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Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1929, p. 3

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Royal Bank Annual Meeting The sUcleth annual meeting of Improvement In CauBdlan conditions â- liar«holder« of The Royal Bank ot brings correspondlnj; Increanes In the Canada marked the close of the most Tolume of goods which they can sell su<iessful year In the history of the us. From this viewpoint It might be bank; The report Bubmltted showed considered economic statesmanship 1 that both the assets and the proflts for the United States to discover i f)f the bank constituted a record for means to Increase their mirchases Canadian banking. ffom Canada, rather than ttf consider l^eallug with the <|iiestlon of trade measures which will constitute new * relationship between Canada and the ""'^^ barriers." rnlted States, Sir Herbert Holt, thej „. 0«n«''«' MsnaPer's *<*;?'•«•»,.„ Pi-PHldent- .alii' Discussing the policy of developing : "°*"^ "*'"• the latent resources of our country, . "No country Impoiu more goods Mr. Xelll said In part: â€" from a single market than Canada Im- 1 "During the past two or three yuars ports from that country. The value I many existing Industrie's tave been 6t these imports during the twelvai reorganized to meet the requirements month sending September SO, 1928, ; "' expending business. Mergers have aRgregated 79« aHIUon doUars, a total \ ^-^^ effected to insure production on more than SOO million dollars In ex- 1 "^* "'""' efflcieni: basis, and many cess of Canadian i lea to that market 1"^ 'f'l''*''"'^^ ^''\\,l^^'' J't^^f,' ' .ii.,.in,» .Ko. .»_ ij a I: Through a number of different Invest- durlng U»e same period. Such an un.L,g„, bankers who are our customers,, balanced trade relationship is lnjurl-L,e have had the opportunity to assist, ous to the naUonal welfare of this in sucli financing, with the result that ; country. ^ ..num^.-ous new and valuable connec-: "In spite of the fact that the pres- i "ods have been secured for the bank. I ent trade relaUo' »hlp l.etween the i ' *"" ^'*'^ '" ^* '''''*' *" 'â- Â«P°''' ^^^ '^ ' two countries la disproportionately ' T^""" ,?'"'',' '"'"'^ "'"'"" ^â„¢"**.'' "^f^® favorable to the United States, there ""t^ l'<iui>lated to nur satHfactlon, i Is acUve discussion of f Tthei: tariff ^!!'^/,f'^"K '^^ °"!J"'" "' ""^^ '' > tn/.,<.o-„- .V . ,-1 . ""^"^ lann {jj^j j,ave been made, we are carrying' : ncreases that seem likely ta. shut out no undigested securities." ! ine rew competitive items which Cana- ; He pointed out that in this period of i dians now sell there. It would seem ' prosperity reserves should be built! that those who propose such tariff up against less prosperous times. The ' changes fail to realize that checks public has the right to expect sound ' upon Canadian prosperity automati- 1 '^^^^'''''''P '"^ government and Indus-' call.- check the volume of goods which '• ""^ *°*^ ^"'^ ^^'^^ leadership there ! can be bought from the United States ' "^^^ ^^ "° ^°^^^ concerning the won- • and that on fh« nf-.r >,o„J ;. J 'l«'"f"' prospects that the future holds i ana that on the ot„er hand continued ,„ gtore for Canada. g- - • , I OWL LAFFS o.w. u. ^(ON Wrm LAUGHTER) For a long time the restaurant man- ager had out a sign â€" "Home Cook- ing." Then he removed it. "I see," remarked a customer, "that the old sign is gone." "Yes, I took it down." "But, why?" "Well, I came to the conclusion that It was doing the place no good. I got to watching the passerby. A great many would take a look at that sign and then hurry on." ered up my mouht Just as sweet and round, and what do you think he did?" i Sadie (blushing): "How should li know?" ; Edith: "Well, the fool Just let me^ whistle." I I An ounce of sense v 111 hide one pound of Ignorance. Down In Mexico a candidate for president should be bullet-proof. In America all he needs la mudguards. "I asked her to kiss me, without avail." "I don't like kissing through those things either." Lawyer: "Can you tell me If the defendant was expensively garbed?" "Thats a wonderful office boy of mine. He don't smoke, play, or go off to football games. He's almost per- fect." "Indeed? But he must have some fault. ^VTiat Is it?" "Well, his only fault is that he won't work." Rastus (a witness; . "Deed she was, sah. Ah knows expensive garb- age when I sees it." An ice -cream parlor is merely a place where they have little tables with 297 wads of gum stuck under each table. George: "I think Peggy will make an ideal wife. Every time I go to her , home I find her darning her father's j socks." j Pete: "That caught me, too â€" until! I noticed that it was always the same sock." It's an east wind that blows nobody good. Doctor: "Do you sleej) on the flat of your back?" Patient: "No, the back of my flat." I: is possible to love everybody ex- cept the hick just moved to town who pretends not to be excited when the fire engine goes by. Hedda: "Why do you wear spats?" Lucian: "In memory of my first wife." The congregation of a Long Island church read this announcement In the wukly bulletin: "The ladies of this church have ccst off clothing of all kinds. They may be seen in the basement of the church any afternoon this week." The case for prohibition is more temperance. Homes for aged men are still main- tained, but not so for aged women. They say when a woman begins to grow old these day; she bobs her hair, shortens her skirt and starts all over again. Mrs. Schmitz: "Your first husband was a fine man. It's a shame he died." Mrs. SchKuts: "Yes; that's what my second husband's always saying." A political landslide isn't like the real thing. In a real landslide the dirt always goes down. One disadvantage of starting an' argument with another weekly paper, by the time you get a rise out of them you've forgotten what In thun- der it was you said. Few people ever need glasses to en- able them to see your duty. Irate Housjwife: "These eggs you Bold yesterday as fresh were spoiled." The Grocer: "That's too bad." Irate Housewife; "Two- Two? Vhe whole dozen were." Ediih: "I hate that man Wilson." Sadiei "Why; -hat has happened. I thought you liked him so much?" Edith: "He said I couldn't whistle, ami just to show him I could. I puck- !a!jP.::-:;:-~y Eyes of Blue â€" true to yott Eyes of Gray â€" love while away What are YOUR eyes saying today? Your eycj have no voice, but they speak â€" they show moods ana temper. They do more, they show your physical condition. Are they cUar, brisht, sparkling with hratth â€" or dull, with a yellowish tinge to dbe whites? ^ This yellowish tinge is the signet of intestinal sluggishness â€" auto-intOJtication and liver trouble. Don't neglect this warning of poor health to follow. #4' Try • ntulu delljr W course lor a shoe* vf W.^/^jLf, period. YomeywwUt â- Â« J' «**"»'« lell iho ttocy. FrodtKt Read iiout Character trom_ Die Byes in Juture Btecham AavertitementSt Satai Attnit! HuoM F. WMkl* ft C*., tJMiteJ. Tocete lie Immigration From New Angle Archdeacon Cody Advocates Spending Money on Na- tive-Born Instead of Foreigners Hamilton, Ont. â€" .Advocating expen- diture of money to finance energretic Canadians rather than aiding those who come to this couvitry from alien countries, Venerable -A.rchdeacon H. J Cody, Toronto, addressed residents of Wentworth County at a large com- munity banquet here recently. "Personally, I prefer the Canadi.n I- two or three inimigi-ants and I be- lieve it would be a wiser policy to expend money to finance an energetic Canadian in Can -.da than tc aid those who come to our Dominion from alien !ands,""Canon Cody said. "We want our own stock," he continued, discuss- ing the immigration question. The Rev. Mr. Cody certainly said some- thing worth considering. Have we not many good Canadians in our back- woods who could be developed into producing citizens at a minimum <f expense. « He â€" Do you believe in the here- after?, Sheâ€" Whyâ€" erâ€" yes ! He- Well, how about a hug and a kiss, that's what I'm here after. New Thoughts On Old Institution How Your New Calendar is Made Years in Advance Referring in those who make our calendars, the London Daily Herald asserts that "th« ordinary man does not even know who they are. "He turns to pocket diary or wall almanac when h« wishes to ascertain the hour of su.Tset or sunrise, or the changes of the moon and the tide.^, and he doe.s not guess that the in- formation which he accepts as a mat- ter of course is the outcome of six years of co-operative work by the leading astronomers of five nations. "For an account of this truly re- markable (though generally unre- marked) example of the internation- alism of science the Ix)ndon Daily Herald is indebted '•> Mr. Moses B. Cotsworth, director of the Interna- tional Fi.xed Calendar League. "On August 17. 1927, the calcula- tions for the year 1933 were begun 'ly eminent scientists in the Oreenwich Oljservatory ami the Nautical M- ' manac Office. "These men work out for all the nations the right ascension and de- clination of the sun, m.-jon. and 84 of the fi.xed stars at each of the 24 hours in every day. "By August, 1928, these were print- ed and sent to the directors of the national observatoric? in the United States, Germany, France, and Spain to enable the astronomer"? of each of nations to be.?in their quota of the work. "No part is duplicated. The United States astronomers work out the eclipses of the sun and moon for all the nations, and the hourly positions of the planets and their satellites. "In France the hourly positions of the polar stars are worked out, while the same work for other fixed stars is done in Germany and Spain. "The work in these four countries takes about 18 months. Greenwich combines the results in the Nautical ] Almanac for 1933, which will be print- 1 ed and issued by the end of 1930. "From this all the nations will 5e i able to work out for epch of their own | ports the daily times and heights of the tides. This information then bf issued to the makers of calendars not later than January, 1932." NFW HFlfTTTFOR TIRED-OUT WOMEN Found in the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make Anaemia comes on gradually, be- ginning with langour, indisposition to mental or bodily exertion. Irritability and a feeling of fatigue. Later comes the palpitation of the heart, head- aches, frequent backaches and often disturbed indigestion and an inability 'to obtain rest at night. Cases of this kind, if neglected, become more seri- ous, but if taken in time there is no need to worry. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which are free from any harm- ful or habit-forming drug, are Just the tonic needed to remedy this wretched stats of health. These pills actually make the rich red, blood that stimulates and strengthens every or- gan and nerve In the body. Thus strength and activity return, the ap- petite Improves and restful sleep is had. What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can and will do Is shown by the case of Mi-9. D. B. Fanning, Seal Harbor, N.S., who says:â€" "I was in a badly run-down condition. I was pale, my appetite was ve/y poor, and the least exertion would leave me completely tired out. In fact I was hardly able to do much work about the house. I decided to try Dr. Wililams' Pink Pills and after taking a few boxes can truthfully say I had gained greatly in health and strength and was able to go about my work with no sign of the former weakness. I cheerfully re- commend them to all others who may be in a run-down condition." You can get the pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. «• Island of Heligoland ' Slowly Crumbling Awty German North Saa Outpoit Hit Hard , by Recent Storms [ ileiguland ThU llttlu Gcrniin is- land, English North Sea outpost until 1S90. has lust 13,000 square meters ' ewailowed up by mountainous waves! whijn recent Heree gaies caused havoc along th.3 west European coasts as i far as Norway. ! The damage done here and to the neighboring Kast Frisian island chain j has led the Prussian Survey Depart- j inent to appoint a commission to make | a scientillc study of the whole coast- 1 line to ascertain if there Is any dan-! gerous acceleration in the gradual' subsidence of the German North Sea! shores. j It is known that the whole coast Is ' sinking, but only at the rate of about ten Inches in the last 100 years. Com- j Ing Investigations are expected to! show whether the sinking process' calls for extra precautions. Constant daily testing and blending of the world's choicest teas give Red Rose Tea its inimitable flavor and neyer-varyinf goodness. Every package guaranteed. «4 REDROSE is ^ood tea RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Classified Advertisements BiaasB FBovira HE .^SSLKElJ A. Swift's "Laymor CHILDHOOD AILMENTS Can he Quickly Banished With Baby's Own Tablets. I The aliments of childhood are many ' but nine-tentha of them are due to one cause and one cause onlyâ€" a dis- ordered condition of the stomach and bowels. To quickly banish any of the minor ailments of babyhood and child- hood the bowels must be made to work regular and the stomach must be sweetened. j No other medicine for little ones! haa had .such success as has Baby's ' Own Tablets. They banish constlpa- 1 tion and Indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers; correct diarrhoea! and colic and promote healthful sleep 1 by regulating the functions of the ! stomach and bowels. Concerning ', them Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S., I writes: â€" "I cannot speak too highly] of Baby's Own Tablets as I have! found them excellent for childhood ailments." j Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A lawyer once asked a man who had at various times been oh" several juries: "Who influenced you most, the lawyers, the witnesses, or the judge?" He expected to get some useful and interesting information from so ex- perienced a juryman. This was the man's reply: "ril tell ye, sir, 'ow I makes up my mind. I'm a plain man and a reasonin' man, and I ain't influenced by anything the lawyers say, nor by what the wit- nesses say; nor, by what the judge says. I just look at the man in the dock, and says, 'If he ain't done noth- In'. why's he there? And I brings 'em all in guilty.' " BY FEEDINQ ' Meat Scraps. Laymoie' duplicates summer condl- tions. supplying digestible protein (or big winter egg pniductlon. For fre» booklet, write Swift Canadian Co.. Lim- ited. Dept. N-:;, West Toronto. New King Helps Country Physicians Deny Poison Plot in Illness of Albania's King Vienna. â€" Reports from Tirana that a serious stomach ailment of King Achmed Zugo bad necessitated the call of two Viennese specialists caused the rumor that the King had been given slow poison by one of his many enemies. These reports were refused by the statement of Professor Guido Holzknecht, one of the doctors con- sulted, who has Just returned to Cienna. Professor Holzknecht declar- ed Achmed Zugo's indisposition was not serious, being caused by overwork, i nicotine and too much Indoor life. The King, who is accustomed to plenty of fresh air and ports, is now obliged to pass most of his time at a writing table from which he reorganized his country on modern lines. I famous old windjammers, the foui^- As the King himself la head of the â-  masted bark Garthpool, will anchor la reform movement, his Illness would j [jje Thames and pass the rest of her present a serfous problem for Albania, jays In quiet, peaceful waters if ef. forts are successful to save the old Box K7S, Mil, aiU,* "• â- â- llllllll iU I up. 100% i»« dtUrT^ I f WriH vidar fa* H^Lt CHICX BOOK. $C11WE«I^R'$ Jftf CHUV Buffalo, xr.T. BBTDGSBUBO. OW., CAV, Remembrance British Plan Haven in Thames For Last Bark, Still Sailing Sea London.â€" -The last of Britannia's This was the reason that specialists were called. Professor Holzknecht states he was surprised by the progress he found In Albania. In the country In which, un- til recently, persons hardly dared sailing vessel from shipbreakers. Sole survivor of the nineteenth cen- tury square rigs on British registry, the Garthpool is a gallant example of the sturdy trade which carried the leave their houses unarmed, people gea-borne trade of the British Empire now carry umbrellas with their Plc- ! at a time when Britain and the United turesque costumes instead of firearms states competed under sail as they and swords. Tlranltea go peacefully to the daily military concert In the new park. Streets are being con- structed, also office buildings, hospi- tals and a new suburb of 500 houses for olDclals. Automobile roads now link Tirana with the harbor and other cities. Reg- ular daily airplane service will con- nect the capital with Italy and Al- banian centers. An electric plant and telephone service for 2,000 subscribers have been opened. The Sew royal cas- tle now bing built will not be inferior to the palace of any European ruler. LONG SLEEP MAKES BABY HAPPY AGAIN "Our baby kept waking us several times a night, until we started giving him a little Castoria after his last nursing," says an Iowa mother. "He slept soundly from the first night and It made him look and feel worlds as now do with steamships. ' Anchored near Blackfrlars Bridge, la the heart of London, the Garthpool would be either a museum or a train- ing ship for mercantile marine cadets. In preserving the vessel Britain would be following the example of public- spirited citizens of America who en- shrined the famous old whaleship Charles W. Morgan, near New Bed- ford., as a memorial to the in- dustry which made New England famou.s. The Honorable Company of Master Mariner.s in London wants to acquire the Garthpool for training pur- poses, but lacks funds. Meanwhile the old windjammer, still sound but a little slow in these speedy days of ocean craft, bravely plow.s out- ward bound In for Australia. She was originally designed for the Calcutta-Dundee jute trade, but now j hails from Montreal. .> j Clerk (timidly) â€" "I'd like to ask il you can raise my salary, sir? Iras- ! better." Baby specialists endorse ; cible Employer â€" "Confound it I Don't WHAT SHE WAS CRYING FOR i Hubby: What are you crying for so bitterly, dear? Wifie: Give me flffty dollars and I'll tell you. Hubby (alarmed) : Well here It Is. What are you crying for? Wifle (smiling): Fifty dollars. « Mabel: I'm thinking of going to Paris this year. How much do you think It will cost? Alice: Nothing. Mabel: Nothing? Alice: Yes ; thinking about It won't cost you anything. ..J "Smith Is a man who keeps his word!" "Never!" "Yes, no one will take it." 6 w F - fU,â€" â€" Since 1912 the Quebec Provincial Government has spent $86,000,000 on highways and roads In the province. Fletcher's Cu.storla; and millions of mothers know how this purely-vege- table, harmli ss preparation helps babies and ciJldren, w^lth colic, con- stipation, cold.-^. diarrhea, etc. The Fletcher signat iire Is always on the wrapper of genuine Castoria. Avoid Imitations. I put in ten hours raising it?" here every day Medical researches in Europe have been hindered and in French Africa yellow fever work stopped because of the advance in the price of monkeys since they have been used for grafts and experiment. Judge â€" "Look here; you'i-e no preacher, are you?" Rastus â€" "No, suh, jedge, no suh. Ah ain't no \ preachah!" Judge â€" "Then what did| you mean by telling these people you could marry them?" Rastas â€" "Yhy, jedge, didn't Ah pay you two bucks fo' a marriage license last week?" .> MInard's Liniment for Coughs, Colds. We have found that pro-sperity is not the product of charity, but of in- dustry, not of receiving, but of pro- ducing. â€" Henry Ford. * I would rather fly any day than ride with the King, because I consider it much safer. â€" The Infante Don of Spain. Nothing LikeNniirn It to Relieve Colds Itt In (ommla and mction, Bucklcr'i ^kSt Mixture it dilTerent from ail other ^ remediee. It literallr " acta like a flash" in conuuering coughs and healins the inflamed parte. The in- stant relief thut follows the first dose is multiplied 40 times in a 7b- eent bottle 1 "Buckley'ii" should be in every home. Your druggist sella it under a money-back guarantee. W. K. Buckley, Limited. '** 142 Mutual St.. Toronto 2 Wifle: John dear, did you put the cat out? Hubby: Yes, my lo.-e. â-  "I don't believe you!" "Well if you don't believe me go down and put her out yourself!" I Trom â€" "It is said that impetuous people have black eyes." Bone â€" "Well if they don't have them, they are apt to get them." Diner â€" "What do you call this stuff?" Waiterâ€" "Mock turtle soup, sir." Dinerâ€" "Well. I'm afraid the cook has carried his mockery too far." Pemember the good old days when the people in the rural districts had so much money they could afford to buy a gold brick once In a while? No reformer has any power unless the world of opinion Is ripe tor blm. â€" J. D. Berestord. Nature doubtless is grand, but It wasn't a very brilliant scheme to put most of the vitamines in things you don't like. 1^)^1 :PHIILIPS= ^" # ^ Fbr Tcouhle* due to Acid iNOioesriON MBAOACME NAUSEA Reduce the Acid 75c and 40c FLU The Christian Church !.â- Â» divided and cumbered with controversies and broken Into scbjsms. â€" The Archbishop of Canterbury. Mlnard'i Liniment prevents Wiu. Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and Indigestion usually mean excess acid. The stomach nerves are over-stimu- lated. Too much acid makes the stom- ach and Intestines sour. Alkali kills acid Instantly. The best form Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be- cause one harmless, tasteless do8« neutralizes many times Its volume In acid. Since Its Invention, 60 years mgo. It has remained the standard with physicians everywber*. Take a spoonful in water and youtj unhappy condition vlU probably end In five minutes. Then you will al- ways know what to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you. Go prove this for your own sake. It may save a great many dis- agreeable hours. { Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians tor BO years In correcting excess ! adds. Bach bottle contains full dtrec- I tlonsâ€" any drug stora. Claims M;iny Victims in Canada and i^hoiild be guaiiled against. Minard's Liniment Is il 'J:oiit ri-i>vuji;a;ivi;, lusng oiio nf th* oldest remedies used, ilimud s Linlraent lijs relieved tlunisiindw of cases of Grippe, BroiKliitlti. tfore Throat. Asthma and similiir dlsea-ses. It Is an Kneniy to Cerms. Thousands i.r bottles being used Q\<:iy .!:i.v. For siili. l)y ail >lruggists atl.l };,^nf;al dealers. MInard's Klnimant Co., ]Ltd. Yarmouth, U.S. WHATWILLITDO? Women are saj'ing: "Pinkhani's Compound keeps me fit to do mj' work." "I was nervous and all run down. Now I eat better and sleep better â€" ". "It helped my thirteen year old daughter." â€" "I took it be- fore and after my baby was bom," â€""I am gaining every daj'." Lydia E. PinkhamS \ egetablc Compoun<l ISSUE No. 5â€" "29

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