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Flesherton Advance, 23 Nov 1927, p. 7

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3Z HEAR THIS BEAUTIFUL VITALITONE SPEAKER Thera's tomethlng about the rich hand<olored afftct of tht« Radio •p«akar which Immediataly attracta th« aye and createa a daaire to own one. The Vitalitone "Conqueror" model ahown above appeala to thoaa who want aomothlng "Dlatincttvely OHrerent," Hear thia Vitalitone at your local Radio Store, Priced at only $2140, or write direct to the Q.R.8. MUSIC CO., CANADA, LTD. 310 Spadina Avenue, Toronto 2. •h Fire Tfxae glrla Ie«i4air lirerpool for CaaAd& oa board the Cnaard liner Anrairia. Tbey ware amooc ttte fliat to talu advaitfacB «C the Mfv £i oecui Un •cbemo tram Britain, to ""^t*^** ' Xbaao fif» B«ir CanadlatT citlnBa an tnll oC â€"«*•"*-â€" for ih» taton. (Other Climes, Other Troubles jCosta Rica Banana Plantations Raided by Savage Leopards Tlgres â€" tlie local name for the great leoparda of Soutli and Central 'America â€" ere causing luch an exces- * atre loss ot human life and lire stock ' ion the banana plantations ot Costa ^ica that an active campaign is now ikalng waged against them. * In a recent isaue of the Dlarlo de * iCoata Rica a fruit company Inserted ' Ike following adTertlsement: "Bont- * 'ars Uke notice: We will pay f(2.S0 '* for every leopard killed on the lands * af onx plantations at Banano in the i JPacuare region. We will furnish food , and lodging to the hunters during their stay." ' Costa Rican leopards, are extreme- 'ilr ferocious, and often weigh from *'30O to 400 pounds. Their method ot . attack- is to conceal themselTes in the ,, branches of trees aboTe a road and (hen leap down on their passing vie- 'â-  and bowels, and make him plump and 'jtlms. They have so terrified the resi- ; well. I always keep a box of the Tab- • dents ot rural districts that visiting lets in the house and would advise all after dark has been suspendaA unless 'jiinder an escort of several armed , men. and with dogs to run ahead. * Poisonous serpents also form a con- ':atant menace to Costa Rican agricul- jtnral laborers. The deadly coral snake <tnd ottiers almost as venomous lurk bn the banana plants. Being almost the color of the foliage, they are seen Srith difficulty.' Should the laborer be Jbltten in the hand or foot, the usual /emedy is to slaab off the wounded member with his machete, and the 'light ot mutilated natives of the la- boring class is not uncommon. Re- 'aently the fruit companies operating 1^1 Costa Rica have obtained snake i |hlte serum from Brazil, and it is ex- p^ted that by its prompt injection n&ny lives will in the future be saved. The Grcit Adventure! MADE HER BABY PLDMPANDWEU. Nothing makes a mother mora grate- ful than a benefit conferred upon her child. Mothers everywhere who have used Baby's Own Tablets tor their children speak in enthusiastic terms of them. For instance, Mrs. Zepherin Lavole, Three Rivers, Que., writes: â€" "Baby's Own Tablets are a wonderful medicine for little ones. They never fail to regulate the baby's stomach mothers to do likewise." Most ot the ordinary ailments of childhood arise in the stomach and bowels, and can be quickly banished by Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets relieve con- Etipation ana indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers, expel worms, allay teething pains and promote healthful sleep. They are guaranteed to be free from injurious drugs and are safe even for the youngest and most delicate child. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvlllf, Ont OWL-LAFFS O. W. L. 00 Havana Bars AH Litter Havana, Cuba, I? probafc!y the only ' city In tie v.or'.i »Uose street clean- ers appear fur work wearlcg .''.arch- ed linen, necL-lvs and g'..i\es. and with shoes \\imiz^\islj pollshnd. Six to eight men forra the crew of each garbage truck, and they .vcrk on the run. a gong being soun^g^ wheu the tnick approaches each rsaiilcn'^e as a signal for the garbage cans to be set out. The law requires that the cans must be returned immedi- ately after being emptied, and woe be- tide the careless servant who over- ' look3 this obligation and leaves oat | cans for flies to reach. j Not a scrap of paper Is to be found ; on the streets, for sweepers are al- i ways at work. Each afternoon the ' trees in the parks are sprayed and | after midnight great watering trucks deluge the streets with such force ! that all dust and dirt are washed | away. TONEUPTBEBLOOD AND NERVES NOW Gro\vn in the best gardens in the Orient Blended by men trained in the world's greatest tea market m^ is good tesT Packed in the best packet yet found for tear^Aluminum, Limfiiergfa Airplane Wins Worid Market Châ€"ified Advertisements It television becomes practical a telephone call will assure us ot hav- ing a speaking likeness ot oar friends. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilb Have No Equal for This Purpose. Anaemia, or lack of good blood. causes not only pale faces and white lips; It is the root of many pains and miseries. It Is the cause of shattered nerves, headaches and backaches, and the always tired feeling from which so many women and girls suffer. To regain new health and strength the blood should be enriched through the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This medicine has brought new health and strength to thousands ot weak despondent people. Among those who have found aaw health through the uae ot thia mAdi- clne Is Mrs. Gregory 3. Murphy, kast eiilp Harbor, N. 8... who says:â€" 'T bleas the day I heard ot Dr Williams' Pink puis. Before I began their sse I was In a mn-down and very weak condition. The least exertion would leave me breat&Iesa and tired oat. Rooaework was a trial, and at tlmee I felt very despondent . A friend ad- vised me to by Dr Williams' Fink Pilla and I got llx boxes. I had not been taking the pills very long until I began to improve In health, and con- tinuing their use they restored ma to my former good health. I also gave the piUs to my daughter, who was aenaemlc and run-down, with thA same good results. Now I always have the pills in the house, and wouM not like to be without them" Qet a box of Dr Williams' Pink Pills from your druggist to-day, or send 50 oents to The Dr. WiUIams' Medi- cine Co., BrockvUle, Ont.. and a box will be sent you post paid A little book, "Building Up the Blood," which explains the treatment, wCl be sent tree on request. Ban Dlege. C^lff.â€" Because of the ; International popularity of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and his alr^ plane, the Spirit ot St. Louis, orders I tor duplicates of the Lindbergh craft have been received by a local manu- facturer from Japan, Greece and Brazil. Inquiries have also been re- ceived from several British colonies. Me3:ico, Columbia. Peru, and Cmguay. ' Greece has ordered planes for the use of the Ministries of War and Marine, while the five Latin-Ameri- can countries will nse them for pub- i He and air mail use. L'LTRAFHONIC dTULUOPHOSK â- election* 1185 00 for JS6 »'» . â- nteed. Poluon. 140 Mount-Rova! Man treat .4 iT' atrsiazss csAscza P03l ORSES A.ND HARJSTESS. tor HamesB Cataloaue. T tory, 10 Nelson Street, Toron wn; T^ 'o*SiJ $2.00 Given ^°3?^°§5 simply »«u so Set* of Our tara'.us Clir!atnia» Seal* for 10c a aeL v\ .â- en â- oM send us 13.00 and keep 12.' ' '.Ve trust you till Xmaa. St. NIchoI i« Soal Co.. Dept- C04'WL. Brooklyn. N.T V 3 A. "As I was sitting in the c. wjad car coming home to-night." saiil War- ner at the dinner table, "a woa:an en- tered and stood almost exai-tly la , front of me." "And you got i p and gave her your seat?" querle ' h!.« wife. ".No. â-  replied Warner, "anoihor fellow got ahead of me. But I had i j wait five minutes for him."' 'Aluminum, the modem tnetal, has uses almost with- Jbut number, a chief one be- "Hng as a container for good rtea, the best of all packages. .All Red /Rose Tea is now .packed in Aluminum and we have so much faith in both the tea and the pack- *age that your money will be .refunded if you are not com- •pletcly satisfied. ,,7 "My gal saw a mouse yesterday," announced Cactua Joe. "She's power- tul afeard of them." "What did she doT" asked -JIaah- knife Pete. "Picked up a rattlesnake and whip- ped it to death." Don't be continually kicking about the flapper. Think back to the hoop skirts and bustle. Yeow! Mrs. Flanagan â€" "Was your old man in comfortable circumstances when he died?" Mrs. Murphy â€" "'So; .he was half way under a train. \ V LIGHT Overa Us No new dances are announced this season.. The dance thing sort of got mired in Black Bottom. m Paris the ladies are adopting the tad ot tinting their finger nails In bands ot three colors.- As a patriotic citlxen. it the atyle is adspted tn Canada, wa move that the eolora be red, white and blue. The night was dear and frosty- The two tramps sat tn a manger. Sudden- ly a gust ot wind blew opea the door. "Old pard," remarked the other tramp, "them thar flakea la beginning to fall." There ..was a dead silence. Than the other traiap spoke: "How I wlaht they was eomHakes:" Some Intarearting advice on how to care for a baby, as published in a newspaper advertisement : "When the baby is done drinking, it should be un- screwed and laid in a cool place un- der a tap. If the baby does not thrive on fresh milk it should be boiled." THBY USKD CLUBS Native: Praotically all the woman of our town use clubs. Visitor: What a savage lot they imust be. Native: Oh, no â€" they're all olub membars, I mean. <.â€" For all pains â€" Minard's Liniment. dailsr trains 1ta<Elucling Tbe Cliief You really enter sunny Cali> fomia the moment you step aboard oneof the five famous Santa Fe cross -continenC trains. The Chi«/â€" extra fareâ€" is the finest and fiastest of the Santa Fe California trains. Only TWO business days on the way. Mo extra &re oa the fioar other daily trains: The California Lim> itedjNava jo. Scout and Mianonary. Fred Harvey dining-car and din- ing-atatioa service acts tfaestandard Id the transportadoa world. Enjoy oat-«f-doon this Printer- take your ^mily. California hotel rates arc reasonable. ne ftiSto a 4 » to ur -QnmM Caayea Uae Uay I tend ymi our picture fvldrnt T. T. Hendry. Gen. .igenl. Santa Fe Ry. SMTracsportacion BlUs . Detrint, Mkll. OX ARM -ING 20 Pairs of Registered Siher- BlacJt Fox Pups for Sale. E. C. H. TISDALE "Simcoe Lodge." Beavenon \ i ThcFirstDosc Relieves the CovK And ar* 40 doacl in t 76->-ent bottw ' P'.easmst to Uk* ftnd instant in action in every kind of ColA lUlievea Bronchitis. Croup and Whooping Coujth. Pwvenu "Flu" and Pneumonia. Eases irri- tated threats. Buy'Buckiey's". Sold by all drtlgsists and guaranteed. W. K. Bucklev, Limited. 142 Mutual St.. Toronlu MIXTURE AkU like a liiuh-~ a tiatle fip proves it J Chapped Hands M!-\ed with sweet oil and ap- plied often, Uinzrd's wt!! b-al rough and chapped skin. OulwoartBllp ordinary paw SOLD BY LEABING MERCHANTS EVERYWHBRC ENJOY WINTER tn the SOUTH On the Beautiful GULF COAST Mild, equable tcmpctaturc; never too hot. never too cold A land of hiKoty and romance. Beautiful foUiaei Inapiring water viawt. Ouf- door tpoita under perfect condltiona. Modem, new hotcb; alao aMTt* mania and cottiwea. TN* Pan â-  American, all-PuUman train vt da Jot acccnmodaftena, leaves Clncinnttt dalljr at 10:20 A. M.. nachiiic Outf Coast points catly n«» morning. Other thioufb tnina daily. In QlorUms. FLORIDA Krv*f mor« Uautl M, nrrtt mot* alluttaa ihin ihia winut. 9«rh« a>^ fish In tMlcal mitn; play â- olf.siinls, polo snd tntoy MouMr ipoit* itaht Uinwah th* wkutt. !»••» of ikllaKiMcnKmlnnMntawatawteMtTWiota. Sbbndkl duouakf^ Mr WMh ibs Am 4Mct«riM liinWMVt, OT fcr iRAtMdBn a » /MS, ar nMn«k<irâ€" H. E lORTSIl. Tm». Pa«-T Am- OR7- N iD*H. "V L") «05 Ttaawomthm BuiUl^ OniDit, UkK^u LOUISVILLE & NASHVaLE R. B. L^ N In aplte ot radio, telephone, tale- sraph, movies and the tountain pen, the printing press atlll holds. Its ova as the best disseminator of news, thought and adTertlalng. Rook â€" "Wflt anaeathetlo make me sick?" Doctor â€" "No. I think not" Rookâ€" "How Ions will It be before I know anything?" Doctor â€" "Aren't ytni ezpeotlng tock much ot an anaesthetic?" In ]re olden days after a man haf looked over the Held of business and had decided that he was not fltt«d for any particular trade or occupation he took up knight-errantry; nowadays he starts a magaslne. For the KIddlea It ralna alike upon the ]ust And on the nnjuat fellows. But more upon the just because The unjust swipe umbrellas. Beware when all men speak well ot you â€" or III ot you. Bos-offlce seema to be the bissest thing about the boxlns buslneaa Host ot ua try to put off erery thing •icept a good ttoit. After all, there la nothing unfair about a short skirt. It gives every man an e^ual show. Of all the bad habits a buslneaa man can get Into, the worst one Is to cott- plala about business. The word "cheerfully" means cheer- fully except in tbe phrase, "l^ney cheerfully refunded." Minard's Liniment for Distemper. SPIRIN Headaches may be swiftly and safely relieved by an Aspirin tablet. A most efficient reinedy, and there's no after effect; its us* avoids much needless sufferinf. Try it next time; see how soon its soothing influence is felt. J[ust as helpful when you have a cold ; neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, himbago. Just he certain you get real .\spirin â€" the genuine has Bayer on the box, awl ^ ewry tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. Phyndans prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Antrln Is tk« tn4* mark irvt!st>re<) In (^ss<1a> Indktilni Bstt Msaafietar*. WbU* It is wall known tbsi AstIMd neais Bs»»r msnu'iciurr lo s«swr» tba iisblle scalw* iMlta- tb* TablMa «U1 It* stauBrd wUb iksli "Ba;r*t Cross tradsBatS. FAINS ALL , m mi Two More Cases of Feminine Diw ness RelicTed by Lydia £. Pink* lum's Vegetable Compoond , \ Barrington. N. S. â€" "1 haii terrfbit feelings, headaches, back, and sid aches and pains all ever my body, would have to go to bed every mont and nothing would do me gt>od. If husband tmd my father did my woe for me as I have two children an We have quite a big place. 1 read n^ the paper about Lydia E. Pinitham'e . Vegetable Compound, and then gvt % little book about it through the mail, and my husband sent to Eaton's an4 got me a bottle, and then we pot more from tbe store. 1 ann feoi nj ftne now and do all my work an^l ana able to go out around more. I u-li my friends it is Lydia K. Pinkhan* Veg- etable Compound that makes me feel eo well. "-Mre. Victor RiCHAia>soiM Aarrington. Nova Scotia. k Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas. C>nt -"1 tock four bottles of Lydia E. Pfckham's Vege- table Compound and found great re- lief from ine dull, heavy pains in th« araall of mv back aJ>d the wea.\t.eea from which 1 suffered for five year* after my boy waa bom. A fter taking the Vegetable Compotind and usinc Lydia E. Pinkbam's Sanative Wash! am feeling better than I hawe for th» past seven years, and advise my friends to take If - Mr*. F. Johnson. 49 Moore Street, St Thomas, C>ct. Q i?VUK Ne. Mâ€" )f^

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