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Flesherton Advance, 7 Dec 1927, p. 7

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^ ^NED IN HEALTH â-  AND IN WEIGIfT •'N«ir*GiTe8 AH the Credit to Dr. WiUiams' Pink Pilb. ft Whan a young elrl become^ pale, "tcomplafaia of exhauitlon at the leaat ^ jtXMtlon, haa dluy spells, headaches or atonuch trouble, aha should know < jUiat tbaae are aome ol the many . aymptomi of anaemia, which maana ^ 'that her blood to thin and weak. la (uch condition there la the moat ur- * .cant need for a tonic that will prompt- 4 'ly raatore the missinf qualities to the , blood and thus bring back health and Btrength. For this purpose thera ia ' no tonic can equal Dr. Williaaia' Pink . 'Pills. Thousands of weak and ailing , llrls have found new health and hap- ipiness through this medicine. Mlaa > jpiadya V. Bond, KentTllIe, N.S., used iUUa treatment succeaafuUy, and says: f-"I cannot praise Dr. WUliama' Pink jPlUs too highly (or the good they have 4one me. I was In a condition of Tery iM>or health, suffered from severe Beadaches and nervousness. My ap- Betite was poor, and very little exer- tion would leave me tired out. On the advice of a friend I decided to try Dr. {WiUlams' Pink Pills. In a few weeks I began to feel better, my appetite im- proved, and the headaches were less tre<iuent. I continued the use of the l^ills until I had taken six boxes, by *hlch time I felt as well as ever, and I gained in weight from 98 pounds to 114 pounds. For this reason I advise ill weak girls to try this medicine." ' Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- tousness and stomach trouble. Take Ihcm as a tonic and cultivate a reaist- Kce that will keep you well and â- ong. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by nail at 60c a box from The Dr. Wil- lams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont A Nsw Use For The Airplans A contributor in York County tells us eat the rabbit industry is gpowixig ' "leaps and bounds." Enlist Now! With the party of Christmas homegoers leaving Halifax for the Mother "Country. Make sure of a right royal Christmas and good time with your family and friends on the other side. ^ *,. ^ See a steamship agent to-day. Round Trip from $155 up. Children half fere â€" every* thing included. Christmas Sailings Wtom BAUTAX Dec Sâ€"ANTONIA for Plymouth, Havre and London, Dec 11â€" ATHENIA for Belfast, Liverpool and Glasgow, i Dec. 12â€" ASCANIA for Plymouth* Havre and London. ~., from ST, JOBN. N.B. Dec 10â€" ATHENIA for Belfast, Liverpool and Glasgow. /^M CANADI^^ SERVICE V â- â- ^•M. >.«**â- ;' CARRYtNQ OUT THE LIFE LINE ^To a stranded ship so a bree<dies buoy could be used to save the crew. The United States Coastguard has this in operation. Britain to Spend £1,680,000 On Airship Development London â€" The British Government's sdieme of airship development, which includes two giant dirigibles now be- iag oonatrueted, was originally esti- mated at £1,350,000, less^a possible paxjnent of £150,000. It wUl exceed that amount by ap- proximately - £130,000,Sir Samuel Hoare now says. Originally the cost of one 'ship, the R-101, was eetlmated at £300,000, but owing to a variety of caus«s, includ- ing a slowing down of~work, fh* cost is now expected' to reach £400,000. -« Lure of National Parks The unexplored regions of Canada's national parks are now more and more proving a loadstone to out-ot- doors adventurers, explorers, and na- ture lovers. Every season brings newc of some newly-explored area, attend- ant on the Joumeyings of individuals, or parties seeking access to the hid- den wonders of remote districts. « Arctic Islands Preserve The area of wild life preserves set aside for the benefit of natives by the 1 Department of the Interior, in the I Northwest Territories, Canada, has be-^n extended by taking in all islands north of the mainland between the 60th and the 141st degrees of longi- tude. This large area is now known as the Arctic Islands Preserve. .râ€" « Last Week's Howler Perpetrated by the boy who said a cynic was a place where you washed dishes. >.. "jtu:hor^i UNES' n THK ROBERT SBFORD CO. UMITKD Cor. Bay and WelUnt^on Stt.. 10RONTO The Browns were expecting a visit from their pastor. It was the custom of the latter to ask the small children of his flock three questions â€" their name, age, to test their knowledge of right and wrong, he asked them where bad little children went. Mary, the young daughter, had received full instructions from her parents and was quite ready to answer the questions. The minister arrived, and asked: "What's your name, little girl?" In her hurry to display her Intelligence, Mary answered: "Mary, sir; five years old; go to hell." Minard's Lmiment for Colds. Canada has taken the place of Great Britain as the best trade customer of the United States, the Dominion's purchases having increased $55,193,- 342 in the first eight months of 1927 over the like period In 1926. Canada is prospering, and Its business was a great factor in keeping the industries o fthe United States on a sound basis when other markets were quiet The prosperity of one nation helps the prosperity of its neighbors. SPtClAL CHRISTMAS OFFER Here Is a chance to get an Ideal Handy Farm Mixer. De- livered anywhere In Ontario 132.00. Manitoba ISfi.OO, Sas- katchewan or Alberta 138.00. British Columbia $40.00. It mixes concrete, feed, fertlUier, washes roots, and a doien other uses on the farm. This Is a special Xmas offer. Attach a money order to this ad. and raaJl to this office. Thonsands •r* May sold. Order yonxa today. Fully described In Bulletin Its. LONDON CONCeEIE MACHINERY COMPANY. LTO, 100 KITCHENER AVE., LONDON, CANADA. ENJOY WINTER in the SOUTH On the Beautiful GULF COAST Viild, equable temperature; never too hot, never too cold. A land of hlRory and romance. Beautiful foliage; inspiring water views. Out- door sports under perfect conditions. Modem, new hotels; slso apart' ments and cottages. The Pan-American, all- Pullman train of do luxe •ccommodatlons, leaves Cincinnati daily at 10:20 A. M., teaching Oulf Cout poittt* euly next morning. Other through trains daily. InQlorious FLORIDA fotm of dtllshtfuUnwtt«liiin«nt«w»lt« winter vUilton. Splendid through trtln K'vtca from Detroit ind Cincinnati on TK« Flamlnio, •nd from Cinclnnmtl on TM SowAlonJ. WrlufurfTmJ»iertfd)m\ttamm*,BThTin{(Hmallontuuh'a,orraerviiiimt â€" H. H. PORTER. Tnw. Pon'r Afmi OR7â€" N (Dtpt. '*W L") <05 Tniuponadon Building, Detroit, Mkhigaa lOUlSVILLB & NASHVILLE R. R. LrN FOR MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN Mothers are quick to praise any- thing which brings health and com- fort to their little ones â€" any medicine that will make the baby well and keep him well will always receive hearty recommendation from the mother. That is why Baby's Own Tablets are so popular. Thousands of mothers, throughout the country, not only use them for their own little ones but are always delighted to be able to recom- mend them to other mothers. Thous- ands of mothers have proved Baby's Own Tablets to be without an equal in relieving their little ones of any of the minor ailments which arise out of a derangement of the stomach and bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are the Ideal laxative â€" easy to take but thor- ough in action. They banish -'consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers; expel worms and make the teething period easy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Sydney Coal-Feld Submarine mining is the odtstand- Ing feature of the Sydney coal-fleld. Nova Scotia, and workings have been carried seaward to distances varying from one to two and a half miles. While the seaward extent of the seams is unknown, there are no indi- cations of flattening or rising tenden- cies, and it is probable that the limits of mining wil be determined by econo- mic factors rather than by exhaus- tion. Hospital for Sick Children 07 College St., Toronto S, Ont December, 1927. Dear Mr. Editor:â€" Most of yonr readers are well aware ot the wonderfnl lervice which the Hospital for Sick" ChU- dren in Toronto is enabled to per« form through the generosity of iti friends. During the Christmas season the Hospital appropriately makes ita annual appeal for the funds necessary to carry on the work throughout the new year. Now is the time to give tangible ez- presslon to the feeling of good-will which "The Sick Kids" Hospitalâ€"* as it is familiarly called â€" has won for itself in every part of thiq province. The magnitude of the Hospital's task continually enlarges. In its little blue cots there are always nearer three hundred than two hundred youngsters being tenderly ushered back to health and strength. For every patient a dollar a day must be secured through voltfntary sontrtbutions which adds np to at least 1100,000 for each year of the hospital's ministry. Its ssrvice, however, is not con- fined to Its own four walls. Note these arresting faats. The Infant mortality rate in Ontario Is 78.5, while in Qtieheo it is 142. In our towns and olUas the loss ot infant Ufe is less than halt what it ia In the sister province. Now, tor On- tario's priceless advantage, one out- itanding reason la the maintenance by public benevolence ot a world- famous provincial institution dedl- eated to the care ot the on-coming generation. An entire department ot the Hospital for Sick Children is devoted to the care ot babies under one year ot age. Here every aid which medical science can devise la extended to help the tiny patients through the first hard round in their struggle for existence. Familiarity with . the methods here employed Is an Invaluable asset to doctors and nurses enlist- ing for service in the homes of the province. Thus li the childhood ot even/ the most remote community within the compass of the wide- spread ministration of the Hospital tor Sick Children benefitted. It is indeed a work for humanity which deserves cordial remembrance at Christmas time. Fsltbfully yours, lUVlNQ E. ROBERTSON, Ctaalrmau Appeal ConimUt««b' Feilows Who Want BIG Getittto «ars â- â€¢ as ai*e«MM â- uk* «ro *a wun sail i» it worii haU so »â- â- Â«. WDiT, Is ta a amtil-sar, ao* ]eb OMt «•«â-  as ahMM* for - aotioa n e okaaa* fee \t» ._ â- â-  "* y»»» â€" " torn a râ€" i ]o1h wkas* tk* liic aioaar ia vtatm tutta, aa« always wUl b* mada. $30 A SAT Dear Mr. Cooke: I waa making |Xt a week when I en- rolled. Now with my own Blectrlaal Shop I make aa high ail 130 a day. A. J. Dalaneault, t2fi Woreeater, Southbridge, UaSB. tl.B0 AM KOVm Dear Mr. Cooke: I had to work like 6 slave for 4to an our before I • nrollsd. Now, thanks to you, Mr. Cooke: I make $1.S0 an hour. G. W. Oprea, 4210 N. Meade Av., Chlcaao. 111. OTBMZTTâ€" na BM VAT K»U> Today even th,e ordinary Kriectrlclinâ€" the "screw driver" kind â€" la nuUdna money â€" big money. But It's the trained man â€" the Electrical Kxpart â€" who makes the really ble money â€" tit to ISO a day â€" $70 to }200 a week. Be a Bla-Pay man, yourself. Get In line, now, for one of '•Bla-Pay â-  Jobs. â- FL3, TmAXV TOV AX KOMB I'll train you at home â€" In your spare time. You wosk Just aa you are working now â€" at your same Job. My now famous "Work-3ho«t and Job-Ticket" method guarantees you slmpU. fled. praotJcal tralnina alone work-shop lines. In a raw short months you can step out of your old job Into anew lob â€" Intoelectrlo&l work where you can bs a Big-Pay man In this Big-Pay field. TOV BAJUr AS TOV T- ya^T T To learn Electricity my way you dont have to b« a CoUese man, or ev«n a High School graduate. Tou can read. You can write. That's enough. With me. you »et experience as you go along and make good money while learning, ill show you how â€" and I'll give you, without extra cost, tool* and apparatus to work with â€" 6 Big Outflta In all. MOSBT BACK 17 BOT KAT IBBIB D That a what I agree to do. And back of me In thlB agreement stands the Chicago Engin- eering Works, a. 12,000,000 Illinois Corpora- tion. There's nothing like 'Cooke' Train- ing, anywhere. It's the Training that big Elec trlcaj men are praising; it's u>e Training that employers recommend; it's the Training that >ne of our greatest Engineering societien has mdoraed 100 percent. It's th» TnUalBg for yon. zr Tovma babbzbo &an thab tro a WBBXâ€" ZBrTBBTiaATB ,_?oalt wait a minute! Find out today why The Cooka Trained Man la the Big-Pay Man." fZTT^^i •' ""'* °"* ^°'^ 'Cooke" Training WIU help you boost your pay! Mail coupon right now orjny Big FREE Book of Pacts. See the Six Big Wcu-king Outflts I give you without extra charge. See the hundreds of pictures, the proofis, the Blg^l?ay letters of other "Cooke" ' l^rained Men. Get this great free Book. .Senj sign, and mall coupon â- .V Hundreds afMmi: I have trained arenoweamin^ •70^*200 \^ dont jou' NOEXnU COST n Trained Men. Get th L. L. COOKE SCHOOL OF ELECTRICITY Oept. 1718 0/0 R. A. Farrow, ^Special Representath') 7 Medbury Lane, East Windsor, Ont m TA \^ â- â- ntrala haaa la L. L. COOKEl I^. COOKB, Chief laatraotion Bngineea Dept. 1713, a.:o. B. A Farrew, Speolat Bepreseatative, 7 Bedbory Iiane, B,« Windsor, Ont. Send me at once without nbllgatlon your big illuHtrat«d book "The So* crets of Succpsa in Electricity" an^ complete details of your Home Training CourRS In Practical B»ec- trioity. Including your outfit an* employment service offers. Name Address City Province . Uie Cookc'Trained Man is the Big Pay "Man Indian Railways Push Publicity New Ideas Sought to Boom Home Traffic â€" Foreign Campaigning System- atic Calcutta â€" One of the subjects serl- ouai.' discussed by the railway confer- ence at Simla waa th© question of publicity on the Indian railways. This is at last being tackled on a system- atic basis. The railways of this coun- try have to make every effort to at- tract fresh business. Their proflts have been showing a slight but con- tinuous decline since 1924. They are still too dependent on the vagaries of the monsoon. As regards tourist and overseas traffic, publicity work on the Indian •tate railways â€" these now cover the greater port of India â€" Is being co- ordinated and freshly extended. Each railroad In the eystem has its own publicity ofttce. In addition there is at Bombay a central bureau respon- sible for turning out a number of pamphlets which in their general get- up and artistlo layout are equal to the : beat home pictorial work. All the state railways In India are j aotively engaged in filming scenes of: interest in their aotlvitle*. and In' rutining "demonstration trains" for ' the beneflt of agriculturlstB'. They â-  have opened a London bureau and i started' advertising on a wide scale In Knglish publications!. ! The Indian railways have arranged | reciprocal publicity with th© our bigj English railway groups; with certain j Continental railways: with the Aus- ; trallan railways, and with our own ' Canadian National,. Canadian Pacific Railways, which we distributed : thousands ot pamphlets In America. In India there Is a good deal of reci- procal publicity with the press, press advertising space being exchanged for j poster space on the platform. | Wjiat Is being carried out on the i Indian state railways Is also being actively undertaken â€" possibly not to ! Quite the same extent â€" on the Indian lines «tlU under company manage- ment, of which the chief are the Ben- gal Nagpur Railway (Calcutta^, and t!-.« Bombay. Baroda and Central In- dia Railway (Bambayl. The 111 tie girl had been visiting. When It was time for her to be going home, her hostess said: "Ooodbye. Marjorle; you must come again Koon. We should like to see more of you " "But there Isn't any more of me," re- plied Marjorle. Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. Yukon's Tourist Attractions Yukon has been known In the past almost entirely as a mining country, but the tourist traffic Is assuming a yromineut place among the commer- cial assets of the Territory. The aniquo natural attractions, niagnili- oeat scenery, bracing atmosphere, con- tinuous daylight during the summer season, and improved facilities for the tourist arje the reasons for the rapid growth in the number of visitors. Classified Advertisements VrrSICAX XBSTBtrSCXBTS. U'LTRAFHONIC GRAMOPHONK. S> selections $1(6. UO for $55.00. Guar< anleed. Polsson. 34(1 Mount-Royal Btea% Montreal. SlbBCTBXC rlZT'D'BZS When you want the most economical & satisfactory lumber cutters, write us for information & prices. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. Montrcid Toronto VancouTtr St. John 1-27 AT B.VRG.MN TRICES. BUY DIRECS and save half the price. Send tot .ipefial catalogue. Earle Kleotric Sup- plies, 1284 St. Clair Ave.. Toronto. S.\LES.ME.N WANTED TO PL.VCH best Mining Stock Issue |-i uverj town. .VHtioniil Bond Corporation, SST Buy .St.. Toronto. \r \ K N Sâ€" M A C H I N B * HAND KNITTING â€" "Old Tynie." "All Avool." "SUk and Wool." 86c a pound no, aeilvered. Samples free. Stocking a Tarn Shops. Department B. Orllltrt Ont. rrnadlan Battonal Begrlstered Pedigree Silver Black Foxes .Ancestors from some of the best P. B. Is, land strains. Prollflo breeders. FullfurrM with plenty of guard hair. $400.00 a pal'. WIIiI^IAX BATES, BIOaBTOWB, OBT. RESTORED TO > GOOD HEALTH Qri«kl3r Ivrtteted Throat* Slowly swaDow a sip of "Buckley's". Tou'D be astonished by the MnnKdtate relief it brings to a sore, inflamed throat. Sinsers, speakers and smokers shouM never bo without It. The flmt dose clears end soothes the throat and bronchial tubes â€" and there ere 40 doses in s 76-cent bottle I At all druaslsts and guaranteed W. K. BncUey, Limited, 142 Mntaal St., Toronto 2 ^M M I x-ruR E fc/ A<u iOia a H o m H • lingle tip proves U â-  â- * That Hacking Cough A half teaspoon of Minard's taken internally with molasses will ease the throat .T:i(i stop i-ouk1i. Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; Her Interesting Experience Buckingham, Quebec â€" "I am th« mother of eleven living children, 'land my baby la five months old. I am only .38 years old and I hava taken Lydia K Pinkham s Vege- table Compound for weakness and my nerves. I know of it from my sister. Dame Ed- ouard Bcllefeuiile of Ramsayville. i For live yeiira I was in misery and was always ready to cry. Now 1 .im so happy to ' ave food health. 8 Jycars old, â€" -. - will bo happy to rccoinmcnd it to all youHT girht." â€" name Wll.i.i.sM Par- ent, ^feox 411, Cuckinjrham, Quebec. Why 3-.i(Tcr for years with ija<-k- achc, riprvou:-no3J< and oibcr ailmenta com:non t.i v*»)mcn from enrly life to middle age, v.- hen Lydl.T V.. rinkh::m's Vogcfable Compo I'd v; !1 p-ivc you relief? In a recent country-wi.'o canvass of purchasers of Lydia V,. Pinkham's Vegetable Comixvmd, ove.r 2£ >,000 r<;ilica were received, and 9S -mt of every V'd reported they v/crc bene- ^fiteUby itauac <J • ISSUE No, 4^-27 ?oo(l health. My daughter, wiio is 8 years old, has also taken it and /

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