If< Vn\0RANGEy|1 K n Jb JHKfffL 385 No one dreamed 50 years ago that such a fragrant beverage as "SALADA'' Orange Pekoe could be produced pure as science can make it fresh, superb In flavour 43c per half-poundâ€" and all black tea. A treat Indeed for tea lovers. R.W.^>Xv-JTeKTlH.B. FINANCIAL NEWS Favorable Results Reported at Prop- erties of Alexandria Mine, B.C. rriiice lluiierl â€"omdalH of Alexan- dria Miner, have Just reached here after a visit tn thu properties of tho coiupmiv In Smithors and Ilazelton <JlHtrlctM. The Hyland BaBln property In the KiiMne iiange has some aurtare rtiowinBR of hlj'.h-ifrade silver lead-gold ore, yielding Bensatloual values. An engineer and crew arc working on tho property surveying preparatory to car- rying out a deTelopment program. The management have high hopes for this property. Tho Velvet property, In Ilazelton district, has such favorable showings that twelve adjacent <-lalnis have been acquired, Increaxlng the Alex.-indrla's acreage by 600 acres. Development to date In the Velvet has disclosed a •erles of veins from 6 to 10 feet wide, well mineralized and carrying com- .. merclal values In silver and lead. \ Consolidated Smelters are reported to .J" be negotiating for a property adjoin- ing the Velvet and their engineers are Id the Held. Good proKresR Is being made at the Portland Canal properties of the Alex- andria Company. No. 2 tunnel Is re- ported to havo encountered good grade ore. Also, tile engineers' reports from this company's holding In the Sudbury district show distinct mineralized cones running throughout the proper- ties. Howey Making Headway Towards > Production Basis Additions to physical assets of Howey Gold Mines this year to date have been substantial, and the ques- tion of a mill Is coming to the-fore- front. An offlfllolal informed the Northern Miner that by tho lalo fall Howey should bo In a position to de- cide Just what tonnage mill would be required, and it Is likely that heavy machinery will bo moved Into the property over tho snow during the coming winter. 'Hio tonnagu of ore developed and lu sight in tho mine Is large and will run better than $7. Construction of a 1,000-ton mill Is re- garded as ttie most economical plant. The compact formation of ore zone will, It Is estimated, enable the com- pany to produce at a cost of |4 "per ton or less, and this would leave sub- stantial profits on a l.OOO-ton opera- Uon. At the cIo»e of last year tho com- pany had 1,721 lineal feet length In ore and since then ore bodies have boon extended 2G to 60 por cent, in length and have been proved ^on- aldcrably wider. Somo 900 feet east of present workings drllU cut through 10 feet of 110 ore lu a cone 160 feet wide. On the 600-foot level tlie oro la opened up for 300 foot, averaging H% feet wide, the grado belug )7. At 126 feet, 160 feet of ore 16 feet wide lias boon opened up, better Id grade ' than tho mine averago. The eastern face on the 260 foot lovol continues In good ore. At tho 375-foot lovol east excellent ore is being developed some mms P.K. iCHEWING SWEET Here is a treat that can't be licutl Benefit and plea' j tv.re in generous roeasurcl ' cm ' v:;i9ermfint Flavor no feet east of tho present face on the fiOOfoot level, sufgehtlng that a much Kieater length will bo shown at Olio feel. Results to the west of tho shaft have been not nearly so encouraging. Tho rake of the i,ro body Is 'towards the cast, and workings have 0.000 feet to go before reaching the boundaiy. A (llamoud drill machine is being de- livered and under contract proving of ere farther east will be pushed more rapidly. Some 600 feet of drilling will be dono in this way and will help greatly lu iipsedlng blocking out of ore. There is a porphyry area south of the workings, located by drlll.<), and a j crosscut is going out to prove this < section. A drill la also working north j of the workings on the surface to ' prove favorable ground. It will be carried to 800 feet at least. The com- pany Is proceeding with underground development at tho r«kte of 1,200 feet per month. Newsprint and Periodical Advertising Less Than Year Ago â€" Statistics Vital te Industry Mill stocks of newsprint at United States and Canadian points amounted to 6.9 days' average production ou June 30. 1928, and 4.1 days' on June 30, 192T. Publishers' stocks, on baud and in transit, amounted to 30 days' supply on May 31, 1928, and 32 days' ou May 31.1927. Newspaper advertising In 30 lead- ing cities for the flrst sir months of 1928 was 4 per cent, less than tor the I same period of 1927, and 7 per cent, less than in 1926. Periodical advertising In National publications In the flrst seven months of 1928 was 2 per cent, le.ss than in the flrst seven months of 1927, and 1 per cent, more than in 1926. Pages printed In newspapers of over 100,000 circulation: (Aver.age for June) Dallies Sundays 1928 31 104 1927 30 108 Toronto Bank Clearings Show Increase Bank clearings in the city of To- ronto for the week ended August 9th amounted to $123,*>42,941, an Increase of $27,118,640 over tho corresponding period last year and a decrease of $6,- 9.'t0.544 when compared with tho prev- ious week of this year. Comparisons: W'k ended 1920 1927 Aug. 9th $123,642,941 $90,524,401 Aug. 2nd 130,673,485 89,052,441 July 26th 124,640,688 94,007,144 July 19th 136,681,668 104,430,981 Mond Will Revise Smelting Faol|ltles Sudbury. â€" There will bo a revision of both treatment and capacity of smelting facilities of the Mond Nickel Company in connection with their pro- posed expansion program at the Frood Extension Mine, according to an o(B- clal announcement. At the present time officials of the company, J, V. Robertson (smoltlng manager) and L. J, Ingolsfrud (chief engineer), are ou a tour of the west, examining the smoltlng plants of western copper min- ing companies. Details of the pro- posed revision havo not been an- nounced and no action with regard to smelter changes are likoly to bo taken until next year. Oliver Hall, formerly mine manager, took over last week tiio position of gouural manager of Canadian oporatlons of the Mond Nickel Compapy, succeeding Dr. C. V. CorlesH, who has reslgnod, Vigoroua Fight Waged In Western Ontario by Two Qas Companlea Hamilton. â€" In Western OiiUrio, there la said to be a gas war on (or '• supremacy botwoen the United Oas & I Fuel Company of Hamilton and tho Dominion Natural Uus Company, also of Hamilton and district. Tho United (.'ompauy is onduav<>i'iii4{ to Invade the district ombracluH I'arU, (iult, lirunt- ford, Woodtttock, Ingcirso^ and oUiwr points and supplant natural gas with artificial gas, Ollliilalu of the Dominion Natural (las (.'omijauy stutod tUat the Issue was fou«Ut out before the (;ounoll In (iall, which bod/ had previuutily pastied u reHoliiti«>n to do awuy with natural gas buuause of Its uulphurous odor and make a, new contract with tU? UjiUwl U:i,_.4 i-^uel Co^ of jhlsj city. Oin<lal;i of tUo DomTnlon Com- 1 piiny ftftted that th.-y had diacoyered Kurh larKo quantities of naturui gna ' riicently that thry wtsre iiblo to give' Ji^' Oii^ municipality omelals a writ- Ion ftrSinTitiio that by January 1, 1929, a large puriflcutlou plant, co.sting $;;riO,000, would bo eHtubllahod and in oiiorutlun ou Its lines at Homo point i\e»r London. Tills will ennblu the Kiinpuny to mix its giis with that from Its wells In liulillniiiiid County, and It will be virluiilly odorlosH. All cnntros now scrvod In that district will be a.iHurod of a supply of pure gas. BEGIN HERE TODAY Ixmring Ran^fer ofre>rs a ne^-ard of ono bund.-pd thousand dol'jars for the soffo return of hie nrissii^ diaS^hter, Hop*. His two frie-nds, Euf'tice Hig- by, attormsy, at!':i Juarez ('hjirlie, nd>- vcntuper, assist Rnr.3:er in Ws »e>ari-h. Hoi>e'8 abdiuftor's command the girl's father to leave a hundred thou- |san;i doillaiw worth of bonds ut a spe- icified yAaei. This is done according I to ii/isbructiuna. ] Dr. Hristow conducts a priviite sanittfirium and Dr. George Ko'.fS'y is deta'i'ned there agaJnGt him â- w-iM be^ cause ho knjw-s of criminal deaJln^B of Brietcw. Kelwt!y n-.'ake* friends wJth an inmate who tells him 8)i« is tho ini:,=i-;mK Hope KaD.^i. She is rc';jister£'(i' i!« sCxter to a nurso named (â- v;,ley. Kel.'-oy and Hope make a break for frcedijm in Hrit'tow's auto. 1 NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY I A man stationed ilieTO whirled about, thinkirx the car was running wild, and scramWc^l foir safely. He I was ju«t in time. Through the hedico they fcmaahed; then, with a bun>p ami I a lunge, leaped tho trench which had been gog for the wall's new founda- ' lion, and with a deft twirl of the j wheel swung into the road beyond. i There had been no sound behind ] them. Their suddeoi action, the dar- ' ing of it, seemed to paralyze the tvo spectators. Then there CAme a loud, angry scream. Kelsey, glancing back, saw Anita Copley flying down the ver- andah steps, calling for the chauffeur, and shouting orders as ehe ran. trick tihat wo'jJd suit me lirst rate. Doern't happen to be for fcaJe, do€o it?" "Shouldn't w\>nder," • tho garag'3 ma.n lei the way toward it, and thi'ew back the hood for inepoctic"rv. "You know the patty that own it, thcnY" Charl'io co'Uld hardly ke-'p the thril'l of ea.Kerner« out of his vo't^e. "Oh, ywi; lK«t of friends. What^ ever 1 t'ay, he'll stand for." "Wonder if I'm acquainted with him? I know quite a number of peo- ple Around here." "Wt'M, you ml^H call It bel.n' 'quatriited," with heavy jocularity; "sr;i;in' that j'ou're talkin' to him right now. I'm the own'er of thia bus, Caj>- tain, " Course she ain't her prettiest," apoV:.;?f ticdly. "She's ji',st in off the road ; and, with thie ile all over every- thinig, sho's kind of spattered up. Coupla strangers come in here with a big tourim' car tkat they said waen't hittio' right, and asked me if I could let ' em have a machine to go over White PI'aina way, while their'n was bein' fixed. So I rented 'em the Httle boat. But, shucks, they might as weil have used their own; there wasn't reithiin' wrong w^ilh it that I could see, 'oept a loosi) boll or two." Gh'arlie recognized with a sente of utter fruistratie-n that it was useless to probe furtiher. All he cnuld get was a description of the two men so Hy t« «ct away, CharUa ca)]ed to the Ksrago keeper thai he wotild be back presently and started for the dbor. Without looking at the gTiout> of atranded motorists, he pushed Ma motoTfycte piatt them, whem. he wa« stopped by a high-pitched, faintly fa- mii'llMT voice calling: "Oh, how 'd / ck>!" He looked up to eee a ifretty gM In futuristicainy vivid sport thdngs moving toward hlni. For a moment he wws piursled, and then he remembere* her as the etray- ed Princess of t>(e smart little miUin- cry ehop wTiere he and Ramger had bought the hat "Juliet!" he exclaimed, erweepdn? off his hat. "To think that you re- membered me after all these jvar.'d" "How could I forget the man who ordered that.â€" that lidl" Laughter ptrug^rled vvith statuesque repose ani won. "Oh, you men! You're a scream when it comes to n>iilinery. Too bad," her charming mouth drawn down, her eyes full of mockinig commisiCTation, "thai your lady friend didn't like th« hat." • At her words, a splinter o<f light- n'ini.q; wemt through Charlie and sWv- ercd alonT his jspin;-. In tha black, boggy depths of his slough of d»- spend there flashed a raj; of hope. • J » 9! W« recemmentf ALEXANDRIA GOLD MINES, LTD. Because after careful investigation we believe the diversity of this Company's holdings in the principal njlning areas of Can- Ada, combined with the best of management and engineer- ing talent, will make it one of the great dividend earners ol the future. fn our opinion It Is one of the most outstanding mining speculations now before the public. Detailed Information will be mall«4 on Request. Use the Coupon. Herne, Fletcher & Co., Ltd« INVESTMENT 8ECURITIBf\ Metropolitan Bldg., • Toronto. CHAPTER XV, Charlie plodded alonig tho oH-soaked highway following those elusive tire- tracks. The June aftem^xm which in hds leafy tree-top bad seenved a fore- taste of heavMi, out here on the reek- ing road wa-s â€" Well, it was hot. Charlie swore himself finally to a parage about three miles down the road. There, leadimg up to the jiaso- lint reservoir and pump in front of the place were four tire tracks, three sniorth and one cornigated, which he had lost for the la.<rt lialf milo in the cross hatchings of traffic. As he pushed his motorcycle In at 'i.he door of the garape, the lirst thing he paw was 'he flivver shoved backi a^rr in-st the wal". No possibility of n' mictake, with tho-wj -tell-tale re.s, ni tk-i license-plate. No. 2,\h^\iy.i.i, «.tar- irig him in the face. As Charlie explained the difficulty with his motorcycle, he l!bok ouiok Block of the man frnm the dented (ierby hat on his head to tho koIcs of his spattei^d shoes. So far his s</le resp mse to Charlie's Btory of hard luck â€" certain details modified â€" had been an IrdifTenirt grunt. To Charlie impassivity was always n chaiien-<e. 'Wooden stares and bot- ;\'(l-up si'.'ncc- wen' spurs to hi^^ Ir.- gonuity. So as his ton'gue wagged on in the recital of his adventuires, he was thinkimg. The one Infallible appeal to an automobile man was the chance to make a sale and pocket a comfort- able comm'ifesiion. Charlie had already representod himself aa a canvasser taking orders for "put-lt-tog«ther-yt>ursclf" fuml- tUro; and he now dteftly turned to an account of Ms llciKious tribulationa in this calling. "What I need," ha said, "te half a dozen or mt different linos of housa- hotd necc8«d'tie8. Pd be sure to catch 'em eomewhcre along tho lino. "But the trouble with that," he pulled at hlB lip, "is, that Pd have to carry »uch a raft of samplics. I've been woredorinff if It wouldn't p«y me I to chuck the oild motorcycle, and buy; me a nice little car that I coold load up with my stuff." Tha gleum of venal Interesit he had ontlcdpatod, brig^tctved the garage- keoper'a dull eye, and for the f\rst tirne he unbent to articulate speech. "Sure looks like gmod bustne»9 to me," he a^frced, "An' 'twouldn't cost >xyu mo more to run a car than it does youT rootnroycle." "Exoopit f<vr the flret expense," said Charllo. ''Noi I dvm't suppoae it wwuld. And I wouldn't want a great, b!ig, Ulgh-powerod car, you under- eit^md." Hie eyo f^4 as if by chance on tho flivver, "Now thcre'ti a little Thinking the car was runn-i.'^ wild,' he £oramblcd for siafety, vague tliat it wxjuld fit a million others, and a lack of any id'L*ntifying details for tho car. "Wait now," the garage-keeper was •aying, "till I turn over tba engine j fr,r you, and then you can eee for j'ourcelf that I ain/t' mis.^tntod nothin' to you. Come here, Sam, and crank her up for me." But as Sum shamWed aro.-nd to tho front of the flivver, areV (Iharlie and the prop-rletor leaned over to watch tho test, thoy were ir.it.jrrupted by a hail from the doorway. A party of people In a touring car had just driven up, and were making signals of diattressk The garage man relapsed into his profassional phlegm. "Hold on a mdnute," he swid. "I gotta see what these peste want. Then PlI be hack." Charlie leaned beck agaiitat the wheel of tJio flivver, and while he welted rolled a ci/garet. He fpxye a little ges-ture of Irrkpotence, and scat- tersd the tobacco he was rolling to the floor. With a muttered tmprecntlon dt Wa awkwardneee, he reached for hi.s sock) amid as he did eo, kiw the gar- ae)3 nuan complete his examination of the car at the door, and shake h'ia head et the owner. "Thia heie la a Jofc that's gc^sng to take a couple of houte," he announc- ed; "and you can't go on iti' tho tihapa y^'re in, gears all pulled looee. You folks'U ." st hjive to pile ooit and stick around, till 1 get it fixed up." There w:*i"e protests, exclamations, renvonstrnr.'^ s; but tho garai;.fe man was firm, snd in tfo end the T'^rty, four wonun> ard two men bes'id'w the driver, with American pood humor und»r tryiiiig clrcumtJ!anocs, got out of tho ear and the p^.-zprictor and Sam rol'led it ilvto tba shop. Repardiivg this as a gvxni oppi>!-tun- CHAPTER XVI. In the twiniUTiig of an eye the humble canvasser of "put-it-tc^fether- yourself" furniture became without chanige of costume or stage properties the sophisticated, world-worn man of affaire. "She dadmt like the hat?" he re- peate<}, lifting his shoulders and eye- brows at the same time. "Capricious, capricious creatures, yo^ womeiL" Tho I*rinceos laughed, but looked at him dloubtfurly. "You're such a kidder," eihe said, "I don't quite miake you'" "Fancy meeting you here," a flat- tering touch of sentiment in hie smile; "partners In hard luck, one right fay, bcth victims of a break- down. BIcea the break-diown," with light fervor. "When I had mine I w^as hurrying back to a boaird^meeting from my friend Loring Ranger's place over yonder." She gave the start he expected. That name was too fannliar to read- ers of newspapers to eecape notice. "You mean the father of Hope Ranger?" She slnxwed all the blue- ness nt her widenod eyes. "Yes; poor lx>rryl" Ho was not actrg wow. ' h.' V Ith sn inflaMon of her bfcist grcat-ladiy mai.ner, she turned to her f>:enid8. "I wont all you ''>ks to meet Mr.â€"" "Juarca," Charlie suavely hetpej her otit, "Surely! Mr. Juarez shake hands wnth Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg," mo- t:on4ng to the driver of the ear and his wnfe. "Mr. Juarez, Misa Scbupp, Miss McCarthy, Mr. Dave Green'l)org and Mr. Ix'ffler," she ran through the Name Address circle "Mr. Juarez is just back from a visit to the father of Hope Ranger." Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg, Mr. Dave Grosnb-STg, Mise Schupp, Miss M<v Carthy and Mr. Leffler imniediateily became aniinuated iateiTogation point*. Charlie answered guardedily, with the air of one who could tell a great <Ieal but whose lips were for the mo- ment sealed. (To be contimied.) . ^ Mlnard'a Liniment for Blistered Feat. . « _ To-morrow. Why shouldst thou fill to-day with sor-j row. About to-morrow, . My heart? One watches all with care most tmot, Doubt not that he will give thee, too,. Thy part. â€" Paul Flemtns, Dad â€" How did you come out with your exams? Son â€" Passed 'em Jtiat like they were cars ahead. â€" (Clncte"] natt Enquirer.) DON'T suffer headaches, or any of those pains a tablet of Aspirin can end in a hurry! Physicians prescribe It, and approve Its free use, for it does not arfert the heart. Every drug- Sist has it, but don't fail to ask the ruggist for Bayer, And don't take any but the tablets that are stamped with the "Bayer Cross." Aapirin b the trade mark iTetietprod In t'miftHn) InillntliK Heri'r M/mufAdure. While It I] *cU kmiwn IhAt A.-ipirin inenna Barer tuRnu- fecturo, to kjwuvt the public »tfaltut uiittltik>ns. the Tablet! Kill bo etaupel with tlttb ''£UW OroH" tnda PMik. FIRESTONE WICK TEST TIm Jar at left » fOled with Gum-Doping •olution. Tbe other Jar b empty at first One end of the w!ck>â€" made of cord* uacd h Firestono tirea â€" is pbeed hi the sohition, tlie other In the empty Jar. Sofai- tlon penetrates entire length of the^eord wick showhig that Guni4)0pinf aaturatet tfie cords, Thli ezchnive Firestone pr»* cess faisubtes every fibre witki rubber, reduces hitanal firictioa and ghres thousands of extr» miles. Firestone tires cost no more than ordinary tires. Your local Firestone Dealer will glad- ly serve you, and save you money. riRKSTONB TIHH & RUBBK* C* OP CANADA UMITBD UarUlton, Ontario A/oj< MHu Ptr Dollar Builds the Only ' â- %v'^l^S'^'- V"!*" .50 UE Na 33â€" '2« Minard's Liniment â€" A r«llaj)/a first aid THB BIFOCAL YOU HAVE HOPED FOR It removes the hazard of stairways. It allowa freedom of action of tha syea. Qivas greater comfort In rsading. Does not Imprison ths eye behind a blurred field. A British Invention. Ask Your Eye Specialist. In the store or oil the 'phone, always ask for ^Uh fruit- flavored creamy fillings/ Orange, Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry â€" thick layers of delicious pure cream between two crisp, ligh. Biscuits. ASSORTED SANDWICH Chrisilieb Biscuits ^****^**^**â„¢^" ' ' ' ' " -â- â- lis â- â- â- ^e^^s^â€" 11 â- I 11 ,1, -^^^^^^^^^ I ii»iie^M-a fi 'i I '^