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Flesherton Advance, 15 Feb 1928, p. 7

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F(K1ND A HEALTH BIHLDING TONIC *A Nova Scotia Lady Was in an Anaemic Condition. Men and women who do not Hleep Veil and are sot refrdabed and IstrenEtheoed by a night's rest, aire generally â- uSerlng from thin, watery blood. The nerrea fall to get the Euriafament they demand and head- hes and a worn-out feeling la tlie salt. Building up the blood la the • '•B* sure step to renewed health and â- trength, and for this purpose nothing «Im ean equal Dr. Williams' Flak pPllls. From flrit dose to last they en- \tteh and purify the blood, and in this iway promote better appetite, better treat at night, and renewed strength. Mrs. Mary E. Uhlman, WllUama- tewD, N.8., writes: â€" "I have received po much benefit from Dr. 'Willlama' pink Pills, that I would feel myself nngrateful If I did not let ycu know. "I was In a very bad state of health mad reached the stage where I had to iremain In bed. A doctor was called jlo and he told me I had no organic .trouble, bat was simply run down from overwoork. I had been left with m family to support, which I did by dressmaking. The doctor said my klood had almost turned to water, and advised a rest cure. I did not see how It was possible for me to take a very long rest, so I decided to try Dr. Wll- Hams' Pink pflls. Soon I found my strength returning and before very long I was able to go about my duties as usual again. This was a few years ago, and my health remained good nntll about a year ago, when I broke out with humor of the blood. Again I consulted the doctor, who said my blood had become so thin that it had really poisoned itself. I told hiaa I had bought several boxes of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and he told me to so on taking them as he thought they were Just what I needed. I took eight boxes and again was In good health. I can therefore recommend these pills 'to all in a weak or rundown condl- Uon." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by 'all druggists or will be sent by mall, ipost paid, on receipt of price, 50 cents a box. Try them to-day. Freshman (to witty partner) â€" "Why do so many men at the 'Varsity wear .torn and shabby gowns?" Witty Part- â- aer â€" "Well, you must remember the nndergrad has always had a weakness .for rags." Solicitor â€" "Is your husband here?" Woman â€" "Kb. Whenever it is a comt affair it is your humble." NURSES The Toronto Hospital for Incurables, In affiliation with Bellevue and .\llled Hospitals. New York City, offers a three years' Course of Training to young women, having the reciuired education, and desirous of becoming nurses. This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour system. The pupils receive uniforms of the School,, a monthly allOTvance and traveling expenses to and from New York. Tor further Information write the Superintendent. Save LABOR during the spring rush when time is at a premium. Because D W Fertili2er is double strength, you save In bags, freight, spreading v DW FERTILIZER teaming, and Double Worth Bccauae one Ton D W 8-16-8::: two Tons ^D. W. GUNN, LTD. 200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Out. (Basfbees mtrrMack Md mU »»« ««a t l ^ no ctly iilnkaiUMtirmtHiii ttjnt"- OarmimB)tn kn fan ahBtlao lixt fi AHatockL 0r«^rr TMwO^va VnU* FtaBt fMI tTMS and bmtM thli avrinc-tar*! rn knovlt Umt will to pradadas dll T lIlM cnw ftwlBMe naa and c â- MBtuyTe TNOTUdibtvtoaddvahMaad taannma^ tmnmn nt eact but Uttto. Gat dataila of aa» ftMtrw Mfca telW«lii Writafar catriaa tadw-lF* FREB. UNION IWHaBUEa.Bw g F«lMII.OM«ri». Constantinople Ready to Evict 3,00(1 Russians Refugees Must Quite Turkish Capital by Feb. I ; League of Nations Has Task of Finding Homes for Them Geneva. â€" The League of Nations, which has already sent to Latin- Amerlcsan countries many families of Russian refugees, flndx Itself con- fronted with the task of evacuating fromConatanttnople the last 3,000 re- fugees resident there. Under a Turkish edict, all the refu- gees must leave Constantinople by February 1. Up to 1921 no fewer than 90,000 Russians had taken refuge In the Turkish metropolis from their na- tive land, at the time of military move- ments Inaugurated bf Generals Denl- klne ana Wrangel. - Nttiaen Placea Refugees. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, htgh commis- sioner of the League of Nations for refugee questions, succeeded In dis- persing most of the refugees to forty- flve different countries, where employ- ment was found for them in collabora- tion with the International Labor Of- fice. Funds furnished by member states and by American and British relief organizations financed the mi- gration. ' As the evacuation progressed, how- ever, the task of finding employment in other countries for the refugees be- came more difficult. 'A climax was reached in 1926. At the saiae time that Turkey declared all Russian refugees must obtain Turkish nationality o rleave the coun- try before August 1, 1927, France de- cided that It co^kT accept no foreign workers , because of the economic crisis .which "followed the stabilization -of th« franc. All Must Quit Turkey. Only In exceptional cases could the refugees obtain Turkish nationality. A temporary suspension was granted In the decree that the rest must leave, but now ail have to go. .^mong the 3,000 Russians left in Constantinople are many jazz artists, dancers, agriculturists, carpenters, sailors, domestfcs and commercial fojk. It costs to transport and settle them in South America about $100 apiece. The laboi* office estimates that for the final liquidation of Rtn- sian refugees in Turkey some $250,000 will be required, including some $75,- 000 for the removal of SOO invalids. Some of the 3,000 probably will be sent to the Argentine, Bolivia and Peru. â€" « British Charity Bequests Decline in 10- Year Period London. â€" Ave British people less charitable than they used to be? An affirmative answer is suggested by an article in "The Nineteenth Cen- tury," by Wyatt Tilby, who computes that whereas In 1918 the amounts -be- queathed in wills to charity or other public or religious purposes were more than 8 per cent, of the total be- quests. In 1927 they had dropped to 2 per cent. As individual wealth has Increased during the last thirty years it is sug- gested that the decrease In bequests to charily is due to the fact that the state now does more for the com- munity, while the increase of taxation inclines the family to do more for It- self whee money is bequeathed. Fr*n> Rata and Mis Frtefida He was killed by a cannon splinter. Quite in the middle of the winter ; Perhaps it was Do.t at that time. But I can get no otlier rhyme. â€" Marjorie Memiag. Bdintourg*., IfilO. (8-yeaF^ld poet prodigy). jTSiMONDS 5 iC«M«OA SAW OO. Lin. tcmrnrnM. w >WB Wi » m . rr.jctmMM.1 -A The Wizard and His ar REDROSE is ^ood tea* The Orange Pekoe, at a little extra co«t| is extra good In clean, bright Aluminum THOMAS A. EDISON WITH AN OLD FRIEND Hie ,1914 model flivver still serves him beautifully, he says, was made at Mr. Edison's Florida home at Port Myers. The ptcWre GREAT PRAISE FOR BABHOWNTABLETS The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. has received the following letter from Mrs. Griffith, of 21 Merchison Ave., East Hamilton, Ont., concerning her experience with Baby's Own Tablets: Dear Sirs. â€" I wish to thank you for the handy little booklet you sent me on the Care of Children. My baby boy was six weeks old when I first used Baby's Own Tablets, being new to Canada, but since the first proof of their many uses in bringing up a family, I have never been without th«m, for they are worth their weight In gold. There is no trouble in get- ting the little ones to take them and tbvy often prevent an Illness If taken In time. My first baby Is now, at the age of four and a half years, a pic- ture of health, and my nine-months- old baby Is also well and happy. They are both a real good sample of what Baby's Own Tablets can do, for I have never yet needed a doctor for either of them." The booklet to which Mrs. Griffith refers Is entitled "Care of the Baby," and treats with what a mother ought to know for baby's sake. A copy of the booklet will be sent free to any- one requesting same from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. MAKING HISTORY President Coegrave made a state- ment at the Prime Minister's Din- ner at Ottawa after his railway ac- cident earlier in the day that deserves a prominent place in our annals. "I have witnessed some stirring incidents In my time." hp said, "but never a finer example of bravery and coolness tian ou that train to- day, wlien a railwayman, (Frank Lafleur, Montreal brakeman, Injur- ed In the derailment of the Presi- dential Special), lying on his back with a broken arm, asked : "Are the guests al 1 right?" The country which produces men like that is bound to succeed." An old Negro got up one night at a revival meeting, and said: "Bmdders an' sisters, you knows an' I knows dat I ain't been what I oughter been. I'se robbed hen-rooats an' stole hawgs, an' told lies, an' got drunk, an' slashed folks with mah razor, an' cussed and swore; but I thank Heaven dere's one thing I ain't nebber don â€" I ain't neb ber lost mah religion." Oaâ€"ified Advertisements ll . FOVXTBT ! FRKKâ€" A -VKW lUjoMiiP POlLTRti Lenooa. L. R. Qatid A Sona, Boa '1., Rcclcwood, Ont i mnar. xstatb mAwnm. . i Compulsory Marriage at Early Age Favored London â€" "If I were dictator of tlhis country every girl abould be married at eighteen and every man at twenty- one â€" if necessary, by compuleion," de- clared "Tay Pay" O'Connor. M.P., ne- cently. Mr. O'Connor also advocated "Votes for Flappers," as he said the average woman of twenty-ons haid twice the sense vt a man of the same age; but he didn't indicate whether it was for this alleged disparity In in- tellgence that he advocated early mar- riages. Mining Investors Intrinsic values govern market prices eventually. We shall be glad to analyze your holdings from that angle without obligation. LYLE, BELL & CO. stock Brokers, Mail BIdg., Toronto ELgin 2136-7 Write, Wire or Phore WK 9BLL JLND TRADE PRtil'EHTt anywhere in Cuiadk. SterltaC tixoh.inge Co., Boi »4, Gait, Ont. , MARRY â€" JOIN CANADIAN c 'OB* RESPONDKNCBl CLUB. Adci.-Ml aoi 17J8, Calgary. Albwrta. Bi', AN AfCTlu-MEER. ear;.- i-.':0K |2A tu tlOO per day. Bena tt>i' Uirg^ ' lliuKtrittpd caiaioifue: also bow to riciva I Home Study Course free ut ' '.-rge.' I Address: llAPpRrt's Auction Bcbtri azxd I BiielneFs College. Box 119, 1 c- u;ur, I Indlumt- ___^ I A certain grumpy clergyman muda , hlf home life almost unbearal»U'. lli» .wlft. however, rarely (omplaiii«-d and seldom did anything that mlglu :)riiig j on one of his tantrums. K merging from deep thought one day. lie said: APfcasant^lnstantRelkf There i« an effective way to pleaa- antly relieve that dbtreesinii Coush. Buckley'* Mixture is delightful and "friendly". Yet it acta like a f.aah in clearing the throat and chest. One doBc stops coughing â€" and there &ro 40 doses in a T6-cent bottle I All drUEgitta geU it under a money-bacl: e'^^^'^^ice. W. K. Bnckley. Limited, ^ 142 Matoal St.. Toronto 2 kT He â€" "Denrest. do you Think I shall prove a satisfactory mate?" Sheâ€" "Oh. you'll do for a matr- all righH Now. look me over and tell whai voii think of your captain." Mix-ruMB Acu like a fiathrâ€" t» siiille sip proves iji "When erematten bacofn«« mirm l»opular probably a tfint pmm wW raolaca thm akalsten In Wm â-  \)^^ f^pjifUJPS' 4u« toAcia ACieVTOMMM HBAinaUKH HSAOAGMB ftAaaa-HOuagA When Food Sours Mushroom Recipes In cooking mushrooms It Is es- flentlal to retain the flavor which i« so delicate Serve them as soon as they are prepared. If necessary let the family wait for the mushrooms, but do not let the mushrooms Wait for the family. For creamed mushrooms remove the steme and peel one pound of mushrooms. Melt five tablespoons of batter, add the mushrooms broken in pieces and cook for three minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, "dredge with one and a half tablespoons of flour and pour over them half a cup of tbJn cream. Cook for five minutes, stirring constantly. A more unusual mushroom dish is Breslau'sExpansion to Add 40,000 to City's Population Breslau â€" Breslau will gain 40,000 Inhabitants and tlius increase Its population to more than 600,000 with the coming into existence, probably â- on April 1. of Greater Breslau. The annexation to the city of vari- ous outlying districts will make neces- sary a material increase of the street- car system, for which plans already are being made. Statistician!? esti- mate that the greater city will have l,««0,we Inhabitants In 1950. ASTHMA STANDARD REMEDY For IS years Pr. (V.ilid's ilreer. Mountain Asthma Compound lia.i h'I'- ceesfuTly and quickly relieved tl-.e dlstregslns parcxysnis of AFiht'.ia. Two Blies 11.50 and ".5o. .tIeu rignr- *tte.s (box of 2t (Site), at your dr.ig- glst or sent direct poBt paid for â- â€¢asli. FREE TRI.\L box of 6 ctparettcs with treatise on causes and Irentmer.; of Asthma, etc., sent or. request. J. H. GUILD CO.. Dept. 22, Rupert Ut., U.S.A. Dlstr. for Can.. Lyman s 144 St. Paul St. W.. Mciitreal. Woedsmen â€" Keep Minard's handy. From Rab and His Friends Paddy Tims â€" ^ishose soul at alse is â€" . With the point of his nose And the tips of his toeos Tum'd up to roots of the daisies. â€" Anonymous Epitaph. Sore Back Drive away the pain by massage with Minard's. TO WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs. Wilson's Experierice a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton. Ontario. â€" "I liave taken several bodies of Lvcia E.Pii.kham's Vegetable Com- pound and I can- noi speak too highly of it as I wa;;u': the Change 01 Life and was. all run-Uo\v!i and, had no appetite., I was very weak tir.d sicU. and the pains in ir.y back jwere so bad I j oGuldhurclymove. il cot very sud at times and thoupht I nor. n iViend on earth. I did net care ir' I 1 vcdor died. I was very n-^i-vous, too, and did not go out very inaoh. A friend advised me to try abcttleof Lydiaf!.; Pinkham"s Vc^fii^ble Compoimd, so I did. I am a fcfmcr'i; wile, and al- ways worked f.„rd until iuccly, and! was ill bed for tivo 11101.11:.°. 1 began| to feel likeanrv,- w< man after the lirst bottle and I recommend it with preat succefs. alr^o I.ydii E. Pink- barn's Liver Pills. 1 am willing to answer letters from women asking about your medicincF. as I cannot speak too higbiy of them." â€" Mrs. Em.m.\ \Vil.S(>n. 471 Wiiton Street, Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by druggists I The BABY i . â-¼ I Why do so many, mauy babies of to- Abuut two hours after eating mauy harniless. peoplo suffer from sour stomachs. , â- â- â- â€¢' '"'fi They i-all It indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have been It has remajufd the stand- physicians in the oil years invention. m^^hrnnn,!*^ ^^'^^ " ^''^"'^ °^ ^"^ "<=«P« «" t^e little fretful .pell, mushrooms, prepared as usual, with and Infantile ailments that u.ed to .alt and pepper, dredging them with j worry mothers through the day, and flour and cooking three minutes in a keep them uphalf fhejil»ht7 hot saucepan with two tablespoons! If you dont know the answer, you of butter. Add one cup of boiling haven't discovered pure, harmle.s water In which a bouillon cube has Castoria. It is sweet to the taste, been dissolved and cook slowly five 'sweet In the little stomach. And minutes. Sprinkle wit'n three table- j gentle influence seems felt all through spoons of grated cheese. As soon as ; the tiny system. Not even a distaite- ful dose of castor oil does so much good. Fletcher's Castoria Is purely vege- table, so you may give It freely, at first sign of colic; or constipation; op diarrhea. Or those many times when since its It is the (luick method. Results come almost Inelautly. It Is the »p- c;ver-Ktimulated. Tbere is excess add. i proved method. You wiil never u^e The way to correct It is with an alkali, j another when you know, which neutralizes many times its vol- 1 Be sure to get the genuiiip I'Wi'.ip^' i2in« In acid. Milk of Maga*iri)k.j)re8cr!be<i >>ir »••#>- 1 The right way is Phillips' Milk of [clans for 60 yaars la conectM^ «ic«!.s I Masnesiaâ€" just a (aateiess dos« ia adds, liiarh bottle ct^utaiins full <i!r«c- 1 mtctr. it i« »l«aMiiit. «flci«Bt sad j Uobi- sajr «li4i«.t«r«." the cheese Is melted arrange the mushrooms on pieces of toast and pour over thenv rhe sauce. Garnish wiihparsley and serve at once. Soup offers an excellent way to utilize the stems which may not be required In other recipes. Scrape toe' J'"" •>"*' "O" ' know what is the mat- stems aii;l cut In thin slioe.s. .\dd ! '*'"â-  ''<>'' ''eal -'ckness. call the doctor. â-  Ihcm to four tablespoons of melted | a'^^":-'^- At other limes, a fev,- drops ! buKer. dr^Hge with two tablespoons | "' netcU.-r's CJiloria. of flour and add one slice of onion • "^''^ e'octor often fells yo;i to do Just cut finp. When the miishi-.Acnn are'""*'- ""'' ^'^^ys says Fletcher's. Ifii.ler force I hem lbro;;gh g fine sieve i*^""^'' P^Psrations may be Just as pure. j;i£t as free from dangerous jdrug!-'. but why experiment? Bes.'des, the book on care and feedlo',; of babies that com«s with Fletcher's cream soup. Season with salt pepper nird serve with crutcns. and â€" ♦â€" ^ Minar^'i Llnlm«nt Hr siali anlnMlk CatstorU Is worth its weisht In "~* IMUI Nt. t^'ir Jhe whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But it's just as important to knozv that there is onh one genuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. Jf the name Bayer appears, it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it is not! Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So arc colds, and the i>ain that goes with them ; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheuma- tism pronipiK relieved. Get Aspirin â€" at any drugstoreâ€" with proven liirections. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it JMs NOT affect the heart i4al laMMUas Bam Mas«te(4yri. Wktl* It n«««i*. <• MHh tk* *«Mic ^â- intt lana. SMM Omb" lir' ,Aa»litu l« tiMi iiM ll •*•! ka»«a ikat aaitotK Has, tt« TSkMi wtU »H l.» M In

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