippet at our first opportunity ! We will gladly arrange a demon- stration for you. ^ . ^,^^ ^ US ^1 No Tire Built SEIBERUNG Like This Before Those tonj;li ribs of rubber extending over the side walls, making a tre^d virtually from bead to bead, are an extensive feature of Seiberling All- Treads. They mean extr* wear; they give ex- tra protection again.st chafing curbs, ruts, rocks. BRACKS GARAGE Phone 61 Flesherton, Ont. CEYLON Mr. Abe. McMaster of near North Bay and Miss Susie McMaster of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Mrs. H. Piper, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and family visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hill, Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Spoffard, Mr. Harold and Miss Toley Spoffard, Miss H. Maynard, of Feversham, spent the first of the week with Mr. S. Hemp- hill and family. Mrs. John Gibson, Mrs. Jas. L. Mc- Mullen and Mr. Robert Campbell at- tended the funeral of a relative at Orangeville last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Torrey and son, Jack, of Lauriston, spent Saturday at Mr. H. Piper's. Mr. Bert Whittaker and Mrs. Snyd- er of Canton, Ohio, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittaker. M s. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents. Mrs. F. CoUinson, who has been vis- iting with friends at London and other points, has returned home. Bom â€" On May 10th, at Flint, Mich. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod, form- erly of Ceylon, the gift of a daughter (Margaret Ann.) Mr. Davi.-, who has charge of the services iiere for the summer, is in- tending t) start a bible taining class covering a period of ten lessons. The fi St meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Haw on Friday evening at eight o'clock. .A.n invitation is extended to evoryono who would like to join these studies. •M.'. and Mrs. Herbie Fisher ^- • children of Toronto sptnt the week end at Mr. Roy Piper's, and along v.-ith Mr. and Mr.'--. Roy Piper, at- tended tho funeral of the four month old babe cf Mr. and Mrs. Stanton at Durham on Monday afternoon. Mr. Ernest 'McRat cf Price\nHe spent th v.eek end at Mr. George Airowsn'.ith's.. Mr. nd Mrs. Thos Stewart and fam- ily visited with the lattor's father. II'. llcJIaater <^f Pcrtlaw-. rir. .•Vvnoid Ilauert, who ha> had for seve al month?, ciiavp-e of the P"iJsh .'Vmerican Oil tank<: at this place has been transfered back to Hinover. We are sorrv to learn thr.t Mr. Hauert, who went honio for tho v.-eek end, is seriously ill at his ''-me in Hancvcv, 'cut hopo for a =pcedy iccovcry. SING.HAMFTCN Mr. RlJdcil spen; the v«eek end at his hoir..: near Durham. JMrs. Hill is snending a few days with hei- mother, Mrs. McFadden oi Goliiiv'wood township, who u ill. 51r. Duncan McMilian, of Toronto, spc-nt the v.-eek end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald c<- Xiag.-ira arc home owing to the denta of the former's father, Mr. Jno. Jic- Donakl. There has been a number rf fisii- crnien in the village alreadv despite the cold, unfavorable weather. Much sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. John McDonald and family in their recent sai ber- eavement. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Kitchen- er have returned home after a visit with tlieir daughter, Mrs. McMillan. Mr. aid Mrs. John Stoutenburg of Collingwood spent Sunday with the iatter's bother, Jas. A. Davidson and familv. Miss Carrie Kernahan is visiting at her parental home near here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee and two children and Mr. and Mrs. H. .Alexander motored over to Owen Sound and spent the week end with their daughter. Mrs Will Colnuette and family. Mrs. .Alexander's moth- er. Mrs. Perigo accompanied them. Mr and Mrs Will "Tyler spent Sun- day with tho former's parents here. KIMBERLEY Mother's Day was very fittingly observed in the Sunday School and church services. There v.-cre many beautiful flov.-ers loaned by t'lc mothers, who had received ther.i frov.i their children. Wc expect next Sundnv to h.ivc Miss Mitchell, who is in Grey, doing missionary work nd iving the church sci^viees aid and creating missionary interest. Miss Jaan Smith of Powascan. tac W. I. summer speaker, will meet the W. I. in the hall o^ Monday after- noon. May 24th. We hope to sec a good turnout to hear her. Mr. a'.d Mrs. F. Hutchinson and children visited tho week end with Mr. and Mrs .Geo. Hutchinson. Mr. John Robins, who has been with Mr. V/. E. Myers for the pas: two months, has gone to Port Lor- ing with Mr. W. T. Ellis. The W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs, J. M. Fawcett on Wednesday aftornocn. The turaout was not vcrv lars-e. but a goo<l meeting was held. Mrs. Brown of Kitchener pave a he'pfiil and interesting talk on mission work in tho United Church there. tBaon ^ Speed law in Prince Edward Island says 25 miles is the limit. The reastn is that if the brakes were poor the driver weuld be li.ible to run into EUGENIA Work on the bridge was hindered by the heavy rain on Saturday even- ing â€" several loads of gravel being washed away from the sides of the bank and the large steel pipe was also shifted from its position. It will be some time yet before the bridge is ready for traffic. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doupe and children of Saugeen Junction, ac- companied by Mts. Doupe's mother, Mrs. Robt. Haney, of the village, vis- ited with the former's mother in Clarksburg on Sunday. Mr. Doupe has purchased a fine new sedan car. Mr. John Park left on Monday to work with Mr. D. L. Weteer at Erin- dale. Success John! We will miss your cheerful smile for awhile. Mr. C^has. Wiliams has been in the employ of Mr. Weber for the past few weeks and likes the work well. We under- stand Messrs Weber & Proctor are erecting a vtry large residence for a millionaire at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer and chidren, Dorothy and Douglas.?, of Windsor, visited the past couple of weeks with Mrs. Falconer's sister, Mrs. Percy Magee. We were nleas ed to have a visit from the Falconer family. Mr. John McDonald has been work- ing at "Pheasant Island"' the past week cr so We v\'ish you every success with the work .John! Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ca-ruthers and Mr. "nd Mrs. Thos. McKee attended the funeral of their cousin. Miss Hazel McKce, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mi-Kee at CtI- lingv.-ocd on Monday rftemoon. We extend onr sympathy to tha sorrow- ing friends. M'=s S. .^ -ho-on \n?'"tod over the ^-"«k pnd at her parental home, Vict- oria Corners. Mi;- MiU'.rpd .Tohnston of Port L;'.v- renewed aci'!uaintances in the villasfo over the -*eik end. Mr. Sam McDonald of Victoria Corners snent t'no weak end at his homo. Eighth Line. Mr. and Mis. Edwin Purvis and darchtcrs. Shirlsy and June, an<" Mr. mrl Mrs Wr.i. Williams, of Toronto vieitcd over the week end with tlie former's parents, iMr. and Mr- Robt. "^iirvio. Mr. Robt. Purvis accom- panied them to Toronto, wh^-e he will consult a specialist, re affected eyesight. Mrs. I\. Smith, Tenth Lino, i.^ vis- iting with her father, Mr Elija'i We c-N'nJ c r sympathy to Mr. and Mrs Sa-n Fisher, in the loss of •^hoi" Utt'-> daughtf •. who accidently met her death on Thursday last. l'.r. and Mrs. Ehvood Partridae and children of Rock Mills visited re- cently at Mr C. Martin's. Inspector Morrison of Meaforu made aa official visit to our school last week. ROCK MILLS PROTON STATION Special "Mother's Day" service in tho United Church on Sunday. nighL was conducted by the pastor. Mr. Davis, who spoko very appropriately, using as his theme "The Homo." .A. choir of mothers rendered the music. Mrs. Hugh Hodgin is attending the funeral of her sister, who died sud- denly at her home in Toronto on Saturday night. Kindest sympathy is extended to Miss Ina Holmes of the Bible School here in the death of her mother, Mrs. Ilohncs ot Lions Head. The fun- eral took place on Sunday. .A number from th: Proton Station Bible School attended. Mr. and Ms. Batchelor spent Sunday with Mrs. Batchelor's mother at Owen Sound. Mr. Lloyd Lyons and sister, Mi5s Jlargaret Lyon-, of Toronto, spent "Mother's Day"' at home here. Mr. James Vuuse is on the sick list this week. We hope ho may havj a speedy recovery. His hro- thd- Mt. Robt. Vause. of Price- ville. and Ms. Turner and son were visitors at his home recently. Mr. Bradley and son. of Berkley were visitors with Dever brothers. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright and daughter. Miss Florence Wright oi H.imilton were callers on numerous friends in and around Proton Station last v,-eek end. Mis- Maude .\cheson, Mr. ami Mrs. Thompson, .nnd son. Tommy. and Mr. Wilbur Dobson of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Patterson and chiWror. iVrs. Elmo Stevens and daughter, Majoric. were guests at th;: home of R. G. Acheson. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mr;. Clark Teed nnJ son. of Duncan, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson. :.Irs. John Welsh and family spent the week end with friends al Duncan. Mrs. Clarence Smart and son. Merle and Mi.s Mildi-cd Smart spent the w.'ck end with tho former's p-ir- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Prentice, of Duncan. Mr. and Mi's. Thos. McCollough ?.rd children spent Sunday last with Mrs. Ferguson of Kimbertey. Messrs.' J. H. Thomps>n. Ernest Thompson and Hugh Smith and Miss Mabel Thompson attended the fun- eral on Monday of their cousin, Mrs. Haines, of Meaford. Our sincere sympathy is extetided to Mr. and Mrs. Samie Fisher and family in tht'ir v-.i-y sad bereave - inent, by ilie death of their little three-year old daughter and sister, Muriel, who was fatally injured at the mill here last Thursday forenoon, and passed away a few hours later in the Collingwood hospital. The funeral took place on Friday after- noon at 3 p.m. to Flesherton ceme- tery and was very largely attended by sympathizing friends. Many and beautiful were the floral tributes. Mrs. Ed. Holley and Mr and JMrs. Alvin Fligg, cf Toronto, visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seeley and daugh- ter, Delmar. of Heatherton. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Chard and .A.rthur C'nard visited over Sunday with the Iatter's brother. Mr. W. J. Chard, and family Some of the farmers in this vi-?- inity finished seeding last week. The Missionary Cii-cle -,:" :he Flesherton Baptist Church held -.z.^rir month' V meetirg at tiifi Mrs. Wni. T. Pedlar, on May 7th. iir. and Mrs. I>ave. JaBueaan c: Toronto attended the funeral of iitti. Muriel Fisher, on Friday last aad al- so visited with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. Xewell visiteii the first of the week w^ith relatives at Maxwell. Service next Sabbath evening will be held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Betts. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mi'S. Wm. Pedlar. ""â- - and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Ita and Jim, vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton, Durham. MUXWCIX The Women's Institute held their election of officers at the home of iirs. Geo. Ross on Thursday last. The otticers oiC as follows : Presi- ^ dent, Mrs. J. L. Morrison; 1st Vice- Pres., Mrs. R. J. Morrison; 2nd Vice â- Mrs. Louis Kerton; Secretary, Miss iMabel Ross; Treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Hall; Auditors, Mrs. W. Poole and Mrs. Geo. Priestly; district delegates, I Mrs. J. L. Morrison, Mrs. Jas, Long. iMiss Mabel Ross; Mower Committee, I Mrs. Chas. Long and Miss Ella Mor- i nson. After the business was dia- I posed of lunch was served by the nostess and a social hour was enjoy* ed by all. I We are sorry to report little Miss ; Thelma Morrison ill with pneumonia. The Woman's Guild of St. Mary's church will meet Wednesday, May 16, at Mrs. John Milne's. All mem- ' b-ers are requested to be present, as the ctficers for t'ne ensu; .g year iwiU be elected. Mrs. Hill and daughter, Eva, and i:zi, Gecrge and Jack, visited at M - J ->: -c^ Lawlor's. -rch services were well at- -iH/ evening. Splendid - -;â- â- ' sermons were ..- "..-.churches. ::- .- . A.-i. J. B'uikely of Corbet- :;z .aiisrs in this \ncinity on ; T.-.- ; -niiii-c .\.y.P.A. very ably ; presetea their p"^v ".Always in : Troable'' on Wednesday evening ' last It was given under the aufi- ' pices of fee St. Mary's guild. The ' hall was filled to cacaciry. TORONTO LINE NORTH VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Walter Corbett visited ovic th^ week end at Jas. Lockhart's. Emma Moore was home for a Connie of drtvs. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Kiilins and son. Gord- on, of Smithville. and Margaret Moore of Buffalo, N.Y., spent Mother's Day at Chas. Moore's. - (Last Week's Items) ] Mr. and M's. W"m. .\cheson ana Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor and Mrs Wilfred Gallagher spent las; Thursday in Owen Sound. Ren Acho;-o:i is home for the sum- mer from Detroit. Mrs. Elva Rcbinson of Dundalk is nursing Mrs. WooJlan. who is not improving as we would like. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McClure and Mr. and Mrs. Howard McClure of Toronto visited at .\lbert Stinson's nd other friends over the week end. Mrs. Stevens was called to To- ronto on Tuesday as her daughter. Mrs. Cantrell was very ill. having been threatened with appendicitis. IN MEMORIAM GENOE â€" In loving memory of our dear Father. James Gfnoe. who departed this life M.-.y 14th. 1921. â€"Harry, Ehvood and Ella. 3Ir. Adam Murdock of Caledon is visiting at W. Burnert"3. Mr Wm. Reid and sons, Billie and Victor, of Lapeer, Mich., motored over .•> nd spent the week ev.d at the homo of R Richadrson. Mrs. ReeU. who spent t"ne pa;5t week wit'^ her mother. Mrs. Pritchard. who is ill, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and chiH- ren of Markdale spent Sunday at - Lever's. Mr. Bill McKenzie and son. Cecil and Mrs. McKechnie. Sr.. Brampton were visitors at the home of W. Burnett, recently. I. H. Co. Implements I have for my storeroom the front half of McEachnie's Livery Stable and will be able to supply any make of Inter- national Harvester Co. machin- ery cr supplies. At present I have on hand a second-hand Deering .Manure Spreader, low design. Jno. Plcstcr FLESHERTON, ONT. DELCO LIGHT SYSTEM CARD CF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher wish to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness shown during their sore bereavement. '^♦♦♦*->>*<><->>.>.:~>.K«*->«<K«<'«-x~K~>«><M"><>«XK":~:~XK~x~:~K-:~>*-*^ i Bates Burial Co. I I 122-124 Avenue Road I TORONTO S Phone: Klngsdale 4344 •> I.W.Bates. R. Maddocks. House of Oualitv" ( . RED CLOVER. TIMOTHY. .\LSIKE. M-AM. CLOVER. -ILF.XLFA. SEED BARLEY PRICES RIGHT. QUALITY C.VNT BE BE-\TEN TERMS .. CASH Wc handle the best BABY CHICK FEED AND STARTING MASH on the market EGGS FCR HATCHING â€" Light Sussax Eggsâ€" From Imported Stock â€" 75 cts. per 15. Jas. A. Stewart ^ Remember! Half Hdiday Commences in May. ? .>.><.^>.>.>.>4.^>.><->.>.w<>^».:->.>^.>.>^->.>.x~j>-KX~>->->->*%^«>'>?->->.>.}->* »»♦ â- il< >" i»b lAfc, , >^-