e -< t Women Taken By Air From Kabul to India South Americaiu Favor "Helnie" Helmets Evacuation Successfully Car- ried Out as Rebels En- velope Legation London. â€" Dramatic details of an air- plane evacuating women and children from the Brltltih Legation at Kabul appear In the news. The Legation has been enveloped by the rebel ad- vance and Information now receiveil shows that the British had been under shell fire presumably from the revolt- ed section of King Amanullab's army which had destroyed the building oo- ^upfed by the military attache. The moment chosen was a lull in the heavy winter storms whloh had been sweeping over Afghanistan liomi the northeast. Airplanes From Irak. There was no plane in India big enough to convey so large a party. A fortnight ago therefore two troop tar- riers of the Victoria type, fitted with "Xapler Lion" OOO-horbcpower en- gines, with accommodation for 23 pas- sengers each, were flown from Irak, where they formed the heart of the garrisou, and were held in readiness at Peshawar to make a da.sh across the mountains to Kabul an soon as a i-ombination of favorable weather with a clear route between Sliepur air- drome in Kabul and I lie British lega- tion two miles outside the city should render such an attempt likely to suc- ceed, j When a sortie by the Ameer pushed , Often Leads to the >I()st Serious the rebel forces sufficiently back to restore communication between the airdrome and Legation, the first op- portunity was taken to tarry out the [ flight, which was completely success-, ful. It was accomplished In the morn- ing, when the heat eddies over the arid Khyber Pass at a Tninimiim. The ' ICQ miles separating Kabul from Pes- hawar were thus covered in 90 min- utes, and the party was landod in Bri- ' tish territory without mishap. The] entire contingent of four Knglish wo- ! men, with three children, and eight Indian women, with five children, ; Were carried in oue plane, escorted by four smaller machines. Situation Obscure. The situation in Afghanistan mean- while is obscure, the conflicting re- ports alike from the Indian frontier, which is always alive with rumor when Afghanistan is Oisturbod, and NO HEDIOME UKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS i: Classified Advcrtisemento aoosi â- OCMi ;<i lliK'l-.-S ARE HIUll. < ASH IN "J I his wlnirr by :cc(iliip BwUVm •|ji; more" ileal Scraps, j-or increaaMl ««>: produ'-tlon you can't brat It, be«uis« For Either the Newborn Babe or ' '- ""* "*"' ""'" '" <=»"««'""•" *«•â- ">â- yiiur hetuf need "Laymore." cKpeclalty 111 ilm void winter monthn. For fr«« I l.ixildct write: Swift Oanuill.ii C-. Llm- *•- " ' • ~ Out. the Growing Child „, . ,_ ,, , .'Itf-l. l'.).-. .s-i. Wtst Toror. There is no other medicine to e<|ual , â- Baby's Own Tablets for little ones â€" ; _^ i •^ 1 Â¥> whether it be for the newborn babe ' tartll'CraCK RlUlS or the growing child the Tablets al- 1 â€" - , , ways do good. They are absolutely IlUlTOpe tO AnnCTlCSU ] free from opiates or other harmful ' 'drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using them. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. .lohn \rmour, R. R. 1, South MonaKhan, . Ont., says: â€" "We have three line,; Uealthy children, to whom, when a medicine is needed, wo havo given only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab- lets are the best medicine you can iteep in any home where there are young children." Baby's Own - ilets are a raild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish coastipa- Asserts Explorer * Submarine Mountain Ridge Said to Reach From Greenland to United States C')!)(nii;i;;cn â€" The safety of the At- lau'tir trulllc is one of the problems In the solution of which the Danish na- tural scii'iitiflc expedition uu board the (loilthaab have been engaged dur- ing its U.OuO miles expedition of hy- tion and Indigestion; break up colds ; droijrapbic retiearcb between America and simple fever and make tt-elhiug ! aud Greenland. Supplement, d by the easy. They are sold by medicine j labors of the Mariion expedUion, aa dealers or direct by mail at :5 cents a absolutely e.xact and rellabl-' chart box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine | has now bcnn obtained of the currents AN ARTILLERY SQUAD OF THE PARAGUAYAN^ ARMY The Pan-.\nierican conference lias been tryiiiR to dissipate the B.y.iviaPuraguay war bonier lii.spute, which 1ms been refiu-reil to the I.i'ague of Nation.". Co., Brockville, Ont. cloud, arising from the NEGLECTED ANAEMIA Williams' Pink Pills. I from Moscow, which Is not regarded '''^'â- ^" ft-eling well for some here as in any better position than Peshawar to obtain reliable news, be- ing both suspect. Tlie stories of the flight of the Queen Motlier I'bya Ilaz- rat, also queen Souriya. by airplane to Kandahar to raise support for Aman- ullah in South Afghanistan, also of the breaking out of a fresh revolt against him are therefore to be re- garded with reserve. The general view taken here is summed up by The Times, which con- .'ludes: "Amanullah holds his ground manfully. Beyoud this the best in- formed of the British press is disiu- L'lined to go." Consequences In no disorder is delay or noylect more dangeroius th:iu iu anaemia. Usually the first noticeable signs arc pale lips and a feeling of weariness. Then follow headaches, baekaclics. palpitation and breathlessness. The only way that anaemia can be over- corn is' to enrich the blood, and it is bee; ise of their wonderful blood- enriching and blood-making proper- ties that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have won such great success in the treatment of this often most stubborn disease. Thousands of .vouns siils who were in an anaemic condition owe their present good health- to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. One of these. -Mi.'is Katie MclCacbcrn. Port Hood, N.S.. says: â€" "I prai.se the day I began the use of Dr Concerning Cats We always feel .sorry for people who do not like cats. Once it took the form of resentment, but the fierce red of Ibis resentment, like so mauy other resentments, has faded into the softer shades of pity ;ind regret. As some- one has said, "their antipathy is ih.dr misfortune." Some unfortunate teach- ing in childhood has caused them to relegate cuts to the outer darkuejs. In so doing they have missed much. Where cats are concerned, the world is divided into three classes; those who hate them, those who toicr ate them for their useftilue'-s, and those who love them for ihemselvc.:-. Whiili proves that cats are citizens, for this is true of all of us. Wo are either hated, loved, or tolerated. I niitting that the cat was right. Others, ; bitterly resenting Miat they termed i the "airs" of his insignificant crea- ! ture, formed themselves into the An- ' cient Order of fat Haters, and their â- descendants still show the ancient re- ' sentnient, and still persist iu assert- ' ing that cats are dangerous, ungrate- : ful. obnoxious creatures i The ' of years, as far back as human lang- ' uage can be traced, the word 'cat' la found I Latin, tireek, and tiaellc; in the lang- uage of acient Kgypt. the cat is , named. I "I love all cats," says Sisler Hud- London Physicist Produces Sunlight; I nthe ocean between America and j Greenland, which is of the greatest : impoitanc.. for .Atlantic traflic, inas- , mu>-h as it !.â- » from these r"glon8 that the icebergs emanate. Ba.^alt was discovered on the Ameri- _ ' can coast, as was intimated by that New Form of Artificial Light ; gallant .-.xplorer Lauge Koch, whom is Invented in England ''''« 'â- "''"'""'J expedition met at Thule. j He was of opinion that there was a HELPS RHEUMATICS \:x:'';z':^jT.uV^.:t Londonâ€" A new form of artificial '"nds and Creenland into .America, light, which to all intents and pur- ! The, Codtluiab expedition did actually poses cannot be distiagtiishod trom-iind basalt on those places in America cat has existed for tUou'^ands ' gunjight has been Invented by a Lon- Lauge Koch had indicait.d. don physicist, who is tired of crawl- The liydrographic in -isiigatlons ing through the weil known "pea purpunc<i principally to asi-crtalu the In old French and German; in soup" fogs, the Morning Post's scienU- origin of the different i-oiumes of flc corresiwndont announces. water in those regions. A submarine If all that is claimed for tnls In- mountain ridge, reaching fnim Hol- vention comes true, it will also be in- stenborg in Greenland to ili>- Amerl- valuable as a liniment for lighting can coasts' divides this acea ninto two dle.ston. "the wild and the gentle, the the rheumatics which the local dim- basin« of entirely different nature. As ' common an dthe exotic, those which ate seems to etigender. Motion pic- a proof of the extreme length to 'are clad in rich robes and those which tures, too, appear to oiTer a consider- which resean-h was carried may be 'are clad in homely broadcloth. I do able field for exploitation 4)C lUe arti- mentioui'd the tact that chemical j not really ask why, despite the de- ' ficiai sunlight as a .suiistitute'tof KTelg anal.vses provrt the existence of 0.05 -> How to Renovate Baby Blankets When it is found that a need has arisen for using old baby blankets that are slightly worn these can be made like new again. This is how this can be done. I purchased a ciuantity of 15-cent voile and covered the old blankets with it, some iu blue and some in pink. I tied them tike small comfort- ers with coarse contrasting crochet thread, crocheting or buttonholing around the edges and across the ends. For my best blanket I first covered the old blanket with white outing flan- nel and then with pink voile. It was' perfectly stunning knotted with the ! coarse blue crochet thread. A little, ' old, lamb's wool comforter covered I with white outing and then with pale | blue voile and knotted with rose I crochet thread was as dainty as one ' pj^p^V could wish. All these little coverlets ' wash beautifully. For the older children, I cut a worn army blanket in two and hemmed the sides and bound the ends In tan sa- teen, bought them a new blanket each and then with . wool comforter apiece I The capacity of cats for friendly companionship is one of their most lovable traits. One wonders if, in jungle days, the first domesticated cat was chosen out of all the other in- ha<l not I habitants of the jungle, to receive the 1 savagi time. 1 1 impress of man's meutality on its own ous cats was very pale, had severe headaches, i and to travel upward with him, tho dizzy spells, and occasional faint- j gradually ascending path of civiliza- ing spells. The least exertion would j tion because of a friendly overture, leave me tired and breathless. In j onulually. like man, the lavage traits ' expected, this condition I began taking Dr. I were trained out of him, the savage ' beautiful Williams' Pink Pills. I continued ' gie-mi in his evx's softened to confl- } their use until I had taken six boxes, I deuce ami love. Inch by inch he crept j by which time I was again enjoying fj-om the jungle to tlie doorstep, from go<Hl health. I hope my experience | u,,, doorstep to tho fireside, from the will lead other sufferers to give this i fi,.esjde to the knee. In return for a medicine a fair trial." i place in the household he warred on If you are at all rundown, or weak, j vermin. Kor companionship he offer- you should begin at once to take Dr. Ud companionship; but that was all. Williams' Pink Pills and you will soon ] n,. niet mankind on terms of equality be well and strong. These pills are j ijp met mankind on tern)s otequality sold by all medicine dealers or will be . q,. not at all. He refused to become sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The ; a slave to fetch and carry Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brock- j mankind in its place. His motto ville, Ont. jread: "It you want to be my frien(^ _, _ Z * , : you must treat me decently." This Xrade Increase in 'â- attracted to his side the fair minded, ^^- • • v^ I the sensitive, the dignified, the ap- ^IJIIISl IS r OreCSiSt ' P""®*-''^'*^'^- t)ther humanity paid him ^^_^ I the compliment of treating him as if r, . p. , , ., , he were human. It read the strange business Development Likely jev ice and resented it. and plain cats. merits which Buifon enumerate with lights. milligram nitrite per ton of sea water, such gusto, mankind adopted this | The new light is prod'.sced by inak- and vet such minimum quantities of charming beast. It has captured my â- ing a mixture. of oxygen and special . inorganic substance in sea water are a heart as it has captured the heart-J of : hydrocarbons imping^ on pastilles of condition for animal life being fotind millions of my fellows. I have had | thorium oxide. The resuhing ilhimin,- tJiere. :e cats and caressing cats, Uixitri- 1 ation, the Morning Post says, is "like The iniinia! life of the northern uor- Examiued spec- tion of t)i area investigated was al- now light shows a cats which sprang from the street; and they have all been delighful. tui-l biloc reflector', the ray is emitted asj a parallel beam, therefore undispersed or dissipated. Tried In Fog When the lamp was in the earlier Greenland has-itv own experimental stage, it was tried In a but the you.nK or the cats which |a blaze of sunlight, j boasted of their high standing. :ind i trascopically t'.ie thick band in the yoHow segment ot the spectrum. By means of a para- fantastic, capricious, "â- â€" Human Pleader. Poultry Care. and it demanded that he crawl. The cat i refused to crawl. ]lp letired to a high branch, as it were, and saluted this section of hunuiuity with ribald gestures. They lould take him as he was ar leave him. Some iudiviilual members laugheti and capitulated, ad- Koup and (-olds in poultry are com- mon ailments during the winter-time on many farms. Much ot this trouble can often be avoided. When roosts are on a slant the birds always try to get on the top two or three roosts. The lower roosts will often be entire- ly vacant. This tends to crowd the ,. . birds together so that they become ... !P ' very warm during the night. Iu the morning as the birds get down on the floor their bodies cool ott very rapidly. Colds and roup are much more .om- mon iu houses where the birds are crowded together on the roost. Level roosts will help in avoiding this trou- ble. The roosts should be four feet above the floor for the heavy breeds, and four and one-halt feet from the floor for the light breeds. The bully iu most entirely unknown, and vast col- lections have heon made there from all depths and 'luougb the medium of ^eill UiTid^ of iu.-lrumcuts. As what may be called a by-product of the ex- pendition's labor i,i some 'ibserva- tions- abont the prospetid of fishing, -lork" ot cod. breeding seem dense fog, the Morning Post eorres- to falL-tw'o jjr three or more yi-ars In pondent writes, "at a distance of a succession. Halibut is more abundant hundred yards whiie remaining in the in the inlets of South Greenland, and ray, a party of observei-s wa'% able to In Disco Bay. also al locer Bafllii Bay, (lirls will be ;raudmothers. ?irlS" and so will their Minard's Liniment Is good for colds. to Follow Recognition by Britain London. â€" Expansion of BIrtish trade in China is seen as an outcome of British recognition of the Nanking Government and the codusion of the tariff treaty. It is not realized out- side Britain the damaging blows suf- fered by British commerce iu the Far East during the Chinese civil war. The widespread losses incurred were augmented by the habit of the rival factions ot imposing taxes at will ! iâ„¢!f..^''^"" '""â- 'â- ""'"^ "^''^ setting; Cottage in "Thrums" Includes Washhouse Which Served as His First Theatre â€" Eminent Author Touches Upon Barriers Birthplace to Become Property of British Nation Now, however, although the full ef- fects of the new tariffs are ont yet ! clear. British merchants believe that' establishing trade on a basis of a lie- ; finite tarift' will prove au uudoiibted benefit. Furthermore, British diplomatic re- His Debt to Women. had each little drop-side bed well i.ogniiion of China is regarded as cer- supplied with covers. For blanket: tain to restore the former good rela- sheets for my children. I made heavy y^n^ ^-mj „,, oountrv which, until outing flannel blankets which wash ' ,.,,^.p„t y^a,.,,, were the friendliest to- well and are serviceable, and for thej,vards Britain. In this connoction it little new baby I made wrapping .^ pointed out that Britain preceded blankets of white baby flannel decor- 1 the United States iu its recognition »ted with fast color French knots. j of t'hlna. while, if it had followed the United Stales, Britain's action cer- Loiulon.-The little ; Sir .lames Barrie was born is to be- ; come the properly ot the Nation. U ] is located iu Klrrieumir. which, un- I der the name of "Thrums." figures in 1 much of Barrie's earlier work, and j has been acquired by Maj. It. D. Laud- i er, who bought it lest its continued •existence might 'be threatened by building operations. cotlii;.;e where was his first work? He began by re- plying to an advertisement for a lead- ^ cr writer on a .Midland daily paper, ; and somehow they took him. Result, ^ transport, followed by a sinkiug. He j remembered that he had not only â- never written a leader, but had never read one. j "The time was summer, and the chimney was stuffed with newspapers. note the color and texture of clothing ot Individuals, but an.vone leaving the p^tlv of the ray immediately vanlsli- ejl from sight." It is also claimed tjat this light pussesses a great ther- apeutic value for in the tissues ot the body the .I'glit rays are transformed into heat. T'.ie energy Is said to be absorbed in < ' ' tissues and utilized as a lift; force, 'niproving the heart ac- tion, producing .i sense of warmth and stimulating tlie rormal defenses of the body against "'.liis beastly climate." Already, there are a considerable num- ber ot cases in which good results have been obtained on record and these will be brought before medical societies for coinment and criticism. Coast Radio Stations ("oast Station is the term used to | designate a radio sta.tiou established i on shore to couimunicatij with ships at sea. In Canada there are -Jii such stations. The primary object of these stations is to provide radio facilities whereby auy ship within 500 miles of; the Canadian coast can establish in-! stant touch with .shore. Constant i watch is kept for the full 24' hours ot every day In the 365 days ot each year. ' Salesman â€" "Ves. 1 can thoroughly recommend these pyjamas, sir. You simply can't wear th?m out." Cus- tomer- -"No, I suppose I should cause rather a sensation if 1 didi " i but at depths too great for fishii.i; pur- poses. In Disco Bay it is found only in shallow water in a \.M-y limited area. "Can you distinsui>!i > .•sgical music?" asked Mrs . Nf^wriil; " I think so," replied her husbauil. When a piece threatens every mina;- to be a tune .-ind always disappoints you, it's classical." TORONTO HOTELS Elliott and Victoria ChurcK 4 Shuter Sts. 56 Yonge St. In the Shopping District Sneezing? Turn to Minard's and avoid a serious cold. Bathe the feet iu Mi need's and warm water. Also inhale. iiimmggip Canada's Newest Playground i The region now within Prince Al- v u •, • , , K .. ., , , „ " yiim -xi grace. Now Britain can rade w ih bert national park, Canada s newest !^i . . • , , . .^l„«„,.«„„l , ., ,""",â- â- China as a sovereign and nulependent playground, was once the hunting' i • i ,,i â- . „„„,°, , ., ^ , ,, ",*•; power, which China has not been ground ot the Cree Indians and a ' i v . «„ . i ... , . -., hot.,1 «» »Kio .,11 ^ â- 1 .7 since her first closet contact with ^Lu TK Vr """^'^ ?"» western civlli/.ation. nr»L,TAaw''r'^^'''''"f"'7""':i '""« ^vem, which is described as ot about 1,800 feet above sea-level an.- !.,jb^ „,„,t arresting development In The cottage includes the wash-house He pulled those newspapers down the! which served Barrie for his first ' chimney by the dozen, did that brave ' i theatre, and in which bis first play heart, and blew the soot off them with ' tainlv would havo been regarded as a i ''â- "" l"->'f"''»^-'' ,">â- '"^ >^"""f"' I'I;'>;|«1'^ bellows, and sat down and studied! I males Major Lauder has suggested how to become a leader writer. His '. that- the wash-house iiii.uhl be bnjught , first published book was a shilling one I to Ixindon and erected near the Peter and he remembers like yesterday the Pan statue, in Kensington (5ardens, ' only person he ever saw reading it. but will lake no action without Sir She was a stranger to him and It was James's approval. Barrie does not in a box outside Denny's bookshop in , appear to have described the cottage ; Hollywell Street. enjoys in summer a climate which makes it possible to live under canvas for months at a time. Situated as It Is near the city of Prince Albert, it Is less than 600 miles from Winnipeg by motor highway, and 600 miles from the International Boundary. The main port of entry tor I'nlted States visit- ors is North Portal, Saskatchewan. "You naughty child! Such good •oup! I wonder how many children would b« glad to get half that?" "I thould, (or one, mother." ISSUE No. Iâ€" 29 the Far East for ilecades," was car- ried out In a characteristic British way. The public leaned that recog- nition had been accorded and the treaty signed while official circles in I<ondon were unaware of any details, i Kverythiug, apparently, was left to Sir Miles I.amp.son, British Minister, Such methods of diplomacy, however, are again a matter of pTess criticism even in Conservative circles. t in any of his works, and it did not j contain the "Window In Thrums," al- though there are a few slight refer- , ences to It In the book he wrote to ' desc-ilbe his mother, "Margaret Ogil- 1 vy." j .-Vl tho last annual meeting ot the .Society of .\uthors, Sir .lames, In a whimsical presidential address, touch- "The drizzle of an autumnal day j had ceased, and from the busy Strand ' near by came the roar of a great city.; He stood watching her. She was a brunette, willowy, but the chief thing about her was that she was reading his book. Several times she tried to go away from it. but she bad to return ^Je to Acta IMOIOIS"'"' ACID STC**"* HtADACne QAgtS-NAUSC*. Acid Stomach Excess acid is tho common cause ot indigestion. It results In pain and sourness about two hours after eating. The quick corrective Is an alkali which neutralizes add times Its volume in acid. It is bai|ia- less and tasteless aiid Its actloi^ !• quick. You will netrer rely on c^4« methods, never ooi&inue to wA*** when you learn bo.V quickly. ; pDW The best cor- ' pleasantly this premier method ' i^U. Always kssp Minard's Liniment handy. *-- When a man tells a joke, he .seldom forgets to laugh. to it. Her tapered fingers strayed led upon bis debt to women. 'again and again to her purse. The j doing on to deseribe his own career sun was now sinking in the w#st. At ^ ,. I he said: 'last she went oft without bu.vtng, but rectlve Is Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia. ' Please let It show yea â€" bow. "Interest Iu your president at liist he felt that it the book had been ever It has remalued standard with ph^sl- } Be sure to get the genuine Pbilllv*' springs up in your society. What so little better he would have got her, cians iu the 60 years since its Inven- Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phvst- mnniter ot man Is he? you ask, and and It Is undoubtedly owltig to her tion. i clans tor 60 years in correcting excess lndee<l 1 have sometimes wondered encouragement that that poor strug- One spoonful ot Phillips' Milk ot acids. Rach bottle contains full dir«c- .4myself. How did he begia? What gler is here to night." ^UsgnesUi n*tit(«lla«3 Instantly «u2i> ifc.<ns auy drugstore. ilfsgnesUi n*tit(«lla«3 Instantly i