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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1929, p. 6

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rssxs: Conditions at Noranda Look | Very Promising to Mr. Moore A Personal Visit to the Quebec Mining Areas is Basis of this , Week's Article â€" Amulet Situation Reviewed ; HUDSON BAY 1 By L. J. MOORE Noianda Mine* Limited | Noranda Miiicii Limited is makiug j Steady iiiogrcsD lu tbe direction of i Ifirgo scale productiuu. During the | tiuii: biiK-e lliu biiit.-ltt:t ciinie into op- | erutiuu tiiu iiiiiiu liaa beeu able to i keep up witu ilio iii'iiKinil for Bioultur I teed lu vpile u( tlio limited exiatiug ; capucliy oi: .No a shaft. Wlien tlie wrilur iii;i<lu uii iiispii tloH of Noranda j on March 1st, excellent speed was | being uitalutfil in liui^itiiu': ore . Tra last day of February bIiowcU a reconi ot l.SUD tons i>r ore buisled Id add! tion lo wn.sto roiic. 'I'lio smelter's re- quireiutntd aniuiiiit lo iipproximately j 1,100 tons daily, it id tl»ereforo poa ^ slblo to do a c'oiisiilerublu amount of ; devd 'pmeiit work tiirougli No. 3 shaft . and coiitiniio to hoist euough ore lu six ftorkiiJK (lays lo keep the bmelter j going (or tho eullre week. j No. 4 bhiift nus al a depth ut about ! 560 toel at the bigiuuiug of tbis niunlb. It will bo eguippod wiib a^ new hni.-it, which hub Ibeu on route from tho Atluiitii; seaboard wiihiu the next few ilay^. 'i'tiu Bbaft sinking work Ij alK'uil ui; schcUulu. The l.UUU- foot lt'i<.-i Mill iju rt'UcbeU and siailons cut at hundred fool iuttrvals by Sep- tember. A lung crosi>cut is beiug driven from .No. i to No. 4 shall, lu all probi'.bilily Ihu crosscut will reucU iu ubjoctivo and Ihe slatiou cut befuru the shaft is linislicd. However, a dec- ision may l>u iDailo to coutluua tUu bbatt lo a tapth oi l.Ouo feet. No. 4 Mhafl tvill havu a much greater Uoiut- ing capnciiy than .No. 'i. U will ba uo great (u liuudlu J.UOU tons ot ore daily from llib l^^o shafts and lo cuu- Uuct an lutousivc campulgu o( luiuiiig development. No. 4 shaft is several hundred feca away from any kuowu ore, but the »uniu was said cuuceruiug Mo tf shaft whcu it was at the corres- ponding dcpili. There is fairly Sunday School Lesson MY l.l.OYD .» MOOKE, Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. reason fur believing that tha attempt lo secure further ore will be tiuita us earuest as In the summer of 1927 wheu discoveries loUowtd each other with remarkable rapidity. There is a great deal of new ground Ij bo explor- ed which holds auUe as attractive l.'ossibiliiies as the section of No. 4 area which brought lu additional ore over a year and a halt ago. The year l'J-8 was really an "cff" year so (ar Hs significant doveloiiments are concerned, although it was by uo nitans ucgalive in its cuuseyiiences. Ad eflort will be madu over the next six mouths to double the present re- ierves of around $1U,000,OUO It is (piito wiihiu lie ruuge of possibility deliuile aa;<.-o , that this will ha done. The property concerning ths cxteiisiuu of important ore ot average mine grade, lou depth ot 1,000 feet. The unknown factor is the C'Xtont and iniportunce u( ore oc- currences below tlm 1.600 foot, iu a general way diamond drilling results below thu OTo-toot, which Wi.u coa- ductcd ul ijiib hundreil foot intervals along ilio 4 t'lfciot drift iu "H" orebody yielded giatiiying results The copper content may he e:.pccted to vary at difl'ljreiit horizons, tienerally speak- ing, howovei-. the drilling downward fruni V.e 5"0 foot, us well as from the >7i foot level. Indicate bigger things ior .Njrnndu than .'ire appreciated by the g-.'ni-ral public. It 1.1 not luoriiiig too fur ahead now to viM'ializc N'lranda's pruducliou run- ulDg from TIW to 2300 tuus daily, with two r'.'verberatory furnacia aud sesies a three converters. Sudj a production is g'nlto dellniiely a.s.sureo. Theio is uo Justilication al present lu looking beyond tliat poiiil, but It muy be re- uiemt)or>>d tlint Norajdu'a develop- uient hes been crowded with pie:. sunt â- urprises .which -hnvo fav ootuuraber-' «d the dl'<ai)rntiitni»*niH The develop- uicut work of thu next eighteen months shonld tell the uiajur part, of the stoiy, > ', f^ , • ; ^ ; When .\.j, 1 revcrberatoi^' tul'naoe- wa^ closed down fur lupuirj a fttw weekp ago th"; perforinauce of No. 2 lurnaib \\as rather dl;>appuluUiig. A tew udJu.'itmcniM corrected Us shoit- vomlnR.i and evtrythllig Is uow ruu- lilng .'jnioothly. The smelter has i each- cd H slate of high cntcluncy. . Tho re- linlng ot No. I furnace in piueeedliig unri provision lins been uiadu for tho erpriloii of H fhlrd conyeitor, which will provide enough (apacity lu lake taru of the oulpiil of hctl. ruvcrb-.Tu- lory unit,'. In otber uvurdi cacli reverberalury luinaco is capa'.dd of handling approilnjati ly IIU'J to i.'.ni) t'lnv i>> I i<; dally wlthoM being trowd- »;d iindtily. Three cuuve ters woik- iuR I'l cuinicily can IihihIIm the eutlru uiitp it Dbviou.sly niuili iniportaiici; is ul- tachc'l to tiK: riMlnery p.ann ot Nor amta Mines Muiltc.l 11 J| still too may not be very far from the produc- tion stujie, particularly if coming de- velopuienls meet the hopes of the muuageiiieut. The lelincry plans which have beeu advanced, but which are uot yet kuown lu detail, may l>e of uiucii im- portauco lo Auiulel, especially It il seems ii! is erected. This would provide a splendid outlet for Annilels concen- trates. Tlie Sterling mine iu Cape bretou LIMERICK CORNER Joyous Jingles By Gifted Rhymsl>rs Here »re this week's winners that have be .ii selected for ptiltlication: â€" , ly an electrolytic itiuc plautljetl in order that he m;.; ills Iricnd- Ihe duly oi March 24. Lesson Xll.~-8teward5hip and Missionsâ€" Acts 1: 6-8; 2 Cor.' 8: 1-9. GoUlen Text â€" It is required In stewards, that a man be found faithful.â€" 1 Cor. 4: 2. ANALVSIS. I. THE I MVUJS.VI, Mltidlo.N', .\cl. l:G-8. II. â- lilt: I'uiNcij'LEs OI' srt;w.\i!iisiiii', 2 Cur. S: l-;». l.NTliouijCTioN Uur is 111' ant to leach us lliut Clirisliuniiy is a world relin'' 'I and ihul \.i are u.l ol.'unid.-. of tiou to lieip m the iiiiiei'.t ui' tliis mi:i:>ionu)';' lu;iU. 1. THE UNlVliKSAI. .MI.SJalON, .\cta 1 :0-S. V. l). The chief llicnie of the teach- ing of Jesus while on earth was the kingduin ul Ood, and the disciples thtughl Uiut Iheir Lord w.i Id .soon come in glory Lu fulUil ihe hujies i:( Israel. 'Ihcoe hopes which liiul lieen defeated by hi.s dealli were leu waken- ed by the resur. cctioii, buL lliis ques- tion shows how limited was the vi.-don of these men. They think .jiily of their own nalion, and have no vision of the world-kingdom. The> fail to bee that Christ is Ihe redeemer of .naiikind. His rule is univcisul. V. 7. It was aiural thai the dip-' ciples should be anxious to know about the lime of ihe relur i of Christ. All through the Nesv Testament v.\.- see the signs pf their cag •r.ic.-.: to look at the fulure.'i-This is espec';.lly ;:ee.i in the UevelatTon. l!ut JebU-> did not, while on eait!i,"sutis,l'y this curio.-^ity. He would not give ai y delii ile day vi hour, and her he repeals his ntulo- nient, saying that all things are in ihe hands ui the I'alhtr. '.' I.i;i expoc- tulion was not to be ubanduiied, but it must be purilied. V. 8. Though t'uv are •â- jI to'.d aoout th. mysLeries of the future yet they are to receive Ihe alreiiglh which will enable them ti .any on the work that! li 10 liand.s. Thi^, strength { ;;_^^ ^.^.^^.^ ^,,at luper to points to was to coiisis Ul menial power, in , , ,, . ,. , , ,. couiage, and in ..|ie.ia' eimowmentsi â- ^"'•â- "''"♦â- â€¢â€¢. ^^'J' '^"-''it and bodice are lor new wjrk. '. eir thief duly would! J^">'-'<' ^^â- '"' "shaped belt, ihe inset be to go fortii and bear to the | veslee can bi yi .self-Jabric or con- gospel of Christ, while the sphere oij iia.-iint;. it is mos' Ja^icinatin,; in lu.s- iheir luinisliy i.s delined. llej-iiinln;; uiiis black crepe .^atin, usiinj the dull at Jerusalem, they are lo gc. to I s,,, lace lor bands uf bodice, Ik it, ves- Juda-a, then lo Samaria, and after- j ,^^. .„„, ^.^,„-^ An ent rely new idea is naluial colored leatherweifrhl kasha, wilii the bands ol boiiice, veslee and cJlVs of iluU black silk c.epe, with huge black buttons fastening wrai) ari.ui-.l skirt. Silk crepe, canton crepe and wool crepe also chic. Design- ed in size.-, 1(1, IK, 'JU years, ;;*!, .^8, 40 nrd -ri inches host. The .'!(!-inch sizej lakes ;;'i yardr. of 40-iiu'h material j with Vi. yard of IJIi^i-inch contrasting, &.-. sketched. I'attevn price 20c in stumps or coin (coin is preferred). Wiap coin carofully. HOW TO OKDKK TAT I IMINS. Write your ui'.iiie and address plain- ly, giving number and si/.e of such patterns as you want. Knelosc "jIOc in Try .Ni;W WKAI'-AKi^c. jou must inciutle a sneer v.o-.)ien in your warurobe in .â- iinurt wiap-aruunn ; iViinii -IS L'esign No. iiil. l ne bodice ultru-.sinart with broad ban<ls in v/ards to Ihe faillie.^t pails of the empire. These foj. stages of devi-lop- menl loriii the iiiaiti divisions of the Acts. Thi.s, tlicii. is the woihl mission placed bclore the disciples of .lesus. 11. TUi; I'lM.NCU'l.KS ol' .STKW.VKIiSllll', 2 Cor. S. J-y. v. 1. We read in 1 Corinlliians of the collcct;oii '..'nicli was being luaoe lor the poor b:itliien i.i aerusa.em, wlio were much persecute' by the Jews. Nov.' I'aul relunis the tub- urge U|K)n -•'â- mpleiing tills work. \Vc i.ote iuiu caiclil he is II. layiiit; uiioii llies . coiji-.-its th<' dutyt I 'I ..of .•'viiig. He appeal:: lirsl to th<l promises to be au bnporlant | j,.ij-^^ „^- ,„^. ^.^^„.^.^,.., j,, j^,,,^.,.,,,,,,;,,^ ,,., j source of zluc aud it should be re pviiij.h we are ti understH"d Ihei uiember«;d thai this is under ihe con- churches al 'J'he.-^.'-ulonica. I'hili-.-ii audi'. , , • „,.,.*•„„., ,i . ,,,•.,„ irol of brilish .Metals Corporation Uerea. Am! he call^ this giving of '?'"'"1'%*'V ! / V n Ih ',â-  ^1 which is associated with Noiandu-iinoney a g'uce of Cod. This charity '•/â- "''''"' *' , cad. numbe., and imd Nichols Copper Company in one is nol a severe duty. ni,r a mere pol:<;y ! address your order to \\ ilsi nl atteni m|ol wisdom; i. is a real evidence of thclServ:re, 7;; Wcs» Adelaide .>t., loronto. presence of (iod's gr;.ce. Civing en-! I'attvrns s;'iit by an early mail. riches the .s<iul i.f the, and be-' slows Uie i|ualitie.- which litlon?; to' God. Vs. 2, y. .S'.'veial further lacts in till iMaceilonian silun'-iei! ;;«â-  i,iven. The pco|de the.e wcrt net i ieli, nor were they aMe to ';ive huge .'uiiii- , hut Hudson Bay Mining and Smcltipfl,, ..!^{, K"'^' ;'7<""1 ll'l^i'' "'/i'^l^-. , '^V mite. "Her I'oiii, wortl.k'.ss ii the eyes til t'ln -icl. I'liuiisc", was, 'r ^'le eyes uf C lirist, '.r '.n.-foiiiud Uy ) ej' love iiil<. thi- !;oi(I of the elenia! city." We inusi r.m'cr iijjisure ;jifls by t'.u-ir bark value. .Attention is also called of their lelluery projects It sliou not be overlooked that Amulet pus- great deal of ground iu which ore niaUiug pos.sibiliUes am al- tracllve The stock may bo consid- ered us fiU'rly atlraeiivo al nroiiiid the curreut price of i'i.'M fur a hold ot possibly six niuutlis. •*• ftadsO'n"'l!ay Mining and biueltiufi Company directors did uui give a great deal of uc'>> intoiiiiuliou lo shareholders 4t the uiiiiual inceiiin; held liiWoudslnck on .\liirth Dll,i. The auiiuuncenieuls they did mako wore decidedly reassuring. Tlie or« rcser- !" ^"^ J">' V}}' "â- '"^='' *'"' ^â- "^'V ':'"â-  .1 .., ...,....,i,...i,. „, 'I'l^ K«^''-- ll'eie was no grudging pirit in their service. V. II. IJiil the nios'. iiiipoitont Ta't ves v.ero placed conscivaiivi.-ty nt eighteen milllou tuns. It U llioiiglit this could liavo' been hicrenst-d cuu- aldeiably without uudiio risk. I'ro- 1 granting of mot.ey. They Ills aio estimated lo run al around selves. They recognized was that they did not stoji with the gave thoni- the truth, that nil their russcssions, and lil'ei itself, were the ^ifts of Cod, niul lliev wt.ulil not keep hack anything. It is .so easy for us to think "that w- liavej fullilled our loligious duly oi givini;' when we have contrihutcd one-tenth, j l:ut all life if meant to he a) oflVring. I We aro to iircient our bodies a living] saciiliee. V. 0. Paul icplied much upon h'.i' helpers, aud Titus had an honoial f'i.uti per ton without allov.'liig for depreciation and depletiou. With a production of thrcu ihouiiund loiiij a day ,it is coinipatativcly easy lo llguro out probable earningH per share per annum on Iho capitalization of <.',5uij,- 000 shaiCi ail ot which are Issued. It it estimated that the pioiUs or the hU yeais' operations will be sut- llcient lo meet the euthu capUul out- , lay, riiJ niiiu) has a long I'.'c aliuad jl''"*'*' ICe had heguu the* ot it, without counting npon the un-P^*"''^ '^"""^ '''"^ heforo. and he is now' douhtoil aridlilona to on will be made as duN •• o I r cc jr im i.u:.. uoled beaui> ui ui3 ,.. „ hIiua-s upw Ka.ster niil- •a u will tlarat model of linse- id go.d iii'ald. I'ar.s llnery ..air a early lo mak detailed ~aii:iuiii<-e mciils uf policy lu this cuuuectioii Il may bo staled howevis- thai .Noi- anda's .onliol and its assueiut ion with lli'illsh .MMals Ciiiroiation and .NIc. ol» Copper Com puny gives as- smaine of the silcefiis of the eiitcr- pilce llritish .M'-t; .M iil WilllMlIt iivul ill lhi> Ih'I'.ihh Kinpire, as a ipur- keler uf copper unil Its oreh. M< Uols I'wpper rompuny ot N.u Vork i:; one (if llio oM. niipoitiiiii i)i'B.ii,/;,i'i(iii . :ii Its t.Ind III thu I'liited Statu.;, w irii aliumliiiit tcehnleul skill at lis coin- iiiuiid, nud H world wide mining con- nection. 'I'hu lucatloii of tho .Nor- anda rcHnory ai tid^wutei on the J.owr, .St. I.awtoneo will phlce it 'in u 111 III Ion (o liandle export business, 'i 'k Noranda pletiue Is Uexiniilng t., bu lllleij out, and the next two yeiii.'< vvill Hccompltslt iniieh in this legBiii We reeomuifiid the stock as uu ouistaiiitlng pi»r(.'hasu ijir silh hlaiiiuil eiiliuneenieni. roliitiiii( lo its' proliaiile earnliiKX as Justineallon lor iinu'li hlgli>;r price!) fi^r ihti Hhare.i ilisn Mve > el iieeit aitalnrd Amulet MInss, .Itt.lttd Amulet, .Miiios, l.linlted, proposes to condpil *â- < ciisiKstli: progiani ut diit< nionrt <l I ill ink snci iinderBiaiind wOTlC ditrtnt ;h* ( -«hi; SAMSON. Tber* is. I'jeds. The poner developnieiil at Island Falls, .-iaskatchowaii is proceediiiij. 11 will piovldo about 44,1'00 h.p. uiid power will bo delivered about the end of this yeai.. A tcnipornry plum will deliver two ihoiisund ii.p. al the mine within thu next few weeks niid this will be disniant.ed when llio in.iiii coiistnictloii Is linlslied. The com- pany liH* current assets uf $li:,UL'S,lU!i, consisting of consoivailvu liivcstinent sceiiritlcs and cash. TiU ore citiitent Is estimnted hi. i.7i pt?r ciMil topper, o.4j pei cenl. •/nil, .074 oz gold and 1.06 ois. silver. t;a '.lacloiy urraiiguiiieuts with I'le C.'i.ll. hnvo been leachcd concernln;; iiilliht rates lu a|iply a: soon as t'-u. iiliiway Is 111,'iied over by the cou iltruttU.n company The Wlillney imd .Newmont Interusta mako an ei- (eptloiitiily biioiig combliiution. The couipuny is nssiued ot- substantial prollls and thu luirtliasu ot lu shares ai^auhud cautnit prites Is conxidei- eil at!ia> tlvu fnr a hold ot one to l^o years. ig npon Ihe Un- "" "^ some nmo ueiore. anil ne 1 10 reserves that r""V"i-'"'rr'''' ''' '^"."'l'''"'^ ''• .V..I,,,,, ...1,1 ..i.,. I *• '• lli'ee mmn-es are now ..Nelopmeni Plo-|,i^„^,, ,„ ^^.^. „j, jj,^;,. ,,p.,,,^. nien-i Ante A.W-. â€"Jhra Tlieie was a Cjueeii lu TreiUKond. Whose golden hair upon loe viiid (1> Uo anpeuls lo llieir own l.a^t , '>"l'-I"'"«"' '"'^" «>'"liKbl on a poml, record wliicli is full of oxeelleiil ' lUolted ai; cLst) from nnnd. achleyeiiiciil. They excel in faith andjm.,. voice ,i,-on the car fell Uiiowledgf Hiiil in love for I'anl. them now add this gmeo also to their ••haracter. Tl is so noble a inuility. v. H. (•_') I'aul uses atrain the ox- rt'vect .\s love.y lute ul similov ii played In (laikiiijt gardens, ero the fe.t Of lliuu li.ucli the glade. All Tiisiury i» simply linin.tii iialiirc -Aitttrn large, 11 1^ a (rest psgotinl, cUiio'.in, liiff'rssilnjt, and most ills- sgveenlile. Tho study ot tl will eiliU'iUu >ou nuil lit }'uu for lUa c«u 1 â€" W. I'raser Mn.stard Seed. Mitel ell -Cohweli and lainple of other clnircliPs ti stiinulatei -{ut b|h.« i.i.t dead a llumsii., I veuts I tho Corinthians. He would r,o1 use) j.,.^ ):.•â- ,... i, i«..,iutv proved a' prey la-'thoiity. nor Ly down a,.y oy.ler| ^„^, „,p,, ^ a,;,,,, ,„„ g,,,,,,,, v.hiih they must ohi'v. lb- valhev; ,.,, . , , , n, ..,,., ,,.,.... would use tlu. persuasive inetho.l of i "'•â- â€¢' ''â- ' â- '•"<^'' "' 1 '"" """•••^ '»*'• .'iiiiilation. V. !>. (.'!) ThP viost 'n?pir;rti onilivc is Christ himself. He fame lo our noviil RurrendeviiiK all tho wealth of tlio skies, and he gavo himself for lis. Wp have been- boueht by the pvico of Christ'..; death, and,, we be- lona; to him, ajid all vh> liav* ftboiild be his'. Thus fli* appeal to Karrificial Ktrwardshi)! reaches its noblest ex- iiwtUe ro.s.s. A Ki('<*t Eng- lish leader lias shtid, ''It i.s the ahsenee of tlip Chiislian motive â€" the motive of pelf-saciilieo ilependinK on Ihe Christian faith â€" which is the veal snuvco of the deplorablp conditions with which we have to deal. The pvin- eiple <if scrvioe-'in which self-sani- lice in an essential element â€" is the funduinental principle by which life, woik and conduct sliotild he legu- Isted.'^ ''IHA, what's a nyinposhim?" "Its sort o' medial, ray boy, eo railed A PESSIMIST "You 8«y there are u great ninny trial tnsrriftsesT I don't tlllnk ho." "Well, however, regtilai- a marriage nisv be II always becomes K trial." Wrifliey's Gum Wiigley's, oh mummy and pappy, Ihe flavor Is certainly snappy, Just lal;e It from nic, It you chew it wiiL glee You'll live a long lite and dlo happy, Mrs. S. K, I'litman, K.U. 1, Klxmaick, Out. Solomons Fur F;<rm liavo you heard yet of Solomon's Kiir Kami, Which in winter keeps both "him" r ml "her" v arm. Quit your lorluiio -.chemes silly Invest ill Chinchilla And stall as il were a new fur farm. •Irs. 11. J. Ucan, It. ft. a, Clauwonh, Ont, Or. Williams Pink Pills Wbai slogan rings out from jon btceple'/ 'Try Williams I'ink Tills for pale people," They do what they claim Tho ttlect Is the same Whether took by O'Toole or Von Tiepcl! Mrs Iil. iMills, Uo.v i'Jl, tlora, Ont. Beecham's Pills riiere was a young man named Joe Sliver, ,\sked the "L)oc' to proscribe for his liver, IlQ said "Ufcccham's Tills Will cure all your Ills And will (Ix up your liver, young Sliver." Mrs. li. U. Russel, Cox 153, AlUston, Ont. Keen's Mustard A woman named lieans who sang ballads, Could mm uo good mustard for palads, L/ntil bhu tried Keen's And uow all the Deuus Cat it lu all of their salads. U. IC. Mowat, U.K. 2, Selkirk, Ont, Pinkham's Compound .... There was a young maid from Ken- lucky, Who thinks uerselt uwfilly lucky. She was sickly ond pale Now she's hearty nud hale 1'lnkhai.i's" she saiJ, "lis just ducky," Airs. Harvey Nivlng, IJox IU, Wiiighani, Out, Alberta Coal There was au old man from Hranoel Who wanted lo purchase some coal, Tennsylvuiiia, says he, Will never suit ino I'll have nothing but Alberta Cual. Mr. Win. iMctjuigge, Ii K. 1', Haveluck, Out. Stanfield's Underwear There was u young gem here lu Tara, Who got himself froze to the mar- j row, ! Now ho wears Statitield's draw- j ers Wlii'o lie's doing his chores I And sings us ho shoves his wheel i barrow. j iMr. Kalph Hills, j Tara, Ont. i Snowdrift Flour Voung brides who are Blarliiig housekeeping, If luck with your baking your Beck- ing, Just use Snowdrift Hour I l''or luck any hour j for 1 know ot what I am speaking, Jlrs. I'ercy Tolmateer, Steenhurg, Out. ! Simonu's Saws I A certain wise luau up the Hum- 1 her. Was equipping a mill lo cut lum- ber, "The Slmond'B," Bald he "Js the right saw tor me. Any other is sure a back number". A. K. Cole, 100 Paradise lid. N., Hamilton. Wrlgley's Gum There once was a uiau ot high Btattun, Who published .ibroad to the na Hon, "Wrlgley's Spearmiut Is best Just give It a lest," Now Us wuu the whole woild'u commendation. iMlss Urace Gordon, Clenelm, Que. OUmond Dyes .V lady well known us Miss Merton Uf Ihu Bhades in her colors was certain, When her neighbors did vie She said "Cko Itiamond Hye," This expert '» Unlliig, Miss Merlon, MI'S. W. 15. I'letclur, Taisley, Out. QUESTIONS ANSWERED . S.K.ll. and C.W.â€" LackotihytUm in one or ntore liiiea is your chief fault, Mr. C.r.-(l) Yes. (2> We can- not give list. Itead all the ads auil set Ideas for the limericks from them. Wife: "1 tUiuk I hear biirslars, .\v« you awake?" Husband: "No." •rsl, l>u«(ii-s» ut life: Auiusllae «r-;beca«i« a lot ot almplelous usually sn««i«. reveres reverence, anil lives Willla, lielpleaily: r«|i. pM« ftt It!" with Qud.- Kaipu \\»!dtt fciiiei*9B, 'vest you, iuk»n«7 Auti.v luothei : "Novf William, dow't Me nho loTes gooilneKs liarbonis; let ms hav* to speak to yoii aialn!" Hoik' can I pra< 6un Life A isurance Co. 'There was a yo mg tellow imined. Amos, For torethongh: he evor was famous, lie iii.5urcd In 'Sun Utc"', Tu provide f o • his wife, 'Case anything Iiapi»ened to Amos Mrs. Cha:;. T. Wetheralrt, lilonhelni. Out. Lux '.vee baby named Wc h.nve a liubby, And k'ioplng him ciccan is our hobby, ris Lux thai we chose .'o wash his fine clothes. Now spotlessly white is our Dobby, .Mrs. nob. Allen, Crucefield, Out. Shredc'ed Wheat There once vas a girl who wai puny, She was trail, she was w^'ak, she was mcony. She ato shredded wheat Soon put on some meat, And now she's a belle, Ij Misi llooney. Mis. a. T. Knight, Tarkhill, Ont rietcher's Castoria There was a young wifo In Vio toria Whose name, like her mother's, was Ciloria, 'Twas Iter graudmother's name, .\nd they all did the same. When the iid howled for I'Tetcher't Castoria. Kllsworth U. 'roll. 12a Westraouut Ave., Toronto, Rnyal Yeast Cake A lady callei'. Mrs. Jou Skinner, At Fairs, on her bread, was a win ner, "i'oiiu mako no mistake With Koyul Veasl Cake,' Shu said, though you're Just a be j^iuner. Mrs. K. Kettle, Smithville, Out Salada Tea Said a say Utile cockney from Ulijhtly, Who vas true to his wife tho qu'to Highly. "Wot ni.-.kcs me 'ike back Is 'cr fine fresh 'ot black Salada Tea â€" it's tho cat's nighty." Mrs. T. W. Hicks, It.U. No. L', Niagara Falls Souih. Wilson Hattern Service For Iho-.e women who do Iheir oiMi S'.'wing, There's a service that's well worth your knowlug, Wilson's Patterns, by mall. \S ill lit without fail, la favor each day they are grow- ing. Mrs Win. H. Day, llradford, Out. Sherrlft's Vanilla A jolly fat man ot .Manilla, Fell in lovo with p girl named ".\quilla". For the custard and cakes And the pudding she makes, Are lavored with "Sherrilt's Vanilla.' xMrs. T. W. Hicks, It.lf. No. 2, Niagara Falls South. Out. Westclox There is a tine range ot lh« Westclox, Big Den, Baby lien, are the be^it clocks, Td keep the right time Wherever they chime Uen Hnr. Pocket Ben, loo, are Westclox. Mrs. Uob. .Mian, Itiacelieid, Out. Red Ross Tea Tiers was once a lady named Dantry, U ho made frequent trips to her pantry. To get Ited Hose Tea, • She liked it, you see. Aid she drank it with gusto, diil Hantry. Mrs. J. T. Fisher, Paisley, Out, . Dr. Hess Stock Tonic If your horses and cattle are fall lug. Vour hogs nnu vour sheep lailing, 1 Bay without guess, Tliat tonic by Hess, Win set all your lroiible» Ing, Ml. H. B. Wilson, Colborne, Out. also asall- Any uaiioiialiv advertised article >r service found lu this or any pre .•iouB Issue.s ot this paper may be made the aubject ot a limerick. One dollar bill will bo sent for every Limerick accepted. Cive' name aud address and name oJt this' paper. Write Limerick Kdltor, As^ soclated Publishers, Itooms 421-6,' 73 Adeiaido St. West, Toronto 2. .\ man would do well to carry a pen dl lu lii» pocket, and write down Ihe' thougMs ot tl»» moment. Those that come Lu.ought for a'.e eommouly th* nicst nud ."hcu'.U be secured, because Ihey aehlom relurn.--Kj»'\cli BHCOa, I â- â- ^^^â- â-  ft i

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