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Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1928, p. 3

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â- Â« l< 4 « 4 \ 11 m FOUNTAIN PEN FREE Three seta of " Poker Hands" will bring you a highgrade oversize self- filling Fountain Pen. This Pen has 14kt. gold nib â€" and comes in four attractive coloursâ€" red, black, mottled or jade. This is one of many presents procurable in exchange for " Poker Hands," one of which is attached to every plug of Big Ben Chewing Tobacco. Big Ben is rich, satisfying and flavourful. Try it to-day. JBIG BEN Plug Chewing Tobacco Flood* Cause a Venice Like Aspect South Pole Flight ! British Engineer by Wilkins's Party j Crosses Danakil Told by Wireless in Abyssinia Message to Pilot's Father Re- ports Success in the Antarctic New York. â€" Radio messages sent from the antarctic by Capt. Sir IlubPrt Wilkins told ^t the first air- fiieht niiK'.j over tliaf region. One message, addressed to Ole Eielsou ot Hatton, N.D., father of IJcut. Hen Eielson, pilot of the expe- dition, load: "Bpn made first antarctic flight to- day. Regards. Wilkins." A second message was received by the Wi'itrht Aeronautical Corporation. The U'iUtius expedition, the object of which i.s to study weather condi- tions and lt)i:ate suitable places in the antarctic for meteorological stations, left New York, Sept. 22. They were bound for Deception Island, a desert- ed bit ot land GO miles off the coast of Graliam land, duo eouth of Cape }lorn, the southern extremity ot South America. From a base either on Graham Eand or D.t'CPiuiou I.sland they hoped to make flislits of exploration east rl-jug f ;raham Land and. west to the Ross Sea. Tli«j latter flights would carry expedition. The messages from Wil- kins «w:e sent via Port Stanley in the Kalliland Islands. In addition to Wilkins and Eic' on, other niembcr.s of the expedition are Joe Cros&on, assistant pilot, William Sajston and Orval Porter, mechanics. -<»- Self-Expression Nationalist in the Glasgow Herald (Cons.) : The mere machinery of local government will mean nothing without a revival ot national culture. A city that throngs to see barbarous and crude .Vmerican concoctions which would not b3 allowed to dis- grace the opora house o£ a third- rate Continental town, but form the habitual diet of Londoc, is yet a long way removed in civilization from nor- mal European .cities. We have no- thing to lose ^ut <verythlng to gain by severing our connection with Eng- land, and ii collajjse of the London theatres in Ulasgow, as in Dundee, would give our nmnicipallty an op- portunity of extending Its present laudable work in music, etc. Passage of Upper and Lower Regions Said to be First Done by Europeans L -udon. â€" An account ot what is claimed to be the first crossing by Europeans of the Upper and Lower Danakil of Abyssinia is published in The Times. The journey was accom- plished by L. ~M. Nesbitt, a British mining engineer, accompanied by two Italian traders. T. Pastori and G. Rosina, with a caravan of 15 natives, 25 camels, and 4 mules. The party started from Hawaah Bridge station on the Jibuti-Addis Abeba Railway, on March 13, zig- zagged along the course of the Hawash River to the Sultanate ot Aussa, where tliey were met by an escort from the Sultan, who, after a period of mis- trust, gave tlie travelers safe conduct to the borders of his dominions. Thence they ma relied noitli to the Riru Sultanate, where water bole.-, are four or even six days apart and the heat is extreme owing to the 'greater part of the laud being several hn-idred feet below sea level. Ultimately they arrived at As:ialo- Dolol, on the borders of the Italian colony of Eritrea, reaching the coast village of Mersa Fatinia a few days later on July 1. Mr. Nesbitt is expected to locturo before the Royal Geographical Society at an early date. Lj. I ll, .' t- I â€" ^»" ' ' " PROPERTY LOSS OF $10,000,000 CAUSED BY FLOOD A street inter.section at Neodoslia, Kansas. Sevonlion deaths are reported from the flood-stricken area in the mid-western states and hundreds ot people were forced out of their h<)m<»s. NEGLECTED ANAEMIA Norway Wins Fight | â€" ! to Get Blue Whales Often Leads to a Decline â€" En- rich the Blood by Taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Sauce for the Goose Calgary Herald (Ind. Cons.): (The Argentine is showing pardonable ir- ritation at the United Stateo' prohibi- tive tariff wall policy.) Canada is in a position to sympathize with the South American Republic. This coun- try has endured the American con- ception of friendly commercial rela- tions for many years. Canadians have had to grin and bear it, al- though they buy more from the Uni- ted States than from any other na- tion. The moment any Canadian commodity finds a ready market across the border, the tariff is raised against it. The remedy for un- equal treatment lies within the pow- er ot Canada as it does in that of the South American republics. It cwa- sists of retaliation in kind. Mr. Facing-Both-Ways Ottawa Citizen (Lib.): Plain sense Insists that if you formally agree to renounce war and settle disputes by pacific meaiiH, there is no reason for the existence of a navy, let alone for the increase of a navy. But plain sense does not always carry the day In the discussion of navies and peace. Statesmen and political leaders live in a worlil which is full of awkward obstacles in the way i" accepting words to mean what they say. So, as In President CoUidge's case, we »re sometimes presented with the ' Ironic spectacle of a leader asking his followers to ratify a treaty out- lawing war on the one hand, and to Tote vast sums for the increase of the navy on the other. Tho discns.slon at the literary club •was about tho power ot conscience. BoHwell â€" "Sir, my conscience won't let mo do wrong." Dr. Johnson â€" "Why, sir, neither will mine. Still It's » poor conscience that won't meet you haU-way." . ^ "Well," .laid the purveyor of plati- tudes, "there are always just aB good flsh In the sea as ever came out of It." "You're right," responded the dis- gruntled angler. "I'm the man who eft 'em there." linard't Liniment for Ch;^i»ped Kanda. A UUGHING BABY IS A GREAT JOY What can give more joy in the home than a laughing, happy baby. The well child makes everyone happy with his tuneful gurgl>3 and bright laughing eyes. It is oniy the sickly baby who is not a laughing baby, for it Is the little one's nature to be happy when well. Mothers, if your baby jji cross, if he cries a great deal and no amount of attention seems to make him happy, give him a dose ot BabyJs Own Tablets and he will soon be well and ready to radiate that happiness through the home again. Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus banish constipation and indiges- tion; break up colda and simple fevers and correct those troubles which ac- company the cutting ot teeth and In doing those things â€" and doing them wellâ€" they make baby happy and keep him happy. Tho Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Cnt. In their early teens it is quite common for cirls to outgrow tlicir strength, and mothers should care- fully watch the health of tUe'r dauKli- ters at this time, tor it is when strength is sapped by rapid gruwth that anaemia develops. The first signs may be noticed by peevishness, langonr and headaches. The face grows pale, breathlessuess and palpi- tation follow, with low spirits. At the first symptom of anaeuia mothers should act at once. Neglect- ed anaemia often leads to decline, but if you see that your daughter's biood is enriched there need be no cause for anxiety. The finest blood enriclier ever dincovered is Dr. .Willia.T.s' Pink Pills. The pure, red blood created by these pills will quickly banish all signs of anaemia. They will build up yo\ir girl's health and ensure her a robust gii-lhood. Give your daUn'hlcr a course of Dr. WiUiams' Pinlc Pills now. Make her strong like thousands of girl.s who have been rescued from the clutches of anaemia by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pill i. Here is a bit ^)f proof. Mary Venditti, Cata- mount. N'.B., says: â€" "TUree j'ears ago while attending a pouvont, 1 studied very liaiul to graduate. The result was I became very nervous and got so thill and pale my teachers thought they would have to send me home. 1 took dilTerent kinds of medicine which my parents sent me, but my condition remained unchanged. At last one of my teacliers gave me a box of Ur. Williams' Pink Pills, and I had hardly finished it when 1 could feel an Ini- provi nient in my condition. 1 con- tinned the use of the pills for some time longer, and I can hardly tell all the good they did me. I gained in strength and weight, and tho color re- turned to my cheeks, and at the eud ot the term I graduated. I never fail to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to my friends and acquaintances when a tonic is needed." You can get those pills from your, or by mail at 30 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. ; $2,500,000 Research Expedi* i tion Financed by British Goes for Nought â€" But j Sad Part is Extermina- tion of Sea Monsters London. â€" Norway has apparently ^ bi'Ulcn iCuKland in a fii;!it for the ! $;;:;, SIO.OiJO whali'-oil industry in the ' .-Xntari-tic; and lirilish di^;appointmont j over this defeat is so keen that the j fiuestion will prol)ably be rai.sed in I'arlianieiu <luriug the present ses- . sion. j The public knows and cares little about a business rivalry so far from I home, but the bu.sines.-i interests in- volved are resentful. Their disap- pointment Is all the .sharper because Many New Flying Clubs Are Formed Elight Applications No'w Be- ing Considered by De- fence Department Ottawa.- Kigbt application:) for new flying clubs are being couKirti-red by the Department of .Vutlona! lJ«.feiu.e. Sl.vteen clubs have been formed throughout tho Dominion since May 1. The first club was formed iu Toronto early in that mouth, and tiie last li- cense was granted to the Calgary <!ul) on Sept. 8. There are 2.227 members in the vari- ous chibs according to a erport is- sued at the civil aviation branch. 8lnce Sept. 30, VM new members have jdinecr. Two planes havi> been srant<-d each organization by the Government free of char.iiP in order to stimulate Inter- est iu aviatloii \a average of 350 fiying hours tiu'i-uch club to date is Indicated in ihe report. As a rc'-ult of the clubs' activities U:! private pilot licenses and 21 com- mercial pilot licenses iiave bei.Mi grant- ed. Sm-eufeen licenses for private pilots have boon granted since Sop- tembei'. Qlubs are at present In operation at tlivs following points: Halifax, Uran- by (P.Q.), Montreal. Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Walkerville (Ont.), Winnipeg, Hegina, Moose Jaw, Saska- toon, Calgary, ICdnionton, Vi<toria and Vancouver. .Applications for licenses have been received from clubs at tlie following places: Brantforr^, Ont., Glace Hay, N.S., Fort Willlitm, Kingston, Peter- I borough, Ont.. : i. .lohn, N.B., St. Catli- jarines. Ont., and Hroekville, Ont. parentThappy when baby sleeps soundly lli'r.''.s a way lo .soutlie oryin.i;, wakeful babies to sleep quickly and easily. It's the way doctors endorse, and millions of mothers hav: proved is safe and harmless. A few drops of pui-ely-vcgetable, pleasant-ra.sting Fletcher'.s Ca.storia, has tho most fretful, restless baby or child asleep in a few miuutcii! And for colic, constipation, colds a.'u! iipsist spells, there's nothing like f;:. luiin. The Cbas. II. Fletcher slsii.uure is the mark of genuine Ca:tcria. Avoid Imiuitions and bo safe. Go West, Young Manufac- turer Victoiiu EYES ! Smiling BLUE Flashing BLACK €f Steady GRAY # Emotional BROWN What Color are YOUR Eyes? " The color .ind shape of the »ye$ tell your disposition â€" they .-Uso tell of the condition of your hcaltli. You may be marring the beauty and sparkle of your eyes bv improper diet. Im- poverir.hed condition of your blood, sluggish liver, constipa- tion, etc., soon show their effects in the eyes. If ihrv »rc dull with a yellow tinge to the whiles â€" that's a signal ot intestinal slugcishness. You need to rid the .<ys- tein of accumulated poisons. You need « laxative. You need Beecham's Pills. etMOVEVEt.lOV/TINCE(v,. i?iyts Try .1 ri'euUr dail)' course for a short period. Your eyes will soon tell the story of improvcfi health. ^ Vegetable Product Ktai about Character from tie F.yei < julurc ISeuham Advrrtiiemenii. r>l6 The great bu.'iiness ol a man is to improve his mind, ther-'fore .consider liowjie does this. As lor all oilier tliiuKs, whoiher in our ii iwer to com- pass or not, they are no better than lifelc'ss ashes aud smike.- Mr.'cus -VuroliuH. (f Classified Advertisements ARTISTS' SUPPtrsS. Vi:Ti.-;r i;ur.siij.;,s, i-fi.uui^. I'V- i'lCU«. .-ajivii.i. Cuini))ute lliie ai list 111;. Uriahs. Write fur ".alaUijfUf Christ- iiia . iranl-i f(ir li:iiul cujiiilnt;. C. IU t Miwl.'V I.imitcfi. 1SJ.3 .St. (\-iihfi:iia .\r,.n!r.-:tl. STOCXINO YABD •ir>J.- * ♦) one Viir-, .Mnls T\\ K.\i>- sair.iilcs fri'e. Siij«-r\inK A I'l-pt I. orillla, Oni. j wliich the Conunouwealti imports ] t:iim Hritish Colinii!)ia- our pulp and I paper, lumber, fish, anil so on; it will â-  effect, however, those commodities run.v. a-'b.): This c:;an{ro ;ii the .\nstrai!&u tariff will ; .^2,.M)0,000 lm.s been spent in trying' to j ,,,,y,, ; = (jjj, ^^jf^.^.j ,,„,,„ „,.. proj-n-ig ; (establish a prolilablt! industry for' lOnglaiid iu the- .â- Vnlarctic. An eUib- ' orately eiiuipped research expedition, ' for example, was scut to tlie south ! aboard the ship Discovery lo iuvesti- , , , , ., • i . - , i.-. .,„ . i „ 1 , ,, , , 1 -.1 , I -. „,, wh ch tbf> mdustnal has been sate the whale and its habits. The ... . ,- ., „ „ • . ,„ â-  i Discovery returned with a mass of!,f '"« ^°. ^"« ^•"â- ""^'â- " ^ "''""â- Â»"• , 'scientific fnformalion, yet the ,^i,^. ili^^\ti^oye. ,,m, r.ii.<m ^^â- hy Ihe ^nto- . 'dition must bo called a failure from ! "'«'"'« "'• '"""" ">^"":'''^'><'-Rr ot On- 'tho Urilish busine.<is point of view. ;'•'"•'" «'"'"''' ''"'"^' """^'^'f ^° ^.""'^'"^ ! Only two British companies are ""''"^â- - '•"« handi<:ap for very long. , 'now operating in the Antarctic, .n„ The remedy lies in his own hands., ' with thirteen energetic j He now will have an Incentive to .Norwegian companies there. .More I come out to the Pacific Coast aud es- ; ntu FARM -^x" STOCK ACCOUNT BOOKS 'Tin-" viiUialil('i>o(ir^ wa- •.oin- piUd lo ailvortise CAHHAKTT OVKRALLS â€" the best farnifcr's overalU in Uie world. One fftrm*»r wrrtt»» that ho would not take tea dollnrr for )iis book. Write for yours to-day. Hamilton Cartiartt C-»::(m Mills Ltd.. Toronto Uicr TivitUy 2'i^oui.ainl Agenda CANCER FREE BOOK Senlon Request Teils cau.=e of cancer and what to do lor pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to-ilay. mcniioning this paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Ho.apitnU Indianapolis, Ind. than iO.ono whales aro killed each j'ear and" the value of whale oil pro- llabllsh his branch factory either iliere or at smie point on the coast of 1 (iiiccd annuaUy risen to mure than tl'o Jlaiulan i By so doing he not | ?:;o,n(iii,000. The Norwogians, using llontin.i,' whalu-oll "factories" built in 'only w'oulil .i. 'inter the effect of tho iu;w tariff -^'iicdule, but he also Kngland, have pushed ahead until '.hoy 1 would put hii. self in a better posi- Iiavc almost a inininpoiy of tlie Indus- 1 'ion to compel' In the -Antipodean i.ry, I market with ti.o L'uited States ex- Still more di.^courasing to I porter. lie wouhl "be at the front i watching tli<< situalion hero Is tho 'door of the Tat'lllc and ready for all ' gradual extciiiiination of the great ! the developments which aro bound bhu! whale which .American '.viialers ; soon to take place in many couii- ^ ^ Quic^ily Esses Erritated Tbroats ?!nwly «w«Ilow a nip of "Bncklrr't". You'll be aetonished by tho imtnertiat* rr-lief it bringB lo a Bore, inflamed throat. Singers, sppakera and •niokorii nhould never be without it. The first ilose ciears and soothes the throat and ^ bronchial tuljps -- and there are -tO doses in a T/i-ct-tit bottle I At all driiKKistfi ami Kuaranlecd g,p W. K. nurklr^ Limileil. 142 Mutual .St.. Toronto ^9 MIXTURE *^ "Occasionally a good love nets its author a fortune." story. ♦- "You're looking bad, Scotty." "Ay. Ah'm suffering frae an awfu' sBre throat." "Gosh! Anybody treat Ing you for It?" "Noâ€" that's tb« tr-r-ouble!" Father: "There was something funny about you last night, daughter." Offsprinji: "I know, but I sent him home as early as I could." ome liiltfil iu small niunbir.s but which tlie Xorwcsians are now kill- in;:; by tlioii.sands. Llcen.soii for whal- inK wn'c ouct; Issued for .small HrltlsU Stat ions on tho shores of tli<' Falklanil I^slallds; but the - Xorwoglans have made Ihen.-ios unnecess^ary- by their HiialiiiK wlialiiig stations, which aro iit!>-rly iiiiri'Ktilateil. The gniat .4ul- arclic bliK; whale, which grows to 100 feet iji length. niMliliiiies .-slowly, and thus 1h"re i.s ,1,'ravu danger that tho sp«cies will .some day become extinct. If the lirilish oil interest had their way they would ac'iuiri! Ihe Norwo- )iian whaliiifi stations witii encoiiago- meiii from tlio Colonial Ollice here, and wdulil ilic^n press for international regulaiioii.s lo govi'i u the whaling ti'ude. Only in this way. If Is argued here, will It be possiblo for Hritish interests to reap tlie bonolHs of ex- peditions liko the Discovery's ami make Knglanil onrc more a factor in , the only industry of imporlani.'e iu tho Antarctic. New York Collinsoii Owen iu the London Daily Tflegraph (Cons.) : .\n Incredi- ble city: A city with it.s swarniinK po:iUlatioiis of nussiaii Jews, Ital- ian;;, Slavs, and every Other kind of people: with its nourish InK criminals, its Chinese <i»iari.'M', its town of col- ored people at Harlem, and its alarni- ! ins-looking taxi-cab drivers; and on , the ott;er hand ilie chaste majesty i of Park Avenue. Klais at £10,000 a I year â€" and policemen who walk up •and down twirling their very foriuid- j able-looking clubs. Never has there : been such a ciiy of contra.>*ts, such a mixture of Kast Side and West Side. I New York is one long, everla.sting melodrama. tries whoho shores it was'.ies. Minjrd's Liniment for Grippe. Mother Earth Vancouver Sun (LIB.): Agricul-' tare Is our basic industry, aud Us prosperity is tho common concern ot every citi/.(5n In the land. Towns and cities are keenly alive to the expan- sion of commerce and Industry, and ' rightly so, but commerce aud Indus- ! try would bi^ in a poor way without agricultural prosperity. i A lot of people are setting out toi dar/.le tho world, and many of them do it by the n'laring headlights on (Hieir autoniubiles.--The Muncie Star. I being considered." ' Acu like a tituh- 1 ilnglc dp prove* II ,1, I I I » Toe and l((c Sneezing ? At tile tir.^! sneezo Inhale Minard's. Proventa colds. Also Rood for bruises and .sprains. when Food Sours "How are you g:ctting on with your husband, dear?" "Oh, splendidly. I never find him at home, and he never finds me out." No man is jiisillled in doing evil on tho. ground of expediency.-- Theodore Koosevelt. ISSUE No. 49â€" '28 About two hours after eating many people suffer from sour stomachs. i They call it indigestion. It means ' that the stomach nerves hare been I over-stiniulated. There is excess acid. I The way to correct it U with an alkali, J which oeut rallies many times its Tolume In acid. The right way is Pbillips' Milk of Magnesiaâ€" jast a tasteless does in irater. It Is pivanaDt, efflcieul aud , harmless. It has remained the elan*- I ard with physicians In the 50 yean i since its invention. I It l8 Ihe qtiick method. Hesulta I come almost instantly. It la tie I approved method. You will Derer UM ' another when .vou know. Ho sure to get tho genuine PblUipt' tWilk of Magnesia prescribed by phytK ciiins for 60 years Id correcting eaceM ' acids. Knch bottle conlnlnp full Ulreo- â-  lions any drugstore.

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