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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1929, p. 1

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ne^KSB n«sii^viv9Bn â- gnCTBR w^rmmiwrsa ..'aw^xj ()je /lieslj^rtutt ah 1^' y I*- ^ Vol. 48 No. 41 Flesiierton Ontario, March 27, 1929 W. H. Thurston 6c Son, Proprietcis CEYLON ROCK MILLS PRICEVILLE I Mr. J. McWilliams of Orangevillc spent the week end with his family here. Mrs. H. Spicer, gn^andaughter, Car- olina and gi-andson of Pnceviiie vis- ited with the former's parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. H. Stone on Wednesday of lait week. i ..irs. A. C. Muir visited with her Mr. Carl Atkinson of Victoria Co -ners was a visitor at the home of his uncle, Mr. Levi Betts one day last week. Mrs. F. Leavell visited recently with her brother here, Dick Clarke and family. Chad. Stafford lost a fine work : ^.^^^ ^^^ with ner cousin, Mra. A. L horse one day last week; the amm- ij:_,.!,„ ' At last we have a little indication that winter has some intention of fold- ing her wcite tent ana moving; cei- cainly spring win oe wccoraed a wanu vveicoiue. xtie tars are .unning on me gravel roua now and ihoy nave driea up considerably. Jaiss Jean i>ie>-aimell spent the parents at Bei-kley on Saturday. i ""»=<= "»«= uay 'a^i- ««cv»., tuc aiiim- jjjncits Miss Margaret McMuUen visited al dropped dead on the road. j ^^^ ^^^ Campbell spent the week with Owen Sound friends the first Mrs. Jno. Porteous has been suf- end in loroncw. 01 the week. I fcring with a very sore eye, but we ^^rs. h.. jicArthur :-aceiv«i the sad Mrs. Jarvis Hazard of Priceville are glad to know that she is feeling | ccws that hci- sister had died in v aa- visited with her parents M:\ and much better. i couver. Mrs. H. Stone on Monday. | jij.. and Mrs. Pacey of Hamilton Misses Jean and Marion Stuart of Mrs. Jas. L. McMulIen spent a few , ^^e visiting the latter's parents, Mr. Flesherton, jiargaret Sinciair and days with Owen Sound friends, - - turning home Monday. Mrs. Brady of Toronto visited . . ^..1.1. wth her sister, Mrs. W. J. McMul- 1 ^^,^-'}'."?_^^, A^Jj""*^ "" 'â-  and Mrs. Jno. Robertson. ' Kate MacMiUan 01 Ceylon, visited last S^rvice will be held next Sabbath -week at Air. David UincKo. of Mrs. Jno, ,1 len. She was accompanied back to ! P""-^^""^ ^' ^-^O- Everybody ^^e:- ; the city by little Miss Jean Mc- 1 '^°"^®- 7^y][gf,_ ', Quite) a number of the farmer.-, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall at- j ?r^ ^J^^i' ^"S" making at present. , ihe people 01 this vicinity gathered on Ihui-suay night at lue Station House ana presented Mr. hd. Hogg, tne station agent, with a purse 01 money before his departure. i he ad- tei;S;d Te ^d5;nt^dr;;;;^^s-Vt l M.^ waiter Ikitt is;^ the business; \ ll^f ^^^J^^^J^^ ^elSfS^ Chatsworth on Wednesday last. again and had 60 gallons out on Sat Mr. Andrew" Kennedy was at Owen : urday for sale. Mr. Akitt has had^^\^°yj^ ^j^^. j^^.^ness. Sound the past week. his camp enlarged and has more | ^^li cnosen ore. or Mr. and Mrs. Woods and family of trees tapped than other years. ,' "\„7bere and was a good worker Chatsworth visited with Mr. F. Mar- ' A number of farmers have had .^„ j „ ^inondid ^iver to everv char shall and family the first of the buzzing bees lately, getting their '^"'^ "" ^ipcnaia gi-er to e erj en week. ; year's supply of wood cut, and sever- Mr. John McMillan is visiting with al others are preparing to buzz this relatives at Stratford. , week. The U. F. O. are this week instal- 1 Quite a number from around hsrc linjr a telephone in the scale house { attended the auction sale of Mr. at the stock yards for the convenience ^ym Duckett on Wednesday last, wo of the buyer. Mr. H. Spcffard. i understand the sale was very sue- On Thursday evening of last week ' ccssful and good prices were rcal- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mc- : j^gj^ Mullen was invaded by their neighbors and friends, it being their 35th wed-, nirrMTA ding aniversary. Extending good j LUUtlNlA ; -j^, ^^j j^ improving. vvishc-.. the cveni.-^e: wa?; much emoy-' . i*^ -vt,. a B McArthur received the Mr. Hogg replied in a few •table purpose tnat came up. He had to give up. owing to ill health. An enjoyable evening was spent in music and dancing. Mr. John and Sarah Ferguson vis- 1 ited Sunday at Mr. Colin H. McLean's. ; While putting sleepers in the iiouse Mr. Colin A. McLean fell, and had i the misfortune to break some of his j ribs. Mrs. Dave Nichol came home on ' Saturday night from the Durham hos- jpita rd with cards and dancing. The ladies served a dainty lunch at . i(-,a^i\y night, iLr. A. VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher and Mrs. Merritt Nichol visited Shelbume friends last week. Vera Moor; has taken a position in Gueiph. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Dever and Mr. John Dever of Proton visited at Mil- ton Bannon's Emma Moore is visiting har aunt, Mrs Claude Akins, near Flesherton. Mina Scott is on the sick list. Mr. Jno. McCannel Grace and Shirley visited at Jas. Lockharfs. We undei-stand that Mr. Robert Lee has sold his farm. Wo will o.; sorry to lose them from our midst. Mr. and airs Rus.^el Hill Mark- dale, have settled on ".he Jas. t?tin- son farm and since coming there the stork has visited thsm. Mr. and ?Irs. Barber of l^eversham have moved to their new farm, re- cently owned by the late Guy Orr. We wish to welcome our new neigh- bors. Cars are commencing to run in our ; news on Thursday that his brother, John had passed awav at Tiramins. The remains were brought to his bro- ther's home, where the funeral was ;he!d on Saturday afternoon Inter- i ment being made in Priceville cem- â-  etery. Much s>Tnpathy is exressed for "the two brothers. Angus and .A.. B. and other sorrowing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson and Betty , of Toronto are visiting at her parents r.d attended the funeral. Mr. George Park of Dominion City is on an extended visit with his brother, Postmaster R. .A.. Park and family and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Porteous, 8th Line, visited at Mr. Jos. Sherwood's on Sunday. Mrs. Well. Graham and daughter, Miss Phyllis, accompanied by Miss ' Lucy MacDonald, visited on Saturday ' with Mr. and 51rs. Andrew Graham, j Valley Road. { Mr. Rody Gordon of Toronto spent 1 the week end with his wife and f am- | ily here. j Mr. R. Purvis had a wood bee Mon- : day and' Tuesday, cutting wood with his buzz-saw. He has a fine pile ! of wood. Mr. Wellio Fawcett of Kimberley [ visited in the village the first of the we?k. S. S. XO. 2, ARTEMESLV Sr. 4â€" Earl Hiii, Cecil Foster. Jr, 4â€" Charlie Tolton Raymond Mc- Fadden, Frank Staddart Mraion Staf- ford, (ab) Jessie MacDonald. (ab) Sr. 3â€" Beith.i Boyd (hon.) Nellie Benson (ab) Jr. 3â€" Eric Stafford (ab) 2nd â€" loobel Bjyd, Reta Foster, Bessie MacDonald (ab) Fern Benson ^<.^4-^><>4~><-^.^.^*<~:~x•♦♦♦♦♦•x••:•♦•>♦♦•>•^♦<•♦•^<^♦•J~M••^•:~x~:•<-:â-  ♦ ♦ :5: Mr. W. Duckett had a successful j (ab) sale of farm stock and implements j Jr. 1â€" Walter Russell (hon) Billy on Wednesday of last week. GooU 1 stoddart, Valeria Stafford (ab) prices were realized. Mr. and Mrs. g.-. Primer â€" Veima Alcox (hon) Duckett and daughter Mae are mov- ^ Clarence Foster, Harvey Hill, Mary iTie: to their residence in the village ) Xolton, Betty Tolton. this week. \ Jr. Primer â€" Den Russell, 'Miuriel â- X-'w^ ' Teeter. Jean Lever. ' * ':. ' BERTHA OTTEWELL, teacher. i I Requisities For Quilting Plain Grev Flanellctto, oj ins wide . IN MEMORIAM ZCTcts. X !»!' CONRON â€" In lovinR memory of ^* nur dear husband and father. Mr. .\. X J. Conron, who passed away on .\pril ♦ .3rd. 192S. .$ , Gone from us; but leaving memories «>f Death cnn never take away. ^ j Mpf^oics that will always linger. .;. I V\T?i!e unon this earth we stay. ^ : â€" Sadly missed by wife and fa.-nily. I -Pink Stripe Flanellctto. 36 ins. wide ....5 for $1.00 IN MEMORIAM I ♦ t I I I t Factory Cotton, 36 ins. wide, 5 yds. for .... 95ct3 Factory Cotton. 36 ins wide, 5 yds. for .... 69cts Serges for lining woollen quilts. 5 yds $1.5'3 Heavy Figured Sateen, 5 yds. for $1.49 Batts. 2 for 25 cts. Comforter Batts for 79ctj A. E. HAW CEYLON, Oat. Store open on Wednesday and Saturday eveiiinsrs McL.VCKLAV â€" in Uivins memor:.' ' .' our dcir nothcr. fcp'^ie ^Tcl.achl3n "â- b.i rasse'1 "-v-.y March J.'it'i 1^'^J. A I'viTi"' >'^nther tr" ? ind kind. No friend on earth like her well 'Po" !>'! f-f "i« ^^"^ did h°r b''>«t. Apfl (Jo<^ yf>''-^ hp<- pfâ€" in! re?t. Sadly by T^e Fn-siily. I: The Frenchman did not like the looks of the dop: barking his way. "It i? Flrirht" said his host. "Dnn't you know the proverb "barking dogs ncvDr bite?" "Ah yc3." rr."1io;I the F â- en-.-hmpn, "I knew ze proverb ard yci knov/ prov •*i, br.t does ro dog know zo ♦♦<>•>♦•>•>♦♦*•>•>•>♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦•>♦•>•>♦*♦•>♦•>♦<>*♦ >:-:-X~:":~>-»X~>->>> l proverb?' I * t ' I I I Hot Cross Buns Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday 20 cts. per dozen -: Pinder^s Bakery :- LADY BANK March 26th â€" beautiful spring like weather, with nearly all the snow gone. Mr. a.".d Mrs. Georgj Dobson and sen have moved from this neighbor- hood to their home on the town line, CoUingwood; Mr. and Mrs. Mannie Dobson have taken up residence vacat- ed by the former. Mr. Herb McMullen of Alliston is the guest of his mother and brothers here. The Ladies' Aid here had a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs. Jno. Dobson. The April meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Wilson on April 10th. All members are requested to attend. Visiters are welcome. Services were re-opened in Provi- dence church here the past Sabbath. The young student Mr. Watson fil- led Mr. Douglas Kendall's place very fittingly, v.ith a fair attendance. There was a good crowd attended the it. Patrick social l:eld at ih'j home 01 .Mr. and .''Irs. Frank Shorts OP. Monday evening, March 10th. Miss Gertie Wright and Jack Weldrick were the successful •winners of the progres- sive crc.-kinclj, while other prizes were awarded for the different con- tents. Irish Kanies, such as "Kissing the Blarney Stone" and "Shillalah Race" mad:^ fun for those present. Real Irish stew^ was served, with otti- er 'efreshmsnt.? at the close, by the ladies. Tho proceeds amounted to $12.80. i-ROTON^ 5 1 ATiON Rriceville W.M.S. and Aid Mr. and Mrs. Batchelor and family! are moving this week to their farm The W. M. S. and the Ladies' Aid at Saugeen Junction. The Batcheloc held their March meeting at the home family will be missed from around ' of Mrs. F. MacKinnon on Thurs- the comer. ' day last; a good attendance being Mrs. Still and daughter, Margaret , '^'^/he^^'iSeting was opened by Mrs. made a shopping visit to Owen bound 1 p MacKinnon, President of the on Saturday. ! Ladies', and after the usual Mr. and Mrs. F. Medda'Jgh Sun- 1 devotional exercises the bus-iness daycd with relatives near Dundalk. ertaining to the society was taken up. We are scrry that little Gertrude L, The President of the W M S Lockhart is very ill under the doctors | JJ^^^A. M-;^7k^cha^^e and c^al^a '^^^!' „ , , ,.,, . ler lesson, followed by prayer by lirs. Bagucley and children have I jj^^ Parslfew arrived from Alton to be with Mr. 1 j^" .^^.^ decided to sUrt a Baby Bagaeley who is the new C. P. ly Mission Band with Mrs. Fred Kar- night operator. Since their arrivai.^,^^^ ^ ^^^^.. r^^^ ^^j^^ ^^^^^^ their httle daughter has been ill with ' ^^ ^j^^ afternoon programme was phuro pneumonia. L nacr the care ' ^j^^ lenoTt of the Toronto Confer- of Dr. Martin the little one is recov- 1 ^^^^ ^^ ^.^_^ Missionary Society, which ering. ^^^ given by Mrs. A. Muir, v.- ho was The V,'. M. S. quilting at the home < present. The talk was interesting of Mrs. James Dever was a pleasant ! from start to finish and left abid- event last week. Mrs. Dever served [ mg impressions on her audie ice of Mrs. Quigg visited friends last week in and near Flesherton. - â€" - . , ing impressions on â€" a verj- dainty I'unch at the close. j the progress of the missiiaary soc â-  " â-  ietv in the United Church. "The meeting was closed by singing a hymn, followed bv oraver. Lunch was then served by a number of the ladiis. AN LNCIDE.VT Or THE FLOOD SOUTH LINE and 0. D. R. T'noso who are making syrup are busy at it and report that the sap has been running pretty well. Mr. Jos. Oliver buzzed his â- woo ; one day last week. Mrs. .\Edrew Dingwall returned home last week after an e.xtended visit with her daughter in Owen Sound. There was a little error in last week's issue. It should have read t'rit John Meads' barn doers were blown off. instead of the roof. Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver visited rscentlv at Jas. diver's. Mr. .Malcolm McDonald bought a fine horse last week. Mrs. W. Xicholls visited her par- ents at Dundalk last week. Mr. ar.d Mrs. E. Dingwall visited friends at Swamp College recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Oliver visited at Jas. Turner's the first of the week. John Meads was to Dundalk one day recently Svnnuuhv !•< extended to .\ngus and -Archie Mc.-Vrthur in the loss of their brother. (L.ast Week's Items) The eleighing is getting near a thing of the past for this year. Miss Jean McCannell was home ov- er the week end attendinq: the fun- eral of her grandmother. Thj sym- pathy of the community goes to her and other friends and relatives. The ccmmunity was s'nocked to heir of the death of LeRain Irwin. She was loved by all who knew her and along with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .A.lex. Itwin mov..xl away from here about two years ago . Much sym- Dathv sues to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin in their hour of sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacMiirar. gavvi a dancG last w:h:k wh^oh was fp!.ii-.;d by evcrvboo" • p -e^cnt. Th" y.iunp' peoo'-'' attend^H tr. ~ '^'. P.-'tri'"'-: soc'"' held 'â- -• tv-" Un'*'.^(I '"h-irch, P^cevillo, . en Friday oven- B e ^ prouc ofijou bread ->^^^ use &5E ;â-  i-Sas / - Parirr Kour C.ok 3ociâ€" ever 500 other lliiled for JOc. Western CanaJi F'.oar llillj C«' So rapidly did the waters on the Saugeen rise after the ice went over the new dam on Friday afternoon, that a lady residing near the foun- dry -who had com.e down town short- ly before, found hersei shut off from her home. Seeing her predic- ament, Mr. Harvey Miller got out ris paint wagon, and loading the %ii fair ono aboard, started out, like a ^ ip Chinese mandarin, to wheel the dam- "~ sel across. \Vhile we are told ever,- 1 lady uses paint in some form or an- other, vet few of them can boast of getting greater benefit from a paint v.-3gon than this. â€" Walkerton licrald-limes. Twj valuable race horses belong- in- to J. T. Saint, of Wallaceburg. v.-'T-e drowned when they plunssd th'-ough the ice into Sydenham Kiver. $K-x-«'X-<~>->x-XKK~:~>'X->-x~x~X"X-x-:->->->>-x-x-:~:-'!->x~M-x>-5^'*J urial Co. 122-124 .\venue Road TORONTO Phone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. - R. Maddocks. Vx~xKKK-;-x>-x-:~>->-x~x«<-><~>*->->x~x~:~><~:"X~:~:~:~>^-X">'X~:«-x->->-> T'n.^ ''ct wnv .'. ' t''"d your :ni:sir.g kinsfclk is to get rich. '^he '•â- a''' tr->!'M« wr^h the -irl of today is sh? refuses to act like the girl o' yesterdav. r^ton Townr'iin C:'V'-'l ba^ "f- fere! a bounty- of S20 to n-v* one kili- iv;: a wolf in that town.'=hi". INCORPORATED 1S55 A <-.dy- p;p..' and wh-:' nrovide ! for Inncrk'n residoT'.ts one <?."" recent'" when thro-; Hrge snow- whi^" g^o""' v/c-9 seei »"'!inr''.inE: ir a field with a largo flock of crowj. Mr''. I?'f?? W3'tor>, of th? 7t'n cti- cP'ssion of East Zc-ra. ma'v los-^ the «ieh*' of an eye whicii wps badly burned by s.trt)n.g lyo used in clsan- in.g. T.^ajor II. O. D. Segravo. f.^nious Sritish iiiio tra-.'k driver'.' e.^tablished a rev.- v.-orl.l rc7ord for automobile.' It Da.vton;* B.'srh. Fbridn. when he drove hi:: 12 cylinder Golden .Vr-.-ow at a rpetd of 231 miles per hour, oc'ipsing the former record hv more thar 23 mile-, cor houf. I steered his car by a rifle oeep sight â-  -'-:--;f ,"< ri target rtilcr aw.iy. ♦ t The oid cslablishod firm of E. Bcrwic'c & Co. in Sheibun-.o is go- ing crt of busings? ar-.d i? I'miounr- ing a great clearing sale with the ' hope of disposing rapidlv cf their j entire stor":-ia-traJe. The buiinesa which w.i 5 " carried c.n uatil -cccnt j by the late E. Berwick, w.i^ ir- ^ c'orporated in 186.5 and is therefore i'l the 65th vear of its existence in Pbelbarr". Many regrets are being ev'^'-essed at their discontinuance of business. . _. :. ,«. - « »*ar. EremcLiS T'.'rcwrbout KcaJ Cj;'.v.- TOUONTO, CA^N'ADA Ca i:s 73 years sound L.'vnlcing record The Bank cf Toronto ccaidently i::vi;ej th-o deposics and business accounts cf those v.ho scelc complete bank- ing fidlii'cs and a court- eo'iS elScienc service. Ccasdt our local manager. T!.;3 Bank is hers t J help yea. BR.\NCHES: FEVERSHAM J. S. .McMillan, Manager MAKKD-\LE - A. E. Haat. Manager. 8U s â- ^^x-XK•♦♦xâ- <K~:K•<~^•x•♦^>x•♦^<~x~^•:•^^<•-:•<-^•^•x••x~^-^♦x-x•♦<•♦<••^•:•^- I ^^Hoiise of Q aalitv^; I ripk tom.vtoks or.\ngl:s CEI.EKY LETTUCE LEMONS B.\N.\X.\S GR.VPE FRUIT I W. J. Stewart & Sonf I I I ^.^^<-x•<-^•^•x•x-cK•♦x•♦^•^••:•-^♦•^♦•xx•♦•>♦•^<••x-^•^•^-^<~X"^♦•^^.^<~^.>^^

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