"WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Priceville News at her r.pei'it the week end here. Mr. and Mr.i. Angus McCanncIl of tContinucd From Page 1) 70 were present. A very pleasant ^''°^°" ""'' **'*^ J<"*" McCannell, and enjoyable evening: wa.s spent ;n teacher at the O. D. R. school spent l^ames, spelling, geography and riu- ^^e week end at Mr. A. L. Hincks*. die matches and prizes were given. Mr. Guy Hazard left last week for Music was supplied by Messrs Thos. ^^^ west. McDougall, Colin McLean, Bradcy Ir- 1 Miss Donalda Nichol of near Pur- win, Bill McKenzie, Wm. McMillan. | ham spent the week end at her home Songs were sung by Mr. Bill Mc-.here. Kcnzie, Murray Nichol, Mrs. A. L. ! Miss Esther McLean of Melancthon Hincks and Mr. W. W. Rama^re f av- ' »pent the week end at her hom'?. ored us with a number of songs also,' Messrs Archie McKinnon and Jje which were much enjoyed. A reci- Black of Hopeville visited on Thurs- tation by Mr. Wm. McKenzie, "Spark ' day at A. L. Hincks'. ing Sunday Night" was well given i Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks visited and caused much laughter. Then Friday at Mr. Wm <he ladies served a dainty lunch, af • , Park, ter which all joined hands and Ban,; Last Wednesday the Guild held an "Auld Lang Syne" this bringing election of officers as follows: Pre?., the evening to a close. The pro- Mr. Wm. Hincks. Vice.-Pres.. Mr. cefds were $10.25. ! Robt. Whitaker, Sec, Miss Jessie Mrs. Wm. MacMillan and Mr. W. Nichol, T eas.. Miss Olive McMecch- Aldcom attended the funeral of Mr*, in, Piani.st, Miss Olive McMecchin. Jim Aldcorn, at Corbetton, on Thurs- 1 Mr. Robt. Conkey was over to De- day last. troit to see his mother, who is very Sorry to report Mr. Ray McLean iU. j^st word he heard was that her c&ndition remains much the same. While cutting wood on Wednesday home I do what he sees fit in case of snow on the streets after a storm. The snow plow was declared to !)0 obsalete, therefore the above mot- ion. It was decided also to set the water tank on sleighs in readine.ss I for a fire. The Council adojurned. Played Fast Hockey But Lost The Game *'""'*""• "^'""' [Turnbull 59, Alex. Weir 5'^. Norman <f Parker 50, Emerson Burnet? 42 Jno. -^Burnett 41, Joe Turnbull an! Nellie 'I Ist class â€" Johnny McArthur Cn. Sr. Primer â€" Jim Corry 74, Aileen )0, Flcsherton Intermediates played , Rarstedt 72, Evelyn McDennid 71. their last O.H.A. game here on- p^j^^r g - Donald Nichol Thursday night of last week against' MjUred Sullivan, absent. . ...^ . ., . . , that fast sextette from Durham, who jr. Primer â€" Winnif red McConkcy A fl.n IS a girl who nikes up her were victorious to the score of 7-1.,,, Garfield Teeter 70, Anna Mc- f ace quicker than she makes up her, This was one of the best fought bat-'yicar 69, Doreen Teeter 6C mind. St. Catharines Standard, .ties played here for some time, and' p/rfeci attendance for Janunry.- jthc boys were at their best and <r(„„ Aldcorn. showed far better hockey than the| e. V. HARRETT, Teacher. PRIVATE SALE â€" â€" I game previously played. The first I The undersigned will sell- the fol- ; period ended in a 1-0 score in fav- Hay's, Swrnton 'owing articles by private sale at ! or of Durham, Elvidge scoring. The the premises thereof :-Good set of second period was when Flesherton is in bed with the flu. We hope to see him out again soon. This Wednesday evening the Guild! last Mr. Donald McLean. South line is having a social evening, when | j^^i ^ith a painful accident, cutting each lady is asked to bring pic for re- jjjg ^^^^d. It bled profusely and Dr, freshments. All are cordially invit- Sneath was called, cd. Mr. Robt. Whittaker is giving a paper "On the Royal Rond" ami a good programme is prepared. There was a good number cut to hear Rev. Mr. Sullivan on Sunday and he nreached a very effective sermon. 'by this council shall have full jurls- Platform Scales, Grind Stone, Good i secured their only goal, the first on Work Bench, Cooking stove, cross cut home ice this year, when AfacDon saw. Numerous shovels, forks, also I aid scored on a shot from outside the mortar hoes, potato fork, several feed blue line. The local forward line boxes, string of bells, Buffalo Robe. • combined well, Nuhn playing his best MRS. M. McDonald, game yet at centre and although • I breaking through the defence several AII^TIOW Q A I l?!*''"*^ failed to (beat Mc,Donald Ir AU\^ I Ivlll O A 1^ mL goal. The second period ended 2-1. Village Council (Continued From Page 1) The estate of the late M. G. Orr Will he held on Lots 174-5, 1st rKngc, Toronto Highway. Monday, February 11th The third period did not lag, anJ good, clean hockey still prevailed. Flesherton had far more shots on the goal than did Durham, but the good work of McDonald prevented them from scoring. Johnston Allen play- ed his best game this year and wit'i j a few more games should make one FARM STOCK â€" Driving Horse, of the best goalies around here, ^.ir Work Horse, C Sheep, a number of i "one. Elvidge, the star centre left- hens. winger for Durham did the majority IMPLEMENTS, ETC., â€" Set of, of scoring, but his team mates alsc a"e of good material, making a snap py buncl) of puck chasers. The thiid period ended 7-1. The foliow- Mrs. Peter Muir spent a week , diction of his department of his de- Sleighs, 2 Cutters, Buggy, Seed Drill, with her daughter, Mrs, Earl Mc- partment outside of council meetings Mower, Hay Rake, Fannig Mill, Walk- - J I at v.'hich he shall receive instructions, |ing Plow, 2000 lb. Platform Scale;;, Miss Ida Hincks of Eugenia spent! Chairman of committees are as foi- Grind Stone, Set Spring Tooth Har- i ing was the lin-up: Durhamâ€" Goal. the week end at her home. jlows:- Hydro, C. N. Richardson; Pa.k rows, Set Iron Harrows, Cutting Box, : McDonald; 15efer.:e, Snell, Wilson; Mr. Ed. Hogg has gone to Shol-'and Fire, G. B. Welton; Public Pron- Set of Single Harness, Hay Fork, 1 Wingj, Elvidge. Buschlcn: C-r.tro, bnrne for treatments, and Mr. Wes. crty, Mr. J. F. Mathewson; Roads. [Set Team Harness, Rope and Slings, McGirr; .\lt3., Rowe and Kress. Berry of Toronto is in charge at the Sidewalks and Ditches, H. A. He- 8 tons of hay, 200 bu. of oats, Weigh j Flcshertonâ€" Goal, Allen; Defence. gj^tjoj,_ :Cauley. Beam, 300 lbs., 100 bu. Barley and i Thurston. JJacDonald; V/ings, IJc- The annual meeting of the Con- On a motion by Messrs Richard.son ! Buckwheat, Democrat Wagon, Shove"-, ! Tavisb, Boyd; Centre, Nuhn; ^Its tinuing Presbyterians was held on and Welton it wa.s decided to hold i Forks, Etc., Quantity of Siraw, nura- Thursdav aftc-noon in the hall. Min- Council meetings on the first Monday jciou.s other articles, utes of former meeting r.:'.d re.- -Ls in the nicnth, commencing in March, j HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS â€" Buf- wrrc read. Mr. Allic McLean was ^ if the date is a holiday, the eonr.-(xet, "Karn" Piano, good as nev;, Set reappointed Secretary and Mr. 11. R. cil will meet the following Monday, i Parlor chair.^ and tabic, C Dinin,-!; McLean as Envelope Seovctary. Thj Mi-. Richardson reported there wa. ; Room Chairs, Oak Extension Table, sessional report exprcs.sed gratitude t3 a surplus in the bank of nearly $2,-J0il Stove, Kitchen Rp.nge, Se'.vint? Cod for many blessings. It was ti 000 on Hydro account and suggesthi^ Machine, G Kitchen Chairs, 4 Bed Tfting time to look back, to look I'p'depcsitinp: $1,000 in a savings account jr;toa.L-, P.oci.ing Chair, 2 Bed Ro:.-.! and to look forward. Whr.i we look; to take the benefit of interest al-. Suites, W.-auhir..? M.-.chine, Folding up we see more clearly GodV, purpose lowed and the Council was agreeable , rfcd. â- Crcr.-n Sepa -ator, Dsv.-n hi the past .ind are strtngthencil in^to the transfer. The head of thej:,iov?v.- Kitchen Utensils, Kitch:;i 'aith to go fe ward. Mr. \V. Mc-i Commission also reported a letter he ; Cu-'jor.rd, Cv.;:-ti'.7 o: dfehc-, la-.ris, Kenzie and Mr. D. G. McArthur v.-ere I received from the Hydro Commis-jctc. appointed u: hers for the moi-ning ser- sion in Toronto respecting the col- j TZT.y.Z OF GALEâ€" All si::-.-.: â- :i viro and Messrs A. McCuaig and a.|!ccting of five cents on each monthly |c:i9 j-nd under, cash over that am- L Hincks for the evt!nin;% The bill when r'-''^P"ted to the bank fori.^.j,,!. p r.'.onths' credit will be .given auditors arc Ray McLean and J. A. payment wl>- the amount is under I _^„..,,.,ed joint notes; 7 per ^ont. exhibition games Niehol. S'O- <^<^n ""â- â- â- -' -^ ^"^^ amount is over|f,f; {„,. ^^sh in lieu of notes. Hay i K'^oa exnmition games. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan of that. ^r.-iin r.r.d Straw, cash. Sale to Armst -ong and Howard. Referee â€" Harris Rife, Walkcrlo:: Puckerings Flesherton Junior Room Primer C â€" Stewart McRae, Evelyn Leavell, Gwcn Gorreli. During the month the folloyving were promoted :- To Sr. 2 â€" Nellie Thistlethwaite, Marion Miller, Mac Duncan, Helen Love, Dorothy Whitehead (R) To Jr. 2â€" Elma Dixon, Frad Mc- Tavish, Dorothy Kerton (R) Betty McDonald (R). To Sr. 1 â€" Doris Lawrence, Burton Bellamy, Jack Welton, Doris Wavl- ing, Clifford Saunders, Audrey Mc- Cracken, Athol McKillop, Iv^n Mc- Eachnie (Rec.) Geo. Loucks. 'Daughter: Mother, do you want â- ""â- ""â- !me to put the parrot on the back Sr. 2 â€" Gordon Gibson, Fred Pat- porch? ton,- Nellie Thistlethwaite, Mac Dun- 1 Mother • Positievly no! Your can, Everette Croft, Marion Miller, father is repairing the car in the Helen Love, Ella McRae, Dorotiiy t^ck yard Whitehead. [ . â€" Jr. 2 â€" Elma Dixon, Fred Mc- Tavish, Betty McDonald, Dorothy The glass milk botles are bemg Kerton, Verna Gorreli, Roberta Lea- supplanted by paper bottles which are veil, Doris Kerton. Ben Leavell. , cleaner, lighter, and easier to de- Sr. 1 - Doris Lawrence, Doris "ver. It is estimated that m the Warling, Audrey McCracken, Clifford city of New York alone the annual Saunders, Burton Bellamy, Jack Wei- i cost of milk bottles which are lost. ton, Geo. Loucks Ivan McEachnie, broken or mislaid, amounts to 2 l-i Athol McKillop. ; million dollars. The cost of the av- Sr. Primer â€" Bob Stuart, Fred.erage milk bottle is about 4 1-2 cent?: Gibson, Norman Loucks. land the paper bottles which can oe Primer B-^ack Loucks, Dorothy used only once costs three quarters or Welton. a cent each. Small Advertisements FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Two bronze turkey gobblers. â€" J. A. Lever, Fleshei-ton. FOR SALEâ€" 1 cabinet phonograph. Will take wood in exchange. â€" W. A. Hawken, photo artist and music dealer FOR SALE â€" Good range, -ivith large fire box, coal or wood. â€" Robt. H. Fisher, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE 200 acre farm in the to-wnshlp ot Osprey, 100 acres under cultivation remainder good pasture and excellent bush; fram« bank barn, witb harl water, fine spring creek; frame- houses with hard and soft water. â€" JAS. McKENZIE. i>hone. FEVERSHAM. FARM FOR SALE Durha-.n play an Intermediate O.II A. gaiiJT in Markdale to nigh*^. /i •-cr>d .trame ii anticipated. Bernard Chercotte, a formcv F:.^3V| g^^^^^^ London. Ont jrton boy is playing Junior N. II. L. in D'Jrham this year and is makintr a good showiiig. Although the O. II. A. Intermedia lo sames hero this year are now a thing of the past, the management is making a rfingenients for some FOR SALE â€" Ten pigs, se-/en weeks j- o!d. Jos. Ferris, Priceville. Ring 4D I r. 4, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire Sow, duo 200 acres, lots 24 and 25, con. 6, first o^ April.â€" C. Monaghan, Flesh- 1 Osprey, situated on County road no. 52, 160 acres under cultivation, bal- hardwood erton R. R. No. 1. Swinton Park visited Friday with Mr. J. Nichol's. Miss Jean McLean, Flesherton Mathewson â€" Welton â€" That the chairman of Board of Committee be pivon full authority to go ahead ind commrncc at 1 o'clock p.m. Jan. Orr, W. J. Orr, A. Cameron, Ex- ecutors. Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer. }^\ 5€ THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MOTSIEY February Sale of Rubbers This is Rubber Footwear Week and the savings are worth while. The best manufacturers are represented, as Miner's- Goodsrich and other good names Below is a partial list rep- resenting wonderful values. Lr.dit y Black Wgo! Gabj'j-^ -â€" $1-48 r-.i tlii3 lire v.-c 1-i.vc 23 pal:- cf first quality r-^-o-.ho-.. Abi-'.:t3"y riai-:i-cc!. r.-.-.-jiuar v.i - \ â- Sa2'i, on sal! $'••â- ' .'.ii.lhcr lire rf 1 bu.klc galoshc.i at $l.'jr>. .-v remarkable ::urchcsc makes the above price pos- sible on thc'.;o bight grado galoshes. Regular Price $;1.00 During oi»r IJig Rubber Sale $1.9.'i Boy's Galoshes for $1.39 This priif represents 10 pairs of extra high Kradc r.rlosh. Note the price is very little higher than over rubbers, sizes 1 to 5. Regular Value $1.1)5. DuritiR the Sale $1.39 Anulhe;- line of boy's sizer,, 1 to 5, :-egular ?2.r)0 On sale for only $1.79 Youth'.s -2 hui-kle, sizej 11 to V.i, regular $1.0». Special during the '-nle $1.5'.) Misses and Children's Galoshes At the following prices no child need be without good wurm winter footwear. Misseu :i .;.uckle black ga.pshes, sizes 11-2, Regular fl.'J5 to $2.25. Special at only 81.69 Children's thiee buckle, black galoshes, sizes G to 10 1-2. A few (lair regularly sold at $l.bo to $2.00. Sale price only V-^^ Men's Extra Heavy Wool Galoshes or Overshoes One buckle height, rcRular $1.25. On sa-.a (or «nly *'-'59 Two buckle, cizcs G-12, regular $2.35. Spec- ial sale price S1.8S Men's Th.-eo buckle, regular $2.85. Sale price, only 8l.u5 Men's four buckle, regular $3.50 to $3.75. a: our Big Rubber Sale only .?2.7." NOTK: Above lincK arc all new lasts made to fit any shoo. 7 lace hole Snag Proof Rubbers 25 pair high grade, size G to 12, regulai- va"- ue $3.45. Sale Price S2.89 A few pairs at only $2.00 Another line regularly sold at $3.00 On Sa:o at cnlyl S2.25 Boy's Snag Proof Rubbers, in grades similiai- to that of the men's. 10 jiair of the higli grade, sizes 1-5, regularly $2.75. Sale price only at this time $2.19 10 pair, sizes 1 to 5, sold regularly at $2.40. Sale price during the rubber sale $1.8!) Size 11 to 13, regular $2.10, Sale Price $1.49 Spe.:ial Prices on Boots & O'shoes Mens' th tasell regularly at $1 to $1.15, sizes 6-12, On Sale at 89c:3. Women's sizes, 2 1-2 lot 8, to fit any shoe, regular valii-3 OScts. On Sale only r>9c:a. Boy's heavy weight or finer grade, regular value DO to 98cts. Special Sale Price 7.3cts. Misses sizes, 11 to 2. Regular value 70 to 80ct8. Special price, during the Rubber Sale Only .". S.lcts. Fleshe"ton Intcimediatcs arc sched- uled to piny in Shelburne on Thurs- day evening and into:id makitit the trip in a sleigh behind Geo. Brack- enbury's .snow car. This is an ideal way to travel in the winter. Sparky Vail, formci- Meaford hoc!.- ey player has been t'-ansferred to the Nev/ York Ranger:? (Profossio.-.- al) from Springfield FOR SALE â€" Business, your op- ance pasture and hardwood bush, portunity now to buy out meat mark- First class grain farm, -well fenced, et, $1500 cash and caVi-y. â€" Sydney barn 48x74, str^vv shod, 40x30, cem- ent stables, blacksmith shop, garage FOR SALE â€" Sweet Clover Hulls, would make good feed for sheep or cattle. $10 per ton. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, Ontario. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Ilousa and three lots, in the vil'.ap-e of Fevc.-Ehani. Framo stab'-o and soov'. well. For prticulars ap.ily on the premises. â€" R. Alexander, Fever- sham. and work shop, 10 roomed cement blocked house, nearly new, good cistern, telephone, well and wind milt v,-ater piped to the barn, 60 rods from school. Priced reasonable. E. C. PEDLAR, SINGHAMPTUV, R. R. 1. 'Phon.? Feversham 1 r 2-y. SHORTHORN BULL FOB SERVICB FOR SALE â€" Oat chop, $28 per! Registered Shorthorn buH for ler- ton, sacks included; Western Wheat vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "M«rry $34.50 per ton; Salt, 75e. per 100 lbs., Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie $2.35 per bbl., Flour $2.15 per bag; Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly Highest prices paid for grain. â€" A. C. 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds $5.00. where 'he has Muir, Ceylon, 'Phone 38 r 3. i ^".^es $2.00. Cows not returned been playing. It is a bic s^cp u n <, for the big iboy and no doubt will make good. High School Hockey Markdale high school hcjkcy tear.i will play the local high school team in the rink here on Thursday evening. Feb -uary 7th. Game called for S p.m.; Admission 25 and 15 cents. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED â€" Set of double driving harness. â€" Cecil Betts, Flesherton. Eugenia, Ont. will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, EugenlB. MIDDLE BIIO & BURNS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- f.,, ,^„ Ba^wter^ etfc , . o * J o V, T» ' 0"'-«3 â€" Owen Sound, Durham days and Saturdays. - Graham Bros. ^^^ Flesherton. Flesherton ever, Saturday afternoon and evening. PUBLIC NOTICE. All parties are hereby notified that all trespassers on lots 24, 9th Con., 1 15, 16 and 17, on South street nortn ( DrOUUlUdll JtllCUUlC south, and lots IS and 19, on Raglauj Dates made GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LflCENSED AUCTIONEER Fjr the County of Grey. Tenn« Satisfaction eruamtM^ night, before skating at 7 o'clock, On- wai-ds vs Stone's Line. Thursday night, before hockey game, 7 o'clock. Rock Mills vs Red School. F -iday night, full night of broombnil, rnv games, Flesherton vs Ceylon at 7 o'clock. High School vs Onward-. )'•. 7-40. Stones Line v^ Proton ct 8:30. PROTON STATION Monday, February 11. Rock UlUz v. pj,^„^ Dundalk 83 r 31. Onwards at 7 o'clock. FARM FOR SALE Lot 192 and 193, Con. 1, Proton township, S. W. of Highway no. 10, 100 acres of which 95 is already cleared and workable, good build- ings. ROBT. R. LEE, JANUARY REPRRT PRICECILLE SCHOOL FARM FOR RENT south, and lots 18 and 19, on Ragla.ij Dates made at The Advance offlet. street, Eugenia, will positively be pro- Tho broomball schedule for noxt ' secuted-. -J. H. DUCKETT. week will be as follows: Wednesday BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Terms :-|2 if paid befor« January 1929, otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS. Eugenia. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toronta r . „„ ^ ^ . ""*^ Royal College of Dental Si-reeon« Lo 26. Con. 8. Artemesia, 100 ac- of Ontario. Gas adminlsteref fj^ res. 2o acres seeded to tmiothy and, teeth extraction. Office at «,3idenc« alfalfa, about 35 undef cultivation, Toronto Street, Fleshertpn. remainder good pasture. Parties wishing to rent communicate with Vieo. Cairns, 'phone 44 r 13, Flesh- erton. BOAR FOR SERVICE F. T. HILL & Co., Lim'red, Markdale Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice â€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 â€" Property of Saugeen Baoon H-'g Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. KINDLE, Proton Station Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W G. Watson, W. M.. C. F Lawrence, Secretary BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flcsherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of AgTicidture. â€" C. STEWART. CareUker. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., L B. Lucas, K. C, W D Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucaa Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. H' Jr. 4 â€" Catharine McVicav 62, Don- ald Aldcorn 55, Jack Corry 32, Geo. McLean 31, J.*D. Teeter 30, Donie McArthur 20, Kathleen Burnett (ab.) S â- . 4 â€" Annie Wells 84, Mary Mather 70, Wallace McDevmid G2, Arthur Sullivan 62. Wilfred Frook 58, Johnnie McVicar 67, Stuart Carson 50, Cameron McLean 48, Neil Aid- corn 40. 5th fo m â€" Eleanor Mather 86, El- da Frooks 84, Sadie Carson 82, Plor- jcnce McPhail 82, Susie McDonald 78, iJcan McLachlan 75, Margaret Mc- 'Dougall 73, Alex. Stonehouse 70, I Walter Aldcorn 69, Donald Reiley' 06, I.Margaret McArthur 65, Angus JIc- Phail 55. The nunibC'-s are per centagc.,. -JOHN W. COOK. Teacher. JUNIOR ROOM Class 3 â€" .Donald Carson 65, Cim- eron McLean 03, Violet Stonehouse 55. Class 2 â€" Frances Rfili-y 72, Is- abelle Mather 71, Mayro Teettr 70, I Alex, McVicar 66, Tom AHcorn 0.5, .. , , „ I 'Jack McArthur 64, T\urgtt<et Mc- Cameron or Joseph or J. W. Orr on *^®"*''"' telephone office, Feversham, .Lean 61, Dick Carson 60, Laur.ittathe property^ A t A_1i<ti«. ""^ ''^ *^*''^^*'"Sf "*«** Petersham. Telford & Birnie, BarrUters, aoU- citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays.) W. P. Telford, Jr., J. p. p. Bi^ie. FARM FOR SALE. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Lots 174 and 175, Township of Ar- ^*''"*" moderate, satisfaction guar- temesia, known as the Matthew Guy'*"**^''- ^^^ arrangements and dates Orr farm. Apply to Executor A. ) """^ ^^ '""'^^ **^ ^^^ Advance office, or