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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1929, p. 4

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» J!i» T WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1929 THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON A9yANCE Published on CoUUiKWOod ttriiet, ntaherton, Wedneaday of each week. Cici/Iation over 1100, I Price in Canada, 12.00 p«r year ' when paid in advance $1.60. In â-  V£.A^ 12.50 per year, when paid in advanco $2.00. W. H. THURSTON - Editor. #. J. TIIUr.STON - Asst. Lditor. Letters to The - Editor - ABOUT OLD FRIENDS er. Some of the farmers in this vic- inity have soma sown. Kuv. O. U. Hahn had charge of the Sabbath eveninir 8(A'vic8 ihere. Miss C. McLellan also assisted in the service and aanic a beautiful solo. The service next Sabbath evcnini; will bo held nt the home of MVs. C. I Newell at 7.30. Mr. and Mrs. Everybody welcome* Kobt. Croft motoreii A ni.'^GRLNTLED REEVE >Last issue we challt'nsred Mr. T. W. Firdlay, Reeve of Flesherton, to brinjT forward proofs of his charges against the local clerk or other of- I'lcials and so far, there has been complete silence on the subject from .. , , »_: »„ tv»;- ,.«â- â- . K ... , .. , I vacnt:on end make a trip to their ol" home town 1o meet nr.d Kreet all Hammond, Ind., April 19, '29 to Owen Sound Saturday and visitea Dear Mr. Thurston;- I am send- the latter's parents there. Mr. Croi'i ins you herewith my cheque for $10 returned home on Sunday, but Mrs. aj a donation to the Home Coming. Croft and three dauschtc-s remainca I am Breatly elated over the op- with her mother for the week. pouunity of meeting my old friends ,,^'^-,^- f?w' d^ay^witf "thet at thw Home Coming in Hesherton. ^unt here, Mrs. Ernie Russell It is farty-five years since I reaiU- Mr. and Mrs. Ned Coft and family e:l in that community and many ol visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. the old fiicmis have Konc, but thcc Hai-old Osborne of Foversham .,, „ , , ^, Mr. McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. John uie still a Koouly number of thcr.-. Gjbson and family of Stnyner, were still living. visitors ccently with the former's I hope that they will all conclude daughter, Mrs. Lome Atkinson, and that they are going to take a little family. the writer cf tlio letter to the Muni cipal World. Why? Is it because T. W. F. is not able to back up his assertions with evidence, and that his charges are just idle wind from an irresponsible person? The chief magistrate should be able to explain to the people of Flesherton why the char;rcs were made against the Clerk or other officials. MEALS SERVED their old school chums and friends. Having nurch:i.-?ed VJ.-h. McNallys iii'i"ls. Boarding House, Main Street, Mar'<- Timc works many physical changes dale, I will be prepared to serve in the human and when we meet meals after the first of May. Your each other we vill be somewhat es- natronage is solicited. â€" Mrs. t.nnKcd bcrause of this physical Cutting (nee Vera Loucks.) change in our appearance. Let us forget though, and think of t:jo F. TENDERS WANTED The people want many, many f:oo<l times we have had and our V.nany kind bets to know the reason, so it is up to j togother the Reeve to explain. Personally . toward each other, the high places vre know that Mr. Findlay has no in the world our old friends have KTounds to stand on in his charges | readied, how fortunate we are to but we suspect that it is from the be here on earth, the old school csia township, 20x5 Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Sat- urday, May 11th, for the construction of the following reinforced bridges. Jordan's Bridge â€" Lot 200 and 201, Con. 1 N.E. T. & S. R., Artem- the amount of tender will be required from each bidder and the succesaful bidder must furnish a contract bond for GU per cent, of the amount of contract. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. R. c. Mcknight, Township Engineer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders on supplied forms will be received by H. G. Burke, Clerk of j the Township of Osprey, addressed to Peversham, Ontario, or handed to him at Maxwell up till 2.30 a'clock in the afternoon of 25th of May, 19- 20, for the construction of the Weathcrall Municipal Drain, which contains about 5300 cubic yards. A marked cheque for One Hundred Dol- lars ($100.00) must accompany each tender and on approval bond for Five Ilu.ndrcd Dollars (COO.OO) mus: be given at the time of signing of the contract. The lowest o? any tender not necessarily accepted. Other information may ibe obtained at the office of the clerk or the undersigfn ed. CHRISTIE & BEATTY Engineers, Court House, Orangeville, Ont. AN EVENT INTRODUCING SKILL CRAFT'S NEW SPRING SUITINGS which he stated inthe Munici- ' house, playKround and the old land point, pal World, of a disgruntled "minority Reeve." EDITORIAL NOTES The discaFP, streptococcus, causea several deaths recently. No wonderl We doubt if a political serves any :cal purpose. debate Tho season jfor some long stCiies has commenced again. fish marks of our home town. How many, many time.'! thoughts of the old home tov/n will come to us. If we make up our minds to consider and think of all these thin^f, what a mating Miat Vvili be. g greet cur friends, acquaintances rmd chums. Vvith kindest pergonal regard^ may I remain, most sincerely yours, â€" WM. J. McALEEH. Lyon's Bridge â€" Lot 79, Durham Road, Artemesia township, 10x3. Plans & specifications may be seen at the office of the Engineer, Court House, Owen Sound. A marked cheque for 5 per cent, of MORTGAGE SALE n let's all be present to meet and school mates and old Motor car.T are taking their toll of human life, more particularly each week end. Careful driving pays. * * • Toronto Globe's relief fund for the Welsh ?.Iinors totalled tho large sum of $1.S.'!,309.12, made up from 11,71-1 contributors. It was a worthy cause and the people rose to their duty magnificently. ROCK MILLS CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestly ana family desire to express their thanks for acts of kindness received during the illness and passing of their be- loved brother and uncle, Mr. George Priestly. I M'r. Jim Wi!kin.>=on and Miss Wilda | I Wilkinson of Duncan spent the wcr!' ' .nd vith their sister, Mrs. Ernie Ru",sp11. Mr. and Mn. Chas. Howard and dr.uehtor, Marion, of Toronto, mot- orod up and vi.^ited the latte'-'s par- ; cnts here over the woek end. Charlip I also wont to Owen So-id to see his father, Mr. Thos. Howard, who is :n ' the hospital there, suffering with ' blood poison. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Atkinson an(* family vi^itcdj with Mr. and >Mr.-. Jo'?. McMillan of Bethel. Seeding operations are progressing very slowly owing to the cold weath- I. H. Co. Implements I have for my storeroom the front half of McEachnie's Livery Stable and will be ablo lo supply any make of Inter- national Harvester Co. machin- ery or supplies. At present I have on hand a second-hand Deering Manure Spreader, low design; also two and one-half tons of fertilizer. Ji\o. Plcstcr FLESHERTON. ONT. DELCO LIGHT SYSTEM FISH AND BEAN SLPPER AT LADY BANK. The Ladies' Aid of Providence Church are having a fish and bean supper and programme in the S. A. barracks, across the road from Providence Church on Friday, May 24th. A good committee is being appointed to look after the tables and evening entertainment. Admission: 40 cts. and 20 cts. for children under 12 years. Supper served from G to 8 n.m. Everybody come and en- jor a good time. 'oave ^^sM/ VICTORIA CORisERS Mr. and Mrs. Melville Haw visit- ed over the week end at the latter's home, -M â- . A. .Stinson's. Mr. (Jeorge Ludlow has been on the sick list, but is improving. j Mrs. Robinson is visiting over the ' Week end at Berkley. [ Mr. George Best spent a few days in Toronto. k Mr. McDonald, Victoria College, oc- cupied the pulpit on .Sunay, ut In- istoge. Married at Toonto, on April 27th, Wr. Wm. C'antrell of Toronto to Miss Violet Stevens, also of Toronto. The lx)ys served the girls in quite a gallant stvle at tlie banquet at league on Wcdnenday evenini' last, after the election of officers for the ensuing year. Chiropractic Have the cause of disease removed by chiropractic adjustments. In Flesherton each V/ednesday from 4 to 7 p.m. For appointments phone 12'!w Durham, Ontario 0- write: C. G. MbcCMLLIVRAY Chiropractor Durham, Ont. it^ *lccBox ; . Cookies*' .| cup buncf ; 2 cups •ugsti JVi oipi Pun«y nottti 2 egfi; 2 te^ •noons bakinji powder: flivariag ; 1 cup ouu uid nisiiu chopped (optional) M«fcf the donchin • rcill tnd kcop it ovtrnlfhi in th* Ire bos or â-  cool piM*. Slict ihl.'ilr •jiJ Ifftke Id • quick oTwi. •UBcUnc SndSOcftr 700 SMcipt Ctd Bmk. tVMian C»n»<l» Floor Mill* Co. Limlitd. Totooio. B1 NOW that vou've seen thcOutstand* Ing ChcvTolct with its beautiful Body by Fbhcv . . its smart, styli&h colorings . . its racy» graceful lines . . we want you to DRIVE it. For, not till you sit p.t the wheel and drive, can you appreciate tho marvelous sbf* cylinder smoothness, the flashing acceleration, the abundant reserve cf power, the amazing ease of control and the delightful riding conafort that havs been built into this sensational new automobile. Corns In today. We have a car waiting for you to drive* *•« M' IJutstandin CHEVROL OF CHEVR^OLET HISTOrLV D.McTAVISH&SON Fleshc f ten Ontario t Mr. Jack Renault, Special Skill- Craft Representative will be. present to measure and take orders. EXTRA PANTS FREE FOR with every SKILL CRAFT Tailored-to-Measure Suit â€" the great SKILL CRAFT organization is offering Extra Pants Free with every Skill Craft Suit sold at this Store, Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity. If yea ar^ not in need of a suit at present, leave yonr order for later delivery. ONE DAY ONLY, MAY 4th W. G. KENNEDY Uritier and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain mortgage v.hich will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 18th day cf May, 1020, at tho hour cf 3 o'cock in the afternoon at Thomas Guy's Hotel, in the village I/" Maxwell, by; William Kaitting, auctioneer, tho following prop^.'ty, r.amely:- Lot number twenty, con- cession five. North Durham Road, Tov/n^hip of Csprey, co:itaining One Hundred Acres, more or loss, sub- ject to a reserved bid. TERMS â€" Ten per cent, of the I jvc'iase money to be paid 'lown â-  at the time cf the sale, balance with- in thirty days. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to: I C. C. MIDDLEBRO, Mc 'tKagoe's Solicitor, Owen Sound. MIM^i^^^B^^^MHiM^Mii^^^^lBBi^M^^^^^B^^^^^MiB Dated at Owen Sound, .\pril 24, 1929 ' .v'->.v..x><~x-x~x~:~>:-X">x~x~X"XK~x~x~x-K~K'<":~:~MKK-:~x-^^^ ; .«, ♦ I A Hio[hly Profitable Diversified Investment | 'I . . * ^; 12% with Safety in the Shares of X I Second Standard Royalties I LIMITED AN ALL-CANADIAN COMPANY Inccrporated under the Laws of the Prov. of Ont. OFFICERS and DIRECTORS E. M. Proctor, Esq., President Pres. James Proctor & Redfem, Limited, ^ Consulting Engineers, Toronto X Thomas J. Hilliard, Esq., Vice-President.. Ex.-Pres. Dominion Life Insurance Co. ^ Pres. Waterloo Trust Co., Waterloo 3^ Dr. W. A. Hall, M.P., 2nd Vice-President Walkerton ^ S. E. Nicholson, A.C.A., Sec-Treasurer Toronto ^ Thomas H. Stinson, Esq., K.C, M.P. Director McLaughlin, Fulton, Stinson & t Anderson, Barristers, Lindsay ^ James A. Haines, Esq., Director Manufacturer, Toronto ? W. H. Moore, Esq., Director Financier, Welland S Solicitors: Bankers: Auditors: PRICE, COCHRANE & CO. THE DOMINION BANK GEO. O. MERSON & CO. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Trustee for Sinking Fund, Tran-sfer Agent and Kcsislrar: The Imperial Trusts Company of Canada, IS Richmond St. West, Toronto 2 Second Standard Royalties Lii'hited is now receiving its Royalty Income from Royalties on Leases, which ere beinp operated by Major Producing Oil Companies such as: Marland, " Barnsdall, Mid- Continent, Carter, Gypsy, Mangolia, Prairie, Sinclair, Texas, Roxana, Amerada, Shell, Skelly, Pure, Tidal, Atlantic, Twin State, Pine, Independent, etc. The Company's Royalty Interests are well adve.-ti.sed, and only a limited amount of capital i^ in- vested in any one producing royalty â€" and only producing oil Royalties are purchased. After taxes and evpcnses of management have been provided for, which will be very nominal, due to the fact that the Uoyaltv Income of the Company is received entirely free of cost â€" THE CHART- ER PROVIDES FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME FOUR WAYS AS FOLLOWS: 1 I. Cumulative 12% Dedeemable Preferred Stock The Preferre Shares are a first lien on nil the Assets of the Comp."»ny with a fixed dividend of 12 per cent, per annum, pay- able 1 per cent, monthly on the first of each month to shareholders of record on tho 2oth day of the previous month, and arc redeemable nt $1.10 a share. 3. Surplus for Re-Investment Two-thirda of the Surplus Income must be invested in Pxpducing Royalties to in- crease the Assets and Earning Power of tho Company and the remaining one-thirv* is available for Common Stock Dividends. 2. Sinking Fund An amount equal to at least 1-2 to J per cent, each month on the outstanding Preferred Stock of the Company mu£t be set aside out of the Income of the Com- pany and deposited with The Imperial Trusts Company of Canada, as Trustee for the Redemntion of t'..e Preferred Shares on the 1st April, 1944. at $1.10 per Share. 4. Common Stock Dividends One-third of the Company's Surplus In- come set aside for Dividends on Common Stock, but no Dividends will be declared until all the Preferred Shares have been sold; meanwhile, this fund will accumulate for the benefit of the owners of the Com- mon Stock. The regular monthly dividend of 1 percent, on the Preferred Shares is payable on the 1st of each month to Shardiolders .of record on the 2Sth of the previoui* month. The shares are sold in Units of â€" 1001 2per cent. Redeemable Preferred Shares at $1.00 pet share â€" and 100 Common Shares at 2Sc per share. A dcscMptive circular givipK full information on Second Standard Royalties Limited will bo for- warded on request. All Chciiues, Drafts, Money Orders, etc., for sub icriptions should be made to The Impehial Trusts Company of Canada and same forwarded to: â€" MID - CONTINENT BOND CORPORATION, LTD. 331 Bny Street, Toronto 2, Canada Representative: Phones: ADelaide 9177-9178.9179-9170 DR. E. C. MURRAY, Flesherton, Ont. t PRODUCT OF CrNJ-RAL f^OTORS Ol' CAN.^D.V, J IMI I • â- \««>*<**%»«K»^<«%<»vXK**>«>'>*<*^^^'>***<'>>^ >•>>>*♦<>♦♦ ♦♦♦'W >^♦<^<^>^'^<^<. <k<.^<k<» ^<^ *<>$.

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