$100.00 IN PRIZES ,t A Rdugfa Road FOR BEST LETTERS ^ing A„,anuUah FW, Tha. 1 he Way or Reform Degr Days of Quebec The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Offer Twenty-Eight Prizes in a Letter Writing Competition. Some years ago the Dr. WlUiapis Medicine Co., o( Brdckvllle, Ont., of- fered a series of prizes to residents ot Ontario for the best letters des- erlblng benefits obtained tlirough the nee of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Hundreds of letters were submitted In this competition, 18 Hard "The .swecpini.": innovations ho is niaking olosely follow those instituted in Turl;ey by Must;.!>tia Kan-a: Pashn. | Up iias denounced polyfcare^y, abolish- i ed the veil â€" or nt loast cut it down' to European dimensions â€" aholishcd ct-remonial uniform, and instituted, complsory education. "A new flap has been substituted for the old blaclt Afghan standard which some likened to a pirate flag:. "All these changes reflect a niod- and yet there must have been thou-lemisinfr movement destined to sands of other users of the pills who did not avail themselves of the oppor- tunity to win a prize. To all these another letter-writing competition Is offered. Thousands have benefited through the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills whose cases have not been re- ported. These will furnish the mate- rial for letters to be written in this contest. There is no demand upon the imagination; svery letter must deal with facts and facts only. THE PRIZES The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., of Brockvllle, Ont., will award a prize of 125.000 for the best letter received on or before the 26th day of January, 1922, from residents of Ontario on the subject: "Why I Reccoramend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." A prize of $15.00 will be awarded for the second best letter received; a prize of $10.00 awaken Afphanistan from its Ion? .sleep of seclusion, and enable it to take a place amonpr the civilized na- tions of the world." â€" Glasgow Herald. « * ♦ * « The visit of. King Amanullas to Great Britain early in the year gives added interest to the bitter campaign ho is waging in his own countrry against those who are opposed to the reforms he is anxious, after his Eur- opean tour, to impose on his own peo- ple. The latest news rather implies that those who oppose the King's re- forms will .'naffer complete defeat. "There is much to admire in the Afghan monarch's determination to benefit his people and improve his country," say the Daily Telegi-aph. "He has shown his ability to rule a turbulent nation by keeping his Blendingr Red Rose Tea is an art. To oHaJr. the fine flavor and full-bodied riehrress required years of experi- ence. Every package guaranteed. «i is good tea* RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra gooa Electron Strata Radio Reflector IsNeiv Theory There was great consternation in tlie canine world a few days' ago when It was decreed that no dog.s in harness must roam tlie streets of Quebec. There was a rumor that the great classic, the Eastern International Dog Sled Derby, was to be cancelled, that the Chateau team was to be banished from the terraceâ€" all sort.s of horrible rumors; but, as afterwards developed, the Danigjj radio specialist, Prof edict was not directed against any other than the small boy who, with a dog Pedersen, i.s very enthusiastic about he may or may not be able to. control, dodges under the horses' hoofs and Prof. Carl Stormer's and Mi\ Hals's car wheels, thus endangering his own life and others, Including that of his successful experiments with penetr^t- dog. . . '''S so far into the ether .with the So once again "Mouutie," veteran Mounted Police dog, will, as leader of ladio, and explains Getting On Trial marriage, television, Taxes, taxi.s, prohibition, Propaganda, profiteering, Radio and racketeering. Boards of Temperance and Morals, .Modern-Fnndamental quarrels, Danish Professcw States -Sunr .Spead-ians and synthetic food, Radiated Electrons Cause I "^litosis. Hollywood, Ary ,. I Alienists- and aviation, urora Borealis jgex and Shaw and sanitation .... Copenhagen. â€" The world-famed ' ^«''>^"<^"^' ^^"^^''^ '-'^''^ O''^"' Ogress? p Q_ Hush! She's calmly christened "Progress." for the third best letter, and 23 prizes throne for the past ten years and sup- of J2.00 each fcr the next best 25 pressing numerous insurrections. letters. THE CONDITIONS The benefit derived from the use of Dr. Williams" Pink Pills described in the letter may be in the writer's own case, or that of some one in the â- writer's home. More than one case may be describ- ed in the letter, but every statement must be literally and absolutely true. Every letter must be signed by the full name and correct address of the Vereoa sending it. If It describes the casf of some person other than the writer of the letter, it must also be signed by the pcri;L;i whose case is described, as a gua- nteo of the truth of the statements made. The writer of each letter mnst give the name and date of the paper in which he or she saw this announre- ment. Fine writing will not win the prize unless you have a good case to des- cribe. The strength of the recom- mendation and net the style of the lettrr will be the ba?is of the award. The Dr. 'Willi.ams Medicine Co shall have the right to publish any letter entered in this contest, it they desire to do so, whether it wins a prize or not. The contest will close on January 26th, 1929, and the prizes will be "He has engaged foreign experts to reorganize the administration, and, ke has devoted special care to the new schools that he has set up for both boys and l^rls because he recognizes that Afghanistan needs modern edu- cation and not merely the material side of estern civilization. "King Amanullah would seem, how- ever, to have created difficulties for himself by his unbounded enthusiasm. He seeks to transform Afghanistan from a primitive tribal community i into a full-fledged modern State within H fe.w brief years." "If King Amanullah ever had any idea that the path of refonn which ho had planned for Afghanistan was • going to be a tranquil one he has been : quickly disillusioned,"' says the Man-! Chester Guardian. â- "The young men of Kabul may be content to be Europeanized and to wear top-hats, collars, and ties, but the young men of the frontier are not, and they have speedily shown their view of the royal reforms byj organizing a full-dress rebellion I '^, ' against the central power. "In their mountains, which form an almost impregnable refuge, they still remain as stubbornly uncivilized and as formidable as were t'swir an- cestors who gave such trouble to Alexander the Great. To their here- the Chateau Frontenac team, wag his tail as the. winter tourist pats his head. And the Dog Derby is onâ€" February 21-22-23. One hundred and twenty miles in three laps, with, perhaps, men whose names were famous last yearâ€" St. Goddard, Seppala, Chevrette and Dupuis. Dominion Status A PERFECT MEDICINE Askedfor Indian pQjj ^jlU. ONES Opposing Factions in National Congress Have Reached Agreement Senator Lad -;aid at a lunchecn in Fargo: "The world really does need a how"the'echo hasIP''^'' o"t'a«lng ^vnr, for when war been thrown back. It is not other 1 ";°°'^'' "^'^''^ P^°"'« '» a'' '^"""'y obe- celestial globes which have been thel"^"^"' '° "â- "' government, no matter cause of the echo, according to Prof.! '""^ blameworthy it.s government may Pedersen. The distances, however im-|^^' '''' ^^'f ""'^ ^^""'^- •"WilUe. said posing, up to 1.500,000 miles, are too'^'^ "-'*'^'^°";' ^»PVoho, Willie, that a short for that, nor can it have been; ^'5"'Z^' ^° com , rushing at you to from the moon, which is too near. The learned professor is of opinion FULL INDEPENDENCE Calcutta, Indla.- Baby's Own Tablets Should be in Every Home Where There Are Children eat you upâ€" what t.oiiUI you do?' 'Nothing, teacher,' said Willie. 'What? that the radio waves on their way into ' -^'°''^,"'f •„ ^'°" ^"oulda't even shout space have encountered electrically ; ^'''" '""^^^ 0' °°' Z,?"^'"^'"' '^"""^ loaded bunches of strata of ravs, that' "''^«' »"«', ^^l^y.""' 'Because my lis, electrons. It is those which are ?"» f>'\^ "1"'^=^' ^'"'^ '^^ meals.'"- ',, i ii. - 1 , • »i. ( Los Angeles Times. ' the cause of the signals being thrown | _ I back. They must have crossed or have I " presumably crossed at different ^ dis- ' tances from the earth, which' explaihs the difference in the time of the echo The perfect medicine for little ones Opposing factions ' is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They awarded as soon as possible there- - , . ... , , after. Do not delay. If you know '.''tf>\fighting; qualities tiey have of a good case write your letter NOW. Observe the above conditions care- fully or your letter may be thrown out. Address all letters as follows: The Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. Letter Contest Department. added Moslem fanaticism, and it is as devotees of the true faith and the old ways that they oppose their King. To subdue them even with the modem armaments which .\nianullah has at his disposal will not be easy, and it may be that for some time Afghan- istan will be the scene of long and savage civil war. "But the forntieismen fight a los- ing battle. They fight for a cause already lost, and whatever initial su^- "It seems to me that at tBie founda- cesses they may gain, in the end they tion of the traditional Japanese soul will meet the same defeat as their is respect â€" a subordinating of person- fellow-conservatives in Turkey and in ality to the object considered, deferent Persia. Amanullah they may hold at recognition of the life and of the , bay- but they cannot for long stay tl: Japan and Nature in the National Congress have reach- ed au agreement in the discussion of India's independence. Shrinivasa Iyengar, lender of the younger group of Nationalist.? who favor complete independence, agreed to support Mahatma Gandhi's pro- posal to accept the status of a Do- minion until 1930, provided adhher- ence is maintained to the goal of in- dependence and propaganda is con- tinued. In the name of Congress for complete Independence. Jawahar Lai Nehru and Subash Chandra Bose, . the latter a Bengal leader, remained neutral. The report presented by Moti Lalj Nehru, which was ^ba.sed on the Do- minion status and recommended ac- ceptance of it as, "a step toward poli- tical independence," still was endan- gered, however, sinco the Hindu lead- ers are opposing Moslem demands for one-third of the seats in the Ci'utral Legislature. Non-Violent Methods Gandhi was in favor of the Nehru report, except that he asked for inser- are a gentle but thorough laxative which regulate tha bowels, sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and promote healthful refreshing sleep. It is impossible for Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the new-born babe, as they are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates or any other injurious drug. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. Alex. J. Perry, Atlantic, N.S., writes: â€" "I always keep Baby's Own Tablets iu the house for the children, as I have found them a perfect medicine for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by Medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockvllle. Ont. 1928 Progress The developments in pure and ap- plied science during the year of 192S are: Television and cinema broadcasting. Carbaloy (tungsten carbide plus tion of a provision that if the British' cobalt) machine shop tool metal. Government did not acCepfthe constl- Aluminum plating, tution by 1930 India should resume Its, Corn paper used commercially. course of historj-."' things which surround one. Religion ip Japan has not thus far been the worshiping of a transcendent Being. but is specifically associated with na- ture and with that society in which it exists," writes Mr. Paul Claudtl, in the Dial Magazine. "The Japanese belongs to an iso- lated unit that has shown throughout centuries its abil iy to forgo contact with the rest of the world. His coun- ,try ij a kind of .-.nnctuary, built and adcrred, in which he watches a bril- liant, significant cocemonial progress ' throughout successive rites, from one year's end to tho next, from January snows till the shoots make their way up out of the earth under the warm rain of the nynbai, from April's ex- ha'ations of the rose to Autunm's con- 1 flagration. Life for him is participa-i- ^'^^ TURNING tion in this august calendar. Patron: You say my "He allies himself with nature n'^g to turn gray? rather than suljjugates it; adjus,t? his Garrulous Barber: Oh, yes; turning life to her ceremonial, observes her, gray rapidly, I'd say. follows bor, renders )<r spee>h and Patron: Well, may I hope to get her detail more perfect; their lives out of here tefore it's entirely white? Intermingle. In no country !.â- ? there more acute ttnderstanding between man and nature or a more evident reciprocal imprint.'' policy of "non-violent non-co-opera- j tion." Nehru has. threatened to resign if his liberty of action, in supporting his report, is challenged. He is president of this year'.; Congress. Although the younger Nationalists are ia favor of complete independence a strong group i^; .supporting Nehru and his report. These include Pandit Malaviya and Dr. Annie Besant. The disagreement over the future poltical status of the country brought a deadlock among leaders which threatened for a while to be pro- longed. Sodium nitrate fertilizer hand-made commercially from sodium carbonate and nitric acid. SH<'rose made synthetically from fructose and glucose, bringing closer the commercial synthesis of carbo- hydrates. Anlhraquioue, raw material for many textile dyes, made clicaply by using furfural as a solvent and by direct oxidation in tlie presence of a catalyst* Coal tar products multiplied, without cease. Coal conference at Pittsburgh, which made buslnessmeu realize more reaching the sending station: 3, 4Vi:, 5, 8, l.l, 15 and 17 seconds. , Professor Pederseni state?: "The'so ! electrons undoubtedly emanate from ' the surface of the sun. They occasion- ally radiate from there in immense discharges and only a very .sniaii por- tion of these electrons reaches the | earth, and they are the cause among'' other things of the Aurora Borenli.s. These radiations are not continuous but appear suddenly and', disappear a?ain equally suddenly in connsction j with the .sun spots. ^ • ' , â- J "The radio of the earth has an in- 1 calculable length of penetration ; tha: ; this is the case with the shoi-t v.-aves. is plainly proved by their being re-, pulsed. Our length of reach is not' limited to the electrons which repuls- 1 ed or threw back the signals from | Einbooken. Short waves will pene-' trate space and will be. able to sol -/e numerous problems which hitherto' have been insoluble.'' I P ilLTE j. tj t rt'ft t^lst or Wanu-.l l.nvf and Full I :ifui-..mai..i Se on Request. THE aAMSAT CO.. Dep- w 273 Bank Sf.. Ottawa, bat ' fticxretietl far iifty yettrm Soap • Ototmrnt • Tnlrum • Sliavinp *»ii« ** *-J5c. rac'h nt nil Oriiv'tfi''*** ;!n7 1 f Thftt'ij why ro maiir p'-t; "UuckJey's" to end C<.uuhs, rhitis and all Throat, C;.wt and Lime troubles. Ifa iiMtant. plc-aHant. guaranteed. You'll note it:; uiiioue Iiowcrs in the very fir^t do.i>- â€" s.nd there are -10 (lo?«ts in a 76-cenl botuo t Ai'k vour drtieijist for "Buciiey's". W. K. Buckirr. Li-niled. !42 Miituul St., Tormto 'i A commission headed ,by Sir John than ever pure science's money value. GRAY hair is begin- Articles advertised on this page^ may be used in the limerick contest described elsewhere in this Issue. Bend In your limericks and win cash prizes. you No Second Helping Inquiring Elder: "And did have a good time at the party'.'" Bobby: "Not so very; I said 'no' when they asked me to have some more Ice cream â€" and they never asked me again."â€" Pathfinder. T _ iJGHTHING ftUGH SYRUP WARP OFF INFLUENZA Thooswia* are finding relief w VenoU iightaing CoughSyruP* Simon now is in India studying the entile situation and will prepare a re- port for the Government at London. Cash Prizes , For Limericks Readers of this paper may win cash prizes while spending an enjoyable hour at home by composing llmericl<s about any of the well-known articles advertised on this page. Limericks are quite easy to write as the follow- ing example will sh"w: There was an old codger named Daws Who 'twas said knew a lot about saws For teeth cutting like diamonds There are none equal Simonds, Said the experienced saw-expert Bill Uaws. For every limerick accepted we will pay one dollar. There Is nothing to do but write the limericks and send them with name and address and Wilkius' (lying across the Arctic. Nobile's rescue in the Arctic. Byrd and Wilkins' separate expedi- tions in the Antarctic. Andrews'. Roerich's and Filchner's sep.irate expeditious in Mongolia; ex- peditions on all the continents. Dig.sriiig in Egypt, Palestine, Meso- potamia, Greece and Mexico. Artilicial lightning of 3,600,000 volts. Electrons shot outside of coolidgo tubes. Helium and nitrogen atoms collid- ing and producing fluorine, the , slips) : fluorine eploding into hydrogen and a new kind of oygen. Hydrogen atoms colliding to form not only helium, but oxygen and nitro- gen. Primeval microbes found alive In Pre-Cambriaa rocks. Imperial Defence Toronto Globe: Canada, has been doing her siiai-e iu Empire de- fence. It is not for the mere Inymsn to suggest what form that Rharo should take. .4.ir for.jes will play ;. dominating part in any iV.ture con- flict. It Is possible that Cauadr.'^ most effective and acceptable coutri- butiou would be in the creation of air fleets, which are as useful In peace- time. But that is a .matter for th' experts. Always keep Minard's Liniment handy. .> It was a small to-.vn in Scotland, and the Engli.siinian was paying hi'* first vLsit there. He stopped to makf a few enquiries of a native of th'. place. After a few remarks he said to him : "I suppose you have a pro- vost here?" "Ay," said the man. "And does he wear insignia like our mayors?* enquired the Englishman- The man looked at him in amazement "Insignia?" he enquired. "Well," said the other, "does he wear a chain?" "Na, na," was the reply. "He gangs loose; but diuua be feared, he's quite harmless." ' MIXTURE 1 a sincit sip proves il 7.")c and lOc ri o>^ Try Again Punster: "I write these jokes, you know, and send them in to the papers just for my own amusement." Friend (looking over rejection So It would seem." Frost Bitten. Relieve the pain of coUinip- ped checks or ears with f/lin- Erd's. It will soothe and heal. Social and Personal Beverley NIcholls In the London Magazine: Most scxiiety gossip Is name of this paper to Limerick Editor, ' ^'l'^'"',",^^,^'^!^^ J:!"^^.^^".^"'', '^°: Associated Publishers, Rooms 421-5 73 Adelaide St. 'W., Toronto. Two Best Friend: Licenses 'One license is iliard- men who do not know the people of whom tliey are wrlttlng who merely \ turn out a fatigued, mechanical series ' of little paragraphs, all of them couched In terms of fulsome adula- i ly sufficient to get married with these «on. according to the rank of the per- days; you really need two." squ Vhom they are descrrblng. Bachelor Friend : mobile." •Two?" "VSS, hiarriage and auto- -« When Pain Com es Use Minard's Liniment â€" .> for Grippe. "Did you tell that man I'd gone to I San Fi'ancisco, as I told you to . ^„ i James?" "Yes, sir, 1 told him you;'"^^**"- i started this morning." "T«afs a • \"P'' "*„* I good boy. And what did he say?"; '"'»'^e« candy. j "He wanted to know when you'd be! I b.ack. and I told him 'after lunoh' sir."! What many people call indigestion i less alkali In water ivill neutralli* la- ' very often means excess acid in the I etantly many times as mu<^ acid, and stomach. The stomach nerves have 'the symptoms disappear at once. 'You !been over-stimulaie<l, and food souiB. |Will never -Jse crude methoda -when The corrective is an alkali, which 'once you learn the efficiency of this, neutralizes acids instaiuly. And the Go get a small bottle to try. "best alkali known to medical science I Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' the guy wlio.se wife is Phillips' Milk of .Magnesia. It has Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physl- remained the standard with phys^lcians 1 1 ians for ."jO years i:: correcting excess In the .">0 years since li.-< Invention. | acids. Kach bo tie contains full direc- Ouo spoonful of this harmless, taste- tlons â€" any drugstore. Such Is Fame Teacherâ€" "Who was George 'Wash' ISSUE No. 2â€" '29