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Flesherton Advance, 5 Dec 1928, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, '21 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE o- ^^m!^f^% Santa Clans Day on Saturday, Dec. 15th â- ///// 19 a tusstindioiise THE programmes you want â€" musical comedy â€" gtand operaâ€" drama â€" famous orchestras and bands, or the big events of the day â€" • play by play reports of your favorite sport â€" con- yention: â€" politica! speeches, just as they happo«. A Wcstinghouse will give you your choice of this great variety of entertainment from near or far with true-to-life reproduction that will amaze you. There's a model to suit every requirement at prices the lowest in radio history. Come in and hear these perfect receiving sets. Wc will gladly give you a demonslralion. AUTHORIZED WESTINCHOUSE DEALERS For Batterylcss, Battery and the Full Line of Radiola Models To \d\ I J. S. Gulp, traffic officer on the Morrison â€" Grnmmett â€"That , Toronto-Owen Sound road has been the Treasurer be authorized to w transferred to the Guelph-Hamilton ceive the sum of flO from John route. Mr. Gulp will, no doubt, paul, being funds held in- trust by make many motorists gulp at times Mr. Paul to be applied on cost ot â-  on that road. i sidewalk in the Village of Fever- Santa Glaus has again promised^ . 'sham. to come and see us on the above ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^.^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ Grummett - Morrison - That date and there will be good thmgs ^^^ chased 72 bottles of beer and in the event of the Township of Ar- for all the kiddies who are In town ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^, whiskey on one day, temesia not proceeding with the that day. He expects to amve^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ j^^^^ ^j^^^, ^j.^ p^o. Levi Allen Drain, the Glerk be in- around 2 o'clock. In one hundred ^.^^^j^j p^,j^g ^^jig^j ^^ ^jg residence structed to notify all parties asses- and fifty of the bags of candy there j„ Pglgrave, there were only 7 bottles sed for the outlet in this Township, will be a ticket which will entitle. ^ y^^^ g„j ^ ,,,]£ bottle of whiskey, to pay their taxes less the debenture ial Prize.' • j.i_i t>-._^_j <noo a^nt Hnum raio nn said drain. Wll the kiddie to get a Special Prize. } y^^j^jpj,„g Raymond was sent down rate on said drain. The merchants and others are inter- ' f^^ j^,, months by Magistrate Craw- Edwards â€" Clarke â€" That the ested enough to supply these cand ics and prizes. At a meeting of the merchants of *-he vilage on Tuesday, T. W. Findlay was elected manager of the day and Messrs W. G. Kennedy, Sheldon Myers and Jas. Stewart were appointed as a committee to work with him. The citizens are solidiy behind the Santa Glaus movement. T. W. Findlay is giving prizes for the following, $1 for 1st and 75cts for 2ndâ€" White Gat, Black Cat, ford, of Brampton. He appealed the Treasurer be authorized to receive case and was allowed out on 1500 the sum of |5 from James Monagh- bail. an inpayment for tile. â-  " Morrison â€" Grummett â€" That OSPREY COUNCIL ] the Cierk be instructed to return the accounts of James Smith, Mrs. Grace '^IC. Osprey Council met in Maxwell on Semple and Gordon Semple to the November 24th. Members all pros- Collingwood Hospital with the infor- ent. Minutes of the last meeting mation that tlese persons are nor read and confirmed. recognized as residents of thJ3 Communications â€" C. G. Middle- Townsliip. bro â€" re gravel account of Mrs. T, Edwards â€" Clarke â€" That the ^„. _..- ^ â€" , ,, Gilchrist. I Clerk and Treasurer be inatructea with small amount of white allow- Middlebro & Speerman â€" re McMast- tg ggnd an occount to the Township ed, Maltese Cat, Gat with two col- er ditch; War Memorial Children's of Artemesia for all expenses in- Hospital, requesting aid. I curred by this Township in regara Edwards â€" Clarke â€" That the to the Levi Allan Drain. Treasurer be authorized to erase the Accounts were passed as follows: sum of $66.32 from the taxes on Miscellaneous â€" $306.66 Road Ac- W. P. Lot 74, Con. 3, N. D. R., on counts â€" $793.13, 1927 Roll, the above amount being Council adjourned to reassemble arrears returned in error by the at Maxwell, on December 15th, aw County Treasurer. 1 10 o'clock a.m. h, \ Sk. Balterykaa Compact CompleLa H. DOWN & SONS Fleshertcn.Ont. FORD DEALERS Gat with two col- ors. Cat with more than two colors, Kitten, not full grown, Persian bar- red. Persian Cat, age considered, Cat with Kittens. Dog Races â€" j First $1.50, 2nd $1, driven by boy i or girl 12 years and under, and drlv- I en by boy or girl over 12 years of I age. Best dressed doll, clothes to I be suitable for cold weather, Sl.OO ' and 75cts. Best outfit of a doll in I cither bed, --arriage or cradle, I c'othes to be considered. Best dressed turkey, $1.50 and $1, Best ! dressed goose, $1.50 and $1, Best ' dressed duck, $1 and 75 cts. Best I drcsseed chicken, $1 and 76 cents, ; to be judged not for size alone, but ' for quality of work. \ These exhibits will be shown in H. Down & Sons' show room. Cats I to be in boxe.s with wire fronts if I possible. It necessary the dogs Small Advertisements LOST, FOUND & STRAYED LOST â€" Fine large yellow Collie, | white collar and white breast, wear- i ing Muskoka tag; anyone knowing of j I his whereabouts kindly write Mr. P.! Consley, Proton Statjion, at once. j LOSTâ€" Ladiet? gold wrist watch, between Dundalk corner and Flesher- will le raced one at a time to find ton. Finder plea?e leave at The < ^ WHEN YOU BUY A WESTI NGHOUSE YOU OWN THE WORLDS MOST A ^^^ ^ â€" â€" â€" ^â€" ^^»â€" «^â€" . â€" - DVANCED RADIO S> out the winner. Let everyone get behind our Big Day and boost it and wj will have rajre kiddiei than ever. TO DRILL AGAIN now being put up on the property. I A couple of carloads of machinery ' for the resumption of drilling oper- It would appear that drilling Tor ations are now being unloaded in oil is again to be resumed on the Shelburne C.P.R. yards.â€" Free Press old Canadian Oil Fields property on' and Eo&nomist. the townline 'wwst of Shelburne. _____ Quite a number of options were se.-! cured on farms in this soction dur-' Provincial police are on the look- ing the last summer, by a new com- out for two men going through the pany. A house for the workmen is country and representing themselves as eye speclaiistj. They are charg- ing fro:u one to a hundred dollars for eye c:ca;nination and are injecting what they call radium into their eyfjS. Upon examination this so- called radium is found'to be liquor. As .;ocn a.; the fee has been paid they disaprear. They were representing thcmi;elvei'. as being connected with a Mont-.eal hospital. ! la tlij 0. H. A. Advance office. â€" Reward. SIX HILL STORES We buy together In order that our customers in the sis communities may mat- erially benefit individu- ally. -I F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL ETORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality morcharf*' fairest pos" •- at the } r . Hill's Weekly Store News Every Department of this store is filled with seasonable merchandise. The thrifty buyer will save a lot of money by making this store their headquarters. Below are a few of this week's specials. Compare the prices and you will find) a big saving. House Furnishings Department WINDOW SHADES, at clearing prices DOMINION JJNOLEUM RUGS 20 dozen Window Shades in Cream r- a t» .... c .. r*. r^ . .. ..1,;. • 27 7o c 1 1 cc Good Patterns â€" First Quality or wlutc. size .W\72. Sale price each 65c. ^ ' FLOOR OIL CLOTH Size 9 .v 9 $9.25 500 yards Canadian Floor Oilcloth in ^-^^^ 9 ^ jq one half $10.75 1.' l'/». 2. 2 one-half yards in width. Best tii or Canadian make. A good .selecion of Size 9 x 12 $11.95 patterns. Special, sq. yd. 48c. Size 9 .\ 13 one half $13.45 GROCERY SPECIALS The Ontario Hoeivy Association lias accepted the application of the Flesherton club for admission into the intermedlfate si j ie / and 'the grouping has been drawn up by the executive. Durham, Markdale and Flesherton com.iriae Group 1-3, and 't is V'kft'y that hsme-and-home games will bo played between these teams. Flesherton rink is not 0. H. A. sizj, but the other teami did' not protiot on thr.t account. A ;,ood team is being rounded up and' as soon .is the ice is available in; the rink the boys will don the steel \ blades for the first praitiso. Somoj fast games are anticipated in this irioi'.p and more interest in hockey will be manifested, no diubt. FOR SALB FOR SALE â€" Pair of good heavy team sleighs. â€" H. Down & Sons. FOR S.\LE â€" 10 young nigs for sale, ready to wean. â€" Wm. Walker, Eugenia, Phone 43 r 3. FOR SALE â€" 12 Piges about three months old.â€" Ed. Loucks, Flesherton phone 31 r 31. FOR SALE â€" A good heavy horse for sale, cheap for cash, or woula exchange for young pigs. â€" J. J. Hal- ey, R. R. 1, Eugenia. FAR.M FOR SALE 300 acre farm in the township of Osprey, 150 acres under cultivation, remainder good pasture and excellent bush; 2 frame bank bams, one with hard water, fine spring creek; 2 frame houses with hard and soft water. ^lAS. McKENZIE, Phone. FEVERSHAM. FARM FOR SALE F'OR SALE â€" 3 heaters, 2 cook stoves, 50 hens and pullets, Jersey yearling heifer. â€" G. B. Welton, phone 3, Flesherton. MfSCELLANEOUS PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- days and Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia, Ont. Jr. 3 -, B. Murray, F. Lawrence, D. Smith, D. SfUart, V. Fisher, G. McDonald, E. Burnett. ( Sr. 3 _ P. Gibson. H. Croft, E, NOTICE â€" No tresspassing, hunt- ing or trapping on lots 154-55-56, 2nd range E. T. & S. R., .Artemesia. â€" S. MeMullen, Flesherton, R. R. 2. 200 acres, lots 24 and 25, con. 6, Osprey, situated on County road no. 52, 180 acres under cultivation, bal- ance pasture and hardwood bush. First class grain farm, well fenced, barn 48x74, straw shed, 40x30, cem- ent stables, blacksmith shop, garage and work shop, 10 roomed cement blocked house, nearly new, gooA cistern, telephone, well and wind milt watei- piped to thi barn, 60 poda from school. Priced reasonable^ E. C. PEDLAR. SINGHAMPTON, R. R. 1, 'Phone Feversham 1 r 2-y. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SEBVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9. Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179.135; Sire. Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds $5.00. grndos $2.00. Cnws not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Engenia. V/ANTED â€" Experienced girl for ' cenoral house work, good wages. ^Z.\ir." A i" "'"°""',.""..'"!^"' '^•iKve-v convenfence. Apply to Mrs. « r^V „^T?"''''' ^- M<=F«dden, R. w. Brett, Shelburne. H. Bibby, B. Welton, B. Bellamy, A.j â€"^â€" â€"-__..._ Turney, G. Boyd, W. Littlejohns, D. i ^^^ SALEâ€" 10 White Wyandotte McRae, J. Kerton. I pullets, also 10 Barred Rock Pullets, 4th â€" C. Gibson, E. . Patton H March hatched, most of which are McKillop, J. Gibson (missed one 'e:c- '"y*"^- '^^^ Wyandotte pullets are MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Ofices â€" Owen Sound. Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evenir.s. Campbell's Soup, all flavors, 2 tins 21 300tt) Dinf,nnan's Soap Chips, 3 It) 33 Rose Brand Pastry Flour, 24 lb. 9i Fancy \\\\\c Rose cRie, 3 lb for 23 Jersty Cream Corn Flakes, 3 |)ks. 25 McLaren's Invincible Jelly Pwd, 5 25 500 Special Hlend Black Tea, pound 59 A Good Broom 29 Aimer Condensed Soup, all kinds, 3 2S Canned Pineapple, 2 ting for ,;^ 'J'all Pink Salmon, 1 pound Canned Milk, small size, 2 for Canned Milk, lar^e size, 2 for Canned Peas, 2 tins for Toilet Soaps, ref^f. 10c. line, 4 cakes Shot Polish, BIk. or Brown 200 lb. Bodley's Fancy Biscuits, worth 35c. per pound, 22 2S 17 9 23 25 29 9 F.T. HILL & Co., Limhed, Markdale am.) E. Talbot, L. McEachnie, E. Warling. C. Thistlethwaite.' Sr. 2 â€" Fred Patton, Everette Crolt, Gordon Gibson, Ella McRae. Jr. 2 â€" Nellie Thistlethwaitp, Mac Duncan, Marion Millc-, D-^rothy Whitehead, Verna Gcrrell, Helen Love, Doris Kerton. Sr. 1 â€" Elma Div' - D:**^' ?>- Donald,\ Fred McTaviJi Ke -ton. Jr. 1 â€" Doris Lawrence, Burton Bellamy, Jack Welton, George Loucks Clifford Saunders, Athol McKillop, Ivan McEachnie, Doris Warlinjj . ' Primr/', Sr. â- . â€" Norman Loucl^s, Bob Stuart. Bert Smith. I Primer B â€" Fred Gibson, Doris Pedlar, Jack Loucks, Dorothy Wel- ton. Primer C â€" Stewart McRae, Gwen Gorrell, Clifford Littlejohss. from W. H. Fisher, Ayton, jivhose WyandotteS' ai-e leading in the lay- ing contest. Barred Rock Pullets $2 each; White Wyandottei 82 50 rnch. â€" Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Price- vill-, R. R. No. 2, phone 22 r 41. FARM FOR SALE Lot 192 and Dorothy township, S. W Thanks to The Hunters The thanks of the editor ia ex- tended to 'Messrs Geo. Mitchell and S. Sutton of town for libe/.al piece of venison, and also to Mr. Ernie Morgan of Eugenia and Mr. H. Down of town for generous por- tions. The Editor has been en- Joying good health this fall after his illneiss during the past four years, but was unable to tak6 the trip to Parry Sound with the hunting parly. Tkese testimonials of good-will are therefore doubly welcome. BORN TALBOT â€" In Artemesia, on Sun- day^ December 2nd, to Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Talbot, « daaghter. 193, Con. 1, Proton of Highway no. 10, 100 acres of which 95 is already cleared and workable, good build- ings. ROBT. R. LEE, PROTON STATION, Phone Dundalk 83 r 31. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK â- ?rv . LBCENSED AUCTIONEER F-)r the County olf Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteed Dates made at The Advance offlct. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Ball Royal' Lad No. 178,773. Terms :-$2 if "paid before January 1929, otherwise |2.50. -DUNCAN WILLUMS, Eugenia. FARM FOR SALE Lot 13, Con. 12, Osprey Township, 100 acres; 70 acres good arable land, balance hardwood bush and pasture. Good barn and driving shed, log house, 30 rods ffom school, good well and windmill. Telephne available; rural mail delivery. Apply to WM. L. KAITTING, Feversham, or H. W. KERNAHAN, Maxwell. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toront* and Royal College of Dental Srrgeona of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at reaideBce Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. 4 A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every F^i- day on or before the foil moon W G. Watson, W. M.. C. F U,^,^^ Secretary .BOAR FOR SERVKB Registered Yorkshire Bear- for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bri^t Vim, No. 98,996 â€" PropOTty of aa n g een Bacon H^ aub. Terns fl.oa â€" C HnttUB. Lucas & Henry, Barriseev^ Solioit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. O, w. D. Hennr, BA. Offices, MattaMe Locm Block. Phone 2. Branch ofiMDa. at t>undalk and Durham. ^^ tte BOAl ion fOSKTtOL Telford & Bimia, BaerlMgm, soU- uiock, Owen Sound; Staadairi i^t i\ Block, Fleeberton, rSatadan.) w P. Telfonl. Jr. j! fT^^^ ^' S"

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