®hje /k0[|M0n airtianct Vol. 48 No. 19 Fla^Mrton Ontario, October 10. 1928 W. H. ThuiifcDti & Son, Propridtrs. -•â- ^ !â- '^ Mrs. Alex. Hoy Died In Toronto Monday EUGENIA Word arrived early Tuesday morn- ing that Mrs. Alax. Hoy had passed a-way in a Toronto hospital Monday evening. Mr. Hoy went down to the city Saturday morning and arriv- ed home again Monday evening with the news that she had improved some- what, and the n-2ws of her sudden passing was a shock to her many friends at Eugenia. The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Parliament and spent all her life in this neighborhood. Ths remains were brought up on evening train on Tuesday. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon. Ser- ment to take place at Mount Zion vice in the church at 2.00 p.m., inter- Cemetery. WIDDIFIELDâ€" C-\.MPBELL In Toronto recently. Miss Millie 'Campbell, elder daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell of Eu- genia, became the bride of Mr. Wm. Widdifield of Toronfo. The young couple will reside on Baldwin Ave., Toronto. The well wishes of our community goes with them for a- long and happy wedded life. WILLIAMSâ€" McQUERV Married in Toronto, on Friday, October 5th, 1928 Mr. Arthur Will- iams,- eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wai- tor Williams of Toronto, to Miss Mc- Gnery of Burk's Falls. We expend our heartiest congratulations. THE LATE HERBERT POOLEY We extend our sympathy to the Williams' families in the loss of their nephew, the late Herbert Pooley of Toronto, who was about 24 years of age, just in the prime of life. Just when his hopes seemed to be brighest God took him from this world of strife and gave him Eternal rest. He was a member of the Baptist church and his Pastor officiated at the home and grave.' The funeral was large- ly attended by many friends and sympathaziers, thus showing great respect for the deceased. Mr. Pooley was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Pooley of Toronto. Mrs. Pooley is the youngest sister of the Williams' family here. Her bro- thers, John, Joseph and Jacob and wives. Mr. and Mrs. John CampbeT! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and Mrs. Card Graham attended the fun- eral, which took place in Toronto. Miss Mabel Williams is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Ross Lehman, in Toronto. Mrs. A. Park has returned from Toronto, where she visited with friends for a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Widdifield of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs. G. C Graham. Still the wet weather continues in our viciirtty. Mrs. W. E. White of Toronto and Mrs. D. McTavish, daughter, Mam- ie of Flesherton were the gusts of Mrs. Wm. Hyslop recently. Mrs. Hyslop's ankle is slowly improving, we wish her a more soeedy recovery. Mr. Harry Stewart of St. Paul war the guest of his sister, Mrs. Jacca Williams recently. Mr. Harry Forrester's new re?»- dence is being rushed to completion. Mr. John McDonald of Flesherfcon !s doing the work. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Basil Carruthers of Sault Ste. Marie on the arrival of a little daughter at their home recently. VICTORIA CORNERS KIMBERLEY The church services of Kimberley church have changed from October 21 to October 28. Rev. J. W. Wilk- inson, a former minister will be able to come on that date. Every one is much pleased to have Mr. Wilk- inson present. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop have sold their house to Mr. Cartney of To- ronto, formerly of Australia. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop are moving to Flesh- erton for the present. We extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Cour- ney and family. Mr. and Mrs. -A. Fawcett of Pow- assan. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and child- ren of Walters Falls, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Baker and children visited Mrs. Ferguson on Sunday. Mrs. B. A. Carruthers and also Mr. Carl Carruthers attended the techer's convention at Meaford. Mr. W. T. Ellis has returned north to look after the lumber business. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ellis, Mrs. W. Stuart, Miss S. Ellis and Mr. Lloyd Stuart were the guests of Mrs. W T. Ellis and other friends and at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. James Magee. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Jas. Magee, Miss Vera and Mrs. Maville in the loss of a loving wife and mother. .'Vppl's packing is the order of the day now. They are a fine quaili'^r this year. Mr. G.Hutchinson is attending the Laymen's Convention at Toronto. Miss Gilbert of Orillia is visiting her friends, Miss Cora Stafford anc Miss K. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. T. Brooks and Miss Vera visited friends here on Sun- day. CEYLON PRICEVILLE Anniversay services were held a» Inistoge on Sunday. Rev. Laid- law of Owen Sound renewed old a?- quaintances and preached two very instructive sermons, morning and ev- ening. Mrs. Laidlaw very ably as- sisted the choir, ad rendered two beautiful solos. Rev. Mr. CurrTn preached ii> the afternoon. Miss Cook of Toronto i.i visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter .\cheson. Visitors at Carl Atkinsons were , closed by prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patterson and fam- | ily of Chesley, Mrs. Robert Edwards ' and Miss Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Jc Edwards of Glenelg. ^ Mr. M. B. Crosby of Smithville | called on Chas. Moore last week. Miss Violet McDougall and Re- becca Nichol of Toronto spent a few days at their homes. Mr .AKred Hjincks," Ida Hincks, Peter Johnston, Jean McCannell too:: in the teacher's convention at Mea- ford on Thursday and Friday. Despite the rain on Friday quite a number Cook in the fair, and there was some splendid exhibits in the hall, and a splendid concert at night. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson Sun- dayed at Mr. .\. McCuaig's. Miss Lizzie McCuaig and brother, J. X., visited the last of the ween at A. L. Hincks.' Miss Sadie Carson spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. .\rthur Richardson. A number from here took in the .\nniversary services at Swinton Park on Sunday. Miss JMly of Shelburne is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Ray McLean. M^ss E. M. McCuaig and J. .^.. Mrs. Wm. Brown and Marjorie spenT the week end with friends at Stay- ner . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Watson and family of Toronto motored up and spent the week end in Priceville. Miss Violet Watson spent the weeT. end with her friend, Mrs. D. L. Mc- .\rthur. -•Vn enjoyable evening was sp?nt at the ?rui!d on Wednesday night, when Miss Sinclair of Toronto gave a splendid address, which was much appreciated. After the business part cf the meeting an imitation rad- io program was listened to. The following numbers were given: Peter Johnston called out the different stations, mouth organ selections by Mr. Frank McAr1»»ur and Mr. Dar. Mc.'^rthur accompanied him on the piano; recitation by Mr. .\lfre«' Hincks entitled "Things Worth While. Solo by Miss Mabel Nichol reading by Mrs. Dan Campbell, violin selections by Messrs Colin McLean and Archie McCuaig and Dan Mc- Arthur at the piano. Solo by Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Recitation by Rev. J. Corry and an anthem by the choir. Lunch was served and a collection was taken up which am- ounted to $3.25. The meeting was O. D. R. & South Line Mr. Harvey Willerson of Regina called on old friends on Monday. He is accompanied back to Regina by Mrs. Granger, who will spend the winter months there and at Vanou- ver, B. C. Mrs. Robt. Rutledge cf Roderick is visiting his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw and fam- ily motored to Swinton Park on Sun- day. Mrs. Balfour and son, Bonner ot Port Dalhousie visited over the week end with F. D. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffen of Toronto visited the latter's sister. Mrs. George Cairns over the week end. Mr. Jas. McWhinney, Mr. Robt. Cook and Miss Millie motored to Hanover and Maple Hill the first of the week. Mrs. Ross Leslie, Mr. J. C. McMul- len of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKinnon of Bramptnn were w?ek end visitors at Mr. .Xrchie McMuUen's Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and two daughters of Shrig'.ey were week en<5 visitors at Mr. D. McPhail's. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Gibson and daughter. Helen spent the week end at Mr. J. Gibson's. Mr. Jack White, Mr. and Mrs. F. .\rcher of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Dave White and family <ji Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. George White and family of Snringhill. Mr. am? Mrs. Thos. White and son, Russell, of Saugeen were visitors th- first of the week with Mrs. White and family. Miss G. Baker of Lauriston vis- ited at Mr. H. Piper's the firs| of the week. Master Raymond. Misses Jessie and Katie McDonald visited their un- cle and aunt at Oshawa the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Calahan and two children «f OrangevHle visited the pasU week at Mr. A. Whittaker's. Mr. and Mrs. C°cil Cushnie. Mr. D. Moncrieff and Miss Phyllis Ford of Toronto were visitors at R. Cook's on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Smiley and daughter Margaret. Mr. W. J. Melia and Mr. Archie Burnett of Priceville motored to Collingwood and spent a day the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cummings of Osh- awa visited friends here over the week end. and was accompanied home by Mrs. Cummings "s mother. Mrs. Mc- Donald, who will spend the w^inter there. Mrs. D. Muir is visiting her sister a* the Sault. Mr. and Mrs. J. Montgomery. Mr. Edwin Hunt and daughters. Miss Florence of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reid of Michigan spent the week enc with Mr. and Mrs. G-:'-'. Arrowsmith and family. Mr. H. Spoffard unloaded a car of flour and feed on Monday. MAXWELL I ROCK MILLS â- We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ard in the sad loss of their son, William, in the west. The Ladies' .Aid of the United Church held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Long on Thursday last. The -Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on Sunday October 21st. and a fowl supper wiTi be held on Monday, November 5th. \ play entitled, "Just Like Percy" will be given by the church young people. The W. I. will hold their regular meeting at the home cf Mrs. R. J. Morrison. Thursday. October 11th. .AH members requested to be pres- ent. Visitors welcome. Our sincerest sympathy is extenc-- ed to Mr. Wm. Benson and family ;r. the death by accident of a son. Jos., in Regina. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fenwick anv:: Miss Ruby Kertcn of the 8th line visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Geo. Ross. Congratulations to Mr. Peri." Winters and bride, (r.oe Miss Velm.-. Hawton of Stayner.) We wish then-, a happy and prosperous journey through life. The St. Mary's .Anglican church hei'd their Harvest Home service Sun- day last. Mrs. .\dam Hyslop of Kimberley was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. Jno. Milne. Some of the farmers in this vic- inity have their potatoes up. Harvest Home Service will be held in the Baptist Church here next Sun- day, October 14th. Mr. Chas. Newell spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mr.-i. Geo. .N'ewell, Durham. E. Robinson of Bethel was a vis- itor recently with friends here. The Baptist Ladies' .Aid will moe: on Wednesday, October ITth, at the home of Mrs. Dick Clar^ .A number from around here at- tended the special services of the Pil- grim Holinej; church at Proton last Sabbath, \vh:n :hc sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered at the close â- â- )! the morning service. Mr. and 3frs. Levi Duckett and rwo daughters and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bin- nigton of Maxwell visited on Sunday with the latter's sister here, Mrs. J. Portsous and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. New?ll and two daughters were recent visitors with their aunt, Mrs. Jno. Hargrave. Miss Margaret Fisher visited lar-. week with her aunt. Miss Ettie Ra'- ley. Misses Elsie and Doris McMullen visited recently with their sister. , ?Irs. Frank Betts. Service in the Salem Church wi!» be held next Sunday ev3ning at 7..30. . SWAMP COLLEGE Threshing is almost completed and picking potatoes is the order of the day. Miss Ethel Haw spent the weeK end with her friend. Miss Marie Orr at Bethel. .'^alem Ladies' .Aid entertained ".le ladies of Priceville United church oa Wednesday at the home of Mrs. K. R;:hard-'n. when a large crowd was present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Mason aiuS daughters. Ilene, Reta and Eva and friend of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. Ed. Heard's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuarrie of Ventry .Sundayed at Mr. ^m. Hay's. Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Richardson visited on Sunday at her parents at Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. .Angus McCannell and son. Dan. ^isited on Sunday at Mr. Geo. Black's. Mr. Alfred Hincks and sisters, Beth and Gladys, \-isited on Sunday -f Mr- Ne-1 McMillan's and took in the -Anniversary services at Swintos Park. This Monday evening a miscellan- eous shower is being held for Mr. and Mrs. -Arthur Richardson. FEVERSHAM Geometry should be studied froTr j all angles. Mr. and Mrs. D. Barkley and two sons. Russell and Arthur and Mis; .Alma Chambers of .Allenford were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eby here. Mr. and Mrs. Kolb of Creemor" visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette of Ow- 'n Sound spent Sunday with frienc!- n this village. Mrs. R. J. Whiteoak visited with her sister, Mrs. Hornsby and other friends in Collingwood over the weer. end. Mr. Jas. Eby is visiting with friends in Hensall at present. Mr. and Mrs. H. -Alexander and daughter, Mrs- McCee and two child- â- - n attended the fair in Owen Sounu -n ' visit-d with Mr. and Mrs. Will r -'Iquettc. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsythe and labe of Owen Sound visited over the V '9k end with Mrs. Forsythe's par- • -'s, Mr. and Mrs. Eby here. Tr. Brooks of Owen Sound an" â- â- â- r Sheldon Myers of Fl-^sherton ->€nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. r* .' " -Sander here. ''.T. and Mrs. Wm. Moore ar.i da ihter of Meaford visited last week with Mr. Eli Robinson ari'i far â- •. PROTON STATION .A meeting was held in the Orange Hall here on Saturday afternoon in the interests cf the co-operative shipping efforts of the U. F. O. The speakers were J. J. Morrison, Prov- incial secretary. Mr. McKee and Mr. Chas. Zeigman. ail of Toronto. Successful anniversar>- services were held in Knox United church on September 30th. Rev. H. Conan or Toronto preached in the morning an- Rev. S. Martin, the eloquent pastor of the Chatsworth United church preached in the evening, each to a large congregation. The choir under the leadership of Mrs. Shearson renv ered special music. Mr. and Mrs .Ferris of Meaford wer- visitors at Mr. McNalty's last week. Miss Emily Acheson. accompanied by the Messrs May and Miss Gert rude May of Toronto, were we:k end guests at the home of R. G. Achesor Mrs. Mc.Arthur of Cheltenham t.^ a eue.'t of Mrs. Still. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rumball ar » baby Ruth of Woodbridge renewe.- old acquaintances in this village c-. Monday last. Advertise in The Advance CARD OF THANKS (Last Week's Items) We are ha^•ing lots of rain now. Mrs. J. Storey of Toronto is vis- iting at Jas. Turner's over the w^eek end. Miss Bessie Stainshy and friend visited the first of the week at Jas-. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duckett wish to thank friends and neighbors foi Turner's. treats and many acts of kindness and â€" assistance during the illness o' th?Jr Cutting cl.nsses are mu?h in vogue little daughter, Gladys. ^j barber colleges. ^ HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GRAIN POTATOES AND SEEDS A. C. MUIR CEYLON, - ONT. •Phone .IS r ^ I never kneiiv It n^as so easy It was a red-letter day in old Mrs. Jones' life â€" the day she made her first Lone Distance call. But she sim- ply had to speak to her son before he went abroad! The operator was sympa- thetic and helpful. She ask- ed Mrs. Jones her telephone number, nanic, the city and the telephone number of the party she wished to reach. Mrs. Jones didn't know the ntimber, so the operator looked it up for her. After the pleasant experi- ence was o*.-er, Mrs. Jones exclaimed, "I never knew it was so easy! Why didn't I do it before?" There is nothing compli- cated about it Just say, "Long Distance." Teacher: "Did your old man help you with this problem?" Pupil: "Nope! I got it wrong my- self." ^/^Up-to-date ^SERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP W. A. Armstrong & Son g g. h wright. prop. FLESHERTON, ONT. ^ -* % % Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO I Phone: KIngsdale 4344 I J.W.Bates. R.Maddocks. M» It Costs No More To Firefiroofi Your Building Vj^HEN you build a new house or "^ repair an old one be sure to use Gyproc Gyproc also gives quick construction, insulation against cold and heat â€" and fuel economy. Write for free book, "Walla That Reflect Good Judgment." containing internting infor- mation on home planning with G>-proc, Roc- board and losulex. CANADA CYPSUM AND ALABASTINE. UMITEO Paria ^hp^ireprooi Canada ^IreproofWalTboard ) For Sale By Frank W. Duncan, - . Flesherton, Ont "j^ouse Of @ualitp" BAGS! :-: BAGS! This is one of the best offers we have had yet in bags. A real No. 1 bag, reg. 40ct8. Special this week only â€" 3 FOR $1.00 HONEY HONEY In 5 pound pails â€" I lets per pound (Container Free) W. J. Stewart & Sons Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont.