â- I rEDNESDAY, FEBRUAHY 13, 1D23 THE FLESI TEUTON ADVANCE THt FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood atioet, Ftesherton, Wednesday of each traek. Ciculation over 1100, Price in Canada, |2.00 per year when paid in advance |1^. In UJS.A., 12.60 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. TUl'R.srON f. J. THl'USTON Asst. Editor. Editor, OLD .\<;e pensions air and the swii^h of the waves will quictt he nerves and soothe themind, tiring rest to the Sailor KinK- His subjects the world Qver arc hoping for a speedy convalescence. • • • Canada's sprinter, Percy Williams, of Vancouver, remains surcme in the sprint events on the track. His three John Freeman Dies at Orlando, Fla. Word was received on Monday by Mr. II. Freeman of town that his brother, Mr. John Freeman had pas- wins apainst high class talent in the , scd .iwuy at his home in Orlando, The Ontario Government proposes bringing in an old age pension bill dur ing the present session. We hope il will not be msdo a government mea.i- ure, beiausr, if we understand th* Kchome right, we would like to ;-?c ii defeated. Tha U.I '. â- 'cz:: Ij b<?, v.i;h tho.ie in n'_'.h'-;ity, io continuiiily ah. to our F:ui!on I^st, which al cady i a very heavy burden on the taxpayc- Some cf the. e pensions r.rc a neces- sityâ€" r-.ot.Tbly thu- riother:;' Alhwan;e Act and mill ary pension-,, but R>ni( other.', arc not. In the present inst- ance the proposed Act (omoT urdo' the latter catjgc y. It c.ily prop"-'cs Io pension the individual over 70 ypars of !igc, and v/ho ha.s m means of' livelihood. The Diminion Govern- ment is supposed 1 1 pay one half the amount and the Province one half; but the province proposes to make the municipalities pay one half of their half, cr on-; quarter of the whole. Last year '.he Cour.ty of Grey spent $685(i.2i cr it^ houte ff refu£»o for indigrr.t:;. arid we prcaunio that wovilii be a fair average for houses of ref- uge in other countit". Whon the muricipalitier r-.re paying such large- sums for the upkeep of homos Tor our aged and infirm, why .should the govt-nnunt step in and try to Im- Dair the (ffe.-icnty of these instilui-- ion.^, by pensioning thi:; class of peop'^ who would ctherwisn bo looked af- ter a.? they arc being looked after now. by the County? " It is pretty nearly time that ou.- legi.stlators were given to understand v.jth no uncertain sound, that their trndarcy ti add more taxation to t^ic ab-cadv heavy I'.urden has got to be stopped. Recently there v.r.s n clash in To- rcnto between i^ocialist.-, and police which may be only a forerunner of Bomctliing more grave if tho<e In Tiower do not ibov; more considerat- ion for the overburdened taxpayer. Mr. Albert Scelov. Maxwell, will hold m auction r.a'.e of farm slock, irrile-'-cnls. etc., on Thursday, Febru- ary 21. S»^ .idvrrtisoment in this bssue. W. TCaitting, Auctioneer. > Mr. Frank Thu .^ton e^ The Ad- vance attended the Star luncheon In T^Tonto en Friday last. Mr. Geo. Cairns. President of the East Grfv Agricultural Society, at- tended (lie crnvention of the Fairs Associatirm in To onto on Thursday and Friday of last week. United States is a vindication of his victories at the Olympic games last summer. If he continues to reside In Canada he will be credited with a will power above the average. United States Universities make tempting of- fers to athletes to pc'-form for their respective colleges. ♦•>♦^♦•:~>♦^•^'>•^.^.^♦•K~:~^•^**♦♦♦♦♦♦ I Health Service | - < f the â- X CAXAPIAN MEDICA!. AS30r. | ,;m.;~;->.>v.».: •;••;••:••;••:••;••>•;••;••;••;•♦;••;•♦♦♦♦ JIEALIH II Aims A frreat deal bar, b:-n written and said abo-jt liealth habits, and .-ibcut theimportance of starting the child on life's adventure with proper hab- its. Habits arc acts which we re- seat without thinkinrr about them a: the time v.-c pcrforri them. We do no', eat fi-n cur knives bocnuio ii s our habit t3 p-jt cnly forkj av.C. snrsn-? into oi'r mouths. \Vc d< thir, without thinking because bac;. •n oi: • childhood d.iys oui- parent?, by example and corrcctio-.i, e.-;tabliLih?i; hi; f.3 a habit w'Mi us. Tb-^^-o v.-hr) have established tha: most inr-ortant hr.bit of washing the hands before eating, nratlicc this hao- it and do not feel comfortable if they Florida, on F'obruary 3rd. The late Mr. Freeman was born on the tow-,i- line of Euphrasia and .'Vrtemosia, VO yearsh ago and was a son o fthe lale Mr. and Mrs. Simon Freeman, pion- eers of this district. He leaves be- sides his sorrowing wife, a grown up I family of three sons and three daugh- ' ters. Three brothers and two sisters ilso survive â€" Hazelton 'f Ficsherton, riioma-i ftf Markd.ilo. V/ei. of Stra:- ord, Mrs. .1. McC;)no-jph of Ov/en -iour.d and Mrs. W. Sov-^ell of Sty.il- ford. The funeral took place or \Vc!in:"ti:;y cf â- - .'. "::': to "vansl-.i 111. The late Mr. Fi-,n-.ian wa-, a vn'.i- •)r in Ficsherton last s-jmme:- with his brother and a fimi'y ve-union v.-:- icld at Harrison Park. Owen Sound, at that lime. Sympathy i3 cxt -nd- ed to our fellow townsman in the los? of hi.i brother, and aho to the oths;- no.-bcr.s of tlie family. The Durham plant pf the Consol- idated Sand and Gravel Co., Ltd., has merged with the Standard Pav- ing and Materials Ltd. The plant is pne pf the largest of the kind in th^ province. ' ' Chronicle. Church Annual Meetini Chalmer's Presbyterian Church, Flesherton, held their annual meeting at Mrs. D. McTavish's and was v>'eil! attended, the reports showing a suc- cessful year. Sarrament was obser- ved three times during the year. There were received into the church during Don't know whether the bear saw the year three on profession of faith i his shadow on Saturday, but there and two by certificate. The Trcas-Ure pleanty of ladies on a diet look- er's report showed the total receipLs ing for the same thing evei-y day. of $556.60. The woman's association | g^Ma^i ^i^â€" i^w^^^ i^i^i^^g report showing total receipts $141.60 PRIVATE SALE The undersigned will sell the fol- lowing articles by private sale at the premises thereof:-Good set of Platform Scales, Grind Stone, Good Work B«nch, Cooking stove, cross cut saw. Numerous shovels, forks, also mortar hoes, potato fork, several feed boxes, string of bells, Buffalo Kobe. MRS. M. McDonald. 4 i * » »tr ♦»« PLAYED JULIUS CAESAR On Thursday, February 7tb. th, Flesherton High School Literary Soc- ety held its scrond meeting. Ow- ning to the fact that the president was akinr; part in the play, the principal. Mr. Lav; •c:-:cc, rccupied the chal-. Ten â- ^iris of form 2 gave a chorus, "M;n â- f Harlech." Th: main feature of .sit down to cat without washing. ,},p pj-ngramme was a play, "Julius The same is true as regards the clcar!- ir^r cf thr- teeth. Th" nev.-,on v.hn cleans his teeth resularlv find.« that bis mouth ff'l; dirty if he mis- ses the regular cleansing. These and other simple, regular habits can bo established in the chii 1 '-•• a consi 'cnt "'fort on the part of >ho parent". The effort will be re- naid manv times in the beltc â- hoaltb -f the child, and bv tht^ bap"ie- am! less troul>le.?omo exi itence for par- "r^ and child that will .-rrow out of a life that U regular. Tb" child ir> not a small adult; be is not tr> h" looked ut>fin ns such. H's d"sire for pl.iv i.". natural and should bo cnfourar">d. We do not want to >-,->aVo h'm "n little man." Proper bor»l»>i bnl its do not intrrfero with bis child life; they help to make him enjoy it more and to keep him well; also, to prepare him for adult years which lie ahead of him. NOTICE '"ae.tar," ttaged by forms 3 and 4. The irincijial chara(tcrs were Florence â- Mien, Brutus; Cassius, Ma--ion S'.u- »rt; Caesar, Helen Heard; Antony, "^harln Hev/. The player-, threw- hcmse'.ves into the rpirit cf t'^^ play very v/cll for amateu-s. v.-'-.''-> the â- ostumrs v.-cre qu'te typiTl '' " the Homan period. Quite a r umber of be ladies in town r.howed their in- terest in the 'school by alteriding. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. HIGH SCHOOL LEADS THE BROOM BALL LEAGl: w J. STl'WART. I'lc-shcrton, Out. A GREAT NEWSPAPER It was v.-ith a fc-jling rf pride that we travelled through the wonderful new home of the Toronto Daily Star â€" proud of the advance that journal- ism has taken in the creation of a great building ext-ecmly modern throughout. The Toronto .Star has made rapid progress in circulation the past .everal years and was forced to secure larger (juarters. The new home of the .^tar is .sufficient proof that the estimable daily v^iil rontlnue fo expand and become a still greater, broader and more progressive daily than it is at the present time. Our congratulations are extended to Mr. Atkinson, whose vision and bus- inesr, acumen has made the Star the leading paper in Canada today. He has gathered arr.und a grand staff of writers, and FUsherton is picud io know that t>ne of lu-r sons is a perm- anent fixture on the editorial end of Toronto's great daily journal. ;â- . , EDITORIAL NOTES Land value.i in the West v/.ll clin-b with publication of ncwa tliat 695 mile.i of branch lines wi.l be con- structed in the next three years. • • * It is said that a young lady attend- ini; a neighboring publis school haci become so proficient in drawing that she recently d -cw a pifture of a hen -BO realistic that when the tcaeher threw it ir the wa^te paper basket it laid there. The Cliffo'd Express had troubles of iu own lait week. First the newsprint for his pai)er went astray mnd the typesetting machine broke down. Finally the six column fronl p«ire "pied while being removed frim the pre\i. Truly the newspaper owner has his ti-oubles, but at tim''..< like the above one couldn't blame him foi* becoming exasperated. • • - The King left for the seasid" on Friday last by ambulance and is now domiciled in a mansion ovevlookint the English Channel. Sea air r'nou..- brinir « quick change i»- th.^ Kins'* condition, o« the salty tang cf the AI.COX â€" DAVIDSON Thc-'c were cix games cf broambat: pulled off last week. On Wednesday night the Onward-, and Stones Line tcann came t'lgother and re'.uH:,! in |Onward's winning by a score of 2-0 On Thursday night Rock Mills and the iRed School played to a tic game, no I score at all. On Friday night a fui; 1 three games with skating after was \ , r ] , ;., ..pulled off. Flesherton v.<<. Ceylon, the Any (lu'^s found Ires passiii ; ,' , , , . â- • c/ r • -' r ... . .' ' jFleshertcn tea;ii w-mnmg. Stones Lmo on nn- farm will be .sliot. |,., p^^t^^ ,^5,^ stones Line winning. On Monday night of this wer'k trie Rock Mills team v.-on f -om the Op.- wards. Follo-.^-ing is the r.chedule for this week: Wednc.'^day night, High School vs. Flesherton, 7 o'clock, Thur;; A v.oddinjr took place at Cioke'.- dav night, Ceyl')n vs. Stones Lino, 7 Church Manse, Markdale, c.t .". 00 o'- o'clock, Friday night. Red School vs. clock on the r'tcrnoon of Thu aday, Proton. 7 o'clock. Onwards vs. Fl.^Ti- Jar.-L.-ary 21th. 1"2:", wh?n Rev. Wm. ertcn, 7.40, Stones Line vs. Rock Hiili.: Coutts united in n-arriage Miss Gav- at 8.20. Skatinp after the gar.i?. ina David'-or, nrcond youngest dau- ' â€" â€" â- ghter of the lata Mr. Thomas M. Da.-- idson and Mrr;. DavId:-o;i of I'.Iar':- dale, nnd Mr. Clarence WidJeficId Al- cr.x, youngest s-on of the late Mr. W. J. Alcox and Mrs. Al^-ox of Orange Valley. Tiie wedding day was the 76th hi thday nnniveriary cf the bride's grandmother, Mr3. Thompso-.-,, The bride wore a powder blue crepe-de-ehine dreT-, v,-i!h stcckimrs "Ice Box Cookies** 1 cup butter ; 2 cupj Eugar; 3)2 cups Purity Flour; 2 eggs; 2 tea- spoons baking powder • flavoring ; I cup nutj and rtisins chopped (optional) to match and satin shoe',.- A sister 1 of the bride, Mi.is Catharine David- sen, acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was assisted by his brother, Mr. Leonard Alcox. After visiting with friend;' in Nob- letown the young couple returned to their homo near Flesherton. Make the dougb in « cull «nd keep it overnight in the Ice box or a cuul place. Slice thinly and bake in a quick oven. .Toe Snell, ice man of Durham, went oyer the flume at the McGowan dam when cutting ice, but escaped un- rathed. I Bakini Send }0e for 700 Rtcip* C*»k BcoL Wettern Canada Flour Milla Co. Liuiiied, Toronto. 91 "The People's Grocery" GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 12 l)ar.s P. & C. Soap 49c. 1 can each. Peas. Corn, Tomatoes 39c 1 pound Tea, with cup and .saucer free 75c. 3 pounds Lard 55c. Try Our Special Tea â€" 65 cts. « MEN'S WEAR Our Hobberlin Suit and Top Coat Samples have ar< river. Come in and look them over. > W. G. KENNEDY â€" : We Deliver in Town : â€" After the meeting the ladies provided^ lunch and a social hour wag en.joyeti by all present, with many expressions of thj services enjoyed during the pr.=,i year. The sei-vice.i will bo continued next Sabbath, Fcbrtrary 17th, at 2.30 to which all are welcome. for EcoHomical TranspoTlaiion Arieniesid Council Artcmcs!.^ Council m?t at Flesher- ton on the Cth day of February, 1J:'2.). Members v.-ore r.11 present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes read and adopted â€" Com- municalionr. v.ere presented and read â€" W. II. Hill and 2.1 other ratep.-.yers of S. S. No. 2, asking the Cour.,-!! to change location of the proposed devi- ation of 1.30 sideroad to a new line on lot 28. Hon. G. S. Henry, re date of meeting of Road Supu'rintendents, etc.; Mr. Coopc.-, re school fairs; Pedlar people, re culverts; R. C. Mujr Chief Engineer, re Govornniert aid to tov.-n.=;hip road-;; W. W. Rama.orc, Sec. Pricrviih Agricultural Society, letter of thanks for grant; Ont. Mun. Assn., r,-- meeting of same, askin.^r that delegates be appointed; Ont. Mun.' Assn.. v" mo-.-.ibership in sam.o; ac- counts, Municinal World, for r.ub-;cripr ions; D. SIcKillop. stove pipe^ for hall- tho Clerk, registering B. M. & D.: H. Corbett, inpury to sheep by dogs: A. Partridge, wood for hall; E. Stin- son for gravel. By-law 877, appropriation for ex- penditure for 1923, was introduced and passed. The following were or- dered paid. Mun. World S7; Berl Wyatt $2, refund; A. Stinson, S2 re- fund; J. Davis, $2, refund; H. Cor- bett, injury to sheep. 1928, $G; D McKillon, 12.90, pipes; A. Partridge $11.2,5, wood; the Clerk, 17.2.5, reg- istering B. D. & M.. 1928; E. Stin- son, gravel in 1927 $5. Corbett â€" . Davis â€" That the pet- ition of W. Hill and others, asking for diviation of I.'IO sideroad be constructed on lot 128 be received and the members of this Council go ov- er the proposed road and consider the proposition. â€" Carr. Davis â€" Corbett â€" That report No. 2 of Road Superintendent, show- ing expenditure of $102.08 be aodpt- cd and amount naid. â€" Curr. Davis â€" Whittaker â€" That H. Corbet', be appointed to attend the Ont. Township JRosd- A'^sn mec:- ing, also Road Superintendent attend the County and Township Road Super- intendents' meeting. â€" Carr. The Council adjourned. I and flashing acceleration/ AMONG all the delightful performance L characteristics of the Outstanding Chevrolet â€" none a creating more wide- spread enthusiasm than its thrilling speed and flashing acceleration I The great new six-cylinder valve-in-head engine responds to the accelerator with an eagerness diat is Uterally amazing. Tour- ing speeds are negotiated with such smooth, silent, efFortless ease, that you almost forget thsre's a motor under the hood. And when the throttle b opened wideâ€" the pace is faster than most experienced drivers would care to maintain. You have seen the smartness and luxury of Chevrolet's distinctive Bodies by Fisher. Now drive the car. Learn for yourself that no other car can approach it in its price range I C-J-S-29C r-i-bscrib,-' for The Advance NOW. A Six in the price range of the four^ D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONT. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED '|i C Would You Build A House Without A Roof? You won't start to build a house unless you know you can finish it. The Bell Telephone Company tries to be equally sensible. s,«> Vv. ' ^*>, . 1. -s'' ' . â- V w . - . * /)â- . • i; , â- â- '4js ,^^'i :'%^^:J^- â- fr ,'* The company does not need all its $75,000,000 of new capital now but will spread its issue over years to come. But it does need the assurance that, when equipment is started now for fu- ture telephones, money can be obtained to finish the job. â- ByJ9MOitiartoai%dQuttt0ewainaulamitUon vw^ M«phoiw, TAm* Mephont eaimot 6« nady on/aM cmtral txcSangta and othnr »qttifun»nt an atorlad now. # »â- t â- • P :'»ir THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 047