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Flesherton Advance, 30 Nov 1927, p. 1

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-: ©[jje /kfilj^rtott %imnu. Vol 47 No. 26 Flesberton. Ontario Novomber 30, 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors PROTON STATION The shooting match last Wednes- day at Mr. A. Hergott's was quite suc- cessful. All the fowl provided were disposed of. Mr. and Mrs. James Burton and chil- dren accompanied by Mr. Clark Wy- ville motored from Toronto to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Thos. Wyville. Mr. Stanley Lyons has gone to Tor- onto. PRICEVILLE Cold and windy this Monday morn- ing makes one think of winter fast approaching and it won't be long un- till Xmas. Mr. Allie Mac Lean returned from Toronto after spending a few days at the Winter Fair. Miss Esther MacLean of Melanc- thon spenf the week end at her home in the village. Mr. Laughlie McKintion and his father visited on Sunday at Mr. H. Mr. Arnold Hergott enjoyed a trip McLean's, to Toronto and _ Peterborough and j Miss Donalda Nichol spent the week attended the dairymen's convention. end at her parental home. Mr. R. G. Acheson spent a few Sorry to report Mr. John Nichol days in Toronto and attended the Win- (Jr.) is suffering with quinsy. Dr. te» Fair. j Milne was in attendance and we are Mr. and Mrs. Russel Irwin are in glad to know that at the time of Toronto at present. 'writing he is much better. Jack and Ed. Batchelor are visiting i '^^^ Sacrement of the Lord's Sup- their grandparents at Brice Hill. P^*" ^"^ dispensed of in the hall on Sunday. Rev. E. E. .\nnand of Dun- dalk conducted the services in Price- ville and Swinton Park. Sunday next, December 4th Anniv- ersary Ser\'ices will be held- in Swin- ton Park at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. and on Bornâ€" On November 25th to Re«. ; Monday following; Dec. 5th the ladies have decided to feed all comers with the best fowl of the season, and with We are sorry to report Mrs. E. ' all the necesary^ accompanients. Lyons under the doctor's care. i Supper will be served in the hall Mrs. Mills is visiting her friend, from 6 to 8 after which a lecture Mrs. Stewart. ' will be given in the church By Rev. Mrs. Ande of Toronto is at the Dr. Inkster of Toronto Knox College. home of her mother, Mrs. Hodgin, Subject: The signs of the times and helping to nurse her grandfather. Mr. ^he second coming of Christ. Mr. Geo. Ludlow, who is stUl very ill. Inkster was a much loved student at Swinton Park over thirty years ago ' ^- 1 and has since preached in the large •^ p , f% - I 1 Dominions and suitable music will MJC r OrcSl V«I OSSICjr j be provided for the occasion. Mr."'Camero3 Smellie has purchas- Visitors at Mr. James Meddaugh's last week were Mr. and Mrs. Proud and Miss Hicks of Owen Sound and Mrs. Meddaugh and daughter of Dun- dalk. and Mrs. Jackson, a son. Interment was made at Williamsford R A DIO. ELECTRIC AND BATTERY SETS Seven outstanding models, prices ranging from: $44 to $385 RADIO SUPPLIES Come in and let us demonstrate to you at: | MUSIC store: The Largest Radio Manfacturing in the British Empire â-  ed the saw .of Ceylon, success. mill from Mr. Sergeant We wish Cameron every ENGAGE.MENT Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce announce the engagement of their eldest dau- ghter, Edith Harriett to Mr. .Arthur Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wil- son of Osprey, the marriage to take • place in December. CARD OF THANKS The Sharp family wish to ex tend their thanks to the friends and neighbors for kindly sympathy and assistance in their recent bereave- ment by the death of their mother, and for the beautiful floral tributes. The Home of Good Furniture AND THE STORE WHERE A GOOD CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IS FOSTERED. \Vt have always been in the habit of giving awa}- Calendars every year, but this year we are using part of their cost and are awarding prizes for the follownng competitions on Santa Clause Day. December 17: Dog Race, hitched to sleigh, by boy or girl 12 ye'ars or under, Ist $2.00, 2nd $1.00. Dog Race, hitched to sleigh, by boy or girl over 12 years, 1st $2.00, 2nd $1.00. Best Broke and Mannered Sleigh Dog, $2.00, $1.00 Prizes of Ist $1.50, 2nd $1.00 will be awarded for the following different kinds of cats: White cat, Black cat with small amount of white allowed, Maltese cat. Cat with two colors. Cat with three colors, Persian cat. Cat and kittens. Best Kitten not f idl grown any color. It is not necessary that cat or dog must belong to children. Cats to be enclosed in boxes, and entries must be made for each entry, as soon as possible before that day at our store. .\ny additional entries can be made that day, up until 1.30 o'clock" The place where the exhibit will be held will be announced later. We had (MO children hre last year; let us make it 800 this year. .\ny infonnation cheerfully supplied by one who likes to see the children have a good dav of iun. T. W. FINDLAY FURNTURE DEALER •li EUG£mA Those from here who attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto report an excellent show. Most of the prizes for honey were captured by the western provinces. What was the matter with Ontario honey this year? We are pleased to report Miss Isa- bel Rowbotham recuperating at her home here since her recent oper- ation for appendicitis in the Owen Sound hospital. We hope the young patient will soon be able to resume her studies at school again. Miss Gertrude Lever of Flesber- ton visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. Martin recently. Mr. Robt. John Pedlar, and dau- ghter, Mrs. Dan Fawcett, husband, and children have moved from the village to Blackwater. Mr. Ted Falconer of Durham spent the past week v,-ith his brother, Har- old of this village. While here he can- vased this vicinity taking orders for books. Mr. Harry Forrester was in Price- ville last week doing some blacksmith work there. Mr. Harold Lever of Flesherton, ac- companied by Mr. lElwood Bowles visited on Sunday at Mr. Chas. Mar- tin's. Mrs. S. Doupe of Saugeen Juct. visited- her sister, Mrs. Jos. Sher- wood on Sunday. Congvatulaticns to Mr. Wesley Smith of Rock Mills who has taken as a life partner. Miss Estella .A.lcox from near Markdale. We wish the jtjung couple prosperity and happy days. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doupe and fam- ily of Saugeen Juct. visited recently with Mrs. Doupe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney. .A. shower is being tendered this evening in the Orange Hall in honor of the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. .\lbert Williaiiis, who were mar- ried a few days ago. The bride whose maiden name, Miss Marguer- ite Pedlar is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar. We wish the young couple many happy and pros- perous days of married life'. Mr. .\lex. Carruthers returned home on Saturday after spending a few days with relatives in Toronto and atten '- ing the Winter Fair. Miss Reta Genoe. who has been vis- iting her aunt. Mrs. Frank Short, Os- prey came home Sunday. .A. number of members of the W. M. S. of St. John's United Church, Flesh- erton attended the thank offerins meeting of the Eugenia W. M. S. on Tuesday. November 22nJ., in which they assisted. Lunch was ser- ved at the close of the meeting after which all enjoyed a social half hour together. Miss Muriel Carruthers returned home Saturday after a pleasant fort- •light visiting relatives in Beeton and Toronto. Mr. Russel Park has been at Flesh- erton assisting Mr. W. A. Hawken I with his nsw building the past week or so. CEYLON Mrs. John Kennedy attended the funeral of her uncle at Dundalk on Friday. _ Mr. Fred Chislett, Listowell, visited his sister, Miss Anna McMillan the past week. Mr. Robt. Campbell drove to Cale- don the first of the week and visited a few days with relatives there. Mrs. F. D. Cairns and sister. Miss : Syble CoUinson, Mrs. Geo . Cairns,! and little son, .jnotored to the cityj last week and visited friends. | Mrs. Richard Whittaker is visit-, ing at .Angus for a fortnight. Mr. Prosier motored to the city the past week on a business trip. Mr. .Arthuir "W^ittaketr visited a few days with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. .Adams and family accompanied by Mrs. Ha.xton motor- ed to Shelburne and visited friends, the first of the week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Morwood of Mark- dale spent the week end with Mr. and; Mrs. J. J. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. .A. Sinclair, Mr. F. Marshall and two daughters, Irene and Reta, visited Miss Vera Marsh-' all in Durham hospital, where she, underwent an operation last week fori appendicitis, and who is improving. ! Born â€" In the Royal Victoria Hos- ', pital, at Barrie, on November 10th, to Dr. and Mrs. West nee Emma Whittaker, of Angus, the gift of a, daughter, Gertrude Lenore. We^ e.xtend congratulations. i There was no school for a fewj days the past week owing to the tea-! cher being laid up witir a cold. { Mrs. Bolton, and son, Levi, visited the first of the week with relatives near Maxwell. Mrs. Hooper left the past week to visit with her sister at Cremore. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO _ Telephone: Klngsdala 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. SAME OFFICERS ELECTED IN LOCAL U. F. O. CLUB Practicajly the same officers of the local United Farmers Club No. 403 were elected by acclamation at the annual meeting held in the to^vn on Friday aft?rnoon of last week. The officers for 1928 are as follows: Pres. â€" Geo. Campbell. Vice-Pres. â€" Wm. .A. Beaton. Sec.-Treas.â€" Emerson Wickens. Delegatesâ€" Miss McPhail and Emer- son Wickens. Directors â€" Jas. Oliver. Geo. Best. Arch. Stewart, Geo. Campbell, Thos. Sled. John Dow, Jas. Pedlar and I j^mith. HOUSE OF Q.UALITY Christmas Cake Special This Week Only .\e\v Dates per lb. 12c 2 for 22c. Seedless Raisins, per lb. 13c 2 for 2^ Puffed Seeded per lb. l<5c 2 for 31. Currents per lb. 17c 2 for .^2. Xaturl Figs, per Ib.^Sc :. 3 for 22. I. enion and Orange Peel per lb 22c. Citron Peel, per lb 43c. \aniHa E-xtract per btl. 9c 3 for 24. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Faed, S) i« J », Caoceriet and Coniectioiwry Flesherton ROD AND GUN Fishing- Notes, edited by C. P. Sladen, Outdoor Talk bv W. C. Motley, Keim- Featuring_ several splendid stories g, „^^^^ ^y C. G. Hopton and Dr. L. E. L. Taylor, .Along the Trap Line of outdoor life as well as numerous articles on sporting subjects, the Dec- Aline ember issue of the Rod and Gun and ^^ -^'- ^'- Bates, all contain useful in- Canadian Silv^er Fox News, Canadian fo'"!aiion --vith regard to their spec- Sporting magazine, has just been pub- iields. lished. .Among the well told stories Canadian Silver Fo.x News section of hunting trips through the Rocky also contains valuable material with Mountains after big horn sheep and regard to the growing industry and ?oat by George Charls. informative articles. In addition to the full list of other Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver articles, the regular departments on Fox News is published monthly by W. iruns and amunition by C. S. Landis. J. Taylor. Limite<l, Woodstock. Ont. •tut read W. A. GORDOX PRESIDENT OF EUGENIA U. F. O. CLUC -At the annual meeting of the men*- bers of Eugenia United Farmer' ; Club. No. 491 on Saturday eveninr Mr. W. A. Gordon was elected Pres- ident for the year 1928. .After th- calling of the roll and reading and confirming of the minutes the elecf ion of officers were held as follows • Pres.â€" W. A. GoWon. Vice-Pres. â€" John Campbell. See.-Treas. â€" Lewis Genoe. Shipping Com. â€" A. Cameron and A. F. Pedlar. S NOTRE -A joint meeting of the Proton Farn- er's Club, and shareholders of the scales, will be held at Proton, on Monday, December 5, at 2 o'clock. \ full attendance is requested. â€" W;r.. G. Acheson, Secretary. FOR CHRISTMAS Peels, Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Prunes, CKarries, Almond Icing, and in fact everything fresh for the Xmas cake. TOY LAND Bring Toylanc the id. our and We h ave a NOTICI^ The Artemesia and Osprey Li^â- e Stock Shipping Association will hoIJ a meeting on Saturday, December 3rd, 1927 in the Eugenia Orange Hall at 1.30 p.m. This meeting is for the purpose of discussing all matters, including the shipping of live stock and buying co-operatively. Every person interested please at- tend. Garnet Magee, Sec.-Treas. MEN'S WEAR children to visit We have a larger better assortment than ever year including: D A\s Dishes Ted dys Drums Balls Guns C< Horns Whistles Animals and I the up-to-date men. Special prices Mechanical Toys of all kinds, al- in Men's Winter Overcoats, so a few novelties for the ladi< fine assortment of this Shirts Collars Ties Scarfs Socks Gloves Sweaters Caps Handker- ,aps I chiefs and many other things for lies. » Tell us your attitude toward the approach of Christmas, and we'll tell you how old you ar*. w. G. KENNEDY PHONE 37 O^OO0O«H»O«O««««d9{»1&«O9«»$O«^O D9<»O9O«##9««0###000^ mMiuimmM j»i,.-i^.^ -

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