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Flesherton Advance, 9 Nov 1927, p. 7

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^ TRULS OF MDIfiESTIOI I » ^Errors About This Trouble Into Which People Fall ytunj people so far mUuDderatand the digestive system aa to treat It like a machine; neKleeting It until it worlis sluggishly, then irritating it Into worlc again by the nse of purga- ilTes. The stomach needs help at all itlmea, but a study ot the process of Vlseatlon will show that purgaUyes, ma commonly taken, are seldom necea- icary and often harmful. To safeguard your digestion th« Viet must be controlled. Over-eating Ms alwajrs harmful, but one must aa- Vlmilate enough food to supply the iBeeds of the blood. Remember, the Itlood has to carry nourishment to all IHurta of the body and find fuel for its Wergy. Hence when the blood be- lomes weak and fails to do its work. Indigestion arises. Therefore the sure remedy for indigestion is to build up eWe blood. If you suffer from any rm of indigestion choose your diet brefully and take wholesome nour-ILuxmi (housewife) which aims at iment. Above all, start building up ; teaching Maratb! girls how to be Music from Unseen Orchestras The Panatrc4>e, latest development in gramophone equipment, installed on the Anchor Donaldson steamer "Athenla". sailing to Montreal. The "Athexila" is the first Canadian Service Transatlantic steamer to carry the new device, which broadcasts music from the ordinary gramophone record to six different loca- tions on the ship with all the power of a fall strength orchestra. "is good terf Li tat You must try RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE. A little higher price than other teas, but a real difference in quality. Now packed in AltMminam. four blood by taking a course of Dr. iTUllams' Pink Pills. Then under the Dfluence of the new blood supply, four digestive system will respond iturally, your appetite improve and four food will do you good. So begin improve your digestion by starting take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now. You can get these pills from your Hrugglst or by mail at SO cents a box pom The Dr. â- Williams' Medicine Co., Broclrvtlle, Ont. Jfint Zt'^t ""^oZ "« a*r ! A PERFECT MEDICINE TreUe's Wheat Very Promising ers will suspect all perfume salesmen â-  of running their own still and doing their own bottling. o For all painsâ€" MInard'a Liniment. Classified AdvertisetBentt â€" TWO BOMBAY WOMEN SET UP PRECEDENT First Women in India to Be- come Elditors â€" Publish Household Magazine Bombay â€" The ever-increasing- num- jber of women graduates of Bombay 'Univers4ty find very little scope for their talents outside the education i^epartment and the medical profes- sion. * Two of these graduates, however. Miss Tara Tilak and Miss PiroJ An- Buccessfal housewiyes Miss Tilak, who 1* a devoted stu- dent ot iociology, and Miss Anandkar, who is intereeted in the education of g^rls in Bombay, have ample scope for their enthusiasm and energy in this direction, and Judging from tha standard of the articles which have appeared In the first few Issues of Griha Luxml and the list ot univer- sity women who have promised to contribute to Its pages, their venture should â-  prove a useful link between university women- and their less educated sisters. Good sportsmanship Is the sugar that takes the bitterness out of de- feat. FOR LnUE ONES Baby's Own Tablets Should be in Every Home Where There Are Children Australian Eaf^es Southern districts of Australia are being placued by eagles to such an extent that a campaign of extermina- tion had been undertaken by the In- habitants, according to a report from Adelaide. The eagles, it Is said. In groups ot fifteen or twenty, frequent water holes and swoop down on stray Iambs. So many Iambs have been carried oft that the Government has put a premium ot a half crown on Ripens 0\er Two Xfeeks Earlier Than Marquis â€" Re- sists Frost â€" Straw is Stiff as Bristle â€" Can Be Easily Handled With Combine, Thereby Reducing Harvest- ing Costs. It this neglect continues, the North Pole may yet have to adopt those bar- ber's stripes. ' "It's a matter of life and death." as the Insurance agent said to the honse- ' holder. The perfect medicine for little ones is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They are a gentle but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach: drive out constipation ' and indigestion; break up colds and j simple fevers and promote healthful ' refreshing sleep. It is Impossible for i . , , ,^ .. , Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the i ^"'"^^'Ving It on his farm near here, new-bom babe, as they are absdlutely | "'^o Week* Earlier, guaranteed free from opiates or any j The wheat king has at last revealed other injurious dr^g. i the history and hopes of his new Concerning the TableU Mrs. Alex, "mystery wheat. " which. It la elaljned. J. Perry, Atlantic, N.S., writes: â€" "I equals the best wheat now faown. always keep Baby's Own Tablets in ; and has the great advantage ot ripen- Wembley, Alta.â€" "Mystery Wheat" is not yet ready tor the world, Her- man Trelle. world's wheat and oats king, declared recently. Trelle Is still the house for the children, as I hate found them a perfect medicine for little ones." Baby's Own Tahleu are sold by cents a box from The Dr. WUllama Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. tndkar, have launched into Joui^ j eagles' heeds, and fbootlng partiea ^alism as a career. They have start- 'are the order of the day. R. TRAPPER Join the Ever Increasing Army of Satisfied Raw Fur Shippers WE ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU FOR HIGHEST HONEST PROMPT PRICES CRADIHC PAYMENT Profit by the Experience of Others MAKF MORF MONFY We nsed RAW FURS and are pay- MAIU:. MUKt. MUWtl. ^^^ ^^^^_ ^^^^^ PRICES for them. Your neighbour is one of our many thousands of satisfied shippers, who knows, through actual experiences, that Raw Furs, whan shipped direct to us. bring PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY RETURNS. We .pay Highest possible prices, give you honest grading and send you your moaey the tame day as your shipment arrives. Our 1927 RAW 'Fur price list contains a lot of valuable in- formation for the trapper who wants to MAKE MORE MONEY. Write for our FREE PRICE LIST AND SHIPPING TAGS TO-DAY! 5% BONUS- on top of highest possible prices we give you an addi- tional 6c. EXTRA for every dollars' worth of Raw Furs shipped direct to us. This means many more dollars in the pockets of the wise ship- per. narc Your Name Added lo OurMailingListToday LEVIN FUR COMPANY, LIMITED 172 King Street East, Depl. "B", TORONTO 2, Canada Case Like Solomon's Up to French Judge .Real Mother Demands Foster j Mother Give Back Child I Sold into Adoption I Parts. â€" ^A problem comparable to the famous one solved br King Solo- ; tnon must be decided by Judge VaUee j tn the small to'wn of AuTersurcise, not ; far from Paris, wben he determines j which of two French women is legal- I Uv the "mother" ot EmtUenne D^sen- ] clos, a pretty French child now nearly two years old. i The actual mother Is Elvire Qla- dleux, whose husband Is a gardener, and she is the mother of two other children. At the time Emilienne was eipected to be bom Mme. Oladleux's husband was sick and out ot work and she wa^ desperately poor. I Meeting a friend of hers, Elmllieoae Dessnclos, she agreed to sell the child I for the sum of 300 francs and bring ; It Into the world under the latter's I name. . The money was paid and the j transaction carried ont apparently to I the satisfaction of both parties. I A short while ago, however, Mme. , Gladioux decided that she wanted the â-  child back. . Mme. Desenclos refused to give her up. saying that she paid the money in good faith, had cared tor the child for more than a year ao^ that she now loves It as ber own. So Mme. Gladieux instituted suit. in« some 15 to 13 days earll*. Looks Likely. On the farm ot the wheat ^IjKrd medicine dealers or by mail at ^ \^, XA:^^ ::StZ ripe and Xtedf to cut, li«s been left itandlng. Tnm (his plot TfeUe hopes to derelojp a wheat that will harden In the stHw and reduce Its moisture content safflc^ently to permit of first- class marketing. This grain rtpens early and thereby alinoat eUmioAtes the danger from frost that would lerl- onsly damage Marquis just before It Is ready to cut. Some heads of the "mystery wheat." on being examined, were found dead ripe, tmtonehed by recent frosts an da light snow, aad so hard that when bitten the kernels literally snapped.. The straw ^f%a as sUtf as J)riatle and stood erect np to the drooping head. Trelle lnt^4s to leave the wheat stand to see it it ' will combat heavy frosts and snow. Cheaply Handled. "This wheat," Trelle declare<I. "weighs more to the bushel than the Marquis, and, & appearance, only »& expert oan tell them apart." H| thought that it was easily on a pw with Marquis, and, farthemore. it a> pears to be a wheat that c*n be mixed and marketed with Marquis without lowering the standard. "A coabise wheat, that is, one that wlQ not shat- ter readily and can therefoYe be har- vested with a combine." he said, "which gives the promUe this does, can be marketed at from 14 cents greater profit per bushel than any wheat cut and threshed by the old method." Mystery wheat does not yield quite as much as Marquis, but this Is offset by the tact that it is safer and can be handled so much more economically. There is also an other advantage. Trelle revealed. Thia-aew type wil Imake it possible for Canadian wheat to reacli the world markets fuliy two weeks ear- lier.â€" Canadian Press dispatch. TRAPPERS Our Free Price List of Raw Furs and Traps Is now complete. If you have not been trading with us. write to-day for a copy to Rosenthal St Shapiro Ltd. 143-145 King St E., Toronto 2 The House That Guarantees Satisfaction Mtraicax E arsTBtntzarrs. L^ LTR.VPHONIC GR-^ilOPHO-NE. |i •elections 1165 00 :,-.r S5i <}•> Guw^ an;e«d. PoUson. 340 Mouai-Royal BM( Moatr««L Btmjigsa CHAirc BB CAM ST.VRT you IN I'ROFIT.VBLH buaineas roaklng unbrc'.i..-:ab<>* gUja substitute on wl.-e base for porcjii^ ^e«nlicuse3. herihous«a. ^.unpl<^. Inlor* matlor. sent. Box 2S '. Ex<?'-?r Ont. HORSES .\ND HAR.NE5.-:. WRITB for Harr.ess '_"a:a.l' gu'?. The R^ pository. 10 Ne'scn Street. T' Y"" .\ R N Sâ€" M .\ C H I N E i. H.OlO KNITTIN'J â€" "Old Tyme." ".*â-  Wool." -siSk acd Wool." SSc a po^i^<l up^ delivered. Sajr.ptes free. Sto*''tin£ a Tdrt^ .-"h.'Fs.^p.t 5 vt.:: j,. Ont. BOTS » CO t\f\ f • ,„_ rro \romx ontts ♦^•uU Oiven JXT3T rtnr S;:r.piy sei! 50 Sets c' O it "imous Seals for ICc a se ' When sol J send u." {3.00 and ke»p fZ.'i''> We trust you till Kmas. Sl Nich-^Us SeU Co. Dept 8fl4n-T, Brn.-!;!rt. X V f.S.A. A 'ie';-ki:r.i-.: v.-riter jay- that every pi,r;cii has one booi tn him. Well, aa uppentlK. anyT.jy. Durham iabjrer acvtii" I oi assault. â€" "He hit n:2 o:< the KC-li. and ihen said. "Let bygoiics b? fcy-iss-."' :t: When you want the most economical & satisfactory Itimber cutters, wxite vis for information & prices. SINIOMJS C.\N.\IX\ S.\W CO. LTD. NJoncrril Tocooto VancouYcr St. John l-'T CATARRH Heat Minard's and inhale. iCxci}!- lent for colds In head, throat and chest. restokeo to ' goodjealth Mother of Oeven Children Przdses Lydia E. Pirkhaan't Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Experience Buckingham. Quebec.â€" "I sun th« mother of el e ven living chiltlren, ar.d tr.v bafay is tive montiis oid. 1 am only 3S Tears old and' I 'have i:aken L v d i a E. - Pinkhair. s Vege- table Compound for weakness and my nervi's.I knew of it t'rom my sLjter. Dair.t? Ed- ouani Bouetetiilla o f Kamsayville. For live years I was IT- r:.strv and was always ready to crv. Now I am so happy to have goo<i" health. My daughter, who is IS vearu oid, haiJi also taktti it and wiitte hsBpy to rcoommer.d i; to all voune girls".''â€" Dame WiLLi.vii Par- ent. Bos 411, Buckingham. ^Juebee, Why suffer for years with back-' ache, nervousness and other ailments common to v;omon from eariy life to middle axe, when Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound will give yoa reliet".' In a recent country -wide canvass of purchasers cf Lydia K. Pinkham's" Vecetable CompounJ. over 250,000 replies were received, and 9Sout ot. every ItK) reported -"hfy were bene^ fitcdby il3 use. tt-â€" r Is Another War Near? Just Ask jbr "Dreadnought Tissue A most satisfactory roll for the bathroom. A soft, absorbent tissue made, like all Eddy Toilet Rolls, under the most exaaing sani- tary conditions. Big r-alue for the housewife seeking a good tissue at a moderate price. Tl r HUU. ^^\ CO. Lif>tin K a HULL CANADA W3 Travelers from abroad report that war clouds are again hanging; over Europe. They declare that the na- tion! aortMa the Atlantic iir« feverish- 1 ly prepar^ for an oatbreak ot hos- I tlUtlea. The BaUan disturbance Is ! «ald to be only a symptom ot an Im- jpendlns conflict. Italy }t the present time appears to ! be the mc>st agsreislre nation in Euo- ' op« "^^^ Bii army ot 750,000 men ' ready rof action. Q«rmany is report- ' ed to be coming b»ck with a large army rMAf^le^j of Use limitations '. placed updn her imlltary forces. I franco ^fc 600,0(^0 well-tralued men 'an)l Is Mid. to be tpendlng vast sums I tor waf eouipmanr. Russia se«ms to b« working ij» tlVS \f^^^< but both Great Britain and France are said to be afraid ot w^at she Is doing. In tjie «<lvent of war ^hat the line-up ot nations will be is a matter ot con- jecture, but In all probability every European country will become lu- Yolved tn the next struggle. We are wondering It another holo- caust ol war is necessary to Imprvsa upon I£urope that %aner means exiat tor settling dUferences. That Which We Can a Rose Of course you want fr«sh, fragrant tea. Then see that It is put up in Aluminum. Aluminum does' not absorb dampness, or cause lo*» o] flavor and pungency. Red Rose Tea is packed in Alumi- num and every package carries a "money-back" tarantee of satisfaction, ar iS ' ISSUE No. 45â€" •« A swindler has been counterfeiting the rose, and we don't mean "Abie's." He has been imitating or diluting the perfume of a well-known French firm and selling it as the genuine article to retail shops. Not only the rose, bnt cbypre. I'orlgan and othsr fancy •cents have been watered and doctor- ad sud pnt into bottles that are 9X- actfy'^k* the originals. Labels, corks, wrappings and hoses have been made up to look like the package of the rosl perfume, and about the whole had been spraved the familiar arcma of my P?if*6 house. T^ story of this counterfeiter reads very tnuch like the atory of de- tected bootleggers. In their po«8«s- slon the police also find bottles, labels stoppers and cartons made In close ' imitation of containers ot genuine liquors. There is one point of dif- ference. The bootleggers, despite all their elaborate efforts to make their home-made gin or whiskey look real. can hardly expect to be believed. The perfume ewludUr h*d no auch skep- ticism to contend with. . He passed himself oft aa a bona lld« aalesman ot the manutai taring house, and the UT'.lucky retailers were completely taken In. Iniitating pertutte seems lo be a new torni ot graft. Crooks and i-»'n tideticf tavQ arc usuall.v satisft.ed with Iho old pamee. but occasionally u fel- low of inventive mlnU thHiks up a ntw 0113. The text man to try it. or the ijther uieinbfrs of this one's ganj:. will not b.^ to fortunate, for thopkccp- Minard's LinimeRt for Olatempcr. SPIRIN To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try an .Aspirin tablet. And for lieadache. Tlie action of .\spirin is \-er>- ellicient. too^in cases of neuralgia, tteuritis, even rlieiiniatism and luit'.lug, ! .\nU there's no after effect; doctors give Aspirin tc> childrc:;â€" «^>tten infants. Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin. Itic genuine Aspirin has Bayer on the bo.x and on e\-er\- tablet. All druggists, jsith proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart A»pW» Istto trade a»-X .r^si.'Vrv,! !n C:nvUi> lr,li«;. i» Bj.T»r >:..-iirjrtijTr-.- TTkll* It 1« w»U >iim> l|Mt,.Vv'iriu UHn; . l^.v.r ni«!iu"«ctur». to •»'H> 'ti* â- .•ublij as^-'^': laut*- ttiai^ tkeTMMs wU Iw •laoi^'ol wiUt tiirlc -'it^nr <>v^" uaJ*<r^C

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