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Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1928, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15. 1928 » » â-  . L', m/ I Standard Bank Safety Deposit Boxes If yaa desire to pl»ce anjr of your valuable papers, jewellery, or other precious belongings in one of our. safety deposit boxes, you will find our staff ready to render prompt and courteous service at all times during banking hours. The cost to you ia only nominal and we are glad to Vo of any possible assijtance when . wish access to your box. THE SIANEAfiD BANK OF CANAIA ^UTABUSHEO I87i, E. A. PRESTON Manager, Fksherton Branch\ Mrs. Lucy LeGard Was Laid to Rest The funeral of the late Mrs. Lucy Le Gard, who died at the home of her dau;;hter, Mrs. Poulter, at Toronto last week.took place on Thursday afternoon last on the arrival of the noon train. Rev. .J. H. Oke of To- I ronto, who hm been taking the work ' «t Markdale United Church, took CJ».R. TIME TABLE Local and Personal Trains leave Flesherton Station as (oUowB: Going Soutir Going North 4.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.1D a.m. 8.53 p.m. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. sister, Mrs. Rob'-rtson. Muth at 3.30 For morning train Miss Laura Boyd has Miss Pentland .f Dungannon is vis- iting her sister. Mrs. W. I. Henry. Mrs. D. McKilhp is visiting friends at North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley and children cf Detroit are â-  isiting Mrs. Kelley's returned charge of the service at the church and ^aveside and preached a com- forting seniion to the many relatives and friends. Ths floral offerings were beautiful and very abundant. «oiith mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the home after spt ding a few weeks in banking the pulpit in the church with Local and Persooai Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDusen of Toronto were in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crossley and j daughter were on a motor camping idan, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sheridan. Mrs. a visitor in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland spent the past week in Toronto. ,---»...„ .^...„.. - - •- â€" ""ZVZ J. Holmes. Miss Proctor of Heathcote The W. M. S. wUl meet in the Un- *^'P ^^^^^^ *»>« ^uskoka country ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ited Church on Friday next at 3 p.m. '^^"^ *^*'^- i Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Rear and Mr and Visitors are welcome. : Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Leader of Lon- jjj.3 j^g gg^^ ^^^ family, of Dro- The Misses Pearl Gibson and Daisy '^°" *°<i ^''^ "» ^'^^^^ °* Toronto ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ McFadden spent a week with friends ^P^"* '^* P*^'^ *'^^'' '^^^ ^^'â- - ^"'^ . The pallbearers were were her five Mrs. T. J. Fisher. ,^^^3 jj^^^^^ George, Fred. Walter 1 Mr. G. H. Clark and two daughters g^j Albert LeGard and one son-in- of Redlands, Calif., who are on a j-^^. ^^ w Poulter. â-  I motor trip, spent a lew days last week interment took nUce in Flesherton with Mrs. (Dr.) Ottewell and Miss cgnj^tery. beside her husband who Minerva Stafford. j predeceased her about thirty years Rev. Mr. McEwen of Toronto ago. the United Ccurch on Sabbath last. j Next Sabbath and the following Rev. R. R. Conner of Kippen will take | ' the services here and at Eugenia. Wedding of Interest at Cherry Grove. All hands and the cook go to the «ircus in Flesherton on Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette of Owen Sound were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. ,- T.r A * i. I,-,. »,„„_ preached two excellent sermon; Mrs. W. A. Armstrong has been ^^ ^. .^ , ^_ ^ _ e,„uu..u visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. E. DeCudmore, in Montreal. Miss Isabelle Rowe of Lome Park:., , .^^ , ^„ „„j „%. ir..„<.„;o 1 -^ wedding of much local interest .. -, , ,, the services here and at tugenia. I , „ . ..l- ti- j j spent the past week wnth Mr. and Mrs , takes place at Beeton this \\ ednesday Alex. McEachnia. j Mrs. Edward .Aikenhead of Toronto, 'afternoon, when Miss Elizabeth Aileen Mr. and Mrs. John Flreeman of ^'^o ^^^ ^^^"^ ^"'^'^''^^ ^^"^ slaughter, d^u^hter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Florida visited with the former's ^^'"s- -^"^^^'^ Armstrong, at her sum- iRe>-nolds. Beeton, Ont., becomes the brother, Mr. H. Freeman, and familv. "^^'" ^^^"'^ ^^^^- '''^"^ ^^ ^^f^^ ."^^ , bride of Mr. E. David Bentham of Mr. .Archie Thomson and wife ^ndl')''Z'tVr/'' " " "â- ''^ Saskatoon. Sask.. only son of Mr. and daughter of Englewood. -N.J.. visited ^''''"^' '^'''- I Mrs. Richard Bentham of Flesherton. this week with- their aunt, Mrs. C. ' On Thursday night, a car driven; ^ ^i^T ^ ^tpi' «H Wilcock. ;byThos.Hassard collided with a car WaSChaSinQ rllCS , „ . , , ., , driven bv Dick Noble, the the junction Mrs. Jas Ferris and children are . . , ,. , ..„ ,. â- ,,, , , ,.,^„,„;i„_, . , 1 , .â-  ! of the high'. ay lor "Icaford, two miles : iri„^i,o,.f„„ k«,- -vt,. r',ii= r spending a coupe of weeks vacation .,,.,, „ .. __ A Flesherton bo> . -Mi. L.ias. t. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meads, and other relatives. . • The apple crop in Grey County isj only good in spots. Some trees are , smashed but fortunately the drivers got clear without iniury. McTavish. was on the winning base- ball team at the great General Motovj T:. . industrial picnic at Lakeside Park. ,Mr. E. D. Bentham of Saskatoon,! Oshav.-a, on Saturday. Charley was loaded with good fruit, but manv arei^"*''^- "lotored down last week for a 'on the executive nine and the losing . short visit with his parent^. Mr. and team was made up of the supermten- Mrs. R. Bentham. He w'as accom- , dents. The crowd, men, w^omen and Misses Helen and Lorraine Field and Dons Derrick and Burt Field Jr. , ,., ,01 u -n j .^„ ^ ... •... i,v . of Khedive, biask.. who wnll sr?nd a of Toronto are visiting with their, , , t -..i. i.- ^ ^1. . Tu- i.1 i.1. •. couple of weeks with his father at grandmother, Mr;;. A. Thistletnwaite. „ . , • . ,, ,, t, ,., ^ Eugenia and sister. Mrs. K. Bentham. Mrs. R. O. Meads and little son re- turned to their home in Toronto, after' ^ ^e^ious accident befell Mr. Wm. spending a week with relatives at Kendall of the Collingwood Gnnel panicd by hio uncle. Mr. John Paul, ' children, numbered over 20.000, and was the greatest assemblage of holiday makers ever held in the district. ENGAGEMENT Flesherton. Mr. Will Varley, wife and daughter of Englewood, N.J.. also Miss Living- Road, cast of iMaxwell. when he fell ' off a load of hay which he was tak- Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace of ing into the barn and received a bad Goderich, Ont.. announce the engage- case of concussion of the brain. In "^^"t of thei_^r daughter, Emma, to stone and neice visited the formers ^^^ ^j^^^^^^ ^^ p^. ^^^^^ ^^ Maxwell, Rev. Robert Wallace Paton, M. A., ot aunt, Mi-s. C. Wilcock, last week. ^.j^^ ;, ^^ holidavs. Dr. Lively -rrf , Arden. Ont.. son of the late Mr. and It is now stated that the meetings Flesherton attended the patient and , Mrs. William Paton of Flesherton. to hear Mr. Bennett. Conservative he is improving nicely and will be Ont.. the marriage to take place the leader, in Ontario have been indefin- around again in a few days. latter part of .\ugust. itely postponed. Mr. J. M. Smith, wife and daugh- ; Jane McCauley of Berkley, aged Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher. Mr. and ter, Margaret and son. Daniel, of ^^^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^^;^ ^^^^ ^^ "^ truck Mrs. John Slobot and Mr. Fred Mc- Sault Ste. Mar.e. Mich., ^ho /^e'-e , ^„ ^^e Toronto and Hamilton highway Eachnie. all of Toronto, visited with visiting friends in Glensandiield and ^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^ severelv injured. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEachnie. Montreal, stopped over in F esherton ^ - ^^^^ ^^, j^.^^^; .^ ^^^^ Mr. James Ferris returned to '» ^'^'^ >•^ ^f ''"• f ,'«,/"",r neighLhood. was on a visit to a r Toronto^ accompanied by Mr. and ""'^ "'^'^ ^"'^"**'\""'' '"" J° ,°" ^ ative, and took a step backward from Mrs. A. Mould and two chUdren. who °" Tuesday morning. They came ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^ g^^ ^^^, Mr. Jos. Field is the New Town Constable >•^•>^->^>>•><->•>♦<-»<-6-fr♦-^**<-»>>*****>^*♦♦♦♦*•^♦♦*»♦♦**♦♦•>**♦♦ Hamilton. a solid wealth of bloom. Mrs. W Claj- >n and daughter, Wil- Those from a distance at the fun- ma, of Saskato n. Sask., spent a few eral were: Mrs. Robertson. Mrs. Arm- ' days last week with Mr. Thos. strong, Mrs. Nobes, Mr. and Mrs. Jas ! Clayton. Field, Mr. Wm. Field. Mr. John Gal- Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCauley and 1»^^>'- ^"^ ^""^ daughter, Messrs. Ned two children of Toronto were visitors George. Herb and Frank Poulter. -Miss Annie Howard of Toronto was l^^t week with the former's mother Messrs. Clifford HilliardBert^ Alex. in town. Harold and Dr. LeGard. Miss Frivoir, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. G. Sher- , by way of the north shore road to | spent the week end at Mr. W. J. ^^ 7*^ "' J ,T .r.7.Hâ„¢H ' rushed to the Western Hospital, re- M J . North Bay and found the roads good. '^"'' "^ , , . Me«d»'- „d the tourist accemmodation in ce.ved early attention and at last ac The moist weather greatly benefit- piesherton second to none. counts was recovering. ed the raspberry crop, followed as it , ^ p p 3 |(,o|t | j | l lf l r I ftl H H ! T *""»"*'** ' '* **^^> '****»»»'">'»^"»'»1 was with warm sunshine. The yield y ^ _, , x in this district has been more plentiful I K tf>ntflâ€" â€" RlllaAr IWIIIG t than usual. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown and son, Douglas, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Anderson of Toronto visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman |{ and family Miss Emma Harris of Winnipeg, ,$ who hat been visitinir her parents at Caledonia, is spending a week with her alster, Mrs. C. F. Lawrence of, town. ^ I Mn. I. H. Perigoe has returned toj fk« horn* of her daufhter, Mrs. Alb. 1 Stewart, aftre spending the past six. week3 in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perlgoe and family of To-j ronto spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart. GLASS TURPENTINE HANDLES PAINT fiTAPLES Flesherton village council met in the new town hall for the first time on Monday evening last. The mem- bers were all present with the excep- tion of Mr. Wellon. Minutes of last j meeting were read and confirmed. - A letter was read from E. Trempj resigning the position of village j constable. Mr. Jos. Field was ap-| pointed in his place. { A number of accounts were pa.ssed j ^ as follows: H. Freeman, special work ! < on July 1 and 12, $9; E. McKillop. re-| : pairing windows of new hall, S4.25; W. J. Henderson, work on Provincial Highway, building sidewalk, raking stones and work at bridge. S;!8.7.5; John Colgan, work on streets, ST.50 W. J. Henderson, raking stones on County-Pro\'incial street, §10. By-law No. 1*50, striking the rate for the present year, was introduced and passed. The Clerk was instructed to adver- tise for sale the pews acquired with new. town hall, which will be replaced by chairs. The work of the committe appointed to look after the chemical engine was approved. It was found neeassary to purchase a new container for it. as the old one had been rendered useless by cororosion. I THE ONLY CIRCUS COMING TO Flesherton ONE DAY ONLY FRL, A UG. Barnett Bros. Circus 17 :: \£ Rope â€" ^ Binder Twine MACHINE OIL MOTOR OIL AXLE GREASE % ENAMELWARE CHINAWARE TUTO ENAMELS SHOVELS HAY FORKS CUP GREASE CEMENT WIRE FENCE Duncan's Hardware Thonei S4w and 54] !? -An English female labor candidate has committed suicide because she had ill health succeeding her failure at the polls. She was apaprently not of the type of her sex, whose motto is perseverance 'till triumph is achieved. '. V A SHOW OF SUFnE:iELV-3Tu?Er\D0US SURPRISES A f££8LEGS mmm lit ^B^-mmn mtmm There it no mystery about tUs iUyl it is zeaDy so sis^U 'Xfilt& loeif n^jorator ^i fionnect t>% witK c§rt^ TjfaAj l^i^, lis|ed i;^ j|p tfoat pages of your ilxta- tory. If yon do not knpw t^ number, ask "InfOTina- tion-" Xb calling more distant points, ask for^*lrOng Dis- tance". Tell her your tele- phone number, your naps, the city you wish tQ r^c^, the distant telephone E|;(m- ber if you know it. If ^ra do not know it, "Long Dis- tance" will look it up. The operators are always courteous and helpful, and the experience will convert you to the regular use of a service. Why not try it» The World's Largest Popular Priced Amusement Enterprise. t I Admission: Children 30c.. Adults 60c. ^'R. t Show on the Exhibition Grounds V I •:~x~^<~^♦♦•^>^•^<~:"^4-^>^<~>♦•>♦♦♦4^-^<-^♦♦♦♦<•^-^^ BIS I Induction Service I i I THE INDUCTION SERVICE OF THE | Rev. F. Sullivan I f. Will b- held in * 1 ST. Columba United Church I fPRICEVILLE! jThur., Aug. 1 *v at 2 c "Clock p.m. I GARDEN PARTY IN EVENING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS Ball Games, Horseshoe Pitching, Etc. •:• Concert in the Evening With Real Good Talent i •^••^•**»*V*»**»**.*%*%*%^"» • "^ • ♦ • » "^ • • • • • • • * • •^' • • • • • • • • • • • • » • •^••v English Semi Porcelain DINNER WARE special Reduced Prices for August Only 97 Piece Dinner Setts 40 Piece Tea Setts Regular $25.00 Regular $27.S0 Regular $31.50 Regular $35.00 for $22.50 for $24.50 for $27.50 for $31.50 Regular Regular Regular Regular $1100 $8.50 $10.00 $9.50 for $10.00 for $7.65 for $9.00 for $8.55 There are eleven selected designs to choose from in white and ivory bodis. They are from the best patterns: Johnston's, Myott's and Meakin's. .\11 are "Open Stock" patterns, so that you can purchase a full Dinner or Tea Sett, or a single plate or cup and saucer, as you prefer. It you already have some of these patterns and wish to add a few pieces or re- place some broken pieces, we will allow you a Special 10 per cent, discount on our reg^ular prices during August. F. H. W. HICKLING STORi: CLOSED THIRS. at 12 aooa FLESHERTON, ONT.

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