^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE / WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, •« ^, 1 ^:i The Profit Lies in the Finish It ays to market cattle with the proper degree of finish. A quality prod>ilrt always commands a prem- ium and is readily saleable atjjirof- itable price. Ir you have stock which needs a little more time for finish- ing, and the feed is scarce, ses the local manager of the Standard Bank. It is a simple matter to arrange a loan to carry the stock until a fav- orable market warrants a profitable sale, THE SIANEARD BANK OF CANAI>\ ESTABU5HED J873, E. A. PRESTON Manager, Flesherton Branch | Will Move Machinerr To the Valley Road Sun Times Report. In the closing hours of the Janu- uary session of Grey County Council on Saturday a resolution was passed which, while important enough, really caused a titter among the majority of the members, as it was sprung in a hurry and as a general rule very little attention is paid to these reso- lutions introduced at the last mo- ment, and it went through without a word The resolution, moved by Reeve W. H. Thurston, and seconded by Reeve Alex. Cameron of Artemesia, I providedfor the moving of one of the iroad making outfits belonging to the county from Meaford, where it is at the pesent time, to the Valley road, which starts two miles south of Eugenia and runs through to Thombury via Eugenia. Kimberley Heathcote and Clarksburg. The road begins about two miles cast of Flesherton. According to the terms of the resolution the machinery is to be moved by the first of May 'and the County Road Committee was given the authority to go ahead with the improvement on this road. In view of the determined stand The Ontario Seed Government's ^ taken by the Wo Meaford (repre- Seed Cleaning demonstration train for sentatives in the Council, Reeve The mails cleae at Plesherlon as 1928 will tour Grey Co- nty from Fri- , Homer Reid and Deputy-Reeve follows: For the north at ILt^O a.m. day, March 16th to S: turday, March Noble .Arthur, who were in the â- outh at 3.30 For morning train 22nd. The most appn/ed oower and i Council when the resolution was â- duth mafl closes at 9.60 p.m. the seed cleaning machin will be in op- introduced, vrith regard to the tak- ^re^ons evening. eration daily on this i lin, and pract- ing over of the 9th line of St. Vin- Black Fox Caufbt in Trap hy R. Bentham Mr. Richard Bentham of the sub- urbs had the distinction of catching a live black fox in a trap he had on his property for the purpose of catihing stray foxes that would fall) victims. The catch was made Tues-I day morning of this week and it ap-l peared to have been in the trap) for only a short time when caught. 1 Upon inquiry the owner was found to| be the Priceville Fox Cmpany, of| which Mr. J. M. McGillivray is the manager and had escaped from the] ranch about ten days ago. No trace] or word of the animal had been secur-' cd until it was caught. Mr. Bentham ' received a fair reward for the capture. Horses Wanted Victor Bowes and McPherson will be in FLESHERTON FRIDAY, FEB. lOth, 1928. to purchase any number of horses, sound and in good condition. Highest prices will be paid for first class animals. C.P.R- TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows: (Joing South Go«»8 North 8.08 a.m. 11-82 a.ni. 4.10 a.m. 8.53 p.m. 8.31 p.m. 4^33 p.m. Better Seed Tra'n to Tour Grey County le use of prop- cent, and their success in having the n by qualified 1 work delayed until the June session, â- d quantity of , when the whole Council is to look be thoroughly over the situation, the passing of the ^ each point. I motion caused the rest of the Council This is your home paper; send in all Lectures will be delivered by experts • to give them the laugh, as it means the news you can. ' each day at 2.30 p.m on disease of that once the road machinery is moved Local and Personal ical demonstrations ir er screens will be gi men in charge. A lin: grain and seeds will cleaned and graded 9^ Has Fine Team of Dogs Master Stanley Magee of the 10th I lino, Osprey. son of Mr. Garnet Magee. 1 c?nie into town recently in a rather; unique manner. Stanley raced his) pet dog in town on Santa Claus dayi and decided to pay us another visit to . :show that he had a real sleigh dog. ' He ha.*! been training another dog for sleigh work and with both hitched to' his coaster drove to town in the record j time of just over the hour, a distance ' of nine miles. It is the first time | that such an event has taken place and ' much comment was made at the time 1 Stanley ha.s a fine little team and should carry off the prize at the next Santa Claus day races this year. Advertise in The Advance Haw's Store News I have some more of those Large Heavy Army Horse Blankets. For a Grocery Special this week you may have 25 lbs. prunes for $2.25 A. E. HAW, Ceylon STORE OPEN WED. AND SAT. EVENINGS to Eugenia it will not back for some time to likelv come. get! Thej Mr. T. W. Findlay was in Owen different farm cropr and insects Sound one day last week. pests, destruction of w eds and all oth- Dr. and Mrs. Em. Armstrong of Co-'er phases of farm wc k, etc. Infor-ireal joke in connection with the mat- bait spent Sunday -with relatives here, raation will also be gi\ on to the source ^ ter is that the two Maaford repre- Send The Advance to a distant rel- o^ PU'-e seed grain and samples of , sentatives sat in their seats and ac- I selected varieties of farm crops will tually voted for the resolution, and be shown. The trail will stop from did not realize what they had done â- ative. Wilcock is visiting her Mrs. Wm. «i.cock .» V.......6 .... g ^^ ^^ 5 ^^^j^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^j, <dau<rhter. Mrs. Geo. Alton, at Mark- . . ^ â- /-. n i •aaugnier, jjna. vjc . , . owmg pomts m Grey County. Owen Sound â€" Mar. 16. (Friday) â- dale, who is seriously ill. Major Whetton of Owen Sound was , -a guest of Mr. and Mrs. McMaster over Sunday. ! Mrs. S. A. Roy has returned home after spendng two weeks with her daughter in Osprey, Mrs. J. A. 1 Thompson. Chatsworth â€" Mar. 17. (Saturday. Markdale â€" Mar. 10 (Monday) Fleshertonâ€" Mar 20 (Tuesday) Durham â€" Mar. 21 (Wednesday) Hanoverâ€" Mar. 22, (Thursday.) Dundalkâ€" Mar. 24, (Saturday) This past week end pave us the, MR. JOHNSTON LITTLE until afterwards, The road in question, known as the : Valley Road, was taken over as a county highway some four years ago but up to the present nothiiTg has • been done on it. It is one of the j most picturesque drives to be found ' anywhere in Grey county, and with ' an improved road will doubtless be ' one of the most popular drives for i tourists to be found anywhere coldest snan of the winter. Sunday ^ PRESENTED WITH CANE night the thermometer touched fift- een below zero. | ^ ^e^y pleasing event took place The high school opened again on last Tuesday night at Court Owen Monday with only about half the pu-|Ssund No. 446 C. O. F. Bro. John- pils in attendance. The public school son Little has been Recording Sec Sabbath Scbool Ann. Meat. The annual meeting of the officers and teachersof St. John's United Sab- bath School was held in the school rs remaining closed for another week.lretary for the past ten years, dur-jroom of the church on Monday even- „ , , , „ .-ling which time he has very rarely ''»8'' when the election of officers Mr. George Brackenbury has h.s,^^?^^^^^ ^ ^^^^.^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ \^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ p,^^^ ,. snow *^^ meeting Past Chief Ranger J. j The present staff of ofifcers and j Taylor, in behalf of the Court, pre- j teachers was re-elected for the en- 'sented Bro. Little with a gold head- j suing year. The thermometers in town regist-^ed ebony cane, suitably engravsd. I Sunday school was held 46 Sundays ered fifteen degrees below zero on Uro. Taylor referred to Bro. Little's I during tao year with an aggregate Mortday, and the weather still remain long and faithful services as record- -'ttendance of 4.996. or an average at- cold. j ing secretary. The court members , tendance of 108 for each Sunday. The Mr and Mrs. Fred Plewes left on thought they ought to show their ap- \ offe|rings amounted fo $202.75, an Saturday for Wembley, Alberta,. Preciation in some tangibe way and a^erape of S-*-*! Per Sunday; of this Prior to their departure Mrs. Plewes hoped he would long live to fill the amount the organiz2d classes. Adult was presented with a fine sweater same office. Bro. Little, who was Bible and \oung Ladies' Class, con- at bv the ladies of the town. completely surprised, expressed his triDuted mz.i5 and the junior room snow car going in great shape now, and will travel over the drifts easily. thanks for the kindly thought which S130.50. Mr. George McTavish moved the p^onjoted the presentation.-Jan first of the week to his new home g^^^ Times. at the service station on Toronto St. __ F. J. Thurston has taken up residen- rortm ce in the vacated house on Peter St. BOKN Springhill Public School was clos- SAUNDERSâ€" At the Baptist Par- ed on Monday for two weeks on gonage, Flesherton, on Thursday, Jan- aeeount of the measles epidemic. The ^^^y 26th, 1928, to Rev. and Mrs. M. 26, ' The running expenses of the school for lesson helps, papers, anniversary, advertising, printing and other sun- dry accounts, amounts to considerable more than the total amounts received, and the officers and teachers are look- ing forward to an increase in the regular class offerings, which would help to meet these expenses. local public school was odered closed gaunders, the gift of a daughter, for another week when another house in town was quarantined. ' 111 * T 'il The school championship fair is to I raVClief S Want rriOay t'SL 'JuhT. %f:tll; ~.1i hr Weekly Half Holiday f.»„ e.â„¢,..™™, ., fair. Last year the school fair was held in Owen Sound and was a great success. MISS MACPHAIL HAS PEACE RESOLKTION a "Peace Department" of Government. That the interest aronsef in the New Chevrotet has been well merited is indicated by these first photographs of this latest addition to the light car field. The smart sport cabriolat, v,-ith its folding seat and disc wheels, is shown in the upper right-hand photograph. In the centre is the sturdy Chevrolet one-ton truck chassis, while at the lower right is the coach model, the body of which is five inches longer than formerly. Insets are: upper left, the massive new radiator and heavy full crown fenders; right, the powerful and clean-cut motor of the new line, with twxj-port exhaust and complete enclosure; lower left, a view of one of the four-wheel brakes^ The New Chevrolets. which are to be reduced in price, are V) be available at once. They are longer and roocaier than previous mudels. Special Clearing Prices on Nearly every town and village in Ontario has a weekly half-holiday Establishment of a department for during the summer months, but all the promotion of peace and interna- Mr. T. B. Perigoe of Toronto, Mrs. to,,^g ^g not close up shop on the ''onal understanding is advocated by Bert Osborne and two daughters. El- g^^^p ^^^ p^, instance Tara has '^'ss Agnes MacPhail. Progressive of eanor and Jean, of D'Ai-cy, Sask., and Thursday, Owen Soun* Wednesday Southeast Grey Miss MoPhail has Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander, of Fev- ^^^i g,, ^^ ^u ^1^,^^ ^^^ ^^g q^^^ placed a resolution on the order paper ersham, spent Sunday with Mr. and mercial tavellers find it difficult and '^^ the House f.iVoring the stablish- Mrs. Albert Stewart here. expensive to do business under those ""ent of such a dspartment; and the James Stafford. ' '' " â- • \-t?:«?sia conditions and they have started a Question will come up for discussion Township, will hold an auction sale movement to get all places to have during the present session of Parlia- of farm stock, implements, etc., on his the same day, preferably Friday. The ">«»*• itremises, on Thursday. Feb. 16th, for Toronto Board of Trade and other com which see posters and list in next mercial organizations are behind the S. S. No. 3, Artemesia (Springhill) week's issue of The Advance. Wm. ' scheme, which, if carried out through- Kaittinff auctiohe«f. --"^ iT g^j ^^^ Dominion would result in sav- Sr. 4 â€" Ellen Parker, Marie Orr, El- Mr Ohif McNabb is leaving this in« $75,000 a week to the merchants, more Fisher, Billy Fisher, Kenneth Wednesday afternoon to take a new Orr. Jean Beard (absent.) position with the Standard Bank at OFFTCERS OP ST. JOHN'S , Sr. 3-Della Vause, Willie Parker. the Dovercourt branch in Toronto. YOUNG LADIES* CLASS Merle Allen, Wilfred Best. Doris His success here is Mr. W, Gracey of rT~, r,, .. i^'"*""- „ „ . „ . „ , Woodstock. Olaf has made many Th« Young Ladies' Class recently; Jr. 3â€" Marjory Wyatt. Harold warm friends here who wish him all held their election of officers at the! Johnston success. I *"""e *>' Mrs. Albrt Sparks and the ' iJr. »â€" Elsie White, Dorothy White- _ ' . . „i.;,t. _,«j- tft following were elected for the coming head. Patsy Beard (absent). There have been complaint, made to, », gr. Pr.-Audrey McCracken. Geor- u. by farmer, coming into town of y p^^_^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ |^.^^ Blackburn. Walter Russell, Rus- uiS: xs:.t':';c.*iST'n7.n're r-j---^- ^,.?- ^^-^- \ f ^o*'-'-' «*'^"-«> ^' ^- ^•'- ...ij..» ,».. «t<». n^xrm mra Sec.-Trcas.â€" Miss Allie Norns. '•'• râ„¢:;'th^teThi:rng X'o^i^soci., com. m«. crossiey, «-', \^.-rf, ^-j^-n;"- balls U da^tero- at any ttae. but at A- Down and Mrs. F Duncan. ker, Bill.eWyatt^ Irene Doupe. Ed^arl te«n. might c.»# i i»to« FMim' Visiting Com. - Mr.. Gibson and Doupe. ^oyd ^.u^. •ad iBJmr. f'^fliB'i**"- ^"*P'«- I â€"T. B. Littlejohns, Teacher. WINTER GOODS Our annual Inventory is taken at the end of this month and we are offering Special Clearing ' Prices in a Number of Lines of Sasonable goods that we do not intend to carry on our Stock Sheets. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. 'â- 1<n^-;.-;*,'- -â- wnm»*.-n«yiK* »â-ºÂ»â€¢*»â- » J^-