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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1929, p. 10

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:WEDNESDAY. APRIL 24, 1929 THE I'l.ESIIERTON ADVANCE a^ SLAT'S DIARY Wenaday â€" Well we dont no weather pa is KoiiiK tu gtit to hold hiH job en the noose paper wear he wi.ka or not. He let a advertisement lor the new Restrunt ko threw when it red. lie sure to Visit the new' Tea Slop. I gess it made the restrant fokes p; itty sore. '1 hirsdayâ€" Ant Emmy says she haa travvcL'd round a lots but she has pot the 1st (imc to ever see one of these here Stupoiu witch so inuiiny foks falls into in the short storys she I cuds in the MairKa^sinc nov/ days. riiday â€" Blislrs wa'^ up hero at arc houi'o today for the 1st time for a long time btcuz he hn;; kinda had the Swell hed for a wile just becuz he Parliament At Ottawa ! Ottawa, April IJ, 1C2J I par valui clause of the Bill was I'c of $40,000,000. Jhat would have ' withdrawn so also was the 4 per been a considerable mellon. withdrawn. j,,g afco^p should be suffi;.iont to U30 of th'j "mellon cut- provision Now, lit me explain a little more justify my .definitely, what I mean by "melon ti.ij;'' phrase. I will refrain from /cutting;." The market value of the S'>-'''i' i'lto further details in respect iMi-. Editor: The uproc.' in the llousa of Com- '.Sun Life stock. ' when the Bill was to the manner in wlik-h the Company mnns on A.-jril nth v/ould have done, before Tii'Iiament, wa;; $2,500.00 per I'aid for its present stock by votinif . tieuit to a loyal town with the The sharoholders were to bonuses to themselves from the non- Thc long, dreary, havfl the Two Million increase bf participating fund and applying that limshed. nmviAoA fn- in tho Rill at o t^ tlio nnvmont nf stnrk. It ia team on tho ice Uudgct debate wa 1 .,, , , ,u I."",' (capital provided for in the Bill at a to the naynient of stock. iicj.s will ue boysâ€" though bald and ' „ar value of ?100. Let us suppose gratifyint? to note that the Company weighty. The Rang spirit was cvi dent â€" only the opportunity was. nee that the passing of the Bill would itself was saved from an unnecessary ocoo.. I- I t I 1 ' " â€" have reduced the market valu?s of burden of capital by the timely and TU •" n 1 ;°?u ''!^^ antaijonism. the stock to $2 00.00 and that would persistent action of a few Farmer ihi '^„h!!!i'^l'. '< Amendment, and not have been likely: even then the representatives. the bub-amcm,ment were before the meant to the shareholds a stock vai- AGKES C. MACPHAIL. . House. Iho Sub-anic!;dn:cnt was i voted down. Mr. Kennedy. ^^F.A. .><.x•<••W^~KK.<">.^.K">.>.K~>♦.^.^.^♦>>.>^.><~X~H•<-^•K~^•>•X•.^^W->^â- ^^^^ Pe^ro Rivor. npoke to the »mcnd- ment. stressing the unfavorable con- dition of the agricultural industry, has ben on the Scrub teem at skool. ' Then tho amendment was voted down. Ant Emmy just found out that the Scrub teem v/assent the people witch had the job of warshing the flores ar.d winders out at skool. I .Saterday â€" well tonite was a perty Unhapny nito as fcr as I am son- sirned. Pa had left orders for me to clean u;) the yd. today and evry v/ood of ben all rite Xcep the g-ing wirkcd up a ft. ball game with the Slauter house teem and I had to play Immediately afterward Mr. Manion of Fort William, arose to address the House. Dr. Manion ia a fiary. flu- ent and exceedingly rapid speaker, who more than any othe- man in the Conservative party tends to arouse- party animosity. The Conservatives supported him with almost continuous annlause. The Liberals interrupted with growls, yelping and yaoping. I have seen two gangs of boys with a and so pa takes me and his Raiser favorite fighting dog v/atcliing their Stron down in the Basemint and he struggle for supremacy with much sed it hirt him wirse then it did me the .same look en their faces. The to do what he was haveing to do. same intent., strainging look. Dr I ofered him a dime to trade places. ! Manion twitted tha Cabinet Minister- He diddent. I with spending Easter in the United Sunday â€" Pa was a saying at the State.=i, with low tariff talk and high Small Advts, •> KOK SALE FOR SALE â€" Top buggy in good condition.â€" Jos. Duncan, Flesherton. -Ar- I FOR SALEâ€" 12 young pigs.- chie McKechnie, Priceville. FOR RENTâ€" Garage, in town, John Runstadler, Flesherton. tabel today that these here Telefone girls cause a lots of trubble on acct. they give you the rong No. so often. Ma says Yes they do becuz the way I pot akwainted with you was becuz 1 time when I tryed to call the Garb- â- â- 'rc man v.hy they give mo the rong No. and see what happens. tariff performar.'je. He proceeded t< to make a general assult on the Lib- ! oral party lor its lack of policy since it tame to powei'. ' _ On thy mattsr of the tariff Mr Manion f.tatcd that our Government policy was mad-j in Washingtonâ€" not ! Ot.^awa. He was all tor the Ottawa SEiBE.RLING ALL^TREADS EXTRA MILES Curb chafing and rut rubbing quickly cut down the mileage of ordinary tires's a tire that has an armor of tough side- bart that add many extra miles of wear. NO EXTRA COST You pay no more money but you get a lot more tire when you buy Seiberllng AII-Tread». A 29 X 4.40 Sclberliog costi only ,510.60 t Miinday â€" I wood of got a good policy. This attitude was greeted Grade in Fli.^try today oncy if Teech- j by tiie Conservative party with ior.g er haddrnt ast me what was the result , and loud cheering, which Dr of the Boxers rebellion over to Chiny. , Mani.on i-esumed his seat. And nov/ Fouliot tho alrgrossivc, I answered and sed that they cum over to th IJ. S. States of America after they had so mutch trubble in thero ov/n Country and got licked by Tooncy. Tuesday â€" 'Ant Emmy gets of a hot 1 tonitr '.vhpn r.M-s Crane witch ban just "ot a new ."â- rrl bnby a-st she and ina bow lo"- n person ha.s to watch a eurl baby after it comes to live with v^u. Ant Emmv un and says she thinUs you ! hud ousrht to watch the piidorn (nirl haliic:^ till they arc about tv.-ent"2 vr.?. of old age. PLANT A TREE BRACK'S GARAGE Flesherton A SEVERE PENALTY Occasionally it happens that some- one gets mail from the post office belonging to someone else which has inadvertently been put into the wrong box. In a bulletin issued by along information and anouncement we note that a man at Holland Land- If every householder in Flesher- ton v.ould plant one or more trees. it ran be readily seen that a great difff "ncp would be amde in the ap- pcarncs cf the community. The man who plants a tree does something for his community, for the present gen- eration and for posterity. Trees â-  f. . , , I'ai-a fhc,-"- andl easily had. Why ing, Ont.. was sentenced to 60 days ' not plant mo cr more this year? Plant shni!)s ar.d flowers, too, for they adil much to the bc:\uty of any imprisonment for wilfully keeping a post letter which was not his prope.-ty. In future if you should j letter in your mail to which e not entitloH eam iUat :,. :. I home 0"d any community. Ket a «.. PC om„ D.p„.„.„ »..„«'^:?.sr r's x:"'.'. ti I I THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. .^ CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontarro Advertise in The Advance OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY FOR SALE â€" J. E. Cargoe. R. rrton 31 r C2. FOR SALE - for hatching 75 Jas, A. Stewart. Style and Economy Go Hand in Hand at the Hill Stores Men's Dept. Men'.s Tweed Suit;:, well tailored, of <r<„K! cut and style in good lookintj pattern ; \vit!i two pair -C tr- 'im-r.s i-i sizes 3") t) 44. Priced reason- ably at $15.75. Kor .sprinjj showers Men'-; Waterproof Kaincoats. Cood wearin^r material, will stand well. $6.95 to $10.50. Men's 18-oz. navv bine .sfrj,a' and jr,-ey .serj^'e suits, tine stylish K^'irnients, well tailored and finished. 'JMiey are sold retriilarly .-it $.^2.50. Spring Special at $25.00 Roy's 'J'weed Stiils in both siiifrle and double breasted styles, of {rood qiialitv. wel! made, smart and durable, siz- es 6 to 14. $7.50 to $12.50 Shoe Department A .smart line of !,adios' Sprinj-- Shoes, manv new styles, widths include KICh:,K,D.C.H. and narrower. A perfect fit and satisfaction j^tiarantced. Jf>2.95 to $3.75. Men's Work I'oot.s â€" Rubber or I„eatherâ€" to tit, jifive wear and comfort for your every- day work in many heavy, oil tanned leathers, either with Oak, Hemlock or Panco rubber .soles. Price from $2.<;5 to $3.75. (Miner's invincible Rubber Boot is best for wear.) Men'.<? Oxfords â€" Many .select lines of Men's and Boy's Oxfords' and also Little (lents. Well made and durable. Amonp^ our lines of Men's and Hoys' Oxfords you will note such popular lines as Perkins and If it is a better >?rade of Ladies' Dress Shoe, Ouardian at $3.75 to $4.95. we have them. 'I'he ever famous Kmpress shoe will be shown in many styles and widths. Also in a ranpre of prices to please. Once an lunpress customer, always an Empress booster. v Ciiildren's and Misses' Sjjrin^' Shoes in any shade-or parade vou mij^ht supj^est, sizes from 5 to 7 1-2 from"9«c. to $1.80. 8 to 10 1-2 from $1,49 to $2.25. 11 to 2 from S1.50 to $2.85. unniai.asrcablc Frenchman arose. The wavcj of tho supporting applause carried him as the orchestra carries the ;;oloist, constantly interrupted by the grouching opposition. "Who is the greatest man of ths Consei-vative party?" he asked. The Conservatives an.s\vered Taschereau." the answer tcnvulsed the liousj, but apparently it wa.s not correct. The greatest man in tha C-jnservative party, ac- cording tj Mr. i'ouliot, was Sir Robt. liorden. He quoted Sir Robert, who just retu-ncd from the United States, at some length, to show that the loading .iraerican bankers and finan- ciers had the graatest confidence in Canada. Mr. i'ouliot now read long extracts to prove that dissension was rife within the Censervativc party. He interrupted himself to make pithy remarks. He accused the Conservat- ives of making speeches which were nothing but "gross insult" to the countryâ€" but that â- ..•as too much. Mr. Speaker demanded that he withdraw "gross insult", which he did, he saic "with pleasure." He then sat down. Tho division bells began to ring. The Conrcrvativcs sang â€" My Wild Irish Rose. >'o re$;>?r.i:3 from the liberal side. Ihen Mr. Boys, Chief Whip ol the Conservatives, led in singing "Al- ouette." All the French members join- ed him and peace was restored. The Budget carried by a majority of 24. No such display of the partizani spirit has been witnessed for many months. A talkie-movie of the per-| formance would be very enlightening , „.„„ n„f,,in to the citizens of Canada. The scene Sa rton. Ontario defies description. Had a burlesque of Parliament been well written and well played, it could not have excel- led Tnursday's performance. In last week's Flesherton Advance there was a letter from Mr. Stan Thurston, in which he took issue with the way in which I described the in- tentions of the Sun Life Bill as ori.<?- ally presented to Parliament. Mr Thurston says:- "I note in Miss Macphail's interest- ing letter from Ottawa last week a reference to the Sun Life Bill, in which she appears to express the op- that life FOR SALE â€" Seed oats and a stack of hay. â€" W. Hawkins, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" 8 pigs, about GO pounds in weight. â€" Ernest White, R. R. 1, Rock Mills. I .X"t..:~:~:~:~:««<»x~K~x~:~x«<~:«<~x»^ FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acre farm, lot 1, con. 5, twp. of Artemesia, 2 1-2 miles west of Priceville on the Markdale road, 4 miles from Ceylon. All under cul- tivation but 9 acres of hardwood bush. Good buildings, with barn 54 X 70. Well watered. For further particulars apply to â€" D. McTavish • & Son, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Silk shade floor lamp. To clear at $11.95. â€" W. A. Armstrong & Son. FOR SALE â€" Six head of 2-year old/ cattle. â€" R. Allen, Fjesherton, 'Phone 45 r 21. FOR SALE â€" Golden Vine seed peas. â€" Peter Muir, Ceylon, phono 2 r 22, Flesherton. for n. FOR SALE â€" Duck eggs hatching, 50 cts. per setting. â€" Radley, Flooher'.on. FOR SALE -I Standard Cream Separator, 450 lb. capacity, almost new. â€" Alex. Cameron Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Three burner coal oil stove. May be seen at this of- fice. 110 acres in the Township of Ar- • temesia, lots 77 and 78, 1 N.D.R.. . about 85 acres under cultivation, . balance pasture and mixed bush; barn 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone basement, in good repair, water at barn; driving shed 24x30. also hen . house; 8-roomed solid brick house • with soft water cistern and furnace. This is a good grain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, situated' convenient tj railway, church and' school. Reason for selling is on- account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on nremiso?. W. A. MORTON, R. R. 2. Proton Station. FOR SALE OR RENT , l.T acres of land, mostly seeded to- alfalfa, with good frame house, frame- stable, orchard and drilled well. This property is situated in the vil- Good feed barley _ _ R. 2. 'Phone Flesh- j lage cf Eug'enia, on the main "road, ^ I and is tho eitate of the late Mrs.Al- Light Sussex eggs ^^- ^^°J'- For further particulars end terms of sale, apply to Alex. Cameron, ex- ecutor of tho estate, Eugenia, Ont. cts. per setting. FOR SALE â€" Quantity good tim- othy hay â€" M. Heard, Markdale R. R. No. 5. Phone 33 r 11. FOR SALE â€" Dooley, American Wonder a"'! Green Mountain Po*^atoes. â€" Jas. Oliver, Priceville, 'Phone 21 r 22. FOR SALE â€" Two good building lots for sale, also one cook stove, kit- chen stove and other small articles. â€"Geo. Myers, Flesherton. FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house and good garden, opposite the high school in Flesherton. â€" Mrs. W, Caswell, Proton Station, R R 3. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Re^stered Yorkshire Boar for tap* vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of Apiculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. BULL FOR SERVICE FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" 100 acres, lots 166 and 167, Ist ranse west of T.S.R.. Artemesia. For ul! partic- ulars apply to W. J. Bellamy. Flesh- For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- J. jemesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Tenns:-$2 if paid befor* January 1929, otherwise |2.60. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS. Eagenia. F.T.HILL& Co., Limited, Markdale inion that lite insurance companies first pay dividends to thir sharehold- ers and leave for the policy holders only the residue of pre Tits after this has been done". "If Miss Macphail were informed on this matter fho would realize that according to our excellent law regu- lating life insurance companies, all companies paying dividends must pay UO per cent, of their profits to tli3 poli::yholdersâ€" regardless of what tho capitalization might be.' FOR SALE â€" 2 Shorthorn bulls, age ten months, eligible for registrat- ion, color red; also Trebi six-rowed barlej% yields from 50 to 65 bushels oer acre. â€" Donald MacMillan, R. R. 3 Priceville, Phone 49 r 12. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Lots 40 and N. Vi of 39, Con. 11, Artem- isia, 100 acres, cleared, stone house ml good hank barn, stream running between house and barn. â€" W. A. \riTi.etrnng & Son. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICS Reeristered .<;horthom bull for vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquli" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnia Marquis 142,381; Dam. Red Butterfly 181.078. Terms â€" Purebreds W.OO. srrades |2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eugenia. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS fiarriatera, etc. MISCELLANEOUS PASTURE â€" Cattle wanted for pasture. 100 acres of pasture, well watered. â€" Fred Duckett, Eugenia. EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- et i)riccs wil bo paid in cash. â€" Jno. Runstadler. Flesherton. NOTICE â€" - Chopping done on Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. NOTICE â€" Special in chick fe«-' it may have appeared to Ml. Thurs- rise flour and fer on hand,. Can ton that that was wnai I thjugnc, un.i *â- ' ' it may be that the way i U-l-'iiuocI ihj effect of tho bill jusli.ied .^Ir. Ihuis- ton's conclusion, but I certainly aid not have any such understanding ox the Insurance Act. It is quite true that the act provides that sharehold- ers of an Insurance Company may take up to 10 per cent of the net profits. It happens in the case o^ tho smaller companies that the entire 10 per cent, allowed by law does not appear to pay too large a dividend on the ca-ital invested. But, while 10 per cent of one million dollars might not seem too large a dividend on a cerUiin capital investment, 10 per cent, of One Hundred Million might result in such largo dividends on the original capital that n company would be ashamed to allow the financial statement to go out to tho public. In- litirntally that is the reason why tho Sun Life Company reduced the nm- lunt available for dividends to five per cent, of its profits. They wore even then teceiving 25 per cent, prof- its on their authorized capital and 1^3 prr cent, on the actual cash paid into the business by the shareholders. M •. Thurston say^i further,thcro a provision in the Dill which nrovided for 4 per cent shareholder's dividend. This was true, hut only half .'ho truth. Tho other half wa-* b> socu 'cd at the Harold Spofi'ard. Park Hotel. â€" Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton eveey Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., denUl surgeon, honor graduate at Toronte and Royal College of Dental S>-rgeon» of Ontario. Gas administered for <eeth extraction. Office at residenca Toronto Street, Flesherton. SHINGLES Shingles to arrive the first or second week in April â€" both British Colum- bia and New Brunswick.- -Flesherton Planing Mills. SHINGLES New BrunswiclJ White Cedar. >5 to 2 inches. Extras perfectly clear of knots and sapwood. Clears 6 in. clc'- ar • up. Phone your orders: 13w. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. A A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson. W. M., C. F Lawrence, Secretary Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W I) Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucaa ^ock. Phone 2. Branch offieea at Dundalk and Durham. CEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER Telford & Bimie, Barristers, soli-' citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays.) W IP. Telford. P. Bimie. Pir the County tit Grey. Term« j , "'" ^«'"ing. Licensed Auctioneer 1 per /cent. Satisfaction guamtead I °^ ^^^ counties of Grey and Simcoe. Pates made at Th e Advance office. | farm and stock sales a specialty. ..Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- FARM FOR RENT anteed. All arrangements and datca I niay be made at the Advance office, or Farm t3 rent or let on shares, i *^^"''"^' telephone office, Feversham, known as tho Robt. Graham farm, or l>y addressing me at Fevctsb.'.m, lot 23, con. 12, Artemesia; hay and â€" straw for sale. Apply to M. K. Grft- j BOAR FOR SERVICE - , , ham. R. R. 4, Markdale; 'phone 31 r' that the- 4 pe- cnt provision referred ^ o, Flesherton. wai cnndilioiicd another clause the Bill, which provid?d that BULL FOR SERVICE I in Khaic! Fhcii'd be set ft a par valuj of SIO i.istead of $100. Tho joker in this was roon discovered. 4 perm bt 127, 2nd raTig3 S.W Cf it. tn n share of $10 i? 40 per .?2 and |3. â€" B. A. Ilargravc, Mark- cei'.t on a sha.e of $100. Whon thej.nle. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,999 Iâ€" Property of Saugeen Bacon H-^g Rosisiei-ed Jerrcy Bull for service ^^^^- Terms $1.00. Terms: / â€" C. HINDLE, , ' ^ .,.â- â- . ' Proton Station •* !â-  .'tin ifj ii wr i'w.fti i immii i w i i. O^ â€"«

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