-m" f I 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1928 THE KLESHERTON ADVANCE â€" f" I t I 'l l I n Tm ii iiumr Fm The Flesherton Bakery HOT CROSS Health Service - of the - CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. I Thursday & Friday ORDER EARLY F. PINDER, PROP. There is a fairly large group of dig- : cases which are called communicable I â€" diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, ' whooping cough, pneumonia, tubercu- 'iuais, typhoid fever, smallpox and I chicken pox, to name some of the more common ones in this country. They are Riven this name because of ' one outstanding and important char- . nctori.slic. They are all spread from one ncrson to nnother, and from the '. rick to the well, and usually the r.pread is fairly direct. The reason why these diseases are r.'.r.inuinicahle is that they are all cauFt'd hy disease perms. Disease rrerms ate so small that vi-e cannot soy them without the aid of the steth- isoope, and for that reason they are .lUod microscopic. They live, prrow nnd multiply just as truly as if they 'were many times bigfrer. It is the tr.nnsference of these living disease nrerms from the sick to the well which •xToiints for the spread of the commu- nicr'1',0 diseases. Each of the com- t^niuicable diseases is caused hy its own special germ. The disease germ which cau.ses diphtheria never caused Auction Sale FARM STOCK. IMPLItlMENTS. ETC. j ed-fisTer I Lot 40, Con. 6. ARTi:MESIA TWP. ' 1 U£dUAY, AFKiL 10, 1928 I when the following \.ill be offered: I Mure 11 years, fac.ivy; Horse 12 yrs., heavy; Horse 7 years, heavy. CA'l I'Ll'i â€" Cow, 3 .\ ars, calf at her foot; Cow 4 years, d. : May 28; Cow, ; 11 years, furrow; Ci ./, 9 years, due May 20; Cow, 10 yi .rs, due end of April; Cow, 4 yea» , due June 1; Heifer rising 2 yea. . ; Heifer, rising 3 years, in calf; 2 . teers rising 2; 4 Calves, rising 1 y ars old; Calf 5 months old. PIGSâ€" Sow, dua May 2. HARNESSâ€" Set of Heavy Team : ir::rness, .Set o; Plow Harness; set of ' Single Driving 'arness; 4 Horse Col- lars, Pair Horse <Jovers, pair of Horse Blankets. \ F. & W. Bin ?r, 7 ft. cut; F.&W. Hay Rake, 10 f. ,t; M.-H. Mower, 5 ft cut; M.-H. Cult /ator i;i tooth; .set of Harrow:*, 4 ser ifons; No. 7 Wilkinson Plow; Wood Kack; 2-furrow Interna- tional Plow; Adams Wagon, good as new; set of Shallow Lake Sloijrhs; 1-yard Gravel Box; Rubber Tire Buggy; Cutter; W.iter Tank; Number SUITED! IF YOU WANT TO GET SUITED GO TO: KENNEDY'S TAILORED SUITS $24.75 AND UP READY-TOWEARS from $15.00 up. START YOUR CHICKS OFF RIGHT BY FEEDING New Life Chick Food" Special prices in 100 lb. lots. O'Canada Flour pcrbbl., cash $7:95. W. G. KENNEDY â- PHONE 37 â- I ^•^ of Grain har^^; 2 logging chains; pair; Wash Stands, Star Was^'ng Machine, ' numerous to mention. of stee! bindr-s; Crosscut Saw, nearly 3 Bureaus, Sideboard, Cupboard, Flour' Sale at 1 o'clock sharp, now, ' ' Quantity of Oats, Barley and Hay. .Chest, New Kitchen Cabinet, Exten- 1 TERMS â€" Ten months' crodit will Shovels and numerous other articles sion Table, Kitchen Tables, Book ; be given on approved joint n)tes, or 5 Sale at 1 p.m. sharp; no reserve as Case, Flower Stand, 3 good Beds, Mat- j per cent, off for cash in lieu of notes rny other disease, and no other di.s- the owner has sold his farm. j tresses, 2 Clocks, Linoleum and Car- caf^r^ germ ever causes diphtheria. I TERM.S â€" All sums of $10.00 and ; pets, good Heater, McClary Range I , I The property will also be offered Disease germs do not grow in na- i under. Cash; over that amount 10 mos. jj,ea7ly"new, 1 22-calible rifle. Singer ! ^<"^ ^*'^- tiire outside the human or animal credit will he given on annroved joint j y^^j^g j^i^j.j,ingngjjrly new; also a j E. MORGAN, WM. KAITTING, body. They may exist for a time, ! notes or .'Sjipvrent^off for cash. 1 large number of other articles too; Clerk. Auctioneer. Auctioneer.! hut thev do not jrrow and multiply. '^r.rt-.v of thoni .110 hnvdier than others, j â€" WM. KAITTING. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I'Lolis.'ietl 0:1 Colling^vood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1106, Prirn in Canada, J2.00 per yetfl-, «7h.-:i paid in advance |1.50. In V.">. '. TJ-riO per year, when paid .T advance $2.00. PROTON STATION nt sun'icht kilK thriii all in a short time. Bad smells are offensive and "f. (\n not want them, but b-rl smells '!<> r'o'' p.Tiisi? communienble diseases. Such diseases are nivays rauspd bv DiKI) â€" On March 2yth, the infant 'Ho/>n''e p^crms, ;ind lipcaiisf^ of tho fact daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Batchelor tbat these di-''>a=(> ferms die cnnir r- aged five days. itivolv niii-klv outside of thr h"iiiaii ill-, and Mrs. Roy McNsIly, and ':"''^' '''" '"^''^'^ ''' '^•â- a''*''-!i'-ly ''''-^"t Auction Sale **. H. THUKSTON. Edito* til. iOUl.'.L NOTES It is to be borne in mind that a I children and Mr. and Mrs. Fell of i-Swinton Park Sundayed with Mr. and I Mrs. McXalty of this village. 1 Mr. !ind Mr.s. Angu.s WcCanncl vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCan- inell. I Gordon Acheson returned on Sat- |ur(iay evening after spending a great- i part of three weeks in the Owen Sound hospital. I Mr. .1. J. Duncan, and non. Gor- fT>>-> the lick rorsoi *o the wpU. The -vM-fto,^ of moat- of tVipM H liv tHo • •â- "•nfr'onno pf tl^P fri-iTl-HdP" S-TP- •^'ons of th" •â- iek np-'^n to tVm â- â- vpti h" ppno-Vn. t:"oor'.p-5. Vi'*.«;n")'^. fin^p***; cr-iilofl ^>•'^h oplivo r,r- poilPIOn PPtlntT o<- drinkin" iitens'l'j. FLESHERTON SCHOOL REPORT. , ^i. I . .i_ don visited Proton Station fiieiid.s on i\f,.ic..chnii. person who throws mud at anothe.', !<_. , . . iidvetnnie Z, . â- , ,. _ â- â- i Sunday last. first soib hi • ov.-n hands. Mrs. John Blakely of Class 1â€" M. Stuart, D. McFaddon, B. K. McKillop. A. Wailing, V. McMaster, B. Sled, D. JTcDonald. Corhptton p. Patton. D. McMnllcn, M. Ferris, E. Tha best way to youthfulness i • to cultivate a forward look. dancing has 1 It is whispered th't been added to the Scho(d curriculum, "teachers as instructors. In speaking about the price of pork a farmer wa.s heard to exclaim that Ferris, J. Gib.son, (absent part time). Sr. 3â€" H. McKillop. I. MfRa.'.nie. E. Patton, C. Gibson, E. Talbot. E. Wrrling. C. Thistlethwaito. E. Kcr- ton, J. Gibson. .Jr. .Sâ€" G. Boyd. M. McFadden, H. Croft, E. Burnett, D. Smith, W. Lit- E. Brown. P. ' j spent the v.-eok end with Mrs. Blakely maintain one's j here. Mrs. Batchelor of Hillsburg spent ja few days at the Iimne of her son, I Mr. S. Batchelor. Mr. and Mrs. John Ilodgin;; and Flesherton High'^""' f-harley, have moved ti the farm with the lady recently procured from Devcr Bros. r, „ .1 La.t wr-ek wo onitted renorting the t'f l"li"s. B. Bellamy, _ Mifcessful "At Home" fiven by the Gibson, A. Lawrence, H. Bilby, B. Orangemen in their Lodge room. A Helton, A. Turney. program of instrumental -nd vncal , Junior Room. ... music was enioyed and an interesting Sr. 2â€" Doug. Stu'it, Goorgina Mc- there was good money in pigs. All jwell-nresented play entitled. "Farm Donald, Betty Murrav, (F. Lawrence ^the money went in but very little came Folks" by the Inistiogp Dr-inmtic Snc- nbrient.) '"""* 1 iety, was well received and was spok- ' en of very complipientary 'by the audience. 'out. A British contcmpora'-y, gushing over the actiuirement of the right to vote by all women twenty-one years 1 old or over, exclaims, "the girls have j pulled up their skirts and are prepar- ed to wade into the political pool J wherever man i.s to be found." A nice sentiment tiuly. but in this country the female voter has to make no such preparation. Fasliion de- mands that the sl<irt shall be high enough in all conscience and is obeyed. • • â- The Battlei'L-lds Commission of Canada aie now engaged in iindoin.g the wrong done when, for a compara- tive pittance, the advantaceous posi- tions on the Plains of Abrab.im were sold to land snpculators and built over. These objectionable structures are being removed and a i oad is to be built this year to Wolfe's Cove, en- abling vi.sitors to walk or drive to the spot on the heiKhta where the British troops first obtained a footing on the territoiy where tlie battle was fought, which won Canada for Britain. The historical field is well worth preserv- ing. SPRINGHILL S. S. NO. ,3 i^T. 4 â€" Elmore Fisher*, Jean Beard* Ellen Parker. Billy Fisher. Sr. .3â€" Dei: I Vause*, Merle Allen, Wilfred Best. Billie Parker, Kenneth Orr, Doris Waller. Jr. ,â- )â€" Marjorie Wyatt Johnston. Jr. 2â€" Patsy Beard, Elsie White. \ Jr. 2â€" Fred Pntton, Everett Croft, (Gordon Gibson absent) Sr. "1 â€" Nellie Thistlethwaite, Mac Duncan, Helen Love. Doris Kerton, Dorothy Whitehead, (Marion Miller absent.) Jr. Iâ€" Betty McDonald, Ruth Wat- son, Fred McTavish, Dorothy Kerton. Sr. P.â€" Athol McKillop, Ivan Mc- Eachnie. Jr. Primer â€" Clifford Saunders. Harold KBurton Bclljmy, Doris Lawrence, Geo. Loucks and Jack Wolton, all ab- sent. Sr. Piiirer â€" Russell JohnstP->.| pj. Câ€" Doris Warling. Muriel Mc Georgenia Blackburn, Audrey Mc-| Mullen and Norman Loucks, absent. Cracken, Doris Fisher. , pr_ B.â€" Bob Stuart . Jr. Pr. Bâ€" Ruby Vausp*. Everett I Parker. Billie Wyatt, Reginald Orr' Ivan Waller. I Make your plans to enter the Nor- Jr. Pr. A â€" Irene Doupe, Edgar. them Business College, Owen Sound Doupp. Tuesday, April 10th for the spring * Present every day. term. Percentage ittendance 72. G. B. LITTLEJONIIS, Teacher. THOS GENOE Will Sell By Public Auction AT EIGENIA, APRIL 12, Thur*.da.v. The following large list of Farm Stock, Imp!ement.<-, Household Fnrniture. Etr. CATTLEâ€" Durban; Cow, milking, 10 years old; part Jersey Cow, ,5 years old; Durham Cow, fresh, 7 yrs.; Durham Cow, due time of sale, 10 yrs. old; Part Jersey Cow due April 20, B yrs. old; Hereford Heifer, supposed in calf, 2 yrs. old; 2 Calves. HORSESâ€" Span of ood Horses, aged. Set Team Harness, Plow Harness, single harness, Whippletrees, nd-k yoke, on? good Buggy Cutter, wago.' and hog rack, pig rack, sleighs and woiVl inck. Mower, Disc Harrows, Spring Tonth Harrows. Iron T.avtows, Massey-Harris Drill, Fanning Mill, Turnip Pulper, Peter Hamilton Plo\,-, Hay Rake, Hand Rakes, Grindstone, Horse Blankets, Bags. 35 bredto-lay Barred Rocks, a quantity of lumber. a auantity of cedar locrs, one moveable building suitable for a garage. Sap Kettle, 20 Sap Buckets, spiles, etc.; 2 Cream Cans. 3 Milk Cans and milk pails. Standard Cream Separator, Dai- sy Churn. Thomas Ortran in first class condition. C Rocking Chairs, 4 cane bottom Chairs, 12 Kitchen Chairs, â€" FREE ^ Thurs. Friday and Sat. We are offering for three days only, Absolutely Free, one No. 2 Camera with the purchase of six rolls of films. Remember The Days WATCH OUR WINDOW W. A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton, Ontario ^1 Establishing A Nevf Standard in Automobilet*' Ceylon Public School Winter Term ,Sr. 4 â€" .Stella Marshall, LnVorne Piper, Kendall Stewutr, George Jay- ness Jim Sinclair, Jimmie f^hesney I ^ ;â„¢;;r,', .^iV'fJ glvol -ey, Hildn Genoe. _J. J. MEADS. Pri ^ 4â€" .Stanley Hunt, Milford Pip Incubators For Sale UE(JARDLESS OF COST Two Miller Incubators that have never been out of the crate, brand new, slightly used Buckeye incubator. 2.'i0 egg hIzc, regular $46.00 will sell for 40.00. 400 egg size, regular $.59.00, will sell for $.50.00. Buckeye, 17.5 egg size, regular Pricovllle, Ont. ' PHONE 21 r 12. Chicks & Eggs I-'rom purebred Barred Rock Hens, headed by O.A.C. pedi- greed Cockerels, from 210 to 262-egg hens. April Cchicks per 100 â€" SW. May Chirks, per 100 â€" $15. Hatching eggs Be, SOC'i fertile. Mrs. E. Patterson R. R. 2. FRICEVILLE, Phone 22 r 41. Ontario r. 3â€" Katie Stewart, Eddie Genoe, \ •d Archibald, Dick Stewart, Frnn- Collinson*. 1 <r. 2 â€" F!rnest Alathpwson, Olievp irshall and Nellie Genf)p (e'luul) .»rton Leslie. Harvey Arehibnld, Sher- | man Piper, Laura White and Joe Chcsncy (eoual) Alex Marshill Jean Marsh ill. J. P. Stewart, Margaret dollinson* Jr. 2 â€" Marjorie Diiekett. Goldie Kennedy Murrny Marshall, Mabel Adams, Fc' ii Lerlie. Sr. 1 â€" Angus Chesney, Laurie Genoe. Sr. Pr. â€"Melville Hunt. Tnckio AdnmR. Doris Marshall, Jimmie* Kennedy. A linn H'>". Irene Mnthew- â- on. Cbarlip MrWilli'>"is. Jr. Pr. â€" Betty Stewart, Harold OibHon. Number on roll 43. Average nt- tendanre .Ift.flR. * absent for ex wn. MARY R. STEWART. Teacher. 1 .Sperinl display of Indies' Spring Coats. Drrr">e<i .imi U)it» foi- Easter ^pnr.â€" P. O. Karstodt. Flesherton. A Few Specials riiif T,;ir(l. 1 II). prints 20c. Piiif Lard. .? pound paiKs 50c. Corn vSyrup. S Ib.s 35c. Corn S\ rni), 10 lbs 69c. ImcsIi |);itt' C'oiikirs, per lb 25c. Try Watson's Bulk Tea Nn-Jfll, 3 parkaj^fs for 25c. DeT^uxe Jelly Powders. 4 for 25c. Call and see our new line of Hosiery and Men's Shirts. A. WATSON We Ddiver. Phone 60. 'DmVE THE 1>URANT "65 o . . yc .f will tay, "Here ii a car tl:;.: gtvet me quicker at ' .eration, more ^wer, tn« : speed and easier sust...ned driving than I ever C. uaht could Kc had in ;..iy car at its price." You wiU n.':!ce the quick, soft action c' the 3cnd<x 4-whcel br: !.es, the safety features of the full vision windshield .ind the licde effort required to handle the Durant ''65" in traffic. Your p.issciif'crs witl be equally enthi'-.i.islic regard- ing the romfort o( rear-scat riding and ths quality of the two-tone upholstery and interior appoint- ments. Go to your nearest Durant dealer . . . drive the Durant "65" , . . take your (ric.~ids along • . . and see if yoHr impressions do not agree with this forecast of them I Dmr<anl Uoloft of CmnaJt, limifetf Toronto • Canada THE DU I\ANT Patamicf Ctri Four* €n4 S\X£$ l,om f725 „ f2195 f.»Ji. Ltotiic, OnU Tontt ittn a jHi !•« (IHuOMrfJ; fou Di,m Sfol .' DURANT r« Rufhy Trucki, Four tnj Six Cytrndtn; C*p*aty 1 ton mi 1% Um$ L. A. Fisher & Son FLESHERTON, ONT.