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Flesherton Advance, 21 Dec 1927, p. 7

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• Where Head-hunting is a Sport *avrer Behind the Revolt^ in the Solomon Islands Superstitions that Prompt the Natives to Acts of Barbarous Cruelty â€" What Fate Awaits the "^ firitish Inhabitants? â€" A Chief Col'-v^ion of 100 Heads J^ â- i â- > .V. â-  i â-  \ A * » As I Write (oat warships are speed- tag aeross the blue waters ot the BonUMftt Pacific towards that master- fann gronp ot Islands that lies three hundred mllea east of New Guinea. { Will they arrive in time to avert a (hastly holocaust of white women and children â€" or will the flerce, fanatical and cruel head-huntera ot the Solo- < Br a Retired Missiooarr Haad-Hunting Methods. ratn-drencbed Jungle In the dense, they lie In wait Presently, probably from the next villase, comes a group of children. They fall upon them, cut their heads, hands arnl feet off, and run back well pleaj>.-d with their ghastly spoil. The heads have been taken in order ^* i. mon.s wreak their vengeance before j to weaken » the spirit forces of the enemy: the hands and feet so that not even the spirits can run or cast a spear In ghostly battlel When the head-hunters arrive home their return is celebrated with en- help arrives? That. I think. Is the question every ! man who has sot foot In those strange Paciflc islands is asking himself at this moment. The world knows very little of the i thuslasm â€" the more heads the great Solomon Islands : less of those | gf t^e lubilation. It la usual to expose strange sub-men, half man, half devil, j the trophies upon poles at first while of mixed Papuan and Melaneslan blood, who rove in that tropical vege- tation. Since 1899, when the Union Jack first flew against the lark green foli- Dgo of humid Malaita, we have striven to Inculcate some notions of humanity into the heads of these terrible fiends In human shape. Have we succeeded T The Ule of ill-starred Cadet Lillies, of District Commissioner Bell and of the 'fifteen k>yal native police answers the . question. These uufortunate white people, j to reduce the size and the illtated crew of the Auks | head, have been massacred. Even worse, ' for those of us who know of what these islanders are capable, is the contemplatiuu of the possible fate of the women and children now in flight. bother with It. lae islands are very fertile, though so damp u£ to be moHt unhealthy for ICuropeani. Yams, and coco-nut and tropic vegetables supply the needs of these savages. They have never learnt to raUe coru. Warriors All! For them the .lim and end of life is to take life. They take life, so far as one can see, for the sake of taking it. It has been said of them that they hunt other tribes â€" there are hundreds of tribes and all at enmityâ€" from a zest and abundance of the warlike spirit. But I formed another opinion myself after a year among them. When the Solomon Islander goes forth to do battle he is thinking first and last of his kitchen. He wishes to slay his enemy in order to eat him! The islands today are a British Pro- tectorate with a white population ot around five hundred. There are 150,- 000 savages, some ot whom have been cajoled into growing bananas and nuts in a half-hearted manner. But throughout the eleven thousand miles of the islands ,the proportion of a mad, fantastic dance Is executed , ground cultivated is negligible. Noth- around them, a dance In which women â-  'i^S. no power en earth, can teach this and children Join with equal zest. ! savage the art of agriculture and bus- After this orgy, the hunters Uks j bandry. their spoil oft. The heads are left to ' It is said of the gentle people of decay for a time, and in that tropic, t Samoa that they are the Greeks of the humid climate decay comes with Pacific. I have lived among them, tragic swiftness. Then starts a process the full sec- rets of which we do not yet know. But the main facts we do know, and they are these. With the Solomon Is- lander it la an art â€" and his art only â€" ot the captured To achieve this singular end, he takes infinite pains, working labori- ously with primitlre tools to remove from the skull every particle of bone. At the end of a week ha has re- BhouW the head-hunters capture them | moved every piece of bone from the and carry them oft for their frightful j gkuU without injuring the flesh in any rites in the dense Jungle. way. Then follows the astonishing ' t^« civilizing contact with white men To the reader, to whom the South- ] process ot smoking the head andT*" ^® present dastardly massacre of em Pacific is a place ot dream, sun- treating it. so that it shrivels slowly ' drenched and Inhabited by romantic but surely. ' | and I would say that they deserve that tribute. What can one say of the Solomon Islander, unless one describes him as the hell-hound of the southern seas? Can one get into those dark heads the first glimmerings of Christianity! It is utterly impossible. Dreamers, far from the ground, may say that fEdth and works make all things pos- sible. Perhaps, but speaking as one who has seen the head-hunters of the Solo- men Isles I can only say this, that af- ter all these years, the net result of Christmas Presents From the Kitcheo more economically. A good type of outdoor shelter for this purpose is described in a Dominion Department of Agriculture pamphlet on The Win- 1 ter Feeding of Beef Cattle in Ontario. It consists of a 'single-boarded shed Trf>af V^t.!. V^m.^A^ »« \A^,^m^ facing south, a large door In the front *"^' ^"""^ ^^cnd8 to Hom©- being open at all times. Across ,the yard is a covered feeding trough over which is placed the hay rack. Doors open to the outside from both the feed trough and hay rack so that th fe^ can be forked in direct from a sleigh or cart in a few minutes. Steers may be fed instirh a shed throughout the made Candy Old Bfother Hubbard Went to her cupboard 'Twa* Cbrlatmas Bre, so I'm told. For «lfta she bad candy, my dears. As much a« the «npboard wonld hol& Why not foUow Mother Hubbard's men, women and little children. Even a retired missionary is a man. New York designs are featuring the fur plushes, specially for the school SirL Here is a one-button, popular sun worshippers, the cause ot tl^Ja sudden uprising is projjably a com- plete mystery. Yet, armed with some knowledge of tl»e dark ways of the primitive minds of lb.>=!.se savages, . the explanation is quite simple. Unfriendly to the "White Devils." The Solomon Islander has many un- pleasant traits, but the first one to strike the stranger Is his ingrained distrust of the white man. There is CO way of winning him as there is with more simple and friendly sav- ages. He holds the white man to be an imported devil, and as such he op- poses him at every opportunity. When Malaita and the other larger islands of this group, which comprises Bpme six hundred miles ot small tree- covered isles, were first brought into contact with white men, the Islanders gave battle. They rushed down from their primeval Jungles, uttering their barbaric cries, to give battle. The white men had guns and fired. But these strange death-dealers mere- ly convinced the savages ot the devilish nature of their enemies. Many whites were killed outright, some, less fortunate, were carried oft wounded into the dense jungle, there to undergo the tortures ot which I shall give details in a moment. What has caused the rising of to- day, with its frightful massacre and promise of worse? Simply this: The . spirits ot these islanders who fell be- fore the grape shot of the first white men to laud have, according to the â-  "wise men" of the tribes, been abroad i>i the Jungle ponjuring the Islanders to avenge their deaths. The present outbreak, then, is noth- ing more than a war of revenge for C^ de^^ of ancestors long slace dead. When I spent a summer on Malaita, and covered on one long tour the par- allel lines ot tslanda that extend to- wards the open ocean from New Guiuea, only one certain fact could I ascertain about the religious â€" It would be truer to say superstlous â€" beliefs of these terrible savages. The Blood Sacrifice. The Solomon Islander believes In the perpetual presence ot his ances- tors, he holds Uiat they hover unseen but felt. In the density of the raln< â- odden undergrowth, he belleres they make demands, call for blood sacrl* flees. When the spirits ot these ancestors demand the heads of enemies, then the meu of the Solomons obey. Lust tor blood, fear ot the revenge of the dead splriis, freniy that Is very much Uke madness, convert them Into fiends In human shape. I have referred to the habit ot head-hunttsg, and the subject merits' a few words. With all savages, even with a people so benighted as the Solomon Islanders, one finds always a dim idea behind the ferocious act. Whpn the. Solomon Islander sat •nt to capture the heads ot his eno> mles he has several clear Ideas In his Bind. First, he belleres that tht spirit ot the enemy resides In ths kead and that tt h« possesses that head he can keep tha spirit within forever capUre. Then, on certain o< tba isles ot this large group, the Idea is common taht the heads ot the enMales may be (»^ fered as a sacrlttos to the splrtts. that the rain may not tall too abandaatlr '•^tbey are very wet islandsâ€" and that the prUnltlve crops may prosper. .When the Boloaoa Isllander goes h<ad-huntlnc aaJ h«r« I most make tt clear that tor hmtfrsds nt years these islatidsrs hars bsaa drsachsd la the blood ol luuif SMMif lilhas Wk* wage eteraiU wa ste s* ayoa saA otlisr -«A Ror IB twfs aa4 tkns^k I have seen a Solomon Island vil- lage â€" a mere clearing in the Jungle ringed about with huts mads ot tree branches- â€" human heads no bigger than an appib The hunter who possesses the most heads is the finest fellow in the tribe. Old hunters, I have been toM, have accnmulated as many as a hundred heads during a lifetime ot murderous forays. The First White Victims. The first white men to land upon â- these islands were a party ot hardy sailors led by the great Spanish ex- plorer Mendana. Of the landing party only two escaped back to their ship: they were attacked by ths savages who fell upon them, and carried them oft into the impenetrable jungle. The reputation of the islands spread through the Paciflc, and roving sea- men gave them a wide berth. But in 1767 Carteret, a French sailor, landed with a powerfully-armed force. He drove oft the first screaming hordes, and pushed his way inland. It is recorded in the diaries ot that sturdy sailor that after a day's tolling through the Jungle, his meu rested at night on the fringe of a dease plan- tation. They were, although they did not know it, on the site of a deserted island village. Suddenly a sailor poking among the undergrowth uttered a cry of dismay. His comrades rushed up and there at their feet, they saw looking up at them with sightless eyes, the ghastly faces of five white men. That was pjrobably the first know- ledge ot the foul secrets ot the head- hunters the white man ever got. For years learned meu debated the prob- lem ot how these heads â€" they were carried back to Burops â€" ^had been re- duced to the else ot the heads ot dolls. No explanation seemed to meet the facts. The Solomon Islanders have never learned even the rudiments of agrtcul- There U one argument for these fel- straight-line model in the new ma- lows: and it is now on the way to ' '®*"*^^ «^ muskrat pattern, them, travelling at twenty knots' an \ â€" iiour and carrying the guns that speak [quicker sales for higher prices when the language of deathâ€" a tongue these the animals are dehorned. wretched savages understand.. V The Value of Dehorning. Experience has proved the great ad- vantage, from every standpoint, ot de- horning commercial cattle. Horns are I °°^ '° ^^ l^ld and of the harvested Potato Diseases. Diseases ot the potato are respons- ible for very heavy losses each year. Fortunately these diseases are better understood than they were a tew years ago, making It possible to re- duce loss 'ByTOw yields and rotting to a comparaUvely low point. Some otighorts the diseases ace recognizable in the growing crop; others are Identified in the tubers. By a sjrstem of inspection. always a handicap to stich cattle. | '^"'P- ^<^^ ot the dlseaises that cause They add to the cost of producUon ' serious loss can be IdenUfled. making and discount the selling value of the I " '^I'ly easy to avoid using diseased animals. Of course the ideal method ^^^^- '^^^ yiox)ii of InspecUon cai^ to follow Is to prevent the growth ot '"^^"^ °° •*? Uie Botanical Division of the Experimental horns In the calf. When steers are purchaased for feeding It Is better to get ones already dehorned, otherwise they should be dehorned as soon as possible. In a pamphlet entitled De- horn Your Commercial Cattle, which may be obtained from the Publica- tions Branch, Department of .Agricul- ture. Ottawa, the process ot dehorning is fully described. The operation, in the case of grown cattle, is to a cer- tain extent painful, but its advantages are so great that it should not be dis- pensed with. Where the cattle are fed loose, feeding them in mixed lots of horned and hornless animals should always be avoided, otherwise they will finish very unevenly. The horn- less cattle, after painful experience, become timid and refuse to come up to the feeding racks or mangers until th bulk of the feed Is gone. They be- come undernourished, while the hom- ed ones, eating too much, develop di- gestive troubles. Besides this, live stock shippers find that dehorned stock are more easily loaded on the cars, show less shrinkage and dam- age in transit, and are more economt- ture, and they have had little need to I cal of space. Cattle salesmen make Farms, extends throughout the Dominion and Is lead- ing to a more general use of seed cer- tified to be practically disease-free. Pamphlet No. 84 ot ths Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, gives the rules and regulations governing the production of Canadian certified seed potatoes. The standard, which was necessarily comparatively low la the early days, has been raised year by year, and for the present year permits ot only three per cent, disease on second field Inspection and no mixed varieties at tuber inspection. This pamphlet, which Is available at the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, explains certifi- cation an dthe steps necessary to ob- tain It. It also gives useful informa- tion on growing certified seed, storing the crop, aud much other information useful to ths growers of potatoes. Wintering Steers In Open Sheds. lixpensive buildings are not neces- sary for the winter feeding of catUe and otts nadd to the overhead expense and labor. Where indoor accommo- dation is not readily available, steers can be fed outdoors equally if not most severe winter with zcellent re- example tbis Christmaa and let candy suits. I help out on that long Christmas llatt Silage for Winter Lambs. The feminine giver who has not had At the Kapuskasing. Ontario. Ex- '''• 'un of making candles for her perimental Station, an investigation ^^^ ''oes not know the real spirit of has been conducted daring the last Christmaa time. Besides, what Is tour winters to determine the relaUve more acceptable than a box of hom«> value of sunflower and oats, peas and n^sde candles? Tben. too, such a gift vetch silage as a part of the ration for may solve the problem ot what to winter Iambs. The results Indicate an ffiva to that person who seems to advantage for the sunflower silage, have everything. The average daily gain per lamb, over Success In candy making depend*, the four years, was 0.24 lb., for those upon the use of good ingredients, care- fed sunflower silage, against 0.17 lbs. fui testing andâ€" fn the case of cream for those fed oats, peas and vetch, candles, fudge, for example â€" plenty The feed cost per 100 pounds was ofelbow grease. For one who makes $10.3 for the former and $15.63 tot the a great deal of candy, a candy thermo- lattar. Wintering Turkeya Turkeys Intended for breeders should be selected In the fall before fattening for market takes place. Only well-matured birds possessing good constituttional vigor should be chosen. Bvery precaution should be taken to secure birds that are free from dis- ease, and males unrelated to the fe- meter Is a valuable asset. Below are a few recipes which will make a nice aseortmout for Christmaa boxes : Caramel Nut Fudge 2 cups white sugar, H cup milk. 4 tablespoons caramel, 3 tablespoons butter, ^ teasijoon vanilla, pinch salt, Vi cup broken pecan meats. Cook sugar, milk, and caramel to In males. Proper housing and feeding aether until a soft ball is formed during the winter is important. Ac- cording to a Dominion Department ot Agriculture bulletin on turkeys, the birds should not be confined to houses ' during the winter but should be allow- ; ed to roam at will during the day. The ' only shelter necessary at night is a ' straw barn or closed-in shed. Tur- ' keys should never be housed with hens or In heated houses, but protec- tion from draughts, rain and snow is necessary. The breeding turkeys ' should receive only limited rations during the winter months. Hard grain should be given in preference to mash or ground grains. Equal parts of oats, ! wheat and buckwheat are suitable, ' but the buckwheat should be discon- ; Unued In the spring. In the winter \ one feeding a day is sufficient, the grain being scattered In the litter. Grit and oyster shell should be pro- vided. Early In March an extra dally feed of grain should be begun, and cold water. Add butter and remove from fire. Let stand until almost cold. .\dd v.-inil!a and beat until cool and thick. .\dil nuts when mixture begins to thicken while be&tiug. The caramel is made by melting one cup sugar in a skillet over fire. stirring constantly. Remove from flame when the sugar is melted and a caramel color and add one cup of boil- ing water and let simmer a few min- utes. Store in a fruit Jar. This ia nice for flavoring custards, and icings as well as candy, and will keep inde- finitely. Butter Scotch 1 cup brown sugar. V^ cup yellow corn syrup, 1 tablespoon vinegar, \4 cup water, Vi cup butter. Boll all ingredients together (e* ceptlng vanilla) until brittle whan tested in cold water. Remove from fire, add vanilla and i" you havo a starting about ten days later a wet metal table-top or large cookie-sheets. mash made up ot equal parts of bran, ground oats, and commeal properly mixed and moistened with sour skim-mllk should be given at noon. â€" Issued by the Director of Pub- licity, Dominion Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa. » "^ould I kiss you good night T" "Gosh! I begin to doubt IL* Orlggs â€" "Do you ever have that de- pressed feeling, that vague sense of drop mixture by teaspoonfu'.s on fbese. The candy does not stick and Is In a mors convenient size and easier to- handle titan when poured in a sheet and cut In squares. Divinity 3 cups white sugar, H cup white com syrup, ?4 cup boiling water, 2 egg whites, Vi cup broken nut meats. V4 cup candied cherries, candied pino- appie. flgs, dates, chopped fine. Boil the sugar, syrup, and water until a hard ball forms in cold water. Beat egg whites stiff and dry: then pour syrup over Ihem gradually. Beat I constantly and wien mixture begins ; to stiffen add candlded fruit and nuts. Spread in a sheet one inch thick on a greased platter. \\Tien candy is ready for packing, cut wax paper to fit boxes, cut candy ! In uniform pieces, gauging the s:ze 'of the pieces by the width ot the box. It two layers are packed, have wax j paper and card-board between layers, jwrsp the boxes n«atly and tie with I Christmas colors and a gay little card j and you hav» a very attractive and I acceptable gift. Candy may be made two weeks or ' more ahead to relieve congestion at â-  Christmas time. Fortunately, even some approaching trouble?" Brlggsâ€" 1 the chocolate and caramel nidgoi "Sure. I feel that way every summer can *>» made as much as two weeks before my wife comes back from the • before needed without dlmiuishlni beach." j f^elr good qualities. * It is seldom that passing a new law CANADIAN DAIRYMEN is the best way of mending a broken] OPPOSED TO DUMPING "^^^ Government Sho'ws But Little Sympathy With Com- plaints Ottawa, Ont. â€" Cancellation ot the trade treaty between Canada and Aus- tralia was urged recently by the No- tional Dairy Council and the Canadian Council ot Agriculture, before mem- I hers of the federal cabinet. The ! Dairy Council thought that the duinp- ; ing clause should be applied to .\us- I tralian butter, that New ZeaTand ; should be excluded from ths treaty and tfcat the treaty itself should be concluded within the required six months' notice. J. A. Robb, Minister of Finance, de- fende<l the treaty, saying that the dairy industry as a whole was not suf- fering, and that cream and milk pro- du(.'i« wfr(> lltuiing good markets and prices. He said that the delegate* seemed to overlook the fact that other industries were benefiting by it, ths balance of trade between the twq countries being in Canada's favor by some $12,000,000. W. L.. Mackenzie King suggested thjit the matter might better be brought before Parliament for debata PREMIER CAULSON PRESIDENT „ ., „ to lUgkll Mr. Boary Clinton ot the British Embassy; Hon. Vlncont Massey, Canadian minister; Rt, Hon. W. L. K Senile King, and Mr. WUiiam <MI> <M tl* tlhlt«« SUtts staU department. Isaac, an Aberdcau Jew, had a great experience the other day. which made me believe that honesty Is the best policy. "While travelling In von ot the tram-cars, the conductor forgot to ask me for my fare, vloh vas voS penny. I could have left without pa^ Ing, but did not succumb to the tem9> tation; so I gave him a threepenny bit, and got flvepence chaaae. Thoa the doing ot right thlBflS hrlags VU own reward." • ^i^^^w

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