â- ««« ^â- •â- â- i mm* â- mr^mtmitm ss: ,n.«i iH,ii: "iv ii' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. '27 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoUinffwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each WMk. CircuUtion over 1100, 'Pste* in Cauda, 9t,00 per yaar, whx) paid in adTanoe |1.60. In V.^.h. t^M per year, when paid in advance $2.00. '«. H. THUBSTON. . Editor (â- well Heburn W A HnwIcins'Wm Hawkins, Mrs. Chas. Smith; Dark work Mrs. Hawkii.i; Coll, of Emb.i SPECIALS ll^itman; Long white, D. StUens! , J-ay^^r t^^"kts C S„^th, Mrs. Hawken; I M«^ Hawkins, Mr j. Kennedy; Coll, t. W. Findlay, best heavy draught Green mounUin. F. J. CoUinson. W. Light Fruit Cake, Mrs. Spoffard, Mrs. of fancy work Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Ken-u^^^ ^^^j^^ /^^ p^^.^. JJ^^,^ gj^. A. Hawkins; Irish Cobbler, Jas. Ott- lLawloi'; Peaches canned and pre- nedy. __ q^ ^est gentleman's outfit J. Osprey Fall Fair Prize Winners f^cW. .served F. J. Collinson, Mrs. Hawkins; TURNIPSâ€" Swede, Allan McLean, Strawberries and Pears, Mrs. J- Dav-^ G. W. Ross; Aberdeen, Jas. Ottewell. idson, Mr*. Crossley; Plums W. P. SUtiAR MANGOLDSâ€" Allan Mc- Lean, F. Spoffard. BLOOD BEETS â€" Long, A. J. Con- Crossley, F. J. Collinson; Raspberries and rhubarb, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. Coll- inton; Citron and Grapes, Mrs. David- son; Currant and Apple jelly, Mrs. HORSES HEAVY DRAUGHTâ€" Pair horses, Atkin and Park, J. D. Leggatt; 3 yr. old Atkins and Park; Brood mare Geo. Foster; 2 yr. old Mahanay; Spring "Geo: ' Poster. AGRR\.LiuUAL HOUSES â€" Pair, J. Mahanay, Geo. Lawlor; 3 yr. old, J. D. Leggatt; Brood mare, Jas. Ottewell, Rf M. Londry; 1 yr. old J. McMulfeh; Spring colt Jas. Ottewell R. J. Morrison; Heavy horse, any class Atkins and Park, J. Mahanay. GENERAL PURPOSEâ€" Pair Al- brt Telford. PERCHONSâ€" Pair, Brood mare, and colt, R. M. Londry. ROADSTERSâ€" Brood mare D. Ring N. Crevier; 1 yr. old I). Ring, N. Cre- vier; Spring colt N. Cricver, Glad- 3Kyn Campbell; Single driver J. Dav- idson. CARRIAGEâ€" Pair Albert Dawn; Brood mare Gladwyn Campbell; 2 yr. old J, Mahoney. Spring Colt, D. Ring; Single Driver Gladwyn Campbell, Alb. Dawn; Lady Driver J. David.son, Albert Dawn. CATTLE SHORTHORNâ€" Bull aged, Edgar Betts; Bull Calf Donald Stevens; Cow 1 and 2 Edgar Betts; 2 yr. old heifer Donald Stevens; Heifer calf Edgar Betts; Best Herd Edgar Bfetts; Bull any age Edgar Betts HERFORDKâ€" 1 yr. heifer land 2 Jas. Hudson. GRADES â€" Con. Beef grade Jas. Madden, A. J. Conron; Cow dairy grade, Edgar Betts, Jas. Madden; 1 yr. old heifer 1 and 2 Earnest Haw- ton; 2 yr. old heifer Jas. Madden, D. Steens; Heifer calf, Jas. Madden; 2 yr. old steer Earnest Hawton, Jas. Davidson; 1 yr. old steer Jas. Madden Donald Stevens; Steer Calf 1 and 2 Jas. Madden; Best Herd Jas. Madden Donald Stevens; Best fat steer or heifer under 3 years 1 and 2 Jas. Madden. SHEEP SHROPSHIRESâ€" Ram aged, H. Stewart. LEICESTERSâ€" All prizes to Wm. -Norman. •OXFORD DOWNSâ€" Ram aged W. J. Mead., F. Spoffard; Ram yearling Ed2.;r Bct'.s, '.V. J. Meads; Ram Lamb W. J. Meads, F. Spoffard; Aged ewe W. J. Meads, Dor.r.ld Stevens; Shear- ling ewe 1 and 2 F. Spoffard Ewe Lamb 1 and 2 F. Spoffard; Best Pen W. J. Meads, F. Spoffard. SWINE YORKSIRE- Boar, aged. F. Spof- fard, Edgar Betts; Boar pig under one year 1 and 2 Edgar Betts; Sow, aged Edgar Belts, Earnest Hawton; Sow one year 1 and 2 F. Spoffard; Sow pig 192C F. Spoffard, Edgar Betts; Herd, F. Spoffard, Edgar Betts; Best Pen of bacon hogs F. .Spoffard, Ed- gar Betts. POULTRY 6RAHAMS a.v. female 1 and 2 Jas. Barber. LANGSHANS a.v. male 1 and 2 Jas. Barber. LANGSHANS a.v. female land 2 Jas. Barber. PLYMOUTH ROCK barred male 1 and 2 Jas. B'lrber; Female 1 and 2 Jan. Barber; a.o.v. female 1 and 2 Jas. Barber. WYANDOTTE-, white male 1 and 2 Jas. Barber; female 1 and 2 Jas. Barber. RHODE ISLAND RED.Sâ€" Male 1 and 2 Jai. Barber; female 1 and 2 Jas. Barber. LEGHORN BROWNâ€" male 1 and 2 Jas. Barber; female 1 and 2 Jas. Barber; Buff female Jas. Barber white, male, Jas. Barber, J. A. Bell; white female. J. A. Bell Jas. Barber; BLACK MINORCAâ€" male, 1 and 2 Jas. Barber; female, 1 and 2 Jas. Barber. ORPINCONâ€" black female. J. C. Adams; a..ov. female, Jas. Barber. Buff male 1 and 2 Jas. Barber; Buff female, Jas. Barber, C. Alexander. TURKEYâ€" a.v. female, Atkins and Park; a.v. female 1 and 2 Atkina and Park. TALOUSE GEESEâ€" male. F. D. Caimi, Jas. Long; female F. D. <?aima, Jaa. Long. GEESE â€" a.v. mate A. J. Conron, Jaa. hong; female, Jas. Long. PEKIN DUCICâ€" mala D. Stevens, Jaa. Barber; female, 1 and 2 Jas. Bar- RONENâ€" a.r. mifle Jaa. Barber, fe- â- mala Jaa. Barb«r. 'RABBITSâ€" «.v. msla W. H. Thur- ston; tamaU, W. H. Thurston. GRAIN PALL WHEATâ€" whIU, P. D. Cftfama, E. Hawton; red or amber WObart Poota. Allan MeLaan. SPRING WHEATâ€" red or ambar J. A. Ban. WHITE OATSâ€" J. A. Ball, Allan VeUan. BARLEYâ€" « rowed. J. D. Leggstt. J. v. Calma. TaMâ€" larffii, Allan McLean. lUCKWHEATâ€" Jaa. A. Balul. TIMOTHY-J. C. Adama. CLOVER SEED->las. A. Bell. CLOVERâ€" Alaike, Jas. A. Bell. SH|:AF EXHIBITSâ€" OaU, Emeat 'Hawton: Barley. Earnest Hawton. ROOTS « VEGETABLES • T0TAT0E8â€" Roat typi. '*•• O"- CARROTSâ€" Longtable, W. H. ConnlW. A. Hawkins; Berry and Grape W. A. Hawkins. Jelly, Mrs. Collinson; Homemade BLOOD BEETSâ€" a.o.v., N. Hindle, 'Candy, Miss Oliver, Mrs. Crossley; W. P. Crossley. I Mime Meat, Mrs. Davidson; Canned CARROTSâ€" Eearly Miss Oliver ! Vegetables, Mrs. Collinson, Mrs. C. H. Hcothcote. 'Long; Mixed Pickles, clear, Mrs. W. PARSNIPSâ€" D. Stevens, F. Spoff- A. Hawkins, Mrs. Collinson; Tarts ord. 3 varieties, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Law- ONION.Sâ€" From seed F. T. Wiley, 'lor. W. H. Conn. LADIES* WORK -W. A. Hawk- USEFUI.,â€" Quilt, cotton pieced, \r.ri. McKinnon, Mrs. J. C. Adams; POTATOE ONIONS ins, J. D. Leggatte. ,. . TOP ONIONSâ€" A. J. Conron. (Cotton fancy quilting, Mrs. McKinnon BEANSâ€" white, A. J. Conron, W. ;.Mri. Crossley; Crochet quilt, Mr. P. Crossley; Butter, A. J. Conron, W. jHcitman, Mrs. Wiley; Quilt, any kind P. Crossley. iMrs. Jas. Long, Miss Oliver; Comfor- CORNâ€" Table, A. J. Conron ;• Eus- jter, cotton, Mrs. Spoffard, Mrs. Ad- ilage, Jas. A. Bell. ams; silk Comforter Miss Oliver; Fan- CABBAGEâ€" Winningsladt.A. J. Coney Bed Spread. Mrs. C. R.Davis, ron, W. H. Conn; Red W. A. Hawk- j Mrs. Hawkins; Hand Knit Socks, ins, A. J. Conron; a.o.v. A. J. Con- coarse. Mrs. Hindle, Mjrs. Lawlor; ron, W. H. Conn. jHand Knit Mitts, mens, Mrs. Hindle CAULIFLOWERâ€" W. A. Hawk- Airs. Crossley; Mending Woollen in.s, W. H. Conn. i Hose. Mrs.. Crossley; Mending Woolen TO.MATOESâ€" F. J. Wiley, Allan 'c'.cth garmet, Mr. Davis Mrs. David- Ison; Homemade House Dress, Mrs. Conron, Wilbert Spoffard, Mrs. C. Long; Serviceable Work Apron, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. PUMPKIN â€" W. A. Hawken, W. Spoffard; Child's dress or coat made Heitman. from old garmet, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. MELONâ€" Vegetable, .W. Heitman. Heitman; Hemming in table linnen, CITRONSâ€" A. J. Conron. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Collinson; Home- CUCUMBERSâ€" A. J. Conron, Miss made hard soap, Mrs. Lawlor. Oliver. FANCY â€" Embroidery, solid cloth, MUSKMELONâ€" A. J. Conron. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Collinson; Emb- WINTER RADISHâ€" A. J. Conron, roidery, French knot, Mrs. Davis, W. H. Conn. ; Mrs. J. A. Bell; Embroidery, modern VEGETABLE OYSTERâ€" J. D. Leg- 'cross stitch, Mrs. Davis, Miss Oliver; McLean. SQUASH- Poole. -A. J. gatt. CELERYâ€" W. A. Hawken. FRUITS APPLE.Sâ€" Talman SweCtsi, F. J. Wiley, J. Davidson; Ben Davis, Jas. A. Bell, W. H. Hall; Duchess, A. J. Conron, W. Heathcote; Alexander G. W. Ross, F. J. Collinson; Wolf River, F. J. Riley, A. J. Conron; Snow, F. J. Wiley, Jas. A. Bell; Russet Jas. A. Bell; Northern Spy Jas. A. Bell; Pewaukee, W. H. Hall. PLUMSâ€" Collection, W. P. Cross- ley, Jas. A. Bell. PEARS â€" Collection. Jas. A. Bell. FRUITâ€" Collection, Jas. A. Bell. DAIRY & OTHER PRODUCTS 30 lb. crock Butter â€" Mrs. Geo. Law- lor, Mrs. F. J. Collinson. 10 lb. crock Butterâ€" Mrs. W. Poole, Mrs. H. Heathcote. 5 lb. crock Butter â€" Mrs. G. Law- lor, Mrs. F. Spofford, Mrs. J. D. Leg- gatt. MAPL« SYRUPâ€" Mrs. Lawlor, Mrs. Spoffard. MAPLE SUGARâ€" Mif.. Spoffard, Mrs. Collinson. HONEYâ€" In sections, A. J. Con- ron; Extracted, clear, A. J. Conron; Extracted, amber, W. H. Hall. BRE.\D â€" yeast rising, Mrs. Mc- Kinnon, Mrs. G. Lawlor; Brown, W. A. Hawkins; Fruit, Mrs. Chas. Smith; Nut. Mrs. Chas. Smith. OATMEAL COOKIESâ€" Mrs. Wiley .Mrs. J. Davidson. GINGER COOKIESâ€" Mrs. G. Law- lor, Mrs. Chas. Long. TEA OR DROP CAKESâ€" .S variet- ies, Mrs. W. A. Hawkins, Mrs. Chas. Long. APPLE PIEâ€" Mrs. Lawlor, Mrs. C. Smith. Pumpkin pie, Mrs. D. Stevens, Mrs. W. A. Hawkins; Lemon Pie Mrs. Geo. Lawlor, Mrs. D. Stevens; Mi doz. Flora! or Conventional in silk, Mrs Davis. Mrs. Collinson; Single piece white, not listed, Miss Oliver, Mrs. Davis; Sinsrlo piece colored not lis- ted. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Collinson; Spec- imen tatting, ^Lt&afatfB^ ^^^- ^^''' Specimen of tatting "edgings, Mrs. McAuley, Mrs. Hawkins; Crochet, Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Thursston; Pr. Pill- ow Slip Emb. Mrs. Davis. Mrs Collin- son; Pr. Pillow Slip, other hand trim- ming, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. McAul- ey; Pr. Towels emb. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Collinson; Pr. Towels other hand trimming, Mrs. H. A. McCauley, Mrs. Bell; Bath Towel, Mrs. Cairns Mrs. Adams; Centrepiece, solid white emb. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Collinson; whitei. other hand work, Mrs. McAuley, Mrs. Spofford; Colored linen emb. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Bell; Colored linen cro- chet trimming, Mrs. Thurston, Mrs. Kennedy; Pr. Tray cloth, Mrs. Coll- inson, Mrs. McAuley; Tea cloth emb. Mrs. Davis Mrs. McAuley; Tea cloth other hand trimmed, Mrs. Thurston, Mrs. Collinson; Buffet set Mrs. Cairns Mrs. Davis; Six serviettes emb. Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Hawkins; Six serviettes a.o.k., Mrs. McCauley, Miss Oliver; 6 table doilies, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Dav- is; Table runner emb. Miss Oliver, Mrs. Adams; table runner any other kind, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Bell; Sofa cushion emb. Miss Oliver. Mrs. Coll- inson; Sofa cushion washable. Mrs. Hawkins; .Sofa cushion any other kind Miss Oliver, Mrs. Adams; Lingere set, Mr.s. .Spofford.... Boudoir cap Mrs. Adams, Miss Oliver; Ladles Knitted or crochet sweater, Mrs. Thurston, Mrs. Davis; Curtain.s handmade for bedroom Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Wiley; Curtains handmade for parlor Mrs. Hawkins, Mr.n. McAuley; Baby jacket and bootees, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Davis; Baby pillow and bootees, Mrs. Bell. FINE .'.RT8 OIL PAINTINGSâ€" Landscape irom nature, Mrs. Cairns .Mrs. Davis: Mar- ine copy, Mrs. Davis Miss Oliver; Fig- ure work copy, Mr.=. Davis, Miss Ol- iver; Vegetables gro.iped from one ob- ject Mrs. Davis; St 11 life, Mrs. Coll- inson, Miss Oliver; Any original sub- ject, Mrs. Collinso:'., Mrs. Cairns. WATER COLOR.';â€" (Landscape Can- adian scene Mrs. C( .linson. Mrs. Dav- is; Marine from i >.ture, Mrs. Davis Miss Oliver; Anim; Is from life, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. l.'nwl:- â- ; Fruits groupe'j from one object Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hawkins; Flowers and vase or bowl, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hawkins; St^ life Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hawkins. HAND DECORATED CHINA â€" Figure work, JTrs. Davis; Single piece conventional vjrk design, Mrs. Dav- is. Miss Olive.-; Single piece realis- tic design Mv •,. Davis, Mrs. Spoff- ord. MISCELLANEOUSâ€" Sepia, figure or animal copy Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Haw- kins; Sepia r.ny original subject Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Kennedy; Pastel any original subject Miss Oliver; Crayon architecturr.l design, Mrs. Collinsor*; Charcoal Sketch, Mrs. Davis, Miss Ol- iver; Pencil drawing not copv Mrs. Davis, Miss Oliver; Stencil drawing Mrs. Hawkins; Black and white sketch, Mrs. Hawkins andaMrs. Mc- Auley; Basketry, Mrs. Adams. Mrs. J. McKinnon; Metal work, wood carv- ing or any other decorative work, Miss Oliver, Mrs. Collinson. FLORAL EXHIBIT Beginias, .3 different Mrs, Adams; Hydrftngea in bloom, Mrs. Adams; Tropical plant, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. J. Long; Asters best four colors Miss Oliver, Mrs. Hawkins; Dahalias, coll. Mrs. Hawkins; Gladioli coll, W. H. Thurston, Miss Oliver; Sweet Peas, coll., Mrs. Hawkins; Best three var- ieties of annuals Miss Oliver Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Best three varieties of Perennials, Miss Oliver, Mrs. Haw- kinSt CHILDREN'S WORK Best pk. of potatoes, one variety named D. Stevens; Coll. of wood of Canadian trees mounted and named, Melville Hindle; Essay "My idea of a good citizen"" Melville Hindle; Drawing, boy chasing butterfly, G. W. Ross; Colored drawing of onion. 2 sections, one pear and one cucumber, G. W. Ross; Statement and expend- iture of reasonable selling price of any farm product Melville Hindle; Best light biscuits Mrs. Davidson, Rita Hindle; Best five piece school lunch Mrs. Collinson, Rita Hindle; Doll dressed in sailor, Mrs. Jas, Long Best one doz. plain cookies and tarts Mrs. Davidson; Best cross stich emb. Mrs. Davidson, Rita Hindle; Hand made apron Mrs. Davidson; Doll sweater Mrs. Davidson; Best button- holes on white cotton G. W. Ross. Davidson; W. A. Chatterson lady driver, Jas. Davidson, A Dawn; C. C. Begg 20 doz. eggs J. D. LeggaUi Women's Institute, bonniest girl un- der 12 mos. Mrs. Russel Lougheed, Mrs. Geo. Priestly Nettleton's Jew- ellry store 6 lb. but'.er, Mrs. Geo. Lawlor; Obrien and Hensen, Heavy colt, Atkin and Park; Eli Robinson Child's dress made from old garmet, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Heitman; John- ston Bros, bull calf, D. Stevens; D. enson; Alf. Hawton, shorthorn cow, Edgar Betts; Jack Smith pair of carriage horses Albert Dawn; H. G. Burke shorthorn 2 yr. old heifer, D. Stevens; Jas. Sayers, lady driver, J. Davidson; G. H. Long, Agricult- ural spring colt Jas. Ottewell: Bank of Toronto Pr. of Agricultural hor- ses, J. Mahanay; Ospery Farmer's Milling Co. display of baking Mrs. Jno. McKinnon; Osprey Milling Co. loaf of bread, Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. Lawlor; C. H. Smith, buff orpinff- ton rooster, Jas. Barber; C. M. Heron White Legharn cockerel. Jas. Barber; F. Spofford Pen breeding ewes, W. „ ,, ., , . „t T T^.^.j J. Meads, D. Stevens; Em Hawton Kelly gentlemans turnout, J. Uavid- u„ '„ ,,.,«_ on «....<. p u-â„¢^ /? D II _ :_«. „.,u T.. aged horse over 20 years, lu. Haw- son; G. B. Henry spring colt, Jas.,, * a j â- » li. j • _ i>j n^ 11 %t T^ I J. I. ^t^.l Qi., ton; Andy Fawcett, dairy cow, Edgar Ottewell; McDonald's shoe store. Sin- • n. r'a-.u „i«o.i« aU,,^^ L^^^ , , . , . . .A ti,. iL I Betts Dr. uauld single driver carnage gle driver horse in harness Atkin & I j. aM^rrison; E. Buckingham, Park; Women's nstitute bes^ pre8-| ^^ ^ j^ J erved antique article Mrs. Spofford, > _ !L , „ . ', ,• u •/ G. W. Ross; J. Â¥C Vancise, brood J««- H"^^""' Hereford yearling heifer sow, Edgar Betts: Bellman's Drug; Ja«- Hudson; Jno^ Hudson brood mare . ' ** ,. , ' *„.j !.„,•*„, To. roadster, D. Ring; Jas. Long, coll. of store, yearling hereford heifer Jas. ' ' *'. tab- Hudson; Bell and son coll. of baking taking, Mrs. McK'nnon; J. A. Kema- Mrs. Jno. McKinnon; Jury & Greg-jhan, best CJydsdale horse on grounds, ory best boy driven under 14 years a^V ^K*^- Atkins and Park; T Eaton R. Hawton; Allan Mcintosh buff leg- Co. best agricultural team. J Mah- horn pullet, Jas. Barber; Dominion f"«y' ^"L ^'*!"f ' ^^^: ^J^'*^^"" Stores, homemade bread, Mrs. Mc-|tfam, R .M Lmdsy; W L Jaylor. Kinnon; Sam Russ coll. of fruit Mr8.l|e«t ^^^J^", '" ""^J t "" *!1'^ Bell; John Robinson pr. of Oxford i Par'': ,^ ^'f/S?- P*" of homemade Downs W. J. Meads; Chester N. Long ', ''.""«•. *?«:»• McKinnon; Dr. McKay Shorthorn bull, Edgar Betts; John Speers, ;>en of bacon hogs, F. Spof- ford; Frank Wiley bread from North Star flour Mrs. McKinnon; J. A. Dav- idson, Grade hereford heifer, E. Hawton; Mrs. Eby luncheon set, Mrs. Heitman; Jas. Eby milk cow any grade, Edgar Betts; Gideon Eby herd grade cattle, Jas. Madden, D. Stev- s ingle driver* roadster, J. Davidson. Kissing was so fashionable in the iatter days of the Roman Empire that when a woman met a man in public it was quite the thing for him to kiss her. YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE ^U it as Attractive Intiile at Out? I^AKE your summer cottage comfortable and bofne-like *'* with Gyproc Fireproof partitions and ceilinga. At small coat the whole interior may be transforiBed into attractive, cosy rooms. Write for free bookletâ€" "My Home.*' It vOl tell you bmr Gmocv Kocbowd Gyptum IixuUting Sbeathinc uul buulex «U1 teBnoc mw &d bill (nm 20 to 40%. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM Ca. UMmO, PAIUS. OUUB* For SaU By Frank Duncan » - *- - Flesherton, Ont. buns Mrs. Jno. McKinnon, Mrs. Wil- jMrs. Davis; Child's dress, Mrs. Adams ey; Plain Cookies, Mrs. F. D. Cairns, Child's rompers and play suit Mrs. Mrs. Wiley; Light Layer Cake, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Thurston; Coll of crochet ^iBiMUiafilte R,esert/es with a neenre jrea may meet a vereneâ€" without flhiehhaA or aae« lificlnA your aaacta* A bank aeeount built up by an IndlTidual or a bnaineaa ia dmilar to the eaah reoerre aeenmulatcd from year to year by a banking tnatitution. Adopt tbia principle. ,Caah rcaerrea mean not only aafety but are the elnewB from whieh aneeeaa la buUt. In any branch of banking aerrlee eonaolt a Bank of Toronto braneh ntanaAer. "BANMffiONIO. FEVERSHAMâ€" C. H. Smith. Manarer. MARKDALEâ€" W. L. Younfr, Managar. Better theMan with His Eye to thejSky than theMan with His£ar&£6eGiloiind '^ â€" ^^^,i ^IK f tM. \ r ; W 1 i 1 Am 1 m If A f fe . .-'I'^-.jrf^iK-- *«t:te- 1^ ALL through its long, successful history. General Jr\. Motors of Canada has had its eye to the horizon . . . listening not for what followed, but looking always toward the thing ahead. And General Motors has seen many of its Tisions realized. . . . It has seen a great industry grow up in Canada to supply the Canadian family with a tneans of trans- portation to meet its needs and resources, to answer the desire for style, dependability, luxury. It has seen, in the Canadian Fisher Body plants, the perpetuation of Canadian ideals of craftsmanship. It has seen, in the General Motors Research labor- atories, the development of countless advances and refinements on which much of modem motoriaff com- fort depends. It has seen, on the General Motors Proving Gteuads, the proof of principles which ^are liow accepted factora ia automobile design and construction. It hat seen the triumph of co-operativs porchaaiag and manufacturing methods with their resultant economies to bs shared with the buyers of Geasral Motors .cars. And tht ejres of General Meters are stiU to the teriaon . . . aUlI seeking new ways to impteva ^•"u * **•*•" cars and to place the can withitf reach of ever-widening circles of Oinadian buyers. CNtVaOilT PONTIAC OLOSMOaUK OAKLAND M«LAUOHUN-auiCR LAfALLI CADIUAC OtNBKAL MOTORS TRUCK GENERAL MOTORS 'T CANADA '«*' HoMM 0|ic« m4 VmetmrUa Othawa, OMarie