t 4 < »; '< « » ; » I THE FLESHERTOX ADVAN'CR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAEY «. 19» ( BAVKING SERVICE AND PROSPERITY PROSPERITY on the farm U largely deendent on factors b«yond the realm of the farmers' control. There must be a good market de- mand for farm products and the production costs must be kept in proper relation with market returns. Our Branch &fanager is thoroughly familiar with the business of farm- ing and is ready to assist in carrying your farm program to a successful conclnsion. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Trains leave Flesberton Station â- â- follows: Goinff SoQtk Going Nortt 808 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 a.m. 8.53 p.m. 8.31 p.m. Local and Personal CJ*JL TIME TABLB m J J* a • Weddiiig Anniyersary Friends he.e cf Rev. L. F. Kipp and Mrs. Kipp are pleased to learn that Ithey celebrated at their home, 99 Gk- 4 33 j'^eholrae Boulevard, Toronto, the The mails cl«ie at PJesherton ^i'^'^'^'^S^ ^"'"'''"'''^ °* '''''*' ^"^" foUows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. f"^ ^^l ''^'^ ,"'^T,f u" I"'' -outl. .1 3.30 For moming train ^'i ll "1 V ' ' J"""' ,^-41. _ M 1 „ „,. . ^^- L. Brown. Rev. Kipp was Past- Moth mall closes at 9.00 p.m. the „, ,u ci i. _* ti \.- /-v . . "*'•"«' or of the Flesherton Baptist Churcn ^' for several years and shortly after • leaving entered journalistic work at ; Montreal, where he remained for a ' number of years. Mr. Kipp is now I editor of The Canadian Baptist, pub- lished at Toronto. The days are getting perceptibly longer. Mrs O W. PhiUips spent a day In' CaOIC EaSt DO BUSiOeSS loronto last week. 1 The flu epidemic seems to be ab- 1 Mr. Cecil Brown .manager of the sting. ! Dominion Bank at Saskatoon, Sask.. Mr. R. Nixon spent the week end 'P*'** ' '*'";:'^ °l days last week with at his home in Owen Sound. ^f, "''^l!' ^' ^- ^- Brown. Spr.ng- jhill. Mr. Brown came East to at- The Advance has clubbing rates [tend a meeting of the Branch Man- with all daily papers. Save money ' agers of the Bank, held in Toronto. by orderingr through this office. I Mr. Ben White of Toronto is spend- ing a couple of weeks with relatives here. Mrs. Allan Watson of Toronto was a visitor in town with Miss Gertrude Lever the past week. Is your subscription paid? Look at yo.nr label now! This is renew- al time and The .Advance will greatly appreciate your early attention to this little matter. The Royal Scarlet Chapter will hold ^'Clofcr Leaf Officers On Wednesday evening. January 30th, a number of young girls of Mrs. Findlay's class met at her home to re-organize the Clover Leaf Class and to appoint new officers for the yaar 1929, as follows:- Pres. â€" Donelda McDonald. 1st Vice â€" Ruby White. Secretary â€" Ruby Kerton. Treas. â€" .\lice Heanl. their rgular meeting in Clavnon's j â- Ways and means committee:â€" Hall, on Thursday evening, February .jj-j^j,^" ^^I<^run, Audrey Brown. Bery; 14th, at 8 o'.lock. Memb.^rs p'.casc j jj^Eachnie. »"«"<'• ', Ways and Means Convenor â€" Eery" Miss AlUo Norris wa? nishr I to . McEaehnio. the Durham hospital on Fridsy r:-.->ni- p-rogrammc Coin. â€" â- Irene Martin, vf.g and was operated on for r.-^ "?nd- iXolo Blackburn. .JCbrie .\kins. icitis that afternooj'-. Wc arc pleas- ( Missicnary Convenor â€" Daisy 3Ic- ed to know tkit she is improvin;,- Padden. nicely. I Hostess Convenorâ€" Ruby White. Mrs. W. Bentham of Wcsf Toron- ; Corresponding ?ec. â€" Ruby Kerto- to and Mrs. Harry Quisg of Ila-rist-j A prayer was read by .Mnbel Little on are attending at the bedsid? ci jThe nicotine closed bv sinking s hymr. their father, Mr. W. P. Ci-ossley. who land -epeatins: the "Benediction" is ill from the after effects of the I The February meeting will be held flu. I at the home of Mrs. John McDonald. A newsy, we!l-r"inted newspaper is a valiiaKe community asset. Mr. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Business Manl Ninety-five per ccr.t. of your best customers read i Mr, John McDonald returned homo The .Advance. .\re yo-a using it to Wednesday, after spending a week convey yo»r messages? with his daughters. r.t Toronto aiui We noticed in the CanRdian Echo,', Mini ••0. Wiarton's newspaper, wher Rev. N. Mr. W. P. Crossley desires to tl. Dinnick has charge of a mission thank friends for flowers sent in there. Norman is the se.'omi eldest and f c • other kindnesses shown him son of Rev. S. D. Dinnick. who res- during his illness, ided here a few years ago. I Mr. Archie McCuaig. an oul pion- The Unity U. F. W. 0, Club • U holding a Valentine Social in thJ Orange Hall, Eugenia, on February ecr of the south end of Glenelg. and an ex-Reeve of that township, died on Monday evening, after & short illness. I . THEY DO I The edito- found a man on Tues- 'dav '"♦>"• "iv^ ho will subscribe tor "'•» AdvrMce just as soon as hvs wife I dies. My wife goes out every norii ; ire." the man says, "and conies bac'-i ;with more news than you have In 14th, at 8 p.m. .Admission 25 and 10 cts. Come asd enjoy an evening of amusement. .\ credit auction s^lo of farm stock. Implements, etc., th? property of the late M. C. Orr, will be held on lots 174-75, 1st range west on the Pro- vincial Highway, on Monday. Fei>- rua y Uth. See list in this issue. The higrh school Liters -y Society ^^^^ newspaper in six months, will hold a meeting on Thursday af- ternoon. February 7th at 3:00 p.m. The feature number on the p-ogram will be a play "Julius Caesar," The public is srive" * cordial invitation to attend. Send the news to The .Advance. IiV you- society has held an interesting meeting or election of officers, have| your secretary send in a report to < The .Advance. Every iUm of news helps to keep up the interest in your' society and the home news makes your home paper reflect a live com- ! munity, ' It is a plfasure for u> to say that renewals fu The .Advance «t> far thi< yea- hav" bct-n very ssti-.i.ic-.- ory and we wioh to thank our sub- 1 scribcr*:, who have bee 1 ><"> '>romn" with thei- remittances. Those wV hav. 'verlotikp.l reiew;n? their sub- scriptions would oorfe- a ?av; • by doinff so to-day. Thank you . Tbe LateJobL Akilt The funeral of the late Robt. Akitt whom we mentioned last week as hav- ing died at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. F. N. Field, Toronto, at the ag<; of 84, was held I:om the homstead. Collingrwood gravel, on Thursday ci last week. Rev. Mr. Saunders of Flesherton Baptist Church, officiated. The remains were interred in Max- well Cemetery, by the side of his wife, who pi-edeceased him ten years ago. The deceased gentleman was a resident of Artemesia township for 77 years, having come here with his father when only seven years old. All his long life was spent on the farm a mile east of R&ck Mills. Th^ funeral was largely attended by the citizens of Artemesia to pay their last respects to a man who was re- spected by all who knew him. There were floral offerings from the fol- lowing: a wreath from his son, Wal- ter, and family; spray from daughter, Mrs. F. N. Field: spray from Rock Mills ladies' .Aid: spray, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saijeon. So far as we know Mr. .Akitt v. as the oldests resident of -A-teme-ia tchrnship, being a continuous resi- dent since the year 1852. He kni?w all about the pioneer life and there are few living to day who had the same intimate acquaintances with ;t that he had. Mr. .Akitt was a mar. with many sterling qualities, a kinr. neighbor and a good friend. More Highwiay Paving Gradually the lavement on the To- ronto-Owen Sound Highway is bene extended northward and a couple of years will have reached this village. On the list of highway constnic'^ion contracts, for which recently appear- ed the following: end of concrete Social Gatliering at Feversham School The new room of the Feversham i Continuation School was the scene of a happy social event on Friday' evening. February 1st. when t!ie teachers and students of the Continu- ! ation School entertained the parents' and trustees. The decorations were carried out in rainbow effectâ€" Ion? i streamers of crepe paper in varioul colors extending from the central â- hoop to the ends of the room thus! forming a ceiling, while the wind- ows and blackboards were draped with streamers and mnlti-colorM balloons were hung about the room ' in bunches. The rainbow effect was carried out further in car^dles i with contrasting or harmonizing can- die sticks. The main feature of the evening was progros.-=v crockinole at which j the guests d:s7)layed ''i<»rr ability at shooting straight: 1"* --no wer" so, adapt as Nellie '" - - and "'•. ""â- o who were prone- d as r-â€" -wrs. The candles v.ere lighted andi a dainty lunch was served by thei students, after which a balloon chase I was indulged in. Several games were then played and the gathering broke up afte- the singing of the National .Anthem. A Healthy Bir d is Worth 10 in the Hospital Royal Purple Roup Specific -A. powerful preventive from Colds. Roup. Diphtheria and Chicken Pox. This is the time of year to feed some of this to your fowl, also Poultr\- Specfic. R. P. CALF MEAL R. P. STOCK SPECFIC R. P. COUGH POWDERS R- P. GALL SALVE â€" and these lines cannot be beaten. try some and be convinced. Just Duncan's Hardware FLESHERTON, ONT. Married In Toronto M-. Winslow Kemahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. .A. Kernahan. of Fev- ersham. and Miss Minerva Stafford, daughter of the late Prof. Jos. Staf-j ford of Montreal, we -e quietly mar- 1 ried at the home of Rev. L. F. Kipp.j in Toronto on Wednesday. January i 30th. The previous Friday Mrs. Jno.l Latimer gave a kitchen shower, invit-j ing the b-ide's form.er schoolmates; , living in Toronto, when a hapov re- north of OrangeviUe to Primrose ^^i^„ ^^s held. The young couple enjoy the hearty well wishes of ? corner, 7.8 miles, concrete pavement from Caledon toward O-ang-eviUo, 6.5 miles, concrete pavement, with al- ternative tender requested for mix- ed macadam pavement. Th.> traf- fic on the Provincial Highway is growing each year by leapj ami bounds and the question of belter roads is becoming more important. host of friends here and in Osprey township. We believe they will res-j ide in Toronto. 1 CH.APERONE FOR DOGS Visiting This Locality Does using Durham's streets from; this time henceforth must be prop-; erty chaperoned if theor owner- ' j hope to escape the payment of a fine. â- This is deduced from the fines im- i I posed aturday morning by Magis- 1 Mr. and M-j. A. T. Barber of i trate Laidiaw in police court here| Blindloss. Aha., are c .1 visit with j when five of our citizens were) friends in Osprey. Mr. Barber in- i brought befo 3 him for allowins their forms The .Advance that crops v.-erc I pets to be at 'arge without the good in most parts cf Alberta, and I proper accompaniment. â€" Durham e.xceotionally good fo- the past four â- years. His district is about 200 I miles east of Calgary on the Moose- | iaw-Calgary C. P. i'^. Pne. Mr. j Barber lives onlv two miles from i the wonderful Red Deer River, whc-e so mary prehistoric anim.al skele- tons have been unearthed. He ha; j h'mself helpcil in unearthing son': " of them, including one ha!: of a oer- ; fectly petrified fish |\bout fifteen inchif- lonr" apparently that of a bass or lake t -out. Thi' water of â- th;» rivor nature. Finest Goods Um-ml How delicious! They're the best in town! And at the lowest prices too. Why take the trouble of doing- your baking: when we can supply you with wholesome bread and other bakery products at real savings? â€" : Wbolesome Bread : â€" Finder's Bakery Phone 8 We Delive. proper I is of a peculia ly hard ENG-AC.EMENT Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Stewart. Ma-k- dale. announce the engagerpcnt o: 1 their elder daughter, Helen R-.e, *o ! Mr. Harold .A. Thibaudeau, sc^-'ond j son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Th'^ac- 1 deau of Markdale. The ma riage [ to take place early in February. I I? The Home of Good Things \ ou are invited to visit our restaurant after skating or ths hockey matcS and taste the n-iany delicacies to be found on the menu. Meals served at ail hour?. We conduct a refreshment booth at the rink, where Coffee. Hot Dogs. Smokes, etc.. can be secured. Fresh & Cured MEATS Fresh Pork Sausage 28c. per lb. eame 45c, al Ba aeon per lb. He ad Cheese 23c lb. ADVANCE AD\TS. P-AY Perkins & Freeman GROCERS -:- FLESHERTON. SALE BY TENDER * t •> t •.'•.:~^> •. •^ .>^Xk<k^<.<H}^<.<N>.XN«.^<.^XK^ <..;k-xx><>-x-:~>->->->-xx"X^>-x~x"~x^>->-x â- x~x•-^•x-^*-x•♦^^^•^•^â- >•^->•^♦♦"^"^* Three pairs registered Silver Foxes and two Silver male foxes will be sold ^subject to reser\-e bid> to the person submitting highest tender to the un- dersigned before 12 o'clock noon, on : the 15th day of February-, 1929. The owners will ranch the fo.xes for the 1 purchaser at a nominal fee for the i present year. No tender will be ac- i ceptetl unless aceoninanied by a mark- 1 ed cheque of the person submitting the same, payable to the undersigned ; for ten per cent, of the amount tend- ered, the cheque to be returned if the sale is not made. KARSTEDT BROS. PricevHle, OM. Â¥1 TWO WEEKS ONLY NOTICE I I am prepared to do all kinds of â- windmil and pomp repairing. I am also agent for n«w mills an«l pumps. New and second hand engines and pump iacks on hand. â€"A. B. SORNBEKGER. Phone Fevershani. MAXWVXL FARM FOK QVUK SALE Special Mid-winter Price Stenf ield's Unshrinkable Underwear Perfect Goods â€" .Ml Sizes from 3o to 44 r>lue Label Cjuality Kejrular S2.75 for $2.39 Cold Label Quality RciTiilar $2.00 for $L79 Red Irabel Quality Regular $2.25 for $L08 Tn.tro Special (Quality Rcgnilar $1 .50 for $1. 20 114 acres in th? Tuvrsb n nf Ih-ot n nearly all cWrvJ. gootl builds IP'S, *. ac miles frc.ni Proton Station, will sell with last year's crop or w'^h.'-ut: or w.-^ulil consider a smn'l property in cxrhan;re. R. T. WR.\CGEIT, | R. R. No. 1 Pr*>>on Slat:o:\ The aboN-e cash prices are jjfood till Febniary 16th. This is aa opportunity to renew your sjock of underwear at a special price. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. ONTARIO