SJjje gkB\)txion %hmnu Vol. 48 No. 38 Fleaiieilton Ontario, March 6. 1929 W. H. Thuraton & Son, Proprietors FEVERSHAM Mrs. Jaa. Long and Miss Mary Speer attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Wm. Bowes of Thornhill last week. We are sorry to report that Mr. F. Spoffard is under the doctor's care at present but hope for a complete recovery soon. Mrs. Ed. Croft and litle son of Rock Mills spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Harold Osborne and family. Miss Hazel Alexander went to Ow- en Sound last week where she has secured a position. Miss Ruby Kerton of Flesherton spent the week end with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwiek on the Eighth Line. Miss Annie Burritt, R. N., of Kim- berley visited with her friend. Miss Dorothy Robinson recently. Mr. Harry Thornbury is holidaying at his parental home at present. Mr. and Mrs. Stonehouse attended the funeral of the latter's uncle, near Priceville this week. Another of Osprey's oldest resi- dents passed away on Sunday morn- ing, March 3rd in the person of Mr. Henry Guy of Maxwell at the age of seventy-five years. Guy had lived in the village of Max- well all his life and was very highly respected. The remains were laid to rest in the United Church Ceme- tery on Tuesday afternoon where a large concourse of friends and nei- ghbors gathered to pay their last re- spects. A Baking Expert "For light, flakey pie crust, use 2 ! tablespoons less per cup of Purity Flour than of ordinary pistry or soft whcflc flour and 1 level ublespoon more of shorten- ing. Roll it dry. For extra rich pie crust ttts half buctei and balflard." MAXWELL EAST MOUNTAIN The sympathy of the community The young people of East Mount' is extended to the relatives of Mr. W. ain took in the community social in PL Guy, who passed away at his res- ! Kimberley en Wednesday evening. idence here early Sunday morning. | Our sympathy is extended to the He was only bedfast a week, but I friend.-; and relatives of Miss Elizabeth suffered greatly. The funeral ser- j Beacon of Duncan who passed away vice was held in the United Church on Friday morning. on Tuesday afternoon. I iir i »r ^ ip m- r r^ ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Morris of Owen Dr. D. H. Guy of Newmarket was ; Sound visited for a few weeks with called here to the bdiaide of hi:; 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh. moraii ^^° ^"''"^ ^'"'^ °" ^""'*'*^l ^'- ^"^^P^"^ Bracklebonk of Epping spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mrs. Robt. Priestly of Dundalk is ] Thompson, visiting relatives here at present. | ^^^ ^^^.^ McDougall and friend The Umted Church services have ' of Duncan spent a day last week commenced again after the church ^^jth Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCoUough. being closed for the month of Feb- , w i m a r. *• __„,,,„_, ^1 Mr. and Mrs. B. Prentice spent ruary. D. G. Kendall of Toronto â- will continue to take charge of tha services. The service commences at 7.)C0; l,j',.m. - Evfjrybod^ 'welcome. PRICEVILLE CEYLON Miss Rebecca Nichol of Toronto i ^^^- ^- Stewart and daughter. Miss spent the week end at her home ' ^'^a Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. James hare. I Hales and little son, Jackie of Ow- en Sound attended the party given ROCK MILLS Miss Annie Stephen of Winnipeg is visiting relatives here at present. Service will be held in St. Mary's I Anglican church here on March 17th, I at eleven a.m. Everybody welcome. ' Recent visitors at the home oc i Friday with their daughter, Mrs. C. Smart. Mrs. Irwin Fawcett has retarneu home after spending two months 1 with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fawcett enter- tained their friends to a party on Monday evening. We extend our sympathy to Mrs, Mr. Alroy McLean of Orangevillo spent the past we-^k at his home, ow- ing to ill health. Mrs. Dave Nichol underwent an op- eration, in the Durham hospital on Saturday. Her many fricMds wish her a speedy recovery. There was a good time and ix splendid time at the moccasin dance in the Arena en Saturday night. Miss E. McCuaig and Archie vis- ited at Mr. Neil Calders, Fairb:iin the fii-st of the week. The young people's guild put on their play at Swinton Park on F.-i- by Mr. and Mrs. .Vrohie Sinclair on Friday evening. Mr. Thos. .Stewart "^and two little daughters visited a couple of days Beuutiful spring like weather. Miss Ettie Radley visited recently with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Fisher of Flesherton. Mr. J. Sewell and daughter spent an evening with the Pedlar families. Mrs. Thos. Betts and daughter, Mabel visited ihe first of the week ihe past week with friends near Dun- I with her son, Edgar Betts, wife and dalk. son of Osprey. Mrs. John Kennedy received word i The Pilgrim Holiness meeting will on Friday afternoon that her aunt l^'^ ^''••id ne.xt Sabbath evening at the Mrs. Reid, of near Dundalk, had pas- j^'on'e of ^rs. Jno. Porteous, at 7.30. sed away, the funeral to take place Mr. Clayton Betts happened with a on Tuesday to Mount Zion. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy gave an enjoyable card party to a host of their intimate friends on Monday ev day night of last week, when a good ening and on Wednesday night a most 'if°""'' necessary to put some 'elaborate lunch and ice cream werei'" ^° '^^""'^ '^"^ "'°""''- Mrs. George Lawler were Mr. ^^j ! H. Thompson and Hugh Smith m the Mrs. Leslie Chard and Mr. and Mrs.lf^."? °\^^^'' ^\'>^^^^' Mr. Thomas Jas. Dargavel of Rock Mills, also Mr. | ^""th, who passed away to the Great and Mrs. Walter Poole and Mr. and i beyond on Friday last at his home Th. latP Mr" 'Mrs. Walter Lawler and families. \f D""'^^*"- .^e leaves to mourn his ine lace mr. , „ „ t i . I loss a sorrowing wife, two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Lawler spent i ,, , ,. .' ^ ,.. . , .^, „ J ,r m three daughters. Interment tooK the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. i , <^ i j. t^i. i „.,, -, , , , I place on Sunday to Thornbury cem- HiU at Markdale. SOUTH LINE and O. D. R. etery. PRICEVILLE SCHOOL Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. i Sinclair and other relatives in their sad bereavement. j Jos. Oliver and family visited re- cently at Jas. Oliver's. j Mrs. A. Dingwall is visiting her i daughter in Owen Sound. Stnd 30c for Purity Pkur Cook Book. Western C;uiada Flour Mills Co. Limited. Toronto Jr. 4 â€" Donald .A.ldcorn 75, Cathar- ine Mc Vicar 72, Kathleen Bi'^nett 70, Jack Corry C6. J. D. Teeter 65, George McLean 57, Donnis McAr- thiur 48. Sr. 4 â€" Annie Wells 92, Mary Math- er 88, -Wilfred Frook 80, .Arthur Mrs. Jas. Turner and Margaret vis- ; Sullivan 75, Wallace McDermid 74, ited at Proton recently. | Neil Aldcorn 7.3, Johnnie McVicar 72, Mrs. Robt. Parslow visited with Stuart Carson 70, Cameron McLean friends at Corbetton last week. i G8. Note:- Conduct for all much L. Irving's visited at A. Dingwall's ininroved. recently. i Form 5 â€" Elda Frook 92. Sadie Miss Flora McDougall and nephew ^ Carson 90, Eleanor Mather 88, Wal- visited lately with friends on the O. | ter Aldcorn 88, Susie MacDonaid 84, D. R. Donald Reiley 84, Margaret M-jDoug- March has been quite mild so far; al 80. Margaret Nichol 75, .Margaret very much like spring. ; McArthur 72, .\ngus McPhail, ab- sent, .Alex. Stonehouse, absent. The Guelph branch of the Y.W.C. Note:- Marks are the results of Che A. has pureha3cd the city hotel in average taken from cx:-.minations anu that city. The pn;e paid was $17,- class work 500. The Y.W.C..\. will take pos- session In March. The hotel has 60 rooms. ^>.>^.^^^>.}^^.}.>.>.»^^.}^^.><M;.^<.«>.>^^.^.>4M><H^,>.>0<»<M><fr<»«'»<>«<^X~><^ 0" McLean JNO. W. COOK, Teacher. Sr. 3 â€" Anna McLean 77. J'. 3 â€" Donald Carbon 66.. Caniar- Violet Stonehouse Requisites For Quilting Plain Grey Flancllette, 36 ins wide ZOcts. Pink Stripe Flanellettc. 36 ins. wide ....5 for $1.00 Factory Cotton, 36 ins. wide, 5 yds. for .... 95cts Factory Cotton, 36 ins wide, 5 yds. for .... 69ct5 Serges for lining woollen quilts, 5 yds $1.59 Heavy Figured Sateen, 5 yds. for $1.49 Batts, 2 for 25 cts. Comforter Batts for 79cti A. E. HAW CEYLON, Out. Store open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings S ^avo them in 1939 or 1930 as i>\ 2nd â€" Isabel Mather 78, Mavmc ^Teeter 75. Dick Carson 68, Tom $,.A.ldcorn ;G3, Margaret iMcLean Cu, ♦ ; Emerson Burnett 47, Norman Barker .J, I absent. Franjco Reiley 76, Jack Mc % I Arthur 69, Alexes Mc Vicar 63. Laur- ^jetta Turnbull 62, .A.lo.x Weir 55. Jno. ^ I Burnett 44. ^ ' 1st â€" Marie McLachlan 77, Doug- ♦ , las Turnbull 58 ♦ I Sr. Primer â€" Jim •Corry 78, Evelyn 4>|McDermid 77, Aileen Karstedt 75. g Aâ€" Donald Nichol 72. ^ } n â€" Mildred Sullivan 74. S â- C â€" Winnifred McConkey 73, Anna A McVica- 72, Gwynneth Ma?Lcan 71, X Lome McArthur 55. 5 Perfect attendance â€" Donald Car- $|Son, F.ances Reilley. ^1 E. V. HARRETT, teacher. |1 â€" I I est Markdah should be tempted to "rest on the oacs" after getting its new $15,000 rink in use, the Standard comes forward with the sug- gestion: "Markdale will soon be due V ! for paved streets and sewers. They re «& , coining, and wp migjht .i'""*^ "^ well ^ have them in 1939 or 1930 as at ♦♦♦♦♦♦'^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<^>««><><»^***<>*<»^^ some future date." I The Best You Can Get! . { I Finder's Purity ' 4 Bread Can't Be Beaten. Try Itl crowd was present. The proceeds were $37.00. Haw orchestra put up fine music between the acts. Swinton Park got half of the pro- ceeds. Our guild has $100 in the bank now. Mr. Neil McLean is out every day cutting wood with his gasoiinc en- gine outfit. It is a good time now to get it done. The community was shocl'-'d to hear of the death of Mr. Duncan Sin- clair on Friday. He had been in the bu«h that day and felt fine, and went to bed at eight o'clock. He awakened at two and couldn't raise himself up and his wife t-^ied lo help him, but was powerless, and at 4 his speech was affpctcd. Dr. Milne was called and on his arrival stat- ed a paralytic .•stoke. The next day he pas'^ej away early in the ev- ening. The funeral is to be held to-day (Monday) with the serTit'e=; in the McKinnon Hall. Much sym- pathy is expressed to • his wife and relatives in their sorrow. Mrr,. Colin McLean and pon, Al- mv visited on Fridn.v at her brothers, Mr. John Ferguson'.s Mr. .\rthu' Proudley is having an auction sale to-day. Mr. Ray McLean has had the tel- ephone installed in his rc'idenco. We have a new blacksmith from Bentinck in the burg. He is in Jno. AkRae'e? olrl blacksmith shop and v.'e wish him every success. Mr. :i"d Mrs. Thos. McDougall have been laid up with the flu. KCCK MILLS SCHOOL 4th Classâ€" Ita Pedlar 82.2, Mervyn Johnston 81.8, Robert Dargavel 74.3. MuiTay Fisher 73.25, Nathalie Patton 53.7, George Akitt 53.2, Jack En','- lish 49.5. Sr. 3 â€" Juiia Croft 56, Leo Patton* 52. Laurie Russell* 49, Delia English abaent. r Jr. 3â€" Leslie Secley 76.S, Ruby Ak- itt G2.0, Leila Clark 57.6. Second Classâ€" Iva English 89, Lulu Russell* 88, Lawrence Philips 87. Mar- guerite Croft 86, Bobbie Clark 85. Ethel Dargavel 81, Lloyd Partridge 81, Jack Monaghan 81, Mabel Shier 73, Roy Fisher* 67. El?mour Shier 49. First Classâ€" Mavy Clark 95, Ruby Monaghan 90, 7>oreen English f'O. Glenard Croft 81, Fred Betts 69.4, Bessie Russell 69. Mvrtle Croft* 61. Sr. P'inier â€" Russell Philips 95, Ed- na Croft 75, Cecil Shier* 43, Gordon Shier 43*. Jr. Primer â€" Chester Shier 70. The numbers arc per centagcs. Those mai-kcd * missed one or more exams. Number on roll 37, average attendance 33.25. Mrs. Francis J. Seeley, Tcicher MAXWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL 4 â€" Cecil Chard, Marjorie See- -Arlcon Pallister, Minnie Following is the report of S. S. No. 9, Osprey for the month of Febru- ary. Sr ley*. Jr. 4 Lougheed. Sr. 3 â€" Mcrlie Buckingham, Edith Lougheed, Jean Ross, Marie Chard, Ethel Fenwiek*, Irene Parker, Isabel! Pallister. Stella Young. Jr. 3 â€" Lloyd Morrfson*, Billie Ker- ton, Bob Priestly. Donald Radley. Sr. 2. â€" Mabel Benuose, Jim Poole*, Tom Pallister*. Jr. 2â€" Warren Priestly, Marjorie Benson, Guy Poole*. 1st â€" Flora Morrison, J. A. Lough- eed, Murray Morrison*, Charlie G;um- nietf, Norcen G-»'unimett', Tom B'..>m- rose. Primer â€" Robt. Fenwiek*, Violet Duckelt*. Those marked * were present every day. HELEN M.AYNARD, Teacher. served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. .\rehie Sinclair enter- tained to a house party on Friday evening. Over 70 were invited and a most enjoyable time was spent in nasty accident one day last week while working in the bush, when he cut his leg with an axe, near the ankle. The doctor was called and it was .itches Vv.j hope .Clayton will soon be ab!3 to be ar- ound again. j The Durham Furniture ' has finished buying logs C mipann here last week as they have a very large stock iin now. It is likclv the riill will be cards, crockinole, music and ^lancing, u^arting before ve-y lon^'. which lasted till the wee sma hours Mrs. Sinclair and a most delicious of the mornin'. daughter served lunch. Mr. S. Hemphill, who has been vis- iting with friends in Toronto for the past week returned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk of Berkley vis- ited with their daughter, Mrs. -A. C. Muir last week. Mrs. F. Marshall and daughter ••'iJ- ited with friendg at Chatsv.orth last week. Ms. Cecil .\rchibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents. Mrs. J. C. .Adams, who has been in the Durham hospital several weeks returned home last week. Mrs. A. Whittaker and Mrs. -A.. Mc- Millan were in Durham the first of the week. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Ed. Purdy has been very ill, but i.s noi,v improving. Mrs. Corrigan has also been ill and under the doctor's care, but is now feeling better. Mrs. M.artin Phillips is with her daughter, Mrs. Will Gibson, and will remain until v.'a-mcr weather. Gladys Wiekens of Kimberley vis- lited with her cousin. Ita Pedlar re- cently. POTLAW SCHOOL REPORT Sr. 4 â€" Robert Sheiinlown, Grace Hopps*, Mildred Boyce. Jr. 4 â€" Mary Sheardown, Dorothy Badgerow*, Grace Phillips,, Clara Boyce. c Sr. 3 â€" Wilbert Fisher, Delbert Fisher. Clifford Taylc •. Bert Hopps*. Jr. 2 â€" - Bobbie Meldriun \ John Blakey*. Herb Blakey. John Skinner. 2nd â€" Carrie Skinner, Florence Boyce, Vern McMullen. 1st â€" Gracie Jamieson, Roy Chap- man. Primer â€" Bernice Plantt & Marjorie Pedlar, e(iual. Those marked * were present every day. â€" M. JOHNSTON, Teacher. S. S. NO. 3. OSPREY Harold, H., Moore, Fomi 5 â€" Ring, Kenneth. Sr. 4â€" Mclnnis, Edith. 'I was going to wear a pair of my Jr. 1-^^ "^-^'r^' If"''^' *. ^i^'^'^"'''' brother's trousers at the carnival on I M-irparet, McQuay, Elnier. Tuesdav night," said a Meaford girl,! Jr., Allie Moore, Gordon, be too i McInnis, Duncan, McQuay Rol)bie. I Si-. 2 â€" M-Innis Eachum H., Mcln- tyrc Donald*. 1st â€" Moore Ray. Primer â€" Moore Bert, Moore Ivan. These marked * were present every day. --GRACE I. WRIGHT, Teacher. "but mother said it would vulgar. Herbs, all Herbs; Gallagher's Keeps You Wonderfully Well Take it. Eat better. Sleep, work, play better. Mother Nature's own good herbs, rich in iicalth-glving power, these are what m;iko Gallagher's Tonic and System Builders 1 goid. It really works wonders for people wlio are constipated, run<iown, nervous, folk who have skin diseases. Even dreaded Lcwma yields to it. Try a bottle. It will keep you clear of cold weather ills. Sold, as other Gal- lagher Liubol Uouschuld Remedies are, by 32 C. N. RICHARDSON, Flesherton. ADVANCE ADVTS. P.AY ^ Up -to-daf e SERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLE SHERTON BARBER SHOP *«X"><>-x-:~:~x-:~:":-: t WRIGHT, Prop. f| Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. ,^.5Mfr«<MX~X'*<~>*^>.X'^<>*«>«x~>*<><»X'<^X'<'<~K":~K"><'<~><^^-:'^'*<<-*>^ ^♦♦•>^»'>^.x~M~;«^<~x~M'^*<'<'<~>«K~:"X' ;.<..X~X"C'<~C"s"K">%*<'^*<'^<*<:* "House of Quality" RIFE TO-M.\T(.)HS ORANCI'S CELERY LETTUCE LEMONS BAN.Ax\AS GR.VPE FRurr <M>>:..^i^.^>X"^♦^~>♦<'â- ^x•♦4"><'<~^<"K•^••^♦♦<•">•^<~x~^•X'•♦•><">♦•:~>*•^♦♦•>♦<•<^•:•♦<^••x•^:~^ Women don't 'grow old gracefully' nowadays. They stay young. I W. J. Stewart & Son.* I {