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Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1928, p. 3

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jLrU. -*â€" worship, which th«y chose near th«{ river for the Eak« ot those l;i«traUons| which formed part of the a«rvice. The j audleace conaisted mostly i»f wotrwiitt; â- who Paul when he came, fts was ^ ciiitom, to the place where his own pet-pie worahipped. One of these women we« a remarkable char- tii-Mr.- It vrocld aeem as if she was August «. Les,on VIMâ€" Paul Car- ^^^^ j^^,^ ^^ ^ ^(^ j^ ^^,^ rlet the Gospel Into Europer-Acta jjiriar famed for the manufacture of 16: 9-16. Golden Textâ€" Come over purple dye. Inecriptions have been into Macedonia, and help us. â€" Aota discovore.l in which mention is made 16: 9. of a guild of purple selers. It is prob- ANALYSIS ablo that this woman took her nanne I. THE VISION AT TR0A9, 9-1 1. f^"" *^''i!l?' ?"** ^^r^ m" "\L"T.H _, ,n ,e ed some firm from Lydia. She had II. A CHURCH Wf THE BIVERSIDB, 12-15. evidently joined the Jewish CSiurch, Introductiok â€" The council at Jer- and had become a leading m<Mnber. It nsakm cleared the air, and the way was to be expected that ane of her now lay oren for Paul to make fur- open mind w.>uld be the first to wel- ther adveniurea in missionary work, come the message of Paul. This is But at the outset there ariaes a differ- beautifully described in v. 15, "Whose ence, or "sharp contention," Acts 14: heart the Lord opened." 89. The immediate cause was the un- V. 15. Her household is baptized, willingness of Paul to take Mark who This may have included the slaves had turned back during the first jour- who worked for her, or the hired peo- ney ; but it is possible that behind this ple whom she had with her. It is prob- lay some further reason, and that Paul able that she would select such as were felt that one with full Roman citizen- in sympathy with her religious views, ship like Silas would be more suitable Perhaps the names of some of these for the campaign in heathen territory, are mentioned in Phil. 4 : 2, 3. She in- SUas belonged to the Jerusalem vites Paul and his compamon's to be church, was in high standing and was ber guests. Th'oa far the misaionar- equipped in many ways. At a later ies had fo'lowed their u.-ma! custom A Good Sport New Process Enables Amatuer to Take Color Motion Pictures SKIPPER WHO WON YACHT RACE Captain Barr who prioted the Yacht "Elena" across the Altantlc K> win. away with expensive and detailed aj I find that my internist in natives Jacert cp paddies and !t3 cymmetrl- ... . . "ioes not parmlt me to remain long In cal p'^-jda doaiinaiing the landscape, I . „,y,:^y, „ f., i,„_ i.-^. ,i,„ „^f time he acted as secretary for Peter of supportiTig them.<!elve3 with their 1 the privacy of the "first claas" space, clusters comfortably upon the gi-een I f^^-^-"" «n»-n soiar n_s hep. ir.L a.i and helped considerably in the compo- owr, hands, and of hiring their own | ^^4, ^^ g^j 3^^^^, ^^^^^^ ^.^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^.^ ^^^^ into the river | °»-«^«;;^^J^^ tr^"'ff.\:^:.,.^^ sition of the first letter which. Peter ^ging. Pau Iwoa a tent-m^^^^^ 3^^^^^^ ,^j^ ^^^ ,^ ^ ^^^^ .^^^,j ^^^^,^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^.^^^^^^ ^„d ^^ , DEVELOPED FOR A.vIA.ELRS. '"Th«eten*'"i^iL" frr^\y '^h^^^^ ^1 Ute t^ tSe churcJ'^"phTlI "pi j -^t of contact that the student of my the distance from Rangoon Increases Developed for amateur, at the out^ the wenes of the first campaign In is full of tender feeling, and shows type seeks. On the lower decJc, wlilch they partake less and less of the char- set, the process photographs objects South Galatia, where tliey found the l»ow kind these people murt have been George Eastman Shows Filter Film Which Play? Part of Lena, Producing Delicate Tints â€" ErlLson ar.d See Demonstration Rochester, N.Y. â€" Color photo- Kach filter strip aurnits only '.tx own graphy for motion p lures by a new wior, the emboaiKid dcnseBfiif-jslng and revolutiorary process in which the various c.'.ors and spreading thecv the film itaelf plays the part of a on the emulsii<n a« separate units as camera lens to repdroduce its subject they their^elves are affected thvougfa in perfect and natural color} has juat ths carrera lena. been presented to the world by George ' DeKcate tonea and tints ar« made Eastman, chairman cf the beard of possible automatically by the diffuaioo Eastman Kodak Compjuiy. 'of the primary colors by *h* film The new process, haiic ! henj as leneee. the goal sought by ph>tograph!rs and, pRODfF<; NATURAr mi OB inventors for half a Cintur>, was wit-j *K"i^LfcS NATLKAi, COLOR nessed at its first public showing b3' ! In reproduction, the apparently 19 of the Nation's leading nat'ira! black and white objects are (Kifiieed in scientists and joa-niilists. Kenr.eth the other direction throug'h the em- jrlees, director of the Kodak research bossed lerses, the projector len-* and laboratories, demonstrated an.^ ex- , another filter t» the screen. The re- plained the invention. jsult is perfect and natural color. _ Besides outstripping for perfect re- 1 The processas, according to Mr. p'roduction all known methods of co'.or; Eastman, represents years of atuiy photography, the process also doss and exD«riir.ent in the kodak labor- small Christian coramTinities in • "flourishing state. They choose Tim- othy, a convert of Lystra, as a com- panion, and stj.?t west with the mani- fest purpose of going to Asia, but the Spirit forbids them and they then turn north intending to enter the Province -of Bithynia, where there was a con- siderable population of Jews, but again they are stopped, and they therefore come to Troas, on the Hel- to these missionarins of the cro;s. On the Road to Mandalay RANGOON Scarcely have the sun's rays reveal- ed the Jeweled glory of the great Shwe lesFon^'VhTch is to" "be" the startln'g Dragon's golden crown when the miles atories. It was evolved only after the crincipte of the separate embossed lenses by which colors couid be receiv- ed, set down and rediffused, had b3ea discovered. The amateur "movie" operates will have only to insert a Alter In his ma- chine, thread through a special film, pull a trigger and operate. -â- V-mong those at the first demonstra- tion was Thomaa A. Edison, personal friend of Mr. Eastman and inventor rijit ftr the n<;-w conquests. ! of docks along the yellow river break THE VISION AT THOAS, 9-11. ; into a seething activity that continues V. 9. At this tim3 Macedonia was until well Into the tropic night. As an extensive ^^ixivince including not many craft a.s throng the Huang-pu only Macedonia but Thesaaly, Illyri- at Shanghai or the Hoogly at Calcutta If but a few liicfaes above the water, acter of what we call "civilization," j on amateur-sized tllni wh'ch isi lat«r and about the upper, they squat and and thus become more Interesting, j developed without negative. No color recline and He. these Burmese of the â-  Here and there narrow creeks lead j :s apparent on the film. The cbjacts, Irrawaddy villages, young and old, from the river, and far among the rice j appearing in black and white, a;-e dif- women and children. There are, of fields the sails of native craft are ; fused on the screen by a color lens course, a few Chinese among them; visible, seeming to move mysteriously j and the film itself. 1 and the blonds of the two peoples across the land itself. One longs to The film, according to Dr. Mees, is of motion pictures. Mr. Edison's ia- strongly favor the Chinese, especially navigate some such toylike waterway, embossed with tiny cylindrical lines vention was made possible by Mr. In the case of the women. And there if only to see where it might lead and i placed lengthwise on the surface of Eastman's discovery of flexible film. Is as much difference between the ; what might be at its end. At every 1 the side facing the lens Light is ad- Frederick E. Ives, holder of a Royal Bengalis, among whom I have lately ' riverside village the little steamer j mitted through a three-color filter Photographic S<jciety medal for early spent a few weeks, and the Burmese, ' pauses while some of the passengers striped in green, blue and red, the work in. co'.or photography, was an- as there Is between the two great leave and others promptly take their three primary colors of the spectrum. ! ether guest, cities of Calcutta and Rangoon. i places, to the accompaniment ot much _ ^_ _â€" .^^-_- , cum and Greece. The vision which struggle with the strong tidal cur- Paul receives at Troas was one of the ^^^^^ ^.,j,^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ways in which he obtained divine di- _ ^ ^ ^ n-v. l«ction &r his fsture actions, and he Rangoon water front. The sampan now gets an explanation of the many threads a laborious way through tho hindrances which had been placed in maze o' vessels from all the East and his attempts to go elsewhere. There most of the world, drifting up or down comes over him a great feeling of re- stream with the violent tide faster lief as he realizes that his plans are than It can be propelled acros.s the made clear, and that he is now to seek narrow river. The farKiome liner a new scene for his labors in Mace- tugs at her double moorings as the donia. It was the peace which all a ,„ ^ „, ,, ,j .„„» „ ,„ , . people feel who have been confused ; ^*'°<1 °' }l?\''\°' surges against as to their duties and plans and sud- i ^^^r. And the broad paddle wheels ot denly have all things made clear to â-  * "Jo^^n ""'^er craft splash wildly as them. I tbe Irrawaddy fleet puts off and heads V. 10. It is evident from the way in j for the canal entrance which Is the which the divine agency is mentioned , gateway of the road to Mandalay. thrice in four verses that the author | For myself I have chosen one of the regards this mission as of the first I smaller craft which my 'ricksha man Importance. But the significance of , ^as found .with considerable ditHculty This has been dilTeiently explained..! ,..,._â- ,. .t. _i . . j Some call attention to the geographi- 1 *^ /'^^ turmoil of the river front, and cal importance in that the gospel pass-! ""^'y ^"^1 In time. And once more I es now from Asia to Europe. The ! fi«i*' myself in the not unsatisfactory apostle is row. for the first time, on 1 position of being the sole Europaan the great highway that leads ultimate- ! passenger,' for this Is a little river ly to Rome. Tha church is to be now : boat which touches at many vlUagea planted in Europe, wheh is henceforth through the delta and along the trtbu- to him the preat scene of Christian t^ries of the winding Irrawaddv. She victories. Otho-rs seek for the signifi- ,„ _„, „„iiv„ ,k 7 u 1 " cance not in geography but in th.3i \°°' "°"^f ^" stern-wheeler upon grammar of Acts. The personal pro- j Y^^"^ ^ """^^ ""* Bagdad-Basrah trip noun "wc" now appears, and it is | °°*° "^^ Tigris a few months ago, but suggestive that at this point Luke j there Is no further comparison, for joiiwd the company and now begins this throng of gayly adorned and smll- to describe what he had himself seen, lug Burmese Is as different to the Henceforth we meet this personal grave and silent Arabs as the vivid note in several chapters. | color along the Irrawaddy Is la sharp V 11 Tho sea journey was short I contrast to the dull monotone of the and without any important incident. .,„kio.. ,i„„„ » t^., • ^ ^ . Luke has a liking for geographical i ^'^'','"^" f^'f^-. ^'^"^ '« "^ ^""^'^ °' narrative and he here says that the ' '*'«''' friendship as I walk among course was straight, implying that the ; them, and this is strengthened beyond winds were favorable. Samothrace was • the possibility of a rupture as I buy ai iniportnnt island, where they prob- ' several handfuls of the native sweet- ably rested for the night, while Nea- ' meats for tho bright-eyed children who polis is to be distinguished from the | crowd around me much more famous Naples of Italy. For such Europeans as may chance ^^â- ^^^^'^^^.^^-^^^^^^f^^^^y^-^yto travel by this leisurely and tlm^ V. 12. Paul carries on a mission in „^ „,„„ „ „ ' , "^ three different cities, and most eflfec- J «^"â„¢'°8 '»o'>"« » small space Is pro- tually in Philiopi. This city had been ^'*'®*^ ®° ^'**» "PP'^'' ^^"^^ »' the tip of founded by Philip the great king of I ^^® ^°"^- This, wtth a table and a few Macedonia on the banks of the river I <^balrs, is partitioned off from the rest of "irresponsibility" when it produce^ i bour Irrawaddy steamer, with her long contented faces, bright eyes, ready | wayside tarries during which plenty smiles. Their keen glance.^ follow me of social intercourse Is possible. Is the about the deck as I step carefully , ideal method of travel, among the family groups. Their in- ; As the soft tropical twilight gathers, terest Is avid as I purchase something ' then quickly yields to night while the at the '"canteen." ! blazing stars of the low latitudes find "What is the white mau going to â-  their reflections in the gently flowing buy?" I can fancy them saying to one; river, a conviction comes to me that the gelatine and stir until dissolved, j dd vinegar, sugar and salt. I This aspic may be used with vari- | is combinations, suitable for tomato, • molded separately and placed on lettuce and dressed with, mayonnaise Now We Will Know It Is Impossible not to like these ! chatter, much laughter and nothing Burmese at the very fi -st encounter, resembling haste. Little in existence; vineear -uirir and «alt They are a l!ght-hearte:I folk; always is of less consequence than Ume to the ; _. . ^ .'''*" . - , ' smiling. It seems; always apparently Burmese, doc^cs and calendars hold :, . . TDD' happy. "AS irresponsible as children,-': for him as little signiflcance as to a ^-^"-^^^^^^^^^ K and W To Be Pre- I have heard them called, and U may five-year-old. Haste is merely misdi- 1 , ^ be that they are. But 1 like that sort : reeled energy, and the four-mile-an- Let Us Follow fixed to U.S. .A.niateurs' Call Signals â- Washingtonâ€" Beginning October 1. some 16.000 radio amateurs In the i United States will be required to use Radio Announcers Are Freed the preSx letter "W on their call From the Attacks of ' '*"'"• '° ^^<^<'f<i'^« ^'^th interna. Critics London. â€" British radio announcers tional regulations. All ships, both governmental and commercHa!. must have four call let> another. 'What will he eat? Where there is something to be said for the | ^^^ ^,^^^ suffered much criticism in ters and land stutions must Jiavt Is ha goiflff" Wby is he traveling, the j Burmese viewpoiut. especially when ! ^^^^ ^^ th-ir allei^pd faultv pro- three call letters, only European, on thi.s little boat?" o°e 'S in Burma and leisurly traveling! If I could but talk to them in their the road to Manadalay.â€" (M. T. G. own tongue, the only true means ot Christian Science Monitor. 1 gaining the confidence of au alien j ' *~] people! As a hundred times before; Sunday Evening Supper in nunciation of English are rejoicing Tho International Radiotelegraph . in the publicatiou of the recommenda- . Convention stipulates that stations ' clon of the Advisory Committee on must have call leters designating the I Pronunciation, which was headed by country of their location. The re. i Robert Bridges. Poet Laureate. gulationg of the convention will be- Saliines ! At the same time the CDmmlttee c^me effective January 1. 1929. To I deplore the lack ot universal Ian- : cold Bouillon guage In which all, of whatever nation, j Deviled Eggsâ€" Pickles j felt it necessary to protect its de- enable t"-e radio division ot the De- race or creed, might talk to each other j Shrimp Wiggle j cislons regarili tig certain words from partment of Commerce, the national and thus develop a friendiiaess be- : xomato, Cucumber and Lettuce Salad : assault by the academicians, and «ipervlsory bodr. to put its records yond the possibility ut further misun- • Fresh Fruit Small Cakes Floyd Jones, lecturer on phonetics and 'n order for the other changes, rules Iced Chocolate Flavored a member of the committee, said: "It regarding the call letters have been With Crushed Mint Leaves must not be forgotten that a pronunci- "lado effecrive in this country Octo- Shrimp Wiggle atlon is not bound to be right merely her 1. One and one-half cupfuls ot shrimp, because it appears in a dictiouary; it' The radio officials decided that the found the world over that it rarely ; three-quarters of a quart of sweet appears iu a dictionary because it was ""ree call letters requirement for land falls to find its response. And tha'milk 2 cupfuls of cooked peas, one- ' correct in the view of the lexico- stations is not applicable to broad- Burmese are like the Polynesians in quarter teaspoonful of salt, a dash of' grapher at the time. It is evident casting stations, as the change would that tiey woald tar rather smile than ^.hUe pepper, one-quarter teaspoonful that we are not eatltled to concl-ade ^or'' not. You can go Into a Burtua village, , of paprika, one and one-half table- derstandlng or conflict. However, the smile possesses a sort' of universal significance fa its mani-j testation of kindly Intent, and I have ever, varieties that are acceptable throughout the country and others that are not. No special degree of authority attaches to these recoia- as you can into a Polynesian, com- 1 spoonfuls of butter mence with a broad smile, continue; Heat the milk In a double boiler, with a chuckle, and conclude with ; thicken with flour, wet with cold hearty laughter, and in a few minutes i^rater, add salt, pepper, butter and yon win have old and young about ^ paprika. Cook until of the right con- you merry as school children at re- , sistency, then add shrimps which havo cess. They may not know what It' bgen rinsed In cold water, split and i mendatlons which are primarily In- means â€" Indeed, It may not mean any-i^jave (.h^a intestines removed; then ' tended to S!?cun) some measure of thing â€" but it Is a certain way to e8-|peas. drained and rinsed, and, last, a ' uniformity in the pronunciation of tablish friendly relations. â-  (jagh of autmeg. broadcast English and to procect an- Hare on this little Irrawaddy river Serve on fresh whlto-bread toast , nouncers against critloism.' steamer, making Its leisurely way [ with small points of toast as a gar- 1 Announcers hereafter will therefore a severe hardship on some that there Is one standard pronuncla- broadcasters, who have become wide- Uonâ€" one and only one right way of '>' known and have won prestige with speaking Enclish. There are, how- '-i^flr present four-letter designations.' .\mateurs In the territories and pcssessions of the United States, such as Alaska and the PbllUpplne hlands, havfl been assigned Lho prefix letter "K." The key letters are for tbp put^ pose of identification in case the sta- tious wander from their assigned frcquencits. It is expected that these preSxea also will facilitate identiflca_ tlon when amateurs on different con- along the road to Mandaiay, no one nish, sprinkled with very little pars- pronounce "Celtic" with "d". instead of , tin^nis converse with each other speaks English, or French, or German, ' ley. the three languages In which I am I able to express myself In a more or | less limited fashion. But I have been -4 Tomato Aspio 'k"; and will say ".lo-flcit" iustoad of The key letters of the Canadian "def-lclt" and "airplane" instead of ^inateur are "C" or "VE, " the Cuban One tablespoonful of gelatine, % i cupful of cold water. 1 slice of o^lon. j .t^^^^,^^,. ^^^^ Gangitis. The surix>unding plain was ^ "f the crowded steamer. It one's fea-tile and the neirrhborhood was rich i journey be through the night he must in minerals. Here also was a military provide his own equipment, but he setttement or <>o.ony, consisting of dis- will be undisturbed and quite comfort- 'â- Â» f^r worse linguistic dilemmas, with land had be!>rmade, and w^hTwouW f '^- *'°^^«7'-' 'f,f °' «"=•> ««»â- â€¢Â» '^ \ r^if^fn "" '""' 1,"' ^^.^^""'^ ^'- i 1 stalk of celery (or ^ teaspoonful ot Inspire the native population with res- ^f ""^^ *"»â- >'' *'" ^^ prepared for | tending them as well And so I com-\^^i^^ g^n). 1 xo. 2 can of tomatoes. I pect for the rule of the Empire. Paul '**â„¢ ^^ ^^^ '^'P'* cook on a smaU 1 mence with the children, usually a o tablospoonfuls ot vinegar, 1 table- 1 being himself a Roman citizen was ^tove at the stern "reserved for Euro- , «"re way to the hearts of the elders gpoonful of sugar, %, tablespoonful of speciallv fitted to bring this new gos- peans." Then, too, there Is a "can- ' "n^o^K Oriental folk; and before long ,, ^examples* c * ♦ c- pel of Christ to this class of poople, teen" of sorts where plenty of fruit ' ^^e are all friemis, and I abandon en-j g- j^ jv. Mlatine in cold water i "^tarU with a heavy handicap in,; -afety First and we know from the letter he wrote is procurable, together with a tirely the silly privacy of the "first 'vj, .^a timatoes onion and celery!*'^ favor." When will our Toronto Another of iifos unsolved mpiterlel to this^urch how well he succeeded variety of edibles, some familiar itnd c-^ss" apartment. 1 , " iltr <=,if t„o-'»th«r for flva miii- ^^'^''^''* '"''^'^ ^''*' ^^^ P^P^"" 5'''°" ^^ â„¢''^- *-'*" y°" '»''^« » s^^atter In *\"';3' T^ie Jewf^lrweU^'viSSy ''''"' â- Â»*--"««'>â-  -^sterious. BotUe, I The road to Mandalay. by whatever ' uLinZsSln. There should be ^ i '^^f''"'"; , ''\ , «f "'"^>' -^^^ ^""L''"'*- '\ ?' T"? ^V, \.1J. ine_jcwsnere were evidently ^ypHcally labeled "limonade" are steamer, leads first thmutrh th« '>0- ' :..„,..,. „, ...... P„„ri,„f i„!.p nver^ '^â- ^rds and first-book grammar be the alights on something fragile.-DeUoil "aeroplane." "Dal" must rhymt? with "nil." "Esthetic" Is now "eestheiiv-." Tho "h" is sounded in "humor," aud be used instead of "pa-triot." "The educated speech of London" (of which the foregoing words are concludes Mr. Jones, "starts with a heavy handicap in is "CL" and the Me.xican ' XA." Pre- liTes in other countries are England. "G" and "M"; Spain, "EA"; Italy, â- i'.: Norway, "LA"; Sweden, "SM"; Australia. "VH"; Africa, "ZS"j New /jealand, "ZK"; Argentine, "IjO"; Brazil, "DP." and Chile, "CI." few in number and were unable to first qualification ot their announcers? have a synagojrue for their worshio 'â- Â°Â°'*^<* ^>' * generous supply cf ice. mile canal which conr.ects Rangoon ' •> so that th3 small number of Je\s-s hjS ^^'^ °' Altered water there is enough : with the Irrawaddy. Many a native-! In a small way I am a journalist W hat we are putting up with at pres- to be content with an outdoor place of to provide for everyone on board. j Tillage of thatched huts, with its ad-; myself.â€" Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. j ent is a shame. Free Press. No. Mystery about it, brother; the lly is simply too fly for you. MUTT AND JEFFâ€" Bud Fisher For the Love of Mike, Can You Blame Jeff? J€FF, tVe 6or A G(»€AT lOeA'. iP THe LANbL^b'Y Puts US our.Foft cReATiNS A D»5TvjRB*V>Jce â- sHe c/>»»'T i-ceec* OU» T(»V)WK FOft BACK (icmt; PnjT 0% o<jX Fcft c(ee.<>riMC a t>i%ruRQAt>:ce, T<E£ tiee Fo« ^.\C-'. HS ?(.ANi so QCAsjTlfVUI-^; ^ •7' '' "7 ;';â- '. BKiBiB>aE£SS&attS --â€" r L -^ E- T?*" .â€"â-  » -'r-*- »-. W*-

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