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Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1928, p. 7

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(â€" . Adc Equal Honors InEW STRENGTH FOR WEAK STOMACHS 'Freedom League Contends More Women Are Entitl- ed to Knighthood and Peerage Brltlab women, a great noiaber of thorn ros« to diatincUon in 1927, are Dg tox more honors of knlghtliood peerage aa public recognition ot kelr work. Out ot 193 honors granted bj King 'George V. at the beginning ot 1928, Wly tweaty-flTe were conferred on wo- Rtn, and these were ot the low rank, e Women's Freedom League, in View ot women's records ot accomp- Bahment, considers this an unfair re- Section on their public activities. "Peerages have been giren to two Conservatlre members ot Parliament and a former Gorernor of Nigeria," the league declared in a formal state- Bient. "Wh7 was the Duchess ot At- koll, the parliamentary secretary to the Board ot Education, not giren a •Imllar dlstinctlonT" Ot thirty men who won knighthood, twelve, according to Miss Francis A. Underwood, secretary of the league, were granted it for political and pub- lic services; two of the men were dis- tinguished surgeons and one a ]our- nlist; but no woman in these spheres was giren an equivalent honor. "There are a great many women |nst as deserving as men, and we pari Ucularly think that women should be Blade privy councillors," Miss Under- wood said. "I do not see why women should not be given peerafles, baronet- cies and knighthoods. There should be no distinction whatever now that Ben and women are doing the same work. "It is the privy council which has teclded that women should not be ad- â- asltted to the diplomatic and consular and Indian civil services and it women went on the council I think this would he altered." British women have pust had an ex- •eptlonally successful year. More wo- â- len were chosen for the office ot Mayor than In any other year. The •toction ot Lady Iveagb brought the number of womea-^members ot Parlla- «ent to seven. Hiss Elisabeth S«ott. the woman architect, won the attention ot the artistic world by her success. In de- signing the winning plans* for the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. Lady Bailey was coupled with Lindbergh in the awards in the field ot aviation. Bhe created a height record tor wo- men In a light plane. Miss Sackville-West gained the Hawthornden prize for her poem "The Land." Miss Gertrude Trevelyan won the Newdlgate prize; Miss Helena H. Harrison, the Earl Grey fellowship (or work in botany, and Miss C. F. Blam, the Robert Madfield scholarship to the Second Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress in Canada. ♦ At the lesson in grammar â€" "Willie, tell me what It is when I say 'I love, you love, he loves â€" ." Willie â€" "It's one ot those triangles where some- body gets shot." « "It's a shame that I have to sit here mending your old clothes." "Don't •ay a word about it, my dear â€" the least said soonest mended." Year Round D^cacy on Tap Indigestion Disappears When the Bk)od is Enriched The most argent need of all who •utter from any form ot indigestion is a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and distress after eaUng la the way the stomach shows that It is too weak to perform the work ot digesting the food it takes. New strength is given to weak stomachs by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills because they purify and en- rich the blood. This accoanta for the speedy relief In stomach disorders that follows the use ot this medicine. The value of this medicine in cases ot indigestion is shown by the case ot Mrs. George W. Johnson. Lequille, N.8., who says: â€" "1 have no hesita- tion In recommending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was greatly distressed with Indigestion. Always after eating I suffered from pains In the stomach and other distressing symptoms. I tried different remedies, bat without getting relief. I was advised by a friend to try Dr. WUllams' Pink Pills, w^hlch I readily did, and I am feeling very grateftU ever since to the person who gave me the advice. The very first box helped me and before I had taken a half dozen boxes I was re- stored to my former good health and all traces of this distressing trouble disappeared. It Is now about a year since I took the pills, and I hare not been troubled with indigestion since. I have taken every occasion to recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to those in need ot a medicine and shall con- tinue to do so." A little booklet. "What to Eat and How to Eat," will be sent free to any- one asking for It. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mall at BOc a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., BrockviUe, Ont. V M m m mm iM U3pn>'** t«w ^ M ~ M 'Â¥ WW ^m Ciu'a Appcttiwaea ALUMINUM They keep It cie&a tnslde aJiU prev«De wear on runnlnc- b<:arda. I^LyVXES Ask Vour Automob^a Dea.:er to »hoTf jou the New il^dei» o.- wtf-e for U»t. Su'ly Brass Foundry Ltd. T^n°t^'^"'can.^ 1. â€" Collecting' the sap out of the b 2. â€" A sugaring party indulging in Every season has Its joys, but in Eastern Canada the spring brings not. ! only the warmth bearing breezes ai.1 pleasant reminders of coming Eumm<fr \ activities, but also the actual maple ' sugaring time which demands great attention immediately foUowiug the ' melting ot the snow. 1 For the purpose of giving everyone an opportunity to participate and en- I joy to the full the pleasure parties ! usually organized into the maple tree I districts, the Canadian Pacific oper- ates trains covering week-end periods. The visitors go Into the maple bush and see all the details of collecting the sap, boiling it, and the meiliod by Carbon Monoxide Dangers New York Sun. â€" (Surgeon-General uckets attached to the trees, the frolic of testing. which the syrup and sugar are pre- par»-l. The. first process, tiiat of tap- •plng the tree, which is usually done just higher than the snowline, about three or four feet above the grouad. Is performed previous to the arrival ot the visitor. ' The methct! cf tapping is to place the receiving can on the taps, thus allowing the scp to drip into them, with all cans tying propisriy protect- ed against unsanitary and foreign substances. On sug-^ricg parties the members taste the maple sugar deli- cacy by taking a sticii. placing it in the boiling syrup an i then letting it harden and ccol in the partly vanish- ed sncw. The Fall of David | Los Angeles Times.â€" The Prince ot Wales la an attractive and gallant young man of thirty-four pleasant summers and twenty-«li hard falls. In at least two ot the fails some bones were broken, but the Prince goes on taking risks. He has had as high as> three tails in a single day and In one case he won a daring and dashing cross-country race after he had sus- tained a couple of bad spills. The Prince does as mach venturesome rid- ing as any man in th3 Empire and he takes his tumbles with better grace and cheer than any ot them. Tom Mix would hare a hard day In fcllow- Ing the Prince. The EngUsh races are a bit trying. In the Grand National steeplechase only two horses finished ojit ot forty-three starters. Try that on your harmonica. QsMified Adrertisemenls |> UYd â€" H.A.VE YuCR (jVV.N L-CSI- Jj .NESS â€" earn bl» bonuaea. Writs bt^ndard 'Jompany, Eox iul. Toronto. MOTPfQ AJTD rro«Aa«. Hi..L. THE MuVEiiâ€" i-l.j.\EEP. LIS- T-\.VCE mover* of Canada. L«rge»t ft,.tcdy padded vana. N«w- Equipnient, latest methods. Two experienced men e^ery trip. All loaJa tnaured. Beyond compare for akt-l ami care. Before you wiove. write us '.'r wire and reverse th« ebarsea. He«d onic« Hamlltcn. Ontario^ Canada. Hill the Mover Two Chosen to Tour the World Japanese Students Begin Long Race, Taking Opposite Directions WHY TORTURE THE LriTLE ONES Authors are said to be careless of th«r money. They can always write for some more. Dent Make alby OutofBaby^ -Babies Have "Nerves' Mothers, do you think it fair to tor- ture your little ones by forcing them to take ill-tastlng oils when they need „ , ^ • , ' a laiative medicine Don't you find Tokyo.â€" Two young meri of ajpan.lj^^^ ^^^ ^j^ji^., ^^^^^ „, ^^^^ ^^^_ on« traveling east, the other westk^jj^g often jo more harm than good? toft Tokyo early this month for a race -gAWi Own Tablets are the mod- around the world. | ^^ tubstitute for these nauseous They will be allowed $1,500 apiece | doses. They are the very medicine Cumming says that those who use the f«"" tlie Journey; only regular trans- ^jj^ j,f^iij requires and are so pleasant sidewalks are in no danger of carbon : potation iines may b« uved; in cer-j t^ take that they are as easy to admln- monoiide poisontngK But if this in- j tain defined cities, city halls, embas- 1 igter as a glass ot water. They are' vestigation showed to be almost negli- i sies and press association offices must; the perfect remedy for all the minor! glble a danger which often has been -be visited; the trip must be competed faiim^jte of little ones, being absolute- 1 discussed it revealed another and ' within a fixed minimum, oif time, andSiy guarantesd tres- from Injurious^ real one. Samples of air taken in re- i the contestants must wear bhie sers^ drugs. pair shops and garages in fourteen cities almost uniformly showed more than two parts ot carbon monoxide to 10,000 parts of air, and nearly half the samples showed twice that proportion. In such proportions carbon monoxide constitutes a hazard. -y- West and East New York Evening Post. â€" The King ot Afghanistan has had his tonsils re- moved. Pretty soon the onlv differ- 8<'hieved by the use of special air ence between an Oriental and an Occi- Pla"^* a^-^ special private means of dental will be the ultra-Westeru fas- traY^l- suits and felt hats. i Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all The contest is under ti>e auspdces ' that castor oil and other bad-tasting \ of the Jiji Shtmpo, a Tokyo daily j remedies can do. In tact they accom- newsipaper, and is undertaken with j plish more as they do not leave the the hope of ascertaining Just how child exhausted from its struggle | rapidly the world may be circled by against taking medicine. They re-; existing means of transportation. j Ueve teething pains, banish indiges- : Linton Wells at present holds hte ; tion and constipation, break up colds ' record of having gone arotmd the and simple fevers and promote health- . world in 1» days, 14 hours and 36 ^il- refreshing sleep. They are sold | minutes and no elTort will be made : by medicine dealers or by mall at 25c ; to break that record. siiK-e it w-as^a box from The Dr. WilUams' Medi- , cine Co., Brockvllle, Ont, hlons worn by the Easterner. <. Doctor â€" "You say you have dread- ful pains â€" are they worse at night?" Patient â€" "Probably â€" but I cannot tell." Doctor â€" "Why not?" Patientâ€" "I am always asleep then." _ ^ "Bow ties are artistic," said Trent, "And show a man's natural bent." "Well, though not artistic." said Beggs "The same thing Is true ot bow legs." .^ «i "You used to call j-our wife 'Kit- ten'." "I know, but she has grown up since then." Dutch Clergy G}ndemn Olympics New Y'ork, London, Paris. Berlin \ and Moscow must be totiched. The' Jiji believes that the trip will require alKiut 35 days, and that the man going i â-  eastward will have the advantage be-| Dutch Religious Body Asserts cause of flying conditions. j Atmosphere of G^nes is j The trip must be niaue for not more; ki /-> i • INot Conducive to Use Minard's Liniment for Corns. j * ! A Bit Old-Fashioned. The king's recent humorous com- plaint that the fire In his study smoked recalls the fact that Bucking- ham palace was bitterly complained of by William IV . when It was b^iilt, as "a most ill-contrived house." He declined at first tif live In It. and only consented a: the re<juest ot his minis- ters. As soon as he was settled in. he began to try to obtain a grant from them for large alterations. The mat- ter did not got very tar. A deputation waited on the duke cf Wellington, then prime minister, and asked if he would indai;» parilameBt to vote the money required. The dak« said tfcey could pull down as much as they liked, and when they pressed him about re- boildlng, he said, at last: "If yc ". ex- pect me to put my hand to any addi- tional expense. I'll be damned If 1 will.' That was just a hundred years ago, and England's present King still is suffering from the faults ot the architect. â€" From the Dally Chronicle, London. ^ An elderly millionaire proposed to a pretty girl. "Think." said the old gentleman, "of the motor-cars and pearls and saddle-horses a rich hus- band could give you:" The girl look- ed at him critically, and with some amusement. "Oh, a rich father woi^d do Just as well!' she said. "Marry mamma:? She's a widow.''' * TTTBWKITSS»â€" CSZAV. _ Y-'ji- 0.\.N RTY A NEW UNr>EB.- WOOD for 13 & month. Writ* tir Booklet on "Llttie Underwood" for th« heme â€" flftT-9ve JaUars. Underwood. 1J6 â- V'tctirrla Street. BOS QUAJUTT CKABS A CXXCTS From healthy fieiii. y layers of lirge «*»«. S.<'. English 'White Leshorns. .Vnct'oaa. Rooks. Reds ajiti .A.&£ortv4 chicks at r«!ti;!!cnable prices. Also puUets. No morey down. Pa; full amount ten days before chlcits are shipped or COD. Spevlal discounts. I'll) per cent. Ut« de- livery postpaid. Pataloirie free Boa Hate&eiT, SaelSLSd. Wtrli , B. Bo. 2C. L.\L.IES WA.NTEI- â€" TO DO PLAIN and iisht m^vi-.Tig. at home, whole or sp«re time, sood pay; work sent any distance charges paid. Send stamp f»>f parf-.'ulars. National Manufacturing Co.. Montreal. latervteweir: I have bee-n informed, sir. that "c-u began life as a poor bricklayer. Great ConiLraclor: There are two mistakes in chat sentence. I began life as an Inifant. and ther> is i:o such thins as a poor bricklayer. «Hv,TOiLFRS"TMO»0 BRED basv Live a«.n Lav â- â-  CMlCttS \ Oif iKxnjvi m bred fur \\-^ 1 producoca. *'V«. Br^iwa â-  Bq# Lcshuroa. Bar-M tai pwiutc RatU R. I, Rrti. Am txtoa^ Si]f Orojfi^tiMs, %lBea T d.» 'or HHE CNiCfc 80WIC Bums. Spread Minard's LInime 't mixed with sweet oil. on brown paper, and cover l'!jur»»i pairs, Soothes and heal-s rapidly. than $1,500, which the Jiji Shimpo will pay. This will permit first class a<conin«>dation everv-where. The win- j ner will l?e giv'en a priro of $l,&00, ! . ^, . ^ . , , J ., I 1 *-.v,-> . 1 • V coming Olvmpic Games has arisen In and the loser one of $oOO provided ne ,^ ..*,,•. '^ , , , 4 _ i T -kv i; 1 Dutch religious circles and a report on returns to Japan within a specified ^. .7^ . . ... . . '^ .. the subject bv seven Amsterdam Amsterdam. Prayer â€"Hostility Mother â€" "Why. Bobby. I'm ashamed ot you â€" to be fighting with your Utt'e cousin. I thought you loved Stephen." Bobby-^"WTiy of course I love him. 'cause he's my cousin, but I don't like him one bit." to the forth- time. The westbound contestant is Ryu- kichi Matsui, an alumnus of Keio The doom of warfare soumieii when patriots began to rob the home folks instead of the enemy. clergymen has been made public. The report, adopted at a recent meeting of the council of the Dutch Giiuku, Shiba. Tokyo, and the east- :„ , , ,,k.,. v „» »_„, i»â€" , •' , . . _ . ,. » ,. , Gereformeerde Church ot Amsterdam, bound contestant Toichiro Araki, Iec-i_^, v _ . . 1. ,.,»,..« i _i.>, »x« * , i which must not be confused with the turer on scientitic management in better known and older Dutch Re- Muoh of the nervousness In older children can b© traced to the over- Btlmulatiou during infancy, caused by regarding baby as a sort ^l auimateJ toy for the amusement ot parents, re- latives and friends. Baby may be played with, but not for more than a quarter of ru hour to an hour daily. Beyond that, being handled, tickled. caused to laujih or even stream, will sometimes result in vomiting, and iu- Tsrlably causes Irritability, crying or sleeplessnes.^. Krctfulness. crying and sleepless- ness twra this c*us^ can easily be • •voided by treating baby with more | •onsideration, but when you Just cant r •ee what is making baby restless or upset, better give him a few drops of pure, harmless Castorla. It's amas- Ing to 3»e how quickly it calJB? baby'9 ^ Wives anil 5d»tb33 Mm to slMp; yet , It contains no drugs or opiates. It it purely vegetableâ€" the recipe is on the | wrapped. U-ading physicians prescribe , It for colic, cholera, diarrhea, constlpa- 1 tlon, gas on stomach and bowels. 1 f«vertshness«, loss of sleep and all other "upsets " of babyhood. Over 23 million bottles used a year shows Its over- whelming popularity. | \Vith each bi>ttl« ot Castorta, you [ get a book on Motherhood, worth Its \ weight In told, l^ok for Chas. H, netcher'8 signature on the package ! •o you'll get genuine Castorla. rhers I «'!« many Unltailons. | Priced Mixer ~ la Caaada Writs for freo de- scriptive folder \% or catalog showing complete line of larger siBes. gg Jrant/brd W)nderXoncrete Mixer oooiD. SBAPUT » mna CO. M anatfa(4 OM. \okohoma Higher School of T«:hnol- j^^^^^ tHerforme) Church, says: opy. They were chosen from 3.0 can- j .-Taking all things into considera- didates from all waiks of Ine, niany|jj^^ ^j^^^^ ^^^p^^^.^ ^^, ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^p.^ of whom had never been abroad be- justifl,.ation for decisivelv opposing tore and were immediately «je.-tevi ^^^^ ,^r,^^^.^,„ji^g o,yj^pi^. ^ames. Here on that account. 'everything Is opposed to the principle ~ * of loving God above all else and lov- 1 Patriots and Suckers â-  Ing one'* neighbor as oneself. The â-  strongest being is here the most ei- ' Corrugated Iron ASK roR >a/he:e:i-er « bain "Council Standard" A thick, even, heavy spread ot galvanizing over every inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Agencies •tin open in some locaiiiies. Writs us, stating sizs of barn you want to cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER A BAIN, LIMITED Oept. W, 108 George St., Toronto i New Yor'K. World. â€" It has been rath- er convincingly proved recenttly that the two organizations which have made the loudest claims to patriotism are rotten to the core. AVe refer to the Thompson gangs, with their cry t ttlted and is raised to the place which ; God alone should occupy. The nelgh- I bor, by craving for notoriety and per â-  soual glorlflcatlon. allows himself to , be exploitetd In order to satisfy the ! ot America First, and the Knights o'f ' ^'^V'"* f '^^ °'*~''" '"' sensation j the Ku-Klu-vKlau, with their Insist- j "''^L^°^"'*°°' . . . . 1 euce that they are the guardians ot j ^ 100 per cent, .\mericanisni. Is it a ^ An UnsighUy Skin Ne«iSs Tills Co r rcc Uve "II is working mwvtb w tth n-.r." wrote 8 grat^iul man who, offering trom pain- ful and disfiguring eciema, got complete lelie^ and regained i clear and healtby •kin, by using TRU- BLOOD. As ils name impUe?, TRU-BLCX}D is » true blood tonic. It removes the undetty- tng cause of eczema, pimples, blackheads, itching rashes, boils, carbuncles and every and emotion. "Not only the character ot the games, but also everything connectetl with them must compel us with all , the earnestness at our command to Is- sue a warinng aud strengthening word , against this glorification ot man, i against this cult of the henl. which is opposed to practically all God's sacred commands. That In such a sphere the prayer that the Saviour ..,.,. .taught his disciples cannot be sent l!!."''.*.'^*!.'"'"*' ***''' ^"^!ab»ve, needs, after what has already been said, no further demonstration. mere coincidence that theso two con- , spiracles against law aud order and human decency should have made the ! most brazen us© 0.' Lhe American flag? 1 It is no colucidence. . . . The swiud- ' ler who wrap:» himself In the flag or puts on the mantle ot the prophet is : very often able to hypnotize his vie- ! their pockets. t/^ '^i^t'-Z^ yfif'' Ed3«-Holdin^ S<ms C^ ^ Test Eost^-Cuffinj ^ fSiMONOSl i SAWS ^ ^ from our own Meet J ^ mmOKBrn =Ai*U5» (AW CO. LTO. *J ^^ MOW-TRKAi. ^\ » Wi^ VWRDUN IK. ST jaM<.M.a.l .)/ b «!» mml WOMAN COOLD HARDLY VMU Mrs. Horn Tells how Lyoia %. Piniihain's VejetaMe C:5iipc5»od Restore<i Her HcaltH Hair.ilto.n.Ont.â€" "Ihave tti' en I.vjfa E. finkha- n 's Veg etable Compound arid wottid not tsj without it now. 1 had a female trouble *> ladly I c'ju'.d hardly waik and 1 was aii nm- dovkn and coii J iiartf'yget arouad to do my hoi; so- work. I W'uid ba 'n bw ih rec or fou r d ays at a time. 1 was told by a friend to try yoia \'c^vtabl'.> Compour-d. 1 did, an«t by the time I took two bottles I was beginning: to get arounii a^jui. I took ten bottles in ail. and r.oV I ant all right again and doing my own work. I bave six grown-ups to "work ft r, so I have plenty to do. I also used Lydia E. Pinkham s Sanative \V:.ih. and I think it is good. But 1 owe my heahh to the Vegetable Corapounu. and I thinit if mere of it was uyed •.vonien would b^ KHier otT. I would not be without it if it cost much more. "â€" Mrs. Neixie Jameson. St© East Can- Dcn Street. Hamilton. Oriario. Do you feel broken down, nervous and weak sometimes'.' Lydia R Pink- ham's Veijetabie Cotnjjound is excel- lent to take at such a time. It alwa3rs heirs, and if taken regularly and per- Rstently, will relieve this condition. ' Si. Larence Waterway It. therefore, appears to us to be de- 1 sirabte that the Church councils i LoiiisviUe Courier-Journal. -.\s to ;*^^^"^^»; »>-*tore the opening of thej the proposed seaway being a ^^j^^ ! »'>«»"^' ^"^'^ V^'^'^^^V T'*; Issue In the Presidential c-ompalgn. u ' nations from the pulpits a worvl ot , has uot reached the stage whsre » 1 warning and admonition. In this con- : wilt command such a position. Engi- nectiou it also appears to be desirable , J^"»t^°JKwf ''*'• *" "^^ " i neers have decided that the undertak- '•» ^"^'i;"*' 1^, ''"'^ '^^'"^''Pl , ^'t T ta.~,».r,.:i.^ f.i<.r,H ^j^^^ ^j drafting an appeal tor submis- ; sIoQ to, aitd approval ot. ths Church tiaUK No. 17â€" "M Impovtrished blood. So manv ha\-e beneiitted from taking TRU-BLCiOD. y<m iboukl try it. Get a doUar bottle at your druggist's today, and frovt, for yourself, Its worth. BuckWy"* OINTMENT 5s highly ^^- commendtd for speeding up the healing and of the skti, TRl-BLOOD drives out the poisons â€" the cintrcent beab magically. Tly tlic cambica'.icn treatiscBt. '. Ing Is practicable. Estimates of the probable cost have been made. The , St. Lawrence route has been held I more feasible and mere economical ; than an all-.\merlcan seaway, but dis- tribution of water iHiwer and of the cost Is still highly controversial. .\t the present and d'scussiou in Oon- grcbs of suotlier cncrmvas appivpria- , tion rccR^uro would be hurvCul to the ! Administration. councils." Meanwhile a special committee has becu formed by the religious denomi- nation with the task of undertaking an evangelistic campaign In .Amster- dam during the games. A number ot prov>asuuda meetings already have been arranged aud a huge tout, cap- able ot accommo«latiug l.S^fO people. has been acquirt'd for the holding ot ! Girl Friendâ€" -".Xre you troubled with afternoon aud evening meetings iu the pyorrhea?" l\)ctor'8 Stenog.â€" "Only ! vicinity of the stadium. The mem- when I have to spell it." 1 bers of this church also have been , _^i urged not to offer accomminlatlon to Minard't Llnlmant for Backacht. itoi-etgu visitors to the game*. i$i^- due to AcM INOIOIS^'O" Acid Many people, two hours after eating, suffer Indigestion as they call It. It Is usually excess acid. Correct It with an alkali. The best way. the quick. harmless and efficient way, is Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia. It has remained for 60 years the standard with physi- cians. One spoonful In water nou- tralizes many times its volume In stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms disappear hi Ave m'uutes. utes. â- you wll never use crude methods when you know this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy re- lief, (lease do thatâ€" tor your owa sake â€" now^. < Be sure to get the genuine Phillips* Milk ot Magucsia prescribsa by physl- ' clans tor 50 years In correcting exceff . acids. Each bottle coc:a:n» full tt jrectlocs â€" any drtLgsVi*,

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