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Flesherton Advance, 19 Oct 1927, p. 4

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I. » WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 19, '27 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE m A i TH£ ' FtKHERTON ADVANCE Pttbliahad on Colitnrwood street, Flcftherton, WediMsday of each WMk. Circulation over 1100, PriM in Canada, |2.00 per year. wfajQ paM in advance flJSO. In V.^.l. ?^^ per 7Mur, when paid m advance f2.0u. Mrs. J. C. Adams. HERErORD Aged bullâ€" D. Hincks. Bull calfâ€" It. p. Tucker 1 and 2 Milch cowâ€" T. P. Tucker 1, 2 and 3.2 yr, old heiferâ€" T. P. Tucker 1, 2 and 3 1 yr. old heiferâ€" T. P. Tucker. Heifer calf â€" T. P. Tucker. GRADE Milch cow. diaryâ€" A. McVicar, D. Campbell 2 and 3. Milch cow, beef purposesâ€" Jno. Livingstone 1 »»« ^ D. Campbell. 2 yr. old heiferâ€" D. Nichol 1 and 2. G. Whyte. 1 yr old heiferâ€" D. Sinclair, D. Campbell, D. .Hincks. 2yr old steerâ€" D. Nichol 1 ~'~'~~~ and 2 W Mather 1 yr old steer â€" A Markdale horse nibbed his nosej"" ^j^;^ ^ell 1 and 2, D. Nichol. Steer and then scared when he , • j ^ y^d^ms, W. Mather. J. Thus IS natural,^ " Pekin Drake-T. McDougall. Pekin ^Cairns. Beets, lonr-W. J. McMillan,! Millan, L. Fisher Homemade bread-i- ,ir L. A. Fisher. Beets, turnipâ€" W. J. Irene Middaugh, Mrs. Davis. Home McMillan T. McDcigall. Parsnips-lmade brown breadâ€" Irene Middaugh W. J. McMillan, T. McDougall. Win- -m. fi. THUBSTON. Editor UUITORIAL NOTES on an auto saw another horse history made. Burnett. Heifer calfâ€" W. Mather, D. Campbell. Baby beefâ€" D. Campbell, Mrs. J. C. Adams. SPECIALS Best herd cattle (Karstedt special) â€" T. P. Tucker. j Best fat heirerâ€" T. P. Tucker, D. . ! Nichol. In Great Britain they hope to have . SHEEP last till the end of this month' Shropshireâ€" G. Whyte Mosquitoes have made a record at some of the watemig places this year Thus arc some people brought to the acratch. duck, oldâ€" T. McDougall, F. Thurstnn Pekin drake, oldâ€" T. McDougall F. Thurston. Rouen duck, old â€" T. Mc- DouKall: drake, old â€" McDougall Rouen duck, youg â€" T. McDougall 1 and 2: drake, youngâ€" McDougall 1 and 2. White Wynndotte femaleâ€" F. Thuuton, G. Whyte. Wh. Wyandotte pulletâ€" G. Whyte 1 and 2. Partridge Wyandotte, female â€" F. Thurston Rhode Is. red. cock â€" F. Thurston: hen â€" Thurston. Rhode Is. Red cock- erel â€" F. Thurston: pulletâ€" F. Thurs- ton. C. P. Kinnee, judge. GRAIN Fall Wheat, whiteâ€" F. D. Caims,lR. Vause. Celerj-, a.o.v. â€" L. Ftsher G. Cairns. Fall wheat, a,o.v.â€"R. (Citronsâ€" H. Falconer. G. Cairns. To- Ramage. Marquis wheatâ€" R. Ramage, matoesâ€" Mrs. Davis, R. Vause. Cu- Barley, 6 rowed â€" W. J. McMillan, F. cumbers, pickling-^D. L. McArthur.] D. Cairns. Oats largeâ€" F. D. Cairns, I G. Cairns. Cucumbers, ripe â€" D. Camp- G. Carins. Oats, smallâ€" T. McDoug- bell D. Hincks. Pumpkinâ€" R. Ram- all, R. Ramage. Peas, large â€"G.I age, W. Hawkins. Coll Vegetablesâ€" Whyte R. Ramage. Peas, smallâ€" J. JH. Falconer. Burnett. Buckwheat â€" R. Ramage , DAIRY & DOMESTIC Flax â€" T. McDougall, R. Ramage. Al- sike cloverâ€" iL. A. Fisher. Red clover â€" L. A. Fisher. Timothy â€" T. Me- ter raddish- T. M Dougall. Cabbage, Oxheartâ€" Mrs. T. !. Davis, J. J. Mc- Rae. Cabbage, red -L. A. Fisher, W, Hawkins. Cabl}age, a.o.v. â€" D. D. Hincks, G. Calms. Cauliflowerâ€" H. Falconer. W. Hawkins. Onions. potatoâ€" T. McDov'?all. Mrs. Davis,. »*_ r^ • Onions, Dutch sc aâ€" T. McDougall, Crossley. i*n. Davis Mrs. J. C. Adams. Onions, black seed I â€" H. Falconer. Table ^uash â€" G.] Cairns, R. Rama :e. Squash a.o.v.- J. McRae. Celery, white â€" W. Hawkins 1 Mrs. Davis. Plain rolls â€" D. Hincka W. J. McMillan. Plain bunsâ€" B. Vause, G. Cairns. Tartsâ€" W. A. Haw- kins, Mrs. Davis. Sconsâ€" W. A. Bea- ton, G. Cairns. Strawberriea, peach es and cherries â€" F. J. Collinson. 8 kinds sweet pickles â€" G. Whyte, Geo. Cairns. 3 kinds aour pickles â€" Mrs. L. Shutterworth, Mrs. Aldcorn, Mrs. E.J. Ellis Orangeville, judges. FRUIT Apples, northern 4py â€" F. Cairns, R. Ramage. Apples a.o.v., Winter â€" R. Ramage, Mrs. J. C. Adams. Apples, Wolf Riverâ€" W Beaton, R. Vause. Alexander â€" Mrs. J. C. Adams, Ram- age. St. Lawrence â€" F. J. CoUinwm R. Ramage, W. Beaton. Crab Apples â€" W. Beaton, L. Fisher. Pears â€" ^L. Fisher, W. J. McMillan. Plumsâ€" Mrs. Crotrsley, W. J. McMillan. (Continued on Rage 8) OXFORD DOWN Aged ram, shearling ram, ram lamb aged ewe. Shearling ewe, ewe lamb- All W. J. Meads 1 and 2. J. C. Nixon, judge POULTRY Silver laced Wyandotte cock â€" W. D. Connor. Barred rock, cockâ€" .T. Mc- summer . , „ but so great has been the ramfair and so constant the inclemency that the old world folks have been puzzled to know when summer would begin. ! • * * Dollar bills are to be made smaller in the United SUtes. This decision of the authorities maybe have been reached the Seattle Times jalouses, Ooufrall, W. A. Beaton. Barred Ply- becausf almost everybody needs a mouth Rock, Henâ€" T. McDougall 1 little money. and 2.Barrcd Ply. Rock, cockerelâ€" • • • T. McDougall: henâ€" T. McDougall, Our corn growers will have to ex- w. D. Connor. White Leghorn cock- «rcise great defiance, or the destuct- prel â€" W. D. Connor, T. McDougall. ive borer will get them. The pest Black Orpineton hen â€" Mrs. J. C. Ad- has devastated the Western Ontario amg. Buff Orpington cnckerelâ€" T. peninsula for some years, and has xichol: pullet â€" T. Nichol 1 and 2 this fall been found in numbers as Ancona henâ€" W. D. Connor. White far east as Halton county. Rock, cockerel â€" W. D. Connor 1 and • • " 2: pullet â€" Connor 1 and 2. Houdan A selfish auto driver points out henâ€" Connor 1 and 2. Br. Lejrhorn cock if pedestrians would walk in the â€" Connor :hpnâ€" 7 Connor. Turkey fields thert' would be fewer accident's male â€" G. femi'leâ€" G. Whyte. on the highways and the speed limit Toulouse goose, spring female â€" H. A. would not be interfered with. This McCauIey. Goose, any other breed â€" sapient critic adds that children go- D. L. McArthur. Talouse goose, ag- ing to school are special nuisances. ^d â€" F. D. Cairns. T .McDoupall, Tou- " • • louse goose, male â€" T. McDoueall 1 The general secretary of the Nei- and 2: female â€" T.McDougall 1 and ghborhood Work Association of Tor- 2. White China femaleâ€" G. Whyte. onto told the Social Service Council Pekin Duck, youngâ€" T. McDougall the other day that Toronto life was "appalling dull." This remark is prob- ably not meant to apply to the much favored, politically appointed mun- icipal employees. It is shown for ex- ample, that in one of the schools in that city they have 16 high paid «are-takers, drawing over |23,000 a year. The school also possesses a custodian, who has his assistants, receiving an additional $5,000. But with all thii staff, they brought in more employees to clean the windows :at a cost of $185 per cleaner! The -ordinary worker in Toronto may have "appalling dull" life, but these high- toned city employees must have a hil- arious time. Priceville Fair Prize List HORSESâ€" HEAVY DRAUGHT Span â€" D. Nichol. Two year old â€" D. Nichol. One year oldâ€" L. Frook. AGRICULTURAL Span â€" Jas. Picken, N. McLeod, D. Hoicks. Brood Mare â€" And. Hincks, K. Lane, Earl McLeod. Spring colt â€" R. Lane, Earl McLeod, And. Hincks One year old â€" W. Aldcorn. Team un- der 2700 lbs (Eaton's special)â€" Jas. Picken. GENERAL PURPOSE Span â€" G. B. Wclton, J. Shortreed. 'Brood mare â€" Earl McLeod. Spring foal â€" Earl McLeod. One year old â€" Jno. Livingstone. ROADSTER Brood Marc â€" D. Sinclair. Spring colt â€" D. Sinclair. Single driver â€" A. "McQuaig, D. Hincks. Lady driver â€" Tslay McCuaig, Grace Ramage. Best turn-out â€" A. McCuaig. Best spring colt (Mas. Harris special) â€" Earl Mc- Leod. A. Findlay, Chatsworth, judge CATTLEâ€"SHORTHORNS Durham bull, aged â€" Donald Mc- Millan, D. Campbell. Bull calfâ€" D. Campbell J. Burnett. Milk Cows â€" D. McMillan, D. Campbell 2 and 3. 2 year old heiferâ€" D. Campbell, Don. McMillan, J. Burnett. 1 yr. old hei- ferâ€" D. Campbell, J. Burnett, D. Mc- Millan. Heifer calfâ€" D. Campbell 1 and 2, Don McMillan. JERSEY Cowâ€" F.Thurston. Heifer calfâ€" At your PERSONAL Service n The men and women of this com- pany are trying to turn out some- thing more than just a good gen- eral telephone service. • No two users have exactly the same needs. When you ask us to install or move a telephone we want to handle your order in such a way that your personal require- ments are exactly met. When you ask for information about a contract, or a bill, or re- port trouble with your instru- ment, or make even the most casual telephone call, we want to give each matter the sort of at- tention that spells personal ser- vice, not just average service. This is not easy. But it's what we are aiming at â€" o personal ser- vice. The Presbyterian Church in Canada The Presbytery of OraiiKCvillc will hold a rally ser- j vice for the Presbyterians, Presbyterian adherents, and friends of the Prcsbyteriaji Church of Flesherton and district in Town Hall, Flesherton, on "Sunday, ' October, 30th, at U a.m. and 7 p.m. AH interested in the welfare and continuance of the Presbyterian Church in Canada are invited ^o be pres- ent. Come ar. 1 bring your hymn book. James Reidie, Clerk of Presbytery. Dougall, G. Whyte. Colored beans â€" L. A. Fisher. White Beansâ€" W. A. Hamkins, L. A. Fisher. Field com â€" W. J. McMillan, L. A. Fisher. ROOTS & VEGETABLES Potatoes, Green Mountain^â€" T. Mc- Dougall, W. J. McMillan. Potatoes, Cobblerâ€" L. A. Fisher, D. L. McArth- ur Potatoes a.o.v. â€" T. McDougall, W. J. McMillan. Col Potatoes, named â€" W. J. McMillan. Turnips, swede a. o.v. â€" W. Aldcorn, W. A. Beaton, Man- goldâ€" W. Aldcorn, W. J. McMillan. Sugar beets â€" J. J. McRae. Field car- rots, redâ€" W. J. McMillan. T. Mc- Dougall. Table carrots, Shorthorn â€" T. McDougall. W. J. McMillan. Car.- rcts, intermediate â€" T. McDougall. W*. J. McMillan. Table turnips â€" F. D. Honey, extracted â€" L. A. Fisher. Jelly, 3 kindo â€" W. A. Hawkins, Mrs. T. I. Davis. 5 lb. roll of butterâ€" W. A. Beaton, Mrs. J. C. Adams, F. Thur- ston. 15 lb. crock butterâ€" G. Cairns R. Vause, L. A. Fisher. 10 lb butter, in crock, 1st by R. Simpson Co. val- ued at $7.50 â€" W. A. Beaton, J. Weir R. Vause. Quart of Maple syrupâ€" R. Ramage, D. L. McArthur. 51b. map- le sugar â€" L. A. Fisher, T. McDougall Pumpkin pie â€" W. A. Hawkins, Geo. Cairns. Lemon Pie â€" W. A. Hawkins G. Cairns. Apple pie â€" R. Vause, Irene Middaugh. Oatmeal cakes â€" G. Cairns D. Campbell. Custard pieâ€" W. A. Hawkins, D. Campbell. Cream pie G. Cairni, W. Hawkins. Mince pie â€" R. Vause, Mrs. Davis. Layer cake, lightâ€" D. Campbell, W. A. Hawkins, Fruit cake, not iced â€" G. Cairns L. A. Fisher. Layer cake, dark â€" W. J. Mc- Make Old Rooms New MAKE your attk into extra "^ sleeping quarten or a chil- dren's play-room. Gyproc will give you bright, comfortable extra rooms at amall coet. Right over damaged walla and torn, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. Gyproc walls and ceilings will make every foom bright and freih. Takes any decoration. Fireproof, cold prow and heat proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known. Write foe bee booktetâ€" ''My Home.'; It wUl tell jroo bow Gjrproe. RMboud Gypiuin luulatins Sbeathins uut Innilex will reduce your fuel bill from SO to 40 per oeoL IHE OITTARIO GYPSUM CO., UMrTED, PABIS, CANADA US TIr^proof~WalTboard For Sale By Frank Duncan - - *- - Flesherton, Ont. • ! . y###%#####»###»#»#»#»#»f»#» #»M#» # 4^»C «##»^»l!!^ - ^#>0# #» 4#»»M^^'M#»M ^ $5,000»« CASH PRIZES A FORTUNE = $2,000 00 FOR YOU! THE MAIL AND EMPIRE Offers this tremendous Fortune to any Man, Woman or Child. Find the Words Hidden in the Letters of the Word « CONSTANTINOPLE '' W T' C! 1? M C! V There U nothing hard to do. And there b Two Thousand DoUars to I I j% r. /% 1% j[ win. AO you need b paper and pendL It b easy to undorstaad and play thb game. Just sit down and see how many «n>rds you can make from \> the letters in the word Comtantinople. You will find aU sorts of words that can be made out of these lettov. For example, oA b one, pie b one, pant b another, and ant, etc, etc It b as easy as that. It b a game for the whole family. No expert knowledge b needed. AU you have to do to win a fortune b to play the game according to the rules announced to-day. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. « FIFTY Frizes will be given for the 50 best lists of words submitted. The answer having the I 1 I I 1 largest and nearest correct fist of words made out of the letters in the word Constantinople wtU be awarded first prize; second best, second prize, etc Observe These Easy Hules (1) Any man, womiin or child who lives in Canada and Is not a resident of the City of and who Is not In the employ of The Mail and Empire may submH an answer. (2) Make as many words as possible from the letters in th* word Constantinople. You may use the letters c ar and over sgaln In different words, but sach word n^ it not contain a latter mors times than It appears in the word Constantinople. For example, ycu may use the latter "a" Just once in each word, the letter "s" Just cneo In each word and the letter "t" twice in each word. (3) Write your words pialnly on one t'.it of the p.".per and In alphabetical order, numbering them 1, 2, 3, etc. Write your full name r.nd address on each page In t.!-.e upper right-hand corner. If you desire to writ* anythmg els* use s ssparate shoe; (4) Do not use proper nouns, proper adjectives, prefixes, suffixes, abbreviations, contractions, foreign v.crds, obsolete words, combined forms. Scot or dialectic wcrds. Words spelled alike but with different msanincs will be counted as one word. Words spelled differently but with the same meaning will be counted as separate words. Both the singular and the plural may be used, and toth will be counted, provided bofh forms are listed in the dictionary (S) The Judges will use Webster's New International Dictionary, the latest edition, as authority, and the l.-.r-est correct list of words made from the letters in Const.-.r.ii. nopi* will be awarded first prize. (8) One correct word will bo deducted for each mis- spelled or incorrect word. (7) In the event of a tie for any priie offered, the full amount of such prize will be awarded to each t^ed participant. (8) Only one prize will be awarded to any one household or group of persons. Every Hat must represent your own effort, and must be prepared by the person submitting It. Lists submitted which causa the Judges to believe that they have been comp'Icd by one and the same psrscn will be rejected. (•> The largest correct list of words prepared accbrdinp to these rules will win first prize. The next larrts* correct list will win second prize, and so on until 50 prizes have been av,arded (subjsct to rule t). (10) A cash prize of (50.00 will be awarded th* first prize winner if no eubserlptior.s to The Mail and Empire arc sent In. However, the first prize winner will receive tl.OOO.OO Instead of tSO.OO, provided one new or renewal yearly subscription to The Mail and Empire le e:nt in. Better still. If TWO subscriptions to The rrail and Empire (either one new and one renewal, or both new, at CJ.OO per year by mail, or IG.OO per year delivered by carrier In Hamilton or Condon) are sent In by the first r'^~' winner he or ehe will be awarded (2.000.00 Inete^d of •SO.OO. (11) Renewal subscriptions will net be accepted that extend any subscription beyond January 1st, 1(31. (12) All answers will receive the esme cons'deration, regardless of whether or not a eubscriptlon to The Mail and Empire is sent In. (13) Thr*e prominent Toronto citizens, having no con- nection with The Mail and Empire, will ba selected to â- et a* Judger to decide the winners! end participants, by sanding In their anawers, agre* to accept th* decision of th* Judges as final and conclusive. (14) Prize winners In former conteete conducted by The Mall and Empir* who have won (200.00 or more are not •liglbl* te partlelpate In this contett. (IB) Lists of words must be mailed and postmarked on or b*fore midnight of Saturday, December Srd, 1(27. $5,000-00 in Cash Prizes Here you arc folks â€" the big cc.a ewardt! Winninn A;:€}Tcrt tciU rece:r« crth priaet aeeoriHn;; to the table here, Rememherâ€" A fully quzJJled enswer wins Uic larger acoouni:. Aim (or tDe Big $2.Q0CC«f.';,c:d â-  Ftlae II ao M CE.\XD MUZE5 eabserlptloDa i are sent Frlae It ONE new or rennral eutMcription la eeot rrtaa K TWO eobscrlptloBS Mre ecnt, od* et witleh aaos* be a aew enbecriber first Prize Second Prixo . . . , Thin! Prize Fourth Price . . . . Fifth Prize Sixlli Prize Seventh Prize . . , F.ighth Prize . . . . Ninth Prize . Tenth Prize E!'>venth Prize to 50th Prize, in- c^asivc TOTAL 850.00 23.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 5.03 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 91,000.00 500.00 350.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 92,000.00 1,000.00 700.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 10.00 0213.00 82 300.00 93,000.00 In the event l; a tie for cny prize cITerea tlie full amount of each prize wUI be pr.:i] to tied participant. MU $5|0S1 in Prizes Will Be Awarded Th9 (irtjtrst opportunity of ycur life is what The Mall and Empire Is offering you In tills v.tird oame, ts "p^ay and learn" while earning a big cash prize. You cannot help but enjoy the hunt f:r wc:t:s in this game. All you need is an observing eye. Let's all Join â-  n pnci have a \o\\y r-od time. Put ell ti-.e family in this game. Give Mary a pencil, and Ccbby a pencil. Bcih parents take a pencil, and any other membera of ths family. t.Vkn It a came. See wro can find the most wcrds from the lettere In the word Con- st.-.r.t'n.'pe in I'^.i' pi h:i:r. Ycii'll fl.-id it fi;ii It is easy to do. It's educational, and it l.:=y be v/orth TV/0 TKCL'SANO DOLLARS. 3C CASIS mills IQ Be Given Away This gaint is a canipaian to increase th. popularity of THE MAIL AND EMPIRE. It cccts noth-n^ to tcke part, rrd you do net have to tend in a subscription to win a prize. If ycur lict of word) is awaidtd t.:-st pr::a by the Judcos, you will win (SO.OO. However, wo .ire making ths fciioAlr.g ipeclal eCTars. whereby you can win greater cash prizes by sending In one or tv.o yearly y â- . osr.-ipti-Drs. Ulere's Rciv !iie Ijfg Casii Prizes Will Be Awarded » • ^ • > >) I •P. ' I X i . t %\m i.-jstfaJ uf C3!).00 will he uwurdetl to the answer winning first i;:-I-'.<, |>rov:i!r<l two ytarXy sobseriptions to The Mail and i''.ni:>irc l:ave been s;:nt in, one subscription of which must be nrw. SrconJ prize, $1,000.00; third prize, 9700.00. (See l!.ird co'nmn f^jxares in prise list.) instead of $30.00 will be awarded to the answer winning first pr'zj, prcvldc<t) ono yearly subscription has been sent in. â- .-.N-o-d prise. 9.^00.00 s th!rd. 9^50.00, and so on. SUBSCRIPTION RATES tor Valtsd BUtra and I heir Brltala tmr Canada. Orent aad bar roeaessli it Months (1.M IS Months • MoaUis 4.W 6 Mentha 1 Moalb n 1 Uoatb „ .«• flMatday â- ditto*. (Motday IUit«>B. U Meattas (.(• M Meatha (jM fa.liO per y«sr by carrier la Lendea or flaasntea •(.00 (.IS Big Cash Prize Qualifying Blank Leslie B. r.Ioote. Puzzle Manager, Boom 207, Mall and Empire, Toronto. Caaada. Enoloaed find ( , tor whJoh kindly send Tbe KaU and Xmplia to tfca foUowln^ porsoni. which will qualify me for the Big Cash Awards In tijmOM Constantinople word game. Kindly aHtd The MaU and Bmpira to Kindly send Th* tSaU and Smplra to Interesting, Educational, and m Mighty Profitable, Tool J ^ H^^n^P^PH^^^^^^^j^^tm^t^MP^ f HAUS NAMB AnnFTam AODBBSS Is this â- ubacTlptlon new or ranewal? > To qualify tor highest avnrd thla â- ubserlption must be cmt. UT NAia 18 ADORB8S , â- MMlt by Mon«y Or««r, roatal No(a or Chcqn*. Do not (cad earti Tf tMwt*

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