â- ^^^T^^'f^^^'W^T "'^-r 1 • W l« . .1 I Y ® J)je /teljjertirtt !2t^tiitnc^ 1. 48 No. 3 1 vjlcahcrton Ontario^ Janijary 2, 1929 W H. Thurston & Son. Proprletcrs EUGENIA 1i Years comes! * fXew Tears goes! ire's to wish you for this ytar Prosperous days and all good. [*We understand that there are sev- »1 serious cases of the "fla" in the Fjiirrounding districts, but we have ea- ftfped it so far, athough several in [ tie village have colds. We sincerely I hope the epidemic does not work here.' Some preventitives rpconi- mended arc â€" eat freely 9f vegetables I'and fri<its; di.-solve a teasponeful of fsalt in a cupful of warm water arid i snuff it up the nose- often; drink I plenty Qf salty water, this is said t to be a cu -e as well as a preventative. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. QuesnsI and r'f children of Owen Sound and the Mac- â- i Don? Id children, 8th line, spent Christ I mas with Mr. Jos. Sherwood and I' jliij^ granddaughter. Miss Lucy McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and two little daughters of Toronto spent the fCiStive season with the former's par- ents. Councillor and Mrs. R. Purvis. tit. and Mrs. Chas. Doune and fam- ily of Sau^een Junction visited on Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Robt '•. Haney. We are pleased to report Bert Magee recovering frtm his recent operation for appendicitis. He re- turned home from Owen Sound hos- pital last week. We vrish him a speedy and complete recovery. We-S|re sorry to report Councillor Robt. Purvis on the sick list the past few weeks. He is now able to be out again. •â- ' We hope he continues to resrain health. ' Miss Geurgina Smith, narse-in- training of Toronto spent Christma«( withlltt parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith.' Mr. Chas. Park of Detroit and bra- ther John of Toronto holidayed with their g»rents, Postmaster and Mrs. R. Park, Charlie returns to Detroit on Wednesday. -, Mr. Donald McDonald spent Christ- mas with his sister, Mrs. Cudmore, Oundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, T. Lever at Flesherton. We extend our sympathy to relat- ives of the late Mrs. Alf. Harrison and the late Mrs. Myers of Flesher- ton in their sad bereavement. A school meeting v.-as held on Wed- nesday of last week. Mr. Ernie Morgan acted as chatman and Mr. Stanley Campbell as secrotar pro tem. There were a few ladies present. Mr. Jolm Campbell was the retiring trus- tee. His brother, Stanley, was el- ected in his stead. Mr. Wm. Gord- on received the contract for the wood. Mr. Jos. Sherwood, who has been a leliable caretaker for a few years re- ceived the contract again. Mr. Rus- .sell Park secured the contract for painting the walls and ceiling of the school. The pump at the school has teen overhauled and a new pump heat: purchased. With the additional im- provements each year we will coon have an up-to-idate school and sur- icLindings. The next thing the school or>:an should be ovei-hauled. It would be a good idea for the teacher and pu- pils to take some of the proceeds of their concert and pay the amount OacK that was taken out of the treasury to pay fcr the orjan and maintain the organ as school property. A cover for the organ could be purchas- ed for a small amount. Just a little longer and there will not be an or PRICEVILLE ' A Happy and Proaperoua New Tear 'to everybody. . - ' Mr. and Mrs. Altai. Qsrson'and-Ber- nice spent the past week in Totoij^o, visiting friends. Mr. â- Donald BJack of New Yprk spent a week .visiting his sister, Mrs. Angus McLachlan.^T"' My. and Mrs. John McMtelcin re- turned to Toronto on Wednesday af- ter spending Christmas here. Miss Beth Hincks spent the week end with har friend. Miss Jewel Mc- Arthur. We are sorry to report that Marg- aret Nichol has the measles and her mother, Mrs. Dave Nichol jtook a weak spell and has been confined to her bed. There is a lot of sickness around here. Some are laid up with the flu, and we hone they will soon be better. Miss Delia McPhail and friend, Mrs. Murray, were unable to go back to the city, owing to sicki ness. Mr. and ^rs.Ray McLean spent Christmas with friends at Shelburne. Rev. and Mrs. Corey and family snent Christmas at Mr. Dave Nich- oU's. Mr. and Mrs. R. McRae and son of Bridgeburs- are spending the X- mas season with friends here. Mrs. Russell Baird and sister, Pearl McCuaig of Pontiac, Mich., were home for Christmas at Mr. Archie Mc- Cuaig's. Miss Jewel McArthur and Mr. In- nij MacLean are home, after spending some time in Toronto. A number from a^Dund here attend- ed the sale of Mr. Wm. Meads on Fri- dav last. Misse"! Gini'vs and Id*i and Mrs. \. T.. Hinck."5 visited one day at Mr. H. Tucke-'s, Ebcnezer last week. KIMBERLEY Visitors to the- village for the holi- dayjj were, fiiumerous ; we noticed : Mr. Ed. Conjfijfld and Verda Taylor of Oshawa, ^. and Afrs. Ed. Corbett of Dotadalk,, Silr. Dave Graham, Almeda Wieber, Ora Staffofdj Marion Fawcett, Stanley liawrance, "Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Andrews '^f Toronto, Miss Turner of FlesheKon, Viola Favvcett of V6^ deleur,, NOrmaif Burrett aAd Allen JFe»g:uson of Sevcrh,. Elgar McConnell of .Markdale, Harold-Proctor and Bes- ^ sie'Stafford ol Hunfsville, Te'na Hufr- chinson of Calendar, Mr., and -Mrs. H. Mrs. William Whit* spent a few days in Toronto the past week. Messrs F. D. Cairns, George Cairns and Andrew Kennedy motored to To- ronto on Friday and spent a couple of days. ' Mr.Jas. Dunlop of Wiarton is vis- iting his aunt, Mrs. J. Kennedy. ..Mrs. J. Cummings of Oshawa is visiting her brother, Mr. S. McDonald. Mr. Frank Stewart, teacher at To- ^roiito spent Xmas holidays at his home here. • •, Mrs. Jai-vis Hazard of Prtce\'ille Ellis and Kenneth of Meaforti, Wes ;^„^ granddaughter. Miss Devine, of t I the festive day in Owen Sound. Mr. Harold Lever of Flesherton visited at C. Martin's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor and children, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 'Latimer, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Proctor of Kimberley. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee of Toronto came up on Saturday night and visited over Christmas with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee. Mr. Wes. Gooey of Toronto is spending the holiday seas^ in the vil- lage and is also visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex.Carru^rs'. Mr. Wm. Fawcett and son, Wellie visited with Mr. and Mrs. .-Vlbert El- lis near Kimberley on Christmas Day. The teacher and pupils of our school held their annual Christmas concert in the L. 0. L. hall on Friday even- ing, Dec. 2lst. Much credit is due to the teacher, Miss Sylvia Acheson and her pupils, assisted by Mrs. W. E. Morgan as organist for the excellent prog am they furnished* There were about thirty numbers, all well given and received by a full house. The drills were worthy of special mention, a hoop drill by the pupils, a Christmas Box drill by the boys and a Christ- mas tree drill by the boys and girls The children pjayed their parts well in thi four dialogues, f'Squire Haw- ley's Christmas" "Josiah's Firs: Courtship " "Buying Eggs" and "Sal- ley's Christmas." The little â- girls rendered very sweetly a song, "Joily Santa Glaus" "Rueben and Rachel" song given by Vernice and Herbie Fawcett was much appreciated. There . gan for school and community. One v» js a pantomime given by three little of the ratepayers was right when he girls and a game of letters by the lit- said "a 10c. organ would have done tie tots. Other selections given Tjy when it was going to be trailed ar- . Mr. Donald McDonald and Ivlisses ound here and there to dances, etc., ' Muriel and Mae Carruthers and Mar- &ni as it is the community has the ! jorie Park were applauded. A song smaller share in the organ and use It given by a male quartette composed . the- ittost. of Messrs Jacob Williams, Ernie Mor- ."•^ Mr. Ray Genoe, who has spent the gan, Alex. Carruthers and Ernie past few weeks in Toronto returned Proctor received a hearty encore, as home, at Christmas time. j also the song "Golden Slippers" by â-º Mr. Rassell Cameron was home for MAsrs Wm. Pedlar and Jacob Will- <the holidays from Toronto Univer- , iams. We must not forget the Char- sity. leston dance by Ranald Middleton. It Mr. and Mrs. W. Chilton spent a was certainly well done for a lad of few daysfin Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams spent Christmas in Toronto. Mrs. Evans of Owen Sound spent Flood of Thorpbury and Mi:. Fergus- on of Loring. and Victor Ellis, Win- ona Stuart of ColKngwood among the numbers. The epidemic of the flu has arrived in our midst, making the most of us keep our beds. Mr. Wes. Mundle of the U.S.A. has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Geo. Mundle. Mrs. Morwood and Ruth of Aurora are visiting this month %vith the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fawcett and children of Heathcote spent the holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. John '''awcctt.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McConnell and Mabel of Epping visited recently v.ith Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myles. Mr. and Mrs. Ran Brady, Messrs. lira and Jack Brady of .Cherry Grove spent Christmas with~ Mv. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Mr. Brady had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse while enjoying his Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dillon and .\lmeda Mrs. C, Dillon and Keith and Mrs. Oldfield and Onalee spent Christmas with Mr. and Ms. Earl Dillon. Mrs. Oldfield stayed to visit for a couple of weeks. We are sorry to hear that M"- and Mrs. Chas. Thompson and family are moving to Flesherton. The play g^iven by the young people of Owen Sound Knox Church on Thurs day night was a »«al treat. Owing to the sickness the crowd was small, but the players certainly did their part well. .\t the close of the school meeting on Wednesday morning, Mr. Georgre Proctor was elected trustee in Mr. Wm. Myer's place. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Myc-s and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grier spent Christmas with Thornbury friends. The village trustee meeting was held on Monday morning, Messrs C. Graham, Wm. Myers and. Wm. Ellis were elected. Messrs Dave Graham and Russell Ellis retired. Messrs Courtney of Toronto and Hamilt4tt visited their parents here over thS holiday-. Mr, Wilbu'-n Elli^ has returned home from thc^4"c9t^. The school CTiiU«ibC3liad Va ^^!ry successful concert S jy lie hall last week. Santa Claus^Kfved in good time to distribute the" presents off a well laden tree. The Misses .A.lmcda and Gcraldine Weber visited in Meaford recently. PROTON~STATION CEYLON Owen Sound visited ,on Monday at Mr..,H. Stone's. Mr. Ross Leslie of Toronto who spent the Xmaa holidays hei-e left on Friday to visit his parents at Wal- kerton and was accompanied by his tv.'o children, Orton and Fern Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irish and two children of Toronto spent Christmas and Ne-.v Year's with Mr. S. Hemphill and family. Our Sabbath School gave their conce" t on Friday evening and the church v/as filled with friends, par- ents and children, whom we are sure, on.ioyed the program given by the children, each one trying to do hia~or her best.' A number of children took ill the day before with heavy colds, which is going around, and in nearly all the pieces someone had to substi- tute for the other, and did their part well. Mr. A. Sinclair occupied the chair and frave a short chairman sad- dress. The school gave three chor- uses. -A number of recitations, solo by Miss Margaret Sinclair, dialogues, and a pageant which was splendidly performed by those taking part at the. close of the program. A treat was .given to each member of the school, then each class was given a remembrance and prizes were award- ed to those with the best attendance, verses and collection. In "Sunbeam Class" Master -Allan Haw and Irene Mathewson each was present 47 Sabbaths out of 48 Sundays that the school was open during the year. Jean Collinson and .Agnes' Chesney in of- fering of verses, prizes being Bibles. A hearty vote of thanks was given to those who worked untiringly to make it a success. Nearly $14 was real- ized. The evening was then closed with singing the National Anthem. FEVERSHAM EAST MOUNTAIN V* his age. Last, but not least, came jolly old Santa Claus (Mr. Russel Park) and distributed the many gifts from the artistically decorated a feV days recently with her friend, Christmas tree. Mr. A. F. Pedlar >Ir«. Harry Forrester. *•••'- j ^^,jgj jjg chairman in his usual jovial Mr. Sam McDonald, teacher at Vic- : manner. The proceeds of the con- toria Corners spent the Christmas ;ert amounted to $27. vacation on the 8th line, | Mr. Rody Gordon .of Toronto !» Miss Sylvia .\cheson, teacher here, holidaying with his wife and child- spent the holidays at her parental ren here. home, Victoria Comers. . We extend oui- sympathy to Mr. J. ^* IHt. and Mrs. Frank Cairns, Jr.. Coopir, 12th line, in the loss of his and' Sirs. Cairfts" sister^ Miss Sybil home by fire recently. We hope tinson, of Ceylon, visited the f«rm- he 5s aWe to scouro hia 'in'Surance. uncle, Mr.'aiewfy Cairni. The caiu-e of the fire was .due to ' >fa\, ajji^Mw. Harry fortestv spent oveiteated st*fe< pipes. .'';<- Happy New Year. An appreciative audience represent- ing almost every home in the section and a gpodly number of- other sect- ions listened to he public school con- cert, consisting of music, recitations, dialogues, drills, etc., performed with such skill that much praise is due to the pupils and their teacher. Miss Ferguson. A Proton Station orchest- ra filled in with good music. San;a Claus was there in his most jovial humor, distributing gifts from a well laden Christmas tree and some spec- ial gifts were presented from the teacher to the puppils and from the pupils to the' teacher and from the pupils to the popular caretakee, Mr. A. Stewart. Several of the villagers are suf- fering from heavy colds. Mr. Herb Corbett, Deputy-Reeve of Artemesia, who was recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia suffer- ed a relapse last week, but is again improving. At the nomination Ir Flesherton on Monday last, although too ill to be present, was re-elected by acclamation. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. McWhinney and grand sons s.nent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Archibald and at Mr. A. Hergt>tfs; ' *^. . ' Miss Rnth Stewart and Miss Jean McCannell, Misses Emily- and Maud Acheson are holidaying at their homes here. Mr. John Hauley of Hamilton is the gueat of Mr. and .|fare. A. Shearson. We extend our heartiest wishes for a Happy New Year of success and happiness to the Editor and readers of The Advance. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMullen and family spent Chi-istmas with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard of Rock Mills. Mr. .\lfrod Graham spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Haines, in Kim- berley. -A 'number from here attended the .shower on Friday evening for Miss Dora Glenn, br-de to be, of Union. Mr. John Welsh, accompanied by his mother and Miss Millie spent Sun- day with friends at Duncani. Mr. and Mrs. Comford Thomson attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. McMillan of Stayner, on Wednes- day, and remained for a few days with friends. Miss Marie Lovell Is spending the holidays at her parental home near Gorrie. Sorry to report Mr. Chas. Fawcett's family ill with the flu. A number from this vicinity attend- ed the play. "The Eyes of Love" in Kimberley on Thursday evening. Mr. S. Smart spent a daji with friends at Duncan. The annual school meeting was held on Wednesday of last week. Messrs Ernie Thomson, Hugh Smith and Carl Humberstbne were elected trustees for the coming year. The Late Geo. W. Alibter Deaths h*s again visited this local- ity and has-taken 5Cr. George .^.lister at the age of 16 years. Mr. Alister was a highly respected resident anc will be greatly missed by his many neighbors as well as his own family. He was bom- in Scarboro and came to Osprey when a lad and settled on a farm near Feversham, where he res- ided until his death. He was edu- cated in Feversham public school and Collingwood high school and taught school in Pickering, Seven-ham and Lefroy. He was then appointed sec- retary of the Osprey Farmers' Mil- ling Co., which position he held for 36 years till about two years ago when failing health caused him to resign hia office and while he was able to co.Ttef or his mail to the villaye in the summer time, when the cold wea- ther carac in November he had to stay in his room and on Sunday, December 23 he passed away to the great beyond at the home of his bro- ther, Robert, He also did conveyan- rcing for a number of yeai-s. Mr. .Al- ister is survived by five brothers and one sister, Henry, Marshall and Chas. in the U.S.A., and Robert, Thomson and Ella on the homestead. His fath- er and mother and two sisters prede- ceased him some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew B. and son, Donald, were visitors with the for- mer's mother, Mr.s. A. J. Conron last week. Mrs. Noah Jeffries, Peace River District, is visiting with her mother. Mrs. Hannah Brown and sisters. Mrs. Elijah Wright and Mi-s. Geo. Wright here. It is 14 years since Mrs. Jef- fries v;as in her home neighborhood, before. Miss White of Burnsal visited with Mrs. Eby recently. Miss Eva Spencer of Toronto is hol- idaying at her parental home here. Mrs. Harry Horton and son, Stan- ley of Toronto visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette over the holidays. Mr. S. Brownridge and Ernest'Spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Fen- wick and family. Mr. Willis Wright of Toronto spent the holidays at his parental home near here. Word was received here on Monday morning last that an old resident of the village, Mr. George Sayers had passed away at the home of his dau- ghter. Mrs. Ed. Croft, at Rock Mills. It is about 35 years ago since Mr. Sayers moved his family into this village. ROCK MILLS ., â€" - â- * Lotsr<if snow now foclgood sleighs John Wickens o;f Kimberley mg. Mrs. spent a few days with her parent* here, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar. There passed away on Monday morning, December 31st, 1928 at the home of his daughter, Mr. George: Saers, aged 7% years. The funerat took place on Wednesday afternoon, January 2nd, to Feversham Cemetery. There are left to mourn their loss 5 daughters to whom we estend our ineere sympathy in their hour of sorrow. _ . There are several cases of the fltk in this jeighborhood at present. A happy family re-union was ea- joyed at the home of Mr. and Mi-s, Thos. Betls on New Year's Day, when there were about 30 present, and a very pleasant time was enjoyed.- The main feature of the evening was the distribution of the gifts from the well laden Christmas tree. At the clos* all joined in ringing "God be with you till we meet again.'' before de- parting for their several homjs. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark an^^iiuil- ily spent New Y'ear's with the for* mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark, and his sister, Mrs.Leaviel, in Flesherton. .:• ' Mr. and Mrs. Robt Croft and fam- ily motored to Qwen Sound on Thtrrs- day of last week and visited with Mrs. Croft's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Howard, returning home oa Friday. Mrs. A. Partridge is visiting witlk hc{r daughter, Mrs. Chas. Howard in Toronto, who has been quite iUi. The Durham Chronicle tells TJfSJsuo-.. . young man who visited a store in that town and bought three dozen eggs on credit He then took them to another store and sold them â€" and used the money to buy gas for his car. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Geo. Myers and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors fir kindness and sympathy shown in their sad bereavement, and also for floral offerings. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Henry Wright and family i of Osprey desire to thank fricnls! and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown in their recent ber-j eavement. â- | -..jMi. Rheumatism no Part of Nature's Plan ^he offers her healing herbf to stop suffering When .^merii-a was wilderness, Indiana were using herbs sufc-essfully. Kronj the Redmcii, oO years ago, James GalLigher l<';irne<l herlwl se<^rets and compounded Giiilaghi'r's Herbal House- hold' Remedies. His famous Kidney Remedy hus helix-d miiuy a sufferer from Rheuiniii ism. This fine, time-proved remedy, drawn- from the heart of N.tt\ire, heals aud cleanses kidneys. Quickly stops back- a<'he. dizziness and otlitr -lagging kidney ard bladder ailments. Try it! For sale by 3» C. X. Richardson. Fleshertou- Up-to-date | SERVICE I AT ALL TIMES | FLESHERTON U BARBER SHOP K g!" H. WRIGHT, Prop. ft I Bates Burial Co. t 122-124 Avenue Road I TORONTO ;> . Phoner KIngsdale 4344 ? J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. IN MEMORIAM I t FOR A FULL LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES CALL At I»- toving memory of our dear lov- ing babr. Irene Marie, who was laid to rc'-t on January 5, 1927. No one knows how much we've nitsseo her No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we've lost her Life has never been the same. But God knew that she was suffering And the hills seemed hard to climb So He closed her weary eyelids And he whispered, "Peace be Thine." Our lips cannot speak of how we miss her Our hearts cannot tell what to say ^ God alone know^s how we luiss her •!â- In a home that is lonely to-day. ^. W. J. Stewart & Sons ,/-- ^â- 4 > â- V_ â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks.