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Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1928, p. 4

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wm mmm »^Mi' I » â- ^ ^.JiillH^JUiPI WEDNESDAY, FKBRUARY 1. '2S THE KLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I ^blished on Colling^Mrood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each I veek. Circulation over 1106, i 'Pirlea in Canada, f 2.00 per yewfy I lllhrA paid in advance |1.60. la t jD.^.I . $n.50 per year, when paid ('/ in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON. Editor DEBALTHING THE KK!) M \N. A tc'lcKr.- m from Belleville last \vc.<k Stated : "William P. Repris, Indian, arrested for a second offence of hoiijr intoxicated, was privt-n two ni(>iitlis in the. county jail by Magistral? !\Iik;l to-day. Re;;i-< was arreste'l on Satur- day for intoxication and 'uk" his per- init suspended. As soor as he [laid the fine hi- proceeded to the litiuor Store and pureha.'ied another permit under an assumed name, and aarain Diado merry. He was soon picked up by the police. " It would be interestinp to know if in the attempt to fatten up the sales of intoxicatin;,' liquors undor the so- called "Controll Act" thcr ? has beon a distribution of i>;'rniit.» to the In- ilian wards of the country? Hero, at any rate, is the declaration that an Indian was not only the possessor of a permit, but that beinit found drunk as a consequenre, anrl fined, h.' imme- diately the:eaftcr w..s ai<le li tret a new permit .^nd to once more o-nt a full supply of liquor, thereby becowincr a menace to his fellows. Surely th? a-.ithorities have krow- ledRe of the fact that it is not Innful to Fupply liiiuor to Indians, and they should be mads respect the wise pro- vision of th'j statute that, until rec- ently, at all events, was wont to be strictly enforced. Maybe, however, the liquor dispens- ing wiseacres of the day have so far "prosrrcssed" that they believe the In- dian has as much right to indulge in- intoxicants as his white neidhbors who are so libt rally provided for un- der the permit system. changes are made this year, requests Fretter, Gardiner, Hutclv'. sn, Lemblte for changes will likely be presented Moody, Ovens, Rebum, Keld, Taylor, However this is for you to decide. , f nd Thurston. Reeve W. L. Taylor of EDUCATION Osprey is chairman. The cost of Education is incr9as- AGRICULTURE â€" M isr*. Aber- in^, each year and it is on expendit- crombie, Buchanan, Dick.' in, Frctter, ure over which we have no cntrol. Lembke, Majfwood, Prin-le, Stewart We cannot say that the education we and Thompson. Dep.-Ri^^vo Stewart received was good enough for us and (f Holland is chairman, should be good eruugh for our child- PRINTINGâ€" Messrs. / rthur, Bell, ron. The governmsnt says that this Camcror, Dawn, Edw d», Field, is not a fact but is working on the Hunt, HuntDr, McGilvi: ;, McEwen, principle that a good education is Ovens, Stewart. Thorn ion , Thur- the best asset we can give tha youth ..^â€"^ _â€" of to-day to start out with, and look- ^ ^N O 1. AC- K ing at the question from this point of view, wo must agree with, our Ed uciHior, Department HOUSE OF REFUGE â€" The question is now before us. To Norman Archibrld:â€" "Wl:.v, are we going to do about the I, CECILE ARCi'IBALD, of \. of Exercising Power of Sale Under Mortgage ston. Reeve Thurston of Fleshsr- ton is chairman. man. COMMUNICATIONS AND MEM ORIALS*â€" . Messrs. Allan, B-odie, Dawn, Himmler, Hunter. Hutchinson, MacGilvray, McEwsn, Taylor, Tray- nor and Watson. Reeve J. W. Huteh- inson of Thornbury is chairman. HOUSE OF 1 REFUGE--Me8sr8, Sirclair, the Warden and one member from the city of Owen Sound. Reeve D. Sinclair of Derby is chairman. WARDEN'Sâ€" Messrs. Holm, Msg- wood, and Moody. Reeve H. C. Moody of Dundalk is chairman. COUNTY ROADS-Mcsirs. Pringle, J. A. Pringle of Kcppel is chairman MR. NEIL CALDER Reeve of Egremont and Warden of Giey County for 11*28. Mr. Calder i; a bachelorâ€" but this is Leap Year. rn'argement of our home for the Aged Township of Artem and Infirm?" The province is tryiuo- of Grey, married to force on this and other Counties giv? you notice those mentally deficients who are nnynicnt of the harmless but are still not capable of and interest the ia, in the County woman, hereby that I demand sum of $2,100.00 theeon at the rate The Warden s Address per annum from December, 1927, aid Cecile Archibald, EDITORIAL NOTES An Algoma Central Railway engine ran down and killed a wolf I'ecently. It used to bp said that this line of railway couldn't run down a m.ud tur- tle. If that wolf ever heard the »tory he was a fool to believe it. « • » Sir. Oliver Lodge ha? predicted that the earth and moon will come toge- ther with diro consequences a few million years hence. Now that is the sort of forecasts that will bring a man real honor as a prophet. If some of our weather wiseacres would tak:' a lesson from this, it would save them from a lot of chagrin and sorrow at their own failures. * • • Reeve Calder of Egi-emont, the n3w Warden of Grey County, is a bachelor. But this is Leap Year, and he has a big neck of the woods yet to go through. He is liable at any mo- ment to be pounced upon by some de- signing female, and he may get njib- bcd yet "ef he don't watch out." Warden Neil Calder, r.t Wednes- day afternoon's ssssij.i of thu (:rey County Council, presented and road his first formal address to the coun- cil, in which he dealt wich matters 'f iniportar-jo respect ini? th.? wolfiire of the counlny. Ho referred to the im- portance of agriculture, tile basic industry of the countv;-. finiinci<il matters, roads and bridg?.;. educat- ion. House of Refuge, and other (Hi<'sti"n>', shov/ing conclusively that the new Warden hns a cbar gras;i of ^ ccn(iitions througiiout thj country, and that he is anxious th.n ; the coun- â- il deal with the Question-, in a <\\V2- 'u\ ar-l sane manner. Tlie addros?, which was referred to the Warden's committee, was as follows: To the Members of thf County Council of the County of Grey Gentlemen: Allov/ me to extend to you my ! Incere thanks and appreciation of the i-.onour you have conferr-»d upon me :nd also upon the township of E^-- rcmont, which I represent in electing me to the highest position which is your power to give to one of your members, namely the Wardenship of tbe Courty of Grey. I assure you that I will strive to the best of my ability to merit the faith in me you have shown by doing my best to up- hold the dignity and standing of our County, one of the - largest in the r.-ovince. AGRICULTURE AifricuKure being our basi.- ir.- dustry and, being of the farii% na tiirally I will speak of it in my .••ddress. It is the mainstay of our County and in fact the whoL' cf ovir fair Dominion, and we may truly thank our God for the hle.-sings he have conferred upon us in giving us good harvests this last year, thp re- sult of which is shown in th3 grow- ing prosperity of our country. The Clerk informs me, that in in answer to his correspondence with the Department of Agricultur:; at Ottawa, in regard to a tuberculin test for the County of Grey, that we looking 4fter themselves. If we have of five per cen's^ to take them, then we will have to the lOth day < £ enlarge oyr Home for the Aged and due to me, the Infirm bv building an addition so a^ upon a certain i-.denture of mortgage to keep these natients separate from made by Norma:i Archibald and dated those who are only infirm. tlie 10th day of December, 1926, which There is a resolution from the mortgage was registered m the Regis- County of Victoria regarding this qu- try Office for the Registry Division cstion to which I would ask you to of the North Hiding of the County of give deep thought. Grey on the 13th day of December. In conclusion I regret exceeding- 1928, for the Tovmship of Artemesia, Iv that only last week. Providence as Number 15356, for securing the has seen fit to take away one whom payment of S2,000 and interest there- we all respected. Sheriff James S. on as therein mentioned on the fol- Wilsor. One who had fitted into so lowing pmpsrty, namely: All and manv public places in the city of singular that certain parcel and tract Owen Sound and County of Grey, and of land and premises situate, lymg one who will be sadly missed bv all. and being in the Township of Arteme- and I would earnestly express to Mr=. si.i, in the County of Grey, andjjemg Wilson and her family our sincere composed of Lots Numbers 158, 159, sympathy in their sad bereavement 160 and 101 in the Third Range soutb on the loss of a loving husband and west of the father. Again may I say to you that 1 shall endeavour to extend to all the most sincere and courteous treatment so that when the year is over you may The capture of a Canadian gugi- tive from justice in California, after a period of over six years, shows that the police have good memories and that the law "has a long arm. Ban- dits will soon find out that it would be better for them to change their oc cupation. Toronto and Sydenham Road, in the said Township of Arte- mesia, containing 217 acres, more or less. And I hereby give you notice that the amounts due on the said mortgage have no regret for having elected me for principal, interest and costs, are as your Warden. Committees for 1928 are Named at Count) Council Reeve J. A. Pringle Heads the Good Roads Committee of the Council as follows To amount of principal $2,000 To interest from the 10th day of December, 1926, to the 10th day of December, 1927, at 5 per cent, per annum 100 To cost of mortgage sale pro- ceedings 80.00 Following are the committees and their chairmen: FINANCE AND ASSESSMENT- j .7t;,.73t\,j,gts ^^d expenses are made Total $2,180 And further take notice that unless payment of the said principal money The Dundalk Herald is slightly off in its figuring with regard to the pay of county councillor:'. It statvs that the pay in the countv of Grey is S6 per diem and proceeds to figure out | Agricuiturc will be kept bus.y test what it costs the county per session of six days, placin^r it at a total of $1404, "plug travelling expenses." As a matt'T of fact the inembor.s arc paid only $." per day, niakinv: a session of six days to cost $1170. One session out of the three only lasts five days. Holm, Hunt, Huntchinson, Lemeske, Moody, Pringle Rebum, Reid, Sin- clair, Taylor, Thompson, Thurston, Traynor and Watson. Reeve D. J. Gardiner of Holland is chairman. ROADS AND BRIDGESâ€" Messrs. Arthur, Brodie, Corbett, Dickson, Ed- wards, Field, Fretter, Hunter, Mc- Gillivary McEwen, Magwood, Ovens, Pringle, Sinclair Stewart and Wat- son. Deputy-Reeve H. Corb>?tt of .A.r- temesia is chairman. COUNTY PROPERTYâ€" Messrs Ab- ercrombie, Allan, Arthur, Breese, Brigham, Cameron^ Corbett, Edwards, Gardiner, Himmler, Holm, Hunt, Re- burn, Reid and Traynor. Reeve S. H. may look for no such test for at least | Breese of Chatsworth, is chairman, three years, owinp- to the scarcity of i EDUCATION â€" Messrs Bell. Breese qualified Veterinaries and the greater , Drigham, Buchanan, Corbett, Field, number of ;. pplications in ahead of ii.i from Eastern Ontario and South- ern Quebec, that the T)eparimcnt of Messrs. Abercrombie, Allan, Bell, ^^ ^^ ^j^jjin ^^e calendar month Br.sese, Brigham, Brodie, Buchanan, L^^,^ ^^g time that you are served Cameron, Dickson, Gardiner, Himmler ^ herewith, I, the said Cecile Archibald, will proceed without any consent or concurrence on your part, or without any further notice to you, to enter into possession of the same, to make leases of the same as I, the said Cecile Ar- chibald, shall see fit, and to sell and absolutely dispose of the said lands and premises demised in the said mortgage, either by auction or public sale, as I, the said Cecile Archibald, may deem proper, either for cash or upon terms of credit, as I mry think proper, and to convey and in -.â- ^e the same when so sold to the purchaser thereof, as I shall direct or a'lpoint. Dated at Markdale this 14t!i day of January, A. D. 1928. â€"CECILE ARCHn.ALD By her Solicitors, Lucas c"; Henry. which makes the total annual cost of county coun-cil in this county $!>7.'>, in- stead of the $1104 as claimed by the Herald. Union between Canada and the United !*tates is inevitable is the statement of the Kctchican (Alaska) Chronicle. If the union is with Canada the arrangement, no doubt, would meet with the approval of all Canadians; hut if it was Canada with the United States the prospect would not be 80 rosy. WHKRE PEOIM.K WI!,L SEE IT It is an amusing thing to the newj- writers on a newspaper when they hear somebody suggest that they would likdo have an item or nn ad- ve^isement in the paper "where people will »?5 it." The news writ- ers know that people will see every item and every ad. People see a "3" when it should bo a "n" and they see every wrong initial, every misspelled name and every omission of items they expect to see. "Where people will see it?" There Is no such place you can put anything in the newspaper that people will not see It.â€" Tare Leader. * Challengers, competitions, cham- pionships hsvc a special facinatinn for many. Now a champion garlic- cater challenges the worldâ€" And he'll have some takers. ing cattle for new restricted areas in that part of the county for the above stated time. However the Minister is gratified for the inteiest this council has shwn in this question FINANCE The Finances of our Covmty are : till in good shape and although ws v.ill have a report fiom our treenurer showing a deficit of from $1200.00 to $1500.00, it is r.-at as large n deficit as we had thought. At this time I want to impress up-, on the minds of you memb.'>rs the fact that all committees should not spend more than the amour.t set aside in our (stimates for their expenditure. Try .••nd show a surplus at the errl of this year rather than a deficit. BRIDGES We are gradually replacing the old narrow bridges with rew bridgM of j the regulation width now necessary j for the incr.'ascd traffic caused by , the general use of the auto and truck j as means of transportation. .^l pre- I sent I know of no extraordinary cx- I penditure for bridges during the pre- ! sent year. i COUNTY ROADS I Although we are spending consid- erable money each year on our County and Provincial roads, yet I btdievj we I are getting value for the money spent and the end justifies the expenditure. I expect we will have deputations here this Session requestions in our County Road system, but I believe if we make one charge we will have to make many and we must nat, Jpr - get that, although we may recommend changes, they have to be approved by the Department of Highways be- fore they can be made and again if Winter Sports Call for a Kodak Snow-clad winter with its wide variety of outdoor activities â€" hiking, skiing, tobogganing, skating â€" a season rich in its opportunities for striking pictures. Kodaks are easy to carry with you wherever you go â€" easy to operate and easy to buy. Come in and we'll tell you all about them. Kodaks 15 and up- values grmiter than ever beSota W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Jewellers and Opticans FLESHERTON. ONT. CLEAN 'EM UP This is the Time to Clean Up your Slow -Accounts. We are Specialists in Collections. Let us Turn your BAD DEBTS in- to Hard Cash. We are doing this for others. â€" Why Not For You? KELLY & AIKEN Persistent Collectors Orangeville Guelph Owen Sound How one mother keeps young "How splendid, that we can run away for a few days to visit your mother! Without Long Distance it would be of course quite out of the ques- tion, but it is so easy to call up our homes by Long Dis- tance and make sure all is well that, really, there is -no excuse for denying oneself." "I suppose you use Station- to-Station calls. I do. By asking for the number I get the cheaper rate, and the Evening rate after 8.30 is really moat reasonable." The rates to nearby towns, within a radius of say 25 miles, are so low that it is now possible to keep tip a wide circle of friends at very slight expense. -Evvry Belt Telephone w a Long Distance Station." Biggest Bargain in Men's Overcoats $18.00 LAST CHANCE ACT AT ONCE O'CANADA Flourâ€" $4.25 Cash, this week. MEN'S OVERALLS~$1.25 GROCERY SPECIALS 2 lbs.. Seedless Raisins 25c. 2 tins of Peas 25c. 8 bars Castile Soap 25c. 3 pks. Corn Starch 25c. P. & G. Soap, 22 bars for 1.00 W. G. KENNEDY •PHONE 37 START THE NIW YEAR RIGHT! Musical Instruments Mendellsohn Pianos Sherlock-Mampn^ianos. DeForest-Crollc^Raclios Fad^ Radios. Anpliphonic Phonographs Apex Records â€" Sheet Music Photograph Callery Electric Photos Taken Day or Night* W. A. HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIST AND MUSIC DEALER t FLESHERTON, ONT. New Cement Block. Phone 17j.

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