V AVERYREIABLE I HOME TREATMENT Bcw Weak, Ron-Down People Can Obtain Relief Among the m&njr remedies offered lor the maintenance or restoration ot fcealtb and ttrength, there is none can compar* with Dr. WlllUms' Pink Pills. Ifoet ailments are due to poor, thin blood. Dr. WnUama' Pink Pills have a spedllc action on' the blood. â- laUna it rich, red and pure. Throusb ,thls richer blood the tissues of the ibody are better nourished, and the tenctiona ot the body betftr perform- ed. Anaemic sufferers, weak. lan- -gnld and nerrous people speedily And feew health and strength thronsh the â- se ot this medicine. This was the experience of Mrs. John Armoor, Bonth MoBoshan, Ont, who says: â€" "J â- m one of the many thousands who kave regained health through the use at Dr. WilUams' Pink Pills, and I take this opportunity of eajrtng a word in pnlse of this splendid medicine. Be- fore beginning the use of this medl- dae I was pale and badly run down. I found it difficult to do my house- work and was tired and breathless at the least exertion. I had tried sereral medicines without benefit, and finally iedded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Soon I began to feel better, tieep better and eat better, and found toy weight Increasing. In a word. I felt like a new person. I hare since recommended t)»e pills to others who kave taken them with equally good Ksults." Try Dr. Williams* Pink PlUs fbr anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- vousness. Take them as a tonic it you are not in the best physical con- litlon and cnltirate a resistance that will keep you well and strong. Get a koz from the nearest drug store and begin this treatment now. The plUs are sold by all medicine lealera or will be sent by mall at SOc a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. «^ Britain's International Account London Nation and .Athenaeum: We appear to hare been making ends Beet on international account by at- tracting fcreign balances to London an an increased scsUe, i.e., by borrow- fcig short a great part of what we kave bee^ lending long. It is as though an individual whose income had fallen and who^e expenditure bad increased, until he was really saving very little, continued, in unconscious- ness of this fact, to buy fresh stocks and shares on*a considerable scale. I Inevitably his current sccount runs I down and he becomes overdrawn at 1 the bank. Sooner or later, he has to put the matter right. That is very {much our position as a people on in- 1 ternational account. There is reason ! ito fear that we are becoming heavily ^overdrawn at the international bank. How Investors Are Swindled Welcome Emisrant \ British Shareholders in Cana- dian Company are Victimized London. â€" British shareholders in â- the Canadian company known as New , Nakaman Coals. Gas, and Petroleum, * Limited, are being appoached with a ' view to sendhiK good money after bad I by subecribing 3d. per share to enable | a man named Stanley W. Hymans to go oat to AlbeSla to investigate mat- ters on their behalf. "The history of Nakamun Coals, Gas, and IVtroleom, Limited, is typi- ' cal ot the methods adopted by share- ! pusbera or "wkite collar" bandits as | they are called in the United State«, i to extract money from tmsophisticat- j «d people," says the Daily MaiL | The experience of an aged North London woman is do<Atless similar to that of many other dupes of the pro- moters of tlda company. She was approached by a ahaie pusher who persuaded her to invest £22 10s. by offering her dollar (4a. 2d) shares at 3s each. Once they had obtained this sum tbey gave her no rest, and eventoally persoaded her to* In c lean, b right Aluminum ^RpSE "is good tea** m tor When you serve RED ROSE ORANGE j JPEKOE to your family you are giving ihem the best tea jrou pan buy. r Is Britain Decaclait? ! ClaMified Adyati3«me«fer WHAT IS HE THINKING? ^ tigh lift en the way to Canada. A Saffo.s Pucih suUion being increase her faokhcg to about £200, j hoisted aboard the Bcsworth at Liven:<wc:. Ei^gland. A grcup of these at the sanoe time getting her daughter torses will be distributed througtca: Caiiada ici stock icprcTecent p«rp©ses to "iu'veat" a similar amount. "SPECIAL OFFERS.- This was done by means of "special offers" fKom a Mr. George Westcott, who, writing from 48 Dover street, W., styled himsdf managing director of the company, from a firm called J. I ^.. ... . . , „ _,., . „ %. .tj .. Cold In the head is verv common at H. Stiles & Co., who gave an address I . • \r~~ *" ^ -.^ ^ J_»vtTi-,j- *»â€"""• "â„¢* of year, especially in the S.^^^r^o.^^J-wkS^'^^i-- xoun,. Neglect of a ccM is A SHPLE TREATAEH FOR CHiLDRETS COLDS VICTORIA PUTS £482,000 ASIDE FOR STORAGES Continuous \T ater Supply for Irrigation Canals Is to Be iT^ JL""T* ^""'.Z w^' ^T' i P«»°« ^ J«^ *° «rt°'is conseQuences. Provided New York, and from the Westminster To reUeve aU congestion cf the svs-- MeIN;,:me. Vic.â€" a:1 the prt>3uc- and Trust Co.. LonooQ-^:"'. tem Is the first step in treating a co'ld ti^-J" cf ccriera Vivroria is due to ' whether in Infants or ad-Its. For ^^ preat system of Irri^atitia which Bond E. C. 2. So far efforts h.-»ve failed to trace 'ti^, ^^^ young. Baby's OwiT Tablets -^5 been carried cut Is the last 15 cr Mther Mr. Westcott, J. H. Stiles and ^^^ y^g jjg^ means of doing this. Con -'â- "' 5'^*-'* ^5" ^^^ state Govemmes'. Co., or the Westminster Bond and talalng no narcotics or other harmftil ^o*' o* '-jiis wort h a? been done in Trust Co.. but a letter from Mr. West-jjru^ t|,gv goothe the child's fretful- re«nt years, and' be system is being cott to the shareholders indicates the ne^s^ relieve Its suffering and ensiire extended as rapMIy as possible In cr- convalescence. der to brttg under cultivation aeras Baby's Own Tablets are without an â- ^ Qand whlcii re<;ttire water to make e^ual for relieving Indigestion, con- then: fertile. This vast Irrigation stipation and coUc. They check system Is surpHed trcm Australia's diarrhoea: break up cclds a»d simple great waterway, the River Marrav. fevers; promote heaithgiving sleep which Is no» sending water through and make the dreaded teething perlC'd thousands of miles cf Irrigation chas- easy. The Tablets are the one nsedi- , neis. In Victoria. New South Wal<fs cine that a mother can give her Ut- : and South Austraila. tie ones with i)erfect safety as they Victoria has done more than any are guaranteed to be free from injuri- ous drugs. They are sold by all medi- It Cannot Be Done Baltimore Sun; (Bobby Jones pro- poses that a new type of golf ball should be introduced which oannot be driven so Jar.) There is one excel- lent reason why neither here nor In Englnd will his proposal be accept- ed. Dub golfers are iu the great ma- jority. 'Where a star can go from tee to green in two strokes, there are bun- { dreds of players who cannot do it Inj less than five or six, or even more. 'And tie dub furnishes the dough that ' supports a game which eats up money, t He would raise a riot if anything were , done to lessen his drive live yards. ; To cut It down twenty-tive would bring about a revolution. Bobby is a fine evangelist, but there never was one who hit on so cold a trail. nature of the Gotham Finance Co. He wrote: The Gotham Finance Co. . . . has disckeed itself as utterly unreliable . . . there is absolutely no doubt they had no intention of paying for the shares bought from shareholders. . . They now hraienly repudiate tbetr contract with me as well as the West- minster BoTvd and Trust Co., and have also refused to pay over to the Com- pany any of the monies received from the British shareholders. A SECOND BAIT. Another letter frcm Mr. Westcc<t throws some light' en his own ohar- acter. Writing frv>n\ c 'o the Empire Service Bureau. 37 Albemarle street. W. 1, to the North London woman who reported to him that a Mr. Law- son had called upon her with the ob- ject of persuading her to buy more shar«* â€" at 49. each â€" in the company which was suiv to pay a dividend in six months' tin'.e. he suggifsts what criminals call a "double crossing" of his own sharepusher. He wrote: I understand Mr. Lawson intended calling on you again and if you prefer to deal with nw and obtain a redac- tion in the price of any shares yc>u desire to take up I would suggest it might be best to decline his offer as possibly otherwise he would claim a commission on any shares you might purchase. I shall leave this to your own dis- cretion. In any event I would suggest you do n<*t disclo<^» to him that 1 have suggested a lower price to you. Needless to say a company, the Auci-ind Weeklv News: The Bri- tish habit of self-effacement â- "^ $«;{. depreciation is so iagraiaed that it causes many BtoeoaeeyUoBs. It af- fects a proper assessment of valuer in actual war effort; the world hxs to b« told aoaedaaes (r>4ay a thing which the histOTiaa a handled years heaoe will accept as seU-eTldent. that the greatest factor in defeating the aims cf the Central Powers after 1J14 was ti:e might and the concentrated effort of Britain. So the mlsconcep- Uon persists ia the croabled years which foUow the war. Can a nation which shoulders the burden of debt- repayment Britain now bears, and mee:* Oie obligations at doe date, be cil'exl decadent? Can the natkm which faced the criEis of last year^ genenl strike and eanged as Bri tiin did be called decadent? Can the na;icn which is grap->i!ng w-.ih the prc'rletn? ar..! anxieties cf a deSaticn fr^rj -: ^s Fritain is doing, be •.rS.y ca-.t .: .icciien:? The oountry his diScuIties and problems numerous enough and cnishlag enough to des- troy a people of More fragile const! tuticn. An Americaa. writing ftrom London, has said: "This country Is bearing financial burdens that would trtai any other notioBs'* There Is the exact point; Britain Is bearing them. u LTR-VPH :'N:.r GRAiiOFHOxK n •elecCc -.s Kis :•: r:r $:s :i- Omr* ^-i*«d Pciiics. Ut Mouc:-P.ir»l â- «* Mor .:.-«*L BOaLBSLsa cjiaauaa r 4.N <ta:-; :u«:--<5 â€" i.::-.g .;rtrfij.i;.« |1aâ€" ^ c -.ij; l.r r-.-TCka* )C"« ^ ;_e - - .?^s Si-.r'j- lafac- !Tta.- 1 - •'â- - : . :-: . ^Tj:t- r.t- ^ F '.-.:< y -. ?A_i. x; aNV BA&- â- > '. N ~ V-' - " - ' c - ' - ^-* • • s ; farva Vr '." : . c : - :->--. -..r NT \ sou- • ^ S-.-:«se« cf .V5tr s ---I. -:-r«tlac r*.-- « . - - r^-..:- ^.-5 -f** a. Mf- -" -â- :^i -S? T^ro-: V^i: $2.00 Given f^ Chrtstnui S«.^ trust JXMi ti:'. \::i4J C<.v, I>|>t «»4\v:_ Br.-v ST rvm â- - -;is 9mA N- V . U-S-4. Pbysiciiiii ^ i. thaa the sjEt^ over dcc:.T ^;;;.~ -e .i-e !:a;pier . - - ; : c worry other state In tils dSrecucn. and It Is now pursuing Its enoeavors wttE In- clne dealers or by mall at 25 cents a creased vigor. The state Parliamen: box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine has tils ye.o.r au!hcr;r~.-: the raising PATENTS L.W. cf -WiT.tfv! TXS &AX5AT CO.. X>«pt. W 873 B«ak St.. Oraw*. Ox:. WOMAN COULD H ARD LY WALK Mrs. Horn Tells kow Ljdia L Pmkkiffl's Vegetable Compooi •» Restored Her Healdi Co.. Brockville, Ont. «- Nature Fvst For the Child Make your child travel from nature to books, not from books to nature. Is the advice to parents given b; of £i.-».C :. i \\,-j. --. :. y \T irri- gation aai wiicr su;^;!;. lioris. (.Last financial year the amount spent In this way was £: "•'•' •y-CV Of this sum £4S;.i'i;\ » : '. te fven: upon the constructlcn cf s; rs^es to Insure a cv->ntlEUcus s-;v'> .' water 'or the tr- Llewellyn Jones. Uterary editor cf the rlJfaUcn cianae^s, Chicago Evening Post, In an article "^^^ "^ ^* *^** <^' '^^ ^'^^^ which 4n the November issue of -Cklld Life ^^^ ^'^^ transformed froiB- waste Magasine" on the ChUd and Nature. 'â- '^'^ ^^^â- â- '' * '^t^at growing district by "These bpoks are to be sympatheti- oeans of Inrigatica is the MlUewa land of the northwest. This com- prises about l.COO.OOO acres, and with cally understood." writes Mr. Jones. "only by the reader, young or old. who has already foU for himself the ^e advent of a reliable water supply. about TSC'.tX'O acre^s have been taken Gabby Gertie ^^ ^^ - ^^p^ m charm ot river and pond, who has learned to enjoy direct contact with uP ^O' *heat growing by JOO settelrs. nature." ' "^* river Murray is about 1500 He emphaslies the value of nature J miles in length, and almost the whole study for the child. He says. "While : f ' '<« valley, and the land for great such a study is in a sense an amuso- j distances on either side, have been nent. It is also a spiritual and menul rendered rri>IuctlTe as the result ot discipline and wlU give the cilKl an ; irrigation. Most ct the land Is use»l orientation toward his worW that : '<^r trM growing, grapes and citrus many older people lack. It will create friiits being the principal occupaUcns a mental outlook that will expand as ' o f'^he thousands cf settler? who have the child grows older and that will taSen u? irrigaticu blocks along the , . . . , ^ forever keep him from that terrible r'^er. managir.g director of which conductii ; ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^jj ^ ^ j^^^^ j^ a^juion to the Murray, other its nffairs in such a curious manner ; ^^^ beinc bored.' Victorian river? have also been used as this has never paid a dividend, and ' ..^^ ccturse. the child will need a to a great extent for Irrigation and now Mr. St.inK-y Hym.ins is asking j^^ ^^jj^^^j. t^jngs besides books. A ' water supply purjvses. though o na the/shareholders for Sd. in respect f ^j^^ji g^;j gi<iss or telescope will en- somewhat sci-sller scale, the various : ever}- share they hold to pay his ex- ^j,;^ j^j^ j^, go bird hunting. . With a systen-.s being designed ultimately to! "^ ' " "^ pocket magnifying glass he can study bring the benefits cf Irrigation to aUJ the habits ot Insects. r-arts cf Victoria when? it is required. • "With the sUmulus thus given, the *- that the best results may be obtaln- young child will learn to make his ed from the land for agriculture. ponses to .\lberta. so that he >)jay m H-estigate the history of the concern. Mr. Hymans is a director of the Mer- rick Trust, which has its office in Harloy street. Mr. Hvmans has denied all cornec- own direct contacts with nature. M first he will be Interested more In the Good Progress in Three Years Calgary. Alberta. â€" T. A. Duncan Is > now n?rau'.e\l as one of the most suc- cessful farmers In the Pldshury dls- ' tion with the New Nakaniun Com-;jjt^ns ti^n in the whole, and this Is party, and protested that he had oiUy'^j ^nd proper. But as the child grows mot Mr. Westcytt onc-o. j older he will learn to sec nature as a "I have beon Asked by a few friends ^jioje â€" as the living garment cf exlst- of mine who .-iro shareholders to go ence. And ha will appreciate the trict.^IIe >^*n«' ^"^ -•Uberta^ three years out and that is how 1 have been *" brought into the matter," he said. WORTHLESS LEASES. Mr. Hymans also admitted that he wa.< worko ot prose like Thoreau as well »«t. from Montana and began farm- as of that gr^t observer of details. Ing. He now has a farm, a complete Henri Fabro. ' It Is the opinion of Mr. Jones that. and good build- r â- J .v 1 .^ W..IJ K.- .i..«'Kive the average child a few of the afraid the leas^v- >ld by the 8'^^ encourage him to gx. from SetUemeat Branch of the New Nakamun tomp.Hny have lar*«d r^^"\'~^,.;^^_ fiewTseashor* or even lVp.-vrtment ot ImmlgratK^ line of Implements lugs, all paid for. In a letter sent recent'iy to the Land j the Canadian I on and Col- fnxn what I can learn. Of course I. ^ ": ^^^ ^^ t^ck garden, and you onltatton he st.>ites: haw my own opm.on with r^^rd to_ provided him with mor* ' "I lii^ve made go ivhI prv>sress since "Housekeepers who never can ket- chup find it easy to beat a batter." U__|» Oonnt that day lost, whose low de» oending tun. Bees no now transatlantic flights be i gun. T biH>ks to ww^. field, seashore or vorid of the back garden, ani „ „. . V A-- w A I 1- will have provided him with mor* Mr. \Sescott and hts domgs. but 1 *» , „^^ interest; vou will have I ^'aâ„¢*' '^ â- ^'â- »>*'-ta thr«^ years agv> and -not pcpi>se to express it. I behe%-e ^^,^,.^j ^i„-^^^_^ have become perm.^nently established that he has now disappeared. I ha\-e *' " ^ not seen him for a k«g time. » Salesmanship Not So Simple When a novice attempts to correct i the btllge In a steel plate he hits the jn the United States cf America? for all pains â€" Minard's Liniment. « Atk Another. Q, â€" S. How many States aro there Red Rose Tea, now packed in th* bright, daan Alumi- num packas*, ia c;impletely , Cuarantcad. You can try il { without any riak. Order a l, -»«ckase from your c^ocer. Use any portion of it and if you are not entirely pleased rat urn tt 9od no charge will k>e mado* st: bulge a direct blow with a ammer. with result of putting the entiro plate out ot kilter. .\n expert taps care- fully all around the bulge and on ap- parently unrelatwl parts of the plate. That Is how statesmanshjp must deal with problems which seem absurdly simple to tike bolshevist.- or even to the parlor •oclallst. The whole his- tory of our taxation, to take a single subject for illustration. Is full of rash experiment* where the levy has com- pletely falleil In the purisAso for \vhlch It was deslgne<(, but has arhtevo.l tlis- ».»tr\<us results which wore never fore- »e«ni, ns ,»hcy sfibuld have been.' - -<« ^ .K true radU-uI Is a man whn thinks you are against hini if ,v\iu can't gel at excited as b« docs. | A. ton another page* â€" S. In the; .Antarcticâ€" Tor\into I>ally Star. AND TINTIHa are so c.-\>y aixl perfect IF y«^ teethe same ViivJ »>«" J>-<-» rrvMca- »io*\.il D\-vr> u'tek l">jcs lh*t Are put up in highly coMcctxtraicd, finely {vxvdcnrd. solc.bl* foriii. No work to Uiviol*-© _thoi-«. No\t>r .'»"V 5h.-«%-iiiir, »cn»p"j; or ci-ur.iMr,i»; then u{\ They arc . â€" through engaging In mixed farming. 1 1 believe that Central .\lberta is one of ' the surest places en the continent for i a man with practically no capital to get a start." ^ Tangio- raris Temps: tBrltaiu'* "strictly j correct attitude" with reganl to Tan- gier Is arprc>ved.^ lireat Britain has j always remained hostile to any mmdl- Ocation of the status ot Tangier that might affect the principle of the Inter- national regime, which Is the safo- guar\l of all the legitimate interests | coiAcrueu. While the Sivinlsh claims . have been nuvlified they neverthe- | less call for ct^ndiiious difflcul, to re- | (Oiiclle with rishts ht-^Ui under tro.-*- : ties. It Is uanect^ssary to retnarW t that the negotiatKias will .oatiune in â- Proved safe b\ millions and pre^Tibed by ph\sici.ins for i Neuralgia Headache Colds Pain Neuritis TtHMhache Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART DYES ISSUE No. ^4â€" •S7 an atr!K>jpher\> ot mutual confidence, but the p^^^b^em ot "Yanglcr cannot j , be fettlcii bv anv Imjirv-v.M'J tolatK>u I _: ^ jllinard'a Liniment Iw Litmi^go. WARNING^ Beware of Counterfeits There is oniv one eenuin; -.\SPIR1\' tablet. I? a tab- Jet i< olTered as "ASPIRIN"' and i.« not stamped with the "Ba\-«r Cross'-refiiyc it with conlemrt-itisnot'.ASriRIN" at all? Don't take chances! t Accopt or.'.N "Bavei"' A^ which contain? proven diroctioiiX lUndy "nayfr" boxes of 12 taUexa Abo bcttleji of il tad KXV-r':«^Q»*Ui. AMoriB i» «><' 'â- •* ">«* .t>-<t«t»«-(«(l l» Canada) of BvM- Ma - artdpatrr o« J»licytH»rd i.» fl,') S^n-yiw .*<r»0 ".K « A • Miai An^aimwurvaf 9»T*r maautarturr u> mm tN« rwNr ac x .TfWS