WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20, 1628 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TB /ift liUt^^M^^ Sound and Strong The business of The Bank of Toronto has a successful record of over 72 years behind it. De- . positors choose this Bank be- cause they know it is sound and strong. We invite you to make use of our facilities at any of our branch offices in Canada. It is your Bank. Dundalk Young Lady Won Oratorical Contest on the "Co-Operative Sys'em of Mar- I etingr-" Owing to the kck of space \v£ will withold synopsis of his fine address until next eek. A motion by Miss Mcphailâ€" F. R. Oliv r. that this meeting go on record i i favor of livo stck contract m(.rketing was unanimously carried. 830 'â- BKNMORONlO MARKDALEâ€" W. L. Youne. Manager FEVERSHAMâ€" C. H. Smith. Manairar. The uiatorical contest for group No. 1 of the Young People's Presby- tery, which was h:-ld in the United Church, Flfshcrton on Friday even- Officers elested are: injf. June 15th, and which was won President and Riding Di.ictor, R by Miss Mary Lockhait of Dundalk. Aitcheson. was a decided success in every part- Vice-Pres.â€" Mrs. R. La-, -on, icular. Eight young people entered Pics. UFYPOâ€" Jos. Cm -hley. I the contest and addresses of every Stcy Treas.â€" Harold McIIechnie â- crc- of them were excptoinaliy pood. Township Directors:- I and it wag with difficulty that the I judges arrived at a decision. The I following were the contestants: Miss- â- ^ Mary Lockhart. Hazel Walden, . n-.c'.yn Watson, Irene Martin, Cora 1 McFadden, Emmeline Ritchie, and { Messrs Gurfell Spencer and Alson j Hoffman. I The young people were allowed to choose their own subjects, but most of them dealt with some phase of 1 giowth and development of the Dom- I inion of Canada. Miss Lockhart will compete with the champion of the Sullivan: J. L. Levibke; Bentinck, R. Lnw-ror; Nornunby. Don Mcll- vride; Egremont W.-H. Hunte:; Glen- clg, Geo. Campbei'.: Holland. Russel (lalbraith; Proton Arch. Russell; Ar- temcsia Chas. Bolg- d; Euphrasia, A. E. Elli?. Sideliner's Notes will try and take a win from the Maxwell team, ho have not been de- ! feated yet; also Rock Mills and Kim- berley will compete that day, then on Saturday evening in the Park, Vandeleur and Onwards will stage a game. Ceylon are finding it hard to get up a team so Flesheiton No. 2 team are organizing to take Ceylon's place, so from now on Flesherton will have two teams in the league. If any team called to play and failed to appear unless the game be called off by the managr, the team failing to appear forfeits right ol ASSAULT , CHARGE DISMISSED In dismiMing the assult charge a- gainst Trustee Mayes of Killyeagh School Section, Innisfil. for forcibly ejecting a boy for incorrigibility, Mag istrate Jeffs of Barrie ruled that (1) a teacher whose authority has been openly defied and flouted has the right to order the offender to leave the premises; (2) when defied ns to her order to leave, she may use force to compel the obedience of her order; (3) when forcibly resisted beyond the physical ability to affect her purpose game and the other team is credited she may call for assistance to effect with a win. j the same. The answer to all these â- â- ' â- â- ' questions must be obvious to anyone. The annual district meeting of the If then the party assisting uses no Women's Institute and the Board of more force than is reasonably requir- Agricultuie will be held in Maxwell ed to effect the lawful purpose, there onThursday, June 21.«!t at l.HO p.m. can be no assault.â€" Stayner Sun. The Centre G.ey Baseball League staited off last week with a bang other three groups of the Presbytery when Kimberlev won from Markdale at the Final Rally, which will be held in Mirkdale, early in August. The judges were Rev. S. G. Mc- Cormack, Miss M. Muir and Mijs E. Thompson. Rev. R. A. Spencer gave a short address and Miss Judith St. John (rave a reading. Mr. Howard I. Grahrm, convener for the Presbytery, presided. SELECT "Investigate before invc-iting" is a in a hotly conte=ted game to the tune of 14-1.';. There was heavy hitting on both sides, also many errors that will be corrected before the season is very far advanced. Murph Mercer was on the mound for Markdale and pitched a vejy good game after being out of the game for several years and w£s opposed by Elmer Ellis for Kim- berley, the south paw king. There was a good crowd out to witness the contest, which was exciting from be- girning to end. Markdale goes to Dundalk on Wed- eood slogjrr, and where can it be i nesday afternoon and should give the more profitably applied than when j ^reen socks in the southern metropolis THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Ciculation over HOC, Price in Canada, |2.00 per year when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. Editor. Suffered Broken Leg W. H. THURSTON, J. THURSTON Asst. Editor ADORM.NG THE WARDENS Meeting at London, thi- Middlesex County Councillors have resoU-ed to clothe their Wanlen in a gown of brilliant red hue. Not to be outdone Elgin County Council have decked their Waiden out in a similar gar- ment 1 nd have al^o placed a chain of office about hi- rnk. Disguise the matter as we will, it seems that the genus male, the world over, is just a' fond of adornment as is the fair sex, and we are not surprised that these County Council heads ..ii' walk- ing around in their new "glad rags" with heads erect and chest thrown forward, looking as if half the town- ships were theirs in fee simple. We may yet have th? Waiden of Grey similarly decorated. i Miss Tillie Hewitt of the Meaiard i Road suffeied a very bad accident on Sunday evening when she had her leg broken just below the thigh. While putting down the bJrs in the fence to lUow the cows to enter the barnyard one of them became too eager to get through, and jumped over the bars, ; nocking Miss Hewitt down with the above distastrous result. She lay in the rain for a couple of hours before she was found and medical attention was then secured. Tusday afternoon she was taken to the Durham hospital where she will be confined for the three months recuperating from her injuries. Miss Hewitt's many friends svmnathi7P with her in her misfortune and wish her a speedy recovery. f III ii m ii w i you are chooring your life's occu- pation? If you are contemplating a Busi- ness Course "select" which literally means to choose your school. Two things then are essential-the standard of your graduation a.nd the position you will obtain after graduation. If I were to offer you. a free course, and you could obtain a better course elsewhere but by an expenditure of ?1000, you would save money or be money ahead at the end of three years: through the salary you would comm.'nd by choosing the other school. a run for their money. The baseball season opens in Flesh- erton on Thursday afternoon when the local club entertains the champ- ions of 1927. and hope to be able to make them smell defeat. The game is cheduled to start at 3.00 p.m. sharp 1 so let everybody be on hand for the opener. Owing to a ruling in the League Kimberley will be unable to have the famous Alonzo Smith of Rocklyn on their line-up this year as he is play- ing with Meaford in the Owen Sound City League of which Meaford is an I entry. This weakens the team in Margart Meek, Alton, and Mime 1 Pitching talent to a certain extent as Giaham, Arthur (both gold medal- he was always available for duty if ists) 'took position in Toronto last the regular weakend. Additional Local Items EDITORIAL NOTES The greaterJIistener over the telephone with ha'i wife, been .St. John's United Church Garden | Party will be held on July 2:-.d at ' the home of F. H. W. Hickling. Full paticulars later. Mr. and Mrs. Dswson Gordon and family of Warehjm and Miss Gertie Gordon of Toronto spent Saturday j with Mr. and Mrs. Roht. McMaster. Messrs. Orloff Howder and Russell | were sucecssful in their Arts examin- i ations at Toronto Univc-sity, thp re- ports coming out on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. V.'ilson nd daugh- week. Margaret Meek left us with her srold pin in typing (64), and shorthand 1-10 words per minute. With such qualifications shs will lommjnd a .sal- I ary of $1500 per annum before the i end of the ensuing year The time it took this youns lady I to complete her course was almost a record considering that she carried on her own profession (music) at the same time All the teams in the Centre Grey League look now as if they were fairly evenly matched in taler.t. with Kim- berley a little the better in batting strength. C. G. Softball League j On Wednef.iay night, last. Rock iMfils took Flesherton's No. 1 team iu- ] to camp by the score of 10-22. then Wellar Business College. Orangeville, 'on Saturday night Maxwell wan from C. L. WELLAR. ,the Onwards. 21-9. Home runs were knocked out by L. Rjdley, 2: I. Tunr- er, K. Betts, F. Seeley; ." Has hit.^ U.F.O. Annual Meetings * * ' tor. Pearl, and Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh The wise preacher is now cutting and two daughters of St. Catharines down his sermon to a quarter of an spent a few days th? past week with hour or twenty minutes. the former's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. W. (i. Acheson, Dun- The town of Durham has its new .j^n^^ announc:- the engagement of post office open, but the pomp and their daughter, Flossie, to Mr. Wilfred E. Inkster, son of Mr. and Mis. W. S. by K. Betts. 2-base hits by Milly Ferris, Bob Phillips, Mooley Sled, The combined annual meetings of Harry Pedlar ard Mabel Watters. Tho tbp n.F.O. Political Association and sramer scheduled for this wr"k are as Co-Operotivp Co. were held in Price- follows: Tuesday night :' English ville on June 9th in the former Meth-Cb'.rch Garden Party MnxwU. Rock odist chuich. There was a good at- Mills will play at Maxwell h^ ^ at Mr.' j t"rd!ince from the variou parts ofRing's. On Wednesday nip't in the I the riding, the building being filled Fleshertori Kimbe-ley and Flosh- 1 to thj doors. erton No. 2 tr-n will play t' '-ii fir.". I Tho snr iker of the day was H. A. game. On Friday at U.P. O. picnic j Gilroy who fluently went into details at Lever's Grove. Victorir Corners ceremony was absent. It nearly be- came another Toronto Union Station. There is an agitation on foot to Inkster, Flesherton, the marriage to take place on Wednewlay, June 27thr Mr. W. A. Armstrong entered the have a set date for Easter each yr. Toronto General Hospital the firsfof No doubt th fair sei would welcome a guamtee of fair wrather. * * * " Sii Robert Perks, the great British contractor, who at on:- time rxpro-i- oil willingness to build the (Jenrgiar Bay canal using Lako Nipissing 'nd the Ottawa River has reached the conrl»"ion that tho tunnel urdcr the chann« '. Iwtween Rr'tiiin and Fiance will not be built until iiMvei.inl r'"»C'> 1.1 gu rnteed. Sir Robert in his d •- laration, is less of an "ntimi ,' than (« his wont but he Is nrohjihlv ror: â- !?t. Besides when triive;|->r« wish to rro«is the channiol without bninc n>"\ sick they ran tifce a ticket on an aeroplane. the week to undergo ,in operation on Monday. Mr. Aimstrong came out of the anaesthetic satisfactorily and it is hoped that the oporati<)n was a success and thiit the sufferer v.Mll en- joy good health again. I A musical treat is in store for the |)pople of Flesherton and virinily on Saturd y afternoon June .'iOtli, when the Eail.scourt Salvation Army silver band (if Toronto of fifty piece.- wi'.l 1 ndcr a rumher of selections on the Market .Snunre. Th muiicians ex- pxpect to arrive in Flc^htrlon n about ^:nO p.m. It Willi be a tuf.' to hear thin band. I Rev. J. C. Baker, accompanied by THE NEW anizing In Markdale New Proven Method All Work Guarnteed • * • a friend, Rev. M. P. Zook, motoiod i In " rec-nt nVI-o- 1 â- •) r'^,,],,,,! over from Soattli>. Wai^h. '.nd vi:dtcd Field Marsh H Sir Wi1|iii*n Rnhortson •^"'t'^ Mrs. W. Si;nmons and family gave uttri-pnce to n «:,... ,-,\y]^u ».,- of the fourth line. M'. BsVt hnv- made « piiifound lmT>-'>«»to«. Wnr; Ir.g spent over n yen. with Mr. Sim- he Herlared. is n f>itl1*» "id "whol'v mons when quite was very detct'blc thir-- nl^-r. â- • ic ..>» r..,(»n pleased to call P'rnlr. Th"y •\'n a« dl<«Tstrous tn vlrto»-s n% fo van- •"an "vor to Clar.'<sburg. where Mr. nuish"'! , Mn*" w no' -nv" ndded Baker renewed r!d n-'qu intnn^cs th'i fnmo"i RritMi w- • v.„»~,. "that ""fl viewed with much interest the jf ()ip 'iitilitv of \v •• we-' ->o-'> ">"- seer"' of his hovhood days, which niiiontly emt^hnslr-d hv ni|itic«l were spent near Clarksburg. This is leaders and ^h" desire for peace with- t*>e second time Mr. Bakei hai nv-.t- in roB-onnMo limits, more cnrflf,,!) • ader east since settling in the States no.i''shed fh«> '««fenro of th«> Kmpir" '»"'• *»'* "^any friend", were ple-.sed W^nld 'onn hooom" »-â- e-i^tpr task." '" "•'<' *>>"i ""<'<> again. Onnndian ilniroeii nhould find food for teflectlon in this «ugg«tlon. Th* Harriston band will supply the craze for war it never witrt«nt«d. We liave in.stalled the newest and ap- ])i()vc(l TYRWELDER repair equipment. No need titnv to disi-ard that injured ca.sinjj! , 'rvrwelder re- ]iairs a tire the way you've always waned to see it done. X<) disfij.'iiriiijj marks on sidewall â€" perfectly smooth inside and a rejjair that will last as lon^ as the tire. That's the 'Pyrwelder method â€" modern .scien- S tific. thor()U«h. iMjually good for halloons, hiiih X pressure and heavy dutv types. The first joh will ^ convince you. .\nd â€" Rememher our Guarntee: Ev- '^ ery Repair we make is jruarnteed to outlast the rest of the tire Harriston band will music in Flesherton on July 12th. md our prices are reasonable. Markdale Tire Shop HAROLD L. YORK Main St.. Markdale, Third doer east I of Perkins* Hardware 1 tiree-Stone diamond ^in^ 1 STMPHONT of sparkling, perfect match- A cd stones and delicately chased mounting *^ ^ ot pure white gold or precious platinum! The three-stone ring always looks well on the hand. It permits of such interesting design and la at its best, alone. THERE Is a dellghtfal array of decorative three-stone rings in our Diamond De- partment, nil with fine quality diamonds, beautifully matched for color, brilliancy and weight. The prices are from $SO.oa On the Speedway and the Highway The Best llres plus the best SERVICE-- make REAL winners! We help you Win-. Lower Cost per Mile More Safety and Added Coaifort by Testing and hispeemig Your Tires and checking your Wheel Alignment Free of Charge Any Time You Want This Service. r • â- • A, J, - v. w« ten pre^totie Giun-Dtoped Tires and Steam - welded Tubes ^ H. DOWN & SONS, Dealers FLESHERTON, ONTARIO