THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1023 ^s^rmn 4 4 ♦»« • I . y . ' 1' i 1 y JACK IS TWENTY-ONE lO-DAY JACK is twenty-one to-day. But ho hsj more than a man's years to hij credit. He has one thousand dol- lars in the bank. It has gTown with a practicablj mother's love, fr&m the initial deposil of one dollar on the first biithdaj', twenty years ago. Youth and age alike bear witness to the value of steadily buildiiip: n Savinifs Bank Account. Your e'nl'.d as a depositor, will attain .1 higher Ftandir-j in the community, family c.-, most imporant, in his own'estimai- ion. Ooen a savingrs account for the child. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (with which is amalgamated >^ THE STANDARD BANK. OF CANADA Jl \ t i i i ft i â- 1 1 i i i, a ll C.P.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station aa follows: Going Soutt 8.08 a.m. 4.10 a.m. ' " €.31 p.ra. Made Life Member of Grey Lodge, Toronto Going North; 11.52 a.ra.! 8.53 p.m.' 4.33 p.m. preciation of his excellent services As a token of their esteem and ap- The mails close at Flesherton aa ^°^' '^° ^°°«' "^ ^'^^ ^^'^^'^- 1^- â- • Jos. toMhyn: For the north at 11.00 a.m. *^°'""^'^''^ "'^^ presenteik with a life •outli al 3.30 For rtomrhg train "membership certificate by Grey Lodge south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. previous evening. the Local and Personal No. 5899, A. F. & A. M.. of which the recipient was a member. Bro. Cornfield is chairman of the posting committee of the Lodge and his inter- est in assisting the candidates was appreciated as the presentation shows. We wish our friend many more years of service to the Craft and that he will continue to enjoy the fellowship Fine weather lately. Will we have another storm ? Dr. E. C. Murray spent the first of of mingling with his fellow Masons the week in Toronto. ;„ ^y^^ ^odge rooms. Mrs. Jas. Robertson spent the past, week in Toronto. H. Down & Sons received a ship- ment of cars on Monday. Considerable wood is being brought to town these dayj. SHOWER FOR MR. AND MRS. ALCOX On Thursday evening, January 31, i about fifty invited guests of the In- The Guy Orr farm, Toronto Lineistitute met. at the home of Mrs. T. south, has been sold to Mr. Fred ' Davidson, West Backline, the occas- Barber of Osprey. |ion being a miscellaneous shower and Mrs. R. Down of Markdale spent a j P^'^sentation from the Institute mem- High School Woo; Intermediates Lost The local high school played the .Markdale high school here on Thurs- day night of last wcjk, which res- ulted in Flosherton's favor, C-3. The local forward line did the scoring fur Flesherton and at times showed bril- liant combination and stick-handlinfj Phillips, in goal for the first time in his caree^', excelled himself and h.".d loads of ^shots tu stop. McKiliop and Akins paired well on defence. There's the making of a real good junior aggregation here. They play the return game in Markdale on Friday night of this week. The following was the line-up • Flesherton: Goal, Phillips; Defence, McKillop and Akins; Wings, Ferris and Patton; Centre, Gorrell; subs, Morton. Markdale: Goal, Ward, Defence, Perkin.^ and Noble; Wings, Johnston and P. Wright; Centre, McCutcheon; subs., E. Wright, F. Armstrong. Refeiee â€" Rev. Purcell, Flesherton. The same evening the local inter- mediates journeyed to Shelburne and played their intermediates there, and came out on the short end, 4-3. The boys were late getting there and af- ter their long journey were not in very good condition. Thu -ston, Boyd and C. McTavish did the scoring for Flesherton. The regular goal tend- er, .lohnston Allen was unable to at- tend and MacDonald donned the pads and othev? were also unable to attend, but this Thursday night Shelburne comes back and with a stronger line- up for the locals a good game should be had between these two evenly mat- ched teams. The following is the line-up: Flesherton, Goal, MacDonald; Def- ence, Kelly and Thurston; Wings, Boyd and McTavish; Centre, Nuhn; subs., Howard. Shelburne â€" Goal, Ted Mead; De- fence. H. Mathews, J. Brooks; Centre. H. Crawford; Wings. W. Rutledg?, A.- Hall; Subs, Kay Whit?. Referee â€" Pat Silk, Shelburne. Banqaet Interrupted; Durham Furniture Co. I Holdfast U.F.O. cisb Money Nearly Gonej Mill Will Continue Lry'rXfHo^r'S.rt.t 1 â€"â€" .January ;{Oth. After the usual op- A Maxwell gentleman had financial i Reports have been circulating re- ; ening exercises and business was talk- transaction with a pen of pigs which cently that the Durham Furniture Co. ed over, Miss Lilly Campbell gave he will not fcrget. It got en hfs plant would close down after this sea- a reading, which was followed by a nervc.i to a considerable degree, but , soK. Mr. P. Gagnon, Manager of splendid report of the U.F.W.O. con- they have now got calm;;d down and the Durham Furniture Co., inform.s vention which w.ts held in Toronto were normal on Saturday night when! The Advance that no such thougiu in December. Miss Agnes Mcphaif he told us about it. Ho had a waT- has been entertained by the Company also gave an interesting talk on her let containing a ten dolla • bill and and that as long as the iogr, contin- cent visit to London, St. Thomas, eight of a smaller denomination. lie ue to arrive at the mill lumber wii; etc., after which Miss Doris .SU'wart and another gentleman went to the , be produced. This year the Com- gave a couple of piano selections. The pig pen to look over the pork situ-lpany is not cutting logs of its own, February mci'tinir will be omitted ation. After going back to the but relying only on what is being and the March mooting will be neid house he missed his wallet and went, brought in by the farmcr.i who ov.-ii at the homo of Mr.'s. Archie Stewart up to the store thinking he might j small bush lot3. It appears as on Marqh 13th. have left it there. It wasn't. Then ; though the mill yard will again be | he thought of the pigpen and invc.;t- i igated it, where he found one pig , chewing the vwiUet with a great gusto and another chewing a roll of bills. I It was evidently going to be a cost- lyr buc rich h-:- -.uot for the porkers, but the ownrr of the wealth got busy ; and salvaged what ' "uld. After! counting up pro""' -1 '•â- â- • â- found the latter " ' r.rrin- '"' '< to the nervous r,- ' m, also the forr.;- er and he could afford to smile while i tellir.g the str y. I well filled with logs for a largo lumber cut, which commences in the spring. EUCHRE & CROCKINOLE ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY FARM FOR QUICK SALE County L.O.L. Officers t Grey Chapter Eastern Star will hold progressive euchre and crockin- loe on Monday evening, Feb. 18, in Clayton's Hali. .Admission 25 cets. Evpi'vliDrlv invited. NOTICE I am prepared to do all kinds of â- '''3 from Proton Station, will sell windmill and pump repairing. I am with last year's crop or without; or also agent for new mills and pumps, would consider a small property in New and second hand engines and exchange. pump jacks on hand. R. T. WRAGGE'IT. ^A. B. SORNBERGER. R. No. 1 Proton Station. Phone Feversham. MAXWELL. â- •14 acres in tho T)V»'if!rp of I'rot-U; â- ly all cleave I, good Uuildingr. l.vo couple of days last week v/ith friendr, in town. Miss Mary Teeter of Ma kdale spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Mrti. Geo. Cairns and tv,-o cliildren, Lloyd and Ross, of Wadena, Sask., are visiting her parents, Blr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley. bers to Mrs. Alcox. At an appropriate time Mrs. David- Symes and Mrs. R. W. Wilson b-ought in a basket of. gifts and presented them to Mr. and Mrs. Alcox. Mr. Alcox unwrapped t'ne presents and Mrs. Alcox read the verses ac:om- panying each. After the pres- ents were all unwrapped Miss Ful- lto!i. president of the Institute, on be- half i;f its members, presented Mrs. Alcox with a fruit bowl and bread plats, wishing Mr. and M s. .'V.lcox n hapr>v v/odded life and hoped that Mrs. Alcox would still contini.-? to be nernber. Al-'ox. althourrh tnl-- 'en by surprise, thanked the .rrople fo" their many gift- and hoped tnil all present v.-ould-vl^it th:!r.i often. ,( Joined U.F.O. Forces The Ladies' Aid of St. John'.^ United Church will give .". p'.ay on- titled '-The Home Ties," in th; new town hr.U. on Tuesdav. Feb. 23. Par- ticulars next week and en bill"-. Dr. J. E. Milno received I!? sadli rne?;nber. news last week of the double f w'leral , Mr. r.nd Mrs of his grandmother and uncle v.^ C^he.?- ley. Owing to train connect!. r.; tiic Doctor was unable to attend. Mr. Malcolm Leitch has piircliasod the residence on Elizabeth strer'. own- ed by Mr. Chas. McEachnie. This property at one time v,-a- ov/r.rd uy the late Mrs. Moorhous?. Mrs. O. Clipperton came up f"om Toronto last week fo visit her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MitchcJ; the following day sho ro:eived word of the illness of her daughter, Mary and returned home at once. The Unity U. F. W. O. Club is holding a Valer^ine 9ocial in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on February 14th, at 8 p. m. Admission 25 and 10 cts. Lunch will be srrved. and enjoy an evening of am.usement. â- Mr. Wes. Orr of B^ncho, Sask., who has been here Winding up hi", father's estate, was called home on Friday last by a wire stating that two of hi? children had scarlet fever. The little onei were not considered dangerous, however. Mrs. Hugh Bell, a former rerjident r^f Osnrey tcwnship, di<»d in Ov/en Sound on Monday morning, aged 61 j vears. She was a daughter of the The marriage took place very quiet- late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shcard and'ly at th: heme of Mr. H. Cummer, moved to Owen Sound about 23 years 253 Cc. Clair avenue. Toronto, on Wed ago. The funeral is being held this nesday, February 6th, of Helen Ray, A great wave of consternation ran ov:r S. E. Grey when it was le:', n- ed that R. J. Edwr.rds, Ccn~oi-vative Candidate in the last general election had joined forces with the U.F.O. oi. which Miss A. C. Macphail, M. P., his conqueror, is a member. It was found out tliat Mr. Edwards had talc- en a load of hogs to Markdak- for shipment, but the U.F.O. were the only shippers present at the yards and in order to consign stock with them had to be. a member of the Farmer's Organization. In place of taking his load of hogs back to the farm Mr. Edwards signed on the dotted line and is now a full-fledged member of the United Farmers of Ontario. Whether he will continue to be an active o"' an associate member remains to be seen. THIBAUDEAU â€" STEWART Wednesday afternooB. The Woman's Missionary Societies cf Canada will observe the World Day nf Prayer on Friday. February 15. The local societies will meet in the Bant^st Church on the above date at 3 o'click. An offering will bo tak*" for intt^r-denomJnational work cry woman is cordially invited. In four days and a haW the two gentlemen cut and piled twenty-three coids of hardwood, of the very best qualitv. The trees were cut down sawed into 22-'nch lengths, split am; niled in that length of time. If there are any others who can '^oual or exceed this record we would be pleased to report the event. Last week we heard of a wood cut- ting record performed by two elder- ly gentlemen of Artemesia townshin. that younger men would have ?on3id- erablc difficulty in emulating. Mr. Robt. Parslow of the O.D.R. sccureU the contract of supplying wood to the O.D.R. school and secured Mr. Allan lIcDcnald to asaist him. elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stewart of Markdale, and Mr. Har- old A. Thibaudeau, second son cf Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thibaudeau also of Markdale. Rev. A. Thibaudeau cousin of the groom, officiated. The bride wore a beautiful dress of brown Ev-, georgette and velvet, brown suede shoes and stockings to match, and corsage bouquet of roses. Miss Jean Stewart, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, while Mr. Stewart Bus- chlen assisted the groom. Aftpr a honeymoon trip to visit friends In Detroit and Flint., Mich., the bappy couple will take up their residence upon thr^ 'grroom's farm, near Markdale. Word was received on Tuesday by Mr. John Pedlar of town that his nephew's wife, Mrs. Bruce Pedlar, of Nepawa, Man., had passed away, pre- sumably from the flu, which is prev- alent in that district. Mr. Bruce Pedlar is a son cf Mr. Chaa. Pedlar of that town. FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL Form 4 â€" Examinations in .\glerbra, Geometry and Trigonometry. C. Haw 73 53 62 M. Stuart 85 â€" 70 H. Heard 84 CI â€" J. Jamieson 73 TO â€" Form o â€" Examinations in Physics, Geomet -y and Ancient History. F. Allen" 79 74 S.i B. Morton fiS 7.1 72 J. McFadden 70 47 78 V. Stewart 70 54 C9 M. Bibby ''-1^ <'>7 84 B. Gcr.oe r=4 50 83 H. Turner 5" 47 9o J. McC^tT.iack 74 47 66 C. Magee ^^ ^° ^^ M. Sinclair 86 82 â€" - F. n.jwdcn 70 27 C" R. F.-xr;cctt ^•'> ^1- ^^ J. Stev,-art 85 â€" ^'\ G. Beard ~ ^^ '^'S D. Sloan 73 72 â€" B. Hincks 78 71 â€" I. Grnham 81 61 â€" R Kerton 51 42 49 E. Turner 35 30 Co B. Beard â€" ''^ '''^ H. .Akins '11 17 G7 G. McFadden â€" 52 :>7 A. Reiley 52 47 - J. Wilson â€" 24 64 D. Stewa;t _ â€" To L. Ferris â€" '^^ ~ J. McKeehnie _ â€" 40 M. Cameron A. Heard _ â€" â€" H. Thompson â€" _ Po,.^, 2â€" Examinations in English. Grammar, French and Latin. E. Johnston 00 90 78 84 P. Morgan 100 85 78 71 A. Brown 93 84 84 62 I. Martin 82 38 57 08 J.Stewart 91 40 69 49 L. Blackburn SB 70 C- 52 C. .Mien 60 62 60 57 H. McRao 63 76 58 42 A Akins 82 57 56 40 M. Rae 79 61 40 49 E. Fishe • 89 42 54 31 M. Moore 50 36 39 35 G. Stuart 64 44 41 IS G.McMaster 40 67 30 14 M. Thompson 42 38 23 32 f). Stewart 73 â€" 63 â€" H. Best 68 56 â€" â€" B. Beard _ â€" 84 â€" B. Phillips 45 22 â€" â€" J. Wilson _ â€" 51 â€" A. Irwin 34 â€" E. GorreM â€" _ _ â€" Former Chicago magistrate has been sentenced to serve 99 year<« in iail The worst of it is that when he gets out he'll have to look for another job. Eiptist CbircN Services REV. M. SAUNDERS, Pastor FEBRUARY 17. 1929 Flesherton, 11 a.m.â€" Four Important Questions. Rock Mills, 3 p.m.â€" Four Importent Questions. Flesherton, 7 p.m.â€" A Great Day and A Great Question. The annual meeting of East Grey County Orange Lodge was hald in Dundalk on Tuesday afternoon and I was well attended. It was decided to , celebrate on July 12th ne:jt in Dun- dalk. Officers were elected as fol- \ lows : â€" I W. M. â€" Howard Watson, Swinton Pa'k. D. M. â€" G. W. Littlojohns, Orange Valley. Chaplain â€" W. A. Wilson, Corbet- ton. Rec.-Scc. â€" E. .Veheson, Proton Station. Fin.-Sec. â€" Gordon Duncan, Dun- dalk. Treas. â€" J. S. Wellwood, Dundali<. Marshall â€" J. Stewart, Corbetto... Lecturers â€" J. Grey, Corbetton and H. Lever, Orange Valley. BORN BANKS â€" -At Collingwood G. & M. Hospital, on Tuesday, February 1:? 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Banks, a son. STINSON â€" In Markdale, on Fri- day, January 25th, 1929. to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stinson, a son. A Healthy Bird is Worth 10 in the Hospital Royal Purple Roup Specific .•\ powerful preventive tram Colds, Roup. Diphtheria and Chicken Pox. Thi.s is the time of year to feed some of this to your fowl, also Poultry Specfic. R. P. CALF MEAL R. P. STOCK SPECFIC R. P. CCUGH POWDERS R. P. GALL SALVE â€" and these lines cannot be beaten. â€" Just try some and be convinced. Duncan's Hardware FLESHERTON. ONT Owen Sound band was given a grant j of $1200 by the city council. ' wm^m^m^^t^mma^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^m^^^tm^mm^m^^^^ •:• .. .%.%.t~r..r~?..vvr~v>*..^"!<.:~M..%.?~%.%.%.r~vr..vv.%.v.vv!4.vvvv!~:":~x~r~x~x~x~!~>^^ m I! X '•• It it I X t lit The Home of Good Things You are invited to visit our re5taurant after skating or the hockey ri.atch and taste the many delicacies to be found on the menu. Meals served at all hours. We conduct a refreshmicnt booth at the rink, where Coffee, Hot Dogs, Sm okes, etc., can be secured. Fresh & Cured MEATS Fresh Pork Sausage 28c. per lb. Peameal Bacon 45c. per lb. Head Cheese 23clb. ♦ t ?^ n II Perkins & Freeman II GROCERS -:- FLESHERTON. It C"Xm>^<K.<~X..X~Xvv"X-XK~>-X-X^>^^^^ .:«{;.:..XK•♦•:~x~:~XK•^~x•<":~^♦<H^..>x••^•xK♦•:~x~x•^KKK~x~XK~>♦>•x•<•♦<~^•^^~x~X"^^^ J, .;. .». ♦ ♦ t •:• Y X V I?! BB TWO WEEKS ONLY Special Mid-winter Price Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwe ar Perfect .Goods â€" All Sizes from 36 to 44 Blue Label Quality Regular $2.75 for $2.39 Gold Label Qualit\ Regular $2.00 for $1.79 Red Label Quality Regular $2.25 for $1.98 Truro Special Quality Regular $1.50 for $1.29 The above cash prices are good till Febniary 16th, i This is an oppOTtumty to renew your stock of underwear at a special price. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Xi