iMmifl^liitiimiiat/itiimm â- â- ii»»<i fc iiii» ii ii4iiiM hhIh imikS SS!! l l W I il fi l WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 '27 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Publiahed on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each . WMk. Circulation over 1100, Pllne in Canada, |2.00 per jretTf vrfari paid in advance |1.60. In W.f?.?:. f>;?.60 per year, when paid in advance |2.00. W. H. THURSTON. Editor PAVE ONE A YEAR VICTORIA CORNERS ROCK MILLS Mrs. Wm. Ludlow has been on the ' Mr. George Field of Toronto is vis- sick list, but is much improved. j iting with relatives here. Miss Emma Moore visited her cou- | Mrs. Johnston visited the past week sin, Mrs. Qgcar Patterson last week. ! with her son, Mr. Will Johniton of Miss Marguerite Stinson was called the Toronto gravel. c!) Briifht to wait on her sister, Mr^. 'â- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips of Mtlville Hawes who has been sick Palmerston visited the past week with with tonsilitis. j relatives here. Mi,^s Margaret Moore is at Smith- ' ^y^ ^^^^^j „„,. congratulations to vilk- waiting on her grandmother, ^^^ ^^,^^^^y y^j^^ ,vhose marriage Mrs. S. W. Woodlan. MARRIED Gaudin- November Gaudin â€" On Tuesda>', 16th by Rev. E. C. Hun- TENDERS WANTED w The Dundalk Hearld in its last is- sue had comment to make on the pavinjs question which has been be- fore Grey County council for sev-Uev, Mrs. Margaret Gaudin to Mr. H eral yi'ars now. Several towns and vill-( \'. Gaudin, i)oth of Toronto. ages in the County reiiucsted pave-j â€"tiwtrtm-ivas, among them Flesher-j ton, but with the exception of Mea-] ford the ai>|>lications refused. In part The ll-'arld said:- "Sociner or later the towns will all have pavements or streets much similar, and we believe the country legislators could do worse than allow •ne town or village in the county! each year to pave. To decide the order in which these towns and vill-i ages could be paved is not for us to say. Grey County is behind the times as far aa pavement is concern- ed. Dufferin has only one town and two villages and they can all boast of pavement. Grey with three towns and six villages can of pave- ment in but two of the towns and one of the villagrs. Paving costs a lot of money, but it pays in the long run." Wc believe that the above sugges- tion is a lo(ricul one and would dis- tribute building program over a unm- ber of years. The heavy east and west traffic over the county road Tenders for running the snow plow will be received up to December 10, U)27, -for clearing the sidewalks of I ?ncw for the coming winter. State Monday. Mr. Hemphill of Ceylon did price p^r hour. Submit tenders to W. J. Bellamy, Clerk . inge took place last week to Miss Stella Alcox of the Toronto Line. The young couple will reside on the groom's farm here. We welcome Mrs. Smith to our midst. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens of Kim- berley visited recently with the lat- t'j.'s parents here, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. Jliss Leila Clark spent the week end with her j^randparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark of Flesherton. Mr. C. Newell had a wood bee on Auction Sale Implements, Furniture Etc. MALCOLM FERGUSON LOT lt7. 3 S. W., ARTEMESIA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1927 Implements, Etc.â€" Sod plow, Buggy Cutter and Cutter Robe, Gang Plow, Stubble Plow, Set of Iron Harrows, Si't of Spring Tooth Harrows, Cul- tivator, Turnip Cutter, Turnip Seed- -r. Scuff ler, Set of team harness. Set of single harness. Set of plow the job with his buzzing outfit. The service next Sabbath evening will be at the home of Mrs. John Por- teous at 7.30. Mr. Bray bt Pro- ton preached last Sabbath and deliv- ered a good message. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artemesia Council met at Flesh crton on November 5. The members all being present, the Reeve presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. By-law 808 to authorize issue of .iebenture to the extent of S8U0 for GRAHAMâ€" DUNBAF^ CASE SETTLED OIT OF COURT Plaintiff's Paid $r,125 For In- juries and r images. NEWSPAPER A COMMUNITY ASSET it to Owen Sound, where it was hand- I ed over to the proper authorities. The . â- â€" - ' Jriver of the Ford did not stop.â€" Everywhere there is a growincT Chatsworth Banner, understanding among business men I that the newspaper, while an indi- Agreement was reac'.sd In Suite of ^j^^^, i,uginesa problem of some pub- Proprietohr Sof Rcsnville Theatre jj^^^^ j^ ^^ jj^^ ^^g tj^^ „ coj„n,. of Town, Against (Juelph Lawyer ^.^^^, ^^^^^^ ^he newspaper serves the Entered For Hearng at Siies. community more than a publishes. The time is coming when everywhere business will feel a per- sonal interest in the newspaper's wcl- #*e. The fact -has -been shown that a community cannot make progress without it. It can exijt but cannot grow. â€" E.xchange. The suite of F. H. Graham, his two daughters and Mrs. Matilda Lumley of Walkerton, ggain^' R. A. A. Dun- bar of Guelph, for .iamages to tlie plaintiff's car and injuries to him- self and others, as a result of a mot- or accident on tha Elora Road, last June, which was set for hearing at the Assizes hero this week, was set- tled out of court. The plaintiffs are to bo reinibursel to the extent of 82,125, through the solicitor, Mr. 0. E. Klein. â€" Telescope. Bazaar in Town Hall The Ladies' Aid of the United ~.„ «iv,Z c-hurch will hold their annual bazaar in the Towti Hall on Saturday, DeC' ember 10th beginning at 3 o'clock. There will be for sale besides fancy and plain articles, home-made candy baking, vegetables, etc. Another newspaper lished in Kincardine. is to be pub- AGENCY FOR Massey Harris Implements INSURANCE WRITTEN IN SEVERAL COMPANIES ON BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. Flesherton ;'s one of the first vill- ages to receive pavement through harness, Qu.)ntitv of timber, framed telephone system was passed and or- for shed. WaKon, Mower, Weighing -I'^-fd lo be forwarded to the Railway Beam, Binder, Sugar Kettle, Grind -â- •;"'• Municipal hoiud for ai)proval. Stone, Sink Waterinfr Box, Melotte The accounts were ord- 1 Cream Separator. ercd to be paid: A. Carruthers, comm- through Flesherton and the situation House Furnitureâ€" 'Moffatt Kitchen 't^^c v.ork S2, sheep killed, F. Taylor of the village in the county should | ^^,j„,. Largo Parlor Stove, 3 Tables, ?-0- T. Taylor $9, C. Kindle $10 R. be a strong inducement to include i:yf^^\\ Parlor Stove, Small Box Stove Parslow S21.60, W. Meads S33, J. 01- Drum and Pipes, Bedroom Suite." Bur- ''â- 'â- â- r ?"• R- ^.est $10, C. Akins S40, H. Corbctt M4, A. - Williams 88 and the County. RAILWAY~TRAVEL The railways in Canada the past few years have been wonderfully free from any serious wrecks, but the one on the mainline of the C. P. R., be twee.; Dockhill, is one of the worst expei:enccd for many years. .Seven deaths are reported in the wreck-and a score or more of people were injur- ed. At the time of the accident the passenger train was travelling at a .speed of about sixty miles per hour, and the impact was terrific, cars be- ing strewn in all directions. No doubt a full investigation will be made into the causes of the accident and the blame laid in the proper place. Accidents of this kind are fortunately remote and th'^ passenger on any rail- way line can travel with all assurance that accidents of nn.v kind are exceed- ingly rare to cause any alarm. eau, .Several Bedsteads with Springs, Half Dozen Kitchen chairs, Rocking h'-'^P valuers W. J. Lorel S3, R. Piper Chair, Washing Machine, Arm Chair, =-• !'â- Mui!- ^1.50, J. Oliver $11.50, J. ? Egg Crates. Kitchen Clock, Clothes Campbell S3, members of the coun- Horse, Bird Cage, Dishcr, and num- ^'l. The Reeve SI", H. Corbett Sll, erous other articles. - ^'•'' i^fcMillan SKI. For committee and Sale to commence at 1 p.m. sharp over^ieeing worii, gravel bills order- Terms of Saleâ€" All sums of SIO.OO '<• paid:R. Purvis Sl.OO, 0. Turner end under. Cash; over thot amount 10 S2.80, L. Whitehead S2, H. Fisher months' will be given on approved •'^'•^O. L- Chard .80, A. Allen S5.30, W. ioint notes; 5'}'. 'off for cash in lieu "'" ^^'- "'-'O The Municipal World for ,f notes. forms $1.96 and T. J. Parker, bonus WH KAITTIXG .Auctioneer. <'" ''0 rods of wire fence S7.50, Ingot , . _ , Iron Co. for grader S183.35 and J. A. Davis $12.80 for overseeing work and committee. Corbett â€" Davis That the agree- â- meiit between W. .S. Walker and the FRIDAY DECEMBER 9th, 1927 Township re Grecnhill Telephone Co. RICHARD GENOE be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and Lot 21, Concession 10, Artemesia forwarded to the board for approval (1 mile south of V'andeleur) â€"carried. Has instructed the undersigned Auc- Purvi?â€" McWilliams That the re- tioneer to see by Public Auction at port of the engineer on the extension his preniih^es, the following, namely: of the Allen drain he referred back HORSES â€" One span of Horses to him for amendment, to include the Auction vSale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. The head of a big harvesting ma- chinery corporation wants to get a divorce from his wife. He claims he has spent millions on her to get her launched (ju it successful theat- rical career. Tliis will be interesting news for the farmers who have put up the money to make these excess millions available. aged. I SWINE -11 Store Pigs; 3 pure Bred Yorkshire Sows. IMPLEMENTS. ETC.â€" 1 Wagon, Single Plough, Buggy, Cutter, Set Heavy Hurnpss, Set Single Harnass 3 Collars, Scuffler, Gang Plow, Su-' gar Kettle, Crow Bar, Turnip Pul- per. Grain Cradle, Logging Chains, Cant Hook, Whiffletrens and Neck- yokes, Horse Net, Horse Rake, .Set property of C. McCracken and H. Nichnll 2nd range Ea-t. â€" Carried The Council adjourned. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Furnit- ure at Lot t) Con. 4, Osprey, on Thurs. December 8th at 12. 30. See posters. C. Penwick, Prop. Geo. Dimcr.:i, Bob .Vleighs, One 2 inch Auger, Quan- Auctioneer. FLESHERTON A.N'D ROCK MH.LStity of grain for cash, and other art-: A credit auction sale of farm stock, KAI II. (HI RCHES I iclos too numerous to mention. Sals implements, etc., will be held by Jas. REV. M. SAUNDERS | t,, commence at 2 o'clock sharp. .\. Davidson on his property west half SUNDAY, DECEMBER -Ith, 1927 | TERMS OF SALEâ€" All sums of of lot 15, Con. 12, Osprey, on Friday, Rock Mills 3 p.m. "Come over and Ten Dollars (810) and under. Cash December 9th, at 1 p.m. See large help us." over that amount Ten (10) months' posters for list. â€" W. Kaitting, auc- Friday evening, December 2nd Dr. C. credit will be given on approved tioneer. C. McLarvin, our western Mission joint notes, or five per cent. (S'/f ) representative, will give a lecture en- 1 per annum off for cash in lieu ot Robt Cook of Ornngeville has fil- titled "A nou mile canoe trip down notes. ed notice Of appeal against the sen- the Peace River." illustrated by a' NO RESERVE! Positively every- tence of ten years and 33 lashes for number of beautiful slides. Silver thing must be sold. abduction, which was given on Oct- Offering. p. Ji. Wiilden, Auctioneer. ' ober 19th. Corona and Taco Ranges Handsome Polished Surface; easy to Glean; Large, Roomy Fire Box and Oven; Dependable in ' every feature. QUEBEC RANGESâ€" COOKER AND HEATER COMBINED Clian},a(l from wood to coal in a few niimite.s, with or without high closet and reservoir. W-ry mat. durable and easy to oi)erate. Stove boards and pipes. Rifles, Shotguns and Amunition. Stable Fittings, Roofing and Glass FRANK W. DUNCAN GENERAL HARDWARE Phones: 54w and 54j. John Wripht FLESHERTON FORD CAR KILLS DEER ON HIGHWAY On Saturday night Mr. J. C. Clark, while motoring to Owen Sound, had the unique e^tperience of seeing a deer killed by a car. Mr. Clark was following a short distance behind a Ford car, and when about two miles north of Chasts- worth the Ford apparently struck something on the highway. Mr. Clark on reaching the spot stopped to investigate and discovered a deer ^^^ "^^n in the Spring when we are al- ; on the roadway with its legs broken. ; ^f ^^ '"^^e"^- ^^"^ t^- '"*"^'' °''«'" Just at this time the Francis' Bakery ' ^^^ "^•- . truck, in charge of Mr. Robt. Hamil- . P^""'' ^^^' ^""''»^'^' »* ^^ ^''P«'«« ton, came along and he and Mr. Clark loaded the deer on the truck and took Santa Claus will visit Flesherton on Saturday, Dec. 17th. Painting and Decorating Now thf.t Fall 13 here you vrilj spend more time in your homes. WTiy not have th?m freshly decorated and attractive looking? Do not wait till Spring to have your painting and dec- orating done. We can give you a better price on work done now than for ful information. W. J. WELL WOOD IToaTixnildn't allow ttiis, â- but h â€" when you use an alcohol anti-freeze you e:^08e four ^ car to miich worse damage. Even a wisp of its steam, ') even a splash when servicing the radiator, â- will ruin the finish â€" alcohol dissolves Chico or Lacquer finbhes. Whiz Radiator Glycerine won't let this happen. It won't cor- rode, won't boil over, won't ignite and there is no loss from evaporation. Fill once for the whole winter. Whiz contains no calcium chloride or other injurious chemicals. THE R. M. HOLLINGSHEAD CO. of CANADA, LIMITED Executive Offices: Meuopolitan BIdg., Toronto. Factory: Bawnunville, Ont. Luxuries Once But NecessitiesNow PRACTICALLY any Canadian '^ citisen may own today an automo- bile pouetsing elementa of beauty, style, comfort and efficiency which no amount of wealth could have com> manded a dozen yean ago. For the automobile industry has out- grown its original function as a sup- plier of transportation, and has in an amasingly short time, brought about the refinements which arc exemplified In the present-day Ckneral Motors car. Since its foundations first were laid sixty years ago, this institution has believed that every Canadian has a right to the best his country pro- duces, has a right to satisfy hia sense of beauty, his desire for comfort, his need for dependability. General Motors has at its command the master minds of the industry. It has the finest automotive research laboratories and the greatest automo- bile proving grounds in the world, wherein have been pioneered and developed some of the industry's most revolutionary advances. And General Motors has used its prosperity and success unstintingly m improving the quality and increas- ing the value of its products. . . . It is thus that General Motors of Canada has played its part in trans- lating once-inconceivable luxury into terms of every-day necessity. , , , CHEVROLET PONTIAC M*LAUOHLIN-BUICK LA SALLE *^ <U®*-^9M0BILE OAKLAND «»^CADILLAC GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK GENERA^;; MOTORS "/CANADA""'"' Home Office and Factories j CSHAWA, ONTARIO GM.t2SB