#â- I THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, '2,7 Maximum Security at Minimum Cost A Safsty Deposit Box in the near- est branch of the Standard Bank will relieve any anxiety regrarding the whereabouts of your valuables while permitting free access to them by you or a duly authorized person at any time during banking hours. The cost is less than one cent per day; the value received is an inestimable sense of security. TMB STANDARD BANK OP CANADA. FLESHERTON BRANCH-HE. A. Prwston, Manager CJ>Jt. TIME TABLB Trains leave Fleihertcn Station aa foUowa: doing Soath - Going Korth 8.08 a.m. 11.52 ajn. 4.10 a.m. 8.63 p.m. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south at 3.30 For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal Use a "Small Advt". It won't be Idng now! Buy from those who advertise in The Advance. The housing problem in town is very acute at present. See the big New Ford advertise- ment on one of the inside pages. Division court will be held here on Friday of this week. Mrs.,^F. H. W. Hickling is visiting relatives in Toronto Mr. S. W. Hardwick spent Satur- day at his home in Bolton Mr. T. W. Findlay spent Monday in Chatsworth visiting his mother, â- who is ill. Don't forget the bazaar in the town hall on Saturday of this week. The ladies will serve tea in the afternoon. To Answer Two Chanies Mr. G. B. Welton arpeared before Magistrate Creasor at Owen Sound on Monday afternoon to answer to two charges against the Liquor Control Act. The charges were of having liquor in a place withor.t having a per- mit and the other of liaving liquor in a place other than a private guest room. The case wa? adjourned and will be tried in Flesl ^rton this Wed- nesday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. The charges were laid ^vhen Provincial Constables Denton o: Owen Sound and Widmeyer of Walker', in and Inspector M. C. Beckett paid a visit to the hotel a week ago. Euphrasia Man Killed An automobile aczident which re- sulted in the instant (sath of Mr. Wm. Fothergill, respected young farmer living on the 9th li'.e of Euphrasia, about four miles from Markdale, occ- urred about 7.30 on Saturday evening. Mr. Fothergill was on his way home from Markdale in his Ford touring car and was accompanied by his brother-in-law, Mr. Cecil Brett. He 'was driving at a moderate rate of speed on a straight piece of road when the car suddenly skidded one way and , then another, finally turning over. Brett, who was only slightly injured j after crawling from under the car, â- tried to life the car off Mr. Foth Mrs. A. Watson and Miss Gertrude ergill, but was unable to do so alone. Lever spent a couple of days m Tor- Procuring help from a house near by onto last week. he managed to lift the car, when it I u- ......i^fetv* 1.1/ 11X1. bile v;ajL, wi Mr. Jack Thornton of Toronto is i was found that Mr. Fothergill had visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. ' been thrown backward, his head strik- "(Velton. ing the road with such force as to An ideal Christmas gift would be cause instant death. It is believed The Advance for one year. Special that the accident was caused by a rate to subscribers. i frozen steering gear. The deceased The L. O. L. will hold their regular , "^^^ ^^°^^ 28 years of age and marr- meeting on Friday evening of this ' '*f ''"* ^^^ "« children. He had the week. Election of officers. Every ! misfortune to lose all of his sea- I son's ernn hv firo loof iraa-r- son's crop by fire last year. member is repuested to attend. ^ Capt. W. H. Ball of Toronto was ip I town on Monday and Tuesday collect- j Mrs W. P. Crossley, Mrs. W. Boyd ing funds for the Navy League of,^"^ Mrs. C. J. Crossley spent the Canada. - (week end in Toronto. Dr. E. Almond, the noted eyesight Any subscriber who does not re- specialist of Toronto, will be at thejceive his paper regularly will confer Revere House, Markdale, Wednesday, ' a favor by notifying us of the fact. December 14th. | The annual Kimberley Poultrv Be sure and get your entries in ear-; Show is being held on Thursday and ]y for the Dog Races and Cat Exhibit Friday of next week, December 15th to be held on Santa Claus Day in the ' and 16th. rear end of the Clayton Block, where' ,, ' , „ . a good fire will be provided. [ , ^^- *"" Mrs. E. A. Preston moved The Standard Bank has increased ' Tolrostpl'^^ IvT ''^^''^^"^^O" its service to its patrons by installing' â„¢ tLp 1^^, m « Z^^ ^^'^*"^ on Monday a number of safety deposit "' *â„¢^ *^° ^^ ^''- ^*"y- boxes. No doubt the public will wel- Messrs Maurice Schaeffer. John come this chance to safely keep valu- ^^'^> Pete Dow and John Nuhn mot- able documents from harm. ! °^^^ to Kitchener Tuesday and atten- Mr Wm Nixon of Amulet, Sask., ' ^^^ ^ hockey game there and visited • and Mr. Isaac Nixon of Lucknow "^^^^^ were week end visitors with Mr. and, There will be one hundred special Mrs. R. Bentham. The former prizes given away to the children this brought east two carloads of stock, ' year, besides a bag of candy to every cn\** '^**^*'* ""'* ^^^ ^^^^'^ contained child on Santa Claus Dav. Santa 50 head of colts. These were all ' would like to see eight hundred child- sold m the Lucknow district I ren this year. There will be a Mysterious Shopper _____ on Sat., December 17th, Santa Claus r,:rrfo „nnT« phr vii Day agam this year and you can rest Kl'BBEK BOOTS FOR ALL assured they say they will not be â- caught as easily as last year. Follow- ' For a good work boot that will help mg are the correct words to catch him ' keep your feet dry, and rubber bot- n«J?.VnU *u ^°" resemble in every toms and tops for men and boys, and lT:nl^lrZ^^ S:^i::! SS'r>'' ^^^^^ °* -P-r - ^-^wear. Ftrd Mews on Inside Page' W. L. NORWOOD Flesherton, Ont. WANTED DRESSED FOWL Mest be well dressed ; no scalded or steamed fowl warned : dry picked and well cleaned, for which th highest market price will be >, paid in cash. John Runstadler PHONE 55 FLESHERTON, ONT. I Santa Claus Will Have Big Day December 17tli Santa is again coming to Flesher- ton and would like to meet all the children. It's expected that he will' arrive about two o'clock in the after- noon with his usual supply of nuts and candies and will give each child a bag. Besides the candy there will be 100 Special Prizes and 100 chil- dren will find a slip of paper in their bag of candy, wliich will entitle them to a special prize. In order to show that the event is run fair and square we must state that out of 75 porizes given last year only 11 of them stay- ed in the village each child has an equal chance to secure a special prize. There were six hundred youngsters attended on Santa Claus day last year and the promoters-^are looking for eight hundred on his vis- it this year. Haw Bros.' pipe band of Swinton Park has been invited to attend and if the weather is favor- able will supply music that afternoon. In addition to the above T. W. Find- lay is offering prizes for sleigh dogs and all the different kinds of cats for the children. Prizes for the dogs will be $2 and $1 and for the cats $1.50 and $1. All cats are to be enclosed in boxes and the exhibit will be held in the rear of the Clay- ton Block, where a nice warm fire will be kept on. Entries for the cat show will close at 1.30 o'clock. For further information call at Fin- dlay's store. Let us make a real day's fun for the children and everybody is request- ed to let everybody else know of the big time in Flesherton on the 17th day of December Gift Suggestions Ladies' Corsage Bouquets 35e. to $1.00. Men's Fancy Negligee Shirts $1.50 to $3.50. Men's and Boy's Cloth Caps $1.00 to $2.75. Hockey Boots, Men's and Boy's .. $3.75 to $4.50. Fancy Turkish Towels 39c. to $1.00. Fancy Towel Setts in Boxes 75c to 1.25. Ladies' Silk and Suede Gloves 7e. to $2.50. Men's Wool and Silk Mufflers 75c. to $3.00. Ladies' Silk Vests, all colors 79c. to $1.50. Men's and Ladies' House Slippers $1.00 to $2.75. Men's Sweaters and Pullovers $2.25 to $6.50. Boy's Aberley Sweaters $1.50 to $3.00. Ladies' anu Children's Fancy Handkerchiefs, in lawn, white and colored linen, crepe de chine, etc 5c. to 75c. Infant's Wool Jackets, Bootees, Mitts, Touques and Pullovers. Men's Suspenders 50c, to 75c. Men's Kid Gloves and Mitts $1.50 to $3.50. Men's Cashmere Mufflers $1.50 to $2.50. Men's Armletas and Garters 25c. to 75c. Ladies' Silk Scarves $1.95 to S2.95. Ladies' Silk Hosiery $1.00 to $2.00. Ladies' Silk and Wool Hosiery 79c. to $1.75. Men's Fancy Socks 50c. to $1.50. Ladies' Silk Bloomers $1.00 to $1:25. Ladies' Silk Slips , $2.29 to $2.95. Linen Luncheon Setts $1.95, $3.00, $3.50. Men's Silk and Crepe Ties 89c. to $1.50. Ladies' Knitted Wool Dresses $7.95 to $10.50. Ladies' Kid Gloves $2.25 to $2.75. Ladies' Raynboots $2.25 to $3JUK- Ladies' Long Goloshes $3.00 to $4.50. Ladies' Short Umbrellas $1.50 to $2.50. GEORGE WRIGHT OF PROTON \W DIED ON MONDAY MORNING = INDIVIDUAL LENGTHS IN DUCHESSE SATIN, CHARMEUSE, PAILETTE, FUGI, TAFFETA AND FANCY SILKS, ALSO FANCY WOOL FLANNELS. PRICES RANGE FROM $1.29 to $3.00. Crepe de Cines, Flat Crepeb, Canton Crepes, Georgatte Crepes, Silk and Wool Crepes for evening wear. Misses and Ladies' Fancy Slippers for party use New Season's Shades in Holeproof & Bi Tex Hosiery. Wonderful Assortment of China Biscuit Jars, F^m Pots, Cocoa Setts Berry Setts, Bon Bon Dishes, Nut Bowls, Cake Trays, Spoon Trays, Salad Bowls, Creams nd Sugars. All Priced Reason- shXy. New assortment Fancy Gilt Teapots, Novel Shapes, etc. Beautiful Colors. open Stock Semi-porcelain 97-piece Dinner Setts, 10 elegant patterns, from S20, 825, S27.50, $31.30. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES 1^ NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, FIGS. SULTANAS, DATES, PRUNES, CANDIED PEELS, FRENCH fu^i7'^u £*^^^^ *^^y ** ^^^ ^*""^ °" a CHERRIES. SHELLE ALMONDS, SHELLED WALNUTS, ICINGS, JELLIES. MIXED NUTS. CAN- the nth Concession of Proton Monday g DIES AND CHOCOLATES, MINCE MEAT, ORAN GES, LEMONS, GRAPE FRUIT AND GRAPES. mornmg George Wright, a prominent H resident of that township. Besides^ 'szt."^isz^iiz'^i':^-mr. h. w. hickling flesherton. ont. lamentable is the fact that his young- H est daughter died at her father's home H about two weeks ago. Mr. Howard S Wright of town is a son and is at- â„¢ day, interment being made in Salem A RCal BUy-at-H0m6 StOry cemetery. Mrs. A. McCauley of town is a sister of the deceased. i n i m i^ ,, r u -.^ ^ I Rusel T. Kelly of Hamilton, m I introducing the subject of buying Can- NEW RESIDENTS IN TOWN ladian goods at home, at the Junior .«â- i-., . ,... ! Farmer's Banquet at Guelph recent- rJ^A: ^'"•'5 Jl'«'"Pf°'^ °f «>.« pa^elily told the following story: A man road east of Maxwell moved his hou<«f>- 1 = hold effects to his farm In the south I '"^, T.T '""^^ '''' T^^t end of the village, which he recently | "^'^^ *^^* ^^ ^^^ "* fmancial difficul- purchased from Mr. D. McTavish. i *^'^^ ^"^ if he could not raise $1,200 Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are welcomed ''^ ^^^ following noon, the bank to town as very desirable citizens, ! would force him into an assignment both being very highly respected. 'The following morning his wife pre- sented him with bonds sufficient in 'to himself: "Gee, I would now be a value to meet the demands of the | bank. On being questioned where she ! obtained them, she told her husband that, after hearing him declare short- ly after their marriage that her kiss was worth $1, she had kept track of the number of times her husband had kissed her and extracted a dollar from his pocket for each one. She had in- vested wisely and was now able to help her husband in his financial diff- iculty. The husband was delighted. millionaire if I had done all my kiss- ing at home!" though for a time and then exclaimed • inion. A recent summary of the dairy industry in Western Canada shows that the provinces of Alberta, Sask- atchewan and Manitoba, which a com- paratively short time ago did not pro- vide enough for their own require- ments, now account for nearly 30 per cent, of the butter output of the Dom- I ^^1 i^iTii^ ^T^i ANASSU TO ALL /NERS We wish to assure the Ford owners of this community that as long as they drive their Model T cars, a full stock of genuine parts will be available, and expert Model T service will be main- tained. This applies not only in our own garage, but throughout the Dominion-wide Ford dealer organization. The New Car which will soon be on display in our showrooms is the ultimate expression of auto- motive engineering and design made possible by the 16,000,000 Ford cars that have gone before it. YOU ARE INVITED TO THE FIRST SHOWING OF THE NEW CAR Come to our Showrooms for Complete Details H. DOWN and SONS Flesherton (