Ttf-^ t i < t < 4 ®()je /ksljirtDfn aJtuxnc^. Vol. 47 No. 46 Flosherton Ontario, April II, 1928 W H. Thurston & Son, Piopiietor V. 4 'h MAXWELL I ROCK MILLS We find the sonjr, "'Taint gonna rain no more" very unpopular these days. Miss Artie Wriirht of Toronto is spending the holidays at her parent- al home here. We extend our sjnmpathy to our teacher in her sad bereavement in the loss of her mother, Mrs. Long of Owen Sound. The Women's Institute will meet next Thursday, April 12th, at the home of Mrs. F. Barker. Mr. Archie Mclnnis, who has been seriously ill, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Long, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestly motored over from Dundalk and spent Fri- day with relatives here. Mr. Fred Spoffard has returned home after spending a week with friends in Toronto. Miss Mary Ross is visiting friends at Proton and Dundalk. Miss Shirley Buckingham of Dun- dalk is spending the holiday at her home here. MAXWELL SCHOOL Easter Sunday turned out very cold and stormy, and snowed heavy most of the day. It was rather a bad day for the ladies to come out in their new Easter bonnets. Mr. Levi Betts and Miss Ettie Radley visited over the holiday with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Lewis Pedlar is busy these times trapping the muskrat. Mr. and Mis. Thos. Whitmore, and two children, Lewis and Emily of Durham motored here on Good Fri- day and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Newell. Mr. Jim Pedlar holiday at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Cecil Mel- drum, of Portlaw. Miss Leila and Master Bobbie Clark spent Easter holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark of Flesherton. Unity U. F. W. 0. Club held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Apri! 4th at the home of Ms. Thos. Botts. .^ftpr the business was over a short program was given and was in keeping with Easter. Owing to the bad conditions of the roads the attendance was smaller than usual. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Alex. Enprlish on Wed- nesday, April 18th. Mrs. Sam Osborne of Markdale visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Following is the report of S. S. No. 9, Osprey for the month of March. 4 â€" Mai-y Bemrose, Kathleen Mor- rison*, Ruby Robertson, John Bemrose Cecil Chard, Marjorie Seeley*,( Not Walter Russell, ranked Dainteary Morrison) I Sr. .3 â€" Arleen Pallister, Jean Young « AT^V R^MV (Not ranked Dellben Morrison, Min- LAUI t»/^n^ nie Lougheed, Marie White.) Jr. 3 â€" Marie Chard, ,^fan Ross, Ir- Another cold spell, with terrific ene Parker, Ethel Fenwick, Merlie v.'ind. and a light snow fall, after a Buckingham, Is.ibelle Pallister, Stella few days of sprina: like weather. Young, Edith Lougheed. We welcome Mr. Leslie McMullen Sr. 2 â€" Lloyd Morrison*, Billie Ker- of East Mountain, and bride to our ton, Robt. Priestly, Donald Radley, neighborhood. (Not ranked Orval Morrison.) Mrs. Jos. Sewell. and little daughter Jr. 2 â€" Tom Pallister, Mabel Bern- Velma, accompanied by Miss Blanche rose, Jim Poole, (Not ranked Daisy t Patton of Flesherton are spending Morrison.) ( It'ic holiday with friends in Toronto. Sr. 1 Warren PIriestly. Mrs. Jas. Douglass leaves this week Primer â€" Flora Morrison, Tom for the west, where she intends to Bemrose, Charlie Grummett, Murray j spend the summer with her son. Mr. Morrison, Noreen Grummett, Jacob jNoris Douglass, and infant son. Lougheed. _ j Messrs. Norman Parker, and Percy Those marked * were present every ' Semple made a flying visit- to the city day. Average attendance 27. I *^^his week. H. I. MAYNARD, Teacher. I ] An American couple have just If a woman's face is her fortune, ; been married in an airplane. 3000 feet some girls ought to be arrested for above the earth. Isn't marriage dan- counterfeiting, gerous enough as it is? &^ CHEVROLET POINT i&y POINT ENGINE CEÂ¥LON PRICEVILLE Mr. John jMcMilian visited with House cleaning and making maple his aunt at Durham last week. syrup is the order of the day around Miss M. Stewart, teacher, is | here. Maple syrup will be abnor- ^nding Easter holidays at her j mally scarce this jear, unless the home in Clinton. weather soon brings some frosty Mr. Jack Gibson of Detroit spent ! "'^hts, is the prediction of local EUGENIA FEVERSHAM BODIES FEATURES VALUE Improved motor â€" the valve - in - head type. AC oil filter. AC air cleaner. Fully enclosed motor. New crankcase breather system. New two-port exhaust. "Invar-strut" constant clearance pistons. New hydro-laminated camshaft gears. New and larger streamline bodies by Fisherâ€" combination wood and steel construction â€" the type found on highest priced cars. One-piece full-crown fenders of heavy- gauge steflel. New Duco finishes in striking colors. Clear vision plate glass windows. Ternstedt window regulators. Improved automatic windshield wiper. Fisher "VV" one-piece ventilating wind- shield. New non-lockijig four-wheel brakes â€" 189 square inches of braking sur- face. Positive brake linkage. Independent emergency brake â€" 70 addi- tional square inches of braking sur- face. Semi-elliptic shock absorber springs â€" 84^j of wheel-base. Easily operated single-plate dry disc- clutch. Completely enclosed instrument panel, indirectly lighted. The "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet, with every fine-car feature, now selling at NEW AND LOWER PRICES Roadscer JC25.00 Cabriolw ... - t»ii.0O Touting - 625.00 Imperial Sadan • - 890.00 Coup* - 740.00 Coinin«rci«l Cbuiu - 470.00 Coach 7-tO.OJ Roadittr Delivery - 62J.0O SmlaD 8»5.00 Ton Truck Chauii - 6JJ.0O Roadiler Bxprni - - »«>0.00 All prica at Faitvrv, Oskmoc â€" Cimtmrnenl Taus, BHmpert and Spare Tke Extra. Easter with his parents here Messrs. Roy Piper and Will Mc- Kenzie left on Monday as delegates to attend the school convention held in Toronto. Miss Agnes McPhail, M. P., who is attending the session at Ottawa spent Easter at her home here. Mr. Alex. Knox, who is attending University at Toronto and Master Jimmie Knox spent Easter with Mrs. Jas. Knox. Mr. A. C. Muir has rented part of Mr. F. J. Collinson's house in town and moved in on Friday. Mr and Mrs Robt Rutledge, and little son of Bala is visiting for a week with their parentse Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall and Mrs. A. Rut- ledge. Mr. A. Whittaker of Toronto spent Easter in town. Mr. Percy Hunt left on Friday for his farm in the West after spending the winter with his family here. Mrs. James Hazard of Priceville visited the past week with her fa- ther. Mr. H. Stone. Jl.r J. C. McLauchlan, Toronto, spent Easter with his father. Mrs. B. Boyce of Rock MHls vis- ited Mrs. George Snell the past week. Mrs. Bolton visited the past week with her sister of Maxwell. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton vis- ited with h"r parents the past week. Ross M Mullen and J. C. Mc- Mullen of Toronto, spent Easter un- der the parental roof. Mr. J. J. Patterson visited with Dundalk friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin and Miss Kathleen Cairns, of Toronto, snent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. James Hales and babe of Owen Sound spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair. Miss Effie Ch^slett and Miss Glad." : Sellers, of Toronto, spent the wee'; end with Mrs. Anna McMillan. Mrs. W. White and Mrs. Anna McMillan were at Orangeville on Tuesday on business. Mrs. A. C. Muir spent Easter wi'.h her parents at Berkley. Mr. Chesney moed his household furniture Monday to Mr. McLeod'.s residence. Mr. A. Whittaker mov;£ to Mr. E. Sargent's farm. Mr. R. Cook, Constable, attendei court at Orangeville on Tuesday. Mrs. T. Brady of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. J. W. McMullen. Mr Jimmie Lauchlan spent the wee!- end with his mother at Markdale. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. John Parslow and family in her be reavement by the loss of the husban^ and father, who passed away on Pii- day after a long illness, which waf patiently borne. The funeral' took place Monday afternoon to Priceville cemetery and was largely attended. Mr. Farquhar Oliver. M.P.. of To- ronto spent Easter with his parents, returning on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Maycock. and Earl Maycock of Hanover visited the first of the week with Jas. McWhin- ney. Born â€" To. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Wiliams, on April 10th, the gift of a daughter. Congratulations. Mr. Hayes of Proton brought intr the yard on April 3rd the first spring Iamb, weighing 70 pounds farmers. It is claimed that when the frost is out of the ground the maple syrup harvest is over. While loading logs at the station, Mr. John McMeekin (Jr.) fell out of a car backwards and hit his head on the end of a log. The wound required some stitches to close. Visitors home over the holiday were: Miss Marjorie McLean, and sister, Flo., Miss Sadie McKinnon, Miss Nellie McLean, Miss Doris and Olive MacLean, Mr. Murray Nichol. Clifford Hincks, Florence and Eva Cai*son, all of Toronto; Miss Esther MacLean of Melancthon, Alroy Mc- Lean of Orangeille, Anna Mary McLean of Bunessan, Alex. McLean of Mono Centre, Wilda McLean of Tier- ton, Ida Hincks of Eugenia, Donalda Nichol of near Durham, Gilvray MacLean of near Durham. Born â€" On Friday, Marcii 30ih. 1028 to Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Turn- bull, a son. Miss Olive MacLean had her ten- sile and udenoids removed in Toronto ho.spital recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ramage are spending a few days on the farm, with their son. Reggie. The snow is nearly all c:or.? and the roads are not very frood. Thnro is a bad washout on the townline at the bridge, which stopped the traffic which makes it very inconvenient to get to town, but we hone it will soon be fixed. The dam at the p-^Ul was washed awav. This means a lot of work and a bis: loss for Mr. Wright, and will take some time to replace it again. Mr. McCormick made a business trin to Toronto on Wednesdnv last. M". He'^mi^ McLean of Toronto called on friends in the burg lately. l\IisT Jessie Ferris spent last week end in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ferguson were recent visitors at Mr. F. Mc- Kinnon's. Mr. .A.rchie Ferguson, and daughter visited recently at Mr. Colin Mac- Lean's. terrible windy stormy day, there was a good size crowd out on Sunday at the Hall to hear Mr. Mclnnis of Knox College. Toronto. Mr. Mclnnis is a splendid speaker and preached a very iiipressive sermon, and it was a 'â- •oat to listen to him. Mr. Mclnnis is staying up for the Easter holidays and will preach again on Sunday, .A.p- ril 1.5th. On Monday the funeral of the 'a*e â- V'r. John Parslow was held from his '•esidence. Much sympathy is ox- ' â- -nded to wife and family in their sad i^'-eavement. Mr. .A.lfred Hincks. Peter Johnston. Vm. Ram.iee. and Miss Marion Mui'- itond tnkins: in the convention at 'o'onto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean visited "i friends on the south line on Sun- 'fiss .Jessie Nichol spent the week • I with her cousin. Rebecca Nichol. We are welcoming the spring-like Mrs. Will Colqutte, and two child- weather again this Tuesd-iy morning, ren of Owen Sound are visiting vrith after the winter spell of stormy, cold the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, weather Sunday was no day forH. Alexander and other friends in the Easter bonnets. the village. Mr. Thos. Genoe is holding an auct- Mrs. Wm. Davidson is visiting vith ion sale of farm stock and implements her daughter, Mrs. John Hudson, on. and household effects on Thursday of the tenth line. this week. Mrs. Donaldson of Owen Sound Mr. Walker Sloan has gone to re- is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, surae his position at Key Harbor. G. Eby, in this village at present. Mr. Jacob Williams held a wood bee on Wednesday of last week, and gave a dance in the evening. A very en- joyable time w=is spent. Miss Mildred Johnston, teacher, is spending the Easter vacation at her home in Kemble. Mrs. Smith of Toronto is visiting with her son. Bertie, at Mr. Alex. Hay's over the Easter holidays. Mrs. Susan Doupe, Saugeen Junct- ion spent Easter Sunday at Mr. Jos. Shei"wood's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doupe, and fam- ily of Saugeen Junction spent Sun- day with Mrs. Doupe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy of Flesher- ton visited on Easter Sunday with Mr. and .Airs. .\Iex. Hoy. Messrs. Harold Falconer and Alex. I iated- Hoy each had wood bees recently. Mr. ! A. F. Pedlar is having a bee this] week. I Mr. Sam McDonald of Toronto school is holidaying at his home here. Mr. Russell Cameron of Toronto Unive>-sity visited over the week end Our teachers, Miss Clements and Mr. Boyd ai'e spending the holidays at their respective homes, Kincardine and Flesherton. Miss Hazel Hawton of Collingwood is holidaying at her parental home here. Mr. Wm. Osborne has gone to visit his son, Bert, at D'.A.rcy, Sask. Miss Hazel Alexander visited with Miss Monaghan on the eighth line last week. Mr. Geo. Sayers has returned home after spending the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Croft at Rock Mills. A Wrge gathering attendod the funeral of the late Mr. A. J. Con- ron on Thursday. April 5th. Rev. Douglass Kendall of Maxwell offic- S. S. No. fi. Artemesia For the montlis cf March and Feb. Class 4 Sr.â€" Macil Snell. Neilbert MacKenzie. Jianette McLdod, Dor- Jean with his ^.aronts. Reeve ^"^1:°^^^ Snell, Almeda Hincks. C:inipron. Hincks, Bessie Cairns. Miss Afarv Weber visited friends Cl.iss 2 Sr. â€"Billie Wright, BiUy sc-th of FlpshPTton last week. Cairns. Irene Fisher, Elsie Fisher. 'Ir. W. K. Walker has trone to To-i Primer â€" Isabelle Cameron and Al- r- to ns delppn.te to the O. E. A. Ian Cameron, absent. M- di- John Magee is doinjr his chores ;ng his ^.bsence. A. HINCKS, Teacher. S. S. No. 9, Artemesia. .'' •. 4 â€" Rowena Masjee, Dorothy Ja' ieson*. Neil McDonald. ;-.-. 3 â€" Percy Smith", Doris Mc- Rac*. Willie Fenwick. 2nd â€" Lillian Magee. Edith Fenwick- Wes Jamieson, Ella McRae*. 1st â€" Irva Magee*. Those present every day are marked * IDA M. HINCKS, Teacher. Necessities, comfort, lux- uries depend on the dol- lar yoii earn. Your in- come on your eyes. Be i^ Gn sure YOUR eyes are all V^ right. W. A. Armstrong & Son Jewellers & Opticians FLESHERTON. - ONT. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO J.W.Bates. R;Maddocks. KIMBERLEY Miss Millie Whittaker of Winorharr is spending the holidays at her home here. PORTLAW READY FOR PROMPT DEUVERT C.7.4-MC D. McTavish & Son FLESHERTON, ONT. PIQDUCT Of Gf NBtAJ, MO TOKS Of CANADA, LIMUSP Mrs. W. S. Inkster of Fle.sher^oi has been visiting the l% t week wit' her son. Wilfred. Twin boys arrived at the home o- Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Lougheed. Cop gratulation Miss Violet Taylor of Toronto vi' ited with her parents over the bn'.- iday. Mr. Geo. Blakey, and sister, Mrs. Warren, of Toronto were Easter vis- itors at the parental home. Mr. Stanley Blackburn of Toro:i:o spent Easter holidays at home her?. Mr. Russell Linton was home fro'- Toronto over the holiday. His sist- returned with him to visit friends ! the city. Miss Lizzie Blakey left for Toronto last M/mday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKee enter- tiined the members of the dramatic club and a number of other friends one evening of last week. An enjoy- able time was spent, during which a generous feast of maple taffy played •*n important part. Mr. Edward Blakev of Toronto is visiting relatives in this part. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMullen have I one to their new home near Fev- I i-sham. ' The snow has nearly all disapnear- I 'il. The robins, crows and cars are making their numerous .ippearancos. I Mr. Cnvl Walker of Clarksburg made tho trip here the first of the v.cek. 'vhile the cars from the oower house lavo been running for nome time. The sawmill has started its spring ci^ of losrs. The Institute heh', their regular icctine at the horns of Mrs. Jos. "â- ornfield. M'ss Mariorie Proctor snent thf week end with Miss Joan Proctor of Eifpni:'. TVio Wal'ape and Soul fam'lips .it- ^•v''f(i the Teedâ€" Proctor wedding at T;p''-"ina-. ^'e extend our svp-'>nthv ti M'-. vifi Mfs. Bishor' in th" d".Tth of thpir Srr ''irr-in-l.iw. Mr. F^ibo'v of Mnrk- 'fil" rtid to Mr. and Mrs. Osborne "i fv ^ death of t^i;.,! Vi'-pther-in-law ">"•â- ntfewpl! of Fevprsham. Thr- "o'VhhoVR of M'V nnd M's "'^t^*»"« T'lrnpr o»rtfl»^'«nH at thtr V,o'"'^ ----,fl-. ^*irl road +V»»P1 an .>,?,Irrtcq .\roQontin<r the'*! W'th !\ t<»Wo o\nih prior to their to the villa ep m m » "^otise of ©ualitp" Fresh Celery & Lettuce We have FRESH LETTUCE & CELERY every wreek. Just give us a ring and we will save your order. % 9 WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF ORANGES, % LEMONS, GRAPE FRUIT, BANANAS % Neil$on's Ice Cream Bricks, Eskimo Pies, Arctic Z Sweet Hearts, and Bulk Ice Cream « W. J. Stewart & Sons I Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont iepotl of Vandeleur School for the To th« many neighbors and friends we wish to expres."? our deep apnrec- iation of numerous acts of kindness and sympathy extended during the recent illness and death of our son and br/other, also otrr husband and father. â€" Mrs. A. J. Conron, family. Sr. 4 â€" Margaret Boland, .-Vngua A'cPhail. Jr. 4 â€" Kathleen Warling, Gordon I.tterson, Dorothy Halbert. Pearle Si veil. ;r. 2 â€" Lloyd Boland, Isabel Har- ris John Boland, Mitchell Taylor, t . 1 â€" Wilma Cargoe. J , 2 â€" Violet Fit7,simmons. J.. 1 â€" Willie Bowles, Allan Tay- lor, •""arnian Sewell, .HiSliard Fitz- simi ins. Pr er â€" Elta Cargoe. J..THEL THOMPSON, Teacher. The Spring! Brighten Up! Paints and Varnish Renew your Furniture. WooducMk, FUhivs, etc. with S.W.P. Paint, Varnish, Enamel and Polishes. We also carry Paint Brushe.-*, Scrub Brushes, Wash Tubs, Pails, Mops and Washing Machines â€" Electric or Hand Power. Frank W. Duncan Phon« 54. HARDWARE.