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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1928, p. 6

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crr- An Eskimo Murder Trial Suddenlr ha KMped, choking crlei burst from his lips, and, staggering Into the centre of the ring, he mo- tioned to me to stand noar him. The Impression on the audience was im- A quiver iv-ssed through the uudl-'mense; their shaman really was In- ence- at last li« truth about the mur- spired by a white mans spirit, for fler would be revealed. The choking how else could ho understand and cries of Knife, the Eskimo medicine converse with me T .^oj'h'n he ceased man. wtao was conducting the seance,; his gibberish and In »»'<"">'> 'f*^'" Bare place to wild gibberish. His pronounced that It was a white man father who stood near by, told the In a far-dl.Unt counfy who had natives that thU was the white man's caused the young »" • ^w'^; ">« language. But Knife was less hysteri- faith that moves mounUln. was not 11° than he appeared. Ho looked at! stronger than their conviction of my the accused white man beside him and : Innocence. Jabbered slgnlHcantly. The white j All this time Cockeny had been man whoso wiu were quick, answered : viewing our antics with the greatest with the first t^ords of Latin that alarm. Knife held me hypnotUed. came Into his headâ€" "Quadrepedante | he believed, and the tense faces of putrem sonitu Quatlt ungala compum." ' the audience turned In my direction ••Pamakalawlllnllltoolooka." respond- made him d'e««J /onje ountoward In- . .. ,- cident. He dared not abandon me to * . , ., „ „„!my peril while he warned our com- Then the white mans Latin K»ve ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ g„ he continued the meaningless »^ „,„,i,„, ,„„trv. A Sport All Could Enter 1 stood, like a vigilant sentry, prepared I to leap to my rescue and battle out and he conversation In French. Diamond Jenness, who was this j^g^j^gj ^^^ overwhelming odds the white man. tells In Ms book. "The (^p^g^j {j,g ^jjjgtig g^unded. People of the Twilight" (Macmlllan), , ,j.^^ seance lasted about two hours, of hlB life among the Eskimos. In ;^jjj contained several minor Incidents 1914. 1915 and 1918 he. with other ,„ ^hlch I played a leading role, white explorers and scientists, lived . knife's audience was In the mood to among these people about Coronation g^^ju ^„y deception, and he was too Oulf, on the extreme northern coast j gj^^^^^ ^^ j^^g jjjg opportunity. At of the Canadian mainland. Fishing. I^^g Btage he led his first wife Into sailing, hunting the caribou had taken ^^^g ^j^g ^^ execute a "white man's" up much of their time, and study of ,.ggi^ ^ j^j^j ^j square dance they had the Eskimos had progressed well, jig^^ned at Great Bear Lake; and In Many frlendK had been made among jjjg ^^j gibberish, made Intelligible the natives, and, we read: i^q me by signs, he bade me summon Nothing disturbed the harmony of Cockney to join hands with the our relations until some natives from younger wife. the seltleniont near the Linton nnd i The performance ended at last, and Sutton iBlauds repored that one of the people began to disperse to their Ihe'.r young men had died a short time huts. Cockney, who was among the before, and openly accused me of his first to vanish, hastened to the station murder. They could not charge me to describe my abnormal behavior and â- with physical violence, for I was a | organize a strong party that would hundred miles away on the Copper- bring me safely home. But before he mine River at the time of his de-'bad finished his narrative, I myself cease: but they said that 1 had stolen 'arrived on the scene, and offered a hU soul by magic, and deliberately ^ more reasonable explanation of my withhold It until his body pined away conduct. and died. Foslish as this accusation I After his good name had been re- eeemed, we could not blind ourservcs â-  stored among the natives, a plan for to Its seiiousness. The Eskimos knew even more Intensive study of Eskimo nothing of our law or of the police, lite occurred to Mr. Jenness. He ac- Thelr own penalty for murder was cordlngly left his white associates Bssassination, unless the relatives of and went oft for the summer hunting the dead man agreed to accept a heavy | season with a group of related faml- OA let on Stats *s. AQILE CHAIVIPION AT THE "AMPHIBIAN RODECT „ ^,. ^ A^el^ Camp The Pride of San Joaquin, with a leap of 3 feet and G Incbee, won' the "Amphibian Rodeo, held m Amge« Calif., with flfty-one frogs Jumping and many spectators cheering fbetio. on Inaet, the winner. Quick Recovery tlflc researches of the Carnegie En- 17-,^, ^^ 1U,«.JJ U/^., dowment constitute the largest at- rrOm VVOria TTCUTi tempt that has ever been made to answer the question: "What does war Professor Shotwell Finds Eco- "'^'"^'y <^° ,^, 'Kr°lT^'lZ''Tll â€" . _ ... of modern living? The answer is an emphatic negative so far as war Is concerned, but It has to recognize at Dr. Shotwell said that (he scien- beginning tAC AulCl nomic Gain Surprising in Europe and America Made Carnegie Research "The economic recovery from the blodd-pjrlce. They might not have lies. Ikpuck. already mentioned, and World War is a more surprising his- dnred to apply this penalty to me, be- Icehouse, his wife, had, we learn, torlcal fact than the World War lUelf, therefore, must remain a moral one. Licht Papers In my spare hours I wa« trying joumallam of another kind and tend- ing It to London, but nearly elsbtcen months elapsed before there came to ,. â€" -_ _ _ime. as unlocked tor as a telesram, the same Ume that modem civilization | ^^^^ thought that there was something has acquired a capacity '°';.*^|"«';i quaint about my naUve place. ... A ment and an economic strength which "* are almost Incalculable. The funda- menUl attack upon the war system Eoropean arefaiteeta aometlmerf aeemfl to be more aettralr vagigti with arehiteetnnil «Dettloti* (hat dir' •etlf eoneera New Tork kait Chleagcif (hafi are am own dtr plaaner*. Thar* U tlM AtimltttB* h» O ui fc iMla r, M example, In his arcMteetitfsl maf»> line, Bi^pftt NoaTean, h« Migfastv startltnc iralldln«s to aeffa »•* Jn^ posea and also to abf iat« eoAsestion of tha atreeta. Not tor hJm the oM Oreak onaatkin at the ratattra oarM of tiM baav'Jftil and the coo<,r Beauty iBWt ba logical. Henea hi* adaf* tlba ot <ba maeblne and tta teaktai Ma and wkeeUs the verr «B*odl< IDMU of gaomatrlo tfitmmef and matliematlcal loelo. A dwaHtBC nmal larra tta pDrpo8« aa admtratey aa aa engine. To balld It in Um mtbubtt and therefore to be oompalled t» trarel to the city and back erery Aat^ â€"can amch Illogicality ba eseaiaed la thia mechanically logical eentnryT L.O Corbusler anawara by advoeatf Ing eren denaar populations and a far< ther ezptottatioft of the skyscraper. If We o*n work on the thirtieth floor. We can also live tJwere and even hl«hf er, he reasona. Ho bruahee aalde the argument that one Inhales a imW enersr In th« doat-free air at the trA' urt)S. DnstT There Is none abore the aerenth atory. Working and Ut- tng In the same towering atructnre becomes a more matter of stratlfica' tk>n. We work In offices and shops np to t*e twentieth story, let ns say; we Uto from the twentieth to he fif- tieth. Our dwellings are the peaks ol architectural nxaases where winda, nB« contaminated by whirling Attsl and the odors of the atreets, bkxw as frea- ly aa In the open, and whara roof gar- dena save as the phyateal offort ol descending to the groand to waadel In graaay parka. And what ot congestion In the streeta, ronght a.t>ont by tUa piling ot more and mx>re stories upon one an- other and packing them with hnmaa' ItyT lie Corbusler meets the Isaoe aqoarely. Build skyscrapen on 2* foot stilts of steel and conci«Ce! The French arcUtect Ferret has made a slmtlar anggestion. and so has the German, Blrkenhola, whose globular few days afterwards I sent my mother 1 1,^,,^^ ^^ pjjgg ^^g o^^ of the aenaa- a London evening paper with an ar-Lj^^^ ^^ y^^ r>re8dea Clty-PUumhia tide entitled, "An Auld Ucht Com- j j^p^^j^j^j^^ ^^ o^g, ^ trafflo prob- munlty," and they told me that when .^^^ disappear. Bury gaa mains. cause trading would cease Imraedi- (adopted the author into their own and Is In many ways a more Important for the one Irreparable destruction Is ' ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^j^^ j^^j^jj^jljg. I ems **W»^"- '^.* j ^ caf _.„!,. „„.t _ „ll 1 „».... ™„l,„ »»~ll.. -- n.„l. .„„ rr»,„ ..o...»lv.> „«- " TKIo eiK-nrlcIno' stnlomenr was In human llfp itRelf. wIth thC COUSe- "^ .,., j ,, ,_ ! WaiOr pipes anu Beworai iiW vu. ately and my well-armed party make family, as their son. The narrative one." This surprising statement was in human life iUelf, with the conse- woiild happen. Certainly It was not includes many human touches. Thus: reprisals. But no one could say what { I lay back among the caribou skins safe for me to wander In and out after supper, using my sleeping-bag of their hut.s as freely as before; some for a cushion, and listened to Ikpuck's hotheaded Individual might forget 'account of our day's adventures. A discretion and stab me in the back as | careless movement of my foot upset I crawled through a lov/ doorway. In pplte of thfc preponderating senti- ment against mo, a few ot my Eskimo friends Btlll believed In my Innocence, cause there was something droll to ^^j^ ^^j, ^^ ^^^^ additional eri- her in the sight of the words Auld Licht in print . . . but let the truth made in an Interview by Professor quent retrogression In moral outlook. James T. Shotwell, Director of the | Two new volumes have just appear- ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Division ot Economics and History of ed In the vast collection of the eco- ^^"0^*" w'h&a' she read that first ar- the Carnegie Endowment for Inter- nomIc history of the World War which ^^^^^ ^^^ became alarmed, and fearing national Peace. In discussing re- Dr. Shotwell Is dlrecnng, dealing with ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ searches he has been conducting ever , the effect ot the war upon Norway and ^^^^ ^jj ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^jj^^. ward, while I proudly pictured her a teacup, emptying Its contents Into since the war ended as to Its economic ' Denmark. An exhaustive series "V^^^^ _ ^ ^ one of our best robes. Icehouse ! effects In all the European countries J monographs on Sweden appeared some ! ^"j^^'^'j^^" ^j^j^ and "sTmllar articles to sprang up Indignantly. "You miser- 1 and the United States. ' ' '- -' " i..".o= „ . , time ago. A study of these volumes ^,j ^^^^ j^,^ ^^ ^j^^^^^^j ,^ ^,^ ^j^^ ^„ ...^..w= n.... „^..„,„u ... ..,, .uuuv;«..v«, able wretch!" she exclaimed. "Do you Dr. Shotwell pointed out that the, shows how deeply the neutral nations , ^^^^^^^jj^^ ^^^^ fearfully in a hand- and sought for f.n Influential medl- 1 think you are lying on sealskins? See war Itself had not quite taken Europe , were involved in the blockade a"" kqx onthe garret stair. And she want dence ot oar InablUty to think ts terms of practlical engbtsertng. Carry the condoits In the air, be admontshaa^ Suspend these retns and arteries of a ctty from the stilts, so that repairing a drain need no kinger be a major operation conducted tn the atreets. To soeh a reToIutionlrt our house- hold famltnre ts an anadironlsm. Blephantln« armchaira and davea- cine-man who could unravel the mys-lwhat you have done. You have ruin- 1 by surprise. It had been long antlcl- economic struggle of the war. tery of the young man's death. Knife's je^ o"'' best robe." I cast an apolo- , pated and prepared for. But as the | In almost everything except the box onthe garret stair. Ana sue want-, ^^ ^^^^^^^ t^^„ 1^4^ ed to k^ow by return post vvhether l\^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ t^, Luiiooi-- --- - I,- ^--.r â€" 1 ,j w . 1 was paid for these articles Just as I * _^,„, ,_j ,v. „l«»h.i» .^ arrival was well timed, for no medl-jgetlc look at Ikpuck, who sat In the war progressed there were no eoo- actual fighting In the field the neutral ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ articles; when she'*"^' w>. 1„Z^. ^r^^rtJTl cinnman In the district enjoyed great- opposite corner. A faint smile flicker- nomlsts or serious thinkers anywhere | countries of Europe parUcIpated like ^^^^^ ^^^^ , ^^^ j^,^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ frigerator, ^)th '"~*f. ^?l'°«;**,' er prestige. The familiar spirits of led over his face, and his left eye gavo m any land who had any glimpses of 1 belligerents. Norway's shipping, its i^ughed again and had them out ot PlaJ^alaf' So ^ 'j^'^'^*^ '""T which he was the mouthpiece spoke > perceptible wink. Poor Ikpuck. Ice- the rapidity of recovery from the ap- supplying of fish and Its oversea com- ^^^ bandbox for rereading, and it can- "f*** '^''rT, *' *w7^ h^^i.! not be denied that she thousht the his own fashion. His chalra, tableau wnicii no was ino mouinpiece spoKe " i»on,ci,i.iuio n.».n.. » v.«, ...i,,..,... .^^ ,1^0 rupiuii./ ui ictmci/ nu.n mc -i- .'â- '•ffj â€" «» â€" -â€" infallible truth, and whether they pro- house Intercepted tho wink, nnd, trans- ' palling catastrophe. He said: |merce were practically taken over by ^^^ ^^ ^^,^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ „.„„»x.. ^- . ^ i^t f, f 4 m,»_.ti nounced me Innocent or guilty the fe"'nB her wrath, heatedly upbraided j "The results of the economic bui^ j Great Britain and the economic ^his- ^0^^^,^ ^^Ij^^ ^ g^^ j^Ho^ but aUght- J ^^â- â€¢_ „J5^f .„ J'"„„^^ V^ ^^ verdict would carry credence every- him for his indifference, while tho old Ley which the Carnegie Endowment tory of Norway determined from Lon- |y g^j^ cubes, prtffis and cylinders. Yet thera whore. I man silently hung his head. Butherlhas been making In the different | don, Sweden, lying between Germany |- j^^^ ^y m^fb^r might hare been '» engtneertn* and archltectnal Palalyak returned from the 8now-|anger gave way to laughter as she European countries indicate a degree and Russia, offered a much more dlffl- discovered. In answer to certain ex-|j^t^^ ^^ '^'* seeming madaees. huts on the beach one evening and I helped me to scoop up the tea, and " ' * " .~ . whispered in my ear that Knife was the incident became only a standing In the dance-house preparing to hold bis investigation. I calculated the chances quickly. Knife knew that I spoke his languaKe. and It was not in Eskimo nature to accoae a man of joke. During a blustering snow-storm that swirled and eddied about the camp for thirty-six hours, we read on: The wretched windbreaks behind murder to hU face. Moreover he wasiwhich the Eskimos crouched for shel- crafty, and would consult his own In- ter blow down In fire minutes. My terests before anything else. At the tent alone stood firm. It was admlr- present moment he sorely needed am- ably adapted for one man, but a trifle munition and other goods that I could small when Ikpuck and Icehouse supply. Would he aare to name me shared It with me, as they did from guilty to my face? I decided to at- myself. The people had ceased dancing when I entered the hut and were whlllng tend his seance and hoar the verdict away the nion-.euts by singing without tho drum. Uaif of them were drawn up In a circle; the remainder formed knots of two and three In the bsckground. Over in one corner stood Cockney, our Cngllsh cook, who had been quietly watching the perform- ance.s He did not know that I was accused of murder, or that anything more was In progress than an ordin of recovery which shows that modem cult problem and the effort of Eng- ^j^^^ \etteTi. flinging the bundle of,H^ «eoB»tric household is curiously society Is capable of standing eco- land to check the shipment of Its ores y^j^^^^j g^^^g jr^^ u„ ,jp^ ^^^ "go- •«"*oâ„¢'**l and practical. Its fan- nomic destruction far beyond what to Germany was the cause ot Tery ,^g ,^ j^^ literature"; she was rack-|tastio furniture Ukes up Uttle spaoek anyone had thought possible In 1914, serious disputes. i^g ^^^ brains, by request, for memo^.It sor^ss Its purpose, and. what la ^ -- -- -- ' ies I might convert into articles, and •wn ««>'• »«»I>of'»'»» '0 [?â-º ^••*»«« now until autumn. Small or not, it was the only shelter that presented Itself. While the men were building low walls of snow-blocks, and rooflng them with sticks and skins Into the semblance ot dwellings, the women and children huddled Inside my tent, one on top of another, and on top of Ikpuck and me, until the bllzsard outside would have seemed a sephyr had we been able to reach It. But the door was blocked by a solid wall of humanity encased in fur, and the back of the tent was sewn to the floor-strips. Like bees in the centre or even in 1919. Europe had natur- ally suffered enormous losses, and yet In spite of all the destruction of prop- erty the standard of living of the working class Is higher now In most European countries than It was in 1914. "This does not mean that all classes have been able to hold their own, but WUd Animals We Have Met they came to me in letters which she'" attunes us to the orderttness pred- Musca domestlca. otherwise known ' dictated to my sisters. How well I , slon and rtiythm of the new beauty as the house fly. j could hear her saying the lines: -Bui that he sees to the macitne,â€" Hdtt«> The honao fly, children, la easily the edltoi>roan will never stand that. 1*1 la New York Tlmea. domesticated and makes an excellent it's perfect blethers."â€" "By thta post pet In the pantry. It must go, I tell you; we mnsk take However, the house fly baa a habit , the editor when he's hungry â€" ^wa can- of wandering out of the house at na be blamed for it, can weT Iia prists ary dance, and It seemed wiser not of a hanging awarm, we almost sut to enlighten him. Knife himself sat focatod; but we were warm, on the sleeping platform, paying no hned to what wont on around him; but be glanced at me furtively when I entered and looked a trifle discon- certed. The singing continued but a few minutes longer, when the Impatient audience entrnated Knife to summon his familiar splriu. Ha sat now with closed ey»B, half dosing as It seemed. Eaay To Build An outdoor fireplace that Is vary simple to build an dthat does not splU the working cUss has definitely im- 1 times. Frequently It ia captured by them ot his own tree will, so the vita the coffee onto the flams at tha cnh proved ite wage standard and condl- the municipal fly catcher and the , Is his."â€" "But I'm near terrtfied. If | olal moment nor yet smotbar tha tlons ol living. This Improvement Is owner Is hailed Into court. FVsr this London folk reads thsm we're dona blase la described by A. Neaty Hall bt not caused by the war, but has hai>- 1 fgi^goQ^ jqu should not delay In put-! for." And I was sounded as to the ad- j the July Issue ot ^'Ohtld Litta Maga< pened in spite of the war. All ot ttog up your screen windows. { visabllity ot sending him a present ot ', line. which shows that there are forces at work In modern Industry which are revolutlonlnzing the basis of living. "The causes for the Improvement He In Improved business methods. In ' bucjcgt of salad. scientific management, mass produc- Tho first open-air ^»,„, ,,„>.>.- -. , . tlon and an Increased technical skill, meg bas been announoed tor Aug. 1. shouUng 'Hurrah!" You may also plo- ' pan.. Iron bare or lengtha ot pipe All of this has taken place with very , p^gg will be there fro mall parts of ! ture the editor tn his office thinking may be placed across the wMa and ta. Ot oourae, when fly fanciers go on a lippie of shortbread, which was to I "Die np iraaa sods to torm a ftra picnics, they prefer to take their own | be her crafty way ot galtlns round pit tour inches wide at ona end and flies with them. They can easily be him. By this time, though my mother | twelve Inches wide at the other end. transported tn a Jar of Jam or ajand I were hundred ot mllaa apart,! and plaea the sods, tnvertad, at the you may picture ua waving our hands Isldea of tha ptt« Tha narrow aad ot convention of, to each other aorosa country, and this ttreplaoa will support a trying Bfflclonoy expert aaya 4,000 tons of coal are wasted per year In blowln* railroad locomotive whlatlea. But not alto«eth«r wasted. Think of all the auto wrecking companlea that would go out ot business if there were no whistles to Inspire reckleso drivers at level crossings. little regard to politics and much ot the country. { he waa behaving like a shrewd man ot It In spite ot the most reactionary BifortB are now being made to business, and unconscious thai up In and uneconomical political programs, ggoure the attendance of aa many the north there waa an elderly tad7 The queatlon whether it will continue baldheaded men aa poaalbla at this chuckling so much at bim that sha or how much It may be counted upon event, ao that the files may go roller could acaroely scrape the potatoaa/-< la one which any htatorlan would ba very alow to anawer. In view of tho mtatakes which have been made in all previous guesses as to tha capacity skatlns. There la even aome talk ot holdtnc a "Be Kind to Filea" Weak, first Knut â€" "I told her there was a Second Dltt(v^ capacity to pay ahowa that the woriai-wnai oia sno sayi 'She naked If I la still upon the upward course." Ihad been an only child." ot European ctvlllaatlon, but Mr. Oll- bert's optlmlatic report ot Germany's tool In every family." Secoi capacity to pay shows that the world | "What did she say?" "She James vie.' M. Barrle, tn "Margaret OgtV Italian flrm has presented Mus- aolini with a handsome new automo- bllOL II Duoe'a fooe, no doubt, hope he will try to drive down main street la Venice. i " support pots and kettles, or a cranak" â-  ♦- Sauce For tha Qooaa. There was another man who wa% hen-peokad. Hla wifs cornered him one day and aald) "I'm sick and tired ot heartng you refer to tha oar as your car. Harei after I want you to call It our oar. I've got a half Intereat In everything yoi^ own." That night he said to her. "Pleaaa, won't yon patch our pants?" «

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