WOHEN \m m WEAK Qdn New YitaUty by BuiMing Up the Blood. Then aca many women i<Iio pass lti«tr days In a constant atate of weai^ •UM. Ther bave barely sufflcient 9»»rty to enable tbem to iierfonu flialr manifold duties. Often tber hare an aching bead, a miserable pain tn tbe back, and Umbs that feel as b«*ry as lead. Tbe whole trouble la dua to bloodlesaness. No woman need suffer in this way. It is easy to ob- tain a supply of rich red blood by tak- ing Dr. WllUaais' Pink Fills. The new blood created b/ these pills rapidly builds up the system; hcadacbes and backaches disappear, energy returns and the Joy of living Is felt once more. Proof of these sUtements is given by Mrs. Ed. Lanore, Stoney Point, Ont., who says:â€" "For a long tlma I had been In a Tery miserable condi- tion, always feeling tired out. sleepy and weak. The least work about the house would leave me helplessly tired and nothing that I did seemed to e^Y« relief. BelleTlng that a rest might *do me good, we moved to towiT, but, con- trary to expectations. Instead of get- ting better I was growing steadily weaker. One day while talking to a neighbor, she urged my taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, telling me that her daughter bad been In a condition much like mine. This persuaded me . to try this medicine, and I have much reason to be grateful that I followed her advice. After the ase of a few boxes of the pills, there could be no doubt that they were helping me, and as I continued their use my health and setrength came back and now I an doing all my own work and feeling tn the best of health. For this splen- did condition I must give my thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." The plUs are sold by all druggists, or Tflii can get them by mail at 50a a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. e : â€" "You've Just come over from Ire- land?" said a London lady to her new cook. "Were you trained across the water?" "Bliss ye, ma'am, sure you could not te trained across the water." replied the gljfl. "I Just came •ver !a a stlp. Ai>ASEajr B£in:s jam sxltbssâ€" <a:ok'e stock ranched with 100 per cent, animal incveasa for 1927. April pups for f»ll delivery now reserved at J5 per cent. icwer price than later. Bree<ier-A««nt». Epeolal oppotunlty. Free BookWt ana Dink References. CrsABY BBOS. 70X TASKS Zmpira Bldf. Seattle, Wasli. ECONOMY in production means B'*o^*^ P^^ fits. Cut production coats by Lsing the fertilizer that o'ves â€" DOUBLE WORTH ^ 1 Ton DW 8-16^ = 2 Tons 4-8-4. Write for Information to, D. W. GUNN 2tX) VINE ST., TORONTO FERTILIZER Pi^doflTnpi . and Pneumoiua . IKeslcctMl bniMlila] eolih an tar- - !!"??â- . %» *••«" *««^«» whh Bu^tajr'. Hiatal.. Its aetlsa la i*. IkTtaa the GOTick and elnil^ ika ?^«*L¥»Mta«l» nrtftâ€" udioM, AU dnnfatoMU "Boeklcy-i- aa*r â- p<»M<r« fmnattt. Bay • batte j I Mi drnnfata , â- pealttire numntMk L today, aad k nta. W. K. BMUtr. UaitO. U2 MatMl at,. TMMie I I **> AcaMaa ••istftito Successfully Retlevtd ASTHMA Vtt Dr. Gulld'a Grean Mountain Asthma Compound. Orl«lh»t»d by Dr. J. H. UuUd. spaclallat in raspir- atory affaatlonj. Qutckty reltavas th« dlstreaainc tormanta that causa aufferlnr and loas of aleap. Two alMs. 11.50 and Stc Also clsarattae tbox of 2«. lOci, at your druggtat or sent direct poatp&ld for cash. FREE! TRlAl.1 box Kt cl«»rattaa) with authoritatlv* treattaa on cauaea and treatment lent on request. J. a. ovx&o oo. 0«tV ai. Bav«r«. Tt, VJLA. Platr. for Can.: l..yinaa'8 Ltd. t44 St. Paul St W.. Moatraal OWL-LAFFS O. W. laa To a housewife the ashes from a dollar cigar ara Jnst so much dirt. Many a salesman murders oppor- timlty when he thinks he is only klUr lag tlaa. Tronbles may be worked oft. Dare something and ^il, and yoa'ra a fonrth-dass dam fool; succeed and you're a rotogravure hero. Tva never Usaed a girl in my life," observed the painfully proper man. "Well, doat come hanging aroand me," auBoimced the young flapper. "I'm not running a prep school." Model for Husbands The harassed-looklng man waa be- ing shown over some works. "That machine," said the cvlde, 'does the work of thirty men." The na«a smiled glumly. "At last." ha said. " I have what my wife should have married.' "Run upstairs and wash your teea^ darUng. I think grandma wants to take you driving with her." "Hadn't we better find ont far ear- tain, miuBmleT It would be moA a pity to wash for nothing." His love wont continue warm It his suppers are continually served cold. A young man named Better and a young lady named Better were mar- ried in the East Thafo better and better all right "Mabel kept the ring when the en- gagement was broken becaose she felt it was her due." "What did Archie say to that?" "Sent her the reminder due on it" Fine Motto: Live so you can pass any grocery store in town. Luck always seems to favor tt« man who doesnt count on It Olrls to-day are Judged hf their dis- appearance, not by their appearance. "He's always complaining about the clothes women wear nowadays." "Well, he certainly hasat got mach to talk about" ^ "Here, old man, buy a ticket for the fight. You'll see more excitement fbr |2 than you ever did tn your life." "Is that soâ€" la Is all 1 paid for my marriage llcegae." It's easy enough to be piMsaat When life never gives you a trovii. But the man worth while Is the man who can smile When his garters are coming down. An aetrass was gtvlnc a perCorm. anca at one of tJtus big prison*. "Stone walla do not a prison make, nor IroB bars a ca««" she sans. IVom the bwk o^ the hk& a deev voioa exohatmsd: -But l»dy. how they do helpt" 4^^ Crop Records Made and Broken 3!U grain crop tor the past year waa remarkahlA in many respect^ practically every province equalled or exceeded tbe harvest of prsTloua sear â- ons. except for th» year 1923 whlek the highest grain record of aH time. Doa to the lateness of the season combined with the large volume of the crop, new records were establidied by the Canadian Pacific Railway tn bandllB«, trans- portation and shipping. Though called upon to transport a crop of mere than the average capacity, the company did so with greater efficiency than ever. Alberta created a new record for total yield over its full aoraace aad indlrldaal prodactlons. The province of Ontario was responsible far S1.MS,- OOO hmhels of wheat out of the Domlnlosfl full yield of 444^83.000 boahala. There has recently been constructed at Port McNlcoU and Midland, elanratort with a capacity of two million bushels which greatly facilitated cratn hand- ling on the great lakes and has also doubled the Canadian Facifio BsUvay's storage ca{)aclty on Georgian Bay. NO BETIER MEDKM FOR UmE ONES Is What llioiisaiids of Mothecs Sa7 of Babjr's Own Tablets. â-² medicine for the baby or growing dtM â€" one that the mother can feel assured is absoolutely safe as well as efllclent â€" is found In Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are praised by thousands of mothers throughout the country. These mothers have found by actual experience that thera Is no other medicine for little ones to equal them. Onca a mother has used them for her children she will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Hntt, Tancock Island, N.8, writes: 1 have ten children, the baby being Just six months oW. I have used Baby's Own Tablets for them for the past 20 years and can truthfully say that I know of no*^etter medicine for little ones. I always keep a box of ttte Tablets tn the house and would advise all other mothers to do so." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be mailed upon receipt of price, 25 cents per box, by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. BrockTlUe, Ont « On Duty The sreat world's heart is aching, ach- ing fiercely in the night. And God alone G»n heal it snd God alone give Ught; And the men to bear that msssaga, and to speak the Uving word. Are yon and L my brothers, and the miUloBS' that have heard. Okb we dose our eyes to duty? Can w« fold oar hands at ease. WhU* the gates of night stand open to the pathways ol the seasT Can ve shut u^ our compassions? Can we leave one prayer unsaid. Till the binds which Hell has blasted have been quickened from the dead? We grovel among trifles and oar spirits fret and toss. White above us bums the vtslott of the Christ upon the Cross; And the blood of Ood Is streaming from His broken hands aad side And the lips of God are saytns.^TeU my brothers 1 have died." O Voice of God, we hear Thee above the shocks of time. Thine echoes roll around us, and the Dtsasage Is sublime: No power of man shall thwart us, no stronghold shall dismay. When God commands obedience and love has*ttd the way. . - â€"Frederick George Scott No Chance ^ To Fo<^ Boss Paris Sudmay Gives Szcuses for Riders Late for Work Paris â€" Subway exonses are famish- ed passengers on tite Frsaoh under- ' ground system delayed from arrival at work at a spedfled time by stoppage or delay of train service. llM old alibi of "train late" doesn't go down with the hard-hearted Fr«ioh em- ployer unless accompanied by an of- ficial yellow ticket stamped with the date aad the name of the atiktlon at which the delay ooonrred. Th« tick- ets are furnished by subway and rail- way officials on request. Steny French business houses take from their amployes' salary sums pro- portionate to losses Incorred through tardinees of staff members. Whan salaries of S25 and |34> a month are paid, as Is frequently the case, a fsw minutes' tardiness can eat heavily Mo earuings. A well-known psychoioglst says that wthen a man rises is the morning, he stionld get down to brass taoks. Income tax officials, on the other hand, get up to tax brass. The BABY MaB.T people, two hours after eating, •alter indigesUon as they call It. It Is usually excess acid. Correct It with an alkali. The best way. tbe quick, harmleos snd eiBcleut way, is rhllllps' Milk of Alagncsta. It has remained for 60 yeara the staudard with physi- elans. Ono ept>onfiil lii water ueutra!- taea niacy times Us volume in stom- ach ac-lils, «ud at on«-p. The »ymr>- Isits i'l'''*p^'ar !c five m{ni;l«.s. ! You will never use cr-ln t:othods when yoa know this better method. And you will ut-ver sufCer from excess : acid when vou prove out thU easy re- ilief. Please do thatâ€" for your owa i»ako--now. ' re care tn set the genutn- pt:;1p»' jMlih of M*sne.«la t>r«>»irlbe<l :>\ phy>l- Icians for BO vt-ars In »i>rr..c(ii>K f\i.ess larttls. Ksmh !>oil! •n!:ti^;^ full »i.iec- itloiiA-jtiy druu-ii'ie- Forest Conservation Ottawa Journal (Cons.): Our spruce forests -are rapidly dlmlnlehing, with a sure reeuU that at some time in \i» future, perhaps not very far dis- tant, our Canadlau paper mUls w-tll find a scarcity of raw mateo-ial, their production and valve will decrease aad the price of paper will soar. An argument h^ long gone oa for fur ther restriction of the export of spruce. Some restru-tion exists now. Reetrlcttcn Is opposed by the conten- tion that !: will be an injustice to Canadian farmers who have epruce to sell. But It looks as though the in- terest of the Dominion at large will be tWkT more hurt by continued export of putpwood than by a limited num- ber of spruce owners getting â€" for a short time only â€" a dollar or two lees a cord for spruee than the.v can get at present. «. Julia â€" "What Is the cure for love at flrst slsbtr" Ameliaâ€" •Second sight." Why do so many, many babies of to- day escape all the little fretful spells and Infantile aliments that used to worry mothers through the day, and keep them uphalf the night? If you don't know the ansVer, you havent discovered pure, harmless Castoria. It is sweet to the taste, and sweet in the little stomach. And Its gentle influence seems felt all through the tiny system. Not even a distaste- ful dose of castor oil does so much good. Fletcher's Castoria is purely vege- table, so you may give it freely, at flret sign of colic: or constipation: or diarrhea. Or those many times when you Just don't know what is the mat- ter. For real sickness, call the doctor, always. At other times, a few drops of Fletcher's Castoria. The doctor often tells you to do Just that; and always says Fletcher's. Other preparations may be Just as pure. Just as fr«e from dangerous drugs^ but why experiment? Besides, the book on care and feeding of babies that comes with Fletcher's Catstorla is worth its weight la gold! Children Cry for Castoria RH)RqsE is good tea The Orange Pekoe b flomethmg extraâ€" a spedal tea * In dean, iri^ Ahxmbtam Why Not Do It? Winnipeg. Man. â€" Childiiood all- sndi as dipiitherla, emaU^ox and soarlet fsver oc-cid be wiped out te Itvs yean by proper precantiouary tammmsnm. Dr. If. Fraser of tiiw Prov- tatSmA Board of Health, toki a conven- tion sit Maakoba teachers hera, In Itak casst only lit* foolish nasd eaten any ol Classified Advertisemsnts 13 LA_L ;ji;s w.A-NTED â€" TO !>•: »acl Ll«lit ae-wlns at hora<. wr.o;» • 5ar» time. Good pay. "R'ork se.i: Ultracce. ctuirca ?ai<i. SenJ sujnp for p«-rtlcuJara. NatiooAl lCaaufiLcturi.--s Oa, Montr«aJ. woiru. F RJEEâ€" A NEW BOOK OF" F<JUI^T»» Lexaona. L. R. <3«Uil A Sons. Baa Rockwod. Ont. Mhiard^ Liniment for rtisumatisfn. There is one case in whhsb the vtA- Qo is beginning to beMeve that some of th« snbstKutee offered ts pur- efaaMds may be "Just as good as the VMl thing"â€" or a good deal betUr. Itet Is in the baying of wars. i^i LovnR HOJfBT tr.is. iic^B V/' WHEAT «..-id clov»r moa ' .' olove^ IS.TJ for ilrv posada. Sa'l-fico ruarajitaad. CWarlaa QwM. Dubl::: -scre Gualph. Ontario. MARRY â€" JOrN CANADIAN '.XJi RESPONDENCB CLtJB. .\.l Box ITSt. Cklca--7. AlbartA. Tbe woman who a few years back ttonght she'd nev^or get used to a gas mnce has a daoc^er who knows all tbs Ins and outs of a gas wagon. ! The King «f Pain â€" Minard'i DnlmtRtj ISSUE N». -2S tfiis winter da^ trains including The Chief You really enter sunny Cali> fiomia the moment you step aboard oneof tfaefive£amoti9 Santa Fe cross •continent trains. The Chief â€" extra fare â€" is the finest and fastest of the Santa Fe California trains. Otily TWO business days on the way. Mo cztia fiue on the four otbcc dafir ttainsi The Cali^rnla Lim- lttd>Navi^, ScotttaodMlaaiooaTy. Fhsd Harver ifinlag-car a**^ Mn- faSMtirluo service sets thfsmtntfard BUS (taasportatloa world. BaloT o«it-of.<ioor« this winterâ€" fee yayr Hmitf. California liotcl •es are icasooablc. . T. Htndry. Gen. As«Dt. Santa Fe Ry. STnntportatloD BIUk . l>«crvit, Mlua. Heed the Warning. A sneeze foreteri.3 a co'.-l. Nij it In the bud with MInard's. EXPECTANT _MOJHERS Read Mrs. Menard's Letter. Her Experience May Help Chatham, Ontario. â€" "I want to tell you how mach good your medicine has' done me. Be- fore rr. y baby came I felt S9 weak and ruo- down thai I couM hardly do my work. My head ached continually and I was so dis* ccuraged t h % t I could cry from ra-irningtillnighti I had another baby justoneycST and a halt old and it gave m« a lot tS do. So I thought I would try Lydis E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun<l as I had read so much about it in tfas little books. I found a difference right away as my head was relieved and . my "tired feelings gone. My sister bad been doing m^ washing and sb* continued doing it, as she said it might set me back if I started to 4* : it again. It sure did help me md I ' had taken jast two bottles when my baby came. He is a fine bif boy; . now nearly five months old. I am taking your medicine ag:ain and I aai' able to do my work all by mvself now. 1 always recommend the V-'getabls- Compound to women, and especially, to e.Tpectant mothers, as I beliers they need help at these times."â€" « ^^rs. Oliver Me-vabo, 24 Harvey St ,' I Chatham, Ontacig. 9 . SPIRIN The whole worlJ kaows -A.siHrin as an effective antidote for pain. But it's jttst as importoMt to know that there is only ont Cenuine Aspirin. The nairc Bayer is or. every tablet, and on the ox. If tlie name Bayer appears, it's genuine; auJ '.f it <;.<sa't. .'\spiria. bo arc cos 1 4 it is not! Hcadaclies are dispelled by the pain tl.at goes witli them ; even ticural^jia, ncu::t:>. an-J tisnt promptly reiievcd. Get Aspiri:i â€" at any Caii; . provtn directions. Physicians prescribe Aspiria; it does NOT afi'ecl the heart and tm»> with Jlif Ti -ii !< t^« tr».V mark t.xMi». (tv rub:*** «ui H IKI-Uv*** • ^ »,•• ,. fi»»*r m*tf*r »t»f« t.i •••«^t^ i,» yvr VAtTMM t*«.«M>«»A. <